Factors of interpersonal relationships in psychology. Formation of connections between people. Rational and emotional relationships

Each person is a personality that differs from other individuals by the system life values, principles, morals, outlook on life and priorities. A person is a person only when he lives in society, communicates, meets, gets to know and develops together with other people who surround him. The relationship of a person with other personalities and the ability to read people on non-verbal signs, to establish contact with them (some feelings, emotions, arouse interest, etc.) are called interpersonal. In other words, interpersonal relationships are the relationship of one person with another, or with a whole group of people.

Classification of interpersonal relationships

The life of each person is multifaceted, which is why relationships in society are different. Depending on the situation and other numerous factors, interpersonal relationships are classified according to several criteria and divide them into the following types of interpersonal relationships:

  • formal and informal;
  • personal and business (professional);
  • emotional and rational (practical);
  • parity and subordinate.

Before we study in detail each type of relationship, we want to recommend modern techniques for achieving psychology in building relationships in various fields. By mastering these psychological techniques, you can easily interact with people and build relationships.

Personal relationships

A special niche in human life is occupied by personal relationship. First of all, love. Bestseller Marina Komisarova “Love. Defrosting Secrets ”helped hundreds of people to get out of the crisis of personal relationships.

Also, personal relationships should include:

  • affection;
  • dislike;
  • friendship;
  • respect;
  • contempt;
  • sympathy;
  • antipathy;
  • enmity;
  • love;
  • falling in love, etc.

This category of interpersonal relationships includes those that develop between individuals in addition to the scope of their joint activities. For example, a person may be liked as a specialist in his field, but as a person he causes hostility and condemnation from his colleagues. Or, on the contrary, a person is the soul of the company, everyone loves and respects him, but at work he is irresponsible and does not take his duties seriously, for which he causes a wave of indignation among the bosses and in the team.

Business relationship

Under business(professional) contacts are understood as those that develop on the basis of joint activities and professional interests. For example, people work together and their common interest is their work. Students study in the same class - they have a common school curriculum, classmates, teachers and the school as a whole. Such relationships develop independently of personal interpersonal contacts, that is, you can even not contact a person in any way (not communicate and not feel any feelings towards him), but at the same time the presence of business ties is not excluded, since these people continue to study or work together. The ability to maintain relationships in stressful situations when you have to communicate with inadequate people, because none of us is immune from this. There is wonderful book Mark Goulston about what to do with inadequate and unbearable people in your life... In it you will find techniques and advice that will help you control communication with inadequate people, eliminate unnecessary conflicts.

The basis of the business type of relationship is the distribution of responsibilities between each member of the team (worker, creative, educational, etc.).

Rational relations

Rational relationships are built when one of the parties, or both parties have a goal to derive some benefit from these relationships. The basis of rational connections is common sense, payment. In doing so, you can use a variety of techniques and knowledge. For example such as storytelling.

Emotional relationships

Emotional contacts are formed in a company or a group of people on the basis of emotions and feelings that arise for each other. Only in rare exceptional cases in such relationships is there an objective assessment of personal qualities, so the emotional and rational relationships of individuals often do not coincide. You can dislike a person, but at the same time "be friends" with him for a certain benefit.

Parity and subordination relationships

Contacts of two or a group of people who are built on the principle of equality are called parity... The exact opposite of these are subordinate communication. They are understood as those in which one side has a higher position, social status, position, as well as more opportunities, rights and powers in relation to the other side. This type of relationship develops between the boss and subordinates, between the teacher and students, parents and children, etc. At the same time, interpersonal contacts within the team (between employees, students, brothers and sisters) are of a parity type.

Formal and informal relationships

Can be divided into two types of interpersonal relationships: formal and informal. Formal (official) ties are formed on a legal basis and are regulated by legislation, as well as all kinds of charters, orders, instructions, decrees, etc. Such relationships are built independently of personal feelings and emotions. As a rule, such relations are formalized by an agreement or agreement in the written form established by the legislation. Formal relationships can be parity (between team members) and subordinate (between superiors and subordinates), business and rational.

Informal (unofficial) interpersonal relationships develop without any legal restrictions and on the basis of personal interests and preferences. They can be both rational and emotional, as well as parity, subordination, personal and even business. In fact, formal and informal interpersonal contacts are practically the same as personal and business relationships. But there is a fine line here, which in most cases is difficult to determine, since one type of relationship is superimposed on another, the third, and so on. For example, the relationship between a boss and a subordinate. There can be such types of contacts between them overnight:

  • business (employer and employee);
  • formal (the employee is obliged to fulfill his job duties, and the employer pay him for his work, which is regulated by the employment contract);
  • subordinate (the employee is subordinate to his employer and is obliged to follow his instructions);
  • personal (affection, friendship, sympathy);
  • parity (the employer can be a relative or close friend of his employee);
  • rational (the employee enters into this relationship for his own benefit - wages);
  • emotional (boss good man and really like the employee).

All types of personal ties in real life between a specific person and others are closely intertwined, which complicates the process of drawing clear boundaries between them.

Feelings and their role in relationships

Each relationship is built on the basis of certain feelings, which can be both positive (sympathy) and negative (antipathy). First, feelings and emotions are formed, caused by the external data of a new acquaintance, and only then certain feelings for him, his inner essence, begin to form. Informal relationships between people often develop on feelings that are far from objectivity. The following factors distort the opinion of one individual about the second, which can significantly affect the set of feelings:

  • lack of ability to distinguish between true intentions and motivations of other people;
  • inability to objectively and soberly assess the state of affairs and well-being of your interlocutor or just a new acquaintance at the moment of observing his behavior;
  • the presence of a person's prejudices, attitudes, imposed independently or by society;
  • the presence of stereotypes that make it difficult to discern the true nature of a person (he is a beggar - he is bad, or all women are mercantile, and men are polygamous and something like that);
  • forcing events and striving to form a final opinion about a person without fully understanding and not knowing what he really is;
  • inability to accept and reckon with other people's opinions and unwillingness to do this in principle.

Harmonious and healthy interpersonal relationships are built only when each party is able to reciprocate, sympathize, rejoice for the other, empathize. Such contacts of individuals reach the highest forms of development.

Forms of interpersonal relationships

All relationships begin with communication. Ability to negotiate with other people in modern world- the key to success in any area of ​​life. The art of communication is based on four laws. Book "Master of Communication: Four Essential Laws of Communication" will help you learn how to effectively interact with people in a variety of situations.

Whether a person feels sympathy or antipathy for another person or a group of people depends solely on his ability to accept them as they are, and to understand their motive and logic.

There are several stages (forms) of the formation of interpersonal contacts:

  • Getting to know each other. This stage consists of three levels: 1 - a person recognizes the other by sight; 2 - both parties get to know each other and are welcomed when they meet; 3 - welcome and have common topics and interests.
  • Friendship (showing sympathy on both sides and mutual interest);
  • Partnership (business relationship based on common goals and interests (work, study));
  • Friendship;
  • Love (is the highest form interpersonal relationships).

Man is a person who is born in society. Every society has its own moral principles, certain rules, prejudices and stereotypes. The formation of personality is primarily influenced by the society in which a person lives. How relations develop in society also depends on this.

Important factors in determining the type of relationship in a company of two or more individuals are not only their belonging to a particular society, but also gender, age, profession, nationality, social status and others. In the same time by Eric Berne's system, a person in adulthood is able to control the nature of his communication. And this is an interesting psychological development that helps to understand yourself and others.

1.2. Interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships are part of interactions and are considered in its context. Interpersonal relationships are objectively experienced, in varying degrees perceived relationships between people. They are based on a variety of emotional states of interacting people and their psychological characteristics. In contrast to business relationships, interpersonal relationships are sometimes called expressive, emotional.

The development of interpersonal relationships is determined by gender, age, nationality and many other factors. Women have a much smaller social circle than men. In interpersonal communication, they feel the need for self-disclosure, transferring personal information about themselves to others. They often complain of loneliness (I.S.Kon). For women, the features manifested in interpersonal relationships are more significant, and for men - business qualities. In different national communities, interpersonal ties are built taking into account a person's position in society, gender and age status, belonging to different social strata, etc.

The process of development of interpersonal relations includes dynamics, a mechanism for regulating interpersonal relations and the conditions for their development.

Interpersonal relations develop in dynamics: they arise, consolidate, reach a certain maturity, after which they can gradually weaken. The dynamics of the development of interpersonal relations goes through several stages: acquaintance, companionship, companionship and friendship. Dating is carried out depending on the socio-cultural norms of society. Friendly relationships form a willingness to further development interpersonal relationships. At the stage of comradely relations, there is a convergence of views and support to each other (it is not for nothing that they say "act comradely", "comrade in arms"). Friendly relations have a common subject content - a community of interests, goals of activity, etc. It is possible to distinguish utilitarian (instrumental-business) and emotional-expressive (emotional-confessional) friendship (I. S. Kon).

The mechanism for the development of interpersonal relations is empathy - the response of one personality to the experiences of another. Empathy has several levels (N.N.Obozov). The first level includes cognitive empathy, manifested in the form of understanding the mental state of another person (without changing his state). The second level assumes empathy in the form of not only understanding the state of the object, but also empathy with it, that is, emotional empathy. The third level includes cognitive, emotional and, most importantly, behavioral components. This level presupposes interpersonal identification that is mental (perceived and understood), sensory (empathic) and efficacious. There are complex, hierarchically organized relationships between these three levels of empathy. Various forms of empathy and its intensity can be inherent in both the subject and the object of communication. A high level of empathy determines emotionality, responsiveness, etc.

The conditions for the development of interpersonal relations significantly affect their dynamics and forms of manifestation. In urban environments, compared to countryside, interpersonal contacts are more numerous, quickly start up and just as quickly interrupt. The influence of the time factor is different depending on the ethnic environment: in oriental cultures the development of interpersonal relations seems to be stretched out in time, and in the West it is compressed, dynamically.

Chapter II. Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships

2.1. Interpersonal communication

The category "communication" is one of the central in psychological science, along with such categories as "thinking", "behavior", "personality", "relationships". The "cross-cutting nature" of the communication problem becomes clear if one of the typical definitions of interpersonal communication is given. According to this definition, interpersonal communication is a process of interaction of at least two persons, aimed at mutual cognition, the establishment and development of relationships and involving mutual influence on the states, views, behavior and regulation of the joint activities of the participants in this process.

Over the past 20-25 years, the study of the problem of communication has become one of the leading areas of research in psychological science, and especially in social psychology. Her move to the center psychological research is explained by the change in the methodological situation, which has been clearly defined in social psychology in the last two decades. From the subject of research, communication simultaneously turned into a method, a principle of study at the beginning cognitive processes, and then the personality of a person as a whole.

Communication is the reality of human relations, which presupposes any form of joint activity of people.

Communication is not the subject of only psychological research, therefore, the task of identifying specifically psychological aspect this category. At the same time, the question of the connection between communication and activity is fundamental; one of the methodological principles of disclosing this relationship is the idea of ​​the unity of communication and activity. Based on this principle, communication is understood as the reality of human relations, which presupposes any forms of joint activities of people.

However, the nature of this connection is understood in different ways. Sometimes activity and communication are viewed as two sides of a person's social life; in other cases, communication is understood as an element of any activity, and the latter is considered as a condition of communication. Finally, communication can be interpreted as a special kind of activity.1

It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of psychological interpretations of activity, the basis of its definitions and categorical-conceptual apparatus is the “subject-object” relationship, which nevertheless covers only one side of a person's social life. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop a category of communication that reveals another, no less significant side of human social life, namely, the relationship "subject-subject (s)".

Here you can cite the opinion of V.V. Znakova, which reflects the existing in modern Russian psychology ideas about the category of communication: “Communication, I will call such a form of interaction between subjects, which is initially motivated by their desire to reveal the mental qualities of each other and in the course of which interpersonal relationships are formed between them ... Joint activities will further mean situations in which interpersonal communication of people subordinated to a common goal - the solution of a specific problem.

The subject-subject approach to the problem of the relationship between communication and activity overcomes the one-sided understanding of activity only as a subject-object relationship. In Russian psychology, this approach is implemented through the methodological principle of communication as a subject-subject interaction, theoretically and experimentally developed by B.F.Lomov (1984) and his collaborators. Considered in this regard, communication acts as a special independent form activity of the subject. Its result is not so much a transformed object (material or ideal) as the relationship of a person with a person, with other people. In the process of communication, not only the mutual exchange of activities is carried out, but also ideas, ideas, feelings, the system of relations "subject-subject (s)" is manifested and developed.

In general, the theoretical and experimental development of the principle of communication in Russian social psychology is presented in a number of collective works cited above, as well as in the works "Psychological research of communication", "Cognition and communication".

In the work of A.V. Brushlinsky and V.A.Polikarpov (1990), along with this, a critical understanding of this methodological principle, and also lists the most famous research cycles in which all the multidimensional problems of communication in Russian psychological science are analyzed.

In his attitude to the people around him, and in all his behavior. L.I. Bozhovich, I. S. Slavina, B. G. Ananiev, E. A. Shestakova and many others. other researchers argue that interpersonal communication in primary school children is correlated with their academic performance. 2. Features of the formation of the academic performance of children of primary school age 2.1 Academic performance of school ...

A person about the possible interactions of various reasons, about what actions, in principle, these reasons produce. 3. Barriers to communication In the process of interpersonal communication, sometimes there are barriers that prevent mutual understanding. Communication barriers refer to the many factors that cause or contribute to conflict. After all, communication partners are often different, in ...

Activities. Of course, in the structure of communication, such aspects of it can be distinguished, which are described or studied in other systems of socio-psychological knowledge. So, for example, in relation to interpersonal communication, there are three groups of meanings inherent in everyday consciousness (Kunitsyna, Kazarinova, 2001): 1) unification, creation of community, integrity ("good company, friends"); 2) ...

... - one single mutual choice is a kind of psychological defense and can balance several negative choices, since it turns a child from a “rejected” into a recognized one. Formation of emerging junior schoolchildren of interpersonal relations, the decisive role belongs to the teacher. At the beginning of schooling, while the children still have not developed own relationship and estimates, ...

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Abstract on the topic:

Psychology interpersonal relations


1 Tasks of interpersonal interaction

2 Interpersonal relationships

3 Interpersonal communication

4 Psychology of interpersonal influence




The interaction of a person with the outside world is carried out in the system of objective relations that develop between people in their social life.

Objective relationships and connections inevitably and naturally arise in any real group. These objective relationships between group members are reflected in the subjective interpersonal relationships that social psychology studies.

The main way to study interpersonal interaction and interaction within a group is an in-depth study of various social factors, as well as the interaction of people who make up this group. No human community can carry out a full-fledged joint activity if contact is not established between the people included in it, and proper mutual understanding is not achieved between them. So, for example, in order for a teacher to teach something to students, he must enter into communication with them.

The purpose of the work is to characterize the interpersonal interaction of people.


Let's consider three main tasks of interpersonal interaction: interpersonal perception and understanding of a person, the formation of interpersonal relationships and the provision of psychological impact.

The concept of "the perception of a person by a person" is not enough for a complete knowledge of people. Subsequently, the concept of "understanding a person" was added to it, which implies connection to the process of human perception and other cognitive processes. The effectiveness of perception is associated with socio-psychological observation - a property of a person that allows her to capture in a person's behavior subtle, but essential for his understanding of features.

The characteristics of the perceiver depend on gender, age, nationality, temperament, state of health, attitudes, communication experience, professional and personal characteristics, etc.

Emotional states differentiate with age. A person perceives the world around him through the prism of his national way of life. Various mental states and interpersonal relationships are more successfully determined by those people who have a higher level of social intelligence, the object of cognition is both the physical and social appearance of a person, the perception is initially recorded by the physical appearance, which includes physiological, functional and paralinguistic characteristics. Anatomical (somatic) features include height, head, etc. Physiological characteristics include breathing, circulation, sweating, etc. Functional features include posture, posture and gait, linguistic (non-verbal) features of communication include facial expressions, gestures, body movements. Unambiguous emotions are easy to differentiate, while mixed and unexpressed mental states are much more difficult to recognize. Social appearance presupposes social design of appearance, speech, paralinguistic, proxemic and activity characteristics. Social design of appearance ( appearance) includes a person's clothing, shoes, singing and other accessories. Prosemic features of communication refer to the state between communicators and their mutual disposition. An example from fiction that demonstrates the ability to determine the place of birth and profession by characteristics is the professor of phonetics Higgins from the play "Pygmalion". Extra-linguistic features of speech presuppose the originality of the voice, timbre, pitch, etc. When a person is perceived, social features, in comparison with physical appearance, are the most informative.

The process of human cognition includes mechanisms that distort ideas about the perceived, mechanisms of interpersonal cognition, feedback from the object and the conditions in which perception occurs. The mechanisms that distort the forming image of the perceived limit the possibility of objective knowledge of people. The most significant of them are: the mechanism of primacy, or novelty (comes down to the fact that the first impression of the perceived influences the subsequent formation of the image of the cognized object); mechanism of projection (transfer of perceiving mental characteristics to people); mechanism of stereotyping (assignment of the perceived person to one of the types of people known to the subject); mechanism of ethnocentrism (passing all information through a filter associated with the ethnic lifestyle of the perceiver).

For the perception of a person and his understanding, the subject unconsciously chooses various mechanisms of interpersonal cognition. The main one is the mechanism of interpretation (correlation) of the personal experience of cognition of people in general with perception this person... The identification mechanism in interpersonal cognition is the identification of oneself with another person. The subject also uses the mechanism of causal attribution (attribution of the perceived to certain motives and reasons explaining his actions and other features). The mechanism of reflection of another person in interpersonal cognition includes the subject's awareness of how he is perceived by the object. With interpersonal perception and understanding of the object, there is a fairly strict procedure for the functioning of the mechanisms of interpersonal cognition (from simple to complex).

In the course of interpersonal cognition, the subject takes into account the information coming to him through various sensory channels, indicating a change in the state of the communication partner. Feedback from the object of perception performs an informative and corrective function for the subject in the process of perception of the object.

Situations, time and place of communication are related to the conditions of human perception. Reducing the time of perceiving an object reduces the perceiver's ability to receive sufficient information about it. With prolonged and close contact, the evaluators begin to show condescension and favoritism.


Interpersonal relationships are an integral part of interaction and are considered in its context. Interpersonal relationships are objectively experienced, to varying degrees, realized interconnections between people. They are based on a variety of emotional states of interacting people and their psychological characteristics. In contrast to business relationships, interpersonal relationships are sometimes called expressive, emotional.

The development of interpersonal relationships is determined by gender, age, nationality and many other factors. Women have a much smaller social circle than men. In interpersonal communication, they feel the need for self-disclosure, transferring personal information about themselves to others. They often complain of loneliness (I.S.Kon). For women, the features manifested in interpersonal relationships are more significant, and for men - business qualities. In different national communities, interpersonal ties are built taking into account a person's position in society, gender and age status, belonging to different social strata, etc.

The process of development of interpersonal relations includes dynamics, a mechanism for regulating interpersonal relations and the conditions for their development.

Interpersonal relations develop in dynamics: they arise, consolidate, reach a certain maturity, after which they can gradually weaken. The dynamics of the development of interpersonal relations goes through several stages: acquaintance, companionship, companionship and friendship. Dating is carried out depending on the socio-cultural norms of society. Friendly relationships form a willingness to further develop interpersonal relationships. At the stage of comradely relations, there is a convergence of views and support to each other (it is not for nothing that they say "act comradely", "comrade in arms"). Friendly relations have a common subject content - a community of interests, goals of activity, etc. It is possible to distinguish utilitarian (instrumental-business) and emotional-expressive (emotional-confessional) friendship (I.S.Kon).

The mechanism for the development of interpersonal relations is empathy - the response of one personality to the experiences of another. Empathy has several levels (N.N.Obozov). The first level includes cognitive empathy, manifested in the form of understanding the mental state of another person (without changing his state). The second level assumes empathy in the form of not only understanding the state of the object, but also empathy with it, that is, emotional empathy. The third level includes cognitive, emotional and, most importantly, behavioral components. This level assumes interpersonal identification that is mental (perceived and understood), sensory (empathic) and effective. There are complex, hierarchically organized relationships between these three levels of empathy. Various forms of empathy and its intensity can be inherent in both the subject and the object of communication. A high level of empathy determines emotionality, responsiveness, etc.

The conditions for the development of interpersonal relations significantly affect their dynamics and forms of manifestation. In urban conditions, compared to rural areas, interpersonal contacts are more numerous, quickly start up and just as quickly interrupt. The influence of the time factor is different depending on the ethnic environment: in Eastern cultures, the development of interpersonal relations seems to be stretched out in time, and in Western cultures it is compressed and dynamic.


The category "communication" is one of the central in psychological science along with such categories as "thinking", "behavior", "personality", "relationships". The "cross-cutting nature" of the communication problem becomes clear if one of the typical definitions of interpersonal communication is given. In accordance with this definition, interpersonal communication is a process of interaction of at least two persons, aimed at mutual cognition, establishment and development of relationships and involving mutual influence on the states, views, behavior and regulation of joint activities of the participants in this process.

Over the past 20-25 years, the study of the problem of communication has become one of the leading areas of research in psychological science, and especially in social psychology. Its move to the center of psychological research is explained by a change in the methodological situation that has been clearly defined in social psychology over the past two decades. From the subject of research, communication simultaneously turned into a method, a principle of studying, first, cognitive processes, and then the personality of a person as a whole.

Communication- the reality of human relations, which presupposes any form of joint activities of people.

Communication is not the subject of only psychological research, therefore, the task of identifying the specifically psychological aspect of this category arises. At the same time, the question of the connection between communication and activity is fundamental; one of the methodological principles of disclosing this relationship is the idea of ​​the unity of communication and activity. Based on this principle, communication is understood as the reality of human relations, which presupposes any forms of joint activities of people.

However, the nature of this connection is understood in different ways. Sometimes activity and communication are viewed as two sides of a person's social life; in other cases, communication is understood as an element of any activity, and the latter is considered as a condition of communication. Finally, communication can be interpreted as a special kind of activity.

It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of psychological interpretations of activity, the basis of its definitions and categorical-conceptual apparatus is the “subject-object” relationship, which nevertheless covers only one side of a person's social life. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop a category of communication that reveals another, no less significant side of human social life, namely, the relationship "subject-subject (s)".

Here you can cite the opinion of V.V. Znakova, which reflects the notions of the category of communication existing in modern domestic psychology: “I will call communication such a form of interaction between subjects, which is initially motivated by their desire to reveal the mental qualities of each other and during which interpersonal relations are formed between them. Joint activities will further mean situations in which interpersonal communication of people is subordinated to a common goal - to solve a specific problem.

The subject-subject approach to the problem of the relationship between communication and activity overcomes the one-sided understanding of activity only as a subject - an object relationship. In Russian psychology, this approach is implemented through the methodological principle of communication as a subject - subject interaction, theoretically and experimentally developed by B.F.Lomov (1984) and his collaborators. Considered in this regard, communication acts as a special independent form of the subject's activity. Its result is not so much a transformed object (material or ideal) as the relationship of a person with a person, with other people. In the process of communication, not only the mutual exchange of activities is carried out, but also representations, ideas, feelings, the system of relations "subject-subject (s)" is manifested and developed.

In general, the theoretical and experimental development of the principle of communication in Russian social psychology is presented in a number of collective works cited above, as well as in the works "Psychological research of communication", "Cognition and communication".

In the work of A.V. Brushlinsky and V.A. Polikarpova (1990), along with this, a critical understanding of this methodological principle is given, and the most famous research cycles are listed, in which all the multifaceted problems of communication in Russian psychological science are analyzed.


The essence of psychological impact is reduced to the mutual exchange of information and interaction. From the content point of view, psychological influence can be pedagogical, managerial, ideological, etc. and be carried out at different levels of the psyche: on the conscious and unconscious.

The subject of psychological influence can act as an organizer, performer (communicator) and even a researcher of his process of influence. The effectiveness of the impact depends on gender, age, social status and many other components of the subject, and most importantly, on his professional and psychological preparedness to influence the communication partner.

Subject of interpersonal influence:

Studies the object and the situation in which the impact is carried out;

Chooses strategy, tactics and means of influence;

Takes into account the signals from the object about the success - failure of the impact;

Organizes opposition to the object (with a possible counter-action of the object on the subject), etc.

In the event that the recipient does not agree with the information offered to him and seeks to reduce the effect of the impact on him, the communicator has the opportunity to use the patterns of reflexive control or manipulative influence.

The object of interpersonal influence (recipient), being an active element of the system of influence, processes the information offered to him and may not agree with the subject, but in individual cases, to carry out counter-effects on the communicator. The object correlates the information offered to him by the communicator with his existing value orientations and his life experience, after which he makes decisions. The characteristics of the object that affect the effectiveness of the impact on it include gender, age, nationality, profession, education, experience of participation in communication and other features.

The process of interpersonal psychological influence (influence), being in turn a multidimensional system, includes strategy, tactics, means, methods, forms, argumentation and criteria for the effectiveness of influence. A strategy is the way the subject acts to achieve the main goal of psychological impact on the recipient. Tactics is the solution of intermediate tasks of psychological influence, through the use of various psychological techniques.

In social psychology, verbal (speech) and non-verbal (paralinguistic) features of the means of influence are distinguished. The methods of influence include persuasion and coercion (at the level of consciousness), as well as suggestion, infection and imitation (at the unconscious level of the psyche). The last three methods are social and psychological. The forms of interpersonal influence can be verbal (written and oral) and visual. The argumentation system assumes both worldview (abstract) evidence and information of a specific nature (digital and factual information is easier to remember and compare). It is advisable to take into account the principles of selection and presentation of information - evidence and satisfaction of the information needs of a particular object, as well as communication barriers (cognitive, socio-psychological, etc.)

Criteria for the effectiveness of influence are divided into strategic (delayed in the future, for example, ideological) and tactical (intermediate), which are guided directly in the process of influencing a partner (speech statements, facial expressions, etc.). The subject can use changes in psychophysiological, functional, paralinguistic, verbal, proxemic, behavioral characteristics of the object as intermediate criteria for the effectiveness of interpersonal influence. It is advisable to use the criteria in the system, comparing their different intensity and frequency of manifestation.

The conditions of exposure include the place and time of communication, as well as the number of participants who are affected.

If communication is not factual, it necessarily has or at least presupposes some result - a change in the behavior and activities of people. Such communication acts as interpersonal interaction, that is, a set of connections and mutual influences of people that develop in the process of their joint activities. Interpersonal interaction is a sequence of reactions of people deployed in time to each other's actions: the act of individual A., which changes B.'s behavior, evokes responses from his side, which in turn affect A.


communication impact interpersonal relationship

Each of the above-described human relationships is distinguished by its own functions, the depth of the individual's involvement, the criterion for choosing partners, the content of the relationship, and their manifestation. This gives reason to consider them as independent types of interpersonal relationships.

When analyzing various social and psychological qualities of a person, it should be remembered that many of them are the result of a complex relationship between “I” - a person and “they” - other people. The essence of this ratio allows not only to clearly understand and comprehend the manifestation of the true characteristics of a particular person in his relations with other people, but also to foresee many options for his possible behavior in various conditions of reality. This is important to prevent conflict situations, overcoming the inconsistency of the actions of people in the composition of various communities.


1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1988.

2. Bodalev A.A. Perception and understanding of a person by a person. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1982.

3. Lunev P.A. How to become the master of the situation. Anatomy effective communication... Practical psychologist's guide / IP RAS. - M., 1996.

4. Reznikov E.N. Interpersonal relationships // Modern psychology: Reference Guide / Ed. V.N. Druzhinin. - M .: Infra-M, 1999.

5. Signs V.V. Understanding in cognition and communication / RAS. - M .: IP RAS, 1994.

6. Kon I.S. Friendship: An Ethical and Psychological Essay. - M .: Politizdat, 1987.

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    Social and interpersonal relations. Manifestation of social and psychological qualities of a person in interpersonal relationships. Content and effects of interpersonal perception. Analysis of the process of people knowing each other. Verbal communication.

    test, added 11/01/2011

    Concept, functions, structure, features and participants of interpersonal conflicts. Coping methods and willingness to resolve the conflict. The nature of the interpersonal relations of the conflicting parties. Permission interpersonal conflict... Objectification of the conflict.

    abstract, added on 10/21/2008

    Understanding of interpersonal relationships in psychology, their main types and forms. Age patterns of the formation of interpersonal relationships in childhood. Features of the formation of interpersonal relationships in children with intellectual disabilities.

    thesis, added 03/18/2011

    The concept of interpersonal relationships. Features of the formation of academic performance and the development of interpersonal relations and children of primary school age. Empirical research the relationship of academic performance and interpersonal relationships of younger students.

    thesis, added 02/12/2011

    Theoretical and methodological analysis of the essence, content and structure of interpersonal relations of servicemen. A practical study of the general psychological mechanisms of the influence of value orientations on the level of interpersonal relations in a military collective.

The deep meaning of the human "I" turns out to be in human relations and is woven into the canvas of objective social relations with bright, unique colors. This allows us to highlight their special level - interpersonal relationships based on certain actions, feelings of a person that arise in her about other people, their behavior, activities, position in society.

In the Ukrainian language, there is a specificity in the use of the terms "relations" and "relations". Term relationships (connections, relationships - business, official) are accepted when it comes to the connection between objects or phenomena (interstate relations, industrial relations etc.). The concept of a relationship (relationship, relationship - between people) is used when they mean the connection between subjects (people) in the process of communication.

Term relationship introduced by Aristotle to display a certain way of being a person and knowledge of the world around him. On item V.M. Myasishchev, relations are an integral system of selective, conscious connections of a person with various aspects of objective reality, which is expressed in actions, reactions and experiences of a person and reflects its basic needs and interests. The system of the individual's relationship with the world (people, things, professional activities, etc.) form the inner world of a person.

Generally speaking, all kinds of relationships can be divided into two groups:

1) a positive orientation of a person's mental activity (those that bring people together, unite people);

2) the negative orientation of a person's mental activity (those that divide, separate people).

Relationships are formed in the process of human interaction with the outside world, that is, they "grow" (according to V. G. Myasishcheva) with pedagogical, medical and industrial practice in the process of acquiring life experience and establishing interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal relationships are interconnections between individuals (groups of people), which are objectively manifested in the nature and methods of mutual influences of people on each other in the process of various types of joint activities, in particular communication, and are subjectively experienced and evaluated by them. According to, relations between people can have a conjunctive (unifying), or disjunctive (disconnecting) character. The predominance of a certain type of relationship provides human life with a diametrically opposite meaning, direction. In other words, interpersonal relationships include a system of attitudes, value orientations, expectations, stereotypes and other dispositions through which people perceive and evaluate each other in the process of interpersonal interaction. The system of relations forms the corresponding socio-psychological and spiritual atmosphere in which a person lives. The author of the book "Human qualities" A. Peccei noted: "I was lucky to live free man and I remained her even in prison and I will die free. But it didn't make sense if I wasn't bound by a deep sense of brotherly love with other members of the human race. The main thing is the human personality, it is more important than any deeds and ideas, because without people they are all worthless. And most importantly, in each of us and in our life is the power of love: after all, only thanks to it our life ceases to be a short episode and acquires the meaning of eternity. "

Love, mutual respect between people, tolerance for each other - this is also the road that humanity, starting from the time of the birth of Christianity, has seen as a path to its establishment on earth. If you take the opposite position (and she also matured back in early times), then logically you come to the conclusion J.-P. Sartre: "Hell is others" And each of us chooses his own path in interpersonal relationships. Therefore, in general for mankind, it is tortuous and complex (M. Slavchik).

Interpersonal relationships arise and develop in social relations. The complex multidimensional process of establishing contacts between people is generated by the needs of social activities. It includes the exchange of information, perception and understanding of man by man, and the development of a common strategy for interaction.

Interaction is a process of direct or indirect influence of subjects (objects) on each other, which gives rise to their interdependence and the relationship between them.

A feature of the interaction is its determinism, when each of the sides of the interaction acts as the cause of a certain behavior and attitude of the other and, as a consequence, the simultaneous reverse influence opposite side... If in the process of interaction between people there are contradictions, then this leads to the need to find ways and means of solving them. This stimulates the development of a person's ability to self-development, self-improvement and the establishment of new relationships both between individual groups of people and social relationships, in general, which develop in the process of interpersonal interaction. Such interaction is mediated and determined by the content, goals, values ​​and characteristics of the organization of joint activities of people and is the basis for the formation of a socio-psychological climate in various professional, political associations and associations of interests. The positive aspect of interaction in the process of formation and development of relations between people suggests the need mutual understanding between them.

Mutual understanding is a way of establishing relations between individuals, social groups, provides for the exchange of opinions, values, the study of experience, in which the view or position of the parties is maximally taken into account in practice, and communicate. Mutual understanding is the most important indicator of the success of social and psychological communication, the objective basis of which is the commonality of interests, views, goals, etc. in the process of such interaction, the subjective world of one person is revealed to another. A person expresses himself and asserts himself, showing his individual properties, realizing whole line social functions, that is, interpersonal interaction and communication are multifunctional phenomena.

So, interpersonal relationships - psychological phenomenon, inevitably arises in the process of communication and concerns all spheres of human society - politics, economics, culture, everyday life, etc.

Interpersonal relationships and life activities are causal, that is, interdependent. Let's say a friendly benevolent relationship in school class help to effectively cope with the tasks of the educational process, and this, in turn, stimulates the development of relationships for even greater comradely group cohesion of students.

At the heart of human relations is the attitude of the individual. Attitude is the position of a person in relation to others and to himself, which leads to a certain character of his behavior in relation to someone (something). Manifestations of relationship associated with emotional experiences.

Interpersonal relationships are subjective connections and relationships that exist between people in social groups... This is a certain system of interpersonal attitudes, value orientations, expectations that determine the content of the joint life of people.

In interpersonal relations, there are three main components of the regulation of human behavior: 1) cognitive; 2) emotional; 3) interactive.

Cognitive a component of a person's personality that communicates with other subjects, including all mental processes (perception, memory, thinking, etc.) associated with the knowledge of the environment and oneself.

Emotional the component occupies everything that can be fixed at the level of physiological reactions and subjective relationships. These are, first of all, positive and negative experiences, conflict - consistency of emotional relationships, internally personal, interpersonal emotional sensitivity, pleasure - displeasure with oneself, partner, work, living conditions in general, and the like.

Interactive the component (interaction) is regulated by the first two and includes specific open or veiled actions in relation to the partner.

The interaction of these three components determines the degree of interpersonal attractiveness of partners, which is mediated by the compatibility-incompatibility of people. It can arise even at the first visual contact and go (if not disappear) after real, direct and rather long communication into friendly, comradely, and, under appropriate circumstances, intimate-love relationships (friendship, love); or with negative interaction - into hostility, loneliness, and the like. Interpersonal attractiveness (unattractiveness) arises and is consolidated as a result of the repetition of positive (negative) relationships between subjects.

The severity of attractiveness (unattractiveness) depends on the individual mental states of people at a certain point in time and the preliminary positive (negative) experience of interaction.

Psychology of interpersonal relationships

For the first time in Russian literature, interpersonal (interpersonal) relationships were analyzed in 1975. in the book Social Psychology.

The problem of interpersonal relations in domestic and foreign psychological science has been investigated to a certain extent. The monograph by N. N. Obozov (1979) summarized the results of em-

lyrical research of domestic and foreign experts This is the most profound and detailed research and currently retains its relevance. In subsequent publications, little attention is paid to the problem of interpersonal relations. Abroad, this problem is analyzed in reference books on social psychology. The most interesting joint research of T. Huston and G. Levinger is ʼʼInterpersonal attractiveness and interpersonal relationships * (Huston, Levinger, 1978), which has not lost its significance at the present time.

Now in the press there are many works that consider the problems of interpersonal and business contacts (business communication), and give practical recommendations for their optimization (Deryabo, Yasvin, 1996; Vecher, 1996, Kuzin, 1996) Some of these publications are a popular presentation of the results psychological research, sometimes without references and a list of used literature.

The concept of "interpersonal relationships" Interpersonal relationships are closely related to different kinds social relations GM Andreeva emphasizes that the existence of interpersonal relations within various forms of social relations is the implementation of impersonal (social) relations in the activities of specific people, in the acts of their communication and interaction (Andreeva, 1999).

Public relations- these are official, formally fixed, objectified, effective ties. Οʜᴎ are leading in the regulation of all types of relations, incl. and interpersonal

Interpersonal relationships- these are objectively experienced, to varying degrees, realized interconnections between people. They are based on a variety of emotional states of interacting people.In contrast to business (instrumental) relationships, which are both officially fixed and loose, interpersonal relationships are sometimes called expressive, emphasizing their emotional content.The relationship between business and interpersonal relationships is not scientifically sufficiently developed

Interpersonal relationships include three elements - cognitive (gnostic, informational), affective and behavioral (practical, regulatory).

Cognitive the element involves an awareness of what is liked or disliked in interpersonal relationships.


Affective aspect find expression in various emotional experiences of people about the relationship between them The emotional component, as a rule, is the leading one ʼʼThis is, first of all, positive and negative emotional states, conflicts of states (intrapersonal, interpersonal), emotional sensitivity, satisfaction with oneself, a partner, work, etc. ʼʼ (Obozov, 1979, p. 5)

The emotional content of interpersonal relations r (sometimes called valence) changes in two opposites

I false directions from conjunctive (positive, converging

e) to indifferent (neutral) and disjunctive (negative, dividing) and vice versa.Variants of manifestations of interpersonal relationships are huge Conjunctive feelings are manifested in various forms of positive emotions and states, the demonstration of which indicates a readiness for rapprochement and joint action Indifferent feelings suggest manifestations of a neutral attitude towards a partner This can include indifference, indifference, indifference, etc. Disjunctive feelings are expressed in the manifestation of various forms of negative emotions and a state, which is regarded by the partner as a lack of readiness for further rapprochement and communication.

in some cases, the emotional content of interpersonal relationships should be ambivalent (contradictory)

Conventional manifestations of emotions and feelings in the forms and methods characteristic of those groups whose representatives enter into interpersonal contacts can, on the one hand, contribute to mutual understanding of the communicants, and, on the other hand, hinder interaction (for example, if the communicators belong to different ethnic, professional, social and other groups and use different non-verbal means of communication)

Behavioral the component of interpersonal relationships is realized in specific actions If one of the partners likes the other, the behavior will be friendly, aimed at providing assistance and productive cooperation If the object is not sympathetic, then the interactive side of communication will be difficult. There are a large number of forms of interaction between these behavioral poles , the implementation of which is due to the socio-cultural norms of the groups to which the communicating persons belong

Interpersonal relationships are built along the vertical * (between the manager and the subordinate and vice versa) and horizontal (between persons holding the same status).

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Nation of interpersonal ties are determined by the socio-cultural norms of the groups to which the communicators belong, and by individual differences that vary within the above-mentioned norms. Interpersonal relationships can be formed from the standpoint of dominance-equality-subordination and dependence-independence.

Social distance presupposes such a combination of official and interpersonal relations, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ determines the proximity of communicating communities corresponding to socio-cultural norms of communities to which they belong. Social distance allows you to keep adequate ?! the level of breadth and depth of relationships in the establishment of interpersonal relationships. Its violation leads initially to disjunctive interpersonal relations (in power relations, up to 52%, and in equal status - up to 33%), and then to conflicts (Obozov, 1979).

Psychological distance characterizes the degree of closeness of interpersonal relationships between communication partners (friendly, comradely, friendly, trusting). In our opinion, this concept emphasizes a certain stage in the dynamics of the development of interpersonal relations.

Interpersonal compatibility is the optimal combination of the psychological characteristics of partners, contributing to the optimization of their communication and activities. As early-valued words, "harmony zaiiya", "consistency *," consolidation, etc. are used.
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Interpersonal compatibility is based on the principles of similarity and complementarity. Its indicators are satisfaction with joint interaction and its result. The secondary result is the emergence of mutual sympathy. The opposite phenomenon of compatibility is incompatibility, and the feelings caused by it. - antipathy. Interpersonal compatibility is considered as a state, process and result (Obozov, 1979). It develops in the space-time frame and specific conditions (normal, extreme, etc.), which influence its manifestation. To determine interpersonal compatibility, hardware-technical techniques and a homeostat are used.

Interpersonal attractiveness is a complex psychological property of a person, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ as if attracts to itself a communication partner and involuntarily evokes a feeling of sympathy in him. The charm of the person allows her to win people over to her. A person's attractiveness depends on their physical and social appearance, ability to empathize, etc.

Interpersonal attractiveness promotes development

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interpersonal connections, causes a cognitive, emotional and behavioral response in a partner. The phenomenon of interpersonal attractiveness in friendly couples is thoroughly disclosed in the research of N.N.Obozov.

In scientific and popular literature, such a concept as "emotional attractiveness" is often used - the ability of a person to understand the mental states of a partner in communication and especially to empathize with him.The latter (ability to empathize) is manifested in the responsiveness of feelings to various states of a partner. This concept somewhat narrower than "interpersonal attraction".

In our opinion, interpersonal attractiveness has not been sufficiently studied scientifically. At the same time, from the applied point of view, this concept is studied as a phenomenon of the formation of a certain image. In domestic science, this approach is actively developing after 1991, when there was a real need for psychological recommendations on the formation of the image (image) of a politician or business person. In publications on this issue, advice is given on creating an attractive image of a politician (in appearance, voice production, use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication, etc.). There are specialists for the given problem - image-makers. For psychologists, this problem seems promising.

Taking into account the practical importance of the problem of interpersonal attractiveness in educational institutions where psychologists are trained, it is advisable to introduce a special course "Formation of the image of a psychologist". This will allow graduates to better prepare for future work, look more attractive in the eyes of clients and establish the necessary contacts.

Attraction is closely related to interpersonal attractiveness. Some researchers consider attraction as a process and at the same time a result of the attractiveness of one person to another; they distinguish levels in it (sympathy, friendship, love) and associate it with the perceptual side of communication (Andreeva, 1999). Others believe that attraction is a kind of social attitude dominated by a positive emotional component (Gozman, 1987). VN Kunitsa understands the process of preference of some people over others, mutual attraction between people, mutual sympathy by attraction. In her opinion, the attraction is due to external factors (the degree< выраженности у человека потребности в аффилиации, эмоцио-

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the local state of communication partners, the spatial proximity of the place of residence or work of those in common) and internal, actually interpersonal determinants (physical attractiveness, demonstrated by the style of behavior, the factor of similarity between partners, the expression of personal relationship to the partner in the process of communication) (Kuniyina, Kazari-nova. Pogolsha , 2001). As can be seen from the foregoing, the ambiguity of the concept of "attraction" and its overlap with other phenomena complicates the use of this term and explains the lack of research in Russian psychology. This concept is borrowed from Anglo-American psychology and is covered by the domestic term "interpersonal attractiveness". In this regard, it seems appropriate to use the above terms as equivalent.

Under the concept of "attraction" it is customary to understand the need of one person to be together with another, possessing certain characteristics that receive positive assessment perceiving. It denotes the experienced sympathy for another person. Attraction should be unidirectional and bidirectional (Obozov, 1979). The opposite concept of "repulsion" (yega-tion) is associated with the psychological characteristics of the communication partner, which are perceived and evaluated negatively; in this regard, the partner causes negative emotions.

Personality features affecting the formation of interpersonal relationships. A favorable precondition for the successful formation of interpersonal relations is the mutual awareness of partners about each other, formed on the basis of interpersonal cognition. The development of interpersonal relationships is largely determined by the characteristics of those communicating. These include gender, age, nationality, characteristics of temperament, state of health, profession, experience of communicating with people and some personal characteristics.

Floor. The peculiarity of interpersonal relations between the sexes is already evident in childhood. Compared to girls, boys are more active in contacts, participate in collective games, and interact with peers even in childhood. This picture is also observed in adult men. Girls gravitate towards communication in a narrower circle. Οʜᴎ establish relationships with those they like. The content of joint activities is not very important for them (for boys, on the contrary). Women have a much smaller social circle than men. In the interpersonal

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communication, they experience a much greater need for self-disclosure, transmission to others! them personal information about yourself. They often complain of loneliness (Cohn, 1987)

For women, the features manifested in interpersonal relationships are more significant, and for men - business qualities.

In interpersonal relationships, the female style is aimed at reducing social distance and establishing psychological closeness with people. In friendships, women have an accent of distrust, emotional support and intimacy ʼʼFriendly relationships among women are less> selfish. The intimacy inherent in women's friendship on a very wide range of issues, the discussion of the nuances of their own relationships complicates themʼʼ (Kon, 1987, p. 267) Discrepancy, misunderstanding and emotionality shake women's interpersonal relationships

In men, interpersonal relationships are characterized by greater emotional restraint and objectivity Οʜᴎ they are more easily revealed to strangers Their style of interpersonal relationships is aimed at maintaining their image in the eyes of a communication partner, showing their admiration and aspirations.In friendly relations, men record a sense of camaraderie and mutual support

Age The need for emotional warmth appears in infancy and with age, the psychological attachment of children to people who create psychological comfort for them gradually turns into varying degrees of awareness (Cohn, 1987, 1989). With age, people gradually lose the openness characteristic of youth in interpersonal relations. Numerous sociocultural norms (especially professional and ethnic) are imposed on their behavior. Kpyi contacts are especially narrowed after the young people get married and have children in the family.Perfect interpersonal relationships decrease and are manifested in the production and family spheres.In middle age, when children grow up, interpersonal relationships expand again In older and old nojpacre, interpersonal relationships acquire weight. Ego is explained by the fact that children have grown up and have their affection, active work ends, the circle of communication is sharply narrowed.In old age, old friendships play a special poib

Nationality. Ethnic norms lay down sociability, the framework of behavior, the rules for the formation of interpersonal relationships. In different ethnic communities, interpersonal

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nal ties are built taking into account a person's position in society, gender and age status, belonging to social strata and religious groups, etc.

Some properties temperament influence the formation of interpersonal relations It has been experimentally established that choleric people and sanguine people easily establish contacts, and phtegmagics and melancholic people have difficulties Strengthening interpersonal relationships in pairs ʼʼcholeric with cholericʼʼ sanguine with sanguine sanguine * and phlegmatic sanguine * (Obozov, 1979).

Health status External physical disabilities, as a rule, negatively affect the "I-concept" and ultimately complicate the formation of interpersonal relationships.

Temporary illnesses affect the sociability and stability of interpersonal contacts Diseases of the thyroid gland, various neuroses, etc., associated with increased excitability, irritability, anxiety, mental instability, etc., - all of this kind of "rocks" interpersonal relationships and negatively impacts on them

Profession Interpersonal relationships are formed in all spheres of human life, but those are the most stable. which appear as a result of joint labor activity In the course of performing functional duties, not only business contacts are consolidated, but also interpersonal relationships arise and develop, which in the future acquire a multilateral and deep character. professional activity a person has to constantly communicate with people, then he has the skills and abilities to establish interpersonal contacts (for example, lawyers, journalists, etc.)

Experience with people contributes to the acquisition of stable skills and interpersonal relations based on social norms of regulation with representatives of different groups in society (Bobneva, 1978) Communication experience allows you to practically master and apply various norms of communication with people from rakhchik and form social control over the expression of your emotions

Self-assessments Adequate self-esteem allows a person to objectively assess their own characteristics and correlate them with the individual psychological qualities of a communication partner,

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with the situation, choose the appropriate style of interpersonal relations and adjust it if it is extremely important.

High self-esteem introduces elements of arrogance and condescension into interpersonal relationships. If the communication partner is satisfied with this style of interpersonal relationships, then they will be quite stable, otherwise they become tense.

Low self-esteem of the individual forces her to adapt to the style of interpersonal relationships that are offered by the communication partner. At the same time, this can introduce a certain "" mental tension in interpersonal

due to internal personal discomfort

The need for communication, the establishment of interpersonal contacts with people is a fundamental characteristic of a person. At the same time, there are people among people whose need for trusting communication (affiliation) and mercy (altruism) is somewhat overestimated. Friendship interpersonal relationships are most often formed with one person or several people, and affiliation and altruism tend to manifest themselves in many people Research results indicate that helping behavior is found in people with empathy, high level self-control and inclined to make independent decisions. Indicators of affiliate behavior are positive verbal statements, prolonged eye contact, friendly facial expressions, increased manifestation of verbal and non-verbal signs of consent, confidential phone calls, etc. interpersonal relationships. During the research, there were sent personal qualities that impede development interpersonal relationships. The first group included narcissism, arrogance, arrogance, self-righteousness and vanity. The second group includes dogmatism, a constant tendency to disagree with a partner. The third group included duplicity and insincerity (Kunitsyna, Kazarinova, Pogolsha, 2001)

The process of forming interpersonal relationships. It includes dynamics, a regulation mechanism (empathy) and the conditions for their development.

Dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationships arise, consolidate, reach a certain

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maturity, after which they can weaken and then stop. Οʜᴎ develop in a continuum, have a certain dynamics.

In his works, N. N. Obozov explores the main types of interpersonal relations, but does not consider their dynamics. American researchers also distinguish several categories of groups, the basis of which is the closeness of interpersonal relationships (acquaintances, good friends, close friends and best friends), but analyze them somewhat in isolation, without revealing the course of their development (Huston, Levinger, 1978).

The dynamics of the development of interpersonal relations in the time continuum goes through several stages (stages): acquaintance, companionship, companionship and friendship. The process of weakening interpersonal relations in the “opposite” direction has the same dynamics (the transition from friendly to comradely, friendly and then the relationship ends). The duration of each stage depends on many components of the interpersonal relationship.

The dating process carried out on the basis of the socio-cultural and professional norms of the society to which the future communication partners belong.

Friendly relationship form readiness - unpreparedness for the further development of interpersonal relations. If the partners have a positive attitude, then this is a favorable prerequisite for further communication.

Companionship allow you to consolidate interpersonal contact. Here there is a convergence of views and support to each other (at this stage, concepts such as "act like a friend", "comrade in arms", etc. are used). Interpersonal relationships at this stage are characterized by stability and a certain degree of mutual trust. Numerous popular publications on the optimization of interpersonal relationships provide recommendations on the use of various techniques that allow to induce disposition, sympathy of communication partners (Snell. 1990, Deryabo, Yasvin, 1996; Kuzin, 1996),

When researching friendly (trusting) relations the most interesting and profound results were obtained by I.S.Kon, N.N.Obozov, T.P. Skripkina (Obozov, 1979; Kon, 1987, 1989; Skripkina, 1997). According to I. S. Cohn, friendly relations always have a common objective content - a community of interests, a whole activity, in the name of which friends unite (unite), and at the same time presuppose mutual affection (Cohn, 1987).

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Despite the similarity of views, the provision of emotional and activity support to each other, certain disagreements can exist between friends. It is possible to distinguish utilitarian (instrumental-business, practically effective) and emotionally expressive (emotional-confessional) friendship. Friendly relations are manifested in different form from interpersonal sympathy to a mutual need for communication Such relationships can develop towards<ж в официальной об­становке, так и в неофициальной Дружеские отношения, по срав­нению с товарищескими, характеризуются большей глубиной и доверительностью (Кон, 1987) Друзья откровенно обсуждают друге другом многие аспекты своей жизнедеятельности, в т.ч. личностные особенности обшаюшихся и общих знакомых.

An important characteristic of friendly relations is the trust of T.P. Skripkina in her research reveals the empirical correlates of people's trust in other people and in themselves (Skripkina, 1997)

Interesting results on the problem of trust relationships were obtained in a study conducted under the guidance of V.N. Kunitsynoi on a student sample. ʼʼ Trust relationships in the surveyed group prevail over dependence relationships. A third of the respondents define their relationship with their mother as trusting, partner-like, more than half of them believe that, for all that, addiction often develops with the mother, while the relationship with the other is assessed only as trusting and parger. with one significant person are often compensated by building partnerships with another significant person. , Kazari nova, Pogolsha, 2001) Friendship can weaken and stop if someone or other friends cannot keep the secrets entrusted to him, does not protect the friend in his absence, and is also jealous of his other relationships (Argyll, 1990)

Friendly relations in young years are accompanied by intense contacts of psychological saturation and greater significance.At the same time, a sense of humor and sociability are highly valued

Adults in friendships value responsiveness, honesty and social availability more.

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at this age are more stable. ʼʼIn active middle age, the emphasis on psychological intimacy as the most important sign of friendship weakens somewhat and friendly relations lose their aura of totality * (Cohn, 19S7, p. 251).

The friendly relations of the older generation are mostly associated with family ties and people who have the same life experience and values.

The problem of criteria for friendly relations has not been sufficiently studied. Some researchers refer to them as mutual assistance, loyalty and psychological closeness, while others point to competence in communicating with partners, caring for them, actions and predictability of behavior.

Empathy as a mechanism for the development of interpersonal relationships... Em-patia is the response of one personality to the experiences of another. Some researchers believe that this is an emotional process, others - an emotional and cognitive process. There are conflicting opinions as to whether a given phenomenon is a process or a property.

NN Obozov considers empathy as a process (mechanism) and includes cognitive, emotional and effective components in it. In his opinion, empathy has three levels.

Cognitive empathy lies at the root of the hierarchical structural-dynamic model. (first level), manifested in the form of understanding the mental state of another person without changing their state.

Epure level of empathy presupposes emotional empathy, not only in the form of understanding the state of another person, but also empathy and sympathy for him, empathic response. This form of empathy includes two options. The first is associated with the simplest empathy, which is based on the need for one's own well-being. Another, a transitional form from emotional to effective empathy, finds its expression in the form of empathy, which is based on the need for the well-being of another person.

The third level of empathy - the highest form, including cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. It fully expresses interpersonal identification, which is not only mental (perceived and understood) and sensual (empathic), but also effective. At this level of empathy, real actions and behavioral acts are manifested to provide gyumoshi and support to a communication partner (sometimes such the style of behavior is usually called helping). Between

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complex interdependencies exist in three forms of empathy (Obozov, 1979). In the described approach, the second and third levels of empathy (emotional and effective) are sufficiently convincingly and logically substantiated. At the same time, its first level (cognitive empathy), associated with understanding the state of other people without changing one's state), is, in our opinion, a purely cognitive process.

As evidenced by the results of experimental studies in Russia and abroad, sympathy is one of the main forms of empathy manifestation.It is due to the principle of similarity of certain biosocial characteristics of communicating people. The principle of similarity is presented in numerous works by I. S. Kon, N. N. Obozov. T. P. Gavrilova, F. Haider, T. New-com, L. Festinger, C. Osgood and P. Tannenbaum.

If the principle of similarity in communicating does not manifest itself, then this indicates the indifference of feelings.When they have a discrepancy and especially a contradiction, this entails disharmony (imbalance) v cognitive structures and leads to the appearance of antipathy.

As the research results show, most of all interpersonal relations are based on the principle of similarity (similarity), and sometimes on the principle of complementarity. The latter is expressed in

I "that, for example, when choosing companions, friends, future spouses

and etc.
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people unconsciously, and sometimes even consciously, choose such persons who can satisfy mutual needs. On the basis of this, positive interpersonal relationships can develop.

The manifestation of sympathy can intensify the transition from one stage of interpersonal relations to another, as well as expand and deepen interpersonal relationships. Sympathy, like antipathy, should be unidirectional (without reciprocity) and multidirectional (with reciprocity).

Very close to the concept of "empathy" concept ʼʼSyntonyʼʼ, by which it is customary to understand the ability to join the emotional life of another person, due to the need for emotional contact. In Russian literature, this concept is quite rare.

Various forms of empathy are based on a person's sensitivity to his own and someone else's world. In the course of the development of empathy as a personality trait, emotional responsiveness and the ability to predict the emotional state of people are formed, Empathy should be conscious to varying degrees. It can be possessed by one or both communication partners. Empathy level

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sti was experimentally determined in the studies of TP Gavrilova and NN Obozov. Liia with a high level of empathy are interested in other people, flexible, emotional and optimistic. People with a low level of empathy are characterized by difficulty in establishing contacts, introversion, rigidity and egocentricity.

Empathy can manifest itself not only in real communication between people, but also in the perception of works of fine art, in the theater, etc.

Empathy as a mechanism for the formation of interpersonal relationships contributes to their development and stabilization, allows you to provide support to your partner not only in normal, but also in difficult, extreme conditions, when he especially needs it. On the basis of the mechanism of empathy, emotional and business impressions become possible.

Conditions for the development of interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationships are formed under certain conditions that affect their dynamics, breadth and depth (Ross, Nisbett, 1999).

In urban conditions, compared to rural areas, there is a fairly high pace of life, frequent changes in places of work and residence, and a high level of public control. As a result - a large number of interpersonal contacts, their short duration and the manifestation of functional-role communication. This leads to the fact that interpersonal relationships in the city place higher psychological demands on a partner. To maintain close ties, communicators often have to pay with the loss of personal time, mental overload, material resources, etc.

Studies abroad show that the more often people meet, the more attractive they seem to each other. Apparently, and vice versa, the less often acquaintances are encountered, the faster the interpersonal relations between them weaken and stop. Spatial proximity especially affects interpersonal relationships in children. When parents move or children move from one school to another, their contacts usually cease.

The specific conditions in which people communicate are important in the formation of interpersonal relationships. First of all, this is connected with the types of joint activities, during which interpersonal contacts are established (study, work - rest), with the situation (ordinary or extreme), ethnic environment (mono- or polyethnic), material resources, etc.

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It is well known that interpersonal relationships develop rapidly (they go through all stages up to trusting) in certain places (for example, in a hospital, train, etc.). This phenomenon, apparently, is due to a strong dependence on external factors, short-term joint life and spatial proximity. TO Unfortunately, we do not carry out a lot of comparative studies on interpersonal relations in these conditions.

The significance of the time factor in interpersonal relationships depends on the specific sociocultural environment in which they develop (Ross, Nisbett, 1999).

The time factor in the ethnic environment influences differently. In Eastern cultures, the development of interpersonal relations seems to be stretched out in time, and in Western cultures it is “compressed”, dynamically. There are almost no works that study the influence of the time factor on interpersonal relations in our literature.

Numerous methods and tests are available to measure various aspects of interpersonal relationships. Among them are diagnostics of interpersonal relations by T. Leary (dominance-submission, friendliness-aggressiveness), method ʼʼQ- ,. sortingʼʼ (addiction-independence, sociability-not-

! |, sociability, acceptance of struggle-avoidance of struggle), test of description

analysis of K. Thomas's behavior (rivalry, cooperation, compromise, avoidance, adaptation), J. Moreno's method of interpersonal preferences for measuring sociometric status in a group (preference-rejection), questionnaire of empathic tendencies of A, Mehrabian and N. Epstein, method of level Echpathic abilities V.V.Boyko, I.M.Yusupov's method for measuring the level of empathic tendencies, V.N. Ryakhovsky and others.

The problem of interpersonal relations in domestic and foreign psychological science has been studied to a certain extent. Currently, very little scientific research on interpersonal relationships is being carried out.Promising problems are: compatibility in business and interpersonal relationships, social distance in them, trust in different types of interpersonal relationships and its criteria, as well as the peculiarity of interpersonal relationships in various types of professional activity in conditions market economy.

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Psychology of interpersonal relationships - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Psychology of interpersonal relations" 2017, 2018.