Traditions and innovations in Russian education. Learning is the most important and reliable way to receive a formal education. Learning is nothing more than a specific process of cognition, guided by a teacher. It is the guiding role of the teacher that ensures


The article is devoted to the analysis of the ratio of traditional and innovative in the pedagogy of music education in the context of new requirements for the quality of professional training of a musician. In Russian music education, traditions have always been the basis for building educational activities. Today, one cannot confine oneself to the preservation of traditions, they must be creatively developed. The interaction of traditions and innovations in music education is viewed from different positions: as a definite whole and as an autonomous sphere of the society of society in its diverse relationships with other spheres of economy and culture. This makes it possible to identify and substantiate the system of requirements and norms of modern music education, to determine innovations in music education and to develop criteria for their assessment, to identify the factors of continuity in the process of the historical change of musical educational paradigms.

innovation activity



musical activity

musical education

musical culture

1. Asafiev B. V. Selected articles on musical enlightenment and education [Text] / B. V. Asafiev. - L .: Music, 1973 .-- 144 p.

2. Zhigalova LA The modern concept of the program of DB Kabalevsky: notes of lessons and extracurricular activities [Text] / LA Zhigalova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 .-- 171 p.

3. Program for the development of the system of Russian music education for the period from 2015 to 2020 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (Date of treatment 03/27/2015).

4. Sizova E. R., Nemykina I. N. Classical musical education in Russia: questions of history and theory: monograph [Text] / E. R. Sizova. I. N. Nemykina. - Chelyabinsk: ChGIM, 2008 .-- 146 p.

5. Khutorskoy, A. V. Pedagogical innovation: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. head [Text] / A. V. Khutorskoy. - M .: Academy, 2008 .-- 256 p.

6. Cherepanova, NV Traditions and innovations (socio-philosophical analysis) dis. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences: 09.00.11 [Text] / N. V. Cherepanova. - Moscow, 2007 .-- 172 p.

7. Yudina, NP Pedagogical tradition: experience of conceptualization: Monograph [Text] / NP Yudina. - Khabarovsk: KhGPU, 2002 .-- 83 p.

Today, the strategic goal of the country's political, economic and socio-cultural development is to achieve an optimal level of development that confirms Russia's status as a leading world power. A special place in this process is occupied by culture and art, which in this context acquire new qualitative features and spiritual meanings. It seems relevant to comprehend such a sphere of culture and art as professional music education. This is due to the fact that musical education, developing a person's mental abilities and influencing the intellect through emotions, contributes to the formation of spiritual and moral values, a humanistic worldview and worldview, empathy and tolerance, a developed aesthetic taste and creative activity.

The centuries-old history of Russian music education has formed a unique system of training professional musicians and introducing the younger generation to musical culture and creative activity, the content of which is based on the historically established traditions of Russian music education and upbringing.

Since the beginning of this year, the Program for the Development of the System of Russian Music Education for the Period from 2015 to 2020 has been in effect in Russia. In accordance with it, this system is defined as “... a set of educational institutions and educational programs implemented in them in the field of musical art and pedagogy, aimed at training professional musicians, disseminating knowledge about the musical heritage of mankind in society, developing creative potential and forming an integral personality , her spirituality, intellectual and emotional wealth ”. In this regard, innovative processes and innovative activities are of particular importance, which could provide music education with sustainable progressive development.

Today in the scientific community there is no unity in the interpretation of the concept of "innovative activity". In the context of music education, we consider it possible to understand it as a purposeful and organized creative activity, which includes various interrelated and interdependent types of work to achieve optimal results in music education. In the structure of innovative musical activity, we can respectively single out technological innovations (the introduction of new methods and technologies for the implementation of the musical educational process); organizational innovation associated with change organizational structures music education; management innovations that determine and change the competencies of employees, their culture and behavior.

For this, music education should be considered both as a definite whole and as an autonomous sphere of the society of society in its diverse relationships with other spheres of economy and culture. Such a multifactorial approach makes it possible to identify and substantiate the system of requirements and norms of modern music education, and on the basis of this, determine innovations in music education and develop criteria for their assessment.

The purpose of our address to this problem is to highlight the role of traditions and the impact of innovation, as well as to determine the prospects of music education in the formation of a socially and professionally significant personality.

Modern requirements for the system of Russian education have led to an interest in actively raising the question of the relationship between the concepts of “innovation” and “tradition”. In this context, the problem of correlation and interpretation of the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation", "tradition" and "modernity" in educational activities has become one of the fundamental. This is especially important in the field of music education, where it is necessary to take into account the relationship and features of the relationship between innovations and traditions in the development of musical culture. The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the fact that although innovations and traditions should be considered as two equivalent components of the process of music education, in practice, their balance is constantly upset.

Let's turn to the concept of "tradition". Translated from Latin the word traditio means "tradition", "custom". The verb tradere was also actively used - to transmit. The word denoted a material action - the transfer of an object from one person to another. But gradually it began to reveal other non-material actions, for example, the transfer of certain skills and abilities. Currently, the term "tradition" is interpreted as various historically established rituals, habits, ideas, skills of social and political activities, which are passed down from generation to generation and act as regulators of social relations.

As for traditions in culture or cultural traditions, this is the moral and aesthetic experience accumulated by certain peoples during development. These are skills and abilities that people developed in certain genres of folk art, and later in art. In this context, the term "tradition" allows us to consider public relations from the standpoint of culture and art.

Speaking about traditions in Russian music education, it should be noted that they have always served as the basis for building educational activities, since they are the result of life experience. This is due to the interpretation of traditions as values ​​and models of behavior that have evolved and changed in the course of history, but remained the most stable and reproducible elements of sociocultural experience.

In modern music education, tradition should be understood as a way of legitimizing a norm by referring to the past. This is a peculiar and specific way of reproducing the norm. In musical culture, the social functions of tradition are very significant, serving as the basis for the preservation of the collective experience of culture, a guarantee of the continuity of forms of musical activity of people, the development of musical culture on the basis of traditional and innovative approaches. In modern conditions of musical and educational activity, tradition remains one of the most important means of regulating this activity, but with a change in the mechanism of transmission of tradition.

Russian teachers, attaching great educational value to traditions, but partially recognizing their conservatism and emphasizing that one should always pay attention to the past, where value was created, and not try to destroy it with a momentary whim (A.S. Makarenko). This fully applies to Russian music education, which is implemented on the basis of centuries-old national traditions that are repeatable, stable and preserved, durable and long-lasting, stable. However, it is necessary to note the ambivalence of the traditions of music education, which, on the one hand, are relatively complete, but almost completely incomplete. They always contain both the conservative and stable old and the constantly changing new. A striking example of this is the thesis about the continuity of musical education, which at different times was interpreted and understood in different ways with the same essential component.

The content of the pedagogical tradition in music education is not uniform. It reflects pedagogical reality, stereotyped experience and results of musical activity, as well as the ways of their designation, reproduced from generation to generation. Thus, the pedagogical tradition regulates, regulates, coordinates the activities of all subjects of pedagogical reality.

The development of a pedagogical tradition is a complex and ambiguous process: “It is characterized by stage dynamics: stages of origin, formation and extinction. Passing through three stages of development, the tradition changes qualitatively: the old is supplanted by the new, and this leads to the replacement of the existing structure with a new formation (the process of changing traditions). At the first stages of development, an active personal development of the invariant takes place, due to which its different variants can appear and coexist ”.

Musical education and musical activity is a creative process: only creativity can lead us to success. But moving forward is possible only on the basis of previous positive experience. Human history has proved that today one cannot be limited only to the preservation of traditions, they must be creatively developed: any tradition leads to progress if it develops creatively and meets the requirements of the time. Only a rethinking of traditions will lead to the renewal and improvement of music education.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". We understand innovation as a means (a new method, technique, program, etc.), and innovation as a process of mastering this means. Innovation is a purposeful change that should introduce new stable components into music education, causing the system to move to a higher level of development. Since the innovation process in music education is aimed at changing the main components of the existing educational system, we also derive the main innovative ideas from our tradition-rich cultural past.

Any innovation as a process of implementing a certain specific innovation in social (musical and educational) practice is aimed at a result and can be considered officially recognized (will receive the status of innovation), provided that it contains invariant (traditional) characteristics. In accordance with this, the ratio of tradition and innovation can be expressed by the following formula: tradition is a way of reproducing a norm, innovation is a way of changing a norm. Tradition can be understood as a mechanism for the continuity of culture, and innovation as a mechanism for the development of culture. They act as complementary and interacting phenomena.

Thus, the pedagogical tradition is simultaneously renewed, replicated, aging, that is, it has its own dynamics. A concrete example of this in music education is the polyprogram nature of general music education. The numerous study programs on the subject of "Music" that appeared on the basis of the concept of D. B. Kabalevsky, on the one hand, serve as an indicator of the continuity of traditions, on the other hand, the aging of tradition, on the third, they are an element of the development of the basic ideas of the concept, that is, an innovation that can be considered either as a retro innovation or as an analog innovation.

It is possible to classify pedagogical innovations on various grounds: by the type of activity, by the nature and scale of the changes introduced, by the source of origin, etc. However, the classification of innovations based on novelty seems to us the most acceptable for music education. In this context, retro-innovation can be used as a modification of forgotten traditions; analog innovation as a partial compilation and modified use of existing traditions; combinatorial innovation, as a combination of well-known ideas, as a result of which a qualitatively new educational product is obtained; essential innovation when a completely new phenomenon arises. The recent advances in the use of information and media technologies can be considered as an example of essential innovation in music education.

Tradition and innovation do not exist outside of their relationship. You should pay attention to the words: "Everything new is well forgotten old." This tendency can be traced in music education like nowhere else. If we talk about musical education, it is quite obvious that everything old was once new, and the methods, forms and means that were previously considered innovative have become a tradition. For clarity, let me give you a few examples:

1. Thus, the main conceptual ideas of D. B. Kabalevsky, which became innovative in the 70-80s of the twentieth century, have become a tradition today.

2. The pedagogical ideas of BV Asafiev, expressed by him many years ago and aimed at implementing reforms in the field of music education at that time, remain relevant today. Based on them, the following can be concretized: the process of music education is aimed not only at the development of spirituality, aesthetic consciousness and artistic and creative education of students, it contributes to the development of professional and socially significant personality traits, such as professional mobility, organizational skills, initiative, perseverance, hard work, perseverance, etc. This is a real confirmation of the fact that in music education today, on the basis of historically established traditions, modern ideas of the competence-based approach and the continuity of the personal development of a professional are fully implemented.

3. The system of classical music education, historically formed and existing today in Russia, includes a multi-stage structure “school - college - university”. This system is comprehensive, high quality, versatile, modern and combines tradition with innovation in line with the trends of the times. It has no analogues in the world educational practice, and learning here is based on the principles of continuity and continuity, interconnection and complementarity of communicating structures. This fully contributes to solving the problems of training qualified specialists in the "Musical Art" industry, identifying gifted students, and supporting youth musical creativity. However, today we should look for opportunities to renew and develop music education in the new political, economic and socio-cultural conditions of the functioning of cultural and art institutions, while preserving traditions.

Thus, the rethinking of many previous views, attitudes and traditions leads to the development of innovative processes in music education, its diversity and improvement.


Rapatskaya L.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Musicology and Music Education, FSBEI HPE "Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhov "Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Moscow;

Vetrova I.B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department primary education and pedagogical technologies FSBEI HPE "Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhov "Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Moscow.

Bibliographic reference

Nemykina I.N. TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS IN MODERN MUSICAL EDUCATION // Contemporary problems science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-1 .;
URL: (date accessed: 04/27/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Dana Comparative characteristics traditional and innovative teaching. Innovative processes are a regularity in the development of modern education. It is innovative activity that does not only create the basis for creating an institution's competitiveness in the market. educational services, but also determines the directions of the teacher's professional growth, his creative search, promotes personal growth students.




Matuzova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Teacher GOBU SPO VO "KhLK im. GF Morozov ", p. Sloboda

The role of education at the present stage of Russia's development is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and legal state, to a market economy. The basic principles of Russia's educational policy are defined in the National Doctrine of Education in Russian Federation until 2025 and received their confirmation in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Changes in the nature of education have recently taken place in the system of global educational trends. These include: the mass nature of education and its continuity, significance for society, orientation towards the active development by a person of the methods of cognitive activity, adaptation of the educational process to the needs of the individual, orientation of teaching to the student's personality, ensuring opportunities for his self-disclosure. The most important feature of modern education is its focus on preparing students not only to adapt, but also to take an active position in society.

The educational process covers the following types of learning: "supportive learning" and "innovative learning". "Supportive learning" is a process and result of such educational activity, which is aimed at maintaining, reproducing the existing culture and social experience. This type of training is traditional. "Innovative learning" is the process and result of such educational activities that stimulate the introduction of innovative changes in the existing culture, social environment... This type of learning, in addition to maintaining existing traditions, is associated with a creative search based on existing experience and thus with its enrichment.

Innovation means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students, their positions in the course of learning.

Innovations do not arise by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to be managed.

Innovative processes are a regularity in the development of modern education.The main goal of innovative education technologies is a qualitative change in the student's personality in comparison with the traditional system, preparing a person for life in a constantly changing world. The essence of such training is the orientation of the educational process to the potential of a person and their implementation.

Pedagogical research data show that general ideas about the traditional educational process in different countries of the world have similar features. A lesson is traditional - a simultaneous lesson with the whole class, during which the teacher communicates, transfers knowledge, forms skills, relying on the presentation of new material, its consolidation by students, and evaluates the results. Traditional education is predominantly reproductive in nature. The teacher's work is focused primarily on communicating knowledge and methods of action, which are passed on to students in a finished form. The teacher is the only one actor educational process.

Over the past several years, in different countries of the world, it has been unconventional for teachers to build learning in the context of lifelong education, to create opportunities for the learner to take not only an active, but also a proactive position in the educational process, not only to assimilate the proposed material, but also to actively explore the world, look for answers. In this direction, a search is underway aimed at transforming traditional education into a lively, motivated problem solving.

The traditional pedagogical system, the effectiveness of which, according to statistical studies, is no more than 60%, cannot be reorganized at the same time in all parameters. The requirement of gradualness is one of the categorical conditions for the success of innovations in the educational sphere.

Innovative approaches to learning are divided into two main types, which correspond to the reproductive and problem orientation of the educational process. Reproductive learning is aimed primarily at communicating knowledge to learners and shaping ways of acting in a pattern that guarantees effective results within the traditional orientation. Problem-based learning is aimed at ensuring its research nature, the organization of search educational and cognitive activities based on reflection. An appropriate search approach to teaching forms the experience of students' independent search for new knowledge and their application in new conditions, the experience of creative activity in combination with the development of value orientations. The main variants of the search approach model are a learning model based on systematic research, game modeling, discussion, joint development of positions, decision-making. The search approach puts the teacher in the position of a partner in educational research, assumes the personal involvement of all participants in the training, high personal and professional readiness of the teacher for flexible, tactful interaction with the student. The learner plays an active role as a participant in research, games, discussions in the educational process.

The development of the ability to motivate actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative non-standard thinking, the development of students due to the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using latest achievements science and practice - the main goals of innovation. It is innovative activity that not only creates the basis for creating the competitiveness of an institution in the educational services market, but also determines the directions of the teacher's professional growth, his creative search, reallypromotes the personal growth of students.

With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problem, modular and others - the implementation of the leading pedagogical functions remains with the teacher. With the introduction of modern technologies into the educational process, the teacher and educator are increasingly mastering the functions of a consultant, advisor, educator. This requires from them special psychological and pedagogical training, since in the professional activity of a teacher, not only special, subject knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, technology of teaching and upbringing.

Along with the technologization of educational activities, the process of its humanization is just as inevitable, which is now becoming more widespread within the framework of a personality-oriented approach, communicative-dialogue, project-based, educational-play activities. Without the use of information and communication technologies, an educational institution cannot claim an innovative status in education. Innovative learning technologies should be seen as a tool through which the new educational paradigm can be implemented.

Practice shows that for real professional growth, it is not enough to simply get acquainted with certain samples of pedagogical experience, a sense of the secrets and subtleties of pedagogical skill. Practical mastering of these technologies should yield results. In the classroom, the teacher should be engaged in the formation of civic qualities, socially responsible behavior, constructive participation in the exchange of opinions, focus on an attentive, unbiased attitude to events, facts, and this means that he should have such qualities himself. After all, it is impossible to develop and form in students that which is internally alien or indifferent to the teacher himself. There is a problem of the teacher's professional and personal readiness to use innovations in the educational process. The subtleties of mastering modern active forms and teaching methods are determined not only by the ways of working, but also the associated expectations towards the teacher.

What qualities should a teacher have in modern education? First, have a genuine interest in the student. It is impossible to imitate patient listening, interested attention, the desire to find out his point of view, interest in his judgments, impressions. Second, be flexible in managingdiscussion, exchange of views, concise, laconic summing up, express your thoughts without suppressing the opinions of others. Third, be tolerant. Calmly perceive errors in facts, logic of reasoning. To be able to encourage students to clarify their thoughts without trying to pull back, cut off the initiative.

A positive attitude towards the child's personality, the perception of his thoughts, interests, feelings, benevolence, acceptance of the child's personality should be a priority in educational process.

The modern stage in the development of education is characterized by the increasing creative activity of the teacher. We are witnessing a kind of "explosion" of pedagogical ideas, findings, solutions to the most difficult problems of personality education. The fact that the center of the teacher's attention was the student, his inner world, requires from each teacher a high level of pedagogical skill, because "a child's disadvantage is his dignity, not revealed by the teacher." Any pedagogical technology must be rethought by the teacher and colored with a creative and emotional attitude to his work and sincere love for children.

Life does not stand still, developing, any society is always in a state of innovation and reform. Society begins with public education: the intellectual and spiritual resources created in it ensure the corresponding development of industrial and agricultural production, technical progress, the revival of morality, national culture and national intelligence, therefore, the reforms taking place in society are always associated with reforms and innovations in education.

Accordingly, the development of innovative processes is a way to ensure the modernization of education, improve its quality, efficiency and accessibility.


1. Deberdeeva, T. Kh. New values ​​of education in the information society / T. Kh. Deberdeeva // Innovations in education. - 2005. - No. 3. - p. 79.

2. Klimenko T.K. Innovative education as a factor in the formation of a future teacher. Abstract of thesis. Dis. Khabarovsk, 2000 .-- 289p.

3. Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576s. of access: 22.10.2012)

4. Innovation in education. Speeches of the participants of the VII-th All-Russian remote August scientific-practical conference // Internet-magazine "Eidos". - 2005 .-- September 10.


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Materials of the Interregional Research Forum March 15-16, 2012


UDC: 001 (091): 470. ББК 74.57 + 60.3 + 63.3 (2Р - 4Вр) Т Published by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Interregional Research Forum Editorial Board:

O.A. Sidyaykin - acting Director of GOBU SPO VO "VET"

T.V. Lavrov - deputy. Director for scientific and methodological work, Ph.D. L.M. Radishevskaya - head. library T65 Traditions and innovations of modern vocational education- the basis for the development of Russian society (to the 340th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great as part of the Year Russian history) :

materials of the Interregional Research Forum, March 15- March 2012, Voronezh / Voronezh Power Engineering College. - Voronezh: GOBU SPO VO "VET", 2012. - 394 p.

The traditions of domestic vocational education in the context of the Russian historical process, current trends in the development of the Russian educational space, modern approaches to solving the problems of improving the quality of vocational training of graduates are considered.

UDC: 001 (091): 470. ББК 74.57 + 60.3 + 63.3 (2Р - 4Вр) ISBN 978-5-87162-069- © Voronezh Power Engineering College,





L.I. ANISHCHEVA, Director, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of Vocational Education of the Russian Federation Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College, Voronezh, [email protected] At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the economic growth of the state is determined by the leading role of scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main factors of production. At the same time, the task of achieving high economic results could not be solved without reorienting the country's economy to an innovative path of development. At present, innovative activity has been proclaimed as a priority direction of the state economic policy.

From the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures of state support for educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs" it follows that educational innovations should be understood as the creation and implementation of innovative educational programs, which are new qualitatively improved technologies, methods and forms of education.

The moment of rethinking the ongoing changes in the economy and society as a whole, the search for an optimal educational model in this transitional situation is extremely important.

It is believed that the current crisis in education is a natural consequence reflecting the contradiction between the educational model that served the industrial culture and the emerging features of a new type of culture. The presence in Russian society of social groups of different cultural ages "entails the need to preserve, to a reasonable extent, traditional and instructive educational models and makes it necessary to build an innovative model of education that is adequate to the characteristics of post-industrial culture."

Thus, we can state:

1. Modern education systems are subject to powerful external influences (a rapidly developing economy, high technologies, the Internet, the dynamism and contradictory nature of social processes, the blurring of the values ​​of modern Russian society).

2. Education, knowledge, intelligence should become and are already becoming the defining resource for the development of both the new economy and society as a whole.

professional educational systems (IPOS) should adequately respond to these challenges, seek and find constructive managerial, technological and pedagogical solutions to problems.

The system of secondary vocational education, having passed a long historical path, has become a powerful factor in raising the educational, cultural and technical level, comprehensive improvement of the Russian way of life, one of the ways to implement the state's social policy at the present stage.

Thus, secondary vocational education not only ensures the acquisition of a specialty, but also creates conditions for the further advancement of an individual in the educational system.

innovative activity is intense competition, which has to face almost every team that provides services in the field of education.

Today they are obliged to independently take care of maintaining competitiveness, monitor and predict the situation on the educational market, the line of behavior of the main and potential competitors, the emergence of new scientific and technological achievements, etc.

an innovative environment of an educational institution, in the formation of which an ever-increasing role, along with competitiveness (marketing), acquires the ability to organize the entire process of acquiring knowledge and transforming this knowledge into a product that is in demand in the educational services market.

These tasks have acquired particular importance at the present stage of modernization of education in accordance with the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following a joint meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation and the Commission for the Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy.

Any system - and an educational institution is no exception - only then successfully develops and adequately responds to the demands of the environment (forms this environment) when it is dynamic, has a clear development strategy, setting consistent goals and successfully solving intermediate tasks.

In addition, one of the most important tasks in the development of an educational institution is the formation of an environment that would reproduce and carry out a targeted search, preparation and implementation of innovations that ensure the competitiveness of an educational institution. The main elements of the innovation environment are:

innovation itself, i.e. a set of scientific and pedagogical results or a product of the intellectual work of teachers of an educational institution;

manufacturer of competitive products, teaching staff), which acts as a consumer of certain pedagogical, technological, informational and other innovations:

investors financing the whole range of works to provide the manufacturer with the required innovations:

the appropriate infrastructure of the institution, allowing to solve the problems arising in the course of this process.

Innovative activity in the education system has its own specific features, both in scientific theory and in pedagogical practice. Innovations cover the content of education, technology of teaching and upbringing, organizational forms, management methods.

Innovation as a multidimensional phenomenon in the field of education has its main focus - the qualitative renewal of pedagogical activity.

The most convenient approach to assessing the diverse work of teachers is rating system assessments using indicators in various areas of activity.

Rating assessment of the activities of the teaching staff and structural units college was introduced with the aim of stimulating the growth of their qualifications, professional activity, as well as self-assessment of the results of educational, educational, methodological, research and educational activities. It provides operational control over the course of the educational process and the implementation of the college work plan in its various areas.

The rating system for assessing the activities of teachers and structural units of an educational institution is the management tool that allows you to reasonably form incentive payments based on the results of work for academic year based on indicators reflecting the accreditation requirements for the main activities of the college.

compliance of the content of the assessment with the priority areas of college development;

- objectivity and reliability of the information received;

- publicity, efficiency and systematic evaluation;

The rating mechanism stimulates the collective creative energy of teachers, forms an interest in the results of labor, provides opportunities for self-development, the manifestation of initiative, co-creation, psychological and pedagogical comfort for each participant in the educational process.







O. A. SIDYAYKIN, acting Director Voronezh Power Engineering College, Voronezh, It is no coincidence that when defining the theme of the Interregional Research Forum at the Voronezh Power Engineering School, which is held in the Year of Russian History, we turned to the personality of one of the outstanding statesmen of Russia - Emperor Peter the Great. It was in his era that education acquired paramount state significance.

To a certain extent, it can be argued that it was thanks to Peter the Great that a system of professional education arose in Russia in accordance with the urgent needs of the 18th century - navigation, cannon, clerk and other schools were created, which were under the jurisdiction of the relevant state bodies. Subsequently, graduates of these educational institutions held leading positions in the civil and military service, became active agents of reforms.

The Peter's era created unique opportunities for the personal growth of talented people from various strata of the population. One of the striking examples, as you know, is the biography of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Currently, they talk about this system using the well-known expression "social elevators", but initially the implementation in Russia of this unique idea of ​​using the potential of representatives of various social groups to solve urgent economic and political problems, including these people in the state administration apparatus, took place during the reign Peter the Great.

Education was welcomed in the Peter the Great era, the development of general literacy and spirituality was seen as a priority state task, and this forward-looking approach has led to tremendous results.

In modern Russia, the urgent task of providing all sectors of the economy with qualified personnel in accordance with the requests of employers largely depends on the quality work of educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

Throughout the entire period of development Russian system of secondary vocational education, its feature was the orientation towards close interaction with the leading employers of the industry, providing for their involvement in all aspects of the educational and educational activities of an educational institution - from substantive to organizational. It was this specificity that allowed educational institutions to meet the professional level set by potential employers and ensured a high percentage of employment of graduates in their specialty at specialized enterprises.

At the present stage, the revival of traditional ties with employers and the building of effective models of interaction in various areas is acquiring a new perspective. In the conditions when the most dynamically developing enterprises and organizations focused on long-term prospective development in their industry seek to find reliable partners for the provision of professional personnel, the educational institutions of open source software have a real impetus for development in the direction of coordinating their activities, taking into account these interests.

The most important directions of the technical school's strategic development are those, the solution of which will allow the educational institution to maintain and increase its competitive advantages during the modernization of the regional vocational education system.

Among them:

vocational education, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3;

Expansion of areas of joint activities with enterprises of the electric power and construction industries, organizations and institutions in order to improve the system of professional training for the regional economy;

- maintenance and development of the material and technical base of the technical school.

The recently started cooperation of the Voronezh Power Engineering College with Siemens Transformers, which took place thanks to the assistance of the Voronezh Region Chamber of Commerce, of which the college is a member, has become interesting, useful and promising.

The industrial zone, which opened on February 28, 2012, will serve as the basis for the future Siemens industrial energy cluster in the Voronezh region, and we are proud that we are taking an active part in the staffing of this enterprise.

The working group of the technical school in accordance with the order of the employer - Siemens Transformers OJSC - developed a professional training program "Assembler of transformers" for training students from the undergraduate students of the technical school for further professional training according to the program was agreed with the technical and personnel management of the enterprise, taking into account the functions reflected v job descriptions and requirements for specific competencies of employees, taking into account the specifics of equipment. A feature of the program is preparation for work on modern equipment installed at the employer's enterprise, and the inclusion of a section providing training in a foreign language for successful work with technical documentation and imported equipment.

The developed program has passed the licensing procedure in Rosobrnadzor and is included in the appendix to the current license of the technical school. In accordance with the agreement, training under the program will be completed in June 2012. As part of the implementation of the agreement, it is envisaged not only to finance the activities of the teaching staff by the employer, but also to purchase equipment and materials necessary for the educational process. The working group prepared development projects and included in the plan publishing activities technical school guidelines for the study of all disciplines of the program.

Back in May 2011, a Siemens Day was held at the Voronezh Power Engineering School with the participation of the company's management, to which graduate students of specialties in specialized fields were invited. Based on the interview results, 4 graduates of the technical school received invitations to work at Siemens Transformers LLC.

In September-October 2011, Siemens personnel service conducted a series of step-by-step interviews with students of the technical school, as a result of which the most motivated students were selected.

The contracts of the technical school with Siemens Transformers and individual contracts of trainees with Siemens were signed. The signing ceremony was attended by representatives of Siemens Headquarters, who highly appreciated the project that had begun and the prospects for further cooperation, including the possibility of creating a Siemens Vocational Training Center on the basis of the technical school.

Since November 1, 2011, a group of 3-4 year students of the specialty "Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment in industrial and civil buildings"

are trained under the program "Assembler of transformers".

The training is carried out by the teachers of the 3-cycle commissions of the technical school and the masters of industrial training. In April-May of this year, the trainees' practical training will begin, including at Siemens.

One of the students of the technical school (Galiev Ruslan, who yesterday was awarded the diploma "For the best report in the section" Science. Technology. Energy "of the student scientific conference within the framework of the forum") is currently working on a diploma project, the topic of which was determined with the participation and consultation Siemens specialists.

According to the terms of the agreement with Siemens, our students receive a worthy additional scholarship (2000 rubles per month), which is also used to pay for foreign language courses, which they will need when working on foreign equipment and with technical documentation.

College teachers receive additional payment, including for methodical work, which, in terms of its volume and intensity, significantly exceeds the standard workload of a teacher, because the learning process is carried out entirely using multimedia technologies, sets of handouts for all disciplines, modern control and evaluation tools have been prepared.

Cooperation of the Voronezh Power Engineering School with Siemens Transformers LLC is for us an example of effective interaction between a modern industry enterprise and an educational institution. It demonstrates how clear, mobile and mutually beneficial such interactions can be. Our students - listeners of the Transformer Assembler courses "not only in the near future will complete secondary vocational education in the main modern enterprises region.

The teaching staff of the technical school received a new impetus for their professional development, realizing that their qualified work contributes to the development of the personnel potential of the region.

The partnership of the technical school with Siemens Transformers LLC

there is a real future - the technical school is ready to continue training at the request of the employer, not only in the "Assembler of transformers" program, but also in other professions in demand for the enterprise, as well as in the training programs for employees.

Cooperation with Siemens Transformers LLC

allows us to hope that graduates of the Voronezh Power Engineering College who have completed a vocational training course in a demanded direction will make a worthy contribution to the development of the enterprise, and will perform their tasks efficiently for the benefit of our economy.

Realizing that only together with colleagues from the leading educational institutions of the Russian Federation, during the exchange of experience, participation in significant projects, will we be able to meet the requirements that modern society presents to us, we are interested in cooperation in all relevant areas.

The student conference held yesterday within the framework of the Interregional Research Forum confirmed that we have chosen the right path - our colleagues from educational institutions of 3 federal districts Russia, who came to us at the head of student delegations, also show a professional interest in the problems close to us. And we hope that business meetings in forums like ours will lead to long-term cooperation in the future.

In November 2011, the technical school got involved in long-term work on the project "Modernization of the system of primary and secondary vocational education for training specialists in the field of energy" as an associate member of the Interregional Industry Resource Center (MORC) on the basis of the Cheboksary Electromechanical College (CHEMK) to ensure effective joint activities with employers in the Energy Industry within the framework of networking with the leading educational institutions of Russia.

The Methodological Council of the technical school approved the work plan of the GOBU SPO VET VET in the ISRC, which includes: preparation of proposals for the development of professional modules, analysis of employers' needs based on the results of the questionnaire, testing of modules in the educational process of the technical school, participation in the public and professional examination of modules.

Inclusion in the project activities of the IORC provides a number of unique opportunities, including:

- monitoring the staffing needs of employers in the energy industry;

Gaining experience in developing professional modules commissioned by an employer in demanded areas, approbation of one's own module, as well as modules developed by other project participants, in the process of training students;

Use of proven modules for the implementation of additional educational programs in the future.

In March of this year, in two groups, formed from among senior students, the testing of two modules "Installation and maintenance of gas infrared industrial heating installations" (developed by the technical school jointly with OOO Gaz Prom Montazh) and "Measurement of technical parameters during instrumental examination of the object" energy audit ”(developed by the Cheboksary Electromechanical College).

When developing the professional module, the working group of the technical school closely interacted with profile employers in the field of gas facilities, they confirmed the relevance and relevance of the competencies provided for mastering in the course of training in the module.

The experts of the developed modules were representatives of the faculty of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the Voronezh State technical university, Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

We consider the development and implementation of modules not only as a current production task being solved within the framework of the MORC project, but also as an opportunity for teachers and employees of the technical school to acquire new, highly demanded professional competencies.

Among them - the ability to flexibly approach the solution of non-standard problems, effectively use information resources, work in micro-groups, and clearly build professional interaction. The experience of cooperation with solid, forward-looking, clearly demonstrates to us that it is precisely such business qualities that are inherent in the members of their teams, and that they are one of the conditions for their dynamic development.

Networking within the framework of the ISRC project allows the technical school staff to acquire invaluable experience in the development of modular programs, master new technologies, learn modern approaches to organizing the educational process and preparing methodological support.

In the implementation of the strategic directions of the technical school, it is important to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh region, of which the technical school became a member in November 2011. Already today, it can be argued that all those projects in which the technical school participates today were largely due to the contacts with the leading employers in the region, which arose with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region, including its specialized committees.

A project is being discussed to create on the basis of the technical school a Center for vocational training and advanced training of personnel for priority areas of the regional economy, which will allow mobile organizing, in accordance with employers' requests, training graduates in related specialties programs, as well as providing assistance in retraining existing employees.

The relevance of the creation of the Center is due to the need to consolidate the activities of regional enterprises, institutions and organizations of the region, vocational education institutions for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in accordance with the needs of the economy of the Voronezh region.

The objectives of the Center are designed to coordinate the interaction of employers, vocational education institutions and government agencies to provide the regional economy with qualified personnel in the face of changing labor market needs.

The main activities of the Center:

Expanded monitoring of the qualitative and quantitative needs of employers in the region for qualified personnel with the assistance of specialized committees of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region;

development, coordination with employers and licensing of professional training and advanced training programs;

Inclusion of the most popular developments of the Center in the regional bank of additional educational programs (including for professional retraining of unemployed citizens and within the framework of regional target programs for other categories of students);

Long-term planning and organization of training for students of various categories (workers, specialists and managers of enterprises; entrepreneurs; unemployed;

students, teachers and employees of vocational education institutions);

Organization of industrial practice for students of secondary specialized educational institutions and internships for teachers and masters of industrial training at enterprises of leading employers in the region and within the framework of international cooperation programs;

- conducting seminars, conferences, trainings, career guidance events.

The grounds for the establishment of the Center on the basis of the Voronezh Power Engineering College are:

qualified personnel for the electric power industry and the construction industry in the region;

promoted the development of partnerships with leading employers in the region;

Experience in the development and implementation of professional training programs at the request of employers (Siemens Transformers LLC, Gas Prom Montazh LLC);

- qualified teaching staff;

functioning of the Center (computer laboratories, production workshops, assembly and conference hall, canteen, dormitory).

The current academic year has become a year of changes for the Voronezh Power Engineering School - the forms of work change, approaches to it change, new partners appear, new ideas appear and are being implemented. The status of the educational institution itself has also changed.

To achieve the goals of the activity, the collective of the technical school has to work harder, look for ways out of new difficult situations, follow new paths, and learn new things every day.

Only one thing has remained unchanged - the Voronezh Power Engineering College is in the same demand among applicants and their parents, as it was many years ago, it is also necessary for the developing economy of the region.

We should use the entire enormous potential of our educational institution - personnel, material and technical, the reputation built up over many years - in order to become a worthy partner for the regional community of employers, in order to jointly coordinated efforts to carry out professional training of specialists in demand.



O.P. NEGROBOV, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences

Voronezh State University, Voronezh, The main direction of the current policy of all states of the world is the concept of "sustainable development of mankind", awareness of the global environmental crisis.

The attention of the world community to the problems of biodiversity conservation was observed throughout the entire period of the formation of civilization, which was reflected in regional legislation, religious cults and ethical norms. With the strengthening of anthropogenic influence, the destruction of natural resources has become catastrophic, which has forced the public to develop measures to protect their habitat. Large-scale projects were triggered by the adoption of the International Convention on Biological Diversity at an international summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which stimulated the development of regional programs and activities on biodiversity.

A little later, the concept of sustainable development, the interaction of man and his environment was proposed in connection with the awareness of the survival of civilization on a global scale.

biodiversity in our country and the adoption of the Pan-European strategy for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity contributed to the development in Russia of a strategy, program and regional research on the diversity of flora and fauna. At the same time, methodological developments on this problem lag behind modern scientific problems. In the curricula and many recently published textbooks on ecology, the conservation of wildlife is replaced by issues of technical or engineering ecology, measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of anthropogenic pressures, social or chemical ecology, in many ways mass media Unfortunately, ecology means pollution of the human environment.

V broad sense biodiversity is understood as a complex of landscapes and habitats, a variety of living organisms and their gene pool. The importance of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria in maintaining the stability of the environment, the influence of environmental factors on human health, purification of air, soil and water is being intensively studied by ecologists, biologists, technologists, chemists, sanitary and hygienic control services and physicians. At the same time, the biological component remains the weakest link in the analysis of the role of biodiversity in the human environment and in natural ecosystems, i.e. mechanisms of interaction of species in nature, their role in the transformation of substances, their detoxification, fluctuating changes when exposed to variable climatic and other natural changes, and even more so when exposed to xenobiotics.

One of the most important priorities for biodiversity conservation is the development of criteria for assessing biological resources, especially their value, which cannot be economically assessed. The leading role of living organisms in maintaining the stability of the human environment, unfortunately, is not always appreciated by society, including the generation that did not have formal environmental education.

The substitution of the biosphere outlook with the technogenic one is associated with the insufficiency of biological culture or the narrow engineering thinking of "polytechnical" directions.

The underestimation of the role of living organisms in nature, the formation of the human habitat, the circulation of substances and the purification of urbanized and man-made ecosystems forms numerous teaching aids and curricula, penetrates into modern methodological literature.

The most important criterion for assessing the homeostasis of the human environment can be considered the health of the environment, the state of individual populations of animals and plants, their ability to settle, reproduce, and the stability of their ecological niches. Phenetic variability and fluctuating asymmetry at the population level, along with the criteria for the ratio of trophic groups, biological diversity, the ratio of biomass and productivity, the dynamics of the number and saprobity of aquatic organisms, are indicators of the state of the gene pool of living organisms.

The strategic tasks of biodiversity conservation include the compilation of inventories of animals and plant resources, soils and landscapes of individual regions, biomonitoring of the state of the environment using test objects, analysis of the subtle mechanisms of changes in organisms at the species and population levels, and the formation of a network of protected areas. The formation of a regional environmental policy should be aimed at broad information from various segments of the population about the state of biodiversity and the role of certain species, groups of organisms in transforming the consequences human activity, in the inseparability of human health problems and the health of each of the species that live near humans or in the wild.

The ecological concept determines that the regional and global ecological balance is maintained by preserving the natural diversity of ecologically interconnected natural communities - the natural framework of ecological stability. The multifunctionality of each natural resource: agricultural, forest, water, hunting, and recreational lands, to one degree or another, perform such an important function as maintaining ecological stability necessary for agriculture, forestry and hunting, ensuring good rest and a healthy living environment for people and social economic development of society.

The environment-forming functions of natural communities are based on their ability to heal themselves, as a result of which the destabilizing effect exerted on them is neutralized. The condition for the preservation of the ability of natural communities to their natural functions is their ecological connection with each other, which makes possible the natural restoration of disturbed areas due to the migration of living organisms from neighboring areas that are better preserved.

There are 1.5 million species of living organisms in the world, at least 4-5 million species are not known to science, and according to some estimates there should be about 30 million.

Several tens of thousands of species of invertebrates, bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae, new to science, are described annually. Even among the large forms of animals, fish and birds, scientists are discovering new species. In recent decades, dozens of new causative agents of human and animal diseases have been described.

The list of harm of certain traditionally habitual human food products is specified. For example, in common for the population's nutrition, row mushrooms and pigs, toxic substances hazardous to human health have been found, and well-known brands of the Coca-Cola beverage have recently been found to have cancer-causing components carcinogens.

The problem of the influence of xenobiotics is extremely insufficiently developed, i.e. substances artificially created by man on the human body and on the living components of natural ecosystems. Most of the new xenobiotics have not passed toxicological tests. Of more than 8 million xenobiotics from the point of view of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in biological objects, more than one hundredth of the lists of these substances have been studied. Bioaccumulation, biotransformation, exposure to small doses of toxicants, including heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, and all the more complex impact of factors on the human body and components of the natural environment remain problematic issues.

Given the poor knowledge of the biological relationships between the components of natural ecosystems and their compositions, it is currently necessary to preserve, if possible, the elements of relatively undisturbed territories of natural biogeocenoses. Such territories, in addition to standards and model sites for researchers and samples of natural ecosystems for future generations, are reserves for the conservation of species of various organisms that replenish their composition disturbed by human agrosystems, artificial forest plantations or urban cenoses.

The ecological framework of territories consists of a natural landscape complex and anthropogenically modified territories, usually associated with historically established types of economic activity. The basis of this framework should be a network of specially protected areas that preserve the biodiversity of these areas. These sites should be linked to ecological corridors and must be linked to the European ECOlogical NETwork-EECONET.

The basis of the ecological framework is made up of key territories - the cores of the ecological framework, which are connected by transit territories for the migration of individual elements of ecosystems. These areas should be linked by buffer zones that protect key and transit areas from human impacts.

Development of a uniform and representative network of protected natural areas- one of the most important directions optimization of the natural environment. The protected areas fulfill the functions of protecting the standards of landscape complexes of various ranks.

State reserves and national natural parks should be considered as protected specimens of landscape areas within each landscape province. Standards of terrain types can be represented in landscape reserves, as well as standards of types of plant associations and soil types in corresponding botanical and soil reserves.

Typical, characteristic, rare (relict and endemic) and disappearing tracts and facies, as well as tracts and facies containing unique biological and geological and geomorphological objects can be protected as natural monuments.

It is obvious that the greater the degree of human impact on the landscapes of the region, the higher the ecological need for the development of protected natural objects.

A single continuous network of small (natural monuments) and medium (zakazniks) protected natural complexes in conjunction with reserves can serve as a support for landscape-ecological monitoring.

In this regard, protected natural objects should reflect the whole variety of landscapes and its constituent parts of a certain region and ensure observation of the main trends in the development of natural complexes, changes in the geophysical and geochemical properties of landscapes, and control the dynamics of biotic and abiotic variables.

When defining protected areas, it is necessary to comply with a number of principles or methodological techniques.

First of all, this is the landscape-zonal principle of taking into account the characteristics of the landscape, natural zone and climate. The principles of the location of small protected areas can be called representativeness, i.e. the representation of all types of ecosystems in a certain territory, biological diversity as the basis for the stability and homeostasis of biota, the area required to preserve the species composition and a number of other regional and individual characteristics of the territories.

Currently, it is necessary to develop a special concept for the conservation of biodiversity in the Voronezh region.

The formation of the ecological culture of the population is one of the most important aspects of environmental policy. The humanitarian aspect has been of particular interest lately, since it is he who presupposes a change in the value system, a correction of the worldview, a restructuring of people's consciousness, i.e. the formation of a new ecological culture.

The objectives of the national environmental policy in the field of education are:

the formation of a system of ideas among the population about the value of natural resources, the problems of maintaining the health of the environment, etc .;

the formation of a humane attitude towards nature, ensuring the psychological inclusion of animals and plants in the sphere of action of ethical norms;

teaching people to consciously use the unique potential that lies in spiritual communication with the natural world, for their own personal development, the formation of people's need for active personal support for the ideas of sustainable development and maintaining the health of the environment.

development by the population of environmentally safe methods of nature management.








IE AGEEVA, teacher of economic disciplines.

Usman Industrial and Technological College, Usman, [email protected] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 61 of February 2011 approved a new Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015.

The purpose of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015 is to ensure the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of the innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the tasks of the Program are:

modernization of general education as an institution of social development;

bringing the content and structure of vocational education in line with the needs of the labor market;

development of a system for assessing the quality of education and the demand for educational services.

It is planned that the FTSPRO will be implemented in 2 stages. As a result of the implementation of the first stage (2011-2013), sustainable models will be obtained for the further massive implementation of transformations and assessing their effectiveness, scenarios for various chips of educational institutions, regions, socio-economic conditions will be developed.

The result of the implementation of measures at the second stage (2014-2015) will be the massive implementation of all successful models and mechanisms approved as a result of the first stage of the FCPRO, the presence of new infrastructure in the educational environment.

Improving the quality of training of middle-level specialists, as direct organizers of production, is associated with the improvement of college education.

Acceleration of the country's socio-economic development on the basis of scientific and technological progress requires a reorientation of specialists from each enterprise and industry as a whole to an intensive path of production, to finding and putting into action all the reserves for increasing its efficiency and product quality. The leading role in the fulfillment of the national economic task - the stable supply of the population with all types of food products - belongs to agricultural specialists. High-quality training and retraining of personnel for the countryside is one of the most important conditions for the effective use of production potential and the operation of enterprises in the conditions of self-financing.

During the transition to a market economy in Russia, the role and tasks of the accounting service of commercial organizations (enterprises) have radically changed. This is primarily due to the significant expansion of the rights of enterprises, which can now choose their own accounting policy, determine partners and types of business contracts to be concluded, conduct joint activities, create subsidiaries and dependent organizations, etc. When making decisions on these issues, the management of the enterprise has to weigh and compare their consequences, which implies constant contact with the specialists of the accounting service. When entering into relationships with partners, enterprises must be able to pay, which implies the submission of certain financial statements, which become public, i.e. accessible to all interested business entities.

The development of new forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of enterprises has formed a new type of relationship for Russia - the relationship between the manager and the owner. This has been most fully realized in joint-stock companies, where the interest of shareholders in the results of economic and financial activities of enterprises is becoming more and more active. To satisfy this interest, first of all, the publicity of reporting is ensured through its publication, distribution in the form of booklets and submission to state statistics bodies.

Accounting information is increasingly transforming from a means of accounting and control into a means of substantiating decisions made, and the effectiveness of an organization's activities to a decisive extent depends on the timeliness, quality and reliability of this information.

In recent years, the requirements for the range of knowledge that an accountant must possess have expanded significantly. On the one hand, this is due to external conditions: the dynamism and diversity of economic life has significantly increased, integration processes have intensified, the legal framework and accounting standards within which an accountant must work have changed, and the taxation system is changing. On the other hand, the technique and technology of accounting has changed significantly, in particular, the use of economic and mathematical modeling, the latest software products, computer technology, information databases, the search for information systems, etc. has expanded. The accounting base itself began to orient the accountant towards comparing (miscalculating) different options and choosing the one that is more adequate to the tasks and state of production.

These functions of an accountant are becoming more and more familiar, fully comply with professional standards adopted in international practice, and are supported by the experience of work in many countries of the world.

At the present stage, a transition to the development of agro-industrial production on the basis of various forms of ownership and types of enterprise management should be ensured. For the successful solution of the tasks set for agriculture, economic training of specialists is necessary. They must be able to identify the reserves for increasing agricultural production, improving its quality, reducing costs and increasing the improvement of enterprise management is occupied by the economic analysis of their activities, as one of the elements of production management. Agricultural specialists, heads of enterprises should be proficient in the method and techniques of analyzing economic activities in order to identify the capabilities of the economy for a more rational use of resources, increase production, increase profits, and improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

A modern economist, manager, accountant, auditor must master modern methods economic analysis.

I focused on how practice-oriented training affects the quality of training highly qualified specialists. V curriculum 100 hours are allocated for the study of the AFHD discipline, including practical lessons 38 hours. Workbooks have been developed.

Students have individual assignments based on the activities of the actually existing enterprises of the Usmanskiy region. The educational institution has a production site (specific production units: a tractor-field brigade, cattle farms, a mechanized workshop, auxiliary production.

In the last 2 years, lessons have been held in production, where students can participate in the production process, and then specifically make calculations on the actual cost of production, the profitability of production in general and separately by cost item.

There is a binary lesson in production, led by the director Ivanov V.I., and the teacher of economics Ageeva I.E.

For 10 years, students have been active participants in the exhibitions of the VGAU Expocentre "Aagrobusiness of the Chernozem region", the largest agro-industrial forums of the Chernozem region, where they study the advanced efficiency of biotechnology, processing industries, the latest technology, technology, credit, leasing, insurance. We bring rich handouts from exhibitions for theoretical and practical lessons.

Exhibition Hall of the Expocentre of the Voronezh State Agrarian University.

At the laboratory for the analysis of financial and economic activities, there is a circle in the form of an economic analysis bureau, which provides an analysis of the enterprise as a whole and its divisions.

In the process of studying this discipline, students learn to process economic information presented in operational, accounting, statistical accounting and reporting; study the essence of economic phenomena and processes, find their interconnection and interdependence;

detail, systematize and model economic processes; determine the influence of factors, comprehensively assess the results achieved, identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. All of the above allows you to train highly qualified specialists in conditions innovative development economy. Almost all graduates continue their studies at the Voronezh Argo University named after Emperor Peter the Great.

In 2009, the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Usman Agrarian College (now Usman Industrial and Technological College) won the first round of the third competition of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education and the priority national project" Education ". Information title educational program“Creation of an educational experimental agricultural firm with the aim of innovative development of soil-saving and health-saving technologies in the region. In the course of the implementation of this educational program in 2010 and 2011, it became possible for students to undergo industrial practice in Germany (Baden-Wytemberg.) Over the past two years, nine students from different departments of the college passed industrial practice. Gains practical significance research student of the department "Economics and Accounting (by industry)"

Sergei Tarasov, who had an internship from April 2 to November 20, 2011 in Germany.

Sergei Tarasov at an automated pig farm during Sergei at an exhibition of modern technology in Germany.

During the internship, the students not only worked, but also had a rest.

At present, Sergey is preparing his diploma work Efficiency of land use in the context of land reform, where he summarizes and compares the international experience of land use in Germany and CJSC Grachevskoe, Usmansky district, Lipetsk region.



E.V. ALEKHINA, teacher of the cyclic commission of thermal engineering disciplines, Voronezh Power Engineering College, Voronezh, Modern production equipment and full automation of technological processes predetermine the quality of specialist training and, accordingly, have a very large impact on the technologies and methods of teaching special educational disciplines in the format of an educational institution. To this end, education should be based not so much on discipline as on the student's ways of thinking and acting. It is necessary to graduate a specialist who has received a high level of training and, at the same time, adapt him to the conditions of a specific production environment.

Methods of active learning are considered to be those in which the student is forced to actively obtain, process and implement educational information provided in such a didactic form that provides objectively better learning outcomes compared to traditional methods. practical activities... This suggests that the teacher and students are given a greater opportunity for creative cooperation, the main thing is to be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

professional activity is the age category.

Basically, these are students 18-20 years old (III and IV courses). By this period of growing up, in comparison with the second year, they have already developed a desire for the possibility of acquiring personal professional experience in the learning process and an interest in understanding how great the distance between the acquired knowledge and this experience is. After all, the requirements of employers to a young specialist are now such that he must be ready to fulfill his professional duties from the first days of work. And in order to start working, he must have certain knowledge and practical skills.

The transition to the new federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education (FSES SPE) requires a change in the methods of teaching disciplines that ensure the normative level in this specialty. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, specialty 270839 "Installation and operation of internal plumbing devices, air conditioning and professional competencies, which include the ability to:

- to understand the essence and social significance of one's future profession, show a steady interest in her;

- make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them;

- to search for and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development;

- take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of tasks;

- independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development;

- to navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities;

- organize and carry out production quality control of installation work;

- to supervise other employees within the subdivision when performing work on the installation of water supply and sewerage systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning;

- to design the elements of the above engineering systems.

So far, professional modules of disciplines for senior courses of this specialty are under development, since the students corresponding to it are freshmen.

The specialty 270110 "Installation and operation of internal plumbing devices and ventilation" remains relevant, on which the new FSES, in my opinion, leaves a fresh imprint in the technologies and methods of teaching.

Increasingly, in the classroom in disciplines, for example, "Fundamentals of ventilation", "Systems and equipment for ensuring a microclimate in rooms", "Production of work on the creation of microclimate systems" their effective participation, I manage to use the following active teaching methods:

internship, didactic game, simulation training.

The internship provides for the performance of an official role, i.e. the sphere of professional activity serves as an element of modeling, and imitation applies specifically to the performance of a certain role (position of a specialist).

In the format of a didactic game, the participant must perform actions similar to those that may take place in future professional activities. For example, a student receives an assignment from a teacher - to imagine that he is a representative of a company that has supplied, installed and serviced ventilation equipment at a certain object some time ago (it may be an industrial enterprise, a building for cultural and entertainment purposes, a shopping center, an office building, cottage, etc.

NS.). And in accordance with the schedule of technical inspection and maintenance of equipment, a representative of the company must arrive at the site, where he learns that the installed equipment and the ventilation system, in general, is working “somehow wrong ...”. His task, as a specialist, is, with the help of instrumentation, visual inspection and knowledge, in principle, to assess the situation, to check the design conformity of the air flow rates in the system and to conclude, for example, that the air filter section, as a result of high dust content, increases pressure at the fan, the electric motor of which may fail due to overload, etc.

Simulation training with the help of computer support provides for the development of certain professional skills and abilities for the installation and maintenance of various technical means and devices.

Any situation of professional activity is simulated and a specific technical device is simulated. For example, in what sequence and with what tools it is necessary to perform a standard (or non-standard) installation of a household split air conditioning system, consisting of outdoor and indoor units, etc. An important goal is achieved:

theoretical knowledge through creative awareness is transformed into a kind of practical skills.

I would like to say a few words about the research method of teaching. Increasingly, it is referred to as a new technology for game design. Although senior students of technical specialties of open source, at a certain stage of training, get acquainted in the most detailed way, first with course projects on special disciplines, and then, as a result, with a diploma project. These projects are the result of project activities. The technology of project training is focused on the creative self-realization of the student's personality and provides for the choice and justification of the project;

development of a settlement and explanatory note and a graphic part (2-4 sheets of A1 format); development of measures for labor protection and fire-prevention measures; economic justification; conclusion on the project.

And, of course, it is difficult to imagine active teaching methods without modern computer technologies, which today are a means of providing teaching material students for the purpose of transferring knowledge, a means of informational support of the educational process as an additional source of information, a universal means of testing knowledge, a means for the development of computational and graphic parts of course and diploma projects, a universal simulator for acquiring professional skills in the practical application of knowledge (educational videos, animated videos, multimedia technology).

The use of computer technologies in the vocational education system contributes to the implementation of the development of the student's personality, his preparation for productive professional activity; intensification of the educational process in a vocational school;

the formation of professionally important qualities of a specialist.

The main purpose of VET institutions is to meet the needs of the industrial sector in qualified specialists, to develop and strengthen ties with employers, to form new approaches in social partnership and to raise the level of development of society as a whole.

Forms and methods of active learning contribute to the effective teaching of students the necessary skills and abilities, proving not only the relatively minimal cost of labor and time, but also the high quality of teaching.

I see my creative activity as a teacher in making more rational use of active teaching methods and technologies that are aimed at the end result of the educational process - training a specialist who is able to successfully master new professional horizons, organize his own activities, determine methods and ways of doing professional tasks, assess their effectiveness and quality, as well as solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

Literature Batyshev S.Ya. Professional pedagogy. - M .:

Association "Professional Education", 1997.

(terminological dictionary) // Public education, 1997, No. Guzeev V.V. Educational outcome planning and educational technology. - M .: Public education, 2000.

Polat E.S., New pedagogical technologies in the education system. - M: Education, 2001.

Chernilevsky D.V., Moiseev V.B. Innovative technologies and didactic means of modern professional education. - M .: MGITs, 2002.


Electromechanical College of the Voronezh branch of MIIT, Voronezh, [email protected] In the new FGOS of the 3rd generation, special attention is paid to the fact that the student has the right to participate in the formation of an independent educational program. This can be defined as a maximum program for a fairly long term. But today we, teachers, can and should take into account the peculiarities of the worldview and psychology of the current generation of students, their individuality and even uniqueness. And for this we must use creative, non-standard individual approaches in working with students. Teaching creativity is perhaps best realized when organizing independent work students. Moreover, the standard draws our attention to the fact that an educational institution "is obliged to ensure the effective independent work of students in combination with the improvement of its management by teachers." At the same time, as stated in the standard, "extracurricular" work must be accompanied by methodological support and justification of the time spent on its implementation. " In particular, according to the new recommendations of the Ministry of Education, students can work independently from 30 to 55% of the time calculated for the implementation of the educational program in the academic discipline or module.Thus, this is significantly more than in the previous SES.

Extracurricular independent work of students is the planned educational, educational and research, research work of students, performed during extracurricular time on the assignment and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

I would like to highlight the following:

- What is the problem, how do they arise, and what are the possible searches for their solution.

A problem is a question that cannot be answered on the basis of existing knowledge. This knowledge is about ignorance. It is a contradiction between old and new knowledge: between new ideas, facts and existing theories. Human activity, which allows him to successfully cope with certain problem situations, is very diverse: we can endlessly make trials until one of them accidentally leads to a solution, we can use some experience.

teachers are creative people who are constantly in search and reorganization of their professional activities. Therefore, what I will talk about today, probably, will not be a discovery for you, but, perhaps, it will help you remember, see in a new way and rethink the already known techniques.

My talk is stated as “Lesson is a problem. Lesson research ". I will focus on them.

The exploratory approach to teaching is not a new phenomenon in the field of pedagogy. In Russia, the idea of ​​using it was first put forward in the second half of the 18th century, but it took more than 100 years for it to be in demand by the pedagogical community.

The research approach in teaching is a way of acquainting students with the methods of scientific cognition, an important means of forming their scientific worldview, developing thinking and cognitive independence. The essence of the research approach in teaching is:

a) in the introduction of general and specific methods of scientific research into the process educational cognition at all its stages (from perception to application in practice);

b) in the organization of educational and extracurricular scientific and educational, search and creative activities;

c) in the actualization of intra-subject and inter-subject connections;

d) in changing the nature of the relationship "teacher-student - student collective" towards cooperation.

Research knowledge as a component of training content includes the concept of methods and techniques for working with information, is the result of cognitive activity aimed at promoting, forming, explaining patterns, facts, learning processes, education and development.

The lesson-research methodology is not new, it is well developed for the natural sciences. For example, there is a classic lesson development - physics research.

In teaching disciplines of the socio - economic cycle, it is difficult to conduct classical lessons - research is difficult, the objects with which students work are mostly textual.

But educational research differs from scientific research in that, first of all, it solves the problem of deep and lasting assimilation of program material, the formation of research skills in students. They draw up their research in the form of written works or presentations (on electronic media) "Social Studies"

Method of research (independent) work: text analysis, drawing up diagrams Scope: almost all academic disciplines (facilitating memorization and understanding of new concepts and terms, developing collective decisions, designing educational material).

Purpose: formation of understanding of any term, concept.

Educational tasks:

creation of clear and understandable lecture notes;

maximum return on reading books / textbooks;

preparation for writing essays, course projects, diplomas;

facilitating memorization of the material;

structuring the material;

generation of new ideas, creativity; collective solution of complex problems.


disclosure and development of the creative potential of students;

development of skills of introspection and self-diagnosis of personal creative and intellectual potential;

development of teamwork skills.

The advantages of all the presented forms of organization of research independent work of students:

For students:

the possibility of free creative self-expression;

application and selection of tasks of different complexity and time-consuming;

the possibility of increasing the assessment due to the manifestation of their creativity and accuracy;

the breadth of forms and means of performing work;

independent allocation of time resources;

the opportunity to take part in the assignment of marks for the work.

For teachers:

application of an individual approach to students;

the ability to differentiate tasks by the level of complexity, based on the capabilities of students;

simplification of the stage of assessing students' knowledge, based on clear requirements presented initially to the work;

saving time for creating and checking tasks;

expanding or deepening the knowledge and skills of students through the use of their independent work.

Conclusion: systematic independent research work is one of the necessary conditions for the successful study of any subject, and everyone benefits from its wide use: teachers, students and employers!

Literature Gabaidulina Sh. Research activities and ICT - the competence of students // Secondary vocational education. - 2007, No. of student activities in the study of history // Secondary vocational education. - 2011, no.



E.V. ARALOV, T.P. BOLSHAKOVA Voronezh Power Engineering School, Voronezh, Nowadays, when the amount of information in foreign languages ​​is constantly increasing, reading in a foreign language plays an increasing role, therefore one of the main tasks of teaching a foreign language in a secondary specialized educational institution is teaching reading. Without mastering this type of activity, the further use of a foreign language is limited.

As you know, reading refers to receptive types of speech activity, since it is associated with the perception (reception) and understanding of information. The purpose of studying a foreign language in a technical school is to read, understand and translate texts on socio-political topics and literature in a specialty of medium difficulty with the help of a dictionary. The essence of the process of reading in a foreign language is the search for information. The purpose of the instructional reading exercise is to lead students to master the process of reading in a foreign language.

Learning to read should be structured so that students perceive it as a real activity that has practical significance. In order to achieve the desired result, that is, to teach students to read for different purposes, (anticipation), contextual guess, interpretation, ability to work with keywords, etc.

In more detail, we should consider the types of reading. The main types of reading are:

- analytical reading, which includes the dismemberment of linguistic material as a basis for understanding;

Synthetic reading is a holistic perception of the linguistic form of content, that is, all attention is directed to understanding the main content based on the synthesis of familiar elements.

Analytical reading teaches a language by building two bases:

linguistic and in the form of certain skills to work on the text.

The main task of analytical reading is to teach students to achieve a complete understanding of the text by analyzing words and grammatical forms.

The task of synthetic reading is to teach students to understand what they are reading without resorting to text analysis and translation.

This type of reading, of course, assumes that students have a fairly strong knowledge of the language and some ability to use guesswork when reading a new text.

Reading is always analytical-synthetic in nature, that is, linguistic phenomena that cause difficulties are analyzed, and synthesis is carried out at the level of understanding the content of the text.

Texts for analytical reading should be rather difficult in content, lexical composition and grammatical forms. Texts for synthetic reading should be simpler both in content and in form. After all, a student in the process of synthetic reading must understand the text without resorting to either analysis or translation into Russian.

According to the purpose of reading the text, several types of reading are distinguished:

1) Study reading;

2) Introductory reading or reading with general coverage of information (average reading);

4) searching reading.

Let's consider in more detail each type of reading.

1) Studying reading or reading with full coverage of the content - the most complete and accurate understanding of all information contained in the text and its critical comprehension. This is a thoughtful and unhurried reading, assuming a purposeful analysis of the content of the read based on the linguistic and logical connections of the text.

The object of study is the information contained in the text, but not the language material. When studying reading, you can re-read, clarify, sometimes aloud, individual points.

The most important theses are highlighted for the purpose of further retelling, discussion, use in work. Its approximate pace (lowest) is 50-60 words per minute. Selected texts are of cognitive value, representing the greatest difficulty for this stage of learning, both in terms of content and language.

2) Introductory reading - the entire text is read without setting to receive certain information, that is, reading for oneself. This type of reading is also called reading with a general coverage of the content (search) - you need to understand what is at stake. Requires the ability to distinguish between main and secondary information. Only those new words are translated that interfere with the understanding of the main thing. The pace of introductory reading should not be below 180 for English, below 120 words per minute for Russian (French - 180, German - 150).

For practice in this type of reading, relatively long texts are used. Linguistically light, containing at least 25-30% of redundant, secondary information.

The title and the first paragraph are usually read. Requires a fairly high qualification of the reader and mastery of a large amount of language material.

To teach viewing reading, it is necessary to select a number of thematically related texts and create viewing situations. The speed of viewing reading should not be less than 500 words per minute, and educational tasks should be oriented in the logical-semantic structure of the text, the ability to extract and use the material of the source text in accordance with a specific communicative task.

4) Search reading - focused on reading newspapers and literature in the specialty. Its purpose is to quickly find well-defined data (figures, facts, characteristics, etc.) in the text. The reader knows from other sources that such information is contained in this article, book. Therefore, based on the typical structure of this type of text, the reader immediately turns to certain parts or sections.

In educational conditions, this type of reading acts more like an exercise, since the search for this or that information is carried out at the instruction of the teacher.

When working with text, you must remember that it must be interesting, understandable, complete in volume and quite difficult. Teaching to read in a secondary specialized educational institution has its own characteristics, namely, it is necessary to acquaint students with the author, to pay attention to the title, which, as a rule, has a "coded meaning". Students should also be able to convey the information received, while communicating their personal position in relation to the content. To help the student, the teacher should develop a memo for independent reading of literature in English, which indicates how to read and translate a text, how to work with a dictionary, be able to find the main idea of ​​the text, express your personal assessment, develop a reading technique, do not forget about shock and non-shock vowels, intonations, etc.

Learning to read should be carried out systematically at all stages of work with the text: the pre-text stage of work stimulates the motivation of students, the text stage solves the main communication problems, the post-text stage teaches to express their thoughts in oral and written speech.

Let us dwell in more detail on teaching learning reading and consider the main stages of working with text in more detail.

1) The pre-text stage includes techniques that arouse interest in the text, activate students' knowledge of the world around them and give the teacher the opportunity to understand whether they have enough knowledge and life experience to successfully cope with the text. Students should be encouraged to talk about the proposed topic, listen to their ideas, and then give them Additional information, which may be necessary for them to successfully understand the text. For example, the teacher provides information about the author and summarizes the content of the text as a whole. If students have developed the skills to recognize the type of text and topic, they will be able to predict the content of the text. If students' assumptions are often confirmed, they will not only read faster and more efficiently, but also receive positive emotions from reading, which, in turn, will make them want to read more in English. As exercises at this stage of working with the text, the following can be proposed: exercises for correlating the meaning of a word with a topic, exercises for expanding vocabulary, exercises for recognizing and differentiating grammatical phenomena, exercises for highlighting keywords in sentences, etc.

To relieve language difficulties, students are invited to complete a series of exercises for the development of language guesswork, which develop word formation skills.

Anticipation and contextual guesswork play an important role when working with text. You can use some practical techniques in your English class to develop forecasting:

It is necessary to use headings, photographs, diagrams, illustrations to help students what will be discussed in the text.

Write keywords and phrases on the chalkboard and see if students can guess what the text is about.

Students must tell how sentences might end. Then read the correct answer.

Distribute the text fragments to the students, and then ask them to arrange them in a logical order, that is, 2) At the text stage, the students perform exercises to extract the main and secondary information from the text by finding the meaning of the text, the lexico-thematic basis for combining the semantic segments into a single whole. Text-level exercises help build the skills needed to complete assignments in different types of reading. At this stage of working with the text, you can offer exercises for dividing textual material into semantic parts, exercises for equivalent replacement, presentation of the main thoughts of the text, etc.

3) At the post-text stage, the understanding of the content of the text is monitored and its interpretation is given. To test the actual understanding of the content of the text, exercises to teach the interpretation of the text and to determine the cognitive value of the read. Here you should offer exercises to check the understanding of the actual content of the text, exercises to teach the interpretation of the text, exercises to determine the cognitive value of the read.

The teacher always approaches the assessment of the test of understanding of the text in a differentiated manner.

Learning to read contributes to a deeper assimilation of English by students: students reveal their ability to communicate in English, assert themselves in their team; expand cognitive and professional interests, which will ensure success in future professional activities.

Literature 1. Vaysburd ML, Blokhina SA. Learning to understand a foreign language text when reading as a search activity // In.yaz. at school. 1997 №1-2.с33-38.

2. Maslyko E.A., Babinskaya P.K., Budko A.F.

Handbook of a foreign language teacher // reference manual, Minsk 2004, 520 p.




E.V. ARALOV, T.P. BOLSHAKOVA Voronezh Power Engineering School, Voronezh, An essential condition for professional and educational - cognitive activity is self-determination of the individual, which is understood as a conscious assertion of one's own positions in problem situations. The introduction of modern teaching technologies makes it possible to even more use the educational and developmental potential of the English language as academic subject... Studying a foreign language, students become familiar with the samples of world and native culture, are included in the dialogue of cultures, and develop by means of language.

Since students at the technical school study English from 1 to 4 courses inclusive, texts about the countries of the target language are very important for them: about the United Kingdom, English weather and cuisine, about America, about the capitals of these countries, as well as the study of the traditions of English-speaking countries. At the same time, students not only learn linguistic units of different levels, but also the culture, mentality of another people, and the features of everyday life. Also, students are offered texts about Russia, our capital, the Kremlin, and their hometown. There is an opportunity to involve each student in an active cognitive process and his application in practice of knowledge, a clear understanding of where, how and for what purposes knowledge can be applied. Students work collaboratively, collaboratively to solve a variety of problems, and demonstrate certain communication skills.

Students, as a rule, are interested in this and they are happy to search for new information that interested them: about the norms of behavior, customs, holidays of other states, then they compare it with the culture of their country. When considering the traditions of countries, such a feature as tolerance is formed - a tolerant attitude towards a variety of socio-cultural models of behavior, feelings of patriotism and national dignity develop.

In preparation for extracurricular activities in the subject, students are given the freedom to choose the material. At this time, we, the teachers, have the opportunity to observe and take into account the emotional reaction of the participants of the event to the proposed tasks (they willingly perform, reluctantly, calmly perceive either negatively or emotionally positively). This is also where the level of independence in choosing a topic is manifested; desire and desire to participate, the degree of activity of each against the background of the group. Thus, in preparation for the extracurricular event “Celebrating Christmas in Russia, Great Britain, Germany”, students are looking for the differences between this religious holiday in our country and countries with a different religion. Such out-of-class events make it possible to implement the social and cultural component of the content of education through various forms of work with regional studies materials.

At the same time, we use such modern technologies as training in cooperation, communicative - role-based situational activity. Independent work activates the cognitive activity of students, forms their activity in the educational process.

The teacher needs to structure the educational research activities of students in such a way as to provide them with the opportunity to solve research problems that become personally significant for them. A student's activity is always successful if both the teacher and the student are interested in it. All this contributes to the activation of the mental activity of the trainees, strengthens their desire for research, and develops creativity. Business games in the classroom (“meeting of business partners”, “official presentation”, “business conversation in English”) also help to create “personality-oriented situations”.

It is the game that is the social practice of the student's personality. It includes elements of competition, allows you to assert yourself, self-actualize.

Reading texts about scientific and technical discoveries, the achievements of mankind (topics: "Electricity", "Laser", "Metals", "Computers in our life") contribute not only to the expansion of knowledge in special subjects, but also to a broad analysis of human development of natural and social the world, awareness of its place in this world. In this way, a spiritual personality is formed.

Also, we, teachers, have the opportunity to give independent work to students on a proactive basis.

This can be done in any course and can be applied in a variety of ways. The most acceptable is the advanced work of a theoretical nature. The educational process should become a sphere of student self-affirmation.

The leading goal of personality-oriented technology is the formation of an active personality in the learning process, capable of independently building and adjusting his educational and cognitive activity. The teacher's orientation in the development of personality-oriented technologies is to develop the activity of the individual in the educational process. To implement the idea of ​​a personal approach, it is necessary to create conditions, an educational environment for the full manifestation of the student's personal qualities, the solution of his personal problems, the search for oneself, and giving this search cultural forms.

To stimulate the search and research activities of students, you need to constantly evaluate their work, praise and encourage aspiration, find your own rational way to solve the problem, help to reveal their capabilities and abilities.

Abilities are found only in activity.

It is activity that stands between learning and a personal approach. For students, the main activity is learning. It should be diverse, covering the mental, practical, ethical, aesthetic, emotional and physical spheres, enabling students to express themselves, and most importantly - as natural and life-like as possible. Students independently study the theoretical material of certain topics or issues (analysis of documentary sources or preparation of reports on practical experience in the studied area). The use of the method of advancing independent work in practice makes it possible to make practical classes more interesting, stimulate the search activity of students, and form a stable positive motivation for learning.

One of the important ideas underlying student-centered learning is the idea of ​​problematicity.

The learning problem should be of optimal difficulty.

The main thing is that when solving a problem situation, the student rebuilds not only his actions, but also his motives and needs. An essential condition for professional and educational - cognitive activity is the self-determination of the individual, which is understood as the conscious assertion of one's own positions in problem situations.

For a clear idea of ​​the level of students' cognitive interests, their current and potential opportunities, life guidelines, it is useful to conduct a questionnaire, which determines the teacher's further actions to determine the forms of work in school hours and after school hours. In turn, this helps to understand the student's own position and the formation of his personal qualities.

Therefore, when teaching a foreign language in a secondary specialized institution, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Formation of readiness to solve various problems.

Obviously, depending on the situation, the solution to a specific problem arising will rely on a whole range of knowledge, skills and abilities in certain areas. In order for this quality to be formed, it is necessary:

make teaching more problem-oriented;

use a more reflexive approach to teaching. Reflection (from Lat. Reflexio - turning back) - the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental acts and states;

to stimulate the trainees' ability to answer only questions, but also to formulate their own questions;

redefine the traditional role of teacher and student in the classroom.

2. Improvement of bilingual communicative competence in communication, taking into account the socio - cultural differences of the modern world.

3. Development of the desire to learn throughout life, updating and improving the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in relation to changing conditions.

The considered student-centered learning is one of the important tasks in the development of secondary specialized education.

It not only forms the worldview of the individual, but also requires the manifestation of an active life position, the ability to defend one's point of view, develops discussion skills, which will be useful in the future: to adapt in social and professional field, work in a team, solve problems and be able to quickly get out of difficult situations.

Literature 1. Semushina L.G., Yaroshenko N.G. Content and technology of teaching in secondary specialized educational institutions: Textbook for teachers of institutions of secondary vocational education - M .: Mastery, 2001.-272s.

2. Kopylova V.V. Methodology of project work in English lessons: Methodological manual. - M .: Bustard, 2003. p.

BBK 94.3; i 43 14th International Scientific and Industrial Forum Great Rivers'2012. [Text]: [proceedings of the congress]. In 2 volumes.Vol. 1 / Nizhny Novgorod. state architect-build un-t; otv. ed. E. V. Koposov - N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2013 .-- 478 p. ISBN 978-5-87941-874-3 Editorial Board: E. V. Koposov (Responsible Editor); Bobylev V.N. (deputy editor-in-chief), S.V. Sobol (deputy editor-in-chief), Vtyurina V.V., Kosse M.A., Gelfond A.L., Vinogradova T.P., Barinov A. N., Erukov S. V., Kolomiets A. M., Petrov E. Yu., ... "


«PROTECTING OIL BIRTHDAY OIL ENVIRONMENTAL PERMSKY AND PLAN OF THE CASPIAN REGION OF MARSHALL Pp. 3 p. 6 P. 7 DYNAMICS AND DEVELOPMENT 15 | 12 | 2005 № 28 (70) Corporate Publication LUKOIL Overseas Holding Ltd. HIGHLIGHTS Ratings and awards Anaran: there is a discovery! The best of the best The Norwegian company Norsk Hydro announced the discovery in the west of Iran, not far from its city, LUKOIL President Vagitnitsa with Iraq, an oil field, which Alekperov could become one of the most ...

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“The stress state of fault-block structures as a regulator. UDC 662.778: 622.7.012 Doct. geological miner. PANOV B.S., Candidate of Chemical Sciences E.V. YANKOVSKAYA (DonNTU), Candidate of Engineering Sciences LAPTIENKO A.Ya. (Physico-Technical Institute named after Galkin), stud. BASANTSEVA M.E. (DonNTU) ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF COAL PROCESSING The largest consumers of coal in Ukraine are thermal power plants (TPP). The basis of the TPP (as of the end of 1999) consisted of 104 power units with a capacity ... "

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“Chronological list of works 1979 1. Sarkisov, Yu. S. Study of the processes of structure formation in the ZnO – NhyCl – H2O system / Yu. S. Sarkisov, DI Chemodanov, NI Chikovani; TISI. - Tomsk, 1979 .-- 5 p. - Bibliography: 4 titles. - Dep. in ONIITEKHIM, Cherkassy on 22.06.79, No. 2788/79. 2. On the binding properties of the CdO – H2O system under normal hardening conditions / Yu. S. Sarkisov, NS Chikovani, RI Sosnovskaya, DI Chemodanov; TISI. - Tomsk, 1979 .-- 5 p. - Bibliography: 4 titles. - Dep. in ONIITEKHIM 6.08.79, No. ... "

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The consideration of the relationship between traditions and innovations in modern education is the result of an awareness of the scope and dynamism of the transformations taking place in the modern school. We are witnesses of the most interesting processes that reveal the ability of culture to self-reproduction and internal self-movement. The most important signs of such cultural and creative processes in the field of education is the revival of the social and pedagogical movement in the 80s. XX century, manifested in the emergence of a unique phenomenon of teachers-innovators and "pedagogy of cooperation" and led to the formulation of the question of the need for scientific development of pedagogical means of humanization and humanization of the school. No less interesting in this regard is the period of the 90s, marked by the flourishing of the activity of teachers - the creators of alternative and author's schools. Thus, the mode and mechanism of the existence of the modern school becomes its self-development, the source of which is the creativity of teachers, their innovation activity, implemented in the creation of schools of a new type, in the development and introduction into pedagogical practice of elements of the updated content of education and new educational technologies, in the establishment of closer ties between science and practice, and finally, in the study and fairly large-scale use of world pedagogical experience. As you can see, the modern educational situation reveals mass the nature of the application of the new. In this regard, the need for understanding the concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation process", etc., as well as in comprehending the features of the process of diffusion of innovations in education, is becoming more acute.

The word "innovation" (innovatio) has a Latin origin, and in translation it means "renewal", "change", "renewal", "introduction of something new." The concept of "innovation" (innovation) is defined both as an innovation and as a process of introducing this innovation into practice (innovation process).

Innovation(innovation) in a particular area of ​​human life and activity is a purposeful change associated with creation, distribution and use new relatively stable elements called innovations... The purpose of this innovation is to meet the needs and interests of people. new means which leads to certain qualitative changes systems and ways to ensure its efficiency, stability and viability. It is important to note that the innovation process does not imply any changes at all, i.e. innovation for the sake of innovation, but only those that ensure the appearance a qualitatively different state, revision of outdated norms and regulations, methods of action, and often their complete revision. It should be emphasized that the essential characteristics of an innovation are its derivation from the creative expenditures of a person and the inconsistency of its content with the existing one. traditions representing a stable and significant component of culture.

The content of traditions in various spheres of human life is a basic characteristic of the culture of a society. The most essential of them are mastered by each person in the process of socialization. The role of traditions in culture is determined by the fact that they are carriers of the cultural wealth of the society, developed by previous generations. Traditions carry a content that connects times through the transfer of accumulated experience from generation to generation using the mechanisms of continuity. At the same time, tradition lives only in the activities of people who master it, "passing" previous experience through their own understanding of the world, their goals, aspirations, values. Thus, the basis for the emergence of certain contradictions with the existing tradition is formed, since the creative and constructive nature of man cannot be satisfied only with the established order of things. Therefore, any innovation arises only in the context of a deeply rooted tradition. At the same time, the very tradition that gave rise to innovation never remains unchanged. Depending on the degree of creativity of a person's innovative efforts, a tradition can either transform, filling with new content, or branch out, giving rise to new traditions. As you can see, tradition and innovation are mutually necessary in terms of cultural development. Moreover, creative activity itself acts essentially as a creative development of traditions, ensuring their continuity and enrichment of culture.

What can be innovations in the field of education? The French scientist E. Brunswick distinguishes between three possible types of pedagogical innovations that determine innovations in education:

    completely new and previously unknown educational ideas and activities; there are very few such completely new and original ideas; as an example, we can cite the idea of ​​interaction between man and machine, which is being intensively developed today, and the resulting approaches to organizing education based on the use of a new tool - computer technology;

    the largest number of innovations are adapted, expanded and reformulated ideas and actions that acquire special activity in a certain socio-cultural and educational environment and at a certain period; for example, in this regard, we can talk about the idea of ​​differentiation, which has significantly actualized its significance and acquired updated methods of implementation (in particular, the technology of level differentiation or classes of pedagogical support) today, in conditions of increased attention of education to the interests of the development of the child's individuality;

    pedagogical innovations due to the educational situation, in which, in connection with the repeated setting of goals in changed conditions, some previously existing actions and technologies are actualized, since new conditions guarantee their success and the success of educational ideas implemented in them; for example, the collective method of training (V.K.Dyachenko) or training in pairs of a shift composition, which was developed in the 1920s. Of the twentieth century by Alexander Riemann and is successfully used today in connection with the newly emerging need to solve the problems of teaching schoolchildren to cooperate in the learning environment.

Analysis of innovative processes in education requires paying special attention to the fact that the use of innovations does not always give a positive result. So, for example, the use of seminars in high school instead of the supposed improvement in the quality of the educational result - bringing students to the level of problematic mastering of educational material, expanding the degree of cognitive freedom and the transition to the dialogue nature of discussing the issues put forward for the seminar - in fact often does not bring any qualitative changes or even turns into negative consequences. Because of this, some teachers, sometimes even imperceptibly for themselves, reduce the methodology of conducting seminars to the method of conducting a lesson or often refuse seminars altogether, do not see their specific features in comparison with the lesson and therefore cannot ensure their proper implementation. Such a situation, it seems to us, arises from ignoring a number of circumstances, attention to which makes it possible, if possible, to remove the difficulties that arise and to a greater extent predetermine the appearance of a positive result of educational innovations.

At first innovations are not always a means of solving problems, relevant to this child, given class, given school... This is due to the fact that often the real contradictions that arise among schoolchildren are not the true reason for educational innovations. In this sense, the results of studies are of interest, 27 which, in particular, record that dominant The motives for updating the pedagogical strategy and tactics for many teachers are not the desire to solve the cardinal problems of children and schools that hinder their development, but the desire to test as such new methods and techniques of work, without a clear understanding of their intended purpose, without understanding the conceptual ideas and approaches implemented through them, etc. According to our data, more than a third of the teachers surveyed gave approximately the following answers: “I want to try…”, “Head teachers demand innovations…”, “My colleague does this…”, “IUU methodologists recommended using…”, etc. Another no less common motive (about 36% of teachers according to the above study) is the desire to make learning interesting for children. The most important thing is forgotten. Namely, that new approaches to the organization of education can be tested, but they do not eliminate specific contradictions and imperfections, which should become the subject of special care of the teacher. Or there are many pedagogical "tricks" with the help of which the teacher has the opportunity to arouse the interest of schoolchildren in learning, but even more significant and pedagogically important is the question of what by means this was achieved. Indeed, it is possible to make the teaching situationally attractive for students without addressing the deeper aspects of their personality, when the manifestation of interest is due to the direct influence of the teacher's special efforts (for example, the use of entertaining facts, emphasizing the “pragmatic” meaning of the material being studied, etc.). However, this cannot guarantee the transition of interest to the semantic level, its transformation into a characteristic of a stable positive attitude of the student to learning and, consequently, quality renewal of his cognitive position. Therefore, when carrying out innovative activities, the teacher must identify real contradictions characterizing the manifestations of schoolchildren, and select innovations aimed at overcoming them.

Secondly, it is impossible not to take into account that each new tool is born in very specific conditions and is aimed at solving quite specific problems. That's why it is impossible to choose the means of updating the educational process on the basis of only personal tastes, sympathies, according to the principle "like it or not like it." Instead, a competent professional analysis of the situation and an analysis of the pedagogical capabilities of the proposed means of updating it are required..

Thirdly, it should be emphasized that any pedagogical tool has two sides: technological related to the specifics of the actions and operations used, and personal, manifested in the fact that the individual characteristics of the teacher (the level of his professional competence, the degree of communication skills, the level of charm and emotionality, etc.) affect the effectiveness of his introduction into the educational process. Moreover, there were cases when the development of a new idea with unexpressed pedagogical possibilities gave a much greater effect than expected if a master teacher with a powerful internal potential and personal scale was engaged in this. And, conversely, it happens that a potentially rich educational idea perishes, falling into the hands of a shallow professional and a dull personality. For example, the implementation of the ideas of developmental education in school requires not only mastering the appropriate technology, but also completely different personal manifestations of the teacher compared to communicative learning - the readiness to cooperate with the child, the teacher's personal openness, the naturalness of emotional manifestations, the readiness for multivariate, flexibility in restructuring the real the course of the educational process, etc. Experience shows that if, at the same time, the technological aspect of developmental education is not enhanced by its personal component, then as a result we observe a minimal educational effect, which does not allow us to speak about the full-fledged embodiment of the pedagogical possibilities of developmental education. Therefore, using pedagogical innovations, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the personal characteristics of the creators of innovations and their users, because the personal side of pedagogical tools has a significant impact on the effectiveness updating the educational process.

Thus, the analysis of the circumstances that determine the competent use of innovations in the educational process convinces us that it is not expedient to identify everything new with the progressive and modern. This conclusion turns out to be extremely significant for us precisely today, when the school and the entire education system are literally embraced by an innovative "upsurge". In such conditions, it is important for a teacher to understand that such methods, forms and means of education are progressive and modern, which are effective in terms of their influence on the development of the student's personality. In other words, all those pedagogical means are modern that allow the teacher to raise them to a higher level of education in an optimal way for schoolchildren, while proceeding from the need to provide the child with reliable pedagogical assistance and support in overcoming the contradictions that arise in the course of his personal development. Therefore, we can say that, in its meaning, the concept of "innovation" is associated not so much with the creation and dissemination of innovations as with changes in the way of the teacher's activity, in the style of his professional thinking, in the system of his pedagogical values requiring conscious renewal pedagogical modes of action. In this context, the question of the relationship between traditions and innovations in education takes on a special meaning: what is the change in relation to, what professional priorities do we start from, starting a creative pedagogical search, what are the starting points and the basic scheme of our innovative action. Answering these and other similar questions in the most general way, let us assert that traditions in education are associated with viewing and interpreting it through the prism of an enlightenment educational paradigm, representing education as a process of human socialization, the core of which is the transfer of social experience necessary for life to the younger generations. At the same time, the source of innovative educational opportunities today lies in the plane of the humanistic educational paradigm, which orientates the pedagogical community to focus not so much on the adaptive as on the cultivating mission of education, the center of which is the enrichment of the spiritual and creative potential of a person.

In contributing to the development of education in Russia, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to foreign experience, primarily the rich traditions and peculiarities of Russian education.

As Academician N.N. Moiseev, the breadth of our education, overcoming the narrow practicality inherent in Western high school, is able to play a decisive role at the current stage of development of scientific and technological progress.

The frequent emergence of new areas of activity, the rapid change in the nomenclature of manufactured products require a specialist to be able to easily move from one professional orientation to another. And for this, first of all, an educational basis is needed - knowledge basic sciences and general education and culture, i.e. humanitarian education, which, in particular, Western engineers are almost completely absent. Development modern technology can only contribute to those nations that are able to provide a sufficiently high level of education (and labor discipline) of the population.

As a result of the UNESCO International Congress, a number of innovative projects were created, in the implementation of which higher schools of Russia are also involved, for example, the project "Informatics-2000", approaches to its informatization have been proposed.

It is important to note that at the II International Congress "Informatics and Education" in the National Report of the Russian Federation, modern approaches to teaching in a higher school of informatics as a fundamental discipline were recorded. For the first time, the section - social informatics - was included in the composition of fundamental informatics as an important element, and the main problems of the subject field of its research were identified (see the diagram "Fundamental foundations of informatics").

New approaches to the content and form of implementation of higher education will help preserve the intelligence of higher education in Russia, and hence the intellectual potential of the nation as a whole. It is important to study the problems of the formation and development of the intellectual potential of students as a social group, a significant part of which is not in demand today. Students are the most flexible social group, easily adapting to the conditions of informatization of society, new information technologies. Therefore, the problems of the development of the social intelligence of students as one of the most important social groups for the future of Russia are, in our opinion, the most significant in modern conditions.

The informatization of education is today considered as an absolute and mandatory condition for creating an intellectual base for the future "information society". In the Concept of informatization of higher education, approved on September 28, 1993, it is determined that the goal of informatization of education is to globally rationalize intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies, to radically increase the efficiency and quality of training specialists with a new type of thinking that meets the requirements of a post-industrial society, a new information culture of thinking through the individualization of education.



Information as a semantic property of matter. Information and evolution in animate and inanimate nature. Namala of General Information Theory. Methods for measuring information. Macro and micro information. Mathematical and informational models. Theory of algorithms. Stochastic methods in computer science. Computational experiment as a research methodology. Information and knowledge. Semantic aspects of intelligent processes and information systems. Artificial intelligence information systems. Knowledge representation methods. Cognition and creativity as informational processes. Theory and methods of development and design of information systems and technologies.

Personal computers. Workstations. Inst-
s PROCESSING, I / O devices and information display.
^. TECHNICAL AND TRANSFERS Audio and video systems, multimedia systems. Computer networks.
DATA Communication facilities and computer telecommunication systems.
OS and environment. Systems and languages
go ^ - SYSTEM programming. Service shells, systems
X user interface. Software environments
R ~ intercomputer communication systems (tele-access systems
^ NS pa), computing and information environments.
Q_ -Q ) S UNIVERSAL Text and graphic editors. Control systems
"L. x management of databases. Electronic processors
^ O tables. Object modeling tools.
^ processes, systems. Information languages ​​and formats
: r representations of data and knowledge, dictionaries, classi-
s: fixators, thesauri. Information security tools
^ Q_ i - from destruction and unauthorized access.
CO O Publishing systems. Technological implementation systems
Q. ^ logic of automation of calculations, design,
and 1 - rr data processing (accounting, planning, management
on PROFESSIONALLY analysis, statistics, etc.).
LU s ORIENTED Artificial intelligence systems (knowledge bases,
Q. c; expert systems, diagnostic, training
O Uj and etc.).


Input / output, collection, storage, transmission and processing of data. Preparation of text and graphic documents, technical documentation. Integration and collective use of heterogeneous information resources. Information protection.

Programming, design, modeling, teaching, diagnostics, management (objects, processes and systems).


Information resources as a factor in the socio-economic and cultural development of society. Information society - patterns and problems of formation and development. Information infrastructure of society. Information security problems.


In our opinion, innovations in higher education are inseparable from new approaches to education in secondary schools in modern Russian conditions.

Quite a lot of special studies and publications are devoted to the problem of assessing the effectiveness of activities (work) and the issues of attestation of the school.

End of work -

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Social informatics

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Criteria for the transition of society to the post-industrial, informational stages of development
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Analysis of registered web pages in the following areas
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Location of databases on the territory of Russia
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Internet in the system of mass communications: social aspects
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Social aspects of the development of the Internet in Russia
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The specific features of the informatization of Russia as a whole give rise to a number of problems in the development of the Internet.
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Information environment formation problems
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Lifestyle change
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Informatization in solving problems of various social groups
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Problems of intellectualization of the socio-cultural sphere
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Changes in social structure in the course of informatization
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Informatization and solving the problem of employment
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The problem of stimulating labor activity in the information society
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The main social consequences of informatization
The table by the Swiss researcher K. Hessig "The Consequences of Informatization in the Mirror of the Public" is a good example of a systematic approach to the analysis of social

Information security of Russia
Ensuring information security in Russia requires an urgent solution to the following key problems:

New information technologies (NIT) in the educational sphere
There is an upward trend in the flow of data all over the world. Digital technology has made a kind of revolution, it allows you to digitally combine text, graphics and video images

Impact of BAT on the relationship between students and teachers
The change in the role of the teacher, who is now to a lesser extent a disseminator of information and to a greater extent - an educator, advisor and leader in the course of the educational process, leads to his

New approaches to secondary education
However, experts note "that a number of significant positions require a view of this problem through the prism of modernity: During the years of perestroika, the socio-economic structure has changed.

Pedagogical informatics as a new scientific and educational direction
Pedagogical informatics, which has been actively developing since the beginning of the 90s, deals with the problems of creating and implementing the concept of education for people who will live in a rapidly developing

Advanced Education Concept
The most important in the development of modern education is the proposed by Academician A.D. Ursul's idea of ​​advancing education. The idea is a logical consequence of the philosophical conclusion about the necessary

The introduction of multimedia technologies in education
In 1992, the first scientific and technical program Multimedia Technologies was launched at the State Committee for Higher Education, the first professional information studio (EKON) was created, the first Russian mu

Problems and approaches to the development of the process of informatization of education in MGSU
Informatization of education in Russia is developing, despite extremely unfavorable socio-economic conditions, and in this regard, the main approaches, problems

Features of teaching social informatics at MGSU
Departments of Social Informatics and Sociology of a number of Russian universities have accumulated significant experience in teaching courses relevant to this area, however, it should be noted that the majority of

Study of socio-economic problems of informatization
An important place in the training course on social informatics is occupied by the so-called specialization - the presentation of the problems of social informatics in the subject areas corresponding to specialties: sociology

Media in the context of informatization: the structure of the training course
In working with future journalists, the main attention is paid to the problems of the development of the media in the context of the informatization of society, in particular, the following is studied:

Teaching Cognitive Sociology
In our opinion, the course of cognitive sociology occupies a special place in the structure of sociological education; cognitive aspects are also important for consideration. social education generally.

Alternative approaches to information training
In our opinion, the introduction of this specialty is a fairly striking example of a technocratic approach in the field of education. So, in the section of requirements for general professional dissertation

The value of studying theoretical informatics in the training of a sociologist informatics
Special attention should be paid to the importance of teaching sociologists-informatics the basic concepts of theoretical informatics, without which, in principle, it is impossible to talk about the information culture of a specialist.

Education of a culture of speech
As you know, the informational capacity of poetry is 1.5 times greater than that of prose. This fact is explained by the fact that verse allows for greater freedom in expression and greater imagery than prose, which allows

Features of professional thinking and professional qualities of a sociologist-informatics
If we characterize the features of professional thinking and professional qualities of a sociologist-informatics, then these are, first of all:

Cognitive sociology as an innovation in the system of sociological education
So, for example, the Faculty of Social Informatics of the Academy of Sociology and Management of MGSU for the first time in the university practice of the Russian Federation proposes to deepen the training of sociologists in the direction of

Social synergetics as a scientific direction and academic discipline
Problems of social synergetics should also take a significant place in the training of informatics sociologists. The concept of "synergetics", introduced by G. Haken, denotes a scientific direction

Social cybernetics as a factor in the formation of the managerial culture of specialists
The significance of such a direction as "social cybernetics" consists in the application of ideas and methods of cybernetics to the analysis of social systems and processes. Her teaching experience has been accumulated

Globalization of the process social development actualized before sociological knowledge the problem of the status and further fate of sociology as a science, clarifying the subject of its research. Traditional

Index of Key Issues
SECTION 1. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT TO INFORMATIZATION OF SOCIETY ................................ 3 Chapter 1. Phenomenon of informatization of modern society ..................................

TEST No. 1
This is a series of questions from the course you have taken. A number of questions are offered several options for answers with corresponding numbers. Circle the number of the suggested option that

TEST No. 2

TEST No. 3
Here is a series of questions from the course you have taken. A number of questions are offered several options for answers with corresponding numbers. Circle the number of the given answer,

Legal framework for informatization of society
1) Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation. - M .: Mezhdunar. publishing house "Information Science", 2000. 2) The concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable

Monographs, brochures
1) Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. - M .: VLADOS, 1994.2) Aminov N.A., Aravidi A.V., Naumenko N.Ya., Suslakov B.A. Technology for evaluating the effectiveness of func