Study schedule. Calendar training schedule. Extramural studies

Educational activities in State University management is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher vocational education in the relevant areas of training (specialties) and is implemented in the forms of full-time, part-time (evening) and part-time education.

These forms of training differ in the volume of obligatory classroom lessons of the teacher with students, the amount of time allotted for independent work and the total period of study.

The term of study at the University for full-time bachelor's programs is 4 years, part-time - 5 years, part-time - 5 years.

Academic year full-time and part-time (evening) students starts September 1 and ends in accordance with the approved working curriculum of a specific direction of training (specialty). As a rule, the academic year is divided into two semesters: autumn (classes are held from September 1 to December 31) and spring (classes are held from February 7 to May 31), each of which ends test and examination session(from 3 to 24 January and from 1 to 30 June). From January 25th to February 6th - winter vacation, from July 1 to August 31 - summer holidays.

The duration of the test and examination sessions is set in such a way that at least 3 calendar days are allotted to prepare for exams in each discipline. The number of exams per session does not exceed 5, the number of credits does not exceed 6.

Organization educational process at the University is regulated curriculum, working annual curriculum, calendar schedule educational process for the academic year and the schedule of classes.

Curriculum defines more than forms educational work, but also the forms of control over its implementation for each academic discipline.


State University student is a person enrolled in the University for training in accordance with the Admission Rules and the procedure for enrolling in universities for full-time, part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study.

Training sessions

Training sessions at the University are held strictly according to the schedule approved by the rector. The duration of an academic hour is 45 minutes ("couple" - 1 hour 30 minutes) for all types of classroom studies. The break between classes is 10 minutes, during the school day there is a lunch break of 40 minutes. Classes for students full-time trainings start at different times, but between 8:15 am and 6:30 pm. Classes for full-time (evening) students begin at 18:30 and end at 21:45.

Auditory lessons

In classroom lessons - lectures, practical (seminar) classes, laboratory work ah - students receive basic information on the studied academic disciplines, consolidate knowledge and skills.

  • Leading view training sessions at the University are lectures, in which teachers give the main material of the discipline. In lectures, the educational material is presented systematically and the content of each subsequent lecture is closely related to the material of the previous one, based on the concepts, phenomena, laws that were already mentioned earlier. During the lecture, students usually keep notes (notes), which will further help in independent work.
  • Seminar classes conducted in an academic group in order to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in lectures and in the process independent work... The seminars test the degree of understanding and assimilation by students teaching material by discipline, and the most complex theoretical issues are carefully examined.
  • Appointment practical occupations is to teach students rational methods solving practical problems, to create their skills self-application theory. Practical classes are held in parallel with the study of theoretical material. In senior years, practical classes in major disciplines are usually conducted by analyzing situations in the form of business games.
  • Laboratory classes are one of the types practical training that link theory to practice. They are based on the main provisions of the theoretical course and are carried out in laboratories equipped with appropriate equipment.
  • Coursework Work (essay) represents research work, as a rule, on one topic being studied academic discipline.
  • Course project (Work) is a research work carried out on a set of topics of the studied academic discipline of the professional cycle.

Independent work

Independent work is a study lecture material, preparation for practical (seminar) classes, preparation of essays, reports, preparation for tests and exams, writing term papers(projects), participation in research work, as well as writing the final qualifying work (project).

Current and final control of knowledge

The educational process involves the following methods of control over the assimilation of knowledge: control Work, written testing, attestation, offset, exam (to be submitted in writing or orally).

The main form of attestation and testing of students' knowledge after the end of the academic semester is passing tests and exams. The order of their implementation is regulated.

  • Offsets, as a rule, serve as a form of verification of the successful implementation of laboratory work by students, course projects (work), mastering of educational material in practical and seminars, as well as a form of verification of the passage of educational and industrial practice and fulfillment in the process of practice of all training assignments.
  • Exams pursue the goal of assessing the student's work, the theoretical knowledge he received, the development of creative thinking, the acquisition of skills for independent work.
  • During the period of study at the University, the student must pass different kinds practice.

Practice is an integral part of the training of a modern specialist. Her task is to consolidate theoretical knowledge acquired by students during their studies at the University, and the acquisition of the necessary skills practical work by specialty.

In senior courses, students undergo practical training directly at enterprises, institutions or organizations whose work profile corresponds to the chosen specialty.

  • After completing the learning process and successfully passing exams and tests in all studied disciplines, final interdisciplinary exam on specialtiesstate exam.
  • On the final year for students of all forms of study organized undergraduate practice, the content of which is determined by the theme of the diploma project (work) approved by the order of the rector.
  • Graduation qualifying Work is an independent serious research (or scientific) work on a topic selected and approved in advance. When preparing the final work, the future specialist must demonstrate the breadth of fundamental knowledge combined with the depth of a professional approach to solving a specific problem.

Mode of training of students

Organization educational activities is governed by the curriculum, school calendar, school schedule, individual lessons at home, elective courses, individual lessons, extracurricular activities, circle work, the schedule of calls.

Duration school year.

  • The academic year begins on September 1st. If this day falls on a day off, then in this case the academic year begins on the first working day following it.
  • The duration of the academic year in the first grade is 33 weeks, in grades 2-4 and in grades 9.11 at least 34 weeks (excluding state certification), and in grades 5-8.10 at least 35 weeks
  • The duration of vacations during the school year is at least 30 calendar days, in the summer at least 8 weeks and is regulated annually by the school's calendar. For students of the 1st grade, additional weekly holidays are established in February.
  • The academic year in grades 1-9 is divided into four quarters, in grades 10-11 - into three terms.
  • Training sessions are organized in one shift.
  • Duration of the academic work week:

    5-day work week in grades 1-8;

    6-day working week in grades 9-11.

  • The educational weekly load is evenly distributed throughout the school week, while the volume of the maximum allowable load during the day should be:

For students of the 1st grade, it should not exceed 4 lessons and 1 day per week - no more than 5 lessons at the expense of a physical education lesson;

For students in grades 2-4 - no more than 5 lessons, and once a week 6 lessons at the expense of a physical education lesson with a 5-day school week;

For students in grades 5-6 - no more than 6 lessons;

For students in grades 7-11 - no more than 7 lessons.

  • Classes start at 8.30. Zero lessons are not allowed

Duration of the lesson.

For students in grades 2-11 - 45 minutes.

Grade 1 uses a "stepwise" learning mode:

In September, October - 3 lessons a day, 35 minutes each;

In November-December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each;

January - May - 4 lessons of 45 minutes each.

  • The duration of the breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, the big break (after 2, 3 lessons) - 20 minutes.
  • In the middle of the school day for grade 1, it is recommended to organize a dynamic pause of at least 30 minutes.
  • During the school day, no more than one test work is carried out. Test papers are held in lessons 2–4.
  • High-quality completion of Homework in all subjects requires the following investment of time (in astronomical hours):

In grades 2-3 - 1.5 hours,

In grades 4-5 - 2 hours,

In grades 6-8 - 2.5 hours,

In grades 9-11 - up to 3.5 hours.


Students are fed according to the order and the established schedule. The meals schedule for students is approved by the director annually.

Mode of interim and state (final) certification

  • Intermediate certification in the transfer grades 2-8, 10 is carried out in May of the current academic year without interrupting the educational process in accordance with the Charter of the school and the decision of the pedagogical council.
  • The timing of the state final certification of students is established by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, regional and municipal educational authorities ..
  • When conducting intermediate and state final certification, it is not allowed to conduct more than one exam per day. The break between examinations must be at least 2 days.

Start year of training: 2015

Full-time education

Direction 44.03.05 Teacher Education(with two training profiles). Direction (profile): Physical culture and additional education(sports training)

Extramural learning

Start year of training: 2016


Direction 44.03.01 Pedagogical education. Direction (profile): Physical culture

Start year of training: 2017

Start year of training: 2018

Start year of training: 2019

Master's degree

Start year of training: 2017


Direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education. Directivity ( Master Program): Theory of physical culture and technology of physical education

Start year of training: 2018


Direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education. Orientation (master's program): Sports theory and technology of sports training

Direction 44.04.02 Psychological and pedagogical education. Orientation (master's program): Management of the development of physical culture, sports and educational organizations sports orientation