"Politics requires people engaged in it, the great flexibility of the mind: it does not know the unchanging, once and forever these rules" (V. Kluchevsky) (EE state social science). Politics requires people dealing with her great mind flexibility; She does not know unchanged, once and

What is the policy? How are political relations in the country? What is the importance of politics in society? These and other questions reflect the French Military Affilitary Pierre Cogor in his statement. The saying I see that the policy exists and lives with us.

In my opinion, the author talks about the problem of the importance of politics in a person's life. The problem raised by the author is relevant, because it affects all the spheres of society and without policies, the country will not be able to develop adequately. It is the right chosen political tactic that is capable of improving not only the well-being of people, but also to improve the state of the military potential of the army of the country, therefore the author is definitely right.

So what is the policy and what value does it have in the country? To understand this, we turn to the theoretical substantiation of this problem. Politics is the art of managing society with power. Power is the ability and ability to influence, manage and influence people by imposing their will.

Policy has an impact on people through political organizations, parties, a batch apparatus. Political ideology I. political parties Directed on the organization of life. Political relationships are the links and interaction of people, about the implementation of political power, management and regulation of the political interests of people. As a result of political relations, knowledge, ideas, experiences are accumulated. I believe that in the present times, life without politics is possible, because the power helps to meet the needs of a person, protects it and provides an opportunity to develop its abilities.

Looking through news reports, I came across the message of the President of the Russian Federation, where V.V.

Putin announced a budget policy that will be held in the country in the near future. The main task of the budget policy is to support economic growth, in which the share of expenditures for education, science, infrastructure, improving social sectors will increase, will also be stimulated by entrepreneurial activity and private investment.

I would like to give an example from geography. I learned about this case from my teacher. In China, more than 30 years have operated the birth restriction policy, which created many serious social problems. However, when officials weakened this policy, in order to ensure the fertility in the country changes did not occur. The Chinese substantiated this fact that in the country it is not for the pocket to grow a second child. The country is poorly conducted by the policy of a centralized pension system, young parents do not receive income and compensation for the maintenance of two or more children.

In conclusion, I come to the conclusion that the situation in the country depends on the policy pursued in it.

Essay Essays for Social Science for EGE

Esse samples

"The child at the moment of birth is not a person, but only a human candidate" (A.Pieron).

It should be understood what sense A. Pieron invested in the concept of a person. At the moment of birth, the child is already a man. He is a representative of a special biological species of Homo Sapiens, which has inherent specific features of this biological species: a large brain, strain, chain-handed hands, etc. At the moment of birth, the child can be called an individual - a specific representative of the human race. From birth, it is endowed with individual features and properties inherent in him: the color of the eyes, the shape and structure of the body, drawing its palm. This is already possible to determine as an individuality. Why then the author of the statement calls the child only by a human candidate? Apparently, the author meant the concept of "personality". After all, a person is a biosocial being. If the biological features are given from birth, then the social it acquires only in society to itself. And it happens in the process of socialization, when the child absorbs with the help of upbringing and self-education of the value of a particular society. Gradually, it turns into a person, i.e. becomes subject to conscious activity and has a set of socially meaningful damnrequested and useful in society. It was then that can be fully called a man. How can this assumption be confirmed? For example, on March 20, 1809 in the villagers in the family of the landowner, Vasily Gogol - Yanovsky, a son was born, ceremony named after Nikolai. It was one of the landlord sons born on this day, nicolai, i.e. individual. If he died on his birthday, it would remain in the memory of his loved ones as an individual. The newborn was distinguished by signs characteristic only for it (growth, hair color, eye, body structure, etc.). According to the testimony of people who knew Gogol from birth, he was thin and weak. Later, he had features associated with mature, an individual style of life, "he began to read early, he wrote poems from 5 years, diligently studied in the gymnasium, became the writer, whose work was followed by all Russia. It showed bright individuality, i.e. Those features and properties, signs that distinguished exactly Gogol. Apparently, it was this meaning that A. Pieron put into his statement, and I fully agree with him. Appearing for light, a person must do a long, thorny way to leave a trace in society so that the descendants with pride say: "Yes, this person can be called great: they are proud of our people."

"The idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom is associated with the true essence of man" (K.Jaspers)

What is freedom? Independence OT strong Mira This, which can give money and glory? Lack of lattice or scorching? Freedom to think, write, create without regard to generally accepted canons and tastes of the public? You can only answer this question, trying to figure out what a person is. But the trouble! Each culture, each era, each philosophical school gives its answer to this question. Each response is not only the level of a scientist who has comprehended the laws of the Universe, the wisdom of the thinker who penetrated the Secrets of Genesis, kings a politician or fantasy of the artist, but also a certain life position is always hidden, a very practical attitude towards peace. And yet. Of all the diverse, contradictory ideas about a person, one general conclusion follows: a person is not free. It depends on anything: from the will of God or gods, from the laws of space, the location of stars and shining, from nature, society, but not from himself. But the meaning of expressions to Jaspers, in my opinion, is that a person does not think freedom and happiness without preserving his personality, his unique, unique "I". He does not want to "become all", but "wants to be an albeit of the universe", as the author of the famous "Mowgli" wrote R. Kipling. There can be no man happy and free to reveal his personality, refusal from their individuality. Truly indestructible in man, the desire for the creation of the world and himself, to the opening of a new one, to no one unknown, even if it is achieved by the price of his own life. Become a free - not easy task. It requires a man of the maximum tension of all spiritual forces, deeply thought about the fate of the world, people, about their own life; critical attitude to what happens around and to itself; Search for the ideal. The search for the meaning of freedom continues sometimes all his life and are accompanied by internal struggle and conflicts with others. This is exactly the free Will of Man, since from a variety of life circumstances, options, he himself has to choose, which preferred, and what to reject, how to do in one way or another. And the more difficult the world, the more dramatic life, the more efforts it is required from a person to determine its position, to make one or another choice. So, K.Jaspers turned out to be right, considering the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom to the true essence of man. Freedom is a necessary condition for its activities. Freedom can not be "to give", because there is a heavy burden of free freedom or turns around to arbitrarily. Freedom conquered in the fight against evil, vices and injustice in the name of the approval of good, light, truth and beauty, can make every person free

"Science is ruthless. She disseminately refutes her beloved and familiar misconceptions. "(N.V. Karlov)

It is quite possible to agree with this statement. After all, the main goal of scientific knowledge is the desire for objectivity, i.e. To the study of the world, what it is outside and regardless of man. The result obtained should not depend on private opinions, addictions, authorities. On the way to finding objective truth, a person passes through relative truths and delusion. There are a lot of examples. Once people were quite sure that the earth has a disk form. But centuries passed, and the journey Fernando Magelana refuted this delusion. People learned that the earth is shaped the ball. The geocentric system that existed the millennium was the delusion. The opening of Copernicus was debunking this myth. The heliocentric system created by him explained to people that all the planets of our system rotate around the Sun. The Catholic Church more than two hundred years forbade to recognize this truth, but in this case, science, indeed, was ruthless to the delusions of people. Thus, on the way to absolute truth, which is final and will not change over time, science passes through the stage of relative truths. Initially, these relative truths seem to be final, but it takes time and with the emergence of new opportunities in a person in the study of a particular area, absolute truth appears. It refutes earlier knowledge of knowledge, forcing people to reconsider their former views and discoveries

"Progress indicates only the direction of movement, and it is indifferent to him, which expects at the end of this path - good or evil" (J. Hasing).

It is known that progress is the movement of society from a simple to complex, from the lowest to the highest. But the long history of mankind proves that movement forward in one area leads to a rollback back to another. For example, the replacement of the boom with firearms, a flint rifle - automatically indicates the development of equipment and related knowledge, science. The ability to kill the mass of people fatal nuclear weapon Also unconditional evidence of the development of science and technology highest level. But is it possible to call all this progress? And therefore, everything that manifested itself in history as something positive, you can always oppose as something negative, and a very many positive in one aspect, we can say as negative in the other. So what is the meaning of history? What is the direction of her movement? What is progress? Answer these questions is far from easy. The abstract concept of progress itself, when trying to apply it to an assessment of certain events specifically - historically, will certainly contain in-free contradiction. In this contradiction, there is drama history. Is he inevitable? And the fact is that the main acting person This historic drama is the man's evil itself as if inevitable, because the man sometimes receives as a result, what he did not seek at all that it was not his goal. And the case objectively lies in the fact that the practice is always richer, always surpasses the level of knowledge achieved, which generates human capabilities in other conditions to use the achieved effect. Evil, therefore, as a shadow, pursues good. Apparently it meant the author of this statement. But I would like to continue the reasoning and call people, especially scientists, think about our future discoveries. After all, to determine the true progressive, there is a concept developed by the entire history of mankind. The word "Humanism", it denotes both the specific properties of human nature and the assessment of these properties as the highest start of social life. Progressively, which is combined with humanism, and not just combined, but contributes to its elevation.

"The revolution is a transition from inappropriate to truth, from lies to the truth, from oppressing to justice, from deception and suffering to straight honesty and happiness"

(Robert Owen)

The revolution is often referred to as a public explosion, which is why, in my opinion, the revolution does not solve all the problems that arose in life.

In the historical past of Russia, the most significant revolution in October 1917 was. The most important result was the beginning of the construction of communism, which meant a radical change in the life of the whole country. And if this is the truth, justice and honesty, which Owen says, then why now Russia is trying to join the Western model of development and does everything to become a capitalist country in full sense of this word? And this is despite the fact that soviet time Russia achieved a lot: she became a superpower, first carried out a flight of a person in space, won in World War II. It turns out that the revolution did not lead our country to the truth. Moreover, by the end of 1991, Russia was on the verge of an economic catastrophe and hunger.

Do I need to talk about social revolutionsif even during the scientific and technical revolution in modern world There are many questions. Among them, I. ecological problems, and the growth of unemployment, and terrorism.

On the one hand, during the HTR, health care is improved, the most hopeless patients are saved from death, and on the other hand, weapons of mass lesion are produced, including bacteriological. Funds mass media Millions of events occurring in all corners of the planet, informing, forming people, but at the same time, the media act as a manipulator with human consciousness, will, mind.

There are still many examples of revolutions, but the conclusion will remain unambiguous: the revolution is a multilateral and controversial process, during which the solved problems are replaced by others, often even more complex and confusing.

Religion is a reason justified wisdom

I fully agree with this statement and I want to prove the truth of this saying on the example famous booksthat contain such wisdom to which humanity will always handle.

New Testament. He is already 2 thousand years old. He made an unprecedented, unprecedented excitement of hearts and minds, not soothing and donne. And all this is because it contains wisdom that is taught by humanity of kindness, humanism, morality. In this book, written simply and without any embellishment, the greatest mystery is captured - the mystery of human salvation. People remain only to fulfill these great wisdom: do not kill, do not steal, do not be offended, read your parents. Is it bad wisdom? And when people forget to perform these wisdom, misfortunes are waiting for them. In our country during the years soviet power People left this book. All this led to the destruction of the spirituality of society, which means to beless. And even the Communists, making their law - the Moral Code of the Communist, took the moral principles as the moral principles contained in the Bible. Only contradicted them into another form. This proves that the wisdom of this book is eternal.

Koran. it main book Muslims. What does she call for? Special attention is paid to the nobility, which, in turn, implies respect for parents. The Quran teaches Muslims to be firm in the Word, mandatory in affairs and actions. It makes such low-lying human qualities, like a lie, hypocrisy, cruelty, pride. Is it bad wisdom? They are reasonable.

The above examples prove the correctness of the present statement. All global religions contain such wisdom that instruct people only for good actions. Show people the path at the end of the tunnel.

Science reduces us experiences of rapidly current life.

It is impossible to disagree with this statement. After all, with the advent of science, human progress began to accelerate, and the pace of human society accelerates every day. All this is due to science. Until her appearance, humanity slowly slowly moved along the path of progress. Millions of years have appeared a wheel, but only thanks to scientists who invented the engines, this wheel was able to move at a higher speed. The life of mankind accelerated sharply.

Humanity thousands of years had to look for answers to many, it would seem unresolved, questions. This was done by science: the discovery of new types of energy, treatment of complex diseases, the conquest of outer space ... with the beginning of the scientific and technical revolution in the 50s and 19th century, the development of science became the main condition for the existence of human society. Time requires a quick solution global problemsFrom which the preservation of life on Earth will depend on.

Science now came to each our home. It serves people, really reducing the experiments of a quickly current life: instead of washing on their hands - an automatic washing machine, instead of a sex rag - washing vacuum cleaner, instead of a typewriter - a computer. And what to say about the means of communication that our earth So small: in one minute you can get a message from places located at different ends of the world. The plane delivers us a few hours in the most distant corners of our planet. But some hundred years ago it took for many days and even months. This is the meaning of this statement.

The political fortress is solid then and only if it is based on the power of moral.

Of course, the statement is correct. Indeed, the politician must act, relying on the laws of morality. But for some reason, the word "power" in many are associated with the opposite opinion. This in the history there are many confirmation examples, ranging from the ancient Roman tyrants (for example, Nero) to Hitler and Stalin. Yes, and modern rulers do not shine examples of morality.

What is the matter? Why deep moral norms, such as honesty, conscience, commitment, the truthfulness do not fit into political power?

Apparently, much is connected with the nature of power itself. When a person is committed to power, he promises people to improve their lives, guidance, the establishment of fair laws. But as soon as it turns out to be at the helm of power, the situation changes dramatically. Many promises are gradually forgotten. Yes, and the politician itself becomes another. He lives by other standards, he has new views. Those he promised, are increasingly moving away from him. And there are other, which are always ready to be at the right moment: advise, tell. But they are no longer in the interests of society, but in their mercenary interests. As they speak in the people, the power spoils man. Perhaps this is so. Or maybe there are other reasons? Coming to power, politician understands that he is unable to cope with the cargo of the problems facing the state: corruption, a shadow economy, organized crime. In such difficult conditions, a retreat of moral principles occurs. You have to act hard. It seems to me that it is better to rephrase this statement like this: "The political fortress is solid then and only when it is based on the strength of the law." For politics it is most reasonable. Only here the laws should also be moral ....

This statement of the famous Russian public figure of the beginning of the 20th century, "Father of Russian Marxism," refers to the topic of political participation. In the political life of the country in one way or another, all citizens are involved, someone to more someone in a smaller. Political participation - human activity, in order to influence politics conducted by the state. It is divided into random, part-time and professional. The statement refers to people involved in politics professionally.

The meaning of the quotes chosen by me is that the state management is a complex occupation, because The state aims to ensure the welfare of every citizen, and their millions. Therefore, politician should be able to think and in the interests of the state as a whole, and each individual personality. In politics, indeed, there are no clear and regulated rules of action, every action of the state is a response to the processes occurring in society. Even well-thought-out policies will be modified under the influence of society, because society is a dynamic self-developing system. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that only philosophers can be politicians, the most wise peoplewhich will be able to analyze the situation that has arisen and find a solution. Policies not aimed at the needs of the people, limiting only flirting with the masses, is called politics. It undoubtedly leads to the degradation of the political life of society. An example of a thoughtful policy can serve the Molotov Ribbentrop Covenant, signed before the Great Patriotic War and allowing the USSR at least to prepare a little for the upcoming meeting with the enemy, although Germany was not an ally before Soviet Union. Also, and now the relations between Russia and the United States are at the peak, they enter the dead end due to various misunderstandings (take, for example, the act of Magnitsky). All this solve the political elites of countries, acting in the interests of their state.

Thus, people who are in political power, ideally, must be educated, erudite and clearly understanding that it is necessary to citizens of the country, it is then that the state's policy will become truly effective leading to the prosperity of the nation.

Creative approach and ability to present thoughts in your own words requires writing an essay on a free topic in the form of reasoning.Use materials, textbooks, books and try to express your opinion, your judgment and vision of a given topic, but do not copy the text, try to write an writing in your own words.

"Politics and power"

One day GV Plekhanov (Russian politician, philosopher) said: "Politics requires people engaged in her, great mind flexibility; She does not know unchanged, once and forever these rules ... "What did he mean by that? Probably what is just not enough for a politician. I agree that it is necessary to have the speed of the reaction (the flexibility of mind), but there are no less important qualities that are necessary in politics. For example: authority, respect for people, integrity, restraint, courage, readiness for risk, ability to understand people. All this leads to power. So, power - the most important element public organization. It allows you to force if necessary large masses People to perform certain tasks and solutions. Therefore, in society there is a struggle for power and its use for conducting a particular policy. As the Roman politician noted, Peneck's philosopher: "There is a short-lived power that manages to the harm to the people." This can be decrypted this: if people seem something inappropriate or uncomfortable (not right), then they will rebel. And the power that against people will certainly do not last long. There were many governments in history, whose policies responded to the interests of the minority and suffered the right of most people. Therefore, political disputes arise, discussions. From the decision in the politics of many questions, it depends worse or the people will live in the future. It is very important!Politics plays a big role in the development of society. From what policy a state is conducting, the government depends on a lot!

Belskaya Alina, student of the 9th grade, MOU May Day School number 5

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"Politics requires people dealing with her, great mind flexibility: it does not know the unchanged, once and always these rules ...".


"... politics is undoubtedly the same dynamic process, how dynamically in its development itself, which is held in historical development Stages of growth, decline, reforms, transformations, etc. In fact, the policy is the process of managing the state, the need for which arises precisely because society itself is quite differentiated and contains a large number social groupspursuing their interests. If you look into the structure of political processes, we will find that, in fact, their actualization occurs at the time when these interests are made to a public discussion and are to activate the activities of these social groups.
Why is the "flexibility" when making political decisions is a basic defining effective policy? Thinking about this thought, I remember the ideas of the Italian thinker Nikolo Makiavelli about what to achieve best result, politician briefly be bored in his rule to lagging, deception, trophy, treachery, i.e. To demonstrate the qualities of "foxes", no rough strength, moving into cruelty, tyranny like "Lero". Here we addresses another aspect of politics - the possibility and / or not the possibility of its support on moral and moral and ethical standards.
In relation to our question, the system of the Republican form of the Board is served as an example. Ancient Greece And Rome, when dictatorship was prescribed in wars and heavy cataclysms in the country, and with a decrease in threats, the country "returned" in the direction of democracy.
In conclusion, I note that the relevance in more flexible politicians today is the more increasing, the more in our russian society There is a large focus of a variety of ideological movements of those who are seeking to power, and the harmonization of these relations is key in matters of stabilization of the social system. "

Historian V. Klyuchevsky in his statement raises the problem of necessity professional Qualities For representatives of political power. This problem is indeed relevant, since the internal and external position of the state depends on the activities of politicians, and therefore well-being of citizens of this state.

I agree with the opinion famous historian. Lining political relations requires certain qualities, the readiness of the policy to make complex important political decisions. Policies - incredibly unpredictable activities especially in modern time. Events are happening daily, then the distant states from each other, or something happens inside the state and policies are obliged to make a decision immediately.

Consider a statement from different aspects.

On the one hand, political relationship is in constant dynamics and to work out some kind of universal solution is quite difficult. It is even impossible. On the other hand, there are enough examples in the history when the experience of solving one political problem helped the resolution of another political situation.

Let us turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement. Political power is the right, the ability and opportunity to defend and implement certain political ViewsInstallation and objectives. Political power has certain signs. First, it has the opportunity to use a wide variety of means of influence on the people and political situations.

Secondly, only she belongs to the right to use power in the country's passages. In terms of its purpose, the power is classified on legislative, executive and judicial. To solve various political difficulties, policies must be determined to determine which branch the authorities need to be referred to in this situation, and perhaps to use them in aggregate. Political power performs certain functions. Management of state and society affairs at different levels, management authorities, organization of political life, political relations, creating certain characteristic shapes Board and type of political system.

Turn to examples from history. In the history of Russia in the second half of the 18th century there were two wars with Ottoman Empire They both ended with the victory, but received this victory absolutely differently. Catherine II, Petr Rumyantsev, Polkovod, A.V. Suvorov and other politicians of that time had a flexible mind able to perfectly navigate in situations. It was this quality that helped a number of victories in the Balkan question.

Another example can be brought caribbean crisis 1962 Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev and J. Kennedy were the first to be in the situation when the world stood on the verge nuclear war. To a greater extent, the analytical ability of politicians influenced the peaceful resolution of the Caribbean crisis.

In conclusion, it must be said that effectiveness, quality, literacy of political actions, decisions depends on the ability of representatives of political power to think multifaceted, diplomatic, scrolling all possible solutions in the head. Whenever when it comes to the need.

Updated: 2018-03-26

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