Brilliant mathematician Grigory Perelman went to Sweden. Tale of Mathematics Gregory Perelman, who decided one of the seven Millennium Tasks Grigory Perelman where he lives now

June 13, 1966 was born outstanding russian mathematician Grigory Yakovlevich Perelman, who proved Poincare's hypothesis ( became the first of solved millennium problems). In the 90s, he raised the entire world scientific community to her works on mathematics, physics and geometry, but the world-famous Poincan made precisely the proof of Poincaré hypothesis and the refusal of money remuneration for their works.

In the life of a brilliant mathematics there were a lot of bright and memorable moments, which caused rapid discussions in all corners of the planet. In honor of his birthday, our edition decided to highlight some of them.

  • Proving "Poincare's hypothesis" and making many other contributions to science, Perelman is absolutely not interested in glory, recognition and related financial well-being. It is still considered one of the least public figures of domestic science. At the same time, he is the only one in the Russian academic society who entered the top ten world geniuses living now.
  • When a member of the Nam's Committee in Stanford University asked C. V. (Summary) and recommendatory letters, Perelman was opposed: "If they know my work, they do not need my C. V. If they need my C. V., they do not know my work."
  • Gregory Perelman once admitted that he knew how to manage the universe, and therefore "does not see the point of running over a million."

  • In one of his works, Grigory Perelman not without humor modestly indicates that it was partially funded at the expense of personal savings saved during his visits to the Kurantov Institute of Mathematical Sciences, the University of New York (SUNY) and the University of California in Berkeley, and thanks the organizers of these trips. At the same time, the official mathematical community has highlighted millions of grants for individual research groups in order to understand and check the works of Perelman.
  • Once in Nikolaev on Soviet Street in political advertising used photograph of Gregory Perelman for the image of a pensioner with the text: "And my retirement was raised by 7 hryvnia! October 31 I voted Zareganoals or for Tigipko. "

  • At the end of the secondary school, Perelman did not receive gold medal Only because he did not pass the norms of the GTO. How can a school gold medal with, for example, a premium of the European Mathematical Society of Young Mathematics? Or offer to become academician RAS? However, Gregory and it was indifferent. He was interested in only those things as they concerned the science itself.
  • All interviews, ever data from Gregory Perelman, cause some doubts in authenticity. Experts lead references to errors, including the mathematical, which real Pererelman could never allow many interviews that can be found in the press. However, the refutation of the mathematics itself was not received.
  • After laying out the decision of one of the seven "Millennium Problems" in the network in 2002, he limited himself only to a general mathematical reasoning in the formula formulas on three pages, without detailed computing. I did not "chew out his proof of Perelman and after the offer of awards a few years later. He even said to be silent when his Chinese colleagues led by the Chinese-American mathematician Yau Shinatun "worn" his proof in detail, forgetting at the same time to mention Perelman as the author of the evidence itself. After a thorough check, the global scientific community recognized its work flawless.

  • In 2006, Perelman refused to the Fields medal - analogue Nobel Prize For mathematicians.
  • Gregory Perelman lives by the recovery along with mom in the usual panel high-rise building on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Without mathematics, it is not interested in anything other than mathematics, contacts with the outside world minimizes and with the press categorically not communicating.

The eighth grader Grigory Perelman (the third right) and Sergey Kgorushan (the third left) - members of the Leningrad national team at the All-Union Olympiad in mathematics (1980)

In general, the biography of mathematics is quite non-standard and unusual for a brilliant person with unusual views, due to this, great attention is attracted not only to his achievements, but also a person.

Rumors about resettlement Grigoria Perelman in Sweden were "highly exaggerated." This was told in an interview, which gave "arguments and facts. SPb ", on the occasion of the 50th anniversary (June 2016) of his ex-student, Grigory Kratshin, school teacher And a friend of genius mathematics. A. A.

Return to Petersburg. Why Gregory Perelman returned to his homeland

Elena Danilevich

Today, the anniversary of Grigory Perelman - St. Petersburg mathematician, who has proven to Poincare's hypothesis in 2006 in 2006. Over this "Millennium task" fought scientists around the world, but only our Grigory Perelman could decide to decide.

SPB.AIF.RU recalls the path of genius and also publishes an exclusive interview with Sergey Romanish, a well-deserved teacher of the Russian Federation, a teacher, "opening" Perelman. He taught Grigory from the fifth grade until the end of the Legendary 239th Fizmat of the School and was the first to see rare abilities to the exact sciences in adolescence.

Brilliant opening - all

Recall: His amazing discovery of Gregory Perelman made in 2006. And he entered more than unusual. I did not keep evidence in the secret, although I knew perfectly well that the competition was high, and the "task of the century" are actively engaged in the Chinese. And in 2002, it introduced thirty-nine pages of an article on a specialized site, where mathematics lay out their materials waiting for publications. That is, as if he was passing the results of the most difficult work on the Internet.

When the "sketch" of Perelman appeared in open access, it immediately became clear that it was a world-class sensation. Nevertheless, his work has been checked by world-class experts for four years. In 2006, they confirmed: Grigory Perelman proved a hypothesis over which the best minds beat exactly a hundred years.

It would seem, after such a triumph, you can safely rest on the laurels, swim in the rays of glory and work in your pleasure. Moreover, the doors of the world's leading institutions were opened before Gregory, the mega-grants and the most advanced laboratories were offered. And for the decision of the Poincaré hypothesis Mathematical Institute The glue (USA) awarded the genius of a prize of one million dollars.

But he did everything up to the opposite. Sached from work in the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute. Steklov, he burned out scientific World And he stated that he was no more interesting to engage in mathematics. And in June 2010, a million dollars at a conference in Paris, where he was waiting until the last minute, did not come either. The laureate chair remained empty. As a result, the whole amount was sent to support young researchers. By the way, this is one of the explanations of the time why in 2006th Petersbourger did not wait in Madrid at the receipt of the Fields medal (the level of Nobel recognition) and the 7 thousand dollars attached to it "if I proved to discuss?" - Such is the logic of Perelman.

"Perelman to re-educate late!"

On the eve of the anniversary of the "brilliant hermit" we talked with Sergey Kukhyshin, his teacher and a friend with whom Perelman sign for over 35 years.

Elena Danilevich : - Sergey Evgenievich, are you going to congratulate your talented student today?

Sergey Khushin: - Be sure! I never call Gregory early in order not to disturb his mom once again. By the way, it's good that she will be the first to come to the phone. First, you can always talk in detail in detail, but with Grisha - not very ... Secondly, I want to tell her a lot of good, warm words, because, above all, it is her holiday. And it is not known how the fate of Grisha would have arisen if Mom did not write it to the mathematical center for gifted children with the city Palace of Pioneers.

- Will you call in Petersburg or Sweden? It is known that a couple of years ago, Gregory Yakovlevich went to this country and, perhaps, is there now?

No, Grisha today in St. Petersburg and lives still in his apartment in Kupchino. In Sweden, he really left with her mother, but, first of all, to visit the sister and nephews. His native sister Elena has long been living in the suburb of Stockholm. There are two sons, by the way, I do not exclude that during this time there was a replenishment in the family. I wrote a lot that Grigory worked abroad, but it is not. At the very least, he has not been listed anywhere.

- What do you think, why did the Perelman stayed at the sister? Still, the most native people, now the crisis, together it would be easier. Yes, and the standard of living in Sweden for all standards is high.

I don't know exact reasons for the return, but I suppose everything is simple. Elena and her spouse - scientists. She is a mathematician, her husband is a biologist. And they work on temporary, not permanent positions. Having an apartment in a high-rise building. Life in Sweden is not from cheap even for citizens of the country, but if we provide two more adults, expenses increase. At the same time, keep in mind that Labovna love suffers from eye disease. It needs good medicines, diet, special care. All this needs funds. I do not think that the sisters had high incomes that allow such a board. So why make it difficult to close? And at home and walls help. In addition, our free medicine copes well with age-related eye diseases, which is important for love Labovna.

Goes to concerts in philharmonic

- But in St. Petersburg, Gregory does not work anywhere, what funds family live on?

Obviously, one of the sources is the mother's pension. I, and others who know his people closely, were offered help, including material, but he constantly refused. Gregory's money has always been extremely scrupulous. Understand, he is entitled to do what he wants. And lead the way of life, which considers it necessary. Today around his being a lot of fantasies. So absolute fiction, the story of the filming of the Grigory in Hollywood, the revelation of the producer, who allegedly almost concluded a contract with him. Yes, and I am surprised in the press my interviews, which never gave. What Grisha is invariably faithful, so this is love for classical music. He never refused himself the pleasure of listening to her and recently, for example, visited the concert in the Small Hall of Philharmonic.

- I know that, despite the pickup, they are trying to support relations and former classmates, pupils of your mathematical center. And today they will probably congratulate him on him too?

The number will come, it's for sure, but will the addressee answer them - a big question. The griste's character is not easy, with a sharp understanding of how the relationship should be developed, especially if we are talking about achievements in the scientific community. Grisha is incredibly decent. And to someone such maximalism may seem clearly not to taste. Therefore, he will remove the tube - they will congratulate, no - they will not actively break through. But it does not mean anything. He has such a position and re-educate it too late. Unfortunately, he abandoned mathematics and convince him in the opposite difficult. Although I think he is wrong. After all, his achievements are the merit and St. Petersburg Mathematical School, which prepared it and raised. And in science there is still a lot to do.

After graduation, without examinations, he was credited to the Mathematical and Mechanical Faculty of Leningrad State University (now St. Petersburg state University). In the student years, Perelman repeatedly defeated on mathematical Olympiads. After graduating with honors from the University, he entered the graduate school under the Leningrad branch of the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov (since 1992 - St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute).

In 1990 he defended phD dissertation And was left at the Institute as a senior researcher.

In 1992, the scientist received an invitation to read a course of lectures at the University of New York and the University of Stoni Brooke, and then worked for some time at the University of Berkeley (USA). Being in the USA, Perelman worked as a researcher in American universities.
In 1996, he returned to St. Petersburg, where he worked at the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute until December 2005.

In the period from November 2002 to July 2003, Perelman wrote three articles in which the decision of one of the special cases of the hypothesis of Geometrization of William Treston, which follows the justice of Poincaré hypothesis. The method described by the Pererelman, the study of the Ricci flow received the name of the theory of Hamilton-Perelman, since the American mathematician Richard Hamilton began to study him first.

Poincaré hypothesis was formulated by the French mathematician Henri Poincare in 1904, it is central problem topology, science about geometric properties bodies that do not change when the body is drawn up, twisted or compressed. Poincaré Theorem was considered one of the insoluble mathematical problems.

The mathematician is known for the fact that it is categorically and advocated publicly.

According to media reports, in 2014 Gregory Perelman received a Swedish visa for a period of 10 years and moved to Sweden, where the local private firm engaged in scientific developments, offered him a highly paid job. However, it was later reported that he lives in St. Petersburg, and in Sweden happens as necessary.

In 2011, Gregory Perelman was published about the life and actions of the Russian scientist.

Private bussiness

Grigory Yakovlevich Perelman (51 years) Born in Leningrad. His father was an electrician engineer, a mother - a teacher of mathematics in PTU. When Gregory Perelman's father got the opportunity to leave for permanent residence in Israel, the mother refused to go with him and stayed with Grigory and her senior daughter in Leningrad. Study at school, Grigory Perelman was engaged in the mathematical circle of the city Palace of Pioneers and successfully participated in school mathematical Olympiads. In 1982, the International Mathematical Olympiad in Budapest Perelman was awarded a gold medal, having received the maximum possible score for solutions to each of the proposed seven tasks. After graduating from the 239th Physical and Mathematical School, Grigori Perelman was recorded without examinations to the Mathematics and Mechanical Faculty of Leningrad State University.

After graduating from the University, Perelman studied in graduate school of the Leningrad branch of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov, defended his thesis and began to work as a senior researcher at this institution. In early 1990, a few years worked in the United States, in the Kurant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, the University of New York in Stone Brooke and the University of California in Berkeley. Then returned to the Mathematical Institute named after Steklov. In 2002 - 2003, three articles on the proof of the problem of Poincare, who immediately attracted the attention of scientists at the site of preprints. Perelman was invited to a number of US universities, where he made reports about his works. In 2006, the proof of Perelman was recognized correct. In December 2005, Grigory Perelman quit the leading scientist of the laboratory mathematical physics And announced that she stops classes in science.

After that, a closed lifestyle was led by ignoring the press. He lived in St. Petersburg in Kupchino together with his mother on her retire and savings remaining from foreign trips. To the department of the Mathematical Institute. Steklov, from where the author of the evidence of the hypothesis of Poincare was fired, the mail is still coming to his name, but Perelman said that she would not pick it up: "Personed with science."

In September 2011 it became known that mathematician refused to accept the offer to become a member Russian Academy science

In 2014, Grigory Perelman received a Swedish visa for a period of 10 years. In Stockholm, a native sister of the scientist Elena lives for a long time. Later it was reported that he moved to live in Sweden, where the local private firm engaged in scientific developers offered him a highly paid job.

Than famous

The greatest fame of Gregory Perelmanu brought the proof of Poincaré hypothesis, one of the famous tasks in the field of mathematical topology. The hypothesis was formulated by an outstanding French mathematician Henri Poincare back in 1904. It is associated with the concept of homeomorphism - the ability to change the form of an object with the help of continuous transformation, but so that it does not lose its topological properties. For example, a bagel and a cup with a handle of the homeomorphic: if we imagine a bagel from plasticine, then from it, without making breaks, you can cut out a cup. The assumption of Poincare concerned one-connected surfaces, that is, such on which a closed curve can be conducted, which would not share them. In the general form, Poincare hypothesis sounds like this: "Any single-connected three-dimensional surface of a homeomorphic three-dimensional sphere." It should be remembered that the three-dimensional surfaces belong to the four-dimensional space, so, the three-dimensional sphere is the surface of the four-dimensional ball.

For individual special cases, Poincaré himself managed to prove the hypothesis. Then other mathematicians worked on it. One of the proofs in the 1930s proposed an outstanding English mathematician Henry Whitehead, but it turned out to be erroneous, but thanks to Himhead became the founder of the new section of the topology - topology of small dimensions. The work of Whitehead stimulated the interest of scientists to Poincare's hypothesis. In the 60-70s, the hypothesis was proved for surfaces with the number of measurements with a large or equal to five. In 1982, Michael Friedman proved it for four-dimensional surfaces. But the general proof was not amenable to mathematicians. Although several works were published, the authors of which believed that they had succeeded, errors were detected in their evidence.

In 2000, the Mathematical Institute of Clai included proof of Poincaré's hypothesis in the number of Millennium's "Millennium Problems", for the decision of any of whom was promised to one million dollars award. At that moment, experts understood that the existing methods of evidence would not be able to obtain and for success it is necessary to apply fundamentally new approaches.

Gregory Perelman used in his work the idea of \u200b\u200bRichard Hamilton, which bind topological problems with systems differential equations In private derivatives known as the "Ricci flows". Perelman also proved a more general approval of the properties of three-dimensional surfaces - the hypothesis of the geometrization of the treston. In 2006, Science magazine called the proof of Poincaré hypothesis by the scientific "breakthrough of the year." The popular presentation of the essence of the works of Grigory Perelman can be found in the text of the lecture "Grisha Perelman, Apple and Bublik", read by the Senior Researcher, St. Petersburg Branch of the Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Dazhin, as part of the project "Public Lectures" project.

What you need to know

Grigory Perelman

Proof of Poincaré hypothesis brought world recognition to Poincan. In 2006, he became the "Medal Fields Medal" laureate, in 2010, the Institute of Clai confirmed the award to Perelman Prize for the decision of one of the Millennium Problems. However, mathematician refused to take these awards. In the future, Perelman stopped scientific activities and refused to communicate with the press.

Another loud story was associated with an attempt by a group of Chinese mathematicians to declare that they had completed a more complete proof of Poincaré's hypothesis, whereas proof of Perelman, according to them, was incomplete. Zhu Sipin and Cao Huaidun from the University of Likhai was among the three independent groups of scientists who tested the proof of Perelman, headed this group a prominent Sino-American mathematician Yau Shintan. In 2006, the article of Silvia Nazar and David Druzer "Manifold Destiny" came out in the New Yorker magazine, about the history of proof of Poincaré hypothesis. In it, Yau Shintan was accused of repeated violations of scientific ethics. In response, the Chinese mathematician accused the authors of the article in slander. The editors of the magazine supported the authors, declaring that the facts set forth in the article were carefully tested, and the position of the position of Zhintan was given a sufficient place.

Direct speech

Gregory Perelman about his refusal of the award: "I refused. You know, I had a lot of reasons both in the other way. So I solved so long. If we talk quite short, then the main reason is disagreement with an organized mathematical community. I do not like their decisions, I consider them unfair. I believe that the contribution to the solution of this task of the American Mathematics Hamilton is no less than mine. "

Sergey Khushin about his student:"Grisha began working a lot in the ninth grade, and he had a very valuable quality for mathematics class: the ability to a very long concentration of attention without much success within the task. Still, a person needs a psychological feeding, psychological success is needed to deal with something further. In fact, Poincaré hypothesis is almost nine years without knowing the task, the task will be solved or will not be solved. You see, there were even impossible partial results. The theorem has not proven in full - sometimes it is even possible to publish a twenty-walled article, according to the fact that it turned out. And there - or pan, or disappeared. Or a hypothesis of Poincare is proved, or there is no ... partial results and a lot was obtained before it. This is such a long-term concentration of attention without hope for success - this is a wonderful quality of Perelman! "

Sergey Kgorushch about the causes of Perelman's departure from science:"The first factor is a long and very strong overstrain of the brain and nervous systemit was not easy. The second is the conflict with the mathematical community. Grisha is very rigoric. He is a Rigorist, his moral requirements are overestimated. Well, for example, he quarreled with my other student, Anton Petrunin, with whom they were engaged in joint scientific work, and stopped communicating with Petrunin, unexploded work remained, the results that neither the other were published. One did not publish, because without Grisha it is impossible, and the other is because he does not communicate with Anton. And they were quarreled because someone someone did not quit someone that in the oral report was never considered to sin, it would be possible to forget, and not refer to the fact that such a result of someone It belongs, but simply to use it: "There is a well-known result that ... Referring to it, we get ..." And Grisha believes that it was inappropriate. Everything. Grisha raised himself and stopped communicating with Anton. "

10 facts about Gregory Perelman

  • Contrary to popular belief, Gregory Perelman is not the son of the famous popularizer of the science of Yakov Perelman.
  • Gregory Perelman did not receive a gold medal at the end of high school, since he did not pass the norms of the GTO.
  • In 1994, Grigory Perelma decided one of the tasks of Riemannian geometry, known as the "Theorem on the Soul".
  • In addition to mathematics, Grigory Perelman - a passionate lover of classical music.
  • The tendency to reject the prestigious scientific awards was characterized by Gregory Perelman and before the proof of Poincaré hypothesis. In 1996, he refused to receive a premium of the European Mathematical Society for young mathematicians.
  • Grigory Perelman rejected and offer to become academician RAS.
  • After Frelman's refusal from the Award, the Mathematical Institute of Clai, together with the Henri Poincaré Institute, established a position for young mathematicians, which will be financed from these funds.
  • In 2011, one of the newspapers published Interview with Perelman, which contained several high-profile statements, but a large number of actual errors in the text

Why does Russia breathe hopelessness of the centuries? - Because it does not know how to handle their geniuses. Chinas are waiting for crankshakes from them, and it is necessary - on the contrary. So the land of Russian under the "persons of the city" ...

"Komsomolka" found out where Perelman comments disappears: 170

Disappears for months

The legendary scientist, once shook the light with his refusal from the award in a million dollars for the proof of Poincare's hypothesis, is still attracting attention to this. This man with long hair and non-trumped nails is called a man of peace. He entered the list of the most famous people of the planet. Behind a mystery man, who choose the lifestyle of Asklet in the tiny apartment of St. Petersburg Khrushchev, many years have hunted reporters. But only a couple of times it was possible to fall out the rejection going to the store with Avoska. An unlike genius principal did not want to give an interview.

And the last couple of years about him did not hear anything at all. Neighbors assured: Periodically, Perelman disappears somewhere. He does not see all weeks and even months. And now it became known unexpected news.

"Not for what to live"

Four years ago I wrote about Perelman's life and met the mathematician with which Grigory Yakovlevich sometimes communicates scientific topics. This man took the word that we would not specify His name, and informed the sensation.

No one knows about it, but Grigory Yakovlevich recently left for Sweden, "he said. - Perelman is not trivial to live on. He existed a pension mom. For many years, after the proven hypothesis, Poincare did not work anywhere. He stated that she had committed to science, but she missed her scary. St. Petersburg university called him to teach him, offering salary at 17 thousand rubles. Perelman did not arranged any money or working conditions. Refused. But secretly hoped that his material situation would recover over time. He believes that mathematics - "the case is lonely" and consider science as a product ...

And a couple of months ago, one Swedish private firm engaged in scientific developments made it a proposal from which he could not refuse. He had the opportunity to engage in his loved business, while receiving a decent salary.

Engaged in a favorite thing

Is that really true? I appeal to the Israeli teleproducer Alexander Zabovsky. It was he who burned the desire to remove the feature film about Perelman and several years persuaded mathematics to give consent to this.

Yes, Perelman worries in Sweden, it's true, "Barovsky confirmed in an informal conversation. - Moreover, it was with my help Gregory Yakovlevich managed to solve financial problems and find a job in the shower.

- And how did you help him?

I knew for a long time to establish more or less friendly relationships with Pererelman. And knew what awful conditions he lives. I regularly communicate with one Swedish firm regularly. And somehow told the Swedes about the Russian genius. Those unexpectedly interested. We raised their connections and reported that one private Swedish company, which is engaged in scientific developments, is ready to accept Perelman to work. I conveyed their offer to Gregory Yakovlevich. And he, thinking, agreed. He was allocated a decent monthly salary, gave accommodation in one of the small towns of Sweden. Now it is engaged in loved things and material problems no longer experiences. Mom went with him. There is also a summary sister Grigory Yakovlevich. Science does not know geographical and national barriers. The main thing is that his mind benefit society and himself was good and comfortable.

Work is associated with nanotechnology

In UFMS, Peter confirmed us: Mr. Perelman received a passport and a visa for a period of 10 years and went to Sweden at the invitation. The documents indicate the reason for the trip - " scientific activity" And for the first time he went to Sweden back in 2013. At the same time, mathematician remains a citizen of Russia.

As you managed to find out the "Komsomolskaya", the working schedule of Perelman's free - no restrictions on movement and requirements every day be sure to appear "in the office." Geographically, he can be in any place: in Sweden, and in Russia. Work is associated with nanotechnology. Communication with his employers Grigory Yakovlevich holds on the phone - communicate in English, which Perelman knows perfectly.

Well, perhaps, the world will also hear about the new achievements of the famous mathematics.


First teacher: leaving all summer

"Komsomolka" called the first teacher and former class teacher Perelman Valentina Berdova.

- Valentina Vasilyevna, where is your former student now?

it difficult question. I know that Grisha, that is, Grigory Yakovlevich, all the past summer spent in Sweden with her mother. What he did there, is unknown. Now I almost do not communicate with Gregory. But heard that his dad died recently, who lived in Israel.

By the way

Now he is in Russia

On Tuesday, our colleagues from KP in St. Petersburg went to the address where Perelman lives. And close to the house they saw mathematics with their own eyes. Gregory Yakovlevich looks now much more nesting, but still does not intend to communicate with the media. Also journalist, he added a step and disappeared at the entrance.

In the store "Pyaterochka", which next to the house, sellers reported that the scientist regularly cares to them, buys fruit, milk, buns, sometimes - newspapers.
