What you need to know for the overall level of erudition. How to develop erudition in a child, but not to turn it into a gifts and botany? Reduce alcohol consumption

About techniques that do not just pass knowledge, but do it in a living gaming form

All parents want to be proud of their child, see him with a successful and interesting person. In the modern world it is impossible without a developed erudition: you need to have a large volume of knowledge in various fields. But how to grow a child really smart and at the same time communicable, comprehensively developed, not sitting on his textbooks on the clock day? With this question we turned to the head of the school development school in children "Eureka" Rustam Nazipov.

Nazipov Rustam Salavatovich - Head of the School of Development of Errudia in Children "Eureka"

"Magic" ways to remember for one occupation of 30 countries

Rustam Salavatovich, what gives the erudition of modern children?

- It should be understood that erudition is not just the volume of knowledge in memory. This is the basis for communicability, leadership qualities and strategic thinking. First, the erudite child is easier to find friends: It is always pleasant to communicate with an interesting person who can support the conversation on any topic. Eruded child is easier to study at school and university: it positively stands out against the background of other children, teachers notice him. In the future, it is easier for him to work and conduct a business: knowing more, you can significantly discover competitors. Imagine that your child knows the country, the capital, flags of all states, according to the first notes, the works of classics are guessing, familiar with the works of famous artists, understands how various interesting things are arranged - from a gyroscutor to a spacecraft - and also knows all historical figures of different countries Mira, basic events, dates and so on. What do you think will help this child in the future?

FROM What difficulties can be encountered, increasing the level of erudition in a child?

- The most important thing is not to turn the child into a member and botany. To do this, you need to use techniques that do not just transmit knowledge, but do it in a living gaming form. It is such a task that I put employees of your research institute in the development of programs for the school of erudition. And we managed it: classes are not bored with children - on the contrary, very much like. The guys are maximally involved in the process, they do not get tired at all and periodically notice that some kind of "magic" manner, not tightening, for one occupation, for example, the capital of 30 countries was remembered. And all this thanks to effective learning techniques.

Full School of Errudia Development

- You said that research was engaged in research. What is this institute?

- Among other things, I am the head of the Eureka Research Institute, which has been developing effective training techniques for almost two years. Initially, we created methods for the development of memory, attention, logic and other skills, prepared and published more than 30 books for independent work. A little later, based on readers' requests, we decided to open a full-fledged school for the development of erudition, which works just on these techniques.

- Tell us more, how are classes at school.

"Before signing up for a class, a child, together with mom or dad, grandparents there is an interview. Methodist determines the current level of the child, motivation, goals. Based on this information, the teacher decides whether our training is really suitable for the child. If so, then we select a group by age and level, as well as a convenient schedule. Classes are held twice a week, each is dedicated to a certain topic. In addition to major classes, we periodically conduct intellectual games between groups. This allows children to gain self-confidence and make new friends.

Intellect is the overall level of all human cognitive abilities. Its indicators are also learning, and the degree of development of analytical abilities and imagination, and the quality of various types of memory.

The level of general erudition is directly related to the level of development of intelligence, since only a person can become erudite, which can effectively digest and process new information, to memorize and, which is important, to be able to use this information.

After all, it is unlikely that you can call the erudite of a person whose knowledge is extensive and versatile, but at the same time unsystematic, not ordered.

This section contains materials about theories concerning human intelligence and erudition, tests for determining the level of intelligence, exercises for verifying your erudition, recommendations for their development.

In 2015, an experiment was conducted, where the subjects tried to determine the level of the IQ of a person by photography. If everything was clear in the situation with the guys: for the most part, people guess it correctly, then in the case of girls not so simple. Most were attributed to a higher intelligence with pretty girls, and "nozzles" were raised by estimates. The result was struck.

Before taking a child on vacation in some case, it is necessary to determine the purpose. It may be recovery, rest, work or something else. It is important to take into account the nature and individual preferences of the child and do not force it to do what he is not interested or is hard to give. In addition, employment will help protect children from the negative impact of the street, where they can worse ...

The rhythm of modern life is so fast on the day that the most important and valuable skill of each person is recognized as the ability to competently and rationally distribute time. To do this for everyone to do it, but not everyone can boast the absence of "Abrashers" at work and "dawn" at home. And if it seems that 24 hours fly as one moment, and work is not ...

Board games are not a great opportunity to spend time from computer monitors or TVs. For an exciting occupation, not only children of any age are gather, but also their parents. All new and new proposals from representatives of the toy industry appear on sale, from the manifolds of which is not easy to choose the best "hangs" for children.

Each parent knows perfectly, how hard it is sometimes forcing the child to learn. There are many reasons: from banal children's restlessness to too large school loads. Especially reluctantly, the children explore the things that they are incomprehensible. This includes the multiplication table. Incomprehensible combinations of numbers lead to kids in confusion, and to concentrate on them attention to children is not easier than any adult ...

Intellect of the future is knowledge and creativity in a person's life. Modern scientific research, scholar forecasts, development methods (reading books, trainings, courses, independent research of problems and much more) and the importance of intelligence in people's life. Ability to download thematic presentations.

What is emotional intelligence. The role of emotional intelligence in the life of people. Why people with high levels IQ do not always succeed in life. Factors contributing to the development of emotional intelligence. Ability to download a thematic presentation.

Like too smart afraid Is that some schoolboy (what if you start to tease at nerd?). Adults people understand: intelligence does not happen too much.

If a magic wand existed, allowing you to instantly improve thinking and pump erudition, it would have become a mig.

Is it possible to develop intelligence in adulthood?

There is an opinion that the "clever" is needed in adolescence: they say, by exposing the third ten, a person reaches his ceiling; The following task remains to be held in busy positions.

This presentation in the recent past was even divided by scientists.

Previously, theorists and researchers argued that intellectual abilities reach their maximum aged about 20 years, but it is now obvious that this conclusion is based on incorrect interpretation of limited research data available at the time.

Observations, which were conducted in the 20th century on the Longituda method (that is, long-term experiments) showed that after the end of the university, a person has more than a real chance to increase its own intellectual level.

"But what about physiological changes?", Readers will ask. Psychomotor reactions have a young guy, most likely will leak much faster than his grandfather.

The fact is that the effectiveness of the work of the mind does not boil down to biological potentialnervous system.

R. Buttel and D. Khorn allocated two types of intelligence - "flowing" and "crystalized". The fluid is the basic abilities that allow you to know the new (memorization, the perception of links between objects, etc.). He is inclined to weaken with age. Crystallized intelligence - the accumulated volume of knowledge and experience - increases over the years and compensates for the declining speed of thinking.

At speed, fortunately, everything is not so primitive.

A person who constantly practices intelligent skills, processing multifaceted information by different methods, does not become less trained. He simultaneously be able to maintain the clarity of thought and operate with the accumulated luggage of finished data.

Great discoveries - especially in the humanitarian sphere - were made not by 20-year-olds, but 40-50 or even with 70-year-old scientists.

Inspiring an example. The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov died in 86 years. A year to death (!) He mentioned in a letter to I.M. Mikekov: "So far, I do not allow changes in the distribution and size of my classes." Even in the last hours of life, the academician managed to surprise colleagues. Already forgetting words, he tried excitedly: "Let me, but this is the bark, it is the bark, it is swelling of the bark!" As it turned out later, the diagnosis was absolutely true.

Some people think that they support the intelligence work. However, many types of mental labor associated with the implementation of the same type of operations, which is also gradually communicated to automatism.

For the development of the mind, it is necessary to use intellectual possibilities at the maximum - for example, by self-study.

"Intellectual" exercises

I do not want to disappoint readers who opened the page in finding special exercises for the development of intelligence. Such tasks exist, they are issued by whole books.

Here are examples from a popular book Toma Wudejka "Training Mind" (Published in 2011).

In chapter pro Training with the words Wujek recommends reading:

  • phrases in which the letters are written in the reverse order;
  • statements recorded without spaces;
  • offers from the artistic text - and then, without looking, repeat them in order from the last word to the first;
  • printed text on a turned sheet.
  • "Alphabetical order": on the time to record as many words as possible, in which letters coincide with the alphabetical "direction" (the beam - "l" is before "y", and "y" - earlier "h");
  • "Through letter": call the letter and come up with which it should be on the score; Quickly recall the maximum number of suitable words ("W", the third from the beginning: a cat, a cup, a rush, etc.);
  • "Dottoles": take two words with the same number of letters and build a chain from one to another, replacing one of the letters in every link and using only nouns in the nominative case, the only number (turn the "goat" in the "Cake": goat - Cora - Court - Cake; Try to catch the "fish" in "Network" or turn a "feather" in "Mascara");
  • "Anagramma": Create words only at the expense of the permutation of letters (it is better to play with ready-made sources - Ropot, bug, mouse, careta, ash, to herd).

For the development of the mathematical abilities of Webjek offers to perform Exercises with numbers - to vote numeric sequences:

  • from 1 to 100 and from 100 to 1;
  • with increasing or decrease of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • with increasing and descending, alone - for example, at 2: 2 - 100, 4 - 98, 6 - 96, 8 - 94, etc.

More games advise search in the book "Develop intelligence: exercises for development, memory, intelligence and intelligence" (K. Philip, Moscow, "Astrel", 2003). Retell fragments from it are inconvenient, since many tasks will be incomprehensible without illustrations.

All this is very exciting and great, but, frankly, I doubt that you will be a giant of thought only at the expense of such exercises. We need more serious loads - let's say, self-study.

Learn, learn and learn

Complete mathematical online courses or just work the school textbook of mathematics, and you will improve the appropriate thinking much more consistent than with the score from one to hundreds and back. Similarly to other areas of knowledge that have a value for you. Materials will be (see), would be the right attitude.

If you want to become more intelligible and improve memory, learn some language yourself; It really helps. Scottish scientist Thomas Tank conducted a study by the method of Longituda, which I mentioned at the beginning of the article. Dr. Tank identified the level of IQ group of people first in 1947 (the participants of the experiment were 11 years old), then - in 2008-2010 ("Learning a Second Language in Adulthood Can Slow Brain Ageing", "The Telegraph", 2.06.2014).

It turned out that people who studied any foreign language usually remained in good intellectual form to seventy years. One reservation: The effect was noted when the knowledge was purchased not for the sake of knowledge, but for active use, and did not lie in the memory of the dead cargo.

Prefer the language on which you intend to at least sometimes communicate, read, listen to the transfer, watch movies.

Here you will find practical advice on self-study english:

No strength for regular classes? Well, play - in the evenings in the dolets and anagram, and on weekends - in "What? Where? When?" or "reasonable people." In "intelligible people" and "CHGK", there is not so much rich erudition as the flexibility of thinking.

Physical education for mind

Physical activity, it turns out, very promotes intellectual.

A.F. Akhmetshina, N.P. Gerasimov (Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Naberezhnoklinninsky branch, article "Communication of practical culture and sports with the development of intellect", Conference materials "Modern problems of physical culture and sports: retrospective, reality and future") write, what physical exercises affect For development:

  • attention;
  • observation;
  • speed of considerations and others.

Improving cognitive skills contributes to good health (problems with the blood supply to the brain, which arise in many diseases, greatly complicate mental processes). This time.

Intensive movement requires both muscle tension and intellectual efforts. These are two.

And what, the more you train, the better? Not.

In the article "The influence of physical exercises on the body and intellectual abilities of a person" (E.N. Kurganova, I.V. Panin, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Materials "Science-2020") Read:

An interesting fact is proved that the relationship is established only between the intelligence and the overall indicator of the physical form of a person. With sports achievements, extinguishing training, leading to overwork, this is not connected. Mental and cognitive abilities are developed to a greater extent in a person who is regularly engaged in physical exercises, but does not set themselves the goal of achieving high sports results.

The resources of the body are limited. Too intense workouts are not tone, but exacerbate.

How to raise eruditions?

Since you decided to increase the level of intelligence, think at the same time how to develop a horizon. An adult person is constantly picked up, but if desired, it will be able to allocate half an hour a day for a cognitive holiday.

Read scientific and popular books and science news. See documentaries - it is easy to absorb information due to the combination of visual and audible perception. Do not dwell on the hunt for purely actual information: wider thinking person is taught and fresh emotions - for example, those that give classical music (see?)

But - Important Council - grow in the areas that for you interesting and / or useful.

Grab for everything immediately meaninglessly: to make a real erudite in the 21st century, you will have to literally live in books at twenty-four hours a day. And in the end it turns out that Yandex and Google is still an order of magnitude smarter than you.

If you have already watched the movie "Divershents" and thought about how much of the social groups of this society would you like to join, and if you realize that your preferences are clearly on the side of the erudites, then here are some tips how to develop erudition and where to get better.

The very first steps

First of all, it should be solved what type of erudition do you feel more? Two types of awareness and, accordingly, two strategies for the development of their erudition are:

  1. Strategy "Much about everything";
  2. Strategy "All about one".

In the first case, the future erudite collects knowledge from a wide variety of science, art, sports, culture and the world as a whole. The difference and dignity of this method of knowledge of the world is that the errot is ready to answer a variety of questions. These people attract attention to themselves. And the disadvantage is the surface of these knowledge. This is the case when the knowledge latitude is obvious, but there are no depths.

Who will prefer to contact a sick person to cure the tooth and get rid of dental pain: For someone who knows everything about medicine, or to a dentist, whose knowledge is limited only by the ability to fine with the tooth?

By the way, the second erudition development strategy is to accumulate knowledge that, although limited to one field, but at the same time so deep that few who decide to compete with their carrier in awareness. However, it is necessary to note that there is a significant difference between the strategy of "much about everything" and a narrow specialization.


  • family doctor and oculist,
  • interior designer and artist on carpets,
  • physicist and electrical engineer,
  • historian and history teacher.

It is easy to see that in all these pairs the first is the profession, requiring much more extensive knowledge than the second. Deep immersion in one, but a very narrow area is welcome in the world of professions, but only erudition is not.

Strategy "Much about everything"

The development of eruditions with this strategy suits people inquisitive, even rather - curious. Such a person has an uncomfortable need to seek new knowledge for himself. Therefore, the very first thing to learn, implementing this strategy, is the ability to ask questions. The very first erudites were, of course, the ancient Greeks. It was they who sought to organize the process of knowing the world and send their mind along the way of disclosing the essence of things.

Back in 325 BC, in his book, the "second analytics" Aristotle brought three theses, which to this day remains not challenged:

  • our knowledge is made up of answers to our questions;
  • how many types of things in the light of the species, as much as we can raise questions of questions;
  • knowledge relies on four main questions - "What", "why", "there is", "what is".

Well, already our contemporary Boris Pasternak, although on another occasion, said: "And we are still doing the right answer, and we do not find the right question."

So, Rule No. 1 Strategy "Much about everything": Create a piggy bank of your questions.

For this:

Come up with, develop, or borrow a ready-made plan, following which you will explore a new knowledge for yourself. For example, you can use the advice of another erudite - the ancient Roman speaker of Cicero. He used a chain of questions to describe a situation or event. Here she is:

  • who (subject);
  • that (object);
  • than (means);
  • why, why (goal, reason);
  • as (method);
  • when (time);
  • where (place).

Come up with, develop or borrow the finished typology of questions that will help you identify a new knowledge for you purposefully. Returning to the "second analytics", you can use the tips of Aristotle and divide questions on:

  • issues of existence (is it possible to exist such a thing or phenomenon?);
  • questions of owning qualities (what qualities, properties, characteristics may have this thing, or event, or phenomenon?);
  • issues of belonging (whether it belongs to a certain quality or property?);
  • issues of causality (what reason is the basis of phenomena and processes?).

Rule 2: Teach by heart the quotes of smart people. Citation is generally a demonstration of the culture of the mind, and not only the requirement for scientists, whose violation is strictly punishable by accusations in incorrect borrowing. On time, the said and appropriately chosen quote will perform three useful features for you:

  • will help to defend its position in the discussion (as a rule, they do not argue with great people);
  • it will allow to deeper the principles and patterns (serious quotes can be called quintessence, "squeezing", knowledge expressed in a limitly concentrated form);
  • finally, it will show that you are on the right track to ensure that your interlocutors recognize you with Erudite (your citation will serve for those who envoys a reliable confirmation that you are reading serious literature).

Is it necessary to say that memorizing words from the collections of aphorisms with the title of the "wise thoughts of all ages and peoples" will not make you an erudite? The erode memorizes the quotes from their primary sources - the books that he personally read.

With Wikium, you can enhance your erudition by online

Rule 3: learn by heart historical dates. The erudite is the one who easily and confidently build historical events, the year of an important scientific opening or creating a masterpiece on the conditional line of time. It is not difficult for him to clarify that Firdosi wrote his poem "Shahname" 300 years earlier than the "Divine Comedy" of Dante appeared, and Shakespeare began to create 300 years after Dante Aligiery.

Knowledge of historical dates not only structures the past and helps to express historically important events in chronological order, but also helps to build a systemic picture of the world from the past to this. And then the question "did Suvorov participated in the First World War?" Will call you frank laughter.

Strategy "All about one"

How to raise erudition from what to start if your choice fell on this strategy?

First of all, choose for yourself the space of knowledge into which you intend to go deep and thoroughly master. And here you are "between Scylla and Charibda", in other words between two dangers.

Threat first - too wide field. When someone, in full, claims that he knows the whole philosophy, the whole story, all literature, it causes quite justified distrust. Another thing is when you have a specialist in the area:

  • Ancient Greece, i.e. an expert on her language, history, literature, sciences, philosophical trends, culture and religion;
  • pediatrics, i.e. specialist who thoroughly studied childhood diseases, psycho-physiological development, norms and pathology, regulatory documents on children's health, features of childhood diseases in different countries and in different periods of history, Latin, finally;
  • automotive, Ie techman, who works out in engineering issues, development history, current state, development trends, the prospects of the future.

In this case, we recognize that a person is deeply erudite in a certain area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge, a carrier of serious systemic and systematized knowledge, an expert on the most similar issues in the field of its competence.

Rule 1 in the implementation of the strategy "All about one": clearly define the area of \u200b\u200bits competence.

No wonder they say that there is nothing more important for a smart person than to understand where his competence ends and where he can recognize with a clear conscience: "Unfortunately, I'm not compentant in this matter."

The second threat lies in the right opposite position: Excessive recess in one narrow question.

From here it follows Rule 2: Diffex the zones of their competence in the depth of your knowledge.

In order to decide on this, draw three concentric circles:

  • the first is what constitutes the kernel of your knowledge;
  • the second is what is derivative in the same way as in mathematics Y acts as a function from x;
  • the third is what is derived from Y, now he acts as an argument and sets the subject area of \u200b\u200byour knowledge.

Do not rush with the definition of these zones. To begin with, consider several options, but even earlier you have to generate these options. Put it in front of yourself as a task, even as a game to train your intelligence. Prepare three-colors stickers and decide what color will be for you to determine this or that zone. For example, on blue stickers you will record ideas regarding the kernel of knowledge, on yellow - relative to Y, and on green - relative to the third area.

As the idea comes to your head, which of the knowledge you intend to master, make notes on consulting stickers. Let them everywhere hang in front of your eyes - on a computer monitor or even on the refrigerator. Having looked at them, you will define all new and new different directions for themselves on the Association. After a couple of weeks, estimate the result obtained in this way. You must have an individual plan for the development of its erudition.

What's next? - Strategy "T-specialist"

Now it's time to admit that in addition to the strategy "all about one" and "much about everything", there is another third strategy that unites them. This strategy is called the "T-specialist".

The letter "T" is used here not to indicate any word, but for the image of the essence of the strategy. The crossbar in this letter means "much about many", and the "leg" of "T" means "all about one".

The T-specialist strategy is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe infinite possibilities of the individual cognitive development of man. But this is the topic of another conversation.

Reading books is not only interesting, but also useful, because it contributes to the development. But some books deserve special attention, as they help noticeably improve intellectual abilities.

Top 10 best books to enhance eruditions:

  1. "", Bill Bryson. This is a popular science work in which the most popular spheres of science are covered in accessible to all style. This is the most unusual encyclopedia, which, by the way, was assigned a premium for contributing to the development of world science. In the UK and America, she has already become a real bestseller. According to the author himself, he wanted to write a simple book about complex things, and also to prove to all readers that it is interesting to gain knowledge and easily. In the "brief history of almost everything in the world", such issues as the origin and development of the universe, the potential and development of civilization, the nature of modern people, the origin of the planet, the likelihood of the establishment of land with meteorites, as well as the most important discoveries of humanity are considered.
  2. "", Stanislav Muller. The author of this book and the Russian practitioner psychologist believes that everyone can actually become a genius. But it's all about the training speed. If one for the development of some skill is required only a few minutes, then the other will have to work for hours. And such differences are associated with the degree of brain inclusion. So, if it works only by 3-5%, like all ordinary people, then the learner will be average. If more cells are activated, then the abilities are noticeably improved. For example, very talented people brain runs 10%. But how to activate such cells? How to "pump" your brain and become a real genius? Special technologies for managing thinking processes will help. According to Stanislav Muller, it will help to start the so-called "state of super-descendibility", and everyone without exception.
  3. "Teach yourself to think: tutorial on the development of thinking", Edward de Bongo. According to the author, the human brain is a unique memorization machine. But it can be turned into a more efficient mechanism of thinking. This book can be viewed as a practical manual. Edward de Bongo offered the finished working technology of brain improvement. It consists of five main stages. First you need to put a goal, then you need to analyze the situation, find the means of achieving the goal and identify the factors that may interfere. Next, you need to find optional solutions and choose the best. And then you can safely start acting.
  4. ", John Mitchinson, John Lloyd. The modern world is filled with the most different literature, but most of it is simply useless. Many facts are erroneous, and knowledge can be relative. And only Socrates was right when she argued that he knew that he knew nothing. Modern people are often mistaken, but often afraid to admit this. To read the "book of universal delusions" is at least because it is incredibly interesting and easily. In addition, readers will be able to slightly reduce their ignorance. The book has 230 questions, many of which were included in the tests for the definition of IQ. Answers to them and detailed explanations of why everything is exactly, and not otherwise.
  5. « ", Mick O'Haire. There are questions that are interested in virtually all, but at the same time put teachers, parents and even scientists in a dead end. For example, why do not birds fall from the branches when they fall asleep on them? Can be the bears survive if they move them to Antarctica? Does actually conflict the flight of the bumblebee of physics? Why is the sky so blue in clear days? Readers are waiting for many of the most interesting discoveries, including the answers to all of the listed questions, as well as the refutation of the most common myths.
  6. "Why the elephants do not know how to jump and another 113 questions that will put in a dead end of any scientist", Mick O'Haire. This book is a continuation of the previous one. The author of the book is the editor-in-chief of the popular scientific journal "New Scientist", so he knows the answers to the most difficult issues. In his book, he will consider the most unusual of them (all of them, by the way, sent the readers of the magazine). He will tell why men need nipples, why the expression of the face is changing so much during the use of bitter or sour, which means the legendary phrase "mix, but not to scold", what is the volume of human memory, at what maximum height can fly butterflies and so on. Such interesting information will accurately help become smarter and educated and enhance erudition.
  7. "Why the bears do not run under the slide and another 200 entertaining facts requiring explanation," Robert Envud. If you believe legend, then the author of the book overheard the conversations of ordinary man in English pubs and tried to confirm or refute the most popular beliefs and allegations. In his book, he will tell why dogs should not be fed with chocolate, why a person becomes below two centimeters at the end of the day, in which fruit contains the greatest amount of vitamins, can the guinea pigs sweat, and can the swan can break the hand to man. Issues are funny and sometimes ridiculous, but the answers to some of them will be able to surprise you. And, of course, you can shine with the mind of any company.
  8. "Why Panda is on the head and other interesting stories", Ogasses Brown. The animal world is unique, amazing and deserves special attention. And learn about it a little more will be very useful for erudition, because the brothers of our smaller have something to learn. And people often behave like animals, while even enjoying their such unforgettable and passion. Representatives of the fauna are characterized by human feelings and even habits. They argue with previous generations, arrange parties, play the mafia and even have a tendency to homosexualism. The author writes about this very easy and even with sarcasm and American humor.
  9. "", Stephen Juan. What could be more interesting, more useful and becoming more important than the study of your own body and the functioning of the human body? The whole of this complex mechanism is a solid riddle with a multitude of processes in it. And the essence of this car can be disassembled. The author will tell how the man is born and dies, what is the chance to get sick in a critical situation, what is the likelihood of certain accidents. And on the most important questions, Stephen Juan meets easily with humor.
  10. "Who eats bees? 101 response to, like, idiotic questions ", Mick O'Haire. This author still collects the most unusual questions, and the answers to them are becoming increasingly popular. And they all concern the most different areas of life that relate to various spheres. The author will answer all of them, and easily and even charismatic. He will find out why after adding Lemon tea changes the color why the cat may not even get injuries if falls from the tenth floor. Interesting? Then read the book and enlighten!

These were the most useful books for the brain.