Functions of subject training actions. What is a Wood, and what is their importance in education and upbringing. Research work, project activities

The Ministry of Education in order to improve the educational process constantly introduces some innovations into it, fills it with new terms and concepts. A simple man in the street, studying the methodological literature or reading news about education, very often faces the incomprehensible phrase of the Wood on Gos. How does this abbreviation decrypt and what does it mean with simple words?


The concept of "Wood"

Uud - universal training activities. It includes:

  • The ability to learn and get new knowledge, the ability to learn;
  • The desire of a person to self-improvement through the acquisition of a new experience;
  • Understanding the need to obtain knowledge and a conscious approach to the educational process;
  • Understanding the essence of the formation itself and its components;
  • Targeted human actions to search for wide orientation capabilities both in different subject spheres and in the structure of the most educational activities;
  • Comprehension of the target orientation of the educational process, its value-semantic and operational properties.

The development of UUD was engaged in the twentieth century in the Soviet Union. At that time, pedagogical science experienced active development and laid the foundation for its new flows. The concept of "universal learning actions" has become very popular at the present time, its scope of application is large enough and covers almost all possible levels and types of education. At the heart of the development of URU lies an activity approach that LS developed. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, P.Galperin, V.V. Davydov and other scientific schools.

Elkonin and Davydov are the founders of the theory of developing learning, the key concept of which is UDD.

What is GEF?

This is the Federal State Educational Standard. It includes:

  • A list of requirements for state educational institutions;
  • The Law "On Education" is the basis of the FGOS;
  • The updated standard is valid in all schools from September 1, 2011 - GEF of primary general education (NOO).

Requirements of GEFs concern:

  • Structures of the education process. Every year it is necessary to compile and approve a work plan aimed at the optimal promotion of students to receive new knowledge, guided by this plan, periodically improve the teaching and methodical complex (UMC) disciplines.
  • Implementation of the educational program. If the structure of the educational process lies in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the administration and methodical departments, then the implementation of the Plan is responsible directly pedagogical composition of schools;
  • Education results. Pupil performance is a visual demonstration and evidence of the success of the developed structure and education program, compliance with all requirements. The average studies of academic performance is taken into account throughout the school.

Basic group Wood?

Requirements for URU depend on the classes of which level - primary, secondary or older - schoolchildren study. Must with the compliance of the children's age claims. For all of them, the requirements for the use of computer equipment and information technologies have recently enhanced.

There are the following basic groups of universal training actions:

  • Personal - aimed at finding the opportunities of knowing themselves and understanding their own personality. Their goal is to form students the correct adequate moral and ethical assessment of themselves;
  • Cognitive - refer to the possibilities of forming the main skills and skills of perception of information, its processing and analysis, on the basis of which certain conclusions and conclusions are made. A group of cognitive actions includes a system of general and logical educational actions, the process of setting and solving the problem;
  • Communicative - contribute to the socialization of students, the formation of efficient interaction skills with surrounding - classmates, teachers, friends and other people. In school, every child passes the most important stage of social development. If the problem arising in the process of communication in time does not solve, then they can go to adulthood and will remind themselves for many years, even after graduation;
  • Regulatory - aimed at the development of the ability to draw up an action plan and its changes under the influence of various environmental factors. This useful skill acquired in the school walls will come in handy in life.

Pupils seize the Wood in the process of studying different learning items. The result of successful mastering is the formation of initiative, the desire of students to independently mining knowledge and obtaining competence. Students should be able to independently organize the learning process without the help of adults.

Advantages and disadvantages of homework

Training at home mode is an alternative version of school education. When medical testimony (physical or mental diseases) is the cause of such a choice of parents, home learning is the best option. But if parents manage other motives - fears before the socialization of the child, the reluctance to let go of children to school due to the fact that they will not be able to solve school tasks without mom or dad, "all this leads to the most unpredictable negative consequences.

We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of homework.



Attacks are excluded, mockery from classmates, the child will not become a bulling object

Pupils have no motivation, in the classroom, students are watching each other, compete, stretch each other, strive for a better result, have a richer material for analysis

Greater flexibility of the study schedule compared to school education, the possibility of independent planning the number of lessons per day

There is no possibility to learn to interact with each other within the team, the world of building social relationships remains closed

Material assimilation for shorter time, as a student and teacher cooperate one on one

Do not learn to make new acquaintances, defend your point of view, do not contact with anyone except family and close friends

There is more free time, which can be spent on visiting the circles and sports sections

At the time of studying at home, the child is in the comfort zone, and as soon as he remains alone with him, becomes absolutely defenseless and does not know how to behave in one way or another

The possibility of individual study with the child of all the difficulties and weak points, which arise during the development of the curriculum

Home tuition eliminates the possibility of developing a child of effective ways to counter the infringement of their rights

The impact of Wood on GEF on schoolchildren is controversial, since each child is a unique personality, personality, each different abilities and talents. URU contributes to the assimilation of moral norms and principles developed by society, which leads to the formation of a holistic personality. At the same time, GEF limits the child with a rigid framework, does not allow the initiative and freedom.

Important! Wood on GEF is a set of educational requirements. The development of standards is based on the desire to provide each child the opportunity to get and assimilate all the knowledge that will be enabled in the future. The task of the school is to form such skills that will not only be useful in further training, but also will provide the normal vital activity of each person in society.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school №41 them. V.V.Sizova »Kursk

Essence, types of universal educational actions, techniques for the formation of younger students

Performed: W.iTEL primary classesMBOU "SOSH №41IMENI V.V.Sizova" Kursk

Tsygankova Anna Nikolaevna

1. Introduction

3. Types of Uud.

4. Communication URU with the content of training items

5. Planned results in mastering schoolchildren of universal training actions upon completion of primary learning

6. Conclusion

7. Literature


Federal State Educational Standards (GEF) there are a set of requirements that are required to implement the main educational programs of the initial general, the main, secondary (complete) general, primary professional, secondary vocational and higher professional education educational institutions with state accreditation.

Federal State Educational Standards provide:
1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
2) The continuity of the main educational programs of the initial general, the main general, medium (complete) general, primary professional, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

A distinctive feature The new GEF elementary school is his activity, which makes the main purpose of the development of the student's personality. The education system refuses the traditional presentation of the learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and skills, the wording of the standard indicate the real activities that the student should master by the end of primary learning. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-delicate and subject results.

An integral part of the nucleus the second generation standard is universal learning actions (Wood). UAG UNDERSHIP MEETING SKILLS, "GENERAL ACTIVITIES OF ACTIVITIES", "HEAD ACTIONS", etc. For UUD, a separate program is provided - a program for the formation of universal academic actions (Wood).

An important element of the formation of universal training actions Students at the stage of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness are the orientation of younger students in information and communicative technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to competently apply (ICT competence).

Implementation of the Wood formation program in elementary school is the key task of implementing the second generation GEF (GEF-2).

The concept of "universal learning actions"

In a broad value, the term "universal learning actions" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of a subject to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assigning new social experience.

The ability of the student independently successfully absorb new knowledge, to form skills and competence, including an independent organization of this process, i.e., the ability to learn is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities as generalized actions open the study of the possibility of broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational Characteristics. Thus, the achievement of the ability to learn implies a full-fledged development of students in all components of educational activities, which include: educational and training motives, training goal, educational task, training actions and operations (orientation, material transformation,control and evaluation). The ability to learn is a significant factor in improving the efficiency of exploration of subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic bases of personal moral choice.

Functions of universal training actions:

 Ensuring the possibilities of the learner independently carry out the activities of the teachings, put educational goals, search and use the necessary funds and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

 Creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and its self-realization based on readiness for continuing education; Ensuring the successful learning of knowledge, the formation of skills, skills and competencies in any subject area.

Types of universal training actions

As part of the main types of universal academic actions corresponding to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: personal, regulatory (including self-regulation actions), cognitive and communicative.

Personal Universal Training Actions Provide value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to relate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to single out the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. For training activities, three types of personality should be distinguished:

 Personal, professional, life self-determination;

measiacy, i.e., the establishment of educational links between the purpose of educational activities and its motive, in other words, between the result of the teachings and what it encourages what it is carried out. The student should be wondering: What is the meaning and what is the point of the teaching for me? - And be able to answer him.

 moral and ethical orientation, including estimation of the digestible content (based on social and personal values), providing a personality moral choice.

Regulatory Universal Training Actions Provide a student organization of their educational activities. These include:

 Goaling as a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown;

 Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate purposes taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

 forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of learning, its time characteristics;

 control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the reference;

 Correction - introducing the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of the discrepancy between the standard, real action and its result; Amendments to the result of its activities, based on the assessment of this result, the students themselves, the teacher, comrades;

 Evaluation - the allocation and awareness of the student that has already been learned and what else needs to be assimilated, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; evaluation of the results of work;

 Self-regulation as an ability to mobilize forces and energy, to a volitional effort (to the choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and overcoming obstacles.

Cognitive universal learning activities Includes: general educational, logical training actions, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

Overworking universal actions:

 Independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal;

 Search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

 structuring knowledge;

 conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement in oral and writing;

 Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

 Reflexing of methods and conditions of action, control and assessment of the process and results;

 Semantic reading as an understanding of the purpose of reading and choosing a type of read depending on the target; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official-business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

 Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of algorithms of activity in solving problems of creative and search nature.

A special group of general educational universal actions is the sign-symbolic actions:

modeling - transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model where the essential characteristics of the object (spatially graphic or iconic-symbolic) are highlighted;

 Transformation of the model in order to identify general laws defining this subject area.

Logic universal actions:

 Analysis of objects in order to allocate signs (significant, insignificant);

 Synthesis - compilation of a whole of parts, including independent completion with the replenishment of missing components;

 Choosing grounds and criteria for comparison, serialization, classification of objects;

 summarizing the concept of deregulation;

 establishing causal relationships, representation of chains of objects and phenomena;

 construction of a logical chain of reasoning, analysis; the truth of statements;

 proof;

 Advance of hypotheses and their rationale.

Staging and solving the problem:

 formulation of the problem;

 Independent creation of ways to solve problems
creative and search nature.

Communicative universal learning actions provide social competence and accounting for other people, communication partners or activities; the ability to listen and join the dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; Integrate into a group of peers and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Communicative actions include:

 Planning training cooperation with teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

 issues of issues - initiative cooperation in finding and collecting information;

 Conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision making and its implementation;

 Partner's behavior management - control, correction, evaluation of its actions;

 ability to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; Possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, modern means of communication.

The development of a system of universal educational actions in the composition of personal, regulatory, educational and communicative actions that determine the development of psychological abilities of the individual is carried out within the framework of the regulatory age development of the personal and cognitive spheres of the child. The learning process asks the content and characteristics of the child's learning activities and thereby defines the zone of the nearest development of these universal training actions (their level of development corresponding to the "high norm") and their properties.

Universal training actions are a holistic system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its attitude with other types of educational actions and the overall logic of age development.

Communication of universal training with the content of educational items

The formation of universal educational actions in the educational process is carried out in the context of the assimilation of various subject disciplines. Requirements for the formation of universal educational actions are reflected in the planned results of the development of programs of training items "Russian", "Literary reading", "Mathematics", "Enough Peace", "Technology", "Foreign Language", "Fine Art", "Physical Culture "in relation to the value-semantic, personal, cognitive and communicative development of students.

Academic subject "Russian language", ensures the formation of cognitive, communicative and regulatory actions. Working with text opens up opportunities for the formation of logical actions of analysis, comparison, establishing causal relationships. Orientation in the morphological and syntactic structure of the language and the assimilation of the rules of the structure of the word and proposal, the graphic shape of the letters ensures the development of iconic-symbolic actions - substitutions (for example, sound of the letter), modeling (for example, the composition of the word will be prepared by the scheme) and the conversion of the model (word modification) . The study of the Russian language creates conditions for the formation of a "language alone" as the result of the orientation of the child in the grammatical and syntactic structure of the native language and ensures the successful development of adequate age forms and functions of speech, including a generalizing and planning function.

"Literary reading". Requirements for the results of studying the educational subject include the formation of all types of universal educational actions of personal, communicative, educational and regulatory actions (with the priority of the development of value-sention and communication).

Literary reading - meaningful, creative spiritual activity, ensures the development of ideological and moral content of fiction, the development of aesthetic perception. The most important feature of the perception of fiction is the broadcast of the spiritual and moral experience of society through the communication of the social personality system, revealing the moral importance of the actions of the heroes of literary works. At the stage of initial general education, an important means of organizing an understanding of the author's position, the author's relationship towards the heroes of the work and the displayed reality is expressive reading.

The learning subject "Literary reading" ensures the formation of the following universal training actions:

mensel formation Through tracking of the fate of the hero and the orientation of the student in the system of personal meanings;

 self-determination and self-knowledge based on the comparison of the image "I" with the heroes of literary works through emotional and effective identification;

 the foundations of civil identity by dating with the heroic historical past of their people and their country and the experience of pride and emotional feasibility and the achievements of its citizens;

 aesthetic values \u200b\u200band on their basis of aesthetic criteria;

 moral and ethical estimation through the detection of moral content and the moral values \u200b\u200bof the actions of the characters;

 emotional and personal decentration based on identifying itself with the heroes of the work, correlation and comparison of their positions, views and opinions;

 Ability to understand contextual speech based on the recreation of the picture of events and actions of the characters;

 skills arbitrarily and expressively build contextual speech taking into account the objectives of communication, the characteristics of the listener, including using AU diovisual funds;

 ability to establish a logical causal sequence of events and actions of the heroes of the work;

 The ability to build a plan with the allocation of essential and more information.

"Mathematics". At the stage of primary general education, this subject is the basis of development of educational cognitive actions, primarily logical and algorithmic, including iconic-symbolic, as well as planning (sequence of action to solve problems), systematization and structuring of knowledge, translation from one language to another, Modeling, differentiation of significant and insignificant conditions, axiomatics, formation of systemic thinking elements and the acquisition of information literacy. Mathematics is of particular importance for the formation of a common technique for solving problems as a universal learning action.

The formation of modeling as a universal academic action is carried out within the framework of almost all learning items at this stage of education. Simulation includes in its composition iconic-symbolic actions: replacement, encoding, decoding. From their development and should begin mastering modeling. In addition, the student must develop systems of socially accepted signs and symbols that exist in modern culture and necessary both for learning and for its socialization.

"The world". This item performs an integrating function and ensures the formation of the student holistic scientific painting of natural andsocio-cultural The world, a relationship of a person with nature, society, other people, the state, awareness of their place in society, creating the basis for the formation of the worldview, the life self-determination and the formation of the Russian civil identity of the individual.

In the field of personal universal actions, the study of the subject "The world around" ensures the formation of cognitive, emotional and value and activity Civilian Russian Identity Components:

 The ability to distinguish between the State Symbols of the Russian Federation and its region, describe the attractions of the capital and the native land, to find the Russian Federation on the map, Moscow - the capital of Russia, its region and its capital; familiarization with the peculiarities of some foreign countries;

 Formation of the foundations of historical memory - the ability to distinguish between the past, present, future, orientation in the main historical events of their people and Russia and the feeling of feeling of pride in the glory and achieve their people and Russia, to record the elements of the family history, their region in the information environment;

 Formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness, literacy and culture of students, the development of elementary norms of adequate anti-like behavior;

 Development of moral and ethical consciousness - norms and rules of human relationships with other people, social groups and communities.

In the field of personal universal educational actions, the study of the subject contributes to the adoption of the learning rules of a healthy lifestyle, an understanding of the need for a healthy lifestyle in the interests of strengthening physical, mental and psychological health.

The study of the subject "Enough Mir" contributes to the formation general consumption Universal training actions:

 mastering primary forms of research, including the skills of finding and working with information, including using various ICT funds;

 formation of replacement and modeling actions (use of ready-made models to explain the phenomena or identification of properties of objects and creating models, including in an interactive medium);

 formation of logical actions of comparison, summing up under the concept, analogy, classification of objects of living and inanimate nature based on external signs or known characteristic properties; Establishment of causal relationships in the world around the world, including on the diverse material of nature and culture of the native land.

"Technology". The specificity of this subject and its importance for the formation of universal training actions is due to:

  • a key role of subject-conversion activities as a basis for the formation of a system of universal educational actions;
  • the meaning of universal training actions of modeling and planning, which are the direct subject of assimilation during the implementation of various tasks at the rate (so, during solving tasks for designing students learn to use schemes, maps and models that specify the full estimated basis for the execution of proposed tasks and allowing to highlight the desired system landmarks);
  • special organization of the process of planned-poemaid testing of the subject-transformative activities of students in the genesis and the development of psychological neoplasms of younger school age - the ability to analyze, act in an internal mental plan; reflection as awareness of the content and grounds of performance;
  • wide use of forms of group cooperation and design forms of work for the implementation of course curriculous purposes;
  • formation of the initial elements of the ICT competence of students.

Studying technology ensures the implementation of the following goals:

  • formation of painting of the world of material and spiritual culture as a product of creative subject-conversion of man;
  • the development of iconic symbolic and spatial thinking, creative and reproductive imagination based on the development of the ability of the student to modeling and displaying the object and the process of its transformation in the form of models (drawings, plans, schemes, drawings);
  • the development of regulatory actions, including goaling; planning (ability to draw up an action plan and apply it to solve problems); Forecasting (anticipation of the future result under various conditions of performance), control, correction and evaluation;
  • the formation of the internal plan based on the phased development of subject-conversion actions;
  • development of the planning and regulating speech function;
  • development of communicative competence of students based on the organization of joint-productive activities;
  • the development of aesthetic ideas and criteria based on visual and artistic constructive activities;
  • formation of motivation of success and achievements of junior schoolchildren, creative self-realization based on an effective organization of the subject-transformative symbolic-modeling activity;
  • acquaintance of students with the rules of people in the world of information: selectivity in consumption of information, respect for personal information of another person, to the process of knowledge of the teachings;
  • acquaintance of students with the world of professions and their social meaning, the history of their emergence and development as the first step of forming preparedness for pre-professional self-determination.

"Physical education". This subject ensures the formation of personal universal actions:

  • the foundations of general cultural and Russian civil identity as a sense of pride for achievements in world and domestic sports;
  • development of moral norms of help those who need it willingness to take responsibility;
  • the development of the motivation of achievements and readiness to overcome difficulties on the basis of constructive strategies of copyright and ability to mobilize their personal and physical resources, stress resistance;
  • mastering the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle.
    "Physical Culture" as an educational subject contributes:
  • in the field of regulatory actions, the development of skills to plan, regulate, monitor and evaluate their actions;
  • in the field of communicative actions, the development of interaction, orientation on a partner, cooperation and cooperation (in team sports - the formation of skills to plan a common goal and ways to achieve it; agree on the objectives and methods of action, the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; to constructively resolve conflicts; Mutual control; adequately assess its own behavior and behavior of a partner and make the necessary adjustments in the interests of achieving a general result).

Planned results in the development of schoolchildren of universal training actions upon completion of primary learning.

Pedagogical Landmarks: Personality Development.

In the field of personal universal training actions, graduates will be formed internal position of students, adequate motivation of training activities, including educational and cognitive motifs, orientation on moral norms and their implementation.

Pedagogical landmarks: self-education and self-organization.

In the field of regulatory universal educational actions, graduates will master all types of training actions aimed at organizing their work in an educational institution and outside it, including the ability to accept and maintain a training goal and a task, to plan its implementation, monitor and evaluate their actions to make appropriate adjustments to their performance.

Pedagogical landmarks: research culture.

In the field of cognitive universal educational actions, graduates will learn to perceive and analyze messages and their most important components - texts, use iconic symbolic agents, including the action of modeling, as well as a wide range of logical actions and operations, including common tasks solutions.

Pedagogical landmarks: Communication culture.

In the field of communicative universal educational actions, graduates will acquire abilities to take into account the position of the interlocutor, to organize and cooperate and cooperation with the teacher and peers, adequately perceive and transfer information, to display the subject matter and conditions of activity in messages, the most important components of which are texts.

"Conditions that ensure the development of URU in the educational process."

The teacher knows:

- the importance of the formation of universal training actions of schoolchildren;

- Essence and types of universal skills,

Pedagogical techniques and methods of their formation.

The teacher knows how:

Select the content and design a learning process, taking into account the formation of UDD

Use the diagnostic tools for the success of the formation of UDD

Attract parents to a joint solution to the problem of formation of UDD


The formation of universal educational actions is an important task of the educational process and constitutes an integral part of the fundamental nucleus of general education.

The level of formation of universal educational actions is reflected in the requirements for the results of the development of the content of general education, respectively, the steps of the educational process. The development of universal training actions is the psychological basis for the success of learning to the subject matter of educational disciplines.

To date, in the practice of schooling, work on the development of universal educational actions, as a psychological component of the educational process, is carried out by a sphere. Only a minor number of teachers are trying to realize the requirement of the formation of universal training actions. The spontaneous and accidental nature of the development of universal training actions is reflected in the acute problems of school education - in a low level of educational motivation and cognitive initiative of students, the ability of students to regulate educational and cognitive activities, insufficient formation of general consumption and logical actions, and as a result of school deadaption, the growth of deviant behavior . An alternative to the current situation should be a targeted systematic formation of universal training actions with predetermined properties, such as awareness, rationality, high level of communication and the availability of applications in various subject areas, criticality, development.


1. L.P. Kesin, Academician RAO; A.A. Kuznetsov, Vice-President of RAO, Academician RAO; A.M. Kondakov, Corresponding Member RAO. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. The final version of October 6, 2009.

2. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from the action to thought: a manual for the teacher / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burumen, I.A. Volodar et al.; Ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M.:

Education, 2010.

3. "Development and approbation of technology to achieve planned results of the development of primary school programs on the subjects" Russian "," reading "," mathematics "," surrounding the world. " Project executives: O. B. Loginova, V. V. Firsov, M. R. Leontiev.

4. Planned results of primary general education / L. L. Alekseeva, S. V. Anisatkov, M. Z. Biboletova, and others; Ed. G. S. Kovaleva, O. B. Loginovoy. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009.

5. A program of the formation of universal educational actions from students at the steps of primary general education - GEF NOO.

6. Danilyuk A.Ya. Kondakov A.M. Tishkov V.A. The concept of spiritually moral development and education of a citizen of Russia. Training edition. Series "Standards of the second generation" - M.: OJSC "Publishing" Enlightenment ", 2009.

7. Formation of universal training actions in the main school: from action to thought. Task System: Manual for Teacher / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burumen, I.A. Volodar et al.; Ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

Presented in the photo.

Under this, the term implies the amount of different ways of action of schoolchildren who provide the ability to assimilate new skills and knowledge.

Theoretical aspects

The main types of UUD on GEF are connected with the ability of the student, without the help of a teacher, to form new competences, including independently organize a cognitive process. Acquisition of the ability to learn allows students to open great opportunities for various subject areas. The child is aware of the importance and importance of the educational process, its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics.

Components of academic work

The formation of URU is associated with the following elements:

  • cognitive motifs;
  • educational goals and objectives;
  • skills build educational trajectories, convert material;
  • control and assess the results of their work.

The ability to learn is a significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of the development of subject knowledge to schoolchildren, the formation of competences and skills, the value-semantic bases of their own moral choice.


All types of Wood on GEF in elementary school provide the possibilities of learning to independently implementing the educational process, setting the goal, searching and using the necessary funds and how to achieve it, control and evaluate the results of its work. In addition, UDD contributes to the creation of conditions for self-realization and harmonious development of the child, through permanent education.

  • self-determination: vital, professional, personal;
  • sense formation involving the establishment of the relationship between the purpose of the educational process and its motive;
  • moral and ethical orientations that provide a moral choice on the basis of the personal and social values \u200b\u200bof the moral choice.

Regulatory Wood

They contribute to the organization of studying their own academic work. They are counted:

  • goal (setting a learning task on well-known and unknown schoolchildren knowledge);
  • planning (identification of the sequence of individual stages in educational activities, thinking of the algorithm, sequence of actions);
  • forecasting (anticipation of the level of mastering the material);
  • comparing the sequence of actions and the result with the standard, detection of deviations;
  • correction associated with adding additions and some changes to the developed plan;
  • evaluation of the learned material, quality and level of knowledge and skills.

All types of Wood according to GEF, the table of which is presented in the photo, contribute to the self-regulation of schoolchildren, mobilizing their energy and strength. Schoolchildren acquire motivational skills to overcome the obstacles delivered to them.

Features UD

They include logical, general educational actions, formulation and solving the problem. Currently, the following general educational universal actions are distinguished:

  • individual allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal;
  • search and collect the necessary information, using information search, including computer products;
  • building knowledge structure;
  • conscious and consistent speech in writing and oral form;
  • selection of the resulting options for solving problems taking into account the existing conditions;
  • reflexion of conditions and methods of action, control, as well as evaluating the results of its own work;
  • a conscious media assessment, formulation and formulation of the problem, the development of algorithms of work within the framework of solving problems of the search and creative species.

Symbolic actions

They constitute a special group of Wood. These include:

  • modeling;
  • symbolic actions;
  • changing the model to identify general patterns relating to a specific subject area.

Formation of a ogud logical type:

  • synthesis;
  • analysis;
  • comparisons;
  • classifications on features of different objects;
  • detection of consequences;
  • determination of causal relationships;
  • laying a logical action plan;
  • setting the hypothesis, its rationale;
  • evidence.

Logical learning actions contribute to the creation of independent variables to solve various tasks of the search and creative species.

Communicative URUs contribute to the development of the formation of dialogue skills. Schoolchildren build cooperation with adults and peers on the basis of social partnership. Communicative actions include:

  • planning educational cooperation with classmates and teacher (setting goals, distribution of functions between participants in the educational process);
  • setup issues, cooperation in the selection and collection of the necessary information;
  • resolution of emerging conflicts, evaluation of alternative options, their implementation;
  • control, analysis, partner's work correction;
  • the complete expression of his thoughts, according to the tasks and conditions of communication, the ownership of the dialogue and the monologue, taking into account the syntactic and grammatical norms of the native language.


Development of a Wood system in a system of regulatory, personal, communicative, cognitive actions, which determine the development of psychological qualities of the personality, occurs within the framework of the age and regulatory development of the cognitive and personal spheres of the student. The learning process determines the main content and characteristics of the school studies, determines the zone of the nearest formation of the Wood.

As criteria for assessing the formation of universal training actions, schoolchildren acts compliance with psychological and age requirements. The formation of UUD is determined in the educational process in three provisions:

  • as a goal, content, organization;
  • as part of the assimilation of various subject areas;
  • in the context of the formation of the personal, social competence of schoolchildren.

The effectiveness of any human activity is associated not only with abilities, but also with the rational methods of its implementation. V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that in many cases the student is not able to master knowledge just because he is not taught to learn. This is especially true in our time, characterized by the transition from the industrial to the post-industrial society. In the GEF of the new generation, the formation of a UUD, which provide schoolchildren to learn, independently develop, self-improvement, are presented as the most important task of the modern educational system.

Modern children have changed much compared to the time when there was a previously operating system of education. It is quite natural that certain problems have arisen in training and educating the current young generation. .

Let us dwell on some of them:

There is a gradual leaching of preschool activities and replacing them with training type. The plot-role-playing game does not occupy a leading place in the life of a senior preschooler, which leads to the difficulties of development, arbitrariness of behavior, artiform, motivational sphere, without ensuring the formation of psychological readiness for school education;

Anxiety causes adult orientation exclusively to the mental development of the child to the detriment of spiritual and moral education and personal development. As a result of this process - loss of interest in teachings;

The awareness of children has sharply increased. If earlier the school and lessons were sources of information to the child about the world, man, society, nature, today the media today, the Internet is a significant factor in the formation of a picture of the world in a child, and not always positive;

Modern children read little, especially classical and fiction. Television, movies, video displacing literary reading. From here and difficulties in school training related to the impossibility of semantic analysis of texts of various genres; non-formation of the internal action plan; difficulty of logical thinking and imagination;

For the vital activity of modern children is characterized by the limited communication with peers. Games, joint activities are often not available for younger schoolchildren due to the closedness of society, which makes it difficult for the assimilation of moral norms and moral principles;

The category of gifted and capable children in secondary schools decreases, and the number of guys who do not know how to work independently, "intellectually passive", children with difficulty learning, and just problem children, increases.

Therefore, primary education requires new approaches that are laid in the second generation state standards.

The universalization of the content of general education in the form of allocating the unchanged fundamental nucleus of general education includes a combination of the most significant ideas of science and culture, as well as the concept of the development of universal educational actions. .

The fundamental core of the content of general education is the basic document necessary for creating curricula, programs, educational materials and manuals. .

The main purpose of the fundamental kernel in the standard support system is the definition:

1) systems of basic national values \u200b\u200bthat determine the self-consciousness of the Russian people, the priorities of public and personal development, the nature of the human relationship to the family, society, the state, the work, the meaning of human life;

2) the system of basic concepts relating to the areas of knowledge presented in high school;

3) systems of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities, adequate to the requirements of the standard for the results of education. .

In connection with this priority, new educational standards are the implementation of the developmental potential of general secondary education. The development of the personality in the education system, in connection with the standards of the second generation, is provided primarily through the formation of universal training actions (UUD). In a broad sense, the term "universal learning actions" means the ability to learn, i.e. The ability of the subject to self-development through the conscious and active assignment of social experience.

In a narrower, actually psychological meaning, the term universal learning actions can be defined as a set of ways of learning, as well as related learning skills that ensure its ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Universal training actions are presented in each section of the standard.

The Wood formation program is presented in the planned results of the development of interdisciplinary programs of two levels: - the graduate will learn (the area of \u200b\u200bcurrent development); - The graduate will be able to learn (the nearest development zone) /

As part of a system for assessing the achievement of planned results in elementary school, the URU is presented as at the base level (tasks for verification must be focused not only on substantive competencies, but also on meta-one) and at an elevated level. The standard presents four types of Wood, consider them in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Types of Wood

As can be seen from Figure (1), four types of universal training actions are distinguished. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

1) Personal Wood.

The fundamental core determines: "The block of personal universal training actions includes:

Vital, personal, professional self-determination;

The actions of the sense formation and moral and ethical estimation, implemented on the basis of the value-semantic orientation of students (readiness for the life and personal self-determination);

Knowledge of moral norms;

The ability to single out the moral aspect of behavior and relate actions and events with accepted ethical principles;

Orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. Personal universal training actions disclose personal results, in this regard, the assessment of the achievement of personal results is carried out in the course of inconspicated procedures (individual progress of the child is considered only at a request or with the permission of parents).

2) Cognitive Wood.

Cognitive universal training actions include:

General educational Wood;

Logical Wood and setting and solving problems, while in the section Obreducid Woods highlights a special group of iconic-symbolic Wood.

This block correlates not only with other blocks (regulatory), but also with other programs (reading: work with information). Overall training universal actions include:

Independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal; - search and selection of necessary information; Application of methods

information search, including with the help of computer tools; - structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement in oral and writing;

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on the specific conditions;

Reflexion of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results;

Semantic reading how to understand the purpose of reading and choosing a type of read depending on the purpose;

Extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information;

Free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official-business styles;

Understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media; - Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of creative and search nature.

In the informative Wood, two more sections are allocated with a general study - logical Wood formulation and solving problems.

Logic universal actions:

Analysis of objects in order to allocate signs (significant, insignificant); - Synthesis - compilation of a whole of parts, including independent completion with the filling of missing components; - the choice of bases and criteria for comparison, serialization, classification of objects; - Summing up for the concept, deregulation;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Constructing a logical chain of reasoning;


Advance hypotheses and their rationale.

Staging and solving the problem:

Formulating the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of creative and search.

3) Regulatory Wood.

In the fundamental core of the general education, regulatory actions are disclosed from the point of view of the structure of educational activities: the block of regulatory actions includes actions that provide organization of student learning activities:

Goaling as a formulation of a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown;

Planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result;

Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

Prediction - anticipation of the result and the level of learning of knowledge, its time characteristics;

Control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark in order to detect deviations and differences from the reference;

Correction - introducing the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of discrepancies with the standard, real action and its result;

Evaluation - the allocation and awareness of students of what has already been learned and what else needs to be assimilated, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to the volitional effort (to the choice in the situation of the motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles. "

The regulatory training actions include:




Control (correction)


4) Communicative Wood.

In the fundamental core of the content of general education, communication URU is considered quite widely, from the point of view of the socialization of the younger schoolboy: "Communicative actions provide social competence and accounting for the position of other people, partners in communication or activity; the ability to listen and join the dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; Integrate into a group of peers and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults. "

Communicative actions include:

Planning training cooperation with teacher and peers: determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction

Setting issues - Initiative cooperation in the search and collection collection

Conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflict, decision making and implementing

Partner's behavior management - control, correction, evaluation of its actions

Ability with sufficient completeness and accuracy to express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

Possession of monologic and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Communicative educational actions include planning training cooperation with teacher and peers, setup issues, conflict resolution, partner behavior management, the ability to express their thoughts.

Thus, universal training actions are one most important parts of the federal state educational standard of primary general education. In GEF, the composition of the Wood is presented, the definitions of each action are given.