Scenario of the game competition program "Colorful game" for children of primary and secondary school age. Game programs for school children. Scenarios Game programs for school children

Today everyone Kindergarten, a mini-center or school works according to a certain mastered method, choosing it from hundreds developed and proposed by specialists. Educators and teachers are required to draw up a development program for the upcoming academic year, projects are based on the preferences and focus of the preschool and educational institution.

Game programs for children. Targets and goals

Modern methods for the development of children, both junior and school age are based on the game. Experts say that it is by playing that a child learns and memorizes material better. Play programs for children are aimed at making children active listeners and proactive participants. Projects of this kind combine methods of attracting attention and broadening one's horizons. While playing, it is quite easy to convey to children information about nature, the world, and society. The main tasks of conducting game programs pursued by teachers are:

  • organization of leisure and educational activities for children;
  • involving children in action;
  • the formation of the need for a correct lifestyle;
  • providing conditions for physical, intellectual and spiritual development;
  • creation and organization of conditions for self-affirmation and self-realization.

Play programs for children are based on various methods, the main ones of which are:

  • conversations on various topics (cognitive, literary, historical, ethical, patriotic);
  • cartoon shows on a specific topic;
  • quizzes and contests;
  • mobile entertainment;
  • intellectual activities (play cognitive program for kids);
  • relay races, marathons;
  • themed holidays;
  • discos.

As a result, the participants of the game program will discover their creative possibilities, will be involved in a new fascinating and cognitive world, and will acquire useful communication skills, knowledge and skills.

Game programs for preschool children

All educational and recreational activities are classified according to certain criteria. One of the main ones is the age of the children, the development of which the program is aimed at. For preschoolers, projects are mostly represented by entertainment. These include games:

  • didactic (for example, "Find a Cub", "Collect a Snowman");
  • on the development of speech;
  • mathematical and logical;
  • with letters and words;
  • ecological;
  • experimental;
  • finger;
  • on motor skills;
  • movable;
  • plot and role-playing.

Game programs for school children

They have a more cognitive focus. They aim at assimilation curriculum and successful passing of tests and exams. Gaming programs for the study of foreign languages that contribute to better learning and memorization. At the end school year In the summer, cognitive and developmental programs for children continue, mainly represented by sports and leisure activities. Competitions contribute to active recreation and physical development of children. Most often, sporting events alternate with game programs, the main purpose of which is to perform specific tasks.

The game program consists of three blocks:

- "Flora and fauna";

- "Art";

- "Sport".

Questions, tasks, games are not only entertaining, but also cognitive. In a relaxed way, children learn interesting things from the field of flora and fauna, get acquainted with arts and sports, and take an active part in games.

Creative work is relevant for students in grades 3 - 4.

Leading... I invite you to take part in the game program "About everything in the world." You have the opportunity to show off your erudition, as well as learn what you do not already know.

Block one. "Flora and fauna"

Let me remind you that the word "flora" means "plants" and "fauna" means animals. Let's start with a warm-up. Guess the riddles on the topic.

He is dressed in a warm fur coat,

He builds dams on water

Under water, the house collects,

He does not take off his fur coat in the house. (Beaver)

The district is famous for

Green beauty.

Sundress like a bell

On the ground and dragged.

Hat - with a fringe,

With a sharp crown. (Spruce)

It looks like an umbrella

Only a hundred times less.

If a thunderstorm is on the horizon

He is only happy.

If it's raining and warm

He thinks - lucky! (Mushroom)

It grows on a long stem

With petals like horns

His head is large

Full of black seeds. (Sunflower)

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams are pouring:

Amicably small dots

They are building a house for themselves on a hummock.

Grows under a pine tree

A brand new forest house. (Ants)

Horns came out on the path.

Won't you butt?

I touched them a little -

The horns hid again.

Round house ...

Maybe the gnome lives in this house?

It is magical, this house -

He crawls along the path! (Snail)

Leading... Contest for connoisseurs of flora and fauna. Three are invited. (A 5-step lane is marked for each player with chalk or chips.) Each correct answer moves the participant one step forward. Who will be the first to go their own way? Players will be asked questions in turn.

What plant is semolina obtained from? (Oats, barley, wheat)

Finish the proverb: "Rye bread - for a white roll ..." ( grandfather, uncle, neighbor).

What is the name of the part of the plant that absorbs water from the soil? (Stem, root, sheet)

What birds breed chicks in winter? ( Crossbones, cuckoos, jackdaws)

Which bird doesn't fly? ( Ostrich, golden eagle, vulture)

What wood are matches made of? ( Aspen, maple, oak)

What wood is a piano made of? (Pine, spruce, willow)

What wood are skis usually made of? ( Birch, mountain ash, ash)

Favorite cat plant? (Motherwort, oregano, valerian)

The most powerful animal on earth? (Elephant, hippo, ant)

Which plant has the smallest flowers and fruits in the world? ( Duckweed, peas, shepherd's purse)

The world's largest flower? (Poppy, goose bow, cadaveric lily)

The tallest tree in the world? (Baobab, eucalyptus, liana)

The largest tree in the world in girth? (Chestnut, ash, cypress)

Leading... Now attention - a crossword puzzle! But the crossword puzzle is not simple, but with a problem! What is the problem, I'll tell you later. Now let's solve it together.

1. Synonym for labor. Got it, right? (Work)

2. A boat with a motor rushes across the expanses of water. (Boat)

3. An acrobat sat on the floor, stretched his legs into ... (twine).

4. A neighbor says to a neighbor: "She's on the way to dinner." (A spoon)

5. This metal was forged by a blacksmith. (Iron)

6. In a gilded frame, the face of a saint in the temple. (Icon)

7. Noose lasso is thrown by a cowboy. (Lasso)

8. On the arena, the red-haired comedian caused loud laughter to the point of colic. (Clown)

9. A canvas was pulled to show the movie. (Screen)

And now the promised mess! From the letters marked with asterisks, make up a word - a synonym for the word "chicken". (Pestle.) Whoever does it first will get a prize!

Leading. So, we learned that the chicken is also called a pied. And what is the mother-hen called? (Mother hen). Let's play a game called "The Kite and the Hen."

Description of the game... The game involves 10-12 players. One of the players is chosen as a "kite", the other - as a "hen", all the rest are "chickens". They stand behind the "hen", forming a column. Everyone is holding on to each other, and the one standing in front is holding on to the "hen".

The "Kite" stands three or four paces from the column. On a signal from the leader, he tries to grab the last chicken. To do this, he needs to go around the column and sit behind. But this is not easy to do, since the “brood hen” always turns to face him and blocks the path, stretching out his arms to the side, and the entire column deviates in the opposite direction from him.

The game continues for several minutes. If during this time the "kite" manages to grab the "chicken", a new "kite" is chosen, and the game is repeated.

Second block. "Art"

Leading... Art is artistic creation people. Art includes literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, dance, theater, cinema, and so on. Without them, our life would be boring and monotonous. If, in principle, it is possible to live without cinema, although we can hardly imagine it, then without music or, for example, dancing, it is impossible to imagine any nation. Even the most backward tribes with a low level of culture are inextricably linked with these arts. We will also start this block of tasks with a warm-up.

♦ What does the word "cinema" mean? (Cinema)

♦ All written and printed works of the people are called ... (literature).

♦ Building art. (Architecture)

♦ What is the Youth Theater? (Theater of the Young Spectator)

♦ Everything that is sculpted from clay and wax, carved from stone, carved from wood, cast from bronze or plaster is called ... (sculpture).

♦ The art that shows us the beauty of sounds is called ... (music).

♦ Drama, opera, ballet ... (theater).

♦ Art in the arena. (Circus)

♦ Landscape, portrait, still life - genres ... (painting).

♦ “Swan Lake” by PI Tchaikovsky is ... (ballet).

Leading. Each art form has its own symbols. The symbol is an identification, distinctive sign... Look at the poster. (See Attachment). Tell me what kind of art symbols are depicted on it. (A frame of a film strip is a symbol of cinema; a mask is a theater; a lyre is music; an easel is painting; a pen is literature.)

Let's dwell on the theatrical art form. I will ask three groups of people willing to prepare and play funny stories on a school theme in front of us.

Cards with text are distributed.


The class includes four late students.

Teacher... Guys, why are you late?

1st student. My grandmother fell ill, and I went to the pharmacy.

2nd student... And on my watch there are still ten minutes before the start of the lesson ...

3rd student. And on the way I remembered that I forgot to turn off the iron - I had to go back.

4th student... (She is silent.)

Teacher. Well, why are you silent?

4th student. I don’t know what to think of. They've already said everything!

Dad(to the teacher). Why are you picking on my son?

The teacher... Finding fault? He doesn't know anything! Look: how much is two plus two?

A son. See, papa, it's started again!

Physical education teacher... We'll be skiing in class tomorrow.

1st student. I can't tomorrow, my throat hurts.

Teacher... A doctor's note!

2nd student. I can not either. I have a runny nose!

Teacher... A doctor's note!

3rd student... Ay my leg hurts! Teacher. A doctor's note!

4th student... Ivan Sergeich, my ski is broken!

Teacher... A doctor's note!

Leading... In the meantime, our artists are preparing dramatizations, let's do some physical education.

The game “This and that” is being played.

Description of the game... If the leader says "so" and performs any movement, then the children should repeat this movement after him. If the leader says the word "that way" and performs any movement, then the players should not repeat it. The player who made the mistake is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Acting out scenes.

Block three. "Physical culture and sports"

Leading... Physical education and sports make a person strong, agile, enduring. Children who constantly exercise, lead an active lifestyle, who are engaged in hardening the body, are always in a good mood and are less prone to colds. And we will start this block with a warm-up.

♦ Throw in the river - does not sink;

If you hit the wall, it doesn't moan;

Throw you down to the ground -

Will take off upward. (Ball)

♦ On a clear morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road.

Legs go along the road and two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer: this is my ... (bicycle).

♦ On the squares of the board, the kings brought shelves together,

The regiments have no cartridges or bayonets for battle. (Chess)

♦ Wooden horses gallop in the snow, do not fall into the snow. (Skis)

♦ Like the wind, fast cars rush down from the top:

In each - a small chauffeur, the conqueror of the snowy mountains. (Sled)

♦ I rush like a bullet, I go ahead,

Only ice creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? (Skates)

♦ Hula-hoop. (Hoop)

♦ Sports team. (Team)

♦ A coward does not play ... (hockey).

♦ In a healthy body, a healthy ... (spirit).

Leading. Attention! Competition! We list the sports. The last one gets the prize! (Football, boxing, billiards, mountaineering, wrestling, cycling, fencing, hockey, tennis, horse racing, darts, gymnastics, volleyball, etc.).

Now let's move on to the practical part. The game "Airplanes" will reveal the most dexterous players.

Description of the game... Three teams of two are formed. Each "crew" is given a paper airplane (in origami technique). Objective: blowing on the airplane, the players must overtake it across the field to the line and back. Whose "crew" will cope faster, he won.

Leading... The game "Footballer" will define the real ace of football.

Description of the game... The "footballer" is selected. He is blindfolded. In front of the football player is put balloon... The presenter spins the player in place several times, and then gives him the commands: "step left", "step right" or "turn left", "turn right", then - "blow!"

The game is repeated several times. The winner is the one who managed to hit the "ball".

Leading. This completes the game program. Thanks to all!

This fun program that can be organized at any children's party, because its theme is universal - sweets. If you spend it at a birthday, then you definitely need to add a game and congratulations especially for the birthday person, if at the New Year's holiday, then include a couple of New Year's contests and the arrival of Santa Claus (let him be the one distributing prizes at the end), etc. Parents can play the role of animators, therefore game program for children "Merry Sweet Heart" can be arranged as a home holiday ..

Game program script.

Contests for teaching Stnikov Sladkoborya.

After the treat, the animators move on to the competition.anandth.

To do this, one by one, the children are called in two and the task is announced to them. The winner is presented with a lottery ticket. Those who lost are seated at the table once again in the second round. However, so that the children do not feel like losers, they will have to declare a draw in other cases, then both players receive tickets.

The tasks are as follows:

1.Using a fork, unfold the candy and eat it.

2. Hands-free, after catching three caramels from a plate of soda, eat them.

3. Eat a glass of fruit puree through a straw.

4. without using your hands, you need to turn over the cup, under which there is chocolate candy on the saucer. Eat candy.

5. Race to drink a glass of soda, scooping the drink with a spoon from the toy set.

6. with the left hand we hold on to the seat of the chair, and with the right hand we clean the tangerine and eat it!

7. holding the waffle only with your little fingers, you need to eat it quickly!

8. The apple cut into slices should be devoured with a tablespoon.

9. But we eat the banana divided into 15 parts, using only dessert skewers.

10. put the cookie on the crook of the right elbow and try to eat it, but without hands!

11. Using only little fingers, eat 7 candied nuts.

12. Three peaches strung on skewers we eat in a race.

13. ten monpasier dragees should be eaten with a fork.

14.Five slices of chocolate are dissolved in hot tea with a teaspoon (drinking is optional - the main thing is to bring it to complete dissolution)

15 we eat chocolate again: taking it in our right hand, we put our hand behind the back of our head and in this position we bite off the bar!

16. Take a bite of the apple five times, which is suspended on a ribbon (the ribbons are held by clowns).

17. We squeeze a can of Coca-Cola between our knees and try to drink it.

18. Without using your hands, you need to grind three sweet straws in a glass.

19.Using small cups as spoons, pick up five strawberries from the plate and eat!

20. from a deep bowl, without touching, eat ten corn sticks

21. holding the sweet straw with your elbows, manage to eat it!

22. Eat condensed milk from a saucer using one cookie.

23. eat a handful of cornflakes using only a fork.

24. eat three gummies with a knife and a fork!

25. using a tablespoon, eat half a bar of chocolate.

26. Try to bite an apple floating in a bowl of water three times.

27. Use your thumbs (no more!) To peel and eat a banana.

28. eat ice cream from a bowl without the help of cutlery.

29.Drink a glass of cocktail, pouring it from a glass into a saucer, like tea is hot

30. eat the jam by sucking it in a thick cocktail straw.

When Sweetheart is over, and all the children will be in their arms lottery tickets, these tickets must be raffled off. Prepare a drum in advance, where you will put pieces of paper with ticket numbers, or use ordinary kegs for bingo.

Each number assumes a small present, try to make them different, but approximately equal.

After the drawing, it is best to continue the festive program, include in it (possibly related to a holiday, for example, on a New Year theme), arrange merry dances with parents and separately with children - any animation will go off with a bang and, of course, do not forget again invite for food.

Especially for the site

Game - a journey through the Planet of childhood for primary school age

Game program with elements of a sports relay.

Scenario of the game "Journey to the Planet of Childhood" for primary school age.

author: Merinova Irina Vitalievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD DTDiM, Topki.
Material description: The script of the game program. Can be conducted in an unfamiliar audience. Development can be useful for teachers primary grades, teachers, organizers, parents.
Target: Team building.
- involving children in play;
- organization of leisure activities;
- creating conditions for self-affirmation.
Equipment: balloons, sports equipment, tape recorder.
Event progress:
Music "where does childhood go"
Leading. Dear guys, today we invite everyone on a trip to the "Planet of Childhood". On this planet, you need to be able to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun in general, have a great time.
First you need to get acquainted
Dating game "Say the name" whose name I will now name - he will carry out the task.
Tanya raised her hands up.
Oli, Vicki screamed.
Nastya, Sveti waved,
Natasha clapped her hands,
Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,
And Marina all sat down,
Ksyusha, Dasha meowed together,
And the Maxims grunted a little.
Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout "Oh"
Lena, Julia and Andryusha - shout "Ay"
About whom I did not say
And today she was silent,
As one family
Let's shout together "I"!

(stand in a circle, pass the ball and wish each other a good journey)
Leading. Now we will pass the ball in a circle with these words
You, fly, balloon,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand,
Who has the ball left-
He wishes everyone a happy journey.
Leading. Now I want to get to know you better.
The game "who loves to sing and play"(children answer questions)
Who likes to sing, play?
Who is missing lessons?
Who lives by routine?
Do we exercise in the morning?
Who protects clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who among you doesn't like boredom?
Who's the jack of all trades here?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears both books and notebooks?
Who helps mom at home?
And who drives the bum?
Who doesn't offend friends?
Does he chase cats by their tails?

Who loves jelly?
Who is the carousel?
Who likes to swim?
In the bathroom?
In the sea?
In the shower?
In a puddle?
Who would like to become a pilot?
Driving an airplane?
To become a good driver?
Fly from the bed to the floor?
Which one of you, say it out loud,
Catching flies in class?
Which one of you is so good
Did you go to sunbathe in galoshes?
Who loves cake and candy?
Who are the hot cutlets?
Who Loves Apples and Pears?
Who among you doesn't wash your ears?
Leading. Now that we have met and learned a lot of interesting things about each other, we can go on a trip, but before that we will prepare the balloons on which we will fly. We split into two teams, and a show jumping is announced.
COMPETITION "FUNNY FRIENDS" relay race 5 people
For a certain amount of time, you need to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1- eye, 2- nose, 3- mouth, 4- eyebrows, 5- ears.)

(Music sounds) In flight, we will perform movements

And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island of the "most resourceful".

At the signal, the participants throw the ball up and try to hold it, stamping only with their nose. The winner is the one who keeps the ball in the air for the longest time.

-At the signal, you need to throw the balloon as high as possible.
-And now, at my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly by.

COMPETITION "FIGHT WITH BALLS" choose the strongest
2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.
COMPETITION "RUN WITH BALLS" choose the fastest team.
Keep the ball on the racket, run to the pin, and come back.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island of unusual animals... There are many strange and unusual animals on this island, I suggest you settle new inhabitants here.
Given long balloons, you need to make from hot air balloon the figure of an animal or bird and come up with an interesting name for it.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island "Topotushkino"... On this island there are children who stomp the loudest. Do you want to compete with them? Boys stomp, girls stomp, and now all together. Well done!
Two participants from each team receive a ball, you need to put the ball on the floor and stomp on it, who will burst the ball faster.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the African island... There are many wild little monkeys living on this island. Say hello to them.
Relay between teams, hold the ball between the legs and jump to the pins, back to run and pass the ball to the next one.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop at Fabulous Island. Guys, guess who lives on this island? Correctly fairy-tale heroes, and which we will now find out.
1. Who are the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a baked product? (Gingerbread man)
2. Who are they fairytale heroes I was very fond of the saying "One head is good, but three is better." (Dragon)
3. Name the heroine french fairy tale who got her nickname from her headdress. (Little Red Riding Hood)
4. What character was very fond of shoes and what was his nickname for that? (Puss in Boots)
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island "Dance"
A dance marathon is announced between the teams, who will dance whom.
Summing up the game program.
Leading. Have fun don't be sad and take your time from the childhood planet. After all, childhood will never return to you. Stay children as long as possible.

Municipal state-financed organization social service system

social protection of the population of the Starooskolsk urban district "Social rehabilitation center for minors"



Educator-psychologist "SRTSDN"


Elena Alexandrovna


At primary school age, the child has to overcome many difficulties in communication, and above all - with peers. Here, in situations of formal equality (all classmates and peers), children are faced with different natural energy, with a different culture of speech and emotional communication peers, with different wills and a great sense of personality. These collisions take on pronounced expressive forms, for example, aggressive reactions, tearfulness, and motor disinhibition.

A child of primary school age is in great emotional dependence on parents, educators, and a psychologist. The so-called emotional hunger - the need for positive emotions from a significant adult - largely determines the behavior of the child. In system interpersonal relationships a child with other people - with adults and peers - a complex gamut of feelings arises and develops, which characterize him as an already socialized person.

Moreover, positive qualities social development the child is his disposition to other people (adults and children), which, in direct communication, is expressed in inner feeling trust in them and manifests itself in the child's developing ability to empathize. Empathy of a “successful” child with a “unsuccessful” one creates a special atmosphere of solidarity between children: all participants in this situation become more attentive to each other, more benevolent.

One of the most widespread and serious pedagogical problems in psychology is the problem of emotional instability, imbalance in primary school students. Parents and teachers do not know how to behave with schoolchildren who are overly stubborn, touchy, quarrelsome, or, for example, with children who are too painfully worried about any comment, whiny, anxious.

According to IV Dubrovina, there are three most pronounced groups of so-called "difficult" children who have problems in the emotional sphere.

Aggressive children. In the life of every child, there have been cases when he showed aggression, therefore, referring a child to this group, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the degree of manifestation of an aggressive reaction in a child, the duration of its action and character possible reasons, sometimes implicit, which caused the affective behavior of the student. Emotionally disinhibited children. Children of this type react too violently to everything; if they express delight, then as a result of their expressive behavior they turn on the whole class; if they suffer, their crying and moaning will be too loud and defiant. Too shy, vulnerable, touchy, timid, anxious children. They are embarrassed to loudly and explicitly express their emotions, quietly worry about their problems, fearing to draw attention to themselves.

Thus, when interacting with a child, an adult must constantly remember about the features of his emotional sphere, contributing to the affective regulation of the child and the optimal ways of his socialization.

The work with children in this program is based on psychological help which provides the necessary feeling of psychological security for each child individually and for a group of children as a whole; involves special attention to the child's personal problems, since success schooling depends on the emotional well-being of the child.

The main objectives of the program:

Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, removal of emotional stress;

Developing in children the ability to build constructive relationships with others and to relate positively to themselves;

Smoothing out negative emotional background;

The development of cognitive mental processes.

Objectives of the program:

1) Providing the necessary psychological support;

2) Improving the emotional state;

3) Formation of adequate self-esteem;

4) Improving interpersonal relationships;

5) Consolidation of communication skills;

6) Development of thinking, imagination, memory, attention.

Health-preserving technologies are used in working with children: game therapy, respiratory and finger gymnastics, dynamic pauses, elements of psychotherapy, art therapy, relaxation techniques.

All this stimulates the activity of children to cognitive, speech and other forms of activity.

Children's work resulting from productive activities in the classroom, they are used in the design of an office, a group, which is also of great educational value.

Number of lessons - 10

The duration of the classes is 40 - 45 minutes.

The number of lessons per week is 2.

This lesson program is designed to work with children of primary school age.

Classes are held in an equipped room, where an atmosphere of relaxedness, psychological comfort is created and maintained, there is enough space for placing children, outdoor games, productive activity and creativity.

The psychotherapeutic effect of classes involves fostering children's trust in adults, striving for contact with them; interest in the classes being held; as well as mitigation of psychological trauma; decline emotional tension, destructive forms of behavior, including negativism, aggressiveness, anxiety, disinhibition; psychological comfort and positive feelings.

The developing effect of classes involves the manifestation of interest in classes and the desire to continue these studies; development of the creative potential of children; the ability to express your feelings in words and be aware of them; development of mental processes in children.

The educational effect presupposes the preservation and strengthening of the health of children; knowledge of oneself and the world around; the formation of moral principles, emotional and volitional qualities, social behavior.

This program of correctional and developmental classes with children was tested in the "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" of the Starooskolsk urban district of the Belgorod region, with a group of children 8-10 years old. The number of children in the classroom is 8 - 9.

Lesson number 1. Introductory lesson.

Targets and goals: To acquaint children with the purpose of classes, to get an initial idea of ​​each child. Development of rules of conduct in the classroom. Relaxation, removal of muscle tension.

All members of the group sit in a circle, the moderator informs about what the group will do in the classroom, explains to the children the goals of joint work.

  1. Acquaintance. Each member of the group is invited to choose a name for himself, you can fictitious and compose short story about yourself (favorite color, what plant or animal you imagine yourself to be, etc.). The host is introduced first.

Attention task. "What names (animals, plants) were encountered often, and which ones once?"

  1. Greetings. Children chaotically walk around the hall, greeted each other first with a gaze, then (at a signal) touch with their eyes, then with their right shoulder, then touch with their elbows, then with their backs. Establishing feedback.
  2. Development of rules of conduct in the classroom. All children sit in a circle and think over the rules of behavior in the group, first, everyone writes down their own rules, and then all participants work out general rules group behaviors, which are printed on paper for the next lesson.
  3. Meditation "Place of Peace" (music for relaxation sounds). “Sit back, relax, close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a place where you are calm, good, comfortable. It can be a forest, river, sea or waterfall. If it is difficult for you to find this place, try to construct it, draw it; come up with it ... Imagine yourself there. Look at what beautiful clothes and shoes you are wearing, you really like your hairstyle. You like yourself. You feel good and calm here, you feel protected. Remember this feeling. Now go back to the here and now. Open your eyes, stretch. Take a deep breath, exhale. "
  4. Dance game. “I suggest you dance now. Stand in a circle. Let's determine which of you has a better sense of rhythm. " Music sounds, the psychologist quickly and clearly shows the various dance movements, and the children must repeat them as accurately as possible. At the end of the game, the best are singled out.
  5. Parting. Consolidation of positive emotions received in the lesson. Each child in turn puts his hand on the knee next to the person sitting, calls him by name and says: "Thank you ... that you sat next to me in class today."

Lesson number 2.

Targets and goals: Stimulation of intragroup communication, development of memory, attention, logical thinking, development vocabulary children. Consolidation of positive emotional feelings.

  1. Warm up. The game "Flies - does not fly". Activation of children for inclusion in joint activities.
  2. Game "Unexpected Pictures" (music sounds). “Sit in one general circle. Take a piece of paper each for yourself and sign your name on the back. Then start drawing a picture (2-3 minutes). At my command, stop drawing and transfer the started drawing to your neighbor on the left. Take the sheet that your neighbor on the right gave you and continue painting the picture you started. " As soon as the music stops, the children change patterns. At the end of the exercise, each child receives the picture that he began to paint. Analysis of the exercise: - Do you like the drawing that you started to draw?

Did you enjoy painting other people's drawings?

Which drawing do you like the most?

Is the drawing different from what you usually draw? How?

  1. Game "Finish the word" "Attention! In this game, we will end words that begin, for example, with a syllable ra, earth, go, pa .. I will throw a ball to each of youand say the first syllable of a word, you will have to catch the ball, and, throwing it back at me, finish the word. "

5) Game "Homeostat""Attention! Let's play the next game. This game will help us find out if we can work together. This is a challenging game. And we won't be able to do it right away. It will take several lessons to master it. The game is as follows. The whole group gathers in a circle. At my command, everyone throws out their fingers. Our group should strive to ensure that all participants throw out the same number of fingers. The participants in the game are prohibited from negotiating, winking, etc., that is, they cannot try to coordinate their actions in any illegal way. " In order to provide each other with the opportunity to assess the situation and take it into account in subsequent games, the participants, after throwing out their fingers, fix them for some time.

6) Meditation game “Smile” (music for relaxation sounds) “Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out ...

With each exhalation, you can feel your face relaxing more and more. Let your mouth, nose, ears, forehead, eyes relax with each exhalation ...

Now take a deep, deep breath and hold your breath. Throw your head back, exhale forcefully, blowing out the air as high as possible so that it reaches half a push ...

Say it again.

Take a deep breath ... Hold the air ... Throw back your head ... Exhale strongly, blowing the air up to the ceiling ...

Now breathe in again. And when you breathe out now, try to smile. Feel how your lips stretch as you smile, and how the muscles of your cheeks tighten ...

Do it again and try to smile wider. Imagine that you see a beautiful sun in front of you in the drawing, whose mouth spreads into a wide, friendly smile.

When you smile again now, feel how the smile goes into your hands, reaches your palms. Perhaps you will now notice a slight tingling sensation in your palms. Breathe and smile ... And feel how your hands and palms are filled with the smiling power of the sun.

When you smile again, feel your smile sinking lower and lower, down to your feet, to the very tips of your feet. Perhaps you will notice how your legs and feetwill begin to shake slightly from this smiling solar power.

Feel the smile all over your body. Smiling, you feel good from head to toe, you feel joy with all the cells of your body.

Now take a deep breath again and hold your breath for a moment. Imagine that there is a large golden ball in your chest. This is the real sun inside you, inside your heart. When you breathe out now, let this sun smile. Take in more air again, hold your breath and feel the sun inside you, smiling broadly and friendly. And when you breathe in just as deeply a couple more times and let the sun smile, you will be able to notice how calm, serene and joyful it became in your soul. And you can then evoke this pleasant feeling in yourself, remembering the picture of the smiling sun.

Now stretch a little and straighten up. Open your eyes and find yourself with us in this room again.

Lesson number 3.

Targets and goals: development interpersonal communication in the group, the development of motor-auditory memory, attention. Help children feel positive and negative feelings, help reduce the impact of negative feelings.

  1. Game "Remember your pose". Children stand in a circle. At the command of the psychologist, everyone should take certain positions (optional). The presenter bypasses the children and those children who have taken the same poses, suggests changing them. Then cheerful music plays. Children move (1-1.5 min.) The music stops, children must quickly scatter to their places to take the poses that they learned at the beginning of the game.
  2. Greetings.
  3. Reflection of the previous lesson
  4. Game "Love and Anger" (music sounds). “Please sit in one common circle and close your eyes…. Imagine that you are now talking to someone you are angry with. Tell that person why you are angry with him. Maybe he didn't keep his promise or didn't do something that you didn't expect from him. Talk to this person to yourself, so that no one can hear you. Say very clearly and precisely what exactly you are angry with. If, for example, you are angry with your little brother Fedka, you can tell him: “Fedya, it makes me mad when you draw all sorts of scribbles in my notebook”. If you are angry with your sister Sonya, you can tell her, for example, "I tremble all over with anger when you walk through my room and scatter all my things and toys along the way." If you are angry with your parents, tell them, too, as accurately as possible, than they made you angry: “Mom, I am very offended that you are forcing me to take out the trash can again. Whereas Masha and Ira may not help you at all "(1-2 min)

Now tell the person you spoke to what you like about him. Be specific about this as well. For example: “Fedya, I really like that when I come home from school, you rush to meet me and happily hug me” or “Mom, I really like it when you read me fairy tales before going to bed.” (1-2 minutes).

Now, who in class sometimes makes you angry. Imagine that you are approaching this person and clearly and specifically tell him what exactly he pissed you off with ... (1 min). Now mentally go to this child again and tell him what you like about him. (1 minute)

Now you can open your eyes again and look around the circle. Take a good look at the other children. And now we can discuss what each of you experienced in your imagination. "

Exercise analysis:

“How do you feel when you don’t tell the other that you’re angry with him?”

How do you feel when you tell him that you are angry?

Can you stand it if someone tells you that he is angry with you?

Are there people you never get angry with?

Are there people who are never angry with you?

Why is it so important to say exactly what you are angry about?

When your anger goes away faster, when do you keep it quiet, or when you talk about it?

5) The game "Shadow" (the game is played to the music).Two children are selected from the group of children. The rest are spectators. One child is a "traveler", the other is his "shadow". The "traveler" walks across the field, and behind him, two or three steps behind, is the second child, his "shadow". The latter tries to exactly copy the movements of the "traveler".

It is advisable to stimulate the "traveler" to perform different movements: "pick a flower", "sit down", "jump on one leg", "stop to look from under the arm", etc. You can modify the game by breaking all the children into pairs - " the traveler "and his" shadow ".

6) The game "Owl"

Children themselves choose the driver - the "owl", which sits in the "nest" (on a chair) and "sleeps". Children move throughout the day. Then the presenter commands: "Night!" Children freeze, and the owl opens its eyes and begins to catch. Which of the players moves or laughs becomes an owl.

7) Game "Homeostat"

  1. Parting. All participants in the lesson stand in a circle, stretch their arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Then, on command, they swing their arms 3 times and abruptly break.

Lesson number 4.

Targets and goals: development of skills of interaction of children with each other. Correction of anxiety and shyness, removal of stiffness, passivity, development of thinking, attention, imagination.

  1. Greetings. Game "Waterfall" (performed to music)
  2. "Drawing in 2 stages" (music sounds). “Divide into pairs and sit on the floor. Place a piece of Whatman paper between you and take one felt-tip pen (each pair has a different colored felt-tip pen). Place a point in the center of the sheet with a felt-tip pen and, without lifting your hand, close your eyes. Now I give you 2 minutes for you to travel with your felt-tip pen over the entire surface of the sheet without tearing it off the paper. Draw in all directions until it seems to you that you have visited all the corners of the Whatman paper ... (2 min).

Now open your eyes and try to make a picture from what is drawn on paper. If you want, you can talk to each other at the same time (10 minutes).

You still have 1-2 minutes to complete the drawing and decide what you want to name it. Let each pair show the drawing to the others. "

Exercise analysis:

Did you enjoy painting with your eyes closed?

How do you find mutual language with your partner when your eyes were closed? Have you spoken to him?

How did your couple finish painting the picture?

How did you work with your partner?

How satisfied are you with your drawing?

3) Exercise "4th extra"

4) Exercise "Comparison of concepts"

5) Exercise "Roar lion roar, knock the train, knock."

“We are all lions, a big lion family. Let's have a competition who growls louder. As soon as I say, "Roar, lion, roar," let the loudest growl be heard. " “Who can growl louder? Okay. Roar lions ... Is that a lion's roar? This is the squeak of a kitten. A loud roar is needed. " And after that, let everyone line up at the back of the head to each other, putting their hands on the shoulders of the one in front. You are a locomotive. Begin to move slowly around the perimeter of the room, panting and whistling. Walking around the room once stand at the end of the "train", and the place of the "locomotive" will be taken by the child standing behind you. It should move a little faster and make sounds louder. Continue the game until everyone is in the role of a "locomotive". At the end of the game, a "crash" can occur: everyone falls to the floor.

6) Reach for the stars relaxation game.

7) Farewell. All participants in the lesson stand in a circle, stretch their arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Then, on command, they swing their arms 3 times and abruptly break.

Lesson number 5.

Targets and goals: development of communication skills, development of thinking, imagination, memory, attention. To develop the ability to establish connections between objects and phenomena, to think creatively, to create new holistic images from disparate objects. Develop observation, inner freedom and relaxedness.

1) Game "Cows, dogs, cats" (performed to music)“Please stand and sit in a wide circle. I will approach each of you and whisper the name of an animal in your ear. Remember it well, because then you will need to become this animal. Don't tell anyone what I whispered to you. (The psychologist takes turns whispering in the ear to the children: "You will be a cow", "You will be a dog", "You will be a cat."

Now please close your eyes. In a minute, I will ask you to "speak" as your animal "speaks". Forget the human language for a while. Without opening your eyes, you need to unite in groups with all those animals that "speak" just like you. You can walk around the room and, upon hearing your animal, move towards it. Then, holding hands, you are already walking together and together make the sound of this animal in order to find other children who "speak" your language. Ready? Did everyone close their eyes? Remember to keep your eyes closed while walking around the room. Perk up your ears and listen to the sounds of a cow, dog and cat ... Start! "

2) Reflection of the previous lesson.

3) Gymnastics for the development of mental activity "Brain-Jim"

4) Exercise "Name each group of words with one word."

5) The game "Making proposals". Three words are proposed that are not related to each other in meaning: for example, “lake, pencil, bear”. Assignment: make up as many sentences as possible that would include these three words (you can change the number and case of words, use other words).

6) Exercise "What would happen if ..."

- “If every person from birth acquires the ability to read the thoughts of another, how will life on earth change?” ...

- "If the force of gravity on Earth suddenly disappeared, that is, all objects and creatures would completely lose their weight, then ..."

- "If all people were suddenly speechless, then ..."

  1. Game "Shadow"

8) Game "Quiet place for reflection" (music for relaxation sounds) Material: paper and colored pencils for each child.

« Can you tell me the questions that guys your age love to talk about with their friends, brothers and sisters? Can you tell me the questions that your peers most like to discuss with their moms? Can you tell me what you and your friends love to discuss with your dads the most?

Now I want you to ponder for a while and come up with a question to which you really want to know the answer. Does everyone have such questions? Whoever has already thought of such a question, raise your hand. I want to show you how you yourself can answer, in whole or in part, to your question.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes ... Take three deep inhalations and exhalations and find within yourself a point of inner peace - a place in your soul where it is quiet and calm ...

If you listen carefully, you can hear the waves of the ocean rolling gently onto the shore. Perhaps, at first, the sound of the ocean is heard somewhere far away, but gradually the sound of water rolling onto the shore becomes louder and louder ... Then the wave rolls back ... Then it rushes back to the shore and retreats again ... The rhythm of the surf sounds even and calming. Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries and everything that bothers you. I. just as the waves smooth the sand on the shore, they can make your mind calm and clear.

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand around you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that you are all alone on the shore. The sun goes down and colors the sky in tones of gold, reds, pinks and lilacs. You feel the warmth of the evening sun with all your skin and, casting a glance at the water, you see glare playing on the waves.

Take in more air with your whole chest and smell the salty smell of the sea. The sea air is fresh and slightly humid. You hear the seagulls screaming, letting the wind carry them high into the sky. At times, they hover almost motionless, freezing in the oncoming air flow. You now feel completely calm and serene and use the calmness and silence of the sea to ask yourself important question... Find simple and clear words for your question. And while you quietly say your question, look at the sea distance and be prepared for the sea to give you some answer.

Perhaps you will hear this answer through the sound of the surf ... Perhaps the sea will show you some picture, some image ... Perhaps you will feel some feeling in yourself that will help you find the right answer ... Maybe be it so that the sea will simply prompt you new words so that you can clearly and clearly formulate your question. (30 seconds.)

In any case, now you are familiar with this quiet and peaceful place in the depths of your soul. And you can come back here any time you want to think about something important. Now you can say goodbye to thisplace and slowly return here to this room. Stretch, straighten, open your eyes and be here again, fresh, full of vigor.

Now take a piece of paper and paint a picture. You can draw the place by the sea where you were now, or the feeling that you experienced, or your question, or the answer you received. Draw what you see fit. (10 minutes). Finally, the children are given the opportunity to discuss their drawings in small groups.

9) Farewell. Consolidation of positive emotions received in the lesson. Each child in turn puts his hand on the knee next to the person sitting, calls him by name and says: "Thank you ... that you sat next to me in class today."

Lesson number 6.

Targets and goals: Teach children to be attentive to themselves, respect and accept themselves. Help your child feel supported by the group. Develop tactile sensations.

1) Exercise "Things that give joy" (performed to music)

Now remember those things that have ever given you joy and good mood. Choose something that you find especially pleasant at this moment. Perhaps it will be raindrops on rose petals, perhaps - the cozy warmth of your bed, perhaps - a refreshing leap into the coolness of a river or lake on a hot day ... Recall your feelings in moments of happiness. (1 minute.)

Now let the image of this event (or object), which gave you joy and good mood, begin to gradually fade until it completely melts. But do not forget the very feeling of joy, keep it.

Now stretch, straighten up and open your eyes.

Would any of you want to tell you which of the things that give joy, he chose this time? "

The child is given the opportunity to describe his associations and is then invited to the whole group with closed eyes to imagine the described object as clearly as possible. As a result, the narrator will become closer and more understandable to the rest of the children, and the group as a whole will relax a little more.

2) Reflection of the past lesson.

3) Exercise "Finish the phrase" In the center of the circle put a table on which the papers are, with the inscriptions turned down. Children take one sheet at a time, read the phrase and finish it.

1. To be honest, when I get to school ...

  1. Frankly speaking, I miss ...
  2. Frankly speaking, it's hard for me to forget ...
  3. Frankly, when I see a child ...
  4. To be honest, I don't know yet ...
  5. To be honest, I think the most important thing in life is ...
  6. To be honest, I hate with all my heart ...
  7. Frankly speaking, I really want to ...
  8. Frankly speaking, I really love ...
  9. To be honest, when I see all of you, I feel ...

4) The game "To love yourself" (performed to music)

Material: one sheet of wrapping paper, crayons for each child.

“Sit comfortably and close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths in and out ...

Imagine a mirror. A huge, huge mirror in a light red frame. Take a handkerchief and wipe the mirror as clean as possible, so that everything shines and shines ... Imagine that you are standing in front of this mirror. Can you see yourself? If so, give me a sign with your hand.

Look at your lips and the color of your eyes ... Look at how you look when you shake your head a little ... Look at your shoulders and chest. See how you raise and lower your shoulders. You can see your legs. Look how high you can jump ... You are good at it! Now imagine that your reflection smiles and looks at you tenderly ...

Look at your hair! What color are they? Take a comb and comb your hair while looking in the mirror in front of you. Brush your hair as usual ... Look into the smiling eyes of your reflection. Let your eyes sparkle and shine with joy as you examine them in the mirror. Take some air into your lungs and blow some small sparks of light into your eyes ... Try to see the golden glow around your eyes. Let your eyes look perfectly happy.

Now look at your face in the mirror. Tell yourself: “My face is smiling, I love to smile. This makes me feel better. " If your face is still serious, then turn the serious face into one huge and contented smile. Show your teeth to the mirror ... You did it great!

Now look at your entire body in the mirror and enlarge it. Let your shoulders become completely even and straight, try to feel how nice it is to stand so proudly and please yourself. And looking at yourself from head to toe repeat after me: "I love myself!", "I love myself!", "I love myself!" Do you feel how nice it is? You can repeat these words every time to yourself when you want to feel happy and content. Try to feel with your whole body how you say: “I love myself!” ... In what part of your body do you feel it? Show your hand to this place where you feel your “I love myself”.

Remember well how your “I love myself!” Is reflected in your body. We will discuss this now.

Now you can return to our room again. Stretch a little, strain and relax your whole body and open your eyes ... "

At the end of this fantasy, the children recite the confirmation phrase "I love myself!" The psychologist asks children where in their bodies they feel this love. "

The children can then draw their image, they can work in pairs, with each child drawing the outline of their partner on a large sheet of wrapping paper. Then this outline is painted and turns into a smiling and happy portrait. Children can characterize certain parts of the body with positive adjectives. For example: “My beautiful Brown eyes"," My golden skillful hands ", etc.

Exercise analysis: - Why do some people love themselves?

Why do some people rarely have pleasant thoughts about themselves?

What can you do to make yourself feel good about yourself more often?

What makes you happy?

5) Game "Flower rain"

“You heard what Alyosha went through today severe stress? We can all help him come to his senses and become cheerful and cheerful again. Alyosha, please stand in the center and we will all stand around you. Put your hands down calmly and close your eyes. And all of you look at Alyosha and imagine how rain falls on him from hundreds and even thousands of invisible flowers. Let these flowers fall like large snowflakes or large, large drops of rain. You can choose any flowers: roses, daisies, forget-me-nots, violets, tulips, snapdragons, bells or others. Imagine all the beauty and richness of their colors, feel how these flowers smell. Perhaps Alyosha will also be able to feel all this: to see the beauty of flowers, to feel the aroma they exude (30-60 sec). It is necessary to monitor the child's expression and from time to time stimulate the play process with remarks like: “I think we can add more flowers. Let them fall slowly, slowly so that Alyosha has time to rejoice. " Ask individual guys what their flowers look like, how do they smell? "

It seems to me that you are doing everything very well, and Alyosha can fully enjoy your flowers. Alyosha, do you want some more flowers? The exercise ends with a question to the child standing in the center: “Did the guys give you enough flowers? And now you can stop the flower rain, and Alyosha can get out of this flower snowdrift. All of you can sit in your seats. Thank you."

6) Farewell. “Invisible Lettering” At the end of the session, the facilitator walks over and writes a letter on the back of each child with his finger that the child must guess.

Lesson number 7.

Targets and goals:

  1. Greetings.
  2. Game "5 floors" (music sounds)

“Sit back and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out ...

Now imagine that you are standing in front of the elevator door. You press a button and call the elevator ... The door opens and you enter it. Next to the buttons, you find 5 plates. The first one reads "Psychologist's office" (this is our office), the second - "Wonderful quiet place", the third - "Pleasant smart man with whom you can talk well. "The fourth tablet reads" Awesome adventure ", the fifth -" Meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time. "

Choose the floor you want to get to the most and press the button. Watch how the elevator door slowly closes, and try to feel how the elevator slowly travels to the floor of your choice. Now you have arrived, and the door is slowly opening. Get off the elevator and look around. Do what you want to do here. You have about a minute, but in your imagination, much more time will pass in this minute. It will be enough for you to have time to do everything you need there. (1-2 minutes.)

Now it's time to go back. Say goodbye to this place and to everyone you met there. The elevator door remains open for you. Go into the cockpit and from it take another look at the place where you were. Now click on the button that says "Classroom" next to it. Watch the door close and feel the elevator slowly go down. After the door opens, open your eyes, stretch, straighten up. And here you are again, cheerful and fresh. »

  1. Reflection of the past lesson.
  2. Writing a story. “Sit all, please, in one circle. I want to offer you a new game in which everyone will participate. You will need to write your own story. I myself will begin the story and after a while I will stop my story. After that, anyone can pick up the thread and continue the story. When this child finishes his story, the story continues with the next, and so on until all the children add to common history your piece. Do you understand how to play? So: Once upon a time there was a little girl and little boy... The houses they lived in were so close to each other that they could play with each other every day. Over time, they became best friends. And then one day they decided to go far, far away, because they no longer wanted adults to command them from morning to evening. They took some food with them and put it in two small backpacks. When the adults were busy with their own business, they quietly ran away from home. The road they took, led them after a while to a large and wild forest. "It is strange," they said, "that such a beautiful forest is so close to the city." Curiosity arose in the children, and they headed deeper into the forest. At first, the air was warm and the sun shone through the leaves of the trees. Sometimes they heard the lovely voices of songbirds. But the forest grew darker, the air colder, and all kinds of rustles began to be heard from everywhere. Then the children wanted to get out of there. But when they turned back, they found no sign of the road they had taken. Instead, they saw only rocks and dense vegetation. As soon as they took a step forward along the road, she immediately disappeared behind their backs, because she was bewitched. They walked forward and forward all the time, making their way through dense bushes and trees, climbing big stones and boulders. Suddenly they heard a strange noise ahead. They did not see what it was, but they could hear the approaching footsteps. The children stopped, grabbed each other, clasped their hands. Suddenly they saw ... (no one has the right to stop the narrator before he stops talking himself. Leading questions: "Aha, a dragon appeared here. And what color was it? Was it a good-natured dragon or evil and dangerous? And what happened then?" at the end of the story, the presenter gives the story a ritual ending: "But suddenly the little girl was very tired and lay down on the ground. She fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, someone pushed her by the shoulder." No, no, "she thought through her sleep. - “leave me alone!” Then she opened her eyes and saw that it was mom who wanted to wake her up. “It's time for you to get up and go to school.” “Yes, mom. I had such an interesting dream. I dreamed that ...” ( The psychologist makes a brief summary of all the parts of the story told.) “Yes, such a dream could not but excite you.” - said the mother. “That's for sure,” - replied the girl.

Exercise analysis: - Did you like our story?

What did you like the most? - What would you tell differently if you told the whole story alone?

  1. Game "Rhythmic Claps"
  2. Game “Roar lion, roar; knock the train, knock "

7) Reach for the stars relaxation game.

“Stand up comfortably and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out ...

Imagine that the night sky is strewn with stars above you. Look at some especially bright star that you associate with your dream: the desire to have something or to become someone ... (15 seconds.)

Now open your eyes and just reach out to the sky to reach your star. Try your best! And you will definitely be able to reach your star with your hand. Take it off the sky and carefully put it in front of you in a beautiful spacious basket ... (When all the children have "stars in their baskets", you can continue on.)

Put your hands down and close your eyes. Choose another sparkling star right above your head that reminds you of your other dream ... (10 seconds.)

Now open your eyes, reach with both hands as high as possible and reach the sky. Rip off this star and put it in the basket next to the first star ... etc. "

  1. Parting. Each child in turn is invited to show the movement that he wants to do at the end of the lesson, then the whole group performs this movement.

Lesson number 8.

Targets and goals: Develop communication skills, the ability to reconcile after a quarrel.

  1. Greetings.
  2. Game "Rainbow" (music sounds).

“Of course, all of you have seen the rainbow more than once. Can any of you name all the colors of the rainbow? Remember a simple sentence with which you can easily name all the colors of the rainbow and their order, because the first letters of the words of this sentence coincide with the first letters of the names of the colors of the rainbow. Every Hunter Wants To Know Where The Pheasant Sits. It is very easy to remember: Everyone is Red, Hunter is Orange, Desires is Yellow ... Which one of you can continue? Wonderful! And can someone tell me how the air smells when we see a rainbow in the sky?

We see a rainbow after the sky has refreshed the earth with rain. First of all, the rain nailed to the ground and washed away all the dust. The air is fresh and transparent, and the rainbow stripes show us a kind of beauty in its purest form. Now we will use the colors of the rainbow so that our spirit becomes fresh and unclouded, free from everything unpleasant: from all worries, worries and unhappy thoughts. Get up and start moving around the room.

First, imagine that the whole room is filled with red air. Look at this radiant red air that surrounds us and breathe in its freshness. If you want, you can even touch this wonderful red glow or smell its wonderful scent ... (15 seconds.)

Continue moving around the room and now imagine that the whole room is filled with orange air. You can inhale this color, touch it ... Don't you think that orange air smells like oranges? (15 seconds.)

Look, now the air around us has turned yellow! Enjoy the glowing yellow air. You seem to be bathing in a ray of sun! Inhale this yellow glow, touch it ... (15 seconds.)

The color of the air around us has changed again ... Now it emits green light. This is the color of the first spring leaves. We seem to have plunged into spring! Feel its wonderful freshness and aroma (15 seconds.)

Miracles Continue! The air suddenly played with all shades of blue. Touch the color of the bottomless morning sky! Enjoy the radiant blue! Spread your arms like wings and slowly soar in the blue space ... (15 seconds.)

Look, the air around us gradually thickens, and its color from blue smoothly turns into blue. This is the color of the sea. It is impossible to take your eyes off him! Blue air seems denser, you want to push it apart with your hands, like water.:. (15 seconds.)

Finally, the air in our room turned purple. Touch it with your hands and feel its depth. Inhale the color of the evening cool ... (15 seconds.)

Now imagine how you step out of the last color of the rainbow and see the light that fills our room now. Shake off the remnants of all colors and feel how you feel. Now go slowly and calmly to your place. ".

  1. Reflection of the previous lesson.
  2. The game "Reconciliation" (music for relaxation sounds). - What do you do when you notice that you have offended someone? - Can you ask for forgiveness in such a situation? - How do you feel when someone offends you? Can you forgive him? - Which person is the easiest for you to make peace with? And with whom is it difficult for you to make peace? Now sit back and close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths in and out ... Choose someone important to you, with whom you recently quarreled and at whom you still continue to be angry or offended. Imagine this person as closely as possible. Pay attention to the expression on his face, see what mood he is in now. When it seems to you that you see this person clearly enough, invite him to sit next to you. Maybe you would like to start the conversation by telling what you like about this person, why he is important to you ... (30 sec) Then you can tell this person that the quarrel between you was very offensive to you. You can tell him how you felt then. If you want, you can ask him how he took this quarrel? And then in simple words you can tell him that you are very sorry that you offended him then and that it is very important for you to restore peace between you. Try to tell him all this yourself. Since all this is very serious for you, it is important that your interlocutor also understands this. Just tell him, "I have a present for you." And as soon as you say these words, in your hands, to your surprise, a small packet will appear. You know that it contains a gift for your interlocutor and give him this packet with the words: "This is for you." He takes the gift with both hands. He smiles as he unpacks the present. Maybe this package contains something that this person really needs, or maybe your gift says that you want to make peace with him. For example, it could be a flower, candle, chocolate heart, or something similar. Let it be a surprise for yourself what your interlocutor gets out of the bag. Now look at the face of your interlocutor. See if he will tell you something in return, or maybe he will somehow react to your gift, somehow show his joy and surprise. But the time has come to say goodbye to this man. Remember the feelings that arose in you when you told him about the reasons for the quarrel and that you do not really want to make peace with him. And now you can gradually return back to us. Stretch, tighten and relax your muscles and open your eyes. " Analysis of the exercise: - Was it difficult for you to forgive the other? How did you feel about it?

Did you manage to see what was in the package ?.

How did the other react?

What happens when you are angry with someone for a long time?

Do you think forgiveness is a sign of strength or a sign of weakness?

Why is it so important to forgive others? ... You can play one situation in faces.

  1. Game “And besides ...” “Sometimes everyone wants to complain or grumble about something. Sometimes it’s bad because it’s Monday, sometimes because it’s raining, sometimes because they canceled physical education, and so on. Divide into pairs and stand opposite each other. You can immediately start telling each other about unpleasant or offensive things and complain about life as much as you can. Say phrases to each other, always beginning with the same words: "And besides ..." It might look like this: And besides, my favorite sweater is still in the wash. And besides, my friend was in a bad mood this morning. Besides, today I didn't want to go to school at all. And besides, I don't want to write a dictation at all today. " It makes sense to continue this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Relaxation "Dance of the Little Dragons" (performed to music)
  3. Parting.

Lesson number 9.

Targets and goals: Develop communication skills, patience, listening skills. Unification of all participants, correction of anxiety. Relaxation.

  1. Greetings. Meditation game "Quiet Place for Reflection"
  2. Reflection of the past lesson.
  3. Show the animal game
  4. Exercise "It can't be." Any of the participants names something incredible: a thing, a natural phenomenon, an unusual animal, tells an incident. The winner is the one who comes up with 5 such plots in a row, and no one will ever say to him: "It happens!"
  5. Game "Drawing in 2 stages"
  6. Game "Tukh-tibi-spirit". “I will give you a special word now. This is a magic spell against bad mood, against resentment and disappointment, in short, against anything that spoils the mood. For this word to really work, you need to do the following. Start walking around the room without speaking to anyone. As soon as you want to talk, stop in front of one of the children, and say the magic word three times angrily - "tukh-tibi-spirit." At this time, the other child should stand still and listen to you say the magic word, he should not answer anything. But if he wants, he can answer you the same - three times angrily, angrily say: "Tukh-tibi-spirit." After that, continue walking around the hall. From time to time, stop in front of someone and say this magic word angrily again. For it to work, it is important to say it not into emptiness, but to a certain person standing in front of you.
  7. Relaxation "Dance of the Little Dragons"

8) Farewell. All participants in the lesson stand in a circle, stretch their arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Then, on command, they swing their arms 3 times and abruptly break.

Lesson number 10.

Targets and goals: Build self-confidence. Develop communication skills; cause a surge of vivacity, create a good mood.

  1. Greetings. Reach for the Stars Game
  2. Reflection of the past lesson.
  3. Summing up the results of the work. Drawing on the topic: "What I remember most, I liked it, helped in the past lessons."

Discussion of drawings.

4) The game "4 elements".

The players sit in a circle. The presenter agrees with them that if he says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their arms forward, the word "cartspirit "- raise your hands up, the word" fire "- rotate your hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

  1. Game "Gifts"
  2. Meditation game "Smile" (music sounds for relaxation)
  3. Parting. Performing a common song and swaying, standing in a circle shoulder to shoulder and holding hands.

List of used literature:

  1. Fopel K. “How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: practical guide"; in 4 volumes - M., Genesis, 1998
  2. Bityanova M.R., Azarova T.V., Afanasyeva E.I., Vasilyeva N.L. "The work of a psychologist in primary school"- M .; "Perfection", 1998
  3. Kryazheva N.L. "Development of the emotional world of children" - Yaroslavl; Development Academy, 2001
  4. Rogov E.I. "Handbook of a practical psychologist", volume 2 - M., "Vlados", 1998