Help and self-help in condition of stress, emotional tensions. Methods of dealing with stress

Here are some ways to remove tension.

Method first: change the plate

Try for a couple of minutes to switch your attention to something else, for example, "spend the inventory" of the room in which you are. Carefully look around and, without hurrying, find seven green (red, blue, yellow, lilac) items. Mentally listed everything suitable - from the curtain to the clips, - focus on each of them.

Sometimes it is useful to nervous

Stress is not always harmful. Short-term, it is even necessary to internally collect before any responsible event, be it going on a scene or a lecture in a large audience. Short-term stress stimulates immunity.

Changing the situation acts in such cases no less beneficial, even if you just go out to the neighboring room or to the courtyard. The street and everything you see on it can also be decomposed on the colors - from the ficus in the window to the car running.

By the way, the temperature below the street will be below the street, the faster you cool the dust. German scientists have found a scientific and very literal justification of this commander expression. The thing is that minus temperatures contribute to the development of Serotonin's brain - it is he who helps calm down. It is not necessary to climb on the nervous soil in the freezer - the weather allows you to cool by switching to the street in a light T-shirt.

The second method: on your two

Walk is a very important point in the restoration of a shameless emotional health. After all, adrenaline, thrown into the blood during stress, encourages us to move. The walk is not obliged to be "useful" (in the forest, next to architectural beauties), it is walking, and nothing more. The voltage automatically switches to the muscles, and the head is cleaned by itself and will become clearer.

Even better - walk slowly. You go home from work, all in a hurry to the blue screen. And you are moving barely - absolutely meditative exercise. Remember the maxi - who is not in a hurry anywhere, is he doing everywhere?

Method Three: Automatic Movements

A strongly alarmed person automatically begins to go back and back, or swing a foot nervously, or drummed with his fingers on the table. Rhythmic actions have a certain soothing effect. Even an obsessive motive can cause a soothing effect (this is based on the repetition of prayers or mantras).

By the way, for the fingers there is an excellent exercise, which is called "Jnana Mudra." This gesture in yogic practice carries the symbolism of the connection of what was disconnected. The tip of the index finger comes into contact with the tip of the big one, and the three remaining fingers stretched out. It takes place that the position of the fingers removes the feeling of anxiety and emotional tension, activates the memory and improves the brain. Perform the wise is best sitting on the floor, in a comfortable posture and with a straight back. Since it is still a meditative gesture, then to concentrate on the tips of the fingers and get the desired effect, you should not look at the TV or chat on the phone. In the beginning, it will be enough and five minutes, in the future you can do the wise to 15 minutes 3 times a day. With long-term execution, light drowsiness may occur, so "JNUN MUDRU" is used as a means from insomnia.

Four way: on fingertips

Remember the scene from the movie "Amelie" when the main character starts the hand to the bag with beans? It turns out that it is an excellent massage for fingers and palms, which helps to remove stress due to the soft stimulation of the nerve endings of the brushes. If you have no bag with beans or unwanted rice, with their role, Chinese massage metal balls will cope with their role, which are pleasantly wrapped. In the end, even going to the bookstore in the bookstore. Having removed from the shelves of one book by another, turning and feeling their fingers is the same unobtrusive massage. Embroidery with cross, knitting or modeling - all the same stimulation of nerve endings.

Fifth method: Attention, ears!

It is possible to remove stress with the help of stimulation of the upper "meaty" part of the ear of the ear, where the glass is gradually moving into a cartberry. Massage is made clockwise, at a speed of about one turn per second. It is necessary to prescribe so that you feel not pain, but comfort.

During the massage, the pillow of the thumb back slightly fixes the ear of the ear. To get the desired effect, you need to learn how to do it absolutely naturally, automatically. Specialists are recommended to massage the "leading ear" or both at once 3-5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. True, such a massage inevitably causes a sedative effect, so as not to fall asleep in the workplace - do not overdo it. It is best to perform it before bedtime or after a rigid conflict situation.

Sixth method: breathe right

Proper breathing is one of the most ancient, efficient and challenge ways to remove the tension. Driving practices can be engaged anywhere, the effect of them comes almost immediately.

One of them is full breathing. It includes both the abdominal ("belly" usually breathe men), and breast breathing, characteristic of mostly women. Diffuse air only in the upper part of the lungs had a special meaning when the ladies wore corsets. From such a breath, by the way, a bit of use, since the body is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, and the muscles of breast and abdominal muscles are not sufficiently relaxed. The full breathing helps to remove the tension, and at the same time and the mind soothes.

To sigh "full of breasts", you need to sit on a chair with a straight back. Control the breath, putting one hand on the stomach, the second - on the chest. With a deep breath, the air should fill the lower part of the body, and a relaxed belly - climb. Slowly continuing to inhale the nose, fill out gradually light, more and higher, as if you are a glass, and water is poured into you. By typing the air into the lungs, slowly exhale, again the nose, as it were, "pouring" the air first from above, then below. The longer exhalation, the better. Ten such breaths - and you are in perfect order.

Breathing observation will also help to cope with tension and excitement. In order not to breathe superficially and often, it follows, sitting with a straight back, concentrate on your breathing. It is worth a while calmly watch the movement of air from the entrance to the nostrils and how it turns out to be in the lungs - and the breath is leveled by itself, it will become slow and deeper.

And finally, do not forget to laugh. British doctors argue that one minute of laughter on efficiency in the restoration of positive energy replaces 45 minutes of physical exercises! Especially if it is

What to do to neutralize stress at the preparation for exams?

First, when stressing it is rapidly consumed by the stock of vitamins in the body, especially groups V. Many doctors advise add to diet: walnuts, dried fruits, cereals, seeds, dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, chocolate bitter and take daily Vitamins, but remember everything should be moderately!

Secondly, physical exertion is very helpful. Go to the gym, make a charge, dance, walk around the city, go to the forest, visit the pool, bath, you can just do homemade households (wash the dishes, spelling).

Thirdly, it is necessary to remove the tension that is to be copied, as a rule, in the muscles. Here are some ways to: breed a pillow or squeeze a towel, even if it is dry - most of the energy of anger will be copied in the muscles of shoulders, at the top of the hands and in the fingers; produce any spontaneous sounds, screaming - voltage can be "locked" in the throat; Skick or break the newspaper and throw it away; make your mood from the newspaper; It is easy to squeeze and squeeze a small ball or rubber toy in your hand.

Fourth, mental and physical relaxation is needed. Try the following ways: Listen to relaxing music, Make a cat or dog, take a contrasting shower or a warm bath with a pleasant aroma and foam, look at the night sky, clouds, a burning candle, watch the rhythmic movements, such as a pendulum, dream, sleep a good sleep or just smile yourself as wide as possible.

Fifth, for harmonious life, family support is needed, friends. Communicate with friends, Meet new interesting people. Pay attention to parents, grandparents, sister or brother, because they especially need your love, care, caress.

It is necessary to clearly realize that a lot depends only on you!

Methods of self-regulation Methods targeted by a person for managing themselves, or psychotechnical exercises.

The meaning of psychotechnics is to achieve and maintain mental, spiritual and physical form by means of directional concentration.

Relaxation techniques (relaxation)

 Squeeze your fingers into a fist with a long finger inside. Making exhalation calmly, not in a hurry, compress with a fist with an effort. Then, weakening the compression of the fist, breathe. Repeat 5 times. Now try to perform this exercise with your eyes closed, which doubles the effect.

 To breathe the ledge. Three or four short exhalations in a row, then as much short breaths. Due to this, the flow of impulses going to the brain with a deep breath, which is very important when stressing.

Visualization techniques

This group of techniques is based on the use of imagination capabilities.

 Your emotional tension is a tight ball. Huge ball. In your imagination, write this ball needle. He burst. Together with him "burst" and your tension, despair.

 Imagine that your trouble you packed into the bag and put on the train platform. The train went and took your misfortune.

 Recall the place where you were happy. Imagine yourself there.

 Imagine yourself successful, calm, ready for the exam, all knowing and remembering (change the "bad chair" to "good"). Self-consuming techniques should be a positive, life-affirming, constructive (one cannot inspire a negative); It must be clothed into simple, clear and understandable phrases in the affirmative form without a particle "not" ("I want ...", "I can ...", etc.) and implies a multiple repetition.

Come up with several brief optimistic theses that need to be repeated during the period of excitement. For example:

 Everything will be fine!

 Now I feel better!

 I already feel better!

 I own the situation!

 No doubt I can't handle it!

Rationalization techniques

These technicians are based on the use of the mechanism of psychological protection - rationalization, which enters into itself an active positive potential of personality behavior. Take a blank sheet of paper.

Upstairs write a "tormenting" problem - for example, "EGE". Then the sheet is divided vertically into two halves. On the left, write down all the unpleasant thoughts in the column, which come to mind in connection with this problem. In the right column, write down all the advantages that are also available in this situation. Which column turned out longer?

Now phrases from the first column reformulate so that they sound positively, and rewrite them in the new formulation into the right column. The use of similar methods of self-regulation will help you and during the exam provide composure and exposure, an adequate problem situation, inevitably arising during testing.

It is very important to choose the right tactics correctly during the answers to the questions of the USE

First, run along the entire test, responding only to the fact that you know exactly. Very quickly you decide about a third of the questions. Then walk on questions again, trying to solve more complex issues requiring logic and reflection. This process will wake up more time, and the number of your answers will increase. Further stop and give yourself a 1-2 minute break. Realize that you in a short time answered a significant amount of questions and therefore be sure to cope with the rest.

In the second part of the exam, go to questions that you do not have a ready answer. What to do, if the question seemed very difficult to you, and you, at first glance, do not know how to answer it? First of all, do not panic!

The first way of work is to use information from adjacent knowledge areas. The fact is that most of the necessary information is already stored in your head, but in scattered, non-concentrated form, and your task is to collect the necessary information. For example, if on biology you caught the question "The exchange of substances and energy between the organism and the environment", to which there is no ready-made answer, then you must merge the knowledge from the sections of "metabolism", "digestion", "allocation", "Breathing" Course anatomy and human physiology, as well as knowledge from the course of "general biology" about the energy and plastic exchange.

The second way is visualization. Adjust the most clearly remember the page of the textbook in which you met this material. Relax and turn on the visual imagination. Very often, with this approach, it is possible to play in the memory of the tutorial page, and its part, where you previously saw the desired formula or drawing.

Third way - Connecting logic. Having made the assumption of a loyalty of some option, logically continue this assumption and see if it will cause any contradictions with the basic concepts or facts of this science? If ultimately it turns out the insightness, it means that the initial sending was incorrect, and a different answer should be selected.

Fourth Method - Exception Method. Start throwing out the most incredible answers, and the remaining question will be correct. If you do not know, after elimination of the impossible options, you can't choose the correct answer, apply the fifth way - act at random. For example, after the exception of two unlikely answers, you have two options. In this case, the chances of guessfully make up 50%, which means that half of the randomly selected answers will be correct.

And finally, the last - never retreat and fight to the end. While you think, remember, invent, try, you have real chances to score the right amount of points. Remember that several points can solve your fate: Open or on the contrary slam the doors to the welcome university. Therefore, to the end, use all the time all the time to prepare for answers, leaving 15-20 minutes to view the selected options. Be sure to save this reserve so that fresh look goes through your answers. It often happens that at the same time you will find some error or inaccuracy that you have time to fix on time, pulling out the outstanding fate exactly those 1-2 points that will give you the opportunity to learn where you want

First aid in acute stress.

If you were in a stressful situation unexpectedly (someone was angry with you, Oroaked the boss or someone from my home made it takes) - You have acute stress. To begin, it is necessary to collect all your will in the fist and command the "stop!" To dramatically slow down the development of acute stress. To be able to be a state of acute stress to calm down, it is necessary to find an effective self-help method. And then in a critical situation that may arise every minute, we will be able to quickly navigate, resorting to this method of help in acute stress.
We list some tips that can help get out of the state of acute stress:

1. Anti-trial breathing. Slowly perform a deep breath through the nose; At the peak of the breath for a moment, hold the breath for a moment, after which it exhale as slower as possible. This is soothing breathing. Try to imagine. With each deep breath and long exhalation, you partially gets rid of stress voltage.
2. Minute relaxation. Relax the corners of the mouth, moisturize the lips. Relax your shoulders. Focus on the expression of your face and body position: Remember that they reflect your emotions, thoughts internal condition. It is quite natural that you do not want others to know about your stress. In this case, you can change the "language of the face and body" by relaxing muscles and deep breathing.
3. Look around and carefully inspect the room in which you are. Pay attention to the smallest details, even if you know them well. Slowly, not in a hurry, mentally, "beat" all items one by one in a certain sequence. Try to fully focus on this "inventory". Speak mentally to yourself: "Brown writing desk, white curtains, a red vase for flowers", etc. Focusing on each separate item, you will be twisted from the inner stress voltage, directing your attention to the rational perception of the surrounding environment.
4. If circumstances are allowed, leave the room in which you have acute stress. Go to another, where there is no one, or go out to the street, where you can stay alone with your thoughts. Disassemble this room (if you went outside, then surrounding houses, nature) "on the bones", as described in paragraph 3.
5. Stand, legs on the width of the shoulders, lean forward and relax. Head, shoulders and hands freely drowned down. Breath calmly. Fix this position for 1-2 minutes, after which it is very slow to raise your head (so that it does not turn it out).
6. Come on any activity - anyway what: Start wastewater, wash the dishes or make cleaning. The secret of this method is simple: any activity, and especially physical work, in the stressful situation acts on the role of a thunder - helps to be distracted from internal stress.
7. Turn on the soothing music that you love. Try to listen to it, concentrate on it (local concentration). Remember that the concentration on something else contributes to complete relaxation, causes positive emotions.
8. Take a calculator or paper and pencil and try to calculate how many days you live in the world (the number of full years multiply by 365, adding one day for each leap year, and add the number of days that has passed since last day). Such rational activity will allow you to switch your attention to you. Try to remember any particularly notable day of your life. Remember it in the smallest detail, I miss nothing. Try to calculate how the account was this day of your life.
9. Chat on some distracted topic with any person nearby: a neighbor, a comrade for work. If there is no one near anyone, call your friend or girlfriend. This is a kind of distracting activity, which is carried out "here and now" and is designed to displace the internal dialogue saturated from your consciousness, saturated with stress.
10. Do some anti-sshind breathing exercises. Now, taking yourself in hand, you can safely continue interrupted activities.
What are these breathing exercises?

Respiratory retardation.
In normal conditions, no one thinks about breathing and does not remember. But when for some reason deviations arise from the norm, suddenly it becomes difficult to breathe. Breathing becomes difficult and severe in physical voltage or in a stressful situation. Conversely, with a strong fright, a tense waiting for something people involuntarily delay their breathing (they take a breath). A person has the opportunity, consciously driving breathing to use it for calmness, to remove the voltage - both muscle and mental, thus, respiratory retardation can become an effective means of struggle with stress, along with relaxation and concentration. Anti-fast breathing exercises can be performed in any position. It is necessarily only one condition: the spine must be in a strictly vertical or horizontal position. This makes it possible to breathe naturally, freely, without tension, fully stretch the muscles of the chest and abdomen. It is also very important to the correct position of the head: it should sit on the neck straight and freely. Relaxed, directly sitting head to a certain extent pulls up the thoracic and other parts of the body. If everything is in order and muscles are relaxed, you can exercise in free breathing, constantly controlling it.
We will not tell in detail here about what breathing exercises exist (they are easy to find in the literature), but we present the following conclusions:
1. With the help of deep and calm auto-regulating breathing, you can prevent the mood drops.
2. With laughing, sighs, cough, conversation, singing or declamation, certain changes in respiratory rhythm occur compared to the so-called normal automatic breathing. From this it follows that the method and rhythm of breathing can be purposefully adjusted using conscious slowdown and deepening.
3. An increase in the duration of the exhalation contributes to soothing and complete relaxation.
4. The breathing of a calm and balanced person differs significantly from the respiration of a person in a state of stress. Thus, according to the rhythm of breathing, it is possible to determine the mental state of the person.
5. Rhythmic breath soothes the nerves of the psyche; The duration of individual respiratory phases does not matter - the rhythm is important.
6. The human health is largely dependent on the right breathing, and therefore life expectancy. And if breathing is a congenital unconditional reflex, then, therefore, it can be consciously regulated.
7. The more slower and deeper, we breathe calmer and rhythmish, the sooner we get used to this way of breathing, the sooner it will become an integral part of our life.
However, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.
Including stress.

Freed out of fear

To begin with, select Failure, Stamps or TPAI
Memories that you would like to neutpalize.

1. Purchase what you are in the cinema. See yourself B.
Celebrated tooling on the ecpan, performing something neutal.
2. Separate from yourself and Yudge yourself looking at EKPAN.
3. Staying in the same position, look at the ecpan, where it goes
A little film, in which you are experiencing that you want to "neutpalize".
4. Having finished the observation of the film as a film when everything
again yellow, stop the movie, log in to your inspection on
Ekpan, make it color and psytte the film very quickly.
So, you doubt the impression that you are watching your own movie
By exposure, in which there is a way in a simple pressure.
5. And the warm-up is the test. Remember the chassis. Compatible
The attention on the fact that you can warmly be warm about it more calmly.
If so, then you have achieved the test. If not, you follow more
The effect of the whole psyress or comes for help to a person owning this method.

Changing your personality

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis technology is: do not engage in a gradual solution to problems, and immediately try to stop the desired identity option.
Wash the assembly and design - the roles that, after checking on the environment, can be depending on the task or are embedded in context, or used as a necessary resource.
Building is carried out with a change in all logical levels and evaluation of ecology.
The process is carried out in 4 steps:
1. Statement of the task.
2. Construction of the role.
3. Verification of ecology.
4. Implementation.
Formulation of the problem.
When determining what you want to get as a result of the margins, you need to answer a few questions. Remember that you are working in one of the contexts. There are only four of them:
1. Personal.
2. Family.
3. Professional.
4. Public.
1. Care of problems.
"What do you want to stop or what to avoid?"
Determine what you do not like in this context. It may be the behavior and belief and the lack of skills: that is, the problem may concern different logical levels.
- I do not like insecurity, laziness, inability to respond for myself and what is too important for me, as other people are evaluated
2. The opposite of the problem.
"What is the opposite of the problem state?"
Determine what is the opposite of the stated problem (problems).
- I would like to be confident in myself, collected, able to respond for your own actions, taking into account the opinions of others, but more oriented to your own estimate.
Replacements are made here:
Insecurity - confidence (behavior);
Laziness - collens (behavior);
inability to respond for themselves - the ability to respond for their own actions (ability);
Assessment of other people - accounting of the other, but a large orientation for your own opinion (values).
3. "And who did it already?"
"Who is able to achieve the desired state similar to yours?"
Find people who already possess the desired qualities.
- In my opinion, Ivan Stepanych, Rabindranat Tagore and Tarzan possesses these qualities
4. Based on the mission.
"What qualities do you need for the most successful implementation (achievement) of your mission?"
Determine your mission in this context and appreciate the necessary qualities to achieve it.
- My mission is to make other people happy. And for this you need attention to other people, perseverance, self-confidence and the ability to do something for others something necessary.
5. With logic.
"What are important qualities, skills, would you like to show in the desired condition?"
Resort to logical thinking and determine which qualities should be present in the desired condition.
- I would also like to have such qualities as greater performance, a bit of arrogance, the ability to quickly learn and quick switching from one type of activity to another. I wanted for me to be sure that I could achieve the goals and considered myself quite competent in order to accept responsible decisions.
6. Extension.
"What qualities associated with your desired condition, you already have, and what would you like to do more?"
Determine what your you already have, but what to add.
- I already have attention to other people and the ability to achieve the goal. But I would like more confidence in your own strength and just feelings of confidence in difficult situations.
Here it is shown that, for example, confidence may be both value (self-confidence), and the ability (ability to feel confident) and behavior (sense of confidence in difficult situations)
7. "As if."
"If you had a completely obtained desired condition, what would you do or what would you do yet?"
And what will you do after reaching the desired one? What are your plans?
- After I reached this goal, I would like to start developing such qualities as professionalism and constancy.
The procedure for designing a role.
1. Mission.
Determine your mission in this context.
2. Role name.
Think what role (role) in this context will be most useful for the implementation of your mission. Give her a name: "Great Professional", "True Woman", "persistent."
3. Values.
What values \u200b\u200bare most important for this role. Send the hierarchy of values.
4. Beliefs.
What convictions from this role. Put beliefs for each value. If there are any beliefs associated with other values, these values \u200b\u200bshould be present in the value hierarchy.
5. Goals.
Determine the goals of your role.
6. Abilities.
Determine the necessary abilities and strategies.
7. Behavior.
Determine the most characteristic behavior.
8. Environment.
Determine the environment.
The methods of "implementation" of the new role are several. So far, only one of the ways: "wave".
Note that this version of the "wave" is somewhat different from the classic one.
1. Old role.
Determine the context with which you want to work now. Think what role you play in this context. Determine for this role:
1. Name.
2. Goals.
3. Values.
4. Beliefs.
5. Abilities.
6. Behavior.
7. Environment.
Create a visual image of this old role: it can be blurred enough, the main thing is that you will make an understanding of what it is "your old role ..."
2. A new role.
Determine what role you will be more suitable in this context. Determine for her:
1. Name.
2. Goals.
3. Values.
4. Beliefs.
5. Abilities.
6. Behavior.
7. Environment.
Create an image of this new role. It can be blurred enough, but the qualities you want to have in it should be invested.
3. Environmental verification.
Enter the new role inward and check if you like there. If not - then you need to a little construct this image. Your unconscious reports you about some contradictions. Return to the previous step and change this image (add or change the quality) until you are comfortable inside.
4. "Screen".
Imagine a screen separated by half. In one half, place myself "old", and in another one is new. You yourself can choose, from which half the screen you are more associated with an old role, and with what new one.
5. Watch.
And now push out the image of "one's yourself", and the image of yourself is new to themselves. It must be done very quickly 5-7 times. Only after each wave is distracted for a few seconds and create a picture again.
Sometimes it is very convenient to help your hands. One image you put on one palm, and the second is on the second.
6. Check.
Improve the screen again. What image is more stable? Must be more stable new. Old can cringe, crumble, it can be difficult to hold or he can move himself, without your effort.
7. Binding to the future.
What will change in your life. Look at your future and try to find an answer to this question.

How to get rid of fear

Fear has many people, and they suffer from him everywhere. It happens the fear of difficulties, accidents, ruining the economy, loss, fear of losing a loved one or even life. Fear has become for many permanent companion, they can no longer imagine life without fear. The most frequent well-known external causes of fear - failure, meaninglessness, denial, war and loneliness. But these are only launchers of fear. Genuine reasons are always in their own personality, in the subconscious, in ancient psychoanalytic "complexes", thinking that creates false relationships between the events of the past and the receiving them as the basis of being. The consciousness in this sphere is expanding - and fear usually disappears.
Because of the fear, the one who is afraid to implement his fears in reality. Go through the board lying on the floor, simply. Get through the same chalkboard shifted through deep cavity, it is difficult because it covers fear. Only because of this premonition of the fall and fall. True, often fear has positive aspects: facilitates a quick response where it is required, reduces the possibility of bodily injuries, prompting to avoid danger. Here he is the opposite of weakness, calling for caution, diligence. This is an instinct of self-preservation. But fear has more negative aspects. Fear is subjectively very unpleasant feeling. Its consequences are often harmful to the body: due to the spiritual ability damage, the digestive function is disturbed, there are cardiac interruptions, the pressure may increase and the composition of the blood is affected, the walls of the vessels are affected and the joy has been perceived, a bouquet of psychosomatic disease develops. He is a bad adviser, especially when he is the only adviser. Because of fear, we miss the meaning of life, refuse to chances.
The first step of self-treatment may be recognition: "I have fear, but I do not have fear."
There are people who purposefully produce the response of countering fear, for example, parachutists, large game hunters, acrobats, actors. All of them mentally remember times approach the situation, inspiring fear, revive it and to some extent psychologically pass through this fear. When, finally, they really fall into a dangerous or inspired by the situation, they collected and can respond quickly and correctly. It is very helpful at the same time imagining the prosperous omission of terrible situations, giving the opportunity to spiritually "survive" them and understand that in the end, everything will be fine.
If you run away with imaginary danger, fear next time will increase. If you overcome fear, next time it will be less. The one who is ready to look at the suffering of him, thereby overcoming fear. For independent analytical psychotherapy of your fear, it is necessary to honestly and clearly realize: I blocked, my consciousness is narrowed by unresolved experience, an unresolved problem. In my consciousness there is a "blind" spot, I have too little "self-confidence"; Fear is the same normal feeling as hunger or chills: fear will disappear, if you perceive and accept it as a normal information, as a normal feeling and requirement; Taking it, I interfere with it to grow; When I look at my own fear, then the opposite shadow side itself, what I remove, I do not want to see.
We must try to "go from the rear" to your enemy. Here are the six most important steps towards reducing fear (home behavioral psychotherapy).
First step. I imagine that I am not, and the other is in a situation that causes fear. I can enroll in this situation correctly, as this representation, not a reality. In addition, it does not apply to me, and the other. I make this other again and again worry about my fear, while this fear of another will no longer concern me.
The second step. I imagine that again and again worry this situation and can do it calmly, as this is not a reality, but a presentation. I, therefore, again and again in imagination I worry a unpleasant situation and your fear until the presentation will no longer call me. So I am ready for the third step.
Third Step (Functional training). I put myself near the situation causing fear. If I have a fear of a closed space, I go to a big house or shop, I get around the elevator and see how others go to it. From day to day, I'm getting closer and closer to my fear, but with such a calculation so as not to experience this fear. Once the elevator turns out to be free, I can enter it for a second, but I will not go. Before the fear came, I was already out of the elevator. After a while, I gain the courage to close the door behind me, immediately open it and go out, before fear comes. If I ever, it will not be scary, I am ready for the fourth step.
Fourth step. I pass in the elevator one floor and immediately go out, before the feeling of fear appears. Gradually, I am also used, I all lengthen my trips. Step by step, I defeat my fear, I got rid of him.
Fifth step.I really or in my view I enter the situation that caused fear, and let him fully master me. I controvers myself my fear, I pass "through" him and find out what energy behind him is that I, in fact, wants to say my fear.
Sixth step. As soon as I found out the actual cause of my fear, I ask: "What step requires me my fear? What do you need to change? Is I ready to make this necessary step now?" If I am ready, I do this step and experiencing the disappearance of my fear, because it is no longer used as a signal or symptom.

Autogenous training

The autotraining method may well be used by each person for removing excess psycho-emotional stress, to eliminate insomnia, corporal discomfort, fatigue, vegetative-vascular disorders. Autotraining is successfully used by athletes to eliminate, for example, "pre-trading fever", insecurity. It is often used by many other people belonging to the so-called social and active groups of the population.
What is the essence of autogenous workout?
For the first time, after many years of research and experiments, the method was proposed for several decades ago by the German psychotherapist Schulz. The whole complex of autogenic workout consists of 6 consecutive components of the exercise and begins with the original posture that causes maximum muscle relaxation. It is called "Coucher's Position". So I was sitting before Kucher, waiting for a new cat in the parking lot. The housing is tilted forward, the head is omitted, the legs are slightly placed, the hands are lying freely on the knees of the palms down. Next, follow successively, one after the other, exercises, they are aimed at neutralizing the most typical physical manifestations of psychological stress.
First exercise: In the posture of Coucher, mentally reproduce the feeling of gravity in the right hand. When a feeling of gravity in hand appears, as if she was "pouring lead" - the exercise was performed.
The second exercise: Mobilizing his imagination, to achieve, by no means "virtual", but real, feelings of heat in the right hand. An objective increase in skin temperature is confirmed in scientific research.
Third exercise: the mental "ray of attention" to penetrate into his heart, feel it, listen to his work and cause a feeling of smooth, rhythmic, reliable heartbeat. With ECG control, favorable shifts are really recorded.
Fourth exercise: feel your chest, lungs and achieve a feeling of smooth, calm, free breathing.
Fifth exercise: Send attention to the zone of "solar plexus". This is a powerful accumulation of nerve components, autonomous vegetative-regulatory conglomerates, which are in the depths of the abdomen approximately between the navel and the lower edge of the sternum. To achieve a feeling of deep, pleasant, uniform heat in the depths of the abdomen.
Then go to the sixth exercise. This is the calling of the feelings of light cool on the skin of the forehead.
Each exercise occupies when it is possible to cause the desired sensations (within 1-2 minutes), about 5-6 minutes.
In conclusion of autogenous training, when the body is primarily a muscular system - relaxed, and the brain is prepared for the perception of the inner "installation", the psychological attitude. "Installation" on self-confidence, memory activation, intelligence, resourcefulness can give themselves schoolchildren (better after 12 years), students, cadets before the exam. Autogenous training can be useful beginner actors, musicians before entering the scene, as well as lecturers in front of a public performance, parachutists, perhaps even cosmonauts and other responsible professionals acting in tense, extreme conditions.
Autogenous training is quite possible to master on their own. However, for complete confidence in the methodological correctness of actions, it is advisable to consult with a professional doctor.

Strong or long stress, if it is not stopped, causes strong depression. Weak stress ends with a weak depression. Strong disorders require compulsory medical care, not a strong person can usually overcome himself.

And of course, the first thing to pay attention to: on mental equilibrium, on the creation of a positive psychological microclimate, psychologist Irina Pigulevskaya notes.

Methods of struggle with the consequences of negative emotions

The first stage of the response of the body during stress is the stage of mobilization. This stage is a training, stimulating adaptive processes in the body, provided that more or less periodic occurrence.

The second stage is the stage of rammed emotions. It takes place the limit strengthening of all systems responsible for interaction with the external environment. The tone, strength, endurance of muscles increases sharply. All energy processes are dramatically mobilized. Heart activity increases, pressure rises, lung ventilation, adrenaline emission. Immunological reactions are enhanced. But, unlike the first stage, the mobilization of resources does not occur selectively (economically, appropriate), and violently, excessively, redundantly and not always adequately.

If the stress arose in the emotional sphere and does not require physical efforts from a person, then this stage causes harm to the body, since physical mobilization needs a discharge, otherwise the man will "go beams". What can I do?

Give the body a physical activity: fast walking, running and anything else in such a way. The work of the muscles leads to the expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in blood pressure, and the strengthening of oxidative processes contributes to the accelerated destruction of adrenaline, muscle fatigue stimulates the occurrence of braking processes in the central nervous system. It should be borne in mind that the cry, swearing, "breaking evil" will not help, as it does not lead to a complete discharge of the voltage, and if after that there is a sense of dissatisfaction with their own incontinence, the feeling of guilt, the accumulation of negative emotions is only enhanced, but resistance to stress loads falls.

You can use soothing herbs - valerian, dyeing. Tablets (tranquilizers) without appointing a doctor better not to apply - may be unwanted effects. A fairly simple and reliable way to drop the voltage is to reach fresh air. Blood saturation with oxygen is an indispensable condition for the activation of oxidative processes, and many may not pay attention to that it is often enough just to jump out of the stuffy room to start calming down.

If a person knows such a feature of response to stressful situations, then as prophylaxis, it can propen the course of vitamins of the group in (they normalize the excitation reactions - braking in the nervous system). Mandatory full, sufficient sleep and exercise (short and small intensity are allowed, but necessarily outdoors).

The third stage of emotional reactions to stressful situations is asthenic negative emotions.

With them, all types of performance are dramatically reduced, expressed fatigue, braking in the cerebral cortex. Immunological reactions are oppressed, cell recovery processes are inhibited, memory loss is noted, the suppression of the ability to think about the decision-making, to the assessment of the situation. Sometimes fear inhibits only the mental sphere, stimulating the motor activity, then a man who distracted from fear with a huge energy makes unnecessary useless actions (panic).
If a person prevails such reactions to stress, then you should know that in this case the physical exertion will no longer call discharge, do not remove the voltages. A person needs preparations that stimulate the metabolism in the body (riboxin, cocarboxylase) and in the nervous system (piracetam, nootropyl). It is often well helped by drugs containing phospholipids (essences, lipostabil), which are included in the metabolism in nerve cells. The specific choice of the drug is within the competence of the doctor.

Polyvitamin preparations are needed, an extended sleep will help to normalize the state. Among the medicinal soothing herbs, not Valerian and the motherboat, but a hawthorn or peony, are suitable, since they, having a unwitting soothing effect, do not strengthen braking processes in the brain. And, of course, professional assistance of a psychologist or psychotherapist is necessary.

The fourth stage of the reaction to stress - neurosis, when the equilibrium of processes in the cerebral cortex is impaired. The "vegetative storm", characteristic of the third stage, is becoming "chaos". It is characterized by a sharp loss of working capacity, behavioral reactions and actions are violated, the regulation of internal organs is violated, diseases are developing. Therapy of neurosis requires the help of a psychologist, self-medication here will be ineffective.

General methods for overcoming stress

Stress is a state that you can not write down one recipe for everyone to overcome it. What helps one, the other will be absolutely useless.
But there are several sufficiently general options for overcoming stress.

First, this is a technique directed directly to eliminate the causes of stress. That is, it is supposed to change either a situation that causes stress or the attitude of a person to this situation. In this case, you need to know exactly the reason for causing stress, otherwise all efforts will go to the pump.

Secondly, there are so-called fast methods that are capable of alleviate the situation for a while. It is necessary to reduce the level of standing stressful reactions and strive to avoid strengthening them. It is applied if it is impossible to eliminate the cause that caused stress. Here are walking, reading, music, sports, sports or just idle. More information will be written below.

Thirdly: active protection against stress. It is necessary to find something to preserve mental equilibrium, contributing to improving the state of health (sports, music, work in the garden or garden, collecting, etc.). This is the so-called active relaxation (relaxation), which increases the adaptive capabilities of the human body - both mental and physical.

Methods of "positive thinking" will help.

And one more should be remembered: there is no life without stress. Any healthy person to feel alive and full, it is necessary to feel any problems that need to be solved as they appear. If we speak by the professional language of physiologists, stress is an attempt by the body to cope with external aggression. But if the stress level increases to the threshold, when a person can no longer adapt to it if the dose of stress is too large, the stress is useful (eustess) turns into a dangerous stress (distress). And when the dose of stress is exceeded very much, not only the psyche of man suffers, but his somatic is different organs and systems of the body.

Methods for improving mental condition

It is important in overcoming a stress or depressive situation is the mood of a person. Here are some ways with which you can significantly affect your well-being:

1. Menate what can be changed, and take as fate what is impossible to change until. There are such wise words: "Let me be sent to me peace of mind so that I could come to terms with what cannot be changed; Let me be sent to me so that I could change what is possible; And even enough I wisdom so that I distinguish the first from the second. " Indeed, is it worth going out if it doesn't change anything?! Or maybe it is worth trying to think, and not to whine, act, not can car, and change your life for the better. If so far does not work and change it is impossible, tell me "this is fate, and let it be so, because it could be worse." If the situation can be corrected, then no longer nervous, and think and act!

2. Live today's day and receive pleasure from it. Why poison your life because of some distant events, if by that time everything can change a thousand times, if tomorrow, any of us can, for example, fall on the head of the brick? Live today! It is not necessary to build pink plans for the future, it is very doubtful that it will be better than the present. Learn to enjoy every day, do what you are nice. Forget about past failures, stop worrying about the future and get a maximum of pleasure today. Of course, all this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the reasonable planning of his life. But this should be reasonable and calm planning, not anxiety or pink dreams.

3. Never be offended by fate and remember that everything could be much worse. There are people who are much worse. Many of them, without thinking, would give their lives for the opportunity to live at least one middle day, who you live.

4. Avoid unpleasant people. Never anni on to communicate with people, whatever they are. Take a person as it is, or parted with it. And if you have to communicate with an unbearable person, if necessary, rejoice that you are not like that. And besides, remember that people with a bad character, constant disputes and hassle quickly destroy their body and dying early. Take care of the nerves and smile - the victory will still remain for you.

5. Evaluate itself and smaller worry about what others think about you. Sometimes people are too worried about what others will think about them, and this is greatly poisoning their lives. No one knows your advantages and disadvantages better than you yourself. Someone is better than you, you're better than someone; that is life.

6. Missely communicate with interesting people. Do not get closed, talk more often with interesting, successful people. If something is not laid, consult with them, ask how they solve certain problems.

7. Plan your life so as not to waste time. Learn to plan your life, otherwise you may feel that life leaves from under your control, and you are not inserted under the flow. Put in front of us specific objectives: for a week, half a year, for the next five years. Think and write down the paths and methods of achievement and, without losing time, act.

Conflicts and stress

There are several strategies leading to a decrease in stress, and there are certain cases in which it makes sense to apply them.

1. Care (you leave the stress zone):
- If you see that the conflict leads to the growing negative feelings and it takes time to give emotions to cool and return to the problem in a calmer condition;
- If the conflict rod is not very important for you:
- If you do not see actual chances to constructively solve the conflict with another way.

2. Compromise (you minimize stress):
- If you have equal rights and opportunities with your opponent;
- if there is a risk to seriously spoil the relationship, overly firmly insisting on its;
- If you need to get at least some advantages, and you have something to offer in return.

3. Rivalry (you enter into the stress of the other):
- Your position is stronger than the opponent.
- You are not interested in possible distant consequences of the conflict;
- You are in a critical situation, and the subject of the dispute is extremely important for you.

4. Reference (you change the type of stress to more acceptable):
- if the preservation of good relationships with the opponent is more important for you than the victory in the conflict;
- If your opponent is obviously stronger than you and is configured only on a tough competitive position;
- If you are not right and do not feel moral for insteading on your decision.

5. Cooperation:
- You seek the complete resolution of the conflict and the final "closing" of the dispute.
- both opponents are tuned to constructive interaction;
- The solution to the problem is equally important for both sides.

Stages of conflict translation in the area of \u200b\u200bcooperation:

1. Create a positive attitude, neutralize negative emotions.

2. emphasize the mutual desire for finding a balanced decision.

3. Maximum clearly define the essence of the problem that caused the conflict, and to do this with the most neutral (objective) position.

4. Determine the desired result for both parties, as well as the final result, profitable to both parties.

5. Confirm that the achievement of this result will be mutually beneficial for both parties, while any other conflict resolution may have negative consequences for them.

6. Collection and analysis of all information on this issue, especially related to the desired result.

7. Revision of possible solutions. Adding new, non-trivial solutions to this list.

8. Choosing an optimal solution and determining the procedure for its implementation (if necessary, with fixation in the form of an intent protocol).

9. Implementation of the decision and control of its implementation.

10. The final assessment of the achieved and evaluation of its actions to overcome the conflict. Fastening partnerships.