In which language means yes. How to say "yes" in different languages. Unreal. Conditional Site III type

As often in Russian, we hear these "if" and "if": "If you wash the dishes ...", "If you do lessons ...", "If you finish the university ...", "if I got more ..." - infinitely many Options that we pronounce each other every day several times. How to say it in Spanish and properly arrange times and inclination? I want to tell you today.

We share all conditional proposals for two large groups: real and irreal (impossible).

Conditional attachments in Spanish are introduced by the Union SI (if; written without stress, do not confuse with the affirmative particle Sí. - Yes)

Real. Type conditional suggestions

Conditional proposals are the first types - the lightest and absolutely similar to the same offers in english language: Si + Presente de Indicativo, Entonces + Futuro Simple

The main thing is to be remembered for the type I conventions in Spanish: Never use after sI (if) the future time ( Futuro Simple.=Futuro Imperfecto. and Futuro Próximo.), instead, be kind to put Presente de indicativo.; Times in the main sentence are limited to your fantasy and knowledge.

Let's immediately consider a few examples:

SI tengo. dinero. compraré. Este Coche. (1.1)
SI nos Acostamos. Temprano, dormimos. Mejor. (1.2)
Si Ha Llegado Te Llamará Pronto.

But as in the first two examples, it is understood what time it was after SI - Future or still the present? Look at the top sentence. In the case of (1.1) in the main sentence comes Futuro Simple., it is logical to assume that in the apparent after SI The action also refers to the future. So, we get: "If I have money, I will buy this car."

In example (1.2), in the main sentence, it is possible to clearly display, it can be concluded that we are talking about the description of some ordinary actions: "If we go to bed early, then we sleep better" (can be replaced by temporary pressing: "When early , we sleep better ").

Of course, you can come up with an option in which Futuro will stand in the main sentence, in the apparent after SI - PRESENTE and translated into Russian it will also be.

Si Educamos Hoy A Los Niños, No Tendremos Que Castigar A Los Hombres Mañana.

If you bring up) to educate children today, do not have to punish adults tomorrow.

Note again, all these conditions really fulfilled and the likelihood of performing actions from the main supply 50 to 50 - it is only necessary to fulfill a fully realistic condition specified in puttingle sentence.

Unreal. Conditional Proposals II Type

No less often found in everyday speech, conditional proposals expressing the condition unreal, hypothetical 100%. Such proposals relating to this or future are called second-type conditional proposals. In them Soyuz SI translated as " if».

This type of proposals has a rather clear scheme that: Si + Imperfecto de Subjuntivo, Entonces + Condicional Simple (\u003d Potencial Simple).

It should be understood that in this scheme and in the main and in the appropriate proposal we are talking about impossible actions:

(Javi SE Explica Muy Mal.)
SI sE Explicara. MEJOR, LE. entenderían..

Havi is very poorly explained. If he was explained better, he would have understood it.

Si La tuviera., podría. Resolver El Problema.

I do not have a calculator. But if it were, I could solve this task.

(Vives Muy Lejos.)
SI vivieras. Más Cerca, sería. Más Fácil IR a verte.

You live too far away. I would be closer, we would have seen more often.

In addition to this model, there are several possible shades for this type of conditional proposals, which are usually studied at the level of ownership C1-C2.

Si + Imperfecto de Sunjuntivo, Entonces + Imperativo / Presente de Indicativo
It is understood that the condition is doubtful, moreover, its execution does not depend on us. But suddenly? In Russian, the model is more difficult to translate such a model because it is difficult to maintain this shade of a small probability of action in the apparent.

SI llamara. Roberto no Le Digas. Que estoy.
Puede Que Llame Roberto Pero No Se Lo Considero Muy Probable.)

If Roberto suddenly calls, tell me that I was not.
(Perhaps Roberto and the truth will call, but in general it does not seem to me with a real one.)

Si + Imperfecto de Subjuntivo, Entonces + Imperfecto de Indicativo
The action in the presidency is impracticable, however, if it is possible to imagine that it suddenly became possible, what happens?

SI estuviera., Desdee Luego. me Escucchaba..
(Sé Que No Está, Pero En Caso Contrario ...)

Unreal. Conditional Site III type

According to its own attack, this type is like a second, the difference is only that the actions that are discussed belong to the past. The model of this type is as follows:
Si + Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo, Entonces + Condicional CompueSto (Potencial CompueSto)

what language is "Si" say?

  1. Mexico- Spanish-speaking country. 100%.
  2. spanish, Italian
    in Mexican TV shows in Spanish
  3. Italy
  4. spanish of course. On Nm, Paul america, Mexico and Latin America talks (with the exception of Brazil and so on. Eastern countries of South America, there are Portuguese in fashion)))
  5. Spain seem to be, and may Italy, but soon Spain
  6. If in Mexican (and other Latin American) series, then in Spanish, as they speak Spanish))
    S # 237; - Yes, or Si - if.
    If in Brazilian, then in Portuguese. But they say SIM - yes (the truth is pronounced almost as well as Si)

    Also Si \u003d Yes, they speak Italy, in Spain (in various languages \u200b\u200bexisting in Spain: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, etc.)

    In French Si, it means only "if", or "yes" in response to a negative question ...

  7. Italian. C, Senora
  8. mexican, Italian, also French
  9. italia.
  10. In the series they speak Spanish or Portuguese. "SI" in Spanish and Italian means "yes". As used in some cases in French in denial.
  11. spanish
  12. ispanskij 100% Tem Bolee V Meksikanskom Seriale! SAMI TO PODYMAITE KAKOJ TAM ItAljanskij?!
  13. It seems to be Italian
  14. In Italian Signora through "and" is written:
    Si, Signora. It is in Spanish - Senor, Señora.
    And they are equally equally;).
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  4. Loading ... What is the term? It is clear that the definition did not understand the term (Late. Terminus term, from lat. Terminus limit, border), 1) word or phrase, designed to accurately designate ...
  5. Loading ... Disassemble the sounds of the word boy sound m sound and sound l soft sound h sound and sound to 6 sounds in phonetics sounds somehow ...

"Yes" - one of the most consumable and important words in any language. Although this, of course, is not the only word to know (in the end, you need to understand what you agree with), without it, do not do in communication. In each major region of the world there are several most widely used languages. In most countries of this region, you are likely to find someone who understands one of these languages. In addition, some words often sound like different languages Thanks to the processes of cultural interaction, and due to immigration and colonization in the past, carriers of certain languages \u200b\u200bcan be found worldwide.


North and South America

    Use "Yes" ( jes) to agree with anything on english language. In English they say about 1.75 billion people around the world, this is the most common language. English is considered to be a worldwide business language, it uses many international companies regardless of where their headquarters are located.

    Tip: Although there is no official state language in the US, most of the citizens of this country speak English. In addition, English is one of two state languages \u200b\u200bof Canada (along with French).

    Tell me "Sí" ( s.) to agree with anything in Spanish. Spanish is native for 320-400 million people around the world, many of them live in North and South America. In addition, this is the state language of Spain and most Latin America countries. If you are planning to visit South America, Learn a few basic words and phrases in Spanish before traveling.

    Express the word "SIM" ( sim) If you are traveling in Brazil. As in Portugal, state language Brazil is portuguese . Brazil's population is 204 million people - thanks to this, this country is the most numerous, where they speak Portuguese, and Portuguese represents one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin South America.

    To say yes in language quechua, say "Arí" ( a-R.). There are about 7.7 million people who live mainly in Peru, as well as in Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina. This is one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bof South America.

    Tip: exists whole line Kechuansky languages, and media of many of them do not understand each other. In addition, each type can have different dialects. Before using the words given above, make sure the interlocutor understands you.

    Tell me "HẽE" (pronounced nasal hE) To express consent to Guarani. The Guarani speaks 4.6 million indigenous people of Paraguay, as well as some areas of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. This language is state in Paraguay, many words and phrases in Guarani entered the Paraguayan version of Spanish.

    • To say "No" Guarani, say "Nahániri" ( on-ha-ni-ri).
  1. If you want to say "yes" in French, say "OUI" ( uI). French It is native about 22 million Canadians who live mainly in Quebec (this is a native language for 80% of the population of this province). Although Canada is usually perfectly well to do with one English, french It is the second state, and these two languages \u200b\u200bhave the same status.

    Tip: French is also widespread in Europe and Africa.


    1. Tell me "JA" ( ya) If you want to express consent in German. German It is the most common language in the European Union, it is spoken by about 130 million people worldwide. This is a state language in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and 4 more countries.

      Italian "yes" is pronounced as "Sì" ( s.). Italian It is a state language in Italy, where about 60 million people speak it. It is also spoken in other parts of Europe, including in Switzerland and Albania.

      If you are in Spain, say "yes" as "sí" ( s.). Spain is spoken in the Castilian Dialega Spanish. Nevertheless, despite a slightly different pronunciation and additional pronoun, Castilian and Latin American Spanish versions are very similar. In the Castilic version of "Sí" can be more reminded shi.

      In Portugal "Yes" sounds like "SIM" ( sim). Unlike Spanish, Portuguese, which is spoken in Brazil, is quite different from the language that you hear in Portugal itself. Nevertheless, "yes" and "no" are pronounced the same way.

      Tell me "OUI" ( uI) to express consent in French. French is a state language in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco and Switzerland, about 64 million people speak in these countries. In addition, it is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the European Union.

      Answer in Russian In agreement yes. There are about 265 million people around the world in Russian, and more than half of them live in Russia. The Russian language also knows many inhabitants of Eastern Europe.

      Say "Tak" ( so) If you want to say "yes" in Polish. Many people think polish language which says 39 million people in Poland itself, as well as in Polish diasporas in Europe and North America, very complex. Nevertheless, the words "yes" and "no" are simple, although somewhat different from those used in most other European languages.

      In the sign of the agreement in Dutch, tell me "JA" ( ya). Dutch is considered their relatives about 23 million people around the world, many of them live in the Netherlands who border Belgian. Outside of Europe in Dutch speak in former colonies Netherlands B. different parts World.

      Tip: Similarly, "yes" and "no" sounds on Afrikaans, which is a dialect of the Dutch language distributed in South Africa.

      On the Scottish Dialect "Yes" will be like "AY" ( i.). Even if you are free to speak English, you can experience certain difficulties in order to understand people from Scotland, as they speak a dialect, which is a mixture of the English and Scottish version of Celtic. Even the word "yes" differs significantly.


      Expite "Shì" ( shi) if you want to say "yes" on the Mandarin version chinese Language (Putunhua). This option It is the most common in China, it is told on it both on the mainland and in Taiwan. It represents the state language of the People's Republic of China, it is often meaning when they talk about Chinese.

      Tip: Chinese is a tonal language. Listen to how to pronounce these words native speakers in order to catch the right tone. The pronouncement of the same sounds with improper tonality can lead to misunderstanding.

      Use "HAI" ( high) to say "yes" in Japanese. In Japanese They speak mainly on the Japanese islands where 121 million speakers of this language live. If you are going to visit Japan, it is advisable to learn at least a few Japanese words to move easier to move around the country.

      Answer "ye" ( ye.) If you want to say "yes" in Korean. In Korean Speak on the Korean Peninsula, where 42 million people live in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and 20 million people in the Korean People's Democratic Republic ( North Korea). In addition, several more people live in China, Russia, Japan and other countries of the world for whom Korean is the first or second native language.

      To say "yes" in Indonesian, say "IYA NIH" ( and Na). Indonesian is a state language in Indonesia. This standardized Malaysian dialect is a native language for about 23 million people who live in the Indonesian archipelago. Another 140 million people know him as a second language. Most often they enjoy in cities, and it is advisable to remember several keywords and phrases if you are going to visit Indonesia.

      Tell me "oo" ( o-O.) To express consent to anything in Tagalog. Although one of the state languages \u200b\u200bof Philippines is the Philippine language (along with English), he appeared pretty recently, its basis is tagalog And some words are taken from other local languages. On the Philippine Islands they say more than 21 languages, many of which are borrowed. On Tagalsky speaks about 22.5 million inhabitants of the Philippines, as well as 1.6 million US citizens.

      In Vietnamese "yes" sounds like "Yah". More than 75 million people speak Vietnamese, most of them live in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area in the south of China. This state language in Vietnam, he is native to most residents of the country.

      Tip: In the Vietnamese language "Yes" can be said in several ways, depending on the context. Nevertheless, the word "Yah" is usually quite suitable in the event that you arrived from another country and speak very well in Vietnamese.

    India and Pakistan

      In Hindi "Yes" corresponds to "Haan" ( ha). Hindi is one of the state languages \u200b\u200bof India (along with English), it speaks about 36 million people across the country. If you are going to visit India, it is desirable to learn at least a few words on Hindi.

      Tip: Although Indian languages \u200b\u200bare often significantly different from each other, the words "yes" and "no" are very similar. We usually understand the carriers of different languages, although they differ slightly in pronunciation.

      On Urdu "yes" will sound like "DSCHII HAAN" ( ji Han.). Urdu is the state language of Pakistan, there are also about 52 million inhabitants of India. Learn at least a few keywords and phrases in Urdu if you are going to visit Pakistan.