How they lived in Russia before the arrival of Christians or why the story of Russia before baptism was a big headache of Soviet historians. Why does Russia have no territory and citizens why in the territories of the former Old Russian state

During the VI - IX centuries. W. eastern Slavs. Walked process of class formation and creating feudalism backgrounds. The territory on which the ancient Russian statehood began to develop, was located at the intersection of the paths, for which the migration of peoples and tribes were laid, nomadic routes ran. South Russian steppes were the arena of the endless struggle moving tribes and peoples. Often Slavic tribes attacked border regions Byzantine Empire.

In the VII century In the steppes between the Lower Volga, the Don and North Caucasus formed a Khazar state. Slavic tribes in the areas of Nizhny Don and Azov fell under his dominion, retaining, however, a certain autonomy. The territory of the Khazar kingdom spread to the Dnieper and the Black Sea. At the beginning of the VIII century. The Arabs caused a crushing defeat, and through the North Caucasus they were deeply invaded to the north, reaching Don. A large number of Slavs - Allies Khazar - was captured.

From the north in Russian lands penetrate Varyagi (Normans, Vikings). At the beginning of the VIII century. They substantiate around Yaroslavl, Rostov and Suzdal, establishing control over the territory from Novgorod to Smolensk. Part of the northern colonists penetrates southern Russia, where they are mixed with the Rus, taking their name. In Tmutarakan, the capital of the Russian-Varangian kaganate, which supposed to the Khazar rulers is formed. In their struggle, opponents apply to the Union to the Constantinople Emperor.

In such a complex Oyotanovka, there was a consolidation of Slavic tribes into political unions, which became the embrying of the design of the Unified East Slavic statehood.

In IX century As a result of the centuries-old development of the Eastern Slavic Society, the early refortel state Rus with the center in Kiev was formed. Gradually, all Eastern Slavic tribes united in Kievan Rus.

The topic of the history of Kievan Rus, considered in the work, is not only interesting, but also very relevant. Last years passed under the sign of change in many areas of the life of Russians. The lifestyle of many people has changed, the system of life values \u200b\u200bhas changed. Knowledge of the history of Russia, the spiritual traditions of the Russian people, is very important to increase the national self-consciousness of Russians. A sign of the revival of the nation is and increasing interest in the historical past of the Russian people, to its spiritual values.

Education of the ancient Russian state in the 9th century

Time with VI in IX V. is the last stage of primitive-communal system, the time of education of classes and invisible, at first glance, but the steady growth of feudalism. The most valuable monument containing information about the beginning of the Russian state is the chronicle of "Tale of the Week, from where the Russian land comes from, and who in Kiev began the first to pronomize and from where the Russian land became", composed by the Kiev monk Nestor, about 1113

Starting your story, like all medieval historians, with a worldwide flood, Nestor tells about the resettlement in the antiquity of the Western and Eastern Slavs in Europe. He divides the East Slavic tribes into two groups, the level of development of which, according to its description, was unequal. Some of them lived, according to his expression, "Zvorinsky way", while maintaining the features of the generic system: blood revenge, the remnants of the matriarchy, the absence of marriage prohibitions, "scalation" (abduction) of wives, etc. This tribes Nestor opposes pollasts, in the land of which Kiev was built. Polyana is "meaningful men", they have already established a patriarchal monogamous family and, obviously, blood revenge was taken (they are "distinguished by the meek and quiet temper").

Next, Nestor tells how the city of Kiev was created. The prince of Kiye, by the story of Nesor, came to Constantinople to visit the emperor of Byzantium, who accepted him with big honors. Returning from Constantinople, Kiy built a city on the banks of the Danube, suggesting to settle here for a long time. But local residents Hostile to hurt him, and cue returned to the shore of the Dnieper.

The first historical event on the way of creating an Old Russian states, Nesor considered the formation of the principality of pollas in the middle of the Dnieper. The legend of Kii and his two brothers spread far to the south, and was listed even in Armenia.

The same picture draw the Byzantic writers VI in. In the reign of Justinian, the huge masses of the Slavs have advanced to the northern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire. Byzantine historians are colorfully described by the invasion of the Empire of the Slavic troops who focused prisoners and who took the rich prey, the settlement of the empire by the Slavic colonists. The appearance on the territory of Byzantium Slavs, who dominated community relations, contributed to the conversion of the slave-ownership orders and the development of Byzantium along the way from the slave-ownership to feudalism.

The success of Slavs in the fight against powerful Byzantium testify relatively high for that time the level of development of Slavic society: there were already material prerequisites for the equipment of significant military expeditions, and the system of military democracy made it possible to unite the major masses of the Slavs. The distant trips contributed to the strengthening of the power of the princes and in the indigenous Slavic lands, where tribal renovations were created.

Archaeological data fully confirm the words of Nestor that the core of the future Kiev Rus began to develop on the banks of the Dnieper when the Slavic princes made hiking in Byzantium and on the Danube, during the time preceding the Khazar attacks (VII century).

The creation of a significant breeding union in the southern forest-steppe areas facilitated the promotion of Slavic colonists not only in the south-west (on the Balkans), but also in the southeast direction. True, the steppes were occupied by various nomads: Bulgarians, Avara, Khazari, but the Slavs of the Middle Dnieper (Russian Earth) managed, obviously, and protect their possessions from their invasions, and penetrate into the depth of fertile black earth steppes. In VII-IX centuries. Slavs lived in the eastern part of the Khazar lands, somewhere in the Azov region, participated together with the Khazars in military campaigns, hired to serve Kagan (the Khazar ruler). In the south, Slavs lived, obviously, islands among other tribes, gradually assimilating them, but at the same time perceiving the elements of their culture.

Throughout VI-IX centuries. The productive forces grew, the birthbroken institutions were modified, the class of class formation was. As the most important phenomena in the life of Eastern Slavs throughout the VI-IX centuries. It should be noted the development of pastry agriculture and selection of crafts; the disintegration of the generic community as a labor collective and the allocation of individual peasant farms, forming a neighboring community; Growth of private land ownership and formation of classes; the transformation of tribal troops with its defensive functions into a squad that dominates the tribesmen; Capture by princes and know the tribal land in personal hereditary property.

To IX century Everywhere on the territory of the settlement of the eastern Slavs, a significant area of \u200b\u200barable land separated from the forest was formed, testifying to the further development of productive forces in feudalism. The union of small generic communities for which the famous unity of culture was characterized by the Version Slavic tribe. Each of these tribes was collected by the People's Assembly (Veche) gradually increased the power of tribal princes. The development of intergovernmental ties, defensive and offensive unions, the organization of joint trips and, finally, the subordination of strong tribes of their weaker neighbors - all this led to the integrity of the tribes, to combining them into more significant groups.

Describing the time when the transition from Russian relations to the state was happening, Nestor notes that in various Eastern Slavic regions were "their own reigns." This is confirmed by the data of archeology.

Education of the early referral state, gradually subdued to itself all the Eastern Slavic tribes, it became possible only when the differences between the south and the north were somewhat smoked in terms of agricultural conditions, when and in the north there was a sufficient number of plowed land and the need for severe collective work on the subsection And the village of Forest has significantly decreased. As a result, there was a selection of a peasant family as a new production team from the patriarchal community.

The decomposition of the primitive bureau in the Eastern Slavs occurred at the time when the slave-owned system was already outlined in a world-historical scale. In the process of class formation, Rus came to feudalism, bypassing the slave formation.

In the IX century. The antagonistic classes of the feudal society are formed. The number of warriors is increasing everywhere, their differentiation increases, it is highlighted from their environment known - boyars and princes.

An important thing in the history of feudalism is the question of the time of the appearance of cities in Russia. In the conditions of a tribal system, there were certain centers where the tribal peshe gathered, the prince was chosen, trade was made, divided, courtes were made, the victims were decided and marked the most important dates of the year. Sometimes such a center became the focus of the most important types of production. Most of these ancient centers turned later in medieval cities.

In the IX century. Feudals created a number of new cities that served both the goals of defense from nomads and the goals of domination over the mortgageous population. In the cities concentrated and craft production. The old name "Grad", "City", which denoted the strengthening, was already applied to the real feudal city with the Kremlin (Fortress) in the center and extensive craft dressing.

With all the graduality and slowness of the process of feudalization, you can still specify a certain facet, starting with which there are reason to talk about feudalities in Russia. This face is the IX century, when the feudal state has already formed the Eastern Slavs.

United B. unified State Earth East Slavic tribes received the name of Russia. The arguments of historians "Normanists" trying to declare the creators Old Russian state Normannov, called Varyagami in Russia, are inconclusive. These historians declared that the annals implied Varyagov. But as it was already shown, the prerequisites for the formation of states in the Slavs were developed for many centuries and to the IX century. They gave a noticeable result not only in the Western Slavic lands, where Normans never penetrated and where the Velikoyeravskaya Power originated, but in the lands of East Slavic (in Kievan Rus), where Normans appeared, robbed, destroyed representatives of local princely dynasties and sometimes became princes themselves. Obviously, Normans could neither promote or seriously interfere with the feudalization process. The name of Russia began to be used in sources in relation to the part of the Slavs 300 years before the appearance of Varyags.

For the first time, the mention of the people of grew is found in the middle of the VI century, when the information about him has already reached Syria. Polyana, called, according to the chronicler, Rusy, become the basis of the future Old Russian nationality, and their land - the core of the territory of the future state - Kievan Rus.

Among the news belonging to Northar, one passage survived, which describes Russia before the appearance of the Varyags. "These are the Slavic areas," Nestor writes, - which are part of Russia - Poland, Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Polokhan, Novgorod Slovenia, Northerners ... "2. This list includes only half of East Slavic regions. In the composition of Russia, therefore, at that time, the curviti, radmichi, vetchi, Croats, Oitli and Tivers were not yet included. In the center of the new state education was the Holy Tribe. Ancient Russian state has become a kind of tribal federation, in its form it was an early refortel monarchy

Ancient Rus of the end of the IX - early XII century.

In the second half of the IX century. novgorod Prince Oleg united power over Kiev and Novgorod in his hands. This event chronicle dates 882. Education as a result of the emergence of antagonistic classes of the early-referring Old Russian state (Kievan Rus) was a turning point in the history of Eastern Slavs.

The process of unification of the Eastern Slavic lands in the composition of the ancient Russian state was complex. In a number of land, the Kiev princes met serious resistance from local feudal and tribal princes and their "husbands". Resistance This was suppressed by the power of weapons. In the prince of Oleg (the end of the IX - the beginning of the h. Kyiv Prince Igor (the beginning of the h.) As a result of a persistent struggle, subdued the land of the streets and tivers. Thus, the border of Kievan Rus was promoted for the Dniester. A long struggle continued with the population of the Treacian land. Igor increased the dimensions charged with Dani Ridge. During one of the campaigns of Igor in the Trees, when he decided to collect a double tribute, Drevlyan smashed the princely squad and killed Igor. Olga's reign (945-969), Igor's wife, the land of Drevlyan was finally subordinated to Kiev.

Territorial growth and strengthening Rus continued at Svyatoslav Igorevich (969-972) and Vladimir Svyatoslavich (980-1015). The ancient Russian state entered the land of Vyatichi. Power of Russia spread to the North Caucasus. The territory of the ancient Russian state has expanded in the western direction, including Cherven Cities and Carpathian Rus.

With the formation of the early refortion state, more favorable conditions have been created to maintain the security of the country and its economic growth. But the strengthening of this state was associated with the development of feudal property and the further challenge of the previously free peasantry.

The supreme power in the ancient Russian state belonged the great Kiev prince. At the princely courtyard there was a squad who divided into the "senior" and "younger". The boyars from the combat bonds of the prince turn into landowners, his vassals, markers. In the XI-XII centuries. There is a decoration of the boyars as a special estate and consolidating its legal status. Vassalitet is formed as a system of relations with Prince-Sisser; his characteristic features The specialization of the vassal service, the contractual nature of the relationship and the economic independence of Vassala4 are becoming.

Princely warriors participated in government management. So, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, together with the boyars, discussed the issue of the introduction of Christianity, about measures to combat the "scatteries" and solved other cases. In some parts of Russia, their princes ruled. But the Great Kiev Prince sought to replace the local rulers with his gender.

The state contributed to the strengthening of the domination of the feudalists in Russia. The author of the authorities provided the receipt of Dani, charged with money and nature. The labor population was carried out and a number of other duties were carried out - military, underwater, participated in the construction of fortresses, roads, bridges, etc. Separate princely warriors were received in the management of whole areas with the right to charge tribute.

In the middle of the city When printed with Olga, the dimensions of the mantles (data and occasions) were determined and temporary and constant becoming and grades were established, in which Dani was collected.

The norms of customary law developed in the Slavs with deep antiquity. With the emergence and development of class society and the state, along with the usual right and gradually replacing it, written laws that protect the interests of the feudalists appeared and developed. Already in Oleg Treaty with Byzantium (911), "Russian Law" will be mentioned. The collection of written laws is the "Russian truth" of the so-called "brief editor" (end XI - the beginning of the XII century). It has been preserved "the oldest truth", written, apparently at the beginning of the XI B, but reflecting some norms of ordinary law. It says more about the remnants of primitive-general relations, such as blood revenge. The law considers cases of replacement of revenge with the cash fin rate in favor of the relatives of the victim (subsequently in favor of the state).

The Armed Forces of the Ancient Russian state consisted of the squad of the Grand Duke, the Druzhin, which brought the princes and boyars subordinates, and the folk militia (voi). The number of troops with which the princes acted on hiking, sometimes reached 60-80 thousand. An important role in the armed forces continued to play more popular militia. We were used in Russia and detachments of mercenaries - nomads of steppes (Pechenegov), as well as Polovtsy, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Chekhov, Poles, Varyagov-Normanov, but their role in the armed forces was insignificant. The ancient Russian fleet consisted of vessels pushed out of trees and sheathed on board boards. Russian vessels swam in the Black, Azov, Caspian and Baltic seas.

The foreign policy of the ancient Russian state expressed the interests of the growing class of feudalists, expanding their possessions, policy influence and trading ties. In an effort to conquer individual East Slavic lands, the Kiev princes came into a clash with Khazari. Promotion to the Danube, the desire to master the trade in the Black Sea and the Crimean coast led to the struggle of Russian princes with Byzantium, agreed to limit the influence of Russia in the Black Sea region. In 907, Prince Oleg organized the campaign by the Sea to Constantinople. Byzantines were forced to ask Russians about the conclusion of the world and pay the contribution. According to the peace treaty 911. Rus received the right of duty-free trade in Constantinople.

Kiev princes made hiking and more remote land - for the Caucasian Ridge, to the Western and South Coasts of the Caspian Sea (hiking 880, 909, 910, 913-914). The expansion of the territory of the Kiev state was particularly actively implemented in the reign of the Son of Princess Olga, Svyatoslav (hopes of Svyatoslav - 964-972) The first blow he struck the Khazar empire. Their main cities on Don and Volga were captured. Svyatoslav even planned to settle in this region, becoming a successor destroyed by the empire6.

Then the Russian squads performed on the Danube, where they captured the city of Pereyaslavl (who previously belonged to Bulgarians), which Svyatoslav decided to make his capital. Such political ambitions show that Kiev princes have not yet connected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe political center of its empire with Kiev.

The danger that came from the East is the invasion of Pechenegov, forced Kiev princes to pay more attention to the internal device of his own state.

Adoption of Christianity in Russia

At the end of the city. In Russia, Christianity was officially introduced. The development of feudal relations has prepared a replacement for the pagan cults of a new religion.

Eastern Slavs deified forces of nature. Among the worships of them, the gods first occupied Perun - God thunder and lightning. Daugh-God was the God of Sun and Fertility, Striboga is a thunderstorm and bad weather. The god of wealth and trade was considered hair, the Creator of all human culture is the god-blacksmith Svarog.

Christianity early began to penetrate the Rus on Wednesday. Still in the IX century. Konstantinople Patriarch Fotius noted that Russia changed the "pagan superstition" to the "Christian faith" 7. Christians were among the warriors Igor. Christianity adopted the princess Olga.

Vladimir Svyatoslavich, having broken in 988 and assessing the political role of Christianity, decided to make it a state religion in Russia. The adoption of Russia Christianity occurred in a complex foreign policy situation. In the 80s x. The Byzantine Government appealed to the Kiev prince with a request for military assistance to suppress uprisings in subject grounds. In response, Vladimir demanded from Byzantia the Union with Rus, offering to bore him with his marriage on Anna, the sister of Emperor Vasily II. The Byzantine Government was forced to agree to this. After marriage Vladimir and Anna, Christianity was officially recognized by the religion of the ancient Russian state.

Church institutions in Russia received large land awards and tenth from government revenues. Throughout the XI century. Episcopias were founded in Yuryev and Belgorod (in Kievan land), Novgorod, Rostov, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl-South, Vladimir-Volynsky, Polotsk and tours. In Kiev, there were several major monasteries.

The people met a hostile new faith and her servants. Christianity was affected by forcibly, and the country's Christianization was delayed for several centuries. Prechristian ("pagan") cults continued to live in a folk medium for a long time.

The introduction of Christianity was progress in comparison with paganism. Together with Christianity, the Russians received some elements of higher Byzantine culture, they joined, like other European peoples, to the heritage of antiquity. The introduction of a new religion has increased international importance Ancient Russia.

Development of feudal relations in Russia

Time from the end to the beginning of the XII century. It is an important step in the development of feudal relations in Russia. This time is characterized by a gradual victory of a feudal method of production at a significant territory of the country.

In agriculture, Russia dominated sustainable field farming. Cattle breeding developed more slowly than agriculture. Despite the relative increase in agricultural production, the crops were going low. Frequent phenomena were a bale and hunger, undermining the crusher host and contributing to the chain of peasants. In the economy, the hunt, fisheries, Bortfreaty remained great importance. Fur protein, cunits, outers, beavers, sables, foxes, and honey and wax went to the external market. The best hunting and fishing sites, forests with afforest raids were captured by feudal.

In the XI and early XII century. Part of the land was exploited by the state by challenged from the population of Dani, part land Square It was in the hands of individual feudals as estates that could be inherited (they later became known as the prince), and the possessions received from the princes in the temporary conditional holding.

The dominant class of feudalists has developed from the local princes and Boyar, who fell into the dependence from Kiev, and from the husbands (warriors) of the Kiev princes, which were received by the management, in the holding or in the target of the Earth, "intricate" them and princes. Kiev Great Princes themselves had large land ownership. Distribution by the princes of the Earth to the warriors, strengthening feudal production relations, was at the same time one of the funds used by the state to subordinate the local population of his power.

Land ownership was protected by law. The growth of boyars and church land tenure was closely related to the development of immunity. The land, which was previously peasant property, fell into the ownership of Feodala "with tribute, visions and sales", that is, with the right to collect from the population and court fines for killing and for other crimes, and, therefore, with the right of court.

With the transition of land to the property of individual feudal, peasants in different ways fell into them in dependence. Some peasants, deprived of means of production, landowners rolled, using their need for labor instruments, inventory, seeds, etc. Other peasants who were sitting on Earth, called tribute, who owned their instruments of production, were forced by the state by force to the transition from the ground under the progressive power of feudal police. As the defendant and challenge the term, the term man, previously denoted slaves, began to spread to the whole mass of the peasantry dependent on the landowner.

The peasants who fell into Kabalu to the feudal, legally executed by a special agreement - beside the name of the procurement. They received a landowner from the landowner and the loan, which was worked out in the farm of the feudal of the Lord's inventory. For the escape from Mr. snacks turned into holsters - slaves deprived of all rights. Under-service rent - born, field and cloth (construction of fortifications, bridges, roads, etc.), combined with the vigoral lifting.

The forms of the social protest of the masses against the feudal system were diverse: the flight from its owner to the armed "discharge", from the violation of the borders of feudal estates, arsonists who belonged to the princes of boor-in-tree trees to an open uprising. The peasants fought against the feudalists and with a weapon in their hands. Under Vladimir, Svyatoslavich "Reversible" (as often called armed peasants' armed performances) became a common phenomenon. In 996, Vladimir, on the Council of the clergy, decided to apply the death penalty with respect to the "robbers", but then strengthening the authority of the authorities and, in need of new sources of income on the content of the squad, replaced the execution of the penalty of the vira. Even more attention was paid to the princes of fighting the folk movements in the XI century.

At the beginning of the XII century. There was a further development of crafts. In the village, in the conditions of the state of the natural economy, the manufacture of clothing, shoes, utensils, agricultural equipment, etc. It was homemade, not yet separated from agriculture. With the development of the feudal system, some of the community artisans moved dependent on the feudalists, others left the village and went under the walls of the princely castles and fortresses, where crafts were created. The possibility of rupture of the artisan with a village was due to the development of agriculture capable of providing the urban population with products and the branch of the craft from agriculture.

Crafts development centers became cities. In them to the XII century. There have been over 60 craft specialties. Russian artisans of the XI-XII centuries. produced more than 150 types of iron and steel products, their products played important role In the development of commodity relations of the city with the village. Ancient Russian jewelers knew the art of non-ferrous metal chasing. In craft workshops, workers were made tools, weapons, household items, decorations.

His products Rus won fame in today Europe. However, the public division of labor in the country as a whole was weak. Village lived in natural economy. Penetration into the village from the city of small traders did not violate the natural nature of the rural economy. Internal trade centers were cities. But urban commodity production did not change the natural and economic basis of the country's economy.

More developed was the foreign trade of Russia. Russian merchants traded in the possessions of the Arab Caliphate. The Dnieper way tied Rus with Byzantia. Russian merchants traveled from Kiev to Moravia, Czech Republic, Poland, South Germany, from Novgorod and Polotsk - in the Baltic Sea to Scandinavia, Polish Pomorie and then west. With the development of crafts increased export of craft products.

As money, silver bars, foreign coins went. Princes Vladimir Svyatoslavich and his son Yaroslav Vladimirovich produced (albeit in small quantities) a chased silver coin. However, foreign trade did not change the natural nature of Russia.

With the growth of public division of labor, cities developed. They arose from the castle fortresses, gradually influencing the pans, and from the trade and handicraft settlements, around which fortifications were erected. The city was associated with the nearest rural district, the products of which he lived and the population of which served as crafts. In the chronicles of the IX-X centuries. 25 cities mentioned, in the news of the XI V-89. The flourishing of the ancient Russian cities falls on the XI-XII centuries.

In the cities there were craft and merchant associations, although there was not a workshop. In addition to free artisans, in the cities there were crowded artisans who were holopas of princes and boyars. City to know was a boyars. The major cities of Russia (Kiev, Chernihiv, Polotsk, Novgorod, Smolensk and others) were administrative, judicial and military centers. At the same time, fixed, the city contributed to the process of political crushing. It was a natural phenomenon in the conditions of the domination of the natural economy and when weakness economic connections between separate lands.

Problems of state unity of Russia

The state unity of Russia was not durable. The development of feudal relations and strengthening the power of feudalists, as well as the growth of cities, as centers of local principalities, led to changes in political superstructure. In the XI century At the head of state, the Grand Duke was still standing, but the princes and boyars dependent on him acquired large land ownership in different parts of Russia (in Novgorod, Polotsk, Chernigov, on Volyn, etc.). Princes of individual feudal centers They strengthened their own authority and, relying on local faeodals, began to consider their princes as reported, i.e. hereditary possessions. Economically, they almost did not depend on Kiev, on the contrary, the Kiev prince was interested in supporting from their part. The political dependence on Kiev is the local faeodals and princes, rules in certain parts of the country.

After the death of Vladimir, his son Svyatopolk, who killed his brothers Boris and Gleb, who had begun a stubborn struggle with Yaroslav, became Prince of his son in Kiev. In this fight, Svyatopolk used military assistance Polish feudal. Then in Kievan land began a massive folk movement against the Polish invaders. Yaroslav, supported by Novgorod citizens, was defeated by Svyatopolku and took Kiev.

In the reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, nicknamed wisely (1019-1054), about 1024, there was a large rebellion of death in the northeast, in Suzdal Earth. The reason for him was a strong hunger. Many participants of the suppressed uprising were sharpened in prison or executed. However, the movement continued until 1026.

The reinforcement and further expansion of the borders of the ancient Russian state continued to the reinforcement of Yaroslav. However, the signs of feudal crushing of the state showed everything more clearly.

After the death of Yaroslav, the state power switched to three of his sons. The seniority belonged to Izyaslav, who owned Kiev, Novgorod and other cities. His co-guards were Svyatoslav (Rule in Chernigov and Tmutarakani) and Vsevolod (the contacted in Rostov, Suzdal and Pereyaslavl). In 1068, Nomads-Polovtsy attacked Rus. Russian troops were broken on the Altea River. Izyaslav and Vsevolod fled to Kiev. It accelerated the anti-refortion uprising in Kiev, which has long been born. The rebels defeated the princely courtyard, freed from prison and built at the prince of all-in-law of Polotsk, earlier (during transplanses of gravesti) sharpened by its brothers. However, he soon left Kiev, and Izyaslav in a few months with polish troopsAfter resorting to deception, I took the city again (1069) and learned the bloody violence.

Urban uprisings were associated with the movement of the peasantry. Since the anti-refortel movements were directed against the Christian Church, headed by the peasants and citizens sometimes turned out to be Magi. In the 70s of the XI century. There was a major folk movement in the Rostov land. People's movements occurred in other places in Russia. In Novgorod, for example, the masses of the urban population, headed by Walking, opposed the nobility headed by Prince and Bishop. Prince Gleb with the help of military force dealt with the rebels.

The development of a feudal method of production inevitably led to a polyhydic fragmentation of the country. Class contradictions increased markedly. The ruin of exploitation and princefully gravestone was exacerbated by the consequences of crop and hunger. After the death of Svyatopolk in Kiev, the urban population and peasants from the surrounding villages occurred. Frightened to know and merchants invited to pronomize Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (1113-1125), Prince Pereyaslavsky. The new prince was forced to curb the uprising to go for some concessions.

Vladimir Monomakh conducted a policy of strengthening the great power. Owning, in addition to Kiev, Pereyaslavl, Suzdalem, Rostov, driving Novgorod and part of South-Western Russia, he simultaneously tried to subjugate to his other lands (Minsk, Volynskaya et al.). However, contrary to the politics of Monomah, the process of fragmentation of Russia, caused by economic reasons, continued. To the second quarter of the XII century. Rus finally rolled out on many principalities.

Culture of ancient Russia

The culture of ancient Russia is a culture of early refortional society. In oral poetic creativity, the experience of the people, imprinted in proverbs and sayings, in the riteness of agricultural and family holidays, was reflected in the riteness of agricultural and family holidays, from which the religious pagan start gradually disappeared, the rites became folk games. Crochetons - stray actors, singers and musicians, immigrants from the folk medium, were carriers of democratic trends in art. The folk motives have formed the basis of the wonderful song and the musical creativity of the "Boyan's", which the author of the "Words about the regiment of Igor" calls the "Solovia of the Old Time".

The growth of popular self-consciousness found a particularly vivid expression in the historical epic. In it, the people idealized the time of political unity of Russia, although it was also very fragile when the peasants were not yet dependent. In the image of the "peasant son" Ilya Muromets, a fighter for the independence of the Motherland, the deep patriotism of the people is embodied. Folk creativity has an impact on legends and legends, which have developed in the feudal secular and church environment, and helped the formation of ancient Russian literature.

Hasive importance for the development of ancient Russian literature was the emergence of writing. In Russia, writing appeared seems to be pretty early. Preserved news that the Slavic Enlightener of the IX century. Konstantin (Kirill) saw books in Chersonese written by "Russian Writers". Evidence of the presence of writing in the Eastern Slavs before the adoption of Christianity is the clay vessel of the beginning of the beginning of the beginning of X in one of the Smolensk Kurstings. with an inscription. Significant dissemination received writing after the adoption of Christianity.

Moscow itself pushes regions from himself

Modern Russia, first of all, takes care of the enrichment of the "elite" and does everything that they remain in power, so it is possible once the components of Russia think: "Is it worth living with the crazy Moscow?"

This topic periodically arose since the collapse of the USSR. Chechnya's attempt to dispense in two bloody wars. And now in Russia there are supporters of the so-called "Imarat Caucasus" - the self-proclaimed state, which claims to the North Caucasus and acts on terrorist methods.

The attempt of Tatarstan was peaceful, but for several years this modern Russian republic considered himself an independent state.

There were also attempts to increase the status of the subjects of the federation in order to get more powers (as part of the Russian Federation). But in Moscow, such "antics" were not perceived and guilty of retired at best

Now, as part of the Russian Federation, 83 subjects of the Federation (the occupied Crimea and Sevastopol are not included in this list). They will be the basis for future new states.

There are 3 reasons why the state can separate from the Russian Federation:

Due to the desire to independently manage its natural resources;

By national sign;

Due to close economic ties with other countries.

Although some possible states should be attributed to several groups immediately, but in this article they enter the group, which reason for their separation is more likely.

States that are separated from Russia due to rich resources


Bashkortostan in 1917 became the first national-territorial autonomy in Russia. Though Russians there are a little more Bashkir (36% against 29%, respectively, and another 25% - Tatars), but Bashkortostan is an oil region: it is mined here, processed and allowed into industry. In the world, Bashkortostan would occupy the 21st place for oil production per capita, together with Libya.

Astrakhan Republic

Now Astrakhan is a Russian city, the Astrakhan region is mainly Russian, but there are still Kazakhs and Tatars, and in the past these lands were part of the Golden Horde and Astrakhan Khanate. To the Russian kingdom, Khanate joined Ivan Terrible in 1556.

The modern Astrakhan region, which can become the Astrakhan Republic, is the world in the world for oil production per capita.

The current Russian and regional government cannot manage to dispose of these money - Astrakhan is among the five Russian cities with the poorest population. Can new authorities of the independent oil republic be able? Look, for example, on the photo of the Doha, the capital of Qatar. This country ranks second in the world for oil production per capita.

The modern Russian Republic of Buryatia will unite into one state with the Trans-Baikal Territory, which in turn arose in 2008 after the unification of the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Although modern Buryatia is the National Republic of Buryats, but most of the population there are Russians, as in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

In this new state, 90% of the current Russian uranium mining will be focused.


If you heard about Buryatia in Ukraine, then the Komi is unlikely. But there is in the Russian Federation and such a republic. 65% of the population are Russians, 2% are the people of Komi and, surprise, 4% - Ukrainians. And there is a unique forest - virgin forests of Komi. "These are the greatest untouched forests of Europe, part of the UNESCO World Enhancing (yes, it's still Europe!).

The Komi will join the Nenets Autonomous District, 18% of the population of which are nonsense. Its population is only 42 thousand people, and the district's automotive and railways are associated with Komi, although now is included in the Arkhangelsk region.

Plus Komi will fly away the archipelago New Earth. Now he is also part of the Arkhangelsk region. This is a closed territory, entering there only by passing. In the past there was a Soviet nuclear landfill, in which 135 nuclear explosions were produced from 1955 to 1990. Also there is the burial of radioactive waste.

Don Kuban.

Historical Don and Kuban (Rostov and Volgograd region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory) So "ask for" to combine them in one state. In this case, this will be the state number 1 in the world for the production of grain per capita.


The modern Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the largest region of Russia and the largest administrative-territorial unit in the world. And after the collapse of Russia, she will join the Chukotka Autonomous District - Yakutia need access to the Pacific Ocean.

In Yakutia, 90% of Russian diamonds, gold, oil, gas, coal are produced.

Siberian Republic

Siberia has a historical help to proclaim sovereignty. In the mid-1850s, in the environment of the Siberian intelligentsia, the laying was originated - movement against autocracy and for democracy. Then these ideas did not have real consequences, and the participants of the Tsarist government arrested, but in August 1917 the conference in Tomsk adopted a resolution "On the autonomous device of Siberia" within the Federation with the self-determination of regions and nationalities. And in September of the same year I Siberian The regional congress ruled that Siberia should have the entire completeness of the legislative, executive and judiciary, to have the Siberian Regional Duma and the Cabinet of Ministers. For some time there was a temporary Siberian government.

Plus, Siberia has huge mineral deposits.

Possible Siberian state except the "heart of Siberia" - Krasnoyarsk Territory - "will attract" to itself the Irkutsk region, Khakassia, Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk region.

Interestingly, Siberia and Yakutia Square is almost equal, but the population of Siberia is 16 times more than in Yakutia.


In 1990, the Supreme Council of the Tatar ASSR adopted Declasia about the state sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 1991, a decree on the act of state independence of Tatarstan. The new state wished to enter the CIS independently. Only in 1994, Tatarstan signed an agreement on the delimitation of objects and powers between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and RT (Tatarstan), that is, finally confirmed that he was part of the Russian Federation.

In addition, Tatarstan is the third region in Russia for oil production.

But another interesting detail: according to a recent law, the heads of subjects of the Russian Federation can no longer be called "President" - this word is reserved exclusively for the President of Russia. All republics, whose chapters were called the presidents, have already changed their constitutions accordingly. Only Tatarstan remained, where neither the authorities nor the people want to call their president in a different way.

Ural Republic

Ural - border between Europe and Asia. "Heart" of the region - Sverdlovsk region. The Obalant authorities in 1993 made an attempt to raise the status of regina from the region to the republic, the proclaiming of the Republic, which existed half a year. And at least, this decision on the referendum was supported by residents of the region, but the federal authorities did not agree with such, and when President Yeltsin issued a decree on the dissolution of the Sverdlovsk regional council and removing the head of the administration from office, those obeyed.

The future Ural Republic will consist of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Kirov Obasy and the Perm Territory. Its specialization will be the industry - these regions are the basis of Russian metallurgy.


Exotic for Ukrainians Name Ugra - part of the official name of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. He, together with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, is administratively part of the Tyumen region, although it is three separate equal entities of the Russian Federation (that is, two equal entities are part of the third. Yes, that's all confusing).

The Tyumen region with its autonomous districts will make a single state, which will be called simply and beautiful: Ugra.

Already now they produce 2/3 of Russian oil and 85% of gas, ranking first in the world to produce these resources per capita.

BusinessViews advises the future independent Ugra to organize a fund that would rule the profit from the mining of resources for the example of Alaska. The Alaska Permanent Foundation receives 25% of the state of the state from the turnover of oil, and half of these income is distributed directly between residents through dividends.

Most of the population here are Russians (76%), but it can be separated by economic reasons, mining 3% of Russian gas and occupying 10th place in the world in terms of gas production per capita.

States that are separated from Russia on the national basis

In Russia, many republics, where the share of Russians is small, and if they all make up the majority of the population, the share of the title nation increases rapidly. With time indigenous population It may feel its strength and demand independence. Moreover, Russia often expanded its territory by force.


In Russia, there are two subjects of the Federation with the name Altai: the Republic of Altai and the Altai Territory. If the first one becomes part of the Siberian Republic for economic reasons, the second will become an independent state - the proportion of Altaians there is 34% and is constantly growing.


A quarter of the population of the Republic - Adygi, most of them are Muslims, therefore, the most likely Adygea will become an independent state. But the feature of Adygea is that it is surrounded by the Krasnodar Territory from all sides, which in the future will be part of the Donskoy-Kuban Republic, so Adegey can also enter its composition.


Russia has spread its power on the nomadic, then the people of Kalmyks at the beginning of the 1600s, founding Kalmyk Khanate. However, already in 171 eliminated him. After the Second World War Soviet government deported Kalmykov to Siberia. Then the nation lost half of compatriots. Rehabilitated Kalmykov only in 1956.

Mari El

Markets - Finno-Ugric people, who before the beginning of the twentieth century did not have its own statehood and lived in different provinces of Russia. And until now, half of Mariy residents live outside Mari El. If independence is declared, at least part of Kalmykov will move to live in a new state, which will increase their share even more.


Mordovia's Ukrainians are known for "Mordovsky camps", that is, a complex of camps, in which those in Soviet times were sentenced to "political" articles. The Metropolitan of Joseph Blind, a philologist, poet and journalist Svyatoslav Karavansky, Colonel UPA Vasily Levkovich, Colonel Army UNR Nikolai Sipko, Nestor's wife Makhno Galina Kuzmenko.


In a distant tying, which borders Mongolia, is one of the two probable Geographic Centers of Asia (it all depends on how to count and include some of the islands in Asia).



"Imarate Caucasus" claims to this territory, which periodically organizes terrorist attacks. It was in Dagestan that the second Chechen war began.


This is probably the hectic territory in Russia. After two bloody wars, the dictatorship of one clan - Kadyrovy was established here. There is even the opinion that Russia actually lost the war and pays tribute to Chechnya. This thought was expressed by the Russian journalist Alexander Nzversov and political scientist Andrei Pionkovsky.


This is a small mountain state in the North Caucasus. Here is the highest point of Europe - Volcano Elbrus.

North Ossetia Alania

North Ossetia is one of the first territories that Russia joined in the North Caucasus. Vladikavkaz - the capital of the republic - the first Russian fortress in the region.

Now the Ossetians are divided and live in different states: part - in North Ossetia (RF), part - in the so-called "South Ossetia". Legally, this is the territory of Georgia, but there is a regime dependent on Moscow with Russian support.

States that are separated from Russia due to close economic ties with other countries

Far Eastern Republic

Far East in Russia call the part of Russia, where the rivers flow into Pacific Ocean, and some neighboring islands. This is a slightly populated, but a large region - 5% of Russia live in 36% of Russia.

Part Far East Includes the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatsky, Khabarovsky and Primorsky Krai and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Yakutia, however, will be an independent state that the Chukchi Autonomous District will also attach, because Yakutia needs access to the Pacific Ocean.

On the Internet, full publications are about the fact that China plans to capture the Far East. It's not a fact that it will decide on direct accession, but in the region there are many labor migrants from China, and the latest innovations of Russian laws contribute to their influx. The Deputy Chairman of the Chinese government even proposed to create a single economic zone in the territories of the Far East and North China.

Kaliningrad Republic

Konigsberg, as Kaliningrad was called, was part of Germany, but in 1945 the Allies passed the USSR region, which formed the Kaliningrad region there.

Before the war, 370 thousand Germans lived in the city, after only 20 thousand left, and those by 1947 the USSR deported to Germany. Now the majority of the population of the Kaliningrad region are Russians, and among them there are no descendants of the indigenous population, so the joining Germany does not threaten Kaliningrad (and Poland is located between Kaliningrad and Germany).

But the Kaliningrad state will experience the economic influence of neighboring Poland or Lithuania. Rather, Poland, because it is with this country that it is now related to economically: Kaliningrades go shopping.


You probably heard that Finns allegedly want to return Karelia. Well, this is not exactly the same Karelia. If in Finland they say that they want to return to Karelia, they mean not the whole of the modern Russian republic, but Karelian shelter, Petsamo, Salla-Kuusamo about some of the Islands of the Gulf of Finland, who after the Soviet-Finnish war went to the USSR.

Kurile Islands

Curiles - a chain of 56 islands between the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka and the Japanese Island of Hokkaido. After the war, all Kuriles moved to the USSR, but Japan does not recognize the transition to Soviet (and now the Russian) jurisdiction of the islaver islands, Shikotan, Kunashir and the Haboma group. According to Japan, these islands are not included in the Kuril Rud, that is, they do not belong to Russia.

After the collapse of Russia, Japan will economically dominate these islands or even attach them. Especially since the island of ITUPU is the richest metal field in the world. There is gold, silver, titanium, iron.

New Russia - Russian Republic

After the new "parade of sovereignty", what will remain from the current Russia will take only 12% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern Russian Federation, and the population will decrease by 2 times. But GDP per capita will be like a worthy european country Slovenia.

Truth, new Russia Energy resources, industrial goods and agricultural products will be imported.

The collapse of the Russian Federation is not a catastrophe, but good. It will contribute to the improvement of the political situation in the region, "will push" the reforms that the modern "big Russia" are so needed, but which it apparently does not wait. And no new Russian republic, nor other post-city states will be able to influence Europe as the Russian Federation did.

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Borders and capital of Russia 16th century

According to the reconstruction of chronology, conducted by A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky, in the 16th century Rus extended in four continents and included the territories of Eurasia, North Africa and more than half of the territory of Northern and South America. After the collapse of Russia in the early 17th century, the rulers of new states created on its former territories began to rewrite history. Such a course of events is now very surprised - many have accustomed to it, because the story in our time has repeatedly rewritten and continue to rewrite further.

The Introduction I needed for the authorities is a powerful instrument for managing society consciousness. The new rules of the former territories of Russia very much wanted to forget about his subordinate position in the past and, more importantly, they wanted to hide the circumstances of his coming to power. After all, the split of a single country took place by the overthrow of legal leadership. To give the visibility of the legality of the new government, Scaligerian historians had to invent the MiF about the "Mongol-Tatar" conquest of the world.

Considering that the overwhelming majority of invented Mongol-Tatars were actually carriers of the genetics of Russia and they spoke in Russian, it is possible to identify the borders of Russia of the 16th century on official data. To do this, you must put on the map what we were ashamed to make the mythmottres from history. A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky make it in his book "Calif Ivan". They took two cards of Scaligerian historians: 1260
(Fig. 1) and 1310
(Fig. 2) and combined information from these cards, highlighting the "Mongol-Tatars" empire with dark color
(Fig. 3). It turned out the empire as of the 14th century. Further creators new chronology An interesting fact is noted - Scaligerian historians indicate the arrows to further promotion of "Tatar-Mongols" in Western Europe, Egypt, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Indonesia, but carefully, and are limited to! There are arrow hiking, but there is no result of these trips. Like, there is no special outcome.

Such caution is quite explained, because if this result is on the card, it will become very impressive. According to the studies of A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky in the 16th century in the empire also included significant territories of North and South America. The result of conquest is shown in Figure 4.
Facts confirming the existence of Russia's huge standards in the Middle Ages, many. Little-known, but the fact that the French kings gave oath on the holy book written in the Old Slavonic language, and the Jerusalem Patriarch presented Karl the Grand Cross, written by Russian inscriptions.

Another highly indicative example is given in the book of A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky "Tatar-Mongolian IHO: who won someone." The distances from the capital of Russia - Cities of Vladimir - to many capitals and cities are now other states, and earlier pricing in the territories of the colonies of Russia, it is subject to a certain pattern. In order to determine which regularity is observed within the distance from the capital of Russia to the "regional centers", let's put yourself in the place of conquerors.

But before doing this, we note one important circumstance - the level of development of civilization of the associated territories was much smaller than the level of Russia (some land were practically not caught), so large settlements We, as conquerors, have to build themselves. In such an environment, it would be reasonable to place the centers of new priests along the trade routes created at the time at a certain distance from the center of Russia (Fig. 5).
So it was done. The distance it was chosen for reasons of establishing the optimal communication in the field of trade, mail and so on. Many capitals fall on two circumference with the center in Vladimir (Fig. 6).
The first circle with a radius of about 1,800 km. It contains the following cities: Oslo, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Belgrade, Sofia, Istanbul and Ankara. Second circle with a radius of 2400 km. It is located in London Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxenburg, Bern, Geneva, Rome, Athens, Nicosia, Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran.

And what is characteristic if you take any of the listed cities except Vladimir and make it the center of Russia, then nothing like this will happen. From here we can conclude that the name of the city Vladimir has a completely defined meaning - "owning the world."

Falsification of history

After the collapse of Russia for smaller states, the new European authorities began to falsify their history, and their gender in the remaining part of the Russian state - Romanov began to rewrite the history of the Russian people. Falsification was full-scale. The Europeans came up with the biographies of their rulers and new languages, alleged their contribution to the development of civilization, renamed or distorted geographical names.

Rusam, on the contrary, began to inspire thoughts about the nobility of the Russian people, books containing true history, destroyed, and in return made fakes, culture and education distorted and destroyed. The geographical names familiar to the Russian ear with Europe moved in the deaf areas in Russia. And this, of course, not all. We give several indicative facts.

Kings of Europe have written off with Rus

Imagine a situation: the empire is destroyed, on the breakaway territories new and, as they say, "neuropahiba" authorities. What to tell them a new generation? Truth? No, it is not safe for themselves that they were in a subordinate position and did not come to power by law. We'll have to come up with a past. And necessarily - great. For starters came up with rulers. The easiest and most reliable option is to take as the basis of the biography of the rules of Rus dynasties and based on them to create linden stories of their monarchs and kings, but only with other names and with life events tied to the conditions of newly minted states.

That is how the Western European Dynasty of the Habsburgs appeared, which is written off from the dynastic flow of the kings-khans of Russia 13-16 centuries. Figure 7. The "Compliance of the Russian-Horde Dynasty of the 13th and 6th centuries and the Dynasties of the Habsburgs of 13-16 centuries" is depicted. Figure 8.
I am depicted "Correlation of the duration of the rugs of the Russian-Ordane kings-khans Great \u003d" Mongolian "empire of 13-16 centuries and the rulers of the Habsburg Empire of the 13th and 6th centuries." In order to recognize "dynastic clones" is quite enough.

But the book contains and unique repetitions in the events of the lives of clones and their prototypes. Gothic is a Russian style interesting metamorphosis of architectural styles occurred in the 17th century. It is indicated that with the coming to power in Russia Romanov, an architectural styles have occurred. Moreover, the embedded samples were then issued for "typical ancient-Russian".

As a result, today's ideas about how Rus looked up to the 17th century, is in many ways completely not true. Now we assure us that the usual view of the church is exactly the one that we see in our time: approximately a cubic building with an almost flat roof, from which one or more drums with domes are raised. An example of a "typical species" of the Russian Church is the Nikolsk Church in the Nikolo-Uleimen Monastery under Ugloym (Fig. 9). Such churches are equally different from the cathedrals. Western Europe (for example, the Gothic Cologne Cathedral, Fig. 10). This difference was embossed artificially. It was beneficial to falsifiers of history, since they needed to show that there is nothing in common between Russia and Europe. However, A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky leads facts that show that up to the 17th century, the main architectural style in Russia as well as in its European provinces was a gothic architectural style.

This suspicion for the first time they had in the study of the old architecture of the churches of the famous Russian city of Uglich. It turned out that all the churches of the city, after the only exception, or were reinstalled, or significantly rebuilt over the 17th century. Novodel has a form familiar to us (Fig. 9). The only exception is the famous Church of St. Alexey Metropolitan Moskovsky in Alekseevsky monastery.

It is believed that it was built in 1482 and remained in its original form - a house with a high bartal roof, on which three tower spires towers (Fig. 11, Fig. 12).

The similarity of the architectural style of this church is striking with the Cologne Cathedral (Fig. 10). There is a reasonable question: the church of the 15th century is, 17 and later there is also there, and where is the churches of the 16th century? What, 100 years did not build anything or did they fall down "by themselves"?

The fact is that Alexei Metropolitan Church is the Great Cathedral of the 15th century, one of the largest in Uglich so far. By building such a cathedral in the 15th century, the trees were to build something in the 16th century! It is quite reasonable to the impression that all churches of the Uglich in the 17th century were rebuilt again, and only the church of Alexei Metropolitan will remain and is now the "White Voronene" among Novodel. In confirmation of his assumption, the authors of the book lead the following example, for which they turn to the architecture of the famous old Russian Nikolo-Uleimen monastery under Uglich.

There are two churches there. One of them is the old church of the introduction (Fig. 13, Fig. 14).

Unlike the new, "typical ancient-Russian", the old is a house with a double roof, which resembles a gothic style. Later, in the 17th century, "Chetverik" was attached to her and the bell tower was added. There is a clear feeling that in the 17th century the overwhelming majority of old Russian-anddeal churches were rebuilt under the reformist "Greek sample". Moreover, it was stated as if it was so. In some places, Gothic cathedrals continued to build in Russia for inertia even until the 18th century.

For example, the Church of Peter and Paul in Yaroslavl (Fig. 15),
Related by 1736-1744. In the same style, a mosque was erected in the village of Viseevo Aktanysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Fig. 16). But ultimately, with Romanov, the Gothic style was displaced and forgotten. The churches of this species or destroyed and rebuilt, or tried to change their appearance to extensions, or adapt to other needs.

For example, economic. A vivid example is an old long-long huge house with a duct roof, standing in the new Simon Monastery in Moscow (Fig. 17),
which in the 19th century was used as a drying for grain. The architecture of it exactly corresponds to the appearance of old Russian churches. Perhaps this is the former church of the monastery.

Other examples of churches in the Gothic architectural style: - Old Russian Church of the village of Bykov (Fig.18);
- New Nikolsky Cathedral in the Mozhaisk Fortress of 1814 (Rice19);
- the old church in the Mozhaisk Monastery, which probably also had the kind of a gothic house (Fig. 20);
- Mosque in old kizylanch, Republic of Tatarstan (Fig. 21); - Mosque in Lower Oshme, Republic of Tatarstan (Fig. 22).
And in conclusion of this topic, we give one example of compliance with the styles of Russian and German churches. Figure 23. depicted by the German Church of Clementkirm in the city of Mayen, not far from Bonna. Her dome is made in the form of spiral spirals. It is believed that the dome of such a form was created between 1350 and 1360. The reasons for this performance of the dome are firmly forgotten, and instead of them the story about the screast, who twisted this corkscrew tower was invented.

According to the authors, in fact, we are faced with the old style of Russian-Ordane architecture of the 14th and 6th centuries. If we compare the Dome of the German Clementanskire with Spiral Domes of the Cathedral of Basil Blessed in Moscow (Fig. 24), I immediately understand that here and there - the same style. Decorated by spirals, the minarets are also preserved in the east and in Asia ...

The authority is a Russian tool

Scaligerian historians draw the image of a Russian man in the form of a rude man in the laps and ruin. Of course, that neither of the high culture in general and musical in particular speech does not go. All that we are given - these are simple dances around the fire, primitive mothers, tambourine, spoons, a sighty peak of a dupull and balalaika brand, as a last resort - Gusli. All this is infinitely far from the exquisite Versaille with lace, violins and organs. In fact, all this is not. Take, for example, the body.

Before the arrival of Romanovs in Russia, the body was a widespread tool, but with their arrival to power, the struggle against the Russian cultural heritage began - the bodies were banned. And after the replacement of Peter I on the twin, the total eradication of organs even from Russian homemade life began!

Let us turn to testimony of contemporaries of "cultural stripping", which lead to A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky in his book. In 1711, the Dutch traveler of Cornelius de Brisin, who was in Moscow in Moscow, came out in Amsterdam in Amsterdam, which was in Moscow in 1700. At the same time, the Italian Philip Batty was in Moscow, which "to his surprise, discovers: in many homes there are organs of the original design, but for some reason they are hiding in the closets.Later it is possible to find out: Peter forbade them as the heritage of ancient Russia.

The wedding of the Shansky jesk under the housing in 1697 was almost the last Moscow folk walk with 27 bodies ... ". And further two quotes from. "Not less impression also produces music. De Bryuin, she has to hear it everywhere - gobists, hornstones, fighters in a military system and during solemn processions, whole orchestras of a wide variety of tools up to the organ in the triumphal gate, on the streets and in the houses, finally, amazingly surprisingly the sound of the singing ensembles. Without this, not a single holiday in Muscovy. "

"... With the basis of St. Petersburg sharply decreased among the free musicians the number of organists. There are still organists in Moscow, and they are almost no in St. Petersburg. The fashion and personal taste of Peter I were made. The death of the Moscow fire was affected by the old, excellently established Kremlin master of organs and Clavesins. It did not restore it - Peter had other tastes for the development of the Kremlin. For a new workshop, no one began to take.

Less musicians became among the owners of Moscow courtyards. Unemployment? Poverty poverty? It is not so difficult to check in another way of taking into account the life of citizens - carefully registered and taxable sales taxes. And this is what it opens: the organists changed the profession ... "And in the West, the bodies have been preserved to our time and their backs declared exclusively to the Western European invention ...

Germany is a great Perm

Let us once again put ourselves to the place of falsifiers of the story who are trying to hide the great past Rus. The empire broke up, and many of the names of cities and territories of the breakaway provinces sound in Russian and firmly entered the chronicle. What to do? You can destroy all chronicles and prohibit consuming the old names of European provinces. Is it effectively? No - long and time consuming. It is easier to take a well-known name, make a sign with the inscription "city N" and put it in some wilderness, declaring that it was always. And the Europeans will happily forget about Russian influence. So done. Therefore, falsification geographic location He touched not only the "Mongols" with Mongolia, which was transferred to the border of China on paper.

The book provides very curious information about what territory was actually called the Great Perm. On the Perm Earth often mention the chronicles, which reported that this is a powerful state in militarily, very rich. It is located next to the Ugra. Ugra is Hungary in Older Russian.

In Russian, the people call the peoples speaking in Finno-Ugric languages. In the history of the Middle Ages, only one strong in militarily, the Ugrian state is Hungary. It is believed that the Perm Earth managed to finally attach to Russia only in the 15th century.

The books are given by the following fewer chronicles distorted by modern historians: "Novgorod, making military trade campaigns through the Perm land ... Forced Komi (actually Perm, since the Perm says in the chronicles, and not commy - approx. Nosovsky and Fomenko) to pay Dani.

From the 13th century, the Perm Land is constantly mentioned among the Novgorod volosts. Novgorod "men" gathered tributes with the help of centuries and older from the top of the local population; Local princes continued to exist, which preserved the well-known share of independence ... Christianization of the region, conducted by the Bishop of Stefan Perm (in 1383 ... Founding the Perm Diocese, was the alphabet for Zyryan). " "In 1434, Novgorod was forced to cede in the benefit of Moscow, part of its income from the Perm Land ... In 1472, it was attached to Moscow ... Perm Great ... Local princes were reduced to the position of servants of the Grand Prince."

Thus, the Perm Earth had its princes, formerly by the 15th century by independent states. She had her bishop and his special alphabet. And what do Scalieger historians tell us?

The Big Soviet Encyclopedia indicates: "Permian land - the name in the Russian annals of the territory west of the Urals on the rivers of Kame, Viedegde and Pechora, populated by the people of Komi (in the Chronicles - Perm, Permyaki, and Zyryan)." First, the nations of the Komi, living on the Kame River (Komi and Kama - these are single words) at all call themselves neither perm, nor Zyryanov! These names are assigned to Komi for Romanov.

The fact is that the city perm until 1781 was just a village and was called ... Huhshikha! The village of Shvishiha according to official data appeared in the 17th century. The name Perm was assigned to Himoon shortly after the suppression of the "Bunlet Pugacheva", which was actually none other than civil War Between Muscovy and the Great Tartaria, after which the Great Tartarium ceased to exist and the memory of it was destroyed.

In the same year, the Perm - 1781 - appeared and Vyatka, but this is a topic for a separate story ... Secondly, the above encyclopedia says that "the people of Komi did not have their own writing." For other sources, for worship in the Komi language in the 17th century, writing on the basis of Cyrillic, but is not the alphabet of Stephen Permovsky! Where did the alphabet and why no one is not remembered by Stephen's enlightener? Yes, it was not in the High Stephen and a special alphabet, but about it below.

Thirdly, the Big Soviet Encyclopedia reports that "Household Komi Region has long remained natural ... In the 17th century, only two pose Yarensk and Turks, one trading village of Tuglim ... only gradually, in 17 and especially 18 centuries, develops Trade and folded local markets. " By the beginning of the 20th century, "Komi-Permyaki represented a small nation ... Digid to complete loss of their national Culture... over the years Soviet power Created literary language And writing. " Are there signs of mighty in militarily and rich principality? We do not observe them at all. No matter what there was to pronounce until the 17th century - there was not even yet.

Fourth, take the map of Europe and let's see how Novgorod (Novgorod is Yaroslavl) committed "through the Perm land military trading campaigns in Ugra land" (that is, in Hungary) and recall the strange story of Karamzin: "Mongols more and more distributed Its conquests and through the Kazan Bulgaria to the very Perm, where many inhabitants, they embarrassed, fled to Norway. " What is this zigzagi good luck? The Great Perm, we emphasize the word "great", which clearly indicates its great importance, could not be there, where they were placed in Romanov. And where was she?

A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky make a justification that the Great Perm is in fact the territory of Southern Germany, Austria and Northern Italy. This is indicated by some explicit traces in geographical names. For example, in Northern Italy, the old city of Parma is known, in the name of which Perm sounds clearly. And in the capital of Austria, Vienna still stands the Cathedral of St. Stephen (Fig. 25). Maybe it was the famous Stefan Perm, enlightener Perm? The word Germany may be optional perm. Then it becomes clear why in the history of the people of Komi and the village of Svyshikha was forgotten by the ABC of St. Stephen. And here it can be assumed that this alphabet was Latin and it is herdistributed among Europeans for the cultural fields of Europe and Russia ...

I am from those people who want summer in the winter, and in the summer you dream about endless expanses of snow. I was lucky that there are places in Russia where the whole year is white-white. Perhaps you will be interested.

Glaciers of Russia

If you, like me, in July want to visit the Ice kingdom, that is, two ways: to rise high in the mountains or go to the Arctic Islands. It is in these places that are focused, respectively, mountain and coating glaciers. These are areas with a cold climate, where hard sediments fall so much that during the summer season they do not have time to melt and evaporate. Glaciers in our country, in total, spread out in the amount of about 60,000 km². The coverings are dominated, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich in the amount is equal to 56,57 km², of which 99.2% falls on the glaciers: new land (42%), northern land (32.47%), Franz Joseph Land (24.47%).

The remaining 3843 km² is separated by each other:

  • Big Caucasus (2047 glaciers covered 1,424.4 km²);
  • Koryak Ridge (1,335; 259.7 km²);
  • Altai (1 499; 906.5 km²);
  • church Ridge (372; 156.2 km²);
  • Kamchatka (405; 874.1 km²);
  • Sayans (105; 30.3 km²);
  • Santar Hayat (208; 201.6 km²);
  • Byrranga (96; 30.5 km²);
  • Ural (143; 28.7 km²).

Why are the cover glaciers more

Although the area of \u200b\u200bmountain countries in Russia prevails over the size of the territory with the Arctic climate, however, the slopes are not universally covered with glaciers, but only above the snow line. For example, in the Caucasus, the formation of ice cover begins at a height of 3000-3500 m, in Altai - 4000-4800 m, in Sayanov - 2000-2500 m. T. E. "Freeze" separate areas of the mountains, which, in general, has about 6300. The magnitude of the Snow Hap Square of the Ranges extremely rarely exceeds 30 km². The largest glacier takes more than 120 km² - Elbrus complex in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Quite another thing - cover glaciers. The top three of the above-mentioned archipelagoes are largely large and are located in the formation of an ice layer climatic conditions. North and new land is 47% covered with ice, and this is almost 42,000 km².