Card file conversations on an ecological topic - what to talk to children?

There are two ways to provide useful information, instill good habits, give skills of something to children: talk with kids to burning topics and demonstrate a personal example. If we talk about ecology, the upbringing of a responsible citizen begins with our personal example and competently built, filled with emotional examples of conversations.

In kindergarten in kindergarten "talking" talking "constantly, but not limited to morals, but we try to conversate the conversation in interesting, instructive and effective. It is clear that the garbage is not the only topic of conversations in the framework of environmental education. Below I will give a list of exemplary topics for all ages.

It is worth saying that the conversation itself is rarely used as an independent method, but it is a mandatory component of any educational point in DOU. So, we distinguish with introductory conversations that organize babies to perform a particular type of activity, concomitant conversation - during the process or activity, final conversation or clarifying. In addition, there is a cognitive conversation and ethical.

Therefore, the list of topics about environmentalists from the card files, which I will give below can be used not only within the framework of thematic classes on environmental education, month or ecology weeks, but also during walks when we are watching nature during organizational moments and on the occasion If an incident happened, which can be destroyed by conversation, for example, the child ripped flowers or broke the branch of the tree.

I also add about the conversation as the main, in my opinion, the method of the educational and educational process, which is important to understand the force that the human word has. It wounds and treats, raises from his knees and kills. Remember that children absorb literally every one of your statement and clearly understand the difference between what you are saying, and what they do in real life. Throw the cigarettes and papers on the sidewalk - there is nothing to moralize on ethical themes ...

List of topics for conversations as part of environmental education

So, I give a list of topics, and remember that it is suitable for any age, but, naturally, information comprehension should strictly correspond to the child's age. What is clear to the preparatory group will be absolutely incomprehensible to the kids. Next, I approximately cut, what a card from the card files on ecology looks like. And, of course, I give a tip for a good thematic manual: "Conversations on the pictures" Ecology lessons ". Demonstration material. (16 pictures + 8 schemes) ".

Topics for ecology conversations:

  • People are friends of nature;
  • You need to regret;
  • Amazing around;
  • Forest: Love, Bear and not afraid;

  • Secrets of plants;
  • Birds and animals in winter;
  • Pharmacy in the meadow;
  • Are there any houses from beast?
  • How can we help in nature;
  • All living under our protection;
  • Insects - part of nature;
  • Garbage - the disease of the planet;
  • Do not pollute nature!
  • Kindness need to learn;
  • Our house is nature;
  • Our assistants - birds;
  • Nature in art;
  • Fire: a friend or enemy?

As you notice, the names are universal, they are suitable for exercise on ecology and in the second youngest group, and 1 class will also find what to talk about.

How to arrange card conversations for ecology

Take the topic: "Do not pollute nature!" in the senior group. We write down the topic to the card, then we prescribe the goals of the conversation:

  • Emphasize the problem of nature pollution by man;
  • To tell how a person pollutes the environment: trash, landfills, water and air pollution;
  • Ensure that preschoolers understand the relevance of the problem;
  • Together with children, determine the way to solve the problem of pollution of nature.

1. Introductory conversation about the existence of environmental pollution. Questions for children and expected answers:

- How does a person pollute the nature? (Trash, exhaust gases, production waste);

- Where is the home trash from apartments and houses? (Export garbage cars to the landfill);

- And in the landfill that with garbage happens? (Rot, decomposes, exudes terrible odors, collects hordes of rodents, the amount is growing);

- How to reduce garbage dumps? (Less buy unnecessary things, sort garbage, take paper, glass, food waste into compost into the compost);

- What can be done from unnecessary paper, glass? (New paper, glass products);

- What are there any waste? (Metal, construction, plastic);

- What can you do with them? (Recycle and use secondary);

- What are you, children throw in the trash can? (Candy wrappers, broken and old toys);

- How to reduce the amount of garbage? (Unnecessary toys to give to charity, broken try to repair and use the secondary, sort another garbage);

- Why do we need garbage processing plants? (To recycle and reduce the amount of garbage).

2. Demonstration of slides about the goods from the secondary raw materials.

- What can be done from ordinary garbage? (Paper products, glass, from old unnecessary things you can make new toys, interior items, crafts and even whole houses);

3. Movable game "Who will quickly collect pieces of paper" and "we sort the garbage."

4. Drawing on the topic "Garbage and Nature".

5. Final conversation

- What were we talking about today? (On pollution of the environment, about the processing of garbage, about goods from recycling);

- What conclusion can be done? (You need to take care of nature, do not litter and try to reduce the amount of waste, give the second life to unnecessary things).

What else to add?

By the same principle you need to think over the answers on all topics. As part of the article, I do not see the point of writing "Cribs" for each topic. This is actually easy, the main thing is to know what to talk about with children. If not at all time, you can buy ready-made cards.