Abstract of additional classes in robotics for children of preschool age "Monkey-drummer

Alena Cherkashin

« Monkey drummer»

Abstract of additional classes on robotics for preschool children(6-7 years).

Time classes: 45 minutes. Phys. a minute of -15 minutes.

Participants: 10 people.

The form: Type occupation"Engineering game" (work in pairs)

purpose: Creating a musical duet using Lego designer"WEDO".


1. Continue learning children construction of designs from lego"WEDO", according to technological maps, be able to create programs for their operation or invent themselves.

2. Develop a logical and spatial thinking, skills design, creative approach to the task, the ability to work in a team and effectively distribute duties, technical vocabulary children.

3. To educate the desire to bring the work started to the end, creativity, imagination, careful attitude towards the material and friendly attitude to peers.

Efficiency used technology: Ottage skills design, development of spatial and constructive thinking, replenishment of knowledge about the world around the world, the development of logic, smelting and cooperation with peers.

Expected results: creating duets from monkeys-drummer, with different rates of rhythm, the development of knowledge of the environment, the ability to guess riddles, the development of musical hearing and rhythm.


ProgramGo Education Wedo.

Projector (interactive board)


Plastic cups, metal phones plates.

Wordwork: repeat the names of already familiar details: gear wheel, gear, acquaintance with new detail: "cam". Remember how musical ensembles are called one, two, three or more participants: solo, duet, trio ...

Phys. Minute: Movable game « Monkeys and mirror»

Select one leading - mirror, it shows children - monkey various mimic and motor exercises, and children monkeys repeat after him. One who copied all the movements of all becomes the lead.

Structure occupation

The tutor sets the riddle:

Whose lesions are easily

Repeats the defense?

Who lives among Lian?

Flock of wild.

Children guess the riddle and check their answer by looking through the roller to task number 9580.

Talk with children on theme: Where live monkeythan feed and where they can be seen in captivity.

Educator: Our lego-little men Max and Masha built monkeywhich beat the rhythm on the drums. I suggest building your monkey and when changing the position of the part called "cam"set for each monkey Your individual rhythm, and in the end we will arrange a duet performance monkeys-drummer.

Children in parach construct a monkey, depending on the interactive board with the assembly instruction "Duet monkeys-drummer»

Educator: Vitely accompanies each slide to the assembly instructions.

Slide №1 Find the items that you see on the screen and take them. We need to take a platform, a yellow brick and a multiplexer, to connect these parts as shown in the diagram.

Slide number 2 Take the following details, connect them as shown in the diagram. Children take two yellow cutting details at an angle and connect them.

Slide number 3. (Similarly).

Slide number 4. (Similarly).

Slide number 5 Now take the most important detail. What do you think it is? (Answers children) This is a motor. Guys what do you think you need a motor (Answers children) . Yes, the motor drives the model. Find the axis on 3 Connect the ego with the motor. Turn the sleeve and the gear on the axis, as shown in the diagram.

Connect the two parts as shown in the diagram.

The remaining slides are similar to those who are verbally.

Educator: Excellent you got monkey, guys. Now I suggest you check if your model works. To do this, create a computer for your monkey The drummers are a simple rhythm chopping program, drawing on the hint. What command icons (blocks) Do you need this?

Estimated Answers children: Arrogo icon, which denotes the start of work and a motor-motor rotating clockwise.

Children make up the program and check whether they work designs. Plastic cups are perfectly suitable as drums.

The educator helps children who do not function, find and correct the error.

Most often, the mistake is not enough tight attachment of parts to each other.

Educator: Now I suggest you to arrange an ensemble of two monkey, united by teams. Change the position "Kutchkov" so that your monkey In a duet, dismissed different rhythm.

You can play sounds on the computer that will set the rhythm. And for a greater sound effect, I offer you instead of a cups to use metal plate plates of different sizes, so that the sounds differ in height.

Children in groups of 4 people make up the program on the screen, according to the sample or writing their own, with the result that the team should get a duet monkeys-drummer.

Reflection (do not forget to describe)

Outcome classes: Children, together with the educator, make up duets monkey, no similar to a friend on sound.

You can arrange a contest for the best duet.

In the end classes Children disassemble their own designAnd fold the details gently into the box.

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