Games icebreakers - great time to crawl out of the shell!

Morning, play with me! Friends, Irina Ivaskin. Did you reflect on how much lonely people today? They are alone not so much physically as mentally. Psychologists in vain leads many tips from loneliness. One of the most natural means to crawl out of the shells are games for psychological unloading - the so-called "icebreakers" games.

Games icebreakers: a few examples

Such games are suitable for both children and adolescents and adults. In essence, it is ordinary games. But thanks to which part of the lesson, they are held, in what sequence, with what rules - they discharge the atmosphere, reduce the level of anxiety, train the skill to speak or draw what you feel, derived from the state of loneliness. Excellent psychological unloading!

Running wave

It is best to play this game, sitting in a circle. One of the participants speaks his neighbor to the right greeting. For example: Good morning! A neighbor on the right should get up as quickly as possible, repeat this greeting and sit down. The next participant should be on the right to do the same. The wave of getting, running in a circle, will not return to the first participant. When 4-5 people pass the first greeting, the second participant will keep his greeting in a circle. For example: hello! When the second greeting passes 4-5 people, the third participant will keep his greeting in a circle. Etc. The only wishes: play with the highest possible speed.

Mood face part 1

Participants remain sitting in a circle. They distribute the card with the image of the face contour and felt-tip pen. The task is to make each member draw on the face of the mood with whom he came to occupation, then showed the painted face with the whole group and explained why he painted exactly such a person.

Wishes from body parts

Participants sitting in a circle, take turns getting out a picture with a picture of a body part (or a card with the name of the body part): stomach, heart, brains, diaphragm, little finger, eyes, etc. The selected part of the body will need to be kept secret. It will be necessary to come up with a wish on behalf of the selected part of the body and, voicing it, depicting with gestures this part of the body. Other participants of the game will have to guess from whom they were wishes.

Guess the song

With the help of some readers choose the leading, which goes beyond the door. The rest of the participants chooses some kind of line from the famous songs and distribute this line to each participant in one word. Then it includes leading, and the participants are all at the same time starting loudly repeating each of their word. The leading should guess what song, gather it according to the word.

Mood Face Part 2

After the game "Guess the song" you meet the way planned. And closer to the end again, distribute the card participants with the image of the contour of the face and the felt-tipper. The task is to make each member draw on the face, with which the occupation ends.


Even if you are alone, remember that every morning you have a new day in which you have never been! Friends, organize icebreaker games for long and not difficult. On the nature under a kebab, at home during a family dinner, in classroom with children, in a children's camp, visiting patients in the hospital, at the bottom of birth, on a long trip ... Crack out of the seashell - still this world is so beautiful!