Where contains water in the cell. Water mode. Studying a new material

The lesson is designed for 80-90 minutes. The subject of the lesson makes it possible to demonstrate to students the relationship between such objects such as biology, geography, chemistry, physics. In brackets are given options for answers to questions that I would like to get from students.

Objectives: Acquaintance of students with data on the content of water in cells of various tissues and water exchange in different organisms, with modern ideas about the structure and properties of water, its biological functions; Improving logical thinking skills.

Equipment:physical map of the Earth, test tubes, glasses, capillary tubes; salt, ethanol, sucrose, vegetable oil, paraffin, egg protein, gastric juice, ice; Directories in physics and chemistry.

Organizing time

The teacher informs students the topic and objectives of the lesson and the order of it.

Check of knowledge Pupils on the topic "Elemental and chemical (molecular) composition of the cell." Three students work at the board, the rest (by options) work on cards.

Work at the board

1. On the board was written a list of elements: F, Zn, N, Ca, J, Cl, Na, H, Mn, Cu, P, C, K, FE, CU, P, C, K, FE, O, MG, CO, of which you need to choose organogenic (biogenic) , macroelements, trace elements. Specify the percentage of them in the cell.

(Student response: a) Organogenic: N, H, C, O; b) Macroelements: CA, CL, NA, MN, P, K, FE, MG; c) trace elements: f, zn, j, cu, co).

2. Give the characteristic of organogenic elements. Explain why, during the development of life on Earth, these elements were "convenient" for chemistry of life.

3. Write information about the chemical (molecular) cell information on the board with an indication of the percentage of basic classes of substances.

Work on cards

Answer writing to the question.

Option 1. How does the lack of any of elements necessary (organogenic, macroelement, trace element) on the vital activity of the cell, the body? What can this manifest? Give examples.

Option 2. What conclusion can be made from the fact that cells have a similar element and chemical (molecular) composition?

Option 3.What scientific differences are data on the similarities and differences of the elemental composition (high-quality and quantitative) alive and inanimate nature?

Studying a new material

Water content in cells and organisms

1. Read the poetic lines of Mikhail Dudnik and say whether they are true from a biological point of view. (The poem is recorded on the board.)

It is said that from eighty percent of water a person consists,
From water, add, his relatives,
From the water, add, - rains that he was drunk,
From the water, add, from ancient water, springs.
Of which his grandfathers and great-grandfather drank ...

(Answer students. The poetic lines are true, because More than 2/3 people consists of water.)

2. Looking at physical map, Remember, what is the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bsushi and the world's ocean on our planet.

(Answer students. World ocean, i.e. Water surrounding the mainland and islands takes about 71% ground surface.)

Teacher comment. Water not only covers most of the earth's surface, but also makes up most of all living beings: microorganisms, plants, animals, human.

3. Is the water value in a person great?

(Answer students. Man drinks water, wash it, uses in various industries, in agriculture. Now many countries of the world lack fresh waterTo obtain it, it is necessary to build special plants, sewage treatment facilities.)

Teacher comment. Water, such a habitual substance, has completely amazing properties. Only due to these properties of water it became possible to life on Earth. When looking for life on other planets, one of the most important issues - Is there enough water there. The unique value of water for biological systems is due to even simply quantitative content in living organisms.

4. Give examples of water content in the cells of different organisms, their tissues and organs known to you from the courses of botany, zoology, anatomy and human physiology.

(Answer students. Water is 80% of the mass of the cell in the young organism of a person or an animal and 60% - in the cells of the old. In the cells of the brain of its 85%, and in the cells of the developing embryo - 90%. If a person loses 20% of the water, then death comes. True, not in all human cells the water content is so great. For example, in the cells of the enamel of the teeth, it is only 10-15%. Much water in the cells of the pulp of juicy fruits and the leaves of plants, but it is very little in the cells of dry seeds or spores of plants and microorganisms, so they can be stored for a very long time, while again do not ride in conditions that contribute to their germination.)

5. What are the differences in the water content in the cells?

(Answer students. Waters are more in those cells in which the metabolism flows more intensively.)

Water intake in animal and plant organisms

What do you know ways to obtain water with different organisms?

(Answer students. Ways of water intake in the body are very diverse:

a) through the body surface - unicellular organisms, lower plants, larvae of some insects, frogs, fish and other aquatic organisms;
b) with food and drink - in most animals;
c) There are animals that almost do not drink or drink extremely few. This turns out to be due to: metabolic water, i.e. Water formed in the body during oxidation, mainly fat (with oxidation 1 g of fat, 1.1 g of water is formed); Economic spending of water, which is provided by the presence of waterproof cover, in the other - high urine concentrations (for example, a concentrate plasma concentrate); water reserves (for example, larvae);
d) plants absorb water from the soil using root hairs;
e) unusual ways of obtaining water have: epiphytes - plants, intensive, mainly on the trunks, branches of other trees - absorb water from air; Many umbrella plants delay moisture in cup-shaped leaf vagina, from where it is gradually absorbed through the epidermis.

The structure of the molecule and the properties of water

Numerous biological functionscarried out by water is provided by its unique properties, and the uniqueness of the properties of water is determined by the structure of its molecule.

1. Recall the characteristics of the structure of the water molecule from the course known to you from the course of the chemistry.

(Answer students. In the water molecule (empirical formula H 2 O) one oxygen atom is covalently connected to two hydrogen atoms. The molecule has a triangle shape, in one of the vertices of which there is an oxygen atom, and in the other two - along the hydrogen atom.)

2. What is the character covalent Communication Between the oxygen atom and hydrogen atoms?

(Answer students. The relationship between the oxygen atom and the atoms of hydrogen is polar, because Oxygen attracts electrons stronger than hydrogen.)

Teacher comment. Indeed, an oxygen atom due to its greater electronegility attracts electrons stronger than hydrogen atoms. The consequence of this is the polarity of the water molecule. In general, the water molecule is e-opputral, but the electric charge inside the molecule is unevenly distributed, and a positive charge is predominantly in the field of hydrogen atoms, and in the area where oxygen is located, is a negative charge (Fig. 1). Therefore, such a molecule is an electric dipole.

Fig. 1. Water molecule, in which one oxygen atom is covalently connected to two hydrogen atothms. Molecule Polarna

A negatively charged oxygen atom of one water molecule attracts positively charged hydrogen atoms of two other molecules, therefore water molecules turn out to be connected with each other hydrogen bonds. With the concept of hydrogen bond you are already familiar (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Hydrogen bonds (lines) between water molecules; oxygen atoms (white circles) carry partial negative charges, so they form hydrogen bonds with hydrogen atoms (black circles) of other molecules carrying partial positive charges

In liquid water, these weak bonds are rapidly formed and also quickly destroyed with random collisions of molecules. It is due to the ability of water molecules to communicate with each other with hydrogen bonds, water has a number of properties that are important for life.

Quest with students group

The class is divided into five groups, each of which, using pre-prepared equipment, works on a guidance card containing a task.

Task 1st group

You are offered a number of substances: a cook salt, ethyl alcohol, sucrose, vegetable oil, paraffin. Try to sequentially dissolve these substances in the water. Which of the proposed substances dissolve in water, and which no? Try to explain why some substances can dissolve in water, and others cannot. What kind of property did you meet at the same time?

Task 2nd group

In the tube with white flakes of insoluble egg protein, heated in a water bath to 37 ° C, add gastric juice. What do you watch? What reaction occurred and thanks to which enzyme gastric juice? What kind of property did you meet?

Task 3rd group

Lower the pieces of ice into a glass with water. What do you watch? What can you say about the density of water and ice? Specific information about the density of water and ice can be obtained from "Director for elementary physics"(ENOKHOVYCH). What features did you meet?

Task 4th group

You know that the water boils and goes into a vapor state at a temperature of 100 ° C. Using the "Handbook of Elementary Physics", compare the boiling point of water with the boiling point of other liquids. Try to explain the results obtained.

Task 5th group

Try to pour water into a glass of "top". Why is it possible? In a glass with water, slowly lower the glass tube of small diameter. What do you watch? Explain the results of experience. What kind of property did you meet?

Report of the 1st group

In the water from the proposed substances dissolve: a cook salt, ethyl alcohol, sucrose (reed sugar). Do not dissolve: vegetable oil and paraffin. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that substances with ion chemical bond (sainted salt), as well as non-ionic compounds (sugar, alcohols), in whose molecules, probably there are charged (polar) groups, dissolve in water. Water is one of the most versatile solvents: almost all substances dissolve in it, at least in trace quantities.

Teacher comment. If the energy of attraction between water molecules and the molecules of any substance is greater than the energy of attraction between water molecules, the substance dissolves. Water soluble substances are called hydrophilic (salts, alkalis, acids, etc.). Unpainted (non-carrier charges) compounds in water are practically not dissolved. They are called hydrophobic (fats, leafy-like substances, rubber, etc.).

Report of the 2nd group

Insoluble egg protein flakes under the action of pepsin of gastric juice dissolve. The reaction of enzymatic hydrolysis (splitting) of proteins on amino acids with the addition of water molecule during breaking of each peptide bond. Such reactions proceed to gastrointestinal Man and animals:

Thus, water can enter chemical reactions. He is a reagent.

The water content in various organs of plants varies in fairly wide limits. It varies depending on the conditions of the external environment, age and type of plants. Thus, the water content in the leaves of salad is 93-95%, corn - 75-77%. The amount of water is different in different organs of plants: in the leaves of sunflower water contains 80-83%, in the stems - 87-89%, in the roots - 73-75%. The water content equal to 6-11% is characteristic mainly for air-dry seeds, in which the processes of vital activity are inhibited.

Water is contained in alive cells, in the dead elements of xylems and in interclausers. In interclauders, water is in a vapor state. The main evaporating organs of the plant are the leaves. In this regard, it is natural that the greatest amount of water fills the interclatures of the leaves. IN liquid state Water is B. different parts Cells: cell shell, vacuole, cytoplasm. The vacuole is the richest part of the cage, where it is 98% reaches its content. With the greatest excavation, the water content in the cytoplasm is 95%. The smallest content Waters are characteristic of cell membranes. Quantitative determination of water content in cellular shells is difficult; Apparently, it varies from 30 to 50%.

Water form B. different parts Vegetable cells are also different. In the vacuolar cellular juice, water predominates with relatively low molecular weight compounds (osmotic-bound) and free water. In the sheath of the plant cell, water is connected mainly by high-polymer compounds (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin substances), i.e. colloid-bound water. In the cytoplasma itself there is a free, colloid and osmotic coiled water. Water, located at a distance of up to 1 nm from the surface of the protein molecule, is firmly connected and does not have the correct hexagonal structure (colloid-bound water). In addition, there is a certain number of ions in the cytoplasm, and, consequently, part of the water is osmotically connected.

The physiological value of free and bound water is different. According to most researchers, the intensity of physiological processes, including growth rates, is primarily dependent on the content of free water. There is a direct correlation between the connected water content and the resistance of plants against adverse external conditions. Indicated physiological correlations are not always observed.

For its normal existence, the cells and vegetable organism as a whole should contain a certain amount of water. However, it is easily feasible only for plants growing in water. For land plants, this task is complicated by the fact that water in the plant organism is continuously lost in the process of evaporation. Water evaporation by a plant reaches huge sizes. You can cite such an example: one plant of corn evaporates over the growing season to 180 kg of water, and 1 hectares of forests in South America It evaporates on average for a day of 75 thousand kg of water. The huge consumption of water is associated with the fact that most plants have a significant sheet surface in the atmosphere, not saturated pairs water. At the same time, the development of the extensive surface of the leaves is necessary and developed in the process of long-term evolution to ensure normal nutrition with carbon dioxide contained in air in an insignificant concentration (0.03%). In his famous book "Fighting plants with drought" K.A. Timiryazev indicated that the contradiction between the need to capture carbon dioxide and reduce the expenditure of water imparted an imprint to the structure of the entire vegetation body.

In order to reimburse the loss of water during evaporation, the large amount should continuously flow into the plant. Continuously reaching two processes in the plant - the flow and evaporation of water - call water balance of plants.For normal growth and development of plants, it is necessary that the water consumption is approximately corresponding to the parish, or, in other words, that the plant reduces its water balance Without a big deficit. To do this, in the plant in the process of natural selection, water absorption devices (tremendous developed root system), To move water (special conductive system), to reducing evaporation (system of coating fabrics and the system of automatically closing alloying holes).

Despite all these devices, a water deficiency is often observed in the plant, that is, the water intake is not equalized by its spending during the transpiration.

Physiological disorders occur in different plants with different degrees of water deficit. There are plants that have developed in the process of evolution a variety of devices to transfer dehydration (drought-resistant plants). The clarification of the physiological features that determine the stability of plants to the lack of water is the most important task, the resolution of which has a large not only theoretical, but also agricultural practical importance. At the same time, in order to solve it, the knowledge of all sides of the water exchange of the plant organism is necessary.

Water is the most common connection on Earth and in living organisms. The content of water in cells depends on the nature of metabolic processes: what they are more intense, the higher the water content.

On average, an adult cells contain 60-70% of water. With a loss of 20% water, the organisms are dying. Without water, a person can live no more than 7 days, whereas no food no more than 40 days.

Fig. 4.1. Spatial structure of water molecule (H 2 O) and the formation of hydrogen bonds

Water molecule (H 2 O) consists of two hydrogen atoms, which are covalently associated with oxygen atoms. The molecule is polar, because it is bent at an angle and the kernel of the oxygen atom pulls the commissal electrons to this corner, so that oxygen acquires a partial negative charge, and the atoms of hydrogen are partially positive charges. Water molecules are able to attract one to another positive and negative charge, forming hydrogen communications (Fig.4.1.).

Due to the unique structure of water molecules and their ability to communicate with each other with hydrogen bonds, water has a number of properties that define it important role In a cage and the body.

Hydrogen bonds cause relatively high boiling and evaporation temperatures, high heat capacity and thermal conductivity of water, the property of a universal solvent.

Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent at 15-20 times. In a liquid state, hydrogen bonds are formed, it is broken, which causes the movement of water molecules, its fluidity.

Biological role H 2 O.

Water determines the physical properties of the cell - its volume, elasticity (tour). The cell contains 95-96% free water and 4-5% connected.Related water forms aqueous (solvate) shells around certain compounds (for example, proteins), preventing them from interacting with each other.

Free water It is a good solvent for many inorganic and organic polar substances. Substances are well soluble in water are called hydrophilic. For example, alcohols, acids, gases, most sodium salts, potassium, etc. For hydrophilic substances, the bond energy between their atoms is less than the energy of attracting these atoms to water molecules. Therefore, their molecules or ions are easily embedded in general System hydrogen bonds of water.

Water as a universal solvent plays an extremely important role, since most chemical reactions occur in aqueous solutions. Penetration of substances into the cell and the excretion of life products from it is possible in most cases only in a dissolved form.

Non-polar (non-carrier charges) of substances water does not dissolve, since it cannot form hydrogen bonds with them. Insoluble in water substances are called hydrophobic . These include fats, leafy-like substances, polysaccharides, rubber.

Some organic molecules have double properties: the polar groups are located on some sections, and on others - non-polar. Such substances call amphipathic, or amphilines. These include proteins, fatty acids, phospholipids, nucleic acids. Amphipal compounds play an important role in organizing biological membranes, complex supramolecular structures.

Water takes direct participation in reactions hydrolysis- splitting of organic compounds. At the same time, under the influence of special enzymes to free valenets of organic molecules, heon joined - and N. + water. As a result, form new substances with new properties.

Water has a large heat capacity (that is, the ability to absorb heat with minor changes in their own temperature) and good thermal conductivity. Thanks to these properties, the temperature inside the cell (and the body) is maintained at a certain level with significant difference in ambient temperature differences.

Important biological significance For plant functioning, cold-blooded animals have something that, under the influence of solutes (carbohydrates, glycerin), water can change its properties, in particular the freezing and boiling point.

The properties of water are so important for living organisms that it is impossible to present the existence of life, as we know it, not only on Earth, but also on any other planet without a sufficient stock of water.

Mineral salts

May remain in a dissolved or undisturbed state. Molecules of mineral salts in aqueous solution are disintegrated into cations and anions.

Water is the most common chemical compound On Earth, her mass is the largest in a living organism. It is estimated that water is 85% of the total mass of the sednyostatis -to cell. Whereas in human cells, water averages about 64%. However, the water content in different cells can essentially fluctuate: from 10% in the cells of the teeth enamel to 90% in the cells of the mammalian embryo. Moreover, young cells contain water more than old. So, in baby cells, water is 86%, in the cells of the old man only 50%.

In male individuals The water content in cells on average 63%, female - a little less than 52%. What is it caused? It turns out, everything is simple. In the female body a lot of fatty tissue, in the cells of which there is little water. Therefore, the water content in the female body is approximately 6-10% lower than in the man's.

The unique properties of water are due to the structure of its molecule. From the course of chemistry, you know that the different electronegability of hydrogen and oxygen atoms is the cause of covalent polar bond in the water molecule. Water molecule has a triangle shape (87) in which electric charges Located asymmetrically, and is a dipole (remember the definition of this term).

Due to the electrostatic attraction of a hydrogen atom of one water molecule to an oxygen atom of another molecule between water molecules, hydrogen bonds occur.

The features of the structure and physico - chemical properties Water (water ability to be a universal solvent, variable density, high heat capacity, large surface tension, fluidity, capillarity, etc.), which determine its biological significance.

What functions water in the body water is solvent. The polar structure of the water molecule explains its properties as a solvent. Water molecules come into interaction with chemicalsThe elements of which have electrostatic bonds, and lay them on anions and cations, which leads to the flow of chemical reactions. As is known, many chemical reactions occur only in an aqueous solution. In this case, the water itself remains inert, so it can be used in the body repeatedly. Water serves as a medium for transporting various substances inside the body. In addition, the final metabolic products are removed from the body mainly in a dissolved form.

In living beings there are two main types of solutions. (Remember the classification of solutions.)

So-called true solutionWhen the solvent molecules coincide in size with soluble molecules, they dissolve. As a result, dissociation occurs and ions are formed. In this case, the solution is homogeneous and, expressing scientificconsists of one - liquid phase. Typical examples serve solutions of mineral salts, acids or alkalis. Since in such solutions is charged particles, they are able to conduct electricity and are electrolytes, as well as all solutions encountered in the body, including the blood of vertebrate animals, which contains many mineral salts.

The colloidal solution is the case where the solvent molecules are significantly smaller in size than the molecules of the dissolved substance. In such solutions, the particles of substances that are called colloid are freely moving into the thickness of water, since the strength of their attraction does not exceed the strength of their bonds with solvent molecules. This solution is considered heterogeneous, that is, consisting of two phases - liquid and solid. All biological fluids are mixtures, which include true and colloidal solutions, since they contain both mineral salts and huge molecules (for example proteins), which have the properties of colloidal particles. Therefore, the cytoplasm of any cell, blood or lymph animals, mammalian milk simultaneously contain ions and colloidal particles.

As you probably remember, biological systems are subject to all the laws of physics and chemistry, therefore physical phenomena are observed in biological solutions that play a significant role in the vital activity of organisms.

Properties of water

Diffusion (from lat. Difuzio - propagation, spreading, dispersion) In biological solutions, manifests itself as a tendency to equalize the concentration of structural particles of solutes (ions and colloidal particles), which ultimately leads to a uniform distribution of the substance in solution. It is due to the diffusion that the nutrition of many unicellular creatures, the transportation of oxygen and nutrients along the body of animals in the absence of circulatory and respiratory systems in them (remember what animals it is). In addition, transportation of many substances to cells is carried out due to diffusion.

Another physical phenomenon is osmosis (from Greek. Osmosis - push, pressure) - Move the solvent through a semipermeable membrane. Osmosis causes the movement of water from a solution having a low concentration of dissolved substances and a high content of H20 in a solution with a high concentration of dissolved substances and low water content. In biological systems, this is nothing more than the transportation of water at the cell level. That is why ISMOS plays a significant role in many biological processes. Osmosis strength ensures the movement of water in the plant and animal organisms, so that their cells receive nutrients and maintain a constant shape. It should be noted that the greater the difference in the concentration of the substance, the greater the osmotic pressure. Therefore, if the cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, they, due to the sharp flow of water, will swell and break.

IN earth Kore It is occurring about 100. chemical elementsBut for life only 16 of them is needed. The most common in vegetable organisms four elements - hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen that form various substances. The main components of the plant cell are water, organic and minerals.

Water - The basis of life. The water content in herbal cells ranges from 90 to 10%. It is a unique substance due to its chemical and physical properties. Water is necessary for the photosynthesis process, vehicles of substances, cell growth, it is a medium for many biochemical reactions, universal solvent, etc.

Minerals (ash) - Substances that remain after burning a piece of any organ. The content of ash elements ranges from 1% to 12% dry weight. In the plant there are almost all elements included in the water and soil. Most often there are potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen (macroelements) and copper, aluminum, chlorine, molybdenum, boron, zinc, lithium, gold (trace elements). Minerals play an important role in cell life - they are part of amino acids, enzymes, ATPs, electron traffic circuits are needed to stabilize membranes, participate in the exchange processes, etc.

Organic substances Vegetable cells are divided into: 1) carbohydrates, 2) proteins, 3) lipids, 4) nucleic acids, 5) vitamins, 6) phytogormones, 7) secondary metabolic products.

Carbohydrates up to 90% of substances included in the plant cell. Distinguish:

Monosaccharides (glucose, fructose). Monosaccharides are formed in the leaves at photosynthesis and easily turn into starch. They accumulate in the fruits, less often in stems, bulbs. Monosaccharides are transported from a cell in a cage. They are energy material, participate in the formation of glycosides.

Disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, lactose, etc.) are formed from two particles of monosachar. They accumulate in root and fruits.

Polisaccharides are polymers that are very widespread in plant cells. This group of substances include starch, inulin, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin substances, Callose.

Starch is the main substance of the plant cell. Primary starch is formed in chloroplasts. In the green parts of the plant, it is split up to mono- and disgashares and on the floor of the veil is transported into the growing parts of the plant and the reserves. In the leukoplasts of the basic organs of sucrose, the secondary starch in the form of starchy grains is synthesized.

The starch molecule consists of amylose and amylopectin. The linear chains of amylose consisting of several thousand glucose residues are capable of spirally branching and, thus, to make a more compact form. At the branched polysiprid amylopectin, compactness is ensured by the intense branching of the chains due to the formation of 1,6-glycosidic bonds. Amopectin contains approximately twice as much glucose residues than amyloza.

With a solution of Lugol, an aqueous suspension of amylose gives a dark blue color, amylopectin suspension - red-purple suspension, starch suspension - blue-violet.

Inulin is a polymer of fructose, a spare carbohydrate of the Astrov family. Located in cells in a dissolved form. Does not give staining with a solution of iodine, it is painted β-naphtol in red.

Cellulose - glucose polymer. In cellulose, there are about 50% of carbon in the plant. This polysaccharide is the main material of the cell wall. Cellulose molecules are long chains consisting of glucose residues. From each chain, there are a set of ON-groups. These groups are directed at all parties and form hydrogen bonds with adjacent chains, which ensures rigid transverse crosslinking of all chains. Chains are combined with each other, forming microfibrils, and the latter are combined into larger structures - macrophibrils. The tensile strength with such a structure is very high. Macrofibrils, camping layers, are immersed in cementing matrix, consisting of pectic substances and hemicellulose.

Cellulose in water is not dissolved, with a solution of iodine gives yellow staining.

Pectins consist of galactose and galacturonic acid. Pectinic acid is a polygalacturonic acid. Parts are included in the cell wall matrix and provide its elasticity. Pectins form the basis of the median plate generated between cells after division. Form gels.

Hemicellulose is high molecular compounds of mixed composition. Parts are included in the cell wall matrix. In water, do not dissolve, hydrolyzed in an acidic environment.

Callase is an amorphous glucose polymer founding in different parts of the plant organism. Calloose is formed in the Synotic Tubes of Floem, and also synthesized in response to damage or adverse effects.

Agar-agar is a highly molecular weight polysaccharide contained in sea algae. Dissolved in hot water, and after cooling freezes.

Proteins High molecular weight compounds consisting of amino acids. Elemental composition - C, O, N, S, P.

Plants are able to synthesize all amino acids from simpler substances. 20 major amino acids form all variety of proteins.

The complexity of the structure of proteins and the extreme diversity of their functions make it difficult to create a single clear classification of proteins on any one basis. In composition, proteins are classified on simple and complex. Simple - consist only of amino acids, complex - consist of amino acids and non-protein material (prospecting group).

Simple proteins include albumin, globulins, histones, prolaminones, glitters. Albumin - neutral proteins, soluble in water, are rare in plants. Globulins - neutral proteins, insoluble in water, soluble in diluted salt solutionsCompleted in seeds, roots, plants stems. Histons are neutral proteins, soluble in water, localized in nuclei of all living cells. Prolamines are soluble in 60-80% ethanol, found in grains of cereals. Gluteins are soluble in alkali solutions, are contained in grains of cereals, green parts of plants.

The complex includes phosphoproproteins (a prosthetic group - phosphoric acid), lycoperative (carbohydrate), nucleoproteins (nucleic acid), chromoproteins (pigment), lipoproteins (lipid), flavoproteins (phad), metalloproteins (metal).

Proteins play an important role in the vital activity of vegetable organism and, depending on the function performed, the proteins are divided into structural proteins, enzymes, transport proteins, contractile proteins, spare proteins.

Lipidsorganic substances Insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents (ether, chloroform, benzene). Lipids are divided into true fats and lipoids.

True fats - essentials fatty acids and any alcohol. In water form an emulsion, when heated with alkalis, hydrolyzed. They are spare stubs, accumulate in seeds.

Lipoids are zero-like substances. These include phospholipids (part of membranes), wax (form a protective raid on the leaves and fruits), sterols (included in the protoplasm, are involved in the formation of secondary metabolites), carotenoids (red and yellow pigments are necessary to protect chlorophyll, give color Fruits, Flowers), Chlorophyll (Main Pigment Photosynthesis)

Nucleic acids - Genetic material of all living organisms. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) consist of monomers - nucleotides. The nucleotide molecule consists of five-carbon sugar, a nitrogen base and phosphoric acid.

Vitamins - complex organic substances diverse chemical composition. They have high physiological activity - they are necessary for the synthesis of proteins, fats, for the work of enzymes, etc. Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. In fatty-soluble include vitamins of group A, K, E, to water-soluble - Vatsming C, vitamins of group V.

Phytoogormons - low molecular weight substances with high physiological activity. They have a regulatory impact on plant growth and plant development processes in very low concentrations. Fitogormons are divided into stimulants (cytokinines, auxins, gibbersellin) and inhibitors (ethylene and abscusines).