Sports entertainment in the second youngest group of kindergarten

SPECIMARY OF SPORTS FUNCTIONS IN THE STEW Junior group. Topic: "For help to Mishke"

Formation of positive mood from physical education.

1. Put the love for children to a healthy lifestyle through the motor activity to form a positive attitude to sports games and exercises.
2. To form in children motor skills and skills to strengthen their health.
3. Call a positive mood from movements.
Equipment: Bear costume, ropes, hoops, ribbed board, big magic candy, candy for treating. This music is included in the hall. Get up in a circle.

Educator: Guys, I received a letter today. Want to know from whom?
Then guess the riddle:

"He is the owner of the forest strict,
Loves to sleep in the winter in Berloga.
And the whole winter is moving
The paw sweet sucks
And also he loves honey! " (children's responses)

Who is it? (Bear)
Let's read the letter.

"Hello guys! What is I unhappy, I was presented with magic candy, and I lost her! Help me, find her, please! "

Educator: - Let's help guys? Well, then get together for each other and go to the forest to help.
We go ahead,
Many discoveries are waiting for you.
We walk each other
Forest and green meadow (normal walking)

Bridge to the side Rocked
And under it the handles laughed,
On the socks we will go,

On the shore moving (walking on socks)

For each other we go
And to the swamp in
Let's bypass the Namig Broadcast
And on bumps jump, jump, jump (jumps on two legs)

We step again, we step,
Hands above raise
I do not lower my head
I breathe exactly, deeply.
See how to go easily (raise hands up through the sides).

Educator: So we came to the forest. How interesting here, let's call a bear.

Bear got out of the berry,
Look at the threshold (turns left to the right)

So that soon gaining strength
Bear's head twisted (rotation head)

Leaned back, forward

Here it is in the forest goes (tilting torso)

He collects Malinka
And in the shrubs squat (squats).

Bear was walking, she walked, walked (walking)
On the lawn came.

He ached on the lawn (jumps on two legs.)
Quickly, deftly, like a bunny.

Leading: No, it is not visible! Send to look for his berry.

But the road is not necessary. We need to go through the bridge through the river, sprinkle under the branches of trees and collect scattered cones. (Children overcome with each other overcome the bar of obstacles, lined up in the rank.)
1. Walking on the ribbed path.
2. Crawling under the rope.
3. Jumping out of the hoop into the hoop.

A bear appears.

Bear: Hello guys, you are so well done. All obstacles were overcome in search of my candy. And play with me to my favorite game.

Movable game "Bear in Bor"
Objective: Development in children of reaction rate to a verbal signal, attention development; Exercise children in running.
Description: The role of the bear performs a tutor with a bear. Two circles are delineated on the playground for the game. The first circle is the Bergogo "Bear", the second is a house, for all other participants in the game. The game begins, and children come out of the house with the words:
At the bear in Bor
Mushrooms, Berries take,
And the bear is not sleeping
And roars on us.
After the children utter these words, "Bear" runs out of the Berloga and tries to catch any of the children. The game is repeated several times.

Bear: How cool we played! Guys, I remembered where I put my candy. Here is she! (takes out candy because of the bustle).
And the candy, this is not simple! She is magical! Once, two, three of us candy surprise! (The bear is poured from candy treats)

Bear: Thank you guys for helping me find my magic candy.

Leading: Do you, Teddy bear, thank you for treating and cheerful entertainment. We really liked the guys! It's time for us to return to the group.