Where does feeling come from? Where do emotions and feelings come from? Who and from whom takes away negative emotions

As funny as it may seem, humor is still a mystery to scientists. The reaction to a joke is a complex emotional and neurochemical process that still cannot be unambiguously explained.

God's gift or mysticism

To understand where the sense of humor comes from, it is necessary to understand its derivative - laughter. This is where all the theories on this topic begin.

“It's very simple: the higher brain functions of the left hemisphere decode the play on words and / or a funny visual picture into structural information that enters the “creative” right hemisphere. - Says the American neurologist William Fry, - Here the emotional (limbic) system releases the corresponding chemical substances which drastically improve mood by making us laugh."

This is all true, of course, other "humor theorists" agree, but the question is how the limbic system recognizes that it's funny, and how funny.

Raymond Smullyan, author of the famous book “A Planet Without Laughter”, said in this regard that modern clues as to why “this is funny and this is not” are psychological puzzles that have not yet found a reasonable explanation. Like, a variety of scientists, long and tedious arguing on this topic, eventually state that "humor is a gift from God or an inexplicable mystery associated with mysticism."

Associative thinking

Closest to unraveling the phenomenon of humor came proponents of the theory associative thinking. They believe that the ironic presentation of information represents a kind of protest against deviation from the social norm. “Each of us has a psychological negative accumulated as a result of life experience,” says Raymond Smullyan. - For example, your wife arranges unreasonable tantrums on the basis of jealousy. So, there is every reason that you will laugh at the story of another woman who, for the same reason, did something stupid.

There was a shipwreck. Only one man escaped, who was thrown barely alive by a wave onto the reefs. And there was his wife, who was also lucky enough to get out
"And where have you been, idiot, all evening?" - she shouts, - after all, the ship sank in the afternoon!

As a result of the existing parallels, the anecdote will seem incredibly funny to a man married to a jealous wife, but may be completely incomprehensible to a single person. Yes, and it is better to tell him the one who himself found himself in a similar situation.

In other words, we laugh at what we understand from negative life experiences. This experience is used by professional comedians, choosing the appropriate topics. If they are told in a different environment, the effect may be reversed. Seth Benedict Graham, an American, in his book Cultural Analysis of the Russian-Soviet Anecdote, admitted that many soldier jokes and funny stories from the life of military personnel Russian army are incomprehensible to him. For example, he wonders why the Russians laugh at this:

Comrade ensign, can I watch TV?
- You can, just don't turn it on.

Humor is settings

Scientists have long determined that the brain is a biological computer with a huge amount of memory. The subconscious also encoded an algorithm that compares the information received with certain emotional settings: sad, neutral or funny. It is believed that they are formed either from personal experience or passed on genetically.
For example, children's pranks cause smiles in adults, as they are associated with paternal and maternal instincts. This is especially funny when reality is combined with fairy tales.

Mom says to the girl:
- If you do not eat semolina, I will call the Serpent Gorynych!
- Mom, do you really think that he will eat it?

These same settings force us to respond to the situation by making an appropriate joke. At the same time, reaction speed and wit are again related to the existing brain database.

Humor is like a fight

Humor also represents social mechanism through which relationships are built between people. “We often laugh at other members of society,” writes Raymond Smullyan, “although from a classical point of view, this is often not a joke. With the help of such verbal communication, self-affirmation in the social hierarchy is carried out. The fact is that the status of someone who is ridiculous is lowered. Conversely, the one who ridicules is sure of his superiority.
This is done, for example, in the struggle for female attention. Considering that laughter is connected emotionally and neurochemically with pleasure centers, humor has become a weapon of modern duelists.

“I love men with a sense of humor, because they are not boring with them,” 99% of women will answer this way or something like this.

In addition, they joke and then, in order to break into the lead, drawing attention to their person. Sometimes they are ironic just like that - because of the evolutionary law, according to which the strongest individual survives. In other words, they laugh at the weak. In these cases, the subject of evil irony is most often physical defects and improper behavior in the society of another person, says Raymond Smullyan.

Where do feelings come from

Most of us live with the idiotic feeling that life is ruled by chance. But in fact, each of us from birth has a companion who loves us tenderly and deeply, a partner whom we usually do not want to notice. Call it the Inner Being, the Higher Self (I personally don't like this name very much), the Expanded Self, the Divine Self - or at least Mickey Mouse! Call it what you want, but know that this is the greatest part of ourselves, without which we could not exist in the physical body. This is the Source of our life on earth, the purest positive energy of the Universe, of which we are a part; it is the purest positive energy of Life, and we are life.

Have you at least once thought that there is some secret part of ourselves that knows everything there is to know, but is deeply hidden? This is it - the widest, oldest, wisest part of your essence, knowing no boundaries, but able to contact consciousness in only one way - through feelings!

The expanded part of our "I", with which we came into this world, is in a place that many of us would call "nirvana" - at the very top of the vibrational scale. The expanded self does not know what vibrations of stress or need are. For him, all negative vibrations are just a black hole that does not emit a single ray.

But we cannot vibrate at such a high frequency and still remain in our physical body. All we can do is to get as close as possible to this source, experiencing joy, delight, admiration, gratitude - feelings as old as the world, meaning “happiness”. That is why we feel so good when we are happy - because the frequency of our vibrations has approached our true self! When you are happy, you are in sync with your immaterial self, connected to its high frequency vibrations and all that they can give you.

When we feel good, the frequency of our vibrations rises and approaches the “design” one. We stop chewing, like chewing gum, low-frequency vibrations of fear, alien to us by nature, but familiar from childhood. We find ourselves in a space where we can receive Instructions and answers to our questions. And all because at such moments we walk hand in hand with our true Essence.

In the same way, when we radiate the vibrations of need, excitement and anxiety - that is, we experience any emotion that is not joy - we disconnect from our inner partner, and everything starts to fall out of our hands. We feel like a child who has had their favorite teddy bear taken away.

So, when we feel good, we are connected to our Expanded Self. When we feel bad or not at all, when we are in a depressed mood, we disconnect from the source of happiness and plunge into low frequency waves.

In other words: everything that is not joy is negative. If we don't feel joy, we swallow broken glass.

Luckily, we don't have to watch our thoughts every second to get our stuck lives out on the high road, otherwise we'd just go crazy. All we need to do is to be aware of our emotional well-being, both good and bad, to be aware of our emotional ups and downs.

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E.V. Ilyenkov thoroughly investigated the question of where the mind comes from. In the end, he left us a legacy of a brilliant example of how to act. In our time, there is an urgent need to understand where human feelings come from. After all, you must admit that this is a question no less important than the question of where a person's mind comes from. That is why, based on Ilyenkov's approach, let's try to find the key to understanding this complex issue.

It would seem that what could be easier for a person than to feel? From birth, the child has all the necessary prerequisites in order to further develop into a full-fledged personality. However, this turns out to be too little. It seems that a child grows up with the necessary biological prerequisites, in a loving family, financially secure, receives the necessary education, but a person does not turn out of him, rather, on the contrary, he reminds him less and less. All the necessary conditions have been created, but it’s impossible to blind a normal person!

Perhaps this is the inconsistency of the question, because what we call the necessary conditions for the development of human feelings often diverge from the real need further development socially given prerequisites - after all, the ability to feel is not genetically inherent in a person; this ability also cannot be conveyed by explanation or even developed by imitation of another person. I would like to emphasize in particular that this is an ABILITY, and by nature we do not need it, in contrast to the need for food, water or protection.

Initially, as noted by V.A. Bosenko, “human feeling and human sense organs are not given directly from nature, but become, are formed human. And this happens as their object becomes a social, human object, created by man for man in the process of including natural things in practical transformation, changes according to social, human needs. Only the active transforming activity of a person changes and develops him as a person, including his sense organs and the organs of thought, forming them completely unlike the organs of an animal.

It is also important to note that the development of the sensual in a person is inseparably connected with the process of development of his thinking, and the first is the initial basis for the second. "From living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice- this is the dialectical way of knowledge truth, knowledge of objective reality, "Lenin wrote. But in the future it was precisely Practical activities of a person will act as the fundamental force of human thinking, and only then - the ability to deeply feel, how to “feel” the world, to know it “through the eyes of all mankind”. Only an educated person can know the truth and depth of feelings, although it by no means follows from this that every educated person is capable of deep feeling.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that out of all the variety of feelings, it is love that crystallizes as the highest, most powerful of human feelings. As L. Feuerbach rightly noted: “both objectively and subjectively, love serves as a criterion of being - a criterion of truth and reality. Where there is no love, there is no truth. Only he is something who loves something. Accordingly, the more being in a person, the more he loves, and vice versa.

The child's parents serve as the initial model, but the ability to feel continues to change in the process of his own development and interaction with other people. As E. Fromm subtly noted, “love for people is not a consequence, as is often believed, but a prerequisite for love for a particular person, although genetically it is expressed in love for a separate individual.” However, in his discussion of love as an art, Fromm makes one serious mistake. He emphasizes that love is a complex matter that people learn throughout their lives, but does not specify how they learn. After all, it is impossible to learn love just by reading dozens of it. art books or listening to stories from friends. The most important thing in the development of human feelings is the direct social and practical activity of the person himself. Only in this way people are able to know the essence of the subject.

It is worth avoiding the many existing misconceptions about what constitutes such a feeling as love. For example, that love is a combination of circumstances, and nothing depends on a person; that the problem of love is only a problem of the object, and not a problem of ability, because the whole difficulty is to find a person worthy of love; as well as the conviction that this feeling is static, it either exists or it does not.

Each time it is necessary to emphasize that a person learns to feel, not on the basis of his individual life, but rather, on the contrary, a person’s life becomes such as a result of the interaction of social prerequisites and his own actively transforming activity. That's why essential condition for the development of the human ability to love, first of all, social relations act (that is, relations of production, or, as Marx called them, the active abilities of a person). As V.A. Bosenko: “in the change in the methods of production lies what determines community development at all. It also determines the development, ultimately, of all the possibilities and abilities of a person, including the development of the mind and feelings.

One of vivid examples to create those necessary social relations in which a person can form the entire depth of the ability to feel, is an example Soviet Union. With all the shortcomings of the socialism that existed there, the fact remains that it was then that love for the first time practically began to be considered as the basis for creating a family. Previously, this was written about in novels, but in practice, the family was formed on completely different grounds. Marriage in the overwhelming majority of cases had an economic, not a sensual basis.

It is also important that the upbringing of children in the USSR began to be regarded as a public affair. This circumstance is important both from the point of view of creating economic conditions for truly free love, and from the point of view of the "education of feelings" of future generations. Whatever were good conditions for the formation of a child in the family, however, the family cannot raise a full-fledged person. It is society that acts here as that favorable environment, which is able to educate a real person, however, not every social formation able to do it. After all, under capitalism, education is public character, but since this is not officially recognized, then no one is responsible for the results of this upbringing and no one works to put it right.

But with all this, we must point out the extremes in which social changes took place in the sphere we are studying. So, for example, in the 1920s in the Soviet Union, this was expressed in the popularization of the “glass of water” theory, when love was equated with a thing physiologically dictated by nature, which is as easy to satisfy as drinking a glass of water.

A.V. spoke out against the “glass of water” theory. Lunacharsky. He noted that “the simple, nihilistic, pseudo-scientific solution of the issue was that the youth went along the line of least resistance and said: well, it doesn’t matter, you shouldn’t think about it a lot. This is the same proverbial glass of water. Sexual need is very impatient, you need to satisfy it. Tales about love, marriage - a bourgeois thing. One must learn from nature, from the truth of life; she knows neither novels nor complications. This theory, according to Lunacharsky, is a theory of male meanness, where there can be no talk of social equality, these are the rudiments of a patriarchal bourgeois society that have not yet been completely eradicated. As a result, the attitude towards love is lost, as an act of sublime, extraordinary importance and extraordinary joy. This should not be. After all, every person is a manifestation of a social essence, which is a person to the same extent, and to the same extent, since he is a set of concrete historical social relations. IN AND. Lenin emphasized the importance of the fact that communism is inconceivable without the fullness of love life, which gives real cheerfulness to a person.

The most developed person in terms of feelings is the one who is most subtly imbued with the ongoing changes, to the extent that he himself is a participant in these changes. It is the transformation of social and natural nature that changes, corrects and develops him as a person, forming completely different organs of feeling and thinking.

Therefore, it is necessary to create such social conditions under which each person will be able to feel like a human being. And it’s worth starting with the transformation of the existing social system and the creation of such a society when it is a person who becomes the main value instead of a commodity. When equality in public relations finally expressed in equal relationships in the family, when the wife ceases to be a servant in the house and can be directly included in social production. Only then can we talk about changing social conditions for the upbringing of the younger generation. What will we get in return? As F. Engels notes: “it is to decide when a new generation will grow up: a generation of men who will never have to buy a woman for money or other social means of power, and a generation of women who will never have to give themselves to a man from any motives other than true love, nor to refuse intimacy with the man she loves for fear of economic consequences. When these people appear, they will throw all the hell out of what, according to current ideas, they are supposed to do; they will know for themselves how to act, and they themselves will develop their own public opinion about the actions of each individual in accordance with this.

The ability to feel should be formed in the child from the first days of birth, and social institutions should free the hands of parents so that they remain the same integral social link as before the birth of the child. On the other hand, only social education can give a child an understanding of how to feel humanly. As advised by A.S. Makarenko, who not only knew, but practically shaped real human sensibility in his pupils, children should be taught not with stories about responsibility for every day they live, for every piece of feeling, but with a practical daily social example and the direct involvement of children in general activities. Thanks to this, children will be brought up not as passive consumers of existing goods, but as active figures with developed social feelings.

The main thing is that children “have the luck to get to people who will be able to instill in them a love for work, for knowledge, for communication with other people”, for universal culture, - said Ilyenkov, and then it’s up to the small. That seems to be the whole secret. Moreover, perhaps the secret is that this happiness should not be a matter of luck, a happy occasion, but a rule that does not allow exceptions.


1. Bosenko V.A. General theory of development. - K.: 2001. 470 p.

2. Ilyenkov E.V. Philosophy and culture. - M.: Ed. Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2010. - 808 p.

3. Lunacharsky A.V. "About Life". L .: State Publishing House, 1927. - 82 p.

4. Feuerbach L. The main provisions of the philosophy of the future // Anthology of world philosophy. Volume 3. - M.: "Thought", 1971. - 760 p.

5. Fromm E. Art to love. An exploration of the nature of love. (Translated by L.A. Chernysheva). - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 160 p.

6. Engels F. The origin of the family, private property and the state // K. Marx, F. Engels. Works, 2nd ed., V.21 - M.: Politizdat, 1961. - p.23-178.

or How the Soul planned its lessons.

/session of regressive hypnosis through the eyes of the ward/

The stranger pulls a cigarette out of the girl's hands and takes a puff.
She: “Why, it’s harmful, remember? »
He, smiling: "I wanted to understand how it is ..."
She: "When do you smoke?"
Him: "What's it like to feel like a mortal... human"

Hello, I am a Star Soul, and before starting my journey, I would like to tell you my story, it is unlikely to be a confession, but these are the feelings I have now. Because after that trip, I won't be the same A girl.

It was always incomprehensible to me why people behave one way or another, some of their rituals, norms, limits of behavior ... And more than anything, their cruelty tore my soul, how they treat people who are different from them, something different. This is especially noticeable in children and adolescents. Children learn the world through cruelty, but who conceived it this way ... And should everyone behave this way?

I remember how enchanted, without thoughts, in a stream, I watch a caterpillar crawling in an anthill. And then cotton, and someone's sandal crushes a fluffy insect and small hard workers into spray. I know that they did it on purpose to provoke me into a reaction, but apart from sad misunderstanding and dripping tears from injustice and pity for dead insects, they did not see anything from me ... There were no fights, pulling pigtails, there was no feeling of aggression. Maybe they wanted to evoke it in me, but I just didn’t understand how to do it, what should be born in the body, where the volcano should explode, and what words should fly out on a raised note.

This session with Tatyana put everything in its place and gave me another puzzle to my mosaic, to assemble myself.
I realized that for a very long time in general in my map of emotions and states there was no this seething, seething feeling of aggression, the desire to cause physical damage, pain.
And then it seemed to hatch, degenerate, was carefully nurtured. By whom? You will find out soon))

Q: Is there something about you that draws people in that way, makes people hurt you?
A: Weakness, fragility, tenderness of the rainbow web, flower. People trample on flowers, they like to make everything beautiful, clean, something different from them.

Q: Where did this human aspect get this belief?
A: A strong impulse passed through the stomach at the words "something different from them." A picture came of a man, an alchemist in a strange pointed hat, an inventor. They throw rotten vegetables at him, some kind of persecution of him, he angered them, they poison him. People did not understand his inventions, they were not ready for such innovations, it seemed to them that it was magic and devilry. They show a light bulb in a bottle without wires, which burns with blue neon light. People are afraid of him.

Q: The key word here is "afraid". People are afraid of what they do not understand, they are afraid of the unknown. Just like in this incarnation, in your childhood, the girls who bullied you tried to hook you, they were already infected with a dose of fear, and you are not yet. And you need to understand that most of the people here are infected with the virus of fear and that they offend not because they are so bloodthirsty and cruel, but because of fear. The opposite of fear is Love. From your current level, do you need aggression to defend yourself, is it effective in this situation?
A: (sobs) I see a continuation of the inventor situation. He managed to escape from the screaming crowd and found refuge with some magicians, some more developed people. The guy gained power there and, with the help of his inventions, began to take revenge on everyone who mocked him. I feel his anger, a burning sense of revenge: “They will get everything from me, they will swallow their teeth, I will take revenge on them for not understanding me, mocking me.” Even now, in the incarnation of girl A., I experienced a similar feeling. The desire to gain such power that they would obey me, that they would fear me. Toned down, it's more about having power over men, well, maybe over some women. So that they walk on tiptoe in front of me and fulfill my desires, they give me everything I want and I give them NOTHING in return. To use these ... men, as my father once did with my mother. Play on them.

Q: Your desire for revenge resonated with anger, resentment against men...
Tell me, what will happen when everyone will be afraid of you and obey?
A: They will not dare to spread rot on me, mock me, will not harm me, I will be protected.
Q: Now look at that inventor, now he got all the power, took revenge, did he feel better?
A: No... He sits with his head propped up on his fist. Those who sheltered him use his genius and, as soon as he exhausts himself, they will throw him into the ditch without hesitation. These strong people are no different from those ordinary people, they are saturated with the same inner swamp. He understands this and he is unhappy.

Q: Look what becomes more in this world when you use revenge and aggression?
A: It hurts... my stomach hurts (on the physical plane) when I see a picture of how he takes revenge on a couple of people... the inferno grows, everything only gets worse. Aggression and power do not give protection and peace, they can also kill me. Oh, I got it!! In this incarnation, I live what I did with the people there, but it's strange ... I did not immediately become so cruel.

Q: Let's stop this frame and look from a larger perspective. I'm talking to your OT: "Is the incarnation of the inventor your personal incarnation?"
(note: The soul of the ward incarnated on Earth for the first time, but during her life she clearly remembered several of her incarnations. How is it possible?)
A: It is not.
Q: I appeal to the Teacher system of the Earth from the Light side.
A: I see them as white blurry contours, creatures, from one end of the Earth. One throws off his hoodie and in its place plays with whirlwinds iridescent, iridescent, flowing energy).
Q: Can you tell me how lessons are being formed for souls who have never had an experience on earth?
A: As long as you believe, it works...

Q: Where does this faith come from?
A: It's like an embedded virtual reality, a simulation, computer game. Even if these incarnations were not lived by the soul in reality, this is counted as a full experience. I remember the phrase “For the brain there is no difference between the imaginary and the real. Imagine a lemon in all its details, and you will salivate, even though you haven’t actually eaten it.” Here the same principle works, only the lemon is far away in the past incarnation. Like a legend in a spy's memory. Almost ... but there are nuances.

Q: Who decides what needs to be loaded into the Soul fields, which legend?
A: They discuss with the curator together. He suggests how scientific director, mentor of your thesis or term paper. I see us at the terminal, where my Soul is writing a plan for its term paper to embody what it wants to experience, a sketch in general terms. He stands nearby, suggests how you can solve this equation.
Take our example, I want to experience the feeling of aggression.
Oh my god... it's wonderful, now I feel what she is going through, her state, energy, desires!!! This is curiosity. And how is it, to experience a feeling of aggression, I don’t know how it is ... this is not in my coordinate systems! It's so enticing-exciting to try aggressive energies. THEY ARE BRIGHT, they're like love... just the other way around. How to try a new taste, a delicious new dish, an exotic spicy... [Inside, when she was telling, her heart jumped admiringly, like a chirping bird!!]

Q: Did you really want to experience this feeling? How do you make this plan, how do you form a lesson of aggression?
Oh yeah! It looks like a filing cabinet. They show me flat incarnation cards. You choose a life lesson that you want to experience and start writing your “term paper”. Several incarnations are selected where someone experiences an experience of interest to you. Neutral incarnations are selected and on its basis it is necessary to compose and solve an equation with several unknowns. Choose factors so that the output is aggression))
In my example, this is the environment; childhood situations - rot; examples of aggression in the family; parental relationships and traumatic experiences in adolescence, as the strongest bombing element - the final trigger. This is the offset homework for the Soul - to make such a card-scenario of incarnation. If you want, then you can make a few more of these cards with equations for yourself, then it will be easier.

V: Let's see. Whether the incarnation of the alchemist-inventor was specially selected for this role of the victim.
A: I also composed it myself, based on someone's real experience, this is my task.
Q: Finished incarnations, real stories you used for your term paper? Here's your desert mercenary life we've seen before...
A: Like a compilation, or a retelling of the main plot, but with different characters. I looked at incarnations that were suitable for me for my task and chose from them those pieces, situations, events that would help me solve the task in the best possible way. Come to the feeling of aggression in the shortest way. Such an extract, catalyzing elements.
The life of a mercenary is also a creative work, and not a real embodiment, I composed it, and did not live it.

Q: So your whole life is term paper?
ABOUT: (burst inside joyful understanding): Yes, this life is very important! Everything that we study at the spiritual university, what topics we write term papers on, they should be the building blocks, the ground for the thesis. Ideally. This life, it is like this, this is my thesis.
Q: It turns out that you drew a summary for yourself and went to put it into practice?
A: Yes, what I drew there, those cards (with equations) are now a reality for me. Now this is the apogee, synthesis, extract of what was invented by me there!!!

Q: Let's summarize our work a little with a sense of aggression. We have come to the conclusion that aggression is a reaction of fear to someone else's fear. Do you think, from your current experience, that this reaction is effective, that it protects you? Do you need it or have you found other ways to influence someone else's fear? Have you experienced this feeling enough for the Soul experience? Do you want to continue experiencing this lesson?
A: I was shown in a life lesson how the energies of Love work and how it is inefficient to accumulate hatred. The fact that you wish evil on the chest will not resolve the situation, it will only wind up more, there will be no escalation of the conflict. Only through sending Love to the one who offended you, the situation is lived in balance, and everyone receives what he radiated, it is so beautiful! The offender, who spoiled property, threatened and unbalanced in every possible way, after sending him love twisted his leg, and lying at home, realized something for himself and even apologized sincerely from the bottom of his heart, bought paints for my scratched door, and then generally left with event horizon. Here, we note that the sending of Love is not connected with the destructive, it seemed to let go of the bowstring and the offender's bow struck him, while I was angry with him, the bowstring pulled tighter and hit me ...

Q: Now you can, with gratitude to the people who helped you survive this feeling, let go of your aggression.
A: It is in the chest, as if a dark ball is being compressed on the heart. And in the stomach a lump. You don’t need to pull them out and into the portal, you need to transform them, because these are my energies, they are in the structure of me.
Q: You can dissolve them and transform them in the Healing Ocean of Love… All aggression, distrust, everything that you don’t want to experience dissolves, you can unite with that you, strong, Whole, who came to Earth planes. Connect with the one who is aware of herself as the Creator, consciously, right here and now, in this endlessly lasting moment. Nullify all negative emotions of experience associated with these energies.
A: Pleasant, gentle, warm waves go through the stomach ... It is very important to understand ... it is important for me that these people who bullied, from whom there were persecutions ... They are like children ... they scream with their outbursts of aggression / irritation, asking for help. They should not be afraid, they are like babies who have peed, or the tummy hurts, or the worms toss and turn ... they do not understand what worries them and scream.

Q: They just express their pain, discomfort.
Oh yeah! Precisely, they weren't shown how to do it differently, they don't know and do what they can. You need to consolidate this understanding in life ... with your conscious reaction in a provocative situation. Respond already knowing this.

Q: Let's cross off the completed items from your incarnation plan, and from the adjusted list, I ask your SELF to do a Soul Reboot. Complete Reboot of All Structures and Fields of the Soul of the Human Aspect.
A: It feels like it's being refilled, so I feel it's right.
After refilling, a feeling of tenderness, love ... warmth. I want to purr like a cat by the fire. I want to hug the host, the earth, myself ... You murmur like a clean stream.
My sunshine is good, I love you so much! (finally felt the feeling that in meditation I tried to start like a rusted engine)

In life after, a New round of Development, Awareness began ... but this is another story from the Star Soul of Alataria. Morning meditations take place with less interference from the mind, in some deeper immersion. I want to eat, I feel every bite. After, one day, I went and tried a new piece of food ... as if I had just been born and I know this world. I tried the air to taste, breathe, tried to speak, look, listen and feel people.

Guys! This is something indescribable revealed! And I am grateful to Myself for going to the session, although the Mind dissuaded me with fatigue, unwillingness to plunge into any trances ... And leading for competent guidance through the waves and dimensions, and the Creator and its Preserves ...