Communication about an honest person. Miscellanea. Winged expressions about honesty

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Honesty is a personality property and the ability to tell the truth, avoid deception, identify the truthfulness of other people. Honesty is one of the best qualities of a strong personality.

Attention! This article describes the look from the position of good!

Honesty policy

Honesty is, first of all, do not lie yourself. A confident and strong look only at who is honest with themselves and with others. Honesty is manifested as an internal installation in a strong character of a person, in accordance with conscience.

A honest person knows how to deeply analyze his thoughts and feelings, understand its true intentions and desires.

The main qualities of an honest person - to trust people, tell the truth and be yourself!

There are different situations in life when a person faces any problem and it is necessary to decide where it suddenly turns on the acquittal mechanism, which begins to persuade it to avoid action or on the contrary, to act in the mercenary direction. It is impossible to allow it!

Remember - dishonesty and deception, almost always float out. Do not hide the truth! Lies - punishable. If the retribution or punishment did not come exactly now, then they will definitely overtake you in another situation.

What honesty looks like?

Honesty does not mean, show all the key from the apartment, where money is lying or post information about their bank accounts with passwords.

A reasonable honest person should have a clear concept where he must tell the truth and nothing but the truth, and where he may or should be silent.

Honesty is a very expensive gift, do not wait for her from cheap people!

First, kindness to people and only then honesty

A person has the right to truth. Without truthfulness there are no respect for people. However, honesty and truthfulness, as virtues, carefully and carefully belong to the opinion of such qualities of individuals as delicacy, tactfulness, politeness, tolerance and goodwill. These are the quality of personality that accompany honesty.

Honesty can not be built into the rank of absolutely important characteristics, but it should be understood that it is the guarantor of all the virtues of a person as a strong personality. Remember - honesty is the guarantor of the advantages of a strong personality!

Honesty should be adequate. Honesty comes through, and generosity.

The main thing is that honesty radiate, care, respect for a person. A honest person lives in harmony with the laws of the universe. Each of these laws is extremely honest.

Remember the important condition of honesty: if your truth and honesty are not blessing to another person, it is better to silent.

Honesty without love and care about another person does not happen

Relationships are destroyed from rude and silly honesty and tear hearts. An honest person knows where, when, to whom and how to speak directly.

Mark Tully Cicero said: "The more honest person, the less he suspects others, dishonest; Low soul always assumes the lowest motivations from noble deeds. " There may be an opinion that an honest person to deceive is also easy as a small child. This is a delusion, illusion.

An honest person is insightful, like a powerful scanner, he definitely scans the qualities of the person surrounding. The insightful person can only be if he is an honest person. Honesty is life in light, dishonesty is the desire to live in darkness and exile.

Dishonesty and excuses

Exchange is a friend of dishonesty. Taking care of self-deception, a person does something indecent, dishonest, and then comes up with justification for himself.

As a result, respect for himself is lost, self-esteem falls, because the man in the depths of the soul understands that he does dishonest.

Selfman does not pass without a trace. Man begins to perceive the world through the prism of excuses and lies

Be always honest - means to live, guided by the highest moral principles that you just know. Such life requires you to develop the habit of constantly thinking about who you are and what you believe.

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You must clearly understand what is unacceptable for you.

As soon as you decide to build your life, relying on certain moral values \u200b\u200band honesty - you should surely follow them, as if you gave an oath!

To date, honesty is the first quality of the employee. With such qualities of an honest person, you will always be appreciated by the company's management. This is the quality of the best employee, manager, the head of the company and even a friend or satellite of life.

You must get used to be honest with yourself and people around you. Of course, this does not mean that you will always be right.

But you will try in any situation to tell the truth as you understand it. People will know that they can rely on you and your word.

They may not like what you say, but they will know that you are always sincere and honest. It will be the best reputation that is possible throughout life.

How to become an honest person?

Most young boys and girls begin to deceive in a very small age. Hold up - the deception turns into the negative quality of the personality of the person - deceiver, a liar.

Honest person, as a rule, makes life and age itself. As they grow up, a false man, relying on the principles of deception and getting material benefits from this, very much loses in subsequent. I want to say the following - a lie and cheating 100% will be disclosed. Damage and damage to you - will be many more! However, you read now, I will not believe! Such is the essence of a person - he checks everything himself! By the way, this is the law of development and progress of mankind. If everything was correct and honest - we would still have hunted mammoths.

By the way, when they say the truth, very often applied the right hand to the heart!

Honesty - the quality of the winner.

Good day. I, Sergey Zelinsky, I want to help you.

Honesty is the most important quality of the winner. Honesty towards others, and most important is honesty towards yourself.

Why in the first place - honesty to yourself? Because as you like to talk about honesty in relation to others, but when the case concerns, based on the fact that the acts of a person are a consequence of the algorithm of actions laid down in the subconscious - a person will unconsciously come out exactly as he considers it necessary in his own soul. That is why even when a person looks outwardly sincere and honest - in the actions caused by extreme situations (when there is no time to analyze the situation), it will do as its inner essence. Therefore, sometimes people are opening in front of us on the other side.

Therefore, your honesty should be one first in relation to yourself. Honesty in your own thoughts and desires. Honesty even at the level of thoughts.

What does it mean to be honest? Honesty, it does not mean to speak always only the truth. It would be too simple. And the villain can tell the truth and even rejoice in this, and by nature will still remain scoundrel, only honestly admitted. Therefore, honesty is first of all sincere desire to live on conscience.

Conscience is from God. Live on conscience - it means not to make sins. If we know that we do something that will bring the suffering to another person - it means we do not quite honestly in relation to this person. Why not at all? Well, for example, if a rain drunk will ask us to drink, and we will give him, knowing that he will go down and beat his wife - what kind of honesty is, for we are sin. And if I tell him that I would not give - yes, this drunkard will suffer without alcohol, but the suffering in this case is good, because we will keep the world in his family, although we do not quite honestly in relation to the drunkard.

But unspoken truth: honesty brings a person more benefits than harm. First, when a person is honest - he has nothing to hide. If he has nothing to hide - it means there is no secret news. Because if we assume that such news would be, and then let it be about such a news sooner or later someone would have learned (for there is nothing secret that it would not be explicitly), and if we assume that this someone, learning of this secret news, it would be very sealed, and it would have been angry, and his anger would have wrapped up on the one who hid this secret news, then here's the total of conceals and appeals to the very unnecessary secret of the fact that if it became , would not cause so sad consequences.

And it turns out that if you live honestly, it means there will be nothing secret, and if there is nothing secret - that, accordingly, there is nothing to hide, and if there is nothing to hide - no one knows about anything, for it knows about everything.

It turns out, tell the truth is exclusively for the benefit. And first of all, for the one who tells the truth and does not hide anything. As they say, fewer problems. And if there are fewer problems, it means all the forces of our own peace of mind can be sent to achieving vital goals and tasks. As they say, QUOD ERAT Demonstrandum (which was required to prove).

Honesty - and avoiding in relationships with other people and by themselves. Compared to, the concept of honesty emphasizes the absence of mercenary motives of disinformation and at the same time relate to unintentional misleading: it is believed that a person can remain honest if he informs another in a person who believes himself. Antonym Concepts - False. Honesty is not always convenient, but honest people respect honest people.

Honesty is external - honesty before other people (sometimes, although it is not quite clearly called it), honesty is internal - honesty before himself.

The most important source of honesty is honesty before yourself: the ability to admit yourself in his mistakes, the ability to not deceive yourself and not justify, the habit of evaluating their actions and actions with the same measure as the actions of other people.

Is it easy to be an honest person? No: Even honest recognition of their inappropriate for many is equivalent to a feat.

Are there always honest those who choose to be honest? Also, alas, no. In practical affairs, most people allow small deception, considering absolute honesty in naivety or even nonsense. How to treat it? Among the honest to be honest - worthy, among dishonest people to be only honest - really not very reasonable. In addition, the unlawful moral code limits honesty in cases where the information may injure the interlocutor or to harm his health. Unlike the United States, where the patient has the right to complete information about its condition, most Russian doctors consider ethically correct to hide severe diagnoses from patients. Similarly, many people hide from their loved ones to save them from excessive concern. Sometimes I want to wish more tact with sincerity lovers who consider to be normal thoughtlessly express their negative attitudes towards the interlocutor, even if there was no real need for this or a request from the person himself. No need to swing honesty to the right and left, like a closet: educated people follow first of all for honesty in front of them, and in relation to others remember tact.

It is not at all that an honest person was a wrestler for the truth, especially since different people - their own truth. Honesty can and should be presented in adequate form and to the extent that people will be able to "digest". Beat the honesty of one who is not ready for an honest conversation is also not quite honest. Complete honesty is possible only between people of high psychological culture and large inner strength.

Execution "What is honesty?"

Purpose: to explain to children the true concept of the word "honesty".


    Consider various options for honesty in everyday life.

    Education in children the need to eliminate falsehood, to develop a sense of self-esteem not only in their eyes, but also in the eyes of others.

    Watch the life experience of children.

Equipment : on the poster of the proverbs: "True the lighter of the sun", "Pravda cleaner of the clear Sun", etc.

Structure occupation

    Organizing time.


Exercise "Compliment"

(Children in a circle speak to their neighbor a compliment, while passing the ball of threads. At the end of the exercise, the whole class turns out to be "sewn" together.)

Did you like this exercise? Sometimes, besides the good, we talk badly to each other. Sometimes, the bad even easier to say than good. But it is so important to express your positive feelings and emotions to each other. They encourage us and attach confidence. Let's tell each other more compliments.

    Main part.

Educator: Today we will try with you to be sincere in the study of the concept of "honesty". It would seem - what's easier? However, it is often necessary to return to issues related to honesty in behavior, in responses to the questions.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the concept of "honesty"?


    To tell the truth, no matter what she will please or griest the interlocutor.

    Life presents different situations, and I do not always tell the truth.

    This is life with a calm conscience.

To be honest - It does not at all mean constantly splashing everything that you have on your mind. Naked truth can cause tension in friendly relations, and even increasing anger.

Some perceive the directness are easier others - harder. We offer you some practical advice, how to be honest and not spoil relations with people:

    Communicate with first person people. Since honesty is the discovery and expression of your thoughts and feelings. For example, say: "I am concerned about your problems," instead: "You got me with my own problems."

    Do not speak at once the whole truth, start with a small, gradually increasing the turnover. Prepare a person.

    Get rid of the past lies as soon as possible. Admit to another person in his wrong, tell me that you appreciate your relationship and want to save them.

How do you feel when you lie?




    Disappears confidence in man.

    There is a feeling of resentment.

What do you think it means to be honest in front of yourself?


    Always and everywhere to tell the truth.

    Do not lie yourself.

    This is when you do not lie yourself, your feelings when your conscience is clean.

And then how to understand "self-deception"?


    This is when a person is dishonest in front of him.

    When you cheat yourself.

    Suggestion desired for valid.

Let's make some situations with you.

Situation 1.

Educator: Cool leader collects your diaries to check whether all the estimates you received in the week are put up in a diary. And repeated cases when some of you say that they forgot in the hope that the teacher himself will forget this fact tomorrow. How to regard this fact?

Situation 2.

Educator: Taking advantage of the good knowledge of the Internet, some manage to find a decision of writing work there and calmly transfer the found in the notebook. How to look at it?


    Well, I rewrote and well, the main thing is to do not scold at home.

    Ashamed when a teacher notices.

    Conscience, of course, torments, but so want to get a good assessment.

Situation 3.

Volodya wrote off the assignment of the desk at the desk and, lifting her hand, answered it. The teacher noticed that the neighbor was recorded the same. The girl was accused of writing off, and the boy was silent. As a result, he received 5, and the neighbor 2. Is it permissible?

Before you a few questions. How would you answer them?

    You buy products, and the cashier gives you extra money in the form of delivery. Will you return them?

    You spent the surrender from the money, which gave mom to buy products, on some kind of thing, thinking that my mother would not notice anyway.

    You want to stay from a friend and come home later than the parents asked. "I'll just tell them that buses do badly go, and we are stuck in traffic. They always believe me, and I'm not going to do anything wrong, just it will be so calmer. "

    You found a mobile phone. Get your find, assigning it, or try to find the owner?

Winged words about honesty.

    The closest to the Great is honesty. /Victor Hugo/

    An honest person is elevated, so his happiness is deep and inane. On all matters it is a seal of freedom. / Hongszic /

    The only thing that every honest person should be guided in his actions, this is true or unfair what he does, and whether it is an act of a good or evil person. /Socrates/

    Truly honest one who always asks himself whether he is honest. / Float /

    Wisdom is more precious than gold, but honesty, justice and dignity is more important than any wisdom. / Ali Apsheroni /

Live examples.

1. The Police of Nizhneudinsk noted schoolchildren for honesty and decency.

On the eve of high schoolN.The 10th cities of Nizhneudinsk took place an unusual solemn ruler. On it, employees of the local police department were handed over to three students of 5 and 6 grades Sergey Borisov, Andrei Sidorov and Vadim Jafarov. Memorable gifts and letters of thanks "For honesty, decency and civil adherence."
Shortly before these events, teenagers, walking in the park, found three cell phones. "Of course," the guys say, "there was a big temptation to leave mobile phones to himself, but we decided to do otherwise."
Friends brought phones to the OMVD police duty at the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk region and told, where and under what circumstances they were discovered. Soon the police found the legal owners of the phones and handed them out, as the owners believed, irrevocably lost expensive mobile devices. And three friends, receiving gifts and letters from the hands of police officers, felt heroes of the day.

2. Absolutely incomprehensible with their peers remained two Austrian teenagers who went to the bureau of finds about ten thousand euros in cash.Such a considerable amount of schoolchildren discovered during a trip to an excursion with class. According to workers, the bureau of finds, this is the first case in their practice when they bring money. And if during the year the owner of the lost ten thousand will not appear, then young people with a clean soul will be able to pick them up. However, this example is disinterested to fade against the background of the German serviceman's act, at about the same time, three suitcases with a million euro, which were lost on the road.

So what is "honesty"?

This consent between the thoughts and convictions of man and his words and actions. The honesty of thought is the desire to follow the facts, without hiding and distorting them, and without making conclusions on the basis of false information. The honesty of actions includes accuracy in money matters, sincerity in relationships.

But how is the definition of honesty in Wikipedia

"Honesty is an avoidance of deception, and in particular fraud, in relations with other people. Compared to the truthfulness, the concept of honesty emphasizes the absence of self-relocative motives for disinformation and at the same time condescendingly refers to unintentional misleading, i.e. A person can remain honest if he informs another lie in which he believes himself.

Honesty is an outstanding quality that penetrates into the very depths of the human essence. Honesty (or the absence of it) will clearly manifest itself in every word and act. Honesty, hardness of character, challenged reputation and respectfully interconnected and go hand in hand on the way to outstanding success. "

Educator: So what is the advantage of honesty?

Children lead their arguments.

3. Incusional part.

Let's summarize.

Honesty - This is one of the indispensable manifestations of a noble person.

Honesty - This is a serious reason for respect for a person.

Honesty "This belief is that the interlocutor is so spiritually developed that it will be able to understand and take the very bitter truth.

Honesty - surprisingly a useful thing. She can free us from the heavy burden of stress and anxiety; She makes us calmly our dream at night; It gives self-confidence; It improves our spiritual well-being; Thanks to her, people more appreciate our opinion.

Let honesty become your satellite in life and will give the opportunity to gain respect and understanding others and leads you to success.

1. Sincerity and directness, conscientiousness.

2. Moral quality reflecting one of the most important requirements of morality.

3. Openness and readiness to joyfully perceive the "new", which is objectively better than the "old".

4. (Openness and) Avoiding deception, and in particular fraud, in relations with other people (enjoyed).

5. Directness, truthfulness, stubbornness of its conscience and debt, denial of deception and theft, reliability in the fulfillment of promises.

6. Talent to understand the essence of things and remove it to the surface from under the set of covers.

7. The conviction is that the interlocutor is so spiritually developed that it will be able to understand and take even the very bitter truth.

8. Human quality, which is the basis of any information process flowing in society.

9. Honest attitude to someone, anything, honest behavior.

The requirement of honesty is due to the need for joint activities of people in the process of social practice, mutual coordination of their actions and the needs of the everyday hostel.

Honesty includes truthfulness, principle, loyalty to the adopted obligations, subjective conviction of the trial of the case, sincerity to others and before themselves in relation to those motifs that a person is guided by the recognition and respect for the rights of other people on the fact that it legally belongs.

Honesty is a valuable positive quality and character of a person's character, a serious reason for respecting this person from the outside. Even a dishonest person recognizes the superiority of honest.
Honesty asks the direction of man's personal growth. It gives freedom from two delicacy, facilitates and affection. Honesty gives the opportunity to seek the celebration of justice, both in small and large.
Honesty must be educated since childhood.

Honesty dies when sold.
Complete lack of honesty - doubles.
The lack of measure necessary even in honesty is uncompromising.
The opposite of honesty is deception, falsehood (lie), theft, treachery, hypocrisy.

Compared to the truthfulness, the concept of honesty emphasizes the absence of self-relocative motives for disinformation and at the same time condescendingly refers to unintentional misleading, i.e. A person can remain honest if he informs another lie in which he believes himself.

In practical affairs, most people allow small deception, regarding absolute honesty as naivety or even nonsense. Significant deviations from honesty are allowed in cases where it creates a threat to life and health.
In addition, the unlawful moral code limits honesty in cases where the information may be injured by the interlocutor. Especially often this restriction is associated with sincerity, i.e. An expression of your attitude to the interlocutor, if such is an impartial. Some doctors consider ethically properly to hide the patients with terrible diagnoses. Many people hide trouble from their loved ones to save them from excessive concern.

Everyone tries to imagine their wickedness. Honest recognition of its wrongness is rare.

However, strive to be honest needed. But it is necessary to present honesty to another person and the situation, not always with a scope and a likim blow, and wisely designed.

Honesty is possible only between people of high psychological culture and great strength. Yes, and really everyone has its own, which is also needed to take into expect. But in any case, in full force to beat a black person honesty - not honestly.

In operating conditions, class contradictions, mutual competition, honesty could not and cannot become a general rule, the law of social life. The requirement of honesty was constantly violated and violated. In the spirit of trading practicism, she became the key to personal success, acquiring confidence of people and loan.
Honesty consider something like an unofficial contract that can be terminated as soon as its observance becomes unprofitable. In politics, this meant legalizing the deception of voters to acquire their votes, in commerce - the relatives of the competitor, in international relations - a violation of the terms of the contract when a change in the balance of forces is changed when another state can no longer protect their rights.
In relation to the workers, the dominant class followed the laws and fulfilled its obligations only inspired because mass speeches were afraid (strikes or uprisings). The bourgeoisie has repeatedly betrayed its allies in the fight against the feudal nobility (proletariat and the peasantry) and addressed them the weapons as soon as they came to power with their help.