Control and measuring materials. Control and measuring materials Lake Elton, Volgograd region, Russia

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It would seem that we know everything about our planet. However, even in the most popular tourist destinations, you can discover truly amazing corners - both created by nature itself and erected by human hands.

site collected for you 17 cool places that you probably haven’t heard of yet. And one very interesting bonus is waiting for you at the end of the article.

17. Amphitheater in Pula, Croatia

One of the most famous landmarks in Italy is the Roman Colosseum. However, the Croatian town of Pula has an equally beautiful amphitheater. It was built from wood and then rebuilt from stone in the 1st century AD. e., accommodated up to 23 thousand people and was used for mass performances. In the 5th century, with the ban on gladiatorial fights, the building began to gradually collapse and looted. In the Middle Ages, the arena was adapted for grazing, fairs and knightly tournaments, and in the 20th century - for military ceremonies, parades, and theatrical performances.

16. Son Dong Cave, Vietnam

The cave was discovered in 1991, but its exploration began in 2009, and organized groups of tourists began to be allowed only recently. Seongdong is called the largest cave in the world.- its length is more than 9 km, and the height of the vaults is such that a 40-storey skyscraper could easily fit under them!

The cave was formed due to the erosion of limestone rock, and now inside it has its own ecosystem with a river and a waterfall, unique plants, animals, stalactites and the so-called cave pearls - stone formations of calcite that were formed on the sand under the influence of water for hundreds of years ...

15. Bell tower on Lake Resia, Italy

Lake Rezia was formed in 1950 as a result of the construction of a hydroelectric power plant and a dam and the flooding of two villages. Above the surface of the reservoir rises a bell tower, built in the XIV century. Due to the change in the water level above the lake, you can periodically see only the top of the clock tower. Because of strong winds waves rise on the lake, so surfers like the place.

In summer, you can ride a boat around the bell tower, and with the arrival of frost, tourists can walk to the tower right on the ice. In addition, according to legend, you can still hear the bell ringing here, although the bells themselves were removed from the tower even before the flooding.

14. Callanish Menhirs, Scotland

13. Natural bridge of Pont-d'Arc, France

Away from the busy city streets in southern France, in Pont-d'Arc, there is a natural bridge of the same name. It rises above the Ardeche River, which has washed out in the rocky rock over hundreds of years an impressive arch 50 meters high and 60 meters wide. It is surprisingly quiet and calm, during the summer canoeing competitions are held. And not far from the bridge there is a historical monument - the ancient Chauvet cave with rock paintings up to 30 thousand years old!

12. Madain Salih, Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Compared to the Jordanian Petra, the Madain-Salih archaeological complex is not so widely known, although it is the oldest structure in Saudi Arabia, about 2,000 years old. This historic monument city includes 111 rock burials, towers, living quarters, temples and hydraulic structures of the ancient Nabatean city of Hegra, which was once a center of trade. All buildings are decorated with sculptures, bas-reliefs, rock inscriptions.

11. Lake Elton, Volgograd region, Russia

The area of ​​this amazing salt reservoir is 150 sq. km, making it the largest mineralized lake in Europe. Its depth does not exceed 7-10 cm in summer and 1.5 m in spring. It is the most important migration point for waders and cranes, and attracts tourists with its unusual salt landscapes and balneological properties. The Elton Natural Park, on the territory of which the lake is located, is home to several hundred species of plants and animals, including unique ones.

10. Cathedral Gorge, Purnululu National Park, Australia

The Purnululu National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is replete with striped sandstone mountain steeps, lakes, and unique flora and fauna. On its territory there is a huge number of gorges, one of the most picturesque is the Cathedral, which is a real natural amphitheater with stunning acoustics.

9. "Horta Labyrinth", Spain

Horta Labyrinth is the historical and oldest park in Barcelona, ​​which was founded in late XVIII century as a neoclassical garden. This place, rich in hedges, flower beds, gazebos, canals, was a favorite for cultural and social events. Today, the park can receive a small number of visitors per day.

8. Chapel Saint-Michel d'Aiguille, France

In the small town of Le Puy-en-Velay in the south of France, on top of a 90-meter cliff, there is a chapel built in 962! Until this year, a pagan dolmen and an ancient Roman sanctuary were located on the rock, and in general all legends call the rock a sacred place. The chapel is unique not only for its location, but also for frescoes, mosaics, paintings that have never been restored in its entire history.

7. Blue Pond Biei, Japan

The Blue Pond in Hokkaido Prefecture was created after the construction of the dam as part of a system for controlling erosion processes and protecting the surrounding areas from mudflows. The unusual bright turquoise color of the water is caused by the natural workings of minerals and can change depending on weather conditions and angle of view. And dried tree trunks sticking out of the water only add to the fantastic landscape. For a long time, this natural site was closed to the public and became available only a few years ago.

6. Ghost Bay, Cape Reinga, New Zealand

Cape Reinga is the northern tip of the Aupouri Peninsula in New Zealand. Dangerous waves are raging not far from the coast, and a lighthouse stands on the mountain, illuminating everything around with a flash every 26 seconds. To the east of the headland is a secluded beach with pale pink sand. Local aborigines believed that the soul after death goes to this particular beach in order to make the last dash before diving into the other world. Therefore, this place is considered sacred and visitors are not allowed to eat here. Getting to the cape is rather difficult, as the road partially runs through quicksand, so it is better to go with an organized group of tourists.

5. Tin Mal Mosque, Morocco

The Tin Mal Mosque was built in 1156 in honor of the founder of the Almohad dynasty and is one of only two mosques in Morocco open to non-Muslims. It is distinguished by its amazing architecture, and since 1995, the mosque has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Although the mosque is located in a mountain village just 100 km from Marrakech, few tourists know about this beautiful place.

4. Meroe, Sudan

Meroe is an ancient city on the territory of modern Sudan, the capital of the Nubian kingdom of Kush, which originated in the VIII century BC. NS. Here you can look at the many pyramids in which the burials of noble persons were carried out, the remains of the palace walls, where kings were crowned, as well as baths and temples. Unfortunately, by the 3rd century BC. NS. the city fell into decay and only ruins remained of it. The entire complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, but few know about this place, visiting exclusively the monuments of Ancient Egypt.

Princess Marya was not in Moscow and out of danger, as Prince Andrey thought. After Alpatych's return from Smolensk, the old prince, as it were, suddenly came to his senses from a dream. He ordered to collect militias from the villages, arm them and wrote a letter to the commander-in-chief, in which he informed him of his accepted intention to remain in Bald Mountains to the last extreme and to defend himself, leaving it at his discretion to take or not take measures to protect Bald Mountains, in which he would be taken one of the oldest Russian generals was captured or killed, and announced to his family that he would remain in Bald Hills. But, while remaining in Bald Hills himself, the prince ordered the sending of the princess and Desal with the little prince to Bogucharovo and from there to Moscow. Princess Marya, frightened by the feverish, sleepless activity of her father, which replaced his former despondency, could not dare to leave him alone and for the first time in her life allowed herself to disobey him. She refused to go, and a terrible storm of the prince's wrath fell upon her. He reminded her of everything in which he had been unjust against her. Trying to accuse her, he told her that she had tortured him, that she had quarreled him with her son, had vile suspicions against him that she had set her life's task to poison his life, and expelled her from his office, telling her that if she won't leave, he doesn't care. He said that he did not want to know about her existence, but he warned her ahead that she did not dare to catch his eye. The fact that, contrary to the fears of Princess Marya, he did not order her to be taken away by force, but only did not order her to appear in front of her eyes, made Princess Marya happy. She knew that this proved that in the very secret of his soul he was glad that she stayed at home and did not leave. The next day after Nikolushka's departure, the old prince dressed in a full uniform in the morning and prepared to go to the commander-in-chief. The stroller was already served. Princess Marya saw how he, in uniform and all orders, left the house and went into the garden to inspect the armed peasants and courtyards. Princess Marya was sitting by the window, listening to his voice from the garden. Suddenly several people ran out of the alley with frightened faces. Princess Marya ran out onto the porch, onto the flower path and into the alley. A large crowd of militias and courtyards was moving towards her, and in the middle of this crowd several people were dragging a little old man in uniform and medals under the arms. Princess Marya ran up to him and, playing in small circles of falling light through the shadow of a linden alley, could not realize what change had taken place in his face. One thing she saw was that the former stern and decisive expression on his face was replaced by an expression of timidity and resignation. Seeing his daughter, he moved his impotent lips and wheezed. It was impossible to understand what he wanted. They lifted him in his arms, carried him to the office and laid him on the sofa, which he had been so afraid of lately. The doctor brought in blew out that night and announced that the prince had a blow on the right side. It became more and more dangerous to stay in Bald Hills, and the next day after the blow, the prince was taken to Bogucharovo. The doctor went with them. When they arrived in Bogucharovo, Desalle and the little prince had already left for Moscow. All in the same position, no worse and no better, shattered by paralysis, the old prince lay for three weeks in Bogucharovo in a new house built by Prince Andrey. The old prince was unconscious; he lay like a mutilated corpse. He kept muttering something, twitching his eyebrows and lips, and it was impossible to know whether he understood or not what surrounded him. One thing for sure was that he suffered and felt the need to express something else. But what it was, no one could understand; Was it some whim of a sick and half-madman, was it related to the general course of affairs, or was it related to family circumstances? The doctor said that the anxiety he expressed meant nothing, that it had physical causes; but Princess Marya thought (and the fact that her presence always increased his anxiety confirmed her assumption), she thought that he wanted to tell her something. He obviously suffered both physically and mentally. There was no hope of healing. It was impossible to take him. And what would happen if he died dear? "Wouldn't it have been better the end, the end!" Princess Marya thought sometimes. She watched him day and night, almost without sleep, and, terrible to say, she often watched him, not hoping to find signs of relief, but watching, often wanting to find signs of an approaching end. Strange as it was for the princess to be aware of this feeling in herself, but it was in her. And what was even more terrible for Princess Marya was that since the time of her father's illness (even almost earlier, perhaps when she, expecting something, stayed with him), all those who fell asleep in her woke up in her forgotten personal desires and hopes. That which had not crossed her mind for years - the thoughts of a free life without the eternal fear of her father, even the thought of the possibility of love and family happiness, like the temptations of the devil, were incessantly hovering in her imagination. No matter how she removed herself from herself, incessantly questions came to her mind about how she now, after Togo, arrange his life. These were the temptations of the devil, and Princess Marya knew this. She knew that the only weapon against him was prayer, and she tried to pray. She stood in the position of prayer, looked at the images, read the words of the prayer, but could not pray. She felt that now she was embraced by another world - of everyday, difficult and free activity, completely opposite to the moral world in which she had been imprisoned before and in which prayer was the best consolation. She could not pray and could not cry, and the care of life overtook her. It was becoming dangerous to stay in Bogucharovo. From all sides it was heard about the approaching French, and in one village, fifteen miles from Bogucharov, an estate was plundered by French marauders. The doctor insisted that the prince should be taken further; the leader sent an official to Princess Marya, persuading her to leave as soon as possible. The police officer, having arrived in Bogucharovo, insisted on the same, saying that the French were forty miles away, that French proclamations were circulating in the villages, and that if the princess did not leave with her father before fifteen, he would not be responsible for anything. The princess on the fifteenth made up her mind to go. The worries of preparations, the giving of orders, for which everyone turned to her, occupied her all day. The night from fourteen to fifteen she spent, as usual, without undressing, in the room next to the room in which the prince lay. Several times, waking up, she heard his grunting, muttering, the creak of the bed and the steps of Tikhon and the doctor, turning him over. She listened somewhat at the door, and it seemed to her that he was now muttering louder than usual and tossing and turning more often. She could not sleep and several times approached the door, listening, wanting to enter and not daring to do so. Although he did not speak, Princess Marya saw and knew how unpleasant any expression of fear for him was to him. She noticed how dissatisfied he turned away from her gaze, sometimes involuntarily and stubbornly directed at him. She knew that her arrival at night, at an unusual time, would irritate him. But she had never felt so sorry for her, so scared to lose him. She recalled her whole life with him, and in every word, deed of him, she found an expression of his love for her. From time to time, between these memories, the temptations of the devil burst into her imagination, thoughts about what would happen after his death and how her new, free life would be arranged. But with disgust, she drove these thoughts away. By morning he was quiet, and she fell asleep. She woke up late. The sincerity that occurs on awakening showed her clearly what was most of all about her father's illness. She woke up, listened to what was behind the door, and, hearing his grunt, told herself with a sigh that it was all the same. - But what should be? What did I want? I want him dead! She cried out in disgust at herself. She dressed, washed, read prayers and went out onto the porch. Carriages without horses were brought to the porch, into which things were packed. The morning was warm and gray. Princess Marya stopped on the porch, never ceasing to be horrified at her spiritual abomination and trying to put her thoughts in order before entering him. The doctor stepped down the stairs and walked over to her. “He’s better today,” said the doctor. - I was looking for you. You can understand something from what he says, the head is fresher. Let's go. He calls you ... Princess Mary's heart beat so violently at this news that she turned pale and leaned against the door so as not to fall. Seeing him, talking to him, falling under his gaze now, when Princess Mary's whole soul was overflowing with these terrible criminal temptations, was excruciatingly joyful and terrible. “Come on,” the doctor said. Princess Marya went to her father and went up to the bed. He lay high on his back, with his small, bony arms covered with lilac knotty veins on the blanket, with his left eye fixed straight on and with a slanting right eye, with fixed eyebrows and lips. He was all so thin, small and pathetic. His face seemed to be shriveled or melted, crumbling in features. Princess Marya came up and kissed his hand. The left hand squeezed her hand so that it was clear that he had been waiting for her for a long time. He twitched her hand, and his eyebrows and lips moved angrily. She looked at him in fright, trying to guess what he wanted from her. When she, changing position, moved so that the left eye could see her face, he calmed down, for a few seconds without taking his eyes off her. Then his lips and tongue moved, sounds were heard, and he began to speak, looking timidly and imploringly at her, apparently afraid that she would not understand him. Princess Marya, straining all her powers of attention, looked at him. The comic labor with which he turned his tongue made Princess Marya lower her eyes and with difficulty suppress the sobs that rose in her throat. He said something, repeating his words several times. Princess Marya could not understand them; but she tried to guess what he was saying and repeated the words he had spoken inquiringly. - Gaga - fights ... fights ... - he repeated several times ... It was impossible to understand these words in any way. The doctor thought he had guessed right, and, repeating his words, asked: Is the princess afraid? He shook his head and repeated the same thing again ... Soul, soul hurts- Princess Mary has guessed and said. He moaned affirmatively, took her hand and began to press her to various places on his chest, as if looking for a real place for her. - All thoughts! about you ... thoughts, - then he uttered much better and more understandable than before, now that he was sure that he was understood. Princess Marya pressed her head to his hand, trying to hide her sobs and tears. He moved his hand through her hair. - I called you all night ... - he uttered. - If only I knew ... - she said through tears. - I was afraid to enter. He shook her hand.- Didn't you sleep? “No, I didn’t sleep,” said Princess Marya, shaking her head. Unwittingly obeying her father, she now, just as he spoke, tried to speak more in signs and, as if, too, with difficulty turning her tongue. - Darling ... - or - friend ... - Princess Marya could not make out; but, probably, by the expression of his gaze, a gentle, caressing word was spoken, which he never spoke. - Why didn't you come? "And I wished, wished for his death!" - thought Princess Marya. He paused. - Thank you ... daughter, friend ... for everything, for everything ... forgive ... thank you ... forgive ... thank you! .. - And tears flowed from his eyes. - Call Andryusha, - he suddenly said, and something childishly timid and mistrustful was expressed in his face at this demand. He seemed to know himself that his demand was meaningless. So, at least, it seemed to Princess Marya. “I received a letter from him,” answered Princess Marya. He looked at her with surprise and timidity.- Where is he? - He is in the army, mon père, in Smolensk. He was silent for a long time, closing his eyes; then in the affirmative, as if in response to his doubts and to confirm that he now understood and remembered everything, nodded his head and opened his eyes. “Yes,” he said clearly and quietly. - Russia is lost! Ruined! - And he sobbed again, and tears flowed from his eyes. Princess Marya could no longer restrain herself and cried too, looking at his face. He closed his eyes again. His sobbing stopped. He gestured with his hand to his eyes; and Tikhon, understanding him, wiped away his tears. Then he opened his eyes and said something that no one could understand for a long time and, finally, he understood and conveyed only Tikhon. Princess Marya sought out the meaning of his words in the mood in which he spoke a minute before. She thought that he was talking about Russia, then about Prince Andrei, then about her, about her grandson, then about his death. And from this she could not guess his words. “Put on your white dress, I love it,” he said. Understanding these words, Princess Marya sobbed even louder, and the doctor, taking her by the arm, led her out of the room onto the terrace, persuading her to calm down and start preparing for her departure. After Princess Marya left the prince, he again started talking about his son, about the war, about the sovereign, twitched his eyebrows angrily, began to raise a hoarse voice, and with him came the second and last blow. Princess Marya stopped on the terrace. The day cleared, it was sunny and hot. She could not understand anything, think about anything and feel nothing, except for her passionate love for her father, a love that, it seemed to her, she did not know until that moment. She ran out into the garden and, sobbing, ran down to the pond along the young linden paths planted by Prince Andrey. - Yes... i ... i ... i. I wanted him dead. Yes, I wished it would end sooner ... I AM wanted to calm down ... And what will happen to me? What do I need peace of mind when he’s gone, ”Princess Marya muttered aloud, walking briskly in the garden and pressing her chest with her hands, from which sobbing convulsively escaped. Going around the garden circle, which led her back to the house, she saw coming towards her m-lle Bourienne (who remained in Bogucharovo and did not want to leave) and a stranger. This was the leader of the district, who himself had come to the princess in order to present to her the whole necessity of an early departure. Princess Marya listened and did not understand him; she took him into the house, offered him breakfast and sat down with him. Then, having apologized to the leader, she went to the door of the old prince. The doctor with an anxious face came to her and said that it was impossible. - Go, princess, go, go! Princess Marya went back into the garden and under the mountain by the pond, in a place where no one could see, sat down on the grass. She did not know how long she had been there. Someone's running female steps along the path made her wake up. She got up and saw that Dunyasha, her maid, evidently running after her, suddenly stopped, as if frightened by the sight of her young lady. "Please, princess ... prince ..." said Dunyasha in a broken voice. “Now, I’m going, I’m going,” the princess spoke hastily, not giving Dunyasha time to finish what she had to say, and, trying not to see Dunyasha, ran to the house. “Princess, God's will is being done, you must be ready for anything,” said the leader, meeting her at the front door. - Leave me. It is not true! She shouted angrily at him. The doctor wanted to stop her. She pushed him away and ran to the door. “And why are these people with frightened faces stopping me? I don't need anyone! And what are they doing here? " She opened the door, and the bright daylight in this previously half-dark room terrified her. There were women and a nanny in the room. They all pulled away from the bed, giving her way. He was still lying on the bed; but the stern look of his calm face stopped Princess Mary at the threshold of the room. "No, he is not dead, it cannot be!" Princess Marya said to herself, went up to him and, overcoming the horror that gripped her, pressed her lips to his cheek. But she immediately pulled away from him. Instantly, all the strength of tenderness for him that she felt in herself disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of horror for what was in front of her. “No, he is no more! He is not there, but there is right there, in the same place where he was, something alien and hostile, some terrible, terrifying and repulsive secret ... "And, covering her face with her hands, Princess Marya fell into the doctor's arms who supported her. In the presence of Tikhon and the doctor, the women washed what he was, tied his head with a handkerchief to prevent the open mouth from stiffening, and tied the diverging legs with another handkerchief. Then they put on a uniform with orders and put a small shriveled body on the table. God knows who and when took care of this, but everything seemed to happen by itself. By nightfall, candles were burning around the coffin, there was a cover on the coffin, a juniper was sprinkled on the floor, a printed prayer was laid under a dead shriveled head, and a sexton was sitting in the corner reading a psalter. As the horses shy away, huddle and snort over a dead horse, so in the living room around the coffin a strange people crowded and their own - the leader, and the headman, and the women, and all with stopped frightened eyes, baptized and bowed, and kissed the cold and numb hand of the old prince.

Test on the topic "Compound sentence"

(Based on the work of L. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

1. Find a compound sentence.

1. His whole mentality changed instantly; the battle seemed to him a long-standing, distant memory.

2. Contrary to Bilibin's words, the news he brought was received with joy.

3. The postilion touched and the carriage rattled its wheels.

2. Find the “fourth unnecessary”.

1. All the details of the conversation were passed on to the Russian emperor and the war began.

2. He gave the reins to the Cossack, took off and gave the cloak, straightened his legs and straightened the cap on his head.

3. He fell silent and for a minute the silence, terrible for Princess Marya, continued.

4. No one drove through the streets and the footsteps of pedestrians were rarely heard.

3. Which sentence is complex?

1. It fell as if a fog, then suddenly let a slanting, heavy rain.

4. What is a compound sentence with an adversarial union.

1. The rain had passed, but drops were still falling from the trees.

5. Indicate a compound sentence with a connecting union.

1. The game and dinner were already over, but the guests had not left yet.

2. He pushed the footmen away and pulled the frame but the frame would not give up.

3. She caught the officer's cuffs with her hands, and solemnity and fear were visible in her reddened face.

4. All of them then seemed in a fog to Pierre, but Platon Karataev remained forever in Pierre's soul the most powerful and dear memory and the personification of everything Russian, kind and round.

6. Indicate a compound sentence with a separating union.

1. In Torzhok, there were no horses at the station, or the caretaker did not want to give them.

2. In the dark, footsteps were heard and the drummer, splashing his bare feet in the mud, came to the door.

3. The brother wanted to take the little icon, but she stopped him.

7. What is the meaning of the union in a complex sentence?

The night was hazy, and moonlight mysteriously shone through the fog.

A. Simultaneity of actions.

B. Consistency.

B. Alternation.

D. Contrast.

8. Find a sentence with a common minor member.

1. The entryway smelled of fresh apples and hung wolf and fox skins.

2. A few minutes later, an officer hurried out of the front door ordered something and the dragoons stretched out.

3. From all sides it was heard about the approaching French and in one village fifteen miles from Bogucharov the estate was plundered by French marauders.

9. Which of the proposals matches the scheme

[impersonal], and [two-part]?

1. It was getting dark and the clearer was the glow of fires in two places.

2. At the same instant, a large clock struck two, and others in the drawing-room echoed in a thin voice.

3. Kutuzov's face suddenly softened and tears appeared in his eyes.

10. Enter a sentence with a punctuation error.

1. In these minutes, the past is usually repeated, and plans for the future are made.

11. Name a sentence that does not need a comma between the predicative parts of the sentence.

1. Affectionate eyes looked at him from all sides and gentle words were heard.

2. The princess wanted to get up, but the prince held her hand.

3. The prince asked her about her father and the princess spoke and smiled.

12. Indicate a compound sentence with a semicolon between the predicative parts.

1. Pierre left Boris as a fourteen-year-old boy and decidedly did not remember him, but in spite of the fact, with his characteristic swift and cordial manner, he took his hand and smiled amiably.

2. My mother and I came to the count, but it seems he is not quite well.

3. From the bed, both the prince and the princess both disappeared into the back door, but before the end of the service, one after the other returned to their places.

13. Find a compound sentence with a dash between the predicative parts.

1. The sovereign left and after that most of the people began to disperse.

2. At the same time, an explosion was heard, the whistle of fragments of a seemingly broken frame, a stifling smell of gunpowder, and Prince Andrew rushed to the side and, raising his hand up, fell on his chest.

3. From all sides it was heard about the approaching French and in one village, fifteen miles from Bogucharov, the estate was plundered by French marauders.

4. The morning was sunny and from eight o'clock it was already hot.

14. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

Infantry regiments 1) taken by surprise in the forest 2) ran out of the forest 3) and companies, 4) mingled with other companies 5) left in disorderly crowds.

A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

15. Find a compound sentence complicated by a separate definition.

1. Prince Andrew was silent but the princess noticed an ironic and contemptuous expression that appeared on his face.

2. The cannonade became weaker, but the crackling of guns from behind and to the right was heard even more often and closer.

3. She wanted to bypass Anna Mikhailovna, but Anna Mikhailovna, jumping up again, blocked her way.

16. Indicate a complex sentence, complicated by a separate circumstance.

1. The Austrian troops that escaped captivity at Ulm and joined Kutuzov at Braunau now separated from the Russian army and Kutuzov was left only to his weak, exhausted forces.

2. After him, the second squadron, which was in the chain, passed and the last Cossacks cleared the other side.

3. The sun at the same minute came out completely from behind the clouds and this beautiful sound of a lonely shot and shine bright sun merged into one cheerful and cheerful impression.

4. The Countess wanted to make him speak, but he naively looked around him with glasses as if looking for someone and answered all the Countess's questions in monosyllables.

17. What is a compound sentence with an introductory word.

1. The third company was the last and Kutuzov was thinking, apparently remembering something.

2. One shot struck a French soldier in the leg and the strange cry of a few voices was heard from behind the shields.

3. The supper ended and Pierre, who at first refused the story of his captivity, gradually got involved in this story.

4. Waiters with sad and stern faces came to change candles, but no one noticed them.

18. Indicate a compound sentence with a comparative turnover.

1. Above him was clear blue sky and a huge ball of sun, like a huge hollow crimson float, swayed on the surface of the milky sea of ​​fog.

2. Nothing more moved behind the shields, and the French infantry soldiers and officers went to the gate.

3. Twilight descended on the ground and the rumble of the guns died down.


1. His whole mentality changed instantly: the battle seemed to him a long-standing, distant memory.

2. Contrary to Bilibin's words, the news he brought was received with joy.

3. The postilion touched, and the carriage rattled its wheels.

1. All the details of the conversation were passed on to the Russian emperor, and the war began.

2. He gave the reins to the Cossack, took off and gave the cloak, spread his legs and straightened the cap on his head.

3. He fell silent, and for a minute the silence, terrible for Princess Marya, continued.

4. No one drove through the streets, and the footsteps of pedestrians were rarely heard.

1. It fell as if a fog, then suddenly let a slanting, heavy rain.

2. And these drops all moved, moved and then merged from several into one, then from one they were divided into many.

3. On the field outside the village, the sounds of the regimental music were heard, then the roar huge amount voices shouting "hurray!" new commander-in-chief.

4. Prince Andrew with a smile looked first at Pierre, then at the viscount, then at the hostess.

5. Sitting silently and motionless against the wall on the straw, Pierre opened and closed his eyes.

1. The rain had passed, but drops were still falling from the trees.

2. Marya Dmitrievna and the Countess laughed, and all the guests followed them.

3. Anna Mikhailovna stood beside the princess, and both of them spoke at the same time in an excited whisper.

1. She caught the officer's cuffs with her hands, and her reddened face showed solemnity and fear.

2. The game and dinner are over, but the guests have not left yet.

3. He pushed the footmen away and pulled the frame, but the frame would not give up.

4. All of them then seemed in a fog to Pierre, but Platon Karataev remained forever in Pierre's soul the most powerful and dear memory and the personification of everything Russian, kind and round.

1. There were no horses at the station in Torzhok, or did not want them give to the caretaker.

2. In the dark, footsteps were heard, and, slapping his bare feet in the mud, the drummer approached the door.

3. The brother wanted to take the little icon, but she stopped him.

A. Simultaneity of actions.

1. The entryway smelled of fresh apples and hung wolf and fox skins.

2. A few minutes later, an officer hastily stepped out of the front door, ordered something, and the dragoons stretched out.

1. It was getting dark, and the clearer was the glow of the fires in two places.

2. At the same instant, a large clock struck two, and others in the drawing-room echoed in a thin voice.

3. Kutuzov's face suddenly softened, and tears appeared in his eyes.

1. In these minutes the past is usually repeated and plans for the future are made.

2. It was quiet, and from time to time the sounds of horns and cries of the enemy came from that mountain.

3. Pierre went to the children, and the laughter and shouts intensified even more.

1. Affectionate eyes looked at him from all sides and gentle words were heard.

2. The princess wanted to get up, but the prince held her by the hand.

3. The prince asked her about her father, and the princess spoke and smiled.

1. Pierre left Boris as a fourteen-year-old boy and definitely did not remember him; but in spite of that, with his characteristic swift and cordial manner, he took his hand and smiled amiably.

2. My mother and I came to the count, but it seems he is not quite well.

3. From the bed, both the prince and the princess both disappeared into the back door, but before the end of the service, one after the other returned to their places.

1. The sovereign left, and after that most of the people began to disperse.

2. At the same time, an explosion was heard, the whistle of fragments of a seemingly broken frame, a stifling smell of gunpowder - and Prince Andrey rushed to the side and, raising his hand up, fell on his chest.

3. From all sides it was heard about the approaching French, and in one village, fifteen miles from Bogucharov, an estate was plundered by French marauders.

4. The morning was sunny, and from eight o'clock it was already hot.

A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The infantry regiments, taken by surprise in the woods, ran out of the woods, and the companies, mingling with other companies, left in disorderly crowds.

1. Prince Andrew was silent, but the princess noticed an ironic and contemptuous expression that appeared on his face.

2. The cannonade became weaker, but the crackling of guns from behind and to the right was heard even more often and closer.

3. She wanted to bypass Anna Mikhailovna, but Anna Mikhailovna, jumping up, again blocked her way.

1. The Austrian troops, who escaped captivity at Ulm and joined Kutuzov at Braunau, now separated from the Russian army, and Kutuzov was left only to his weak, exhausted forces.

2. After him passed the second squadron, which was in the chain, and the last Cossacks cleared the other side.

3. The sun at that very moment came out completely from behind the clouds, and this beautiful sound of a lonely shot and the shine of the bright sun merged into one cheerful and cheerful impression.

4. The Countess wanted to make him speak, but he naively looked around him with his glasses, as if looking for someone, and answered all the Countess's questions in monosyllables.

1... The third company was the last, and Kutuzov pondered, apparently remembering something.

2. One shot struck a French soldier in the leg, and the strange cry of a few voices was heard from behind the shields.

3. The supper ended, and Pierre, who at first refused to tell the story of his captivity, gradually got involved in this story.

4. Waiters with sad and stern faces came to change candles, but no one noticed them.

1. Above him was a clear blue sky, and a huge ball of the sun, like a huge hollow crimson float, swayed on the surface of the milky sea of ​​fog.

2. Nothing more moved behind the shields, and the French infantry soldiers and officers went to the gate.

3. Dusk descended on the ground, and the rumble of the guns died down.

gymnasium named after F.K. Salmanov,