The most difficult type of conflict is. Conflicts: concept, types, causes. What are the ways to manage conflicts

Types of conflicts


Snezhana Ivanova

Any conflicts can be conventionally divided into types. Each type of conflict reflects the severity of the existing disagreement, emphasizes the degree of involvement of the individual in it, his further behavior.

Conflict is an integral part of every person's life. Interacting with by different people, we, one way or another, enter into relations with them, which are sometimes accompanied by conflicts. In itself, the presence of a conflict does not mean anything, but only indicates that there are certain disagreements between people. Sometimes conflict resolution can happen easily and painlessly. This happens when the reason for the conflict has lost its relevance. In other cases, it will take a lot of time to restore relations, to form mutual understanding.

The main types of conflicts

Any conflicts can be conditionally divided into types, each of them reflects the severity of the existing disagreement, emphasizes the degree of the individual's involvement in it, his further behavior. The main types of conflicts can be classified into two large groups.

Intrapersonal conflict

Every one of us experiences it from time to time. Suddenly, the desire to act actively disappears, the hands give up, faith in one's own capabilities fades away. Intrapersonal conflict is characterized by manifestations of general anxiety within the person himself. This type of conflict provokes the development of self-doubt and self-doubt. It becomes very difficult for a person to trust others, because he is constantly afraid to make a mistake himself. This type of conflict occurs when an individual cannot choose between two needs that are equally important to him. One gets the impression that a person is trying in vain to fight with himself and is unable to accept the right decision... Intrapersonal conflict can lead to the formation of persistent distrust of the world as a whole. If a person constantly finds himself in a situation of choice, then he inevitably has to sacrifice something.

Interpersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict is a tangible disagreement that arises against the background of interaction with other people. This type of conflict is characterized by the need to defend their interests. Conflict with the environment in this case is not uncommon. Sometimes a person has to endure significant difficulties, it becomes difficult to communicate with others. Because of what may arise interpersonal conflict? Social interactions do not always proceed smoothly and calmly, as we would like. The fact is that each person has his own circumstances, his own values, which he often seeks to defend at any cost. Social conflicts often take on the type of progressive dislike. To eliminate them, you need to change the line of behavior, reconsider your attitude to the situation. For behavior in a conflict to be conscious, a great deal of patience and wisdom is required from a person.

Types of social conflicts

What types are there social conflicts? As you know, significant social contradictions that arise between people are characterized by different manifestations of discontent. Social contradictions, as a rule, are resolved on a routine basis. As they accumulate and mature, people can become nervous, irritable, anxious, overly impressionable.

Conflict of needs

This disagreement arises due to the difference of interests. In this case, it becomes rather difficult for people who are in the same team to understand each other. If one employee adheres to the same opinion in the work, and his opponent - the completely opposite, there will be no benefit. This type of disagreement means that the organization can become chaotic. This happens when everyone wants to demonstrate to the other that it is he who is right and does not in any way seek to change the way of behavior. The conflict of needs affects social interaction between members of the same team. In the organization, as a rule, a serious tense situation arises, which subsequently is not so easy to smooth out. A lot depends on the behavior of the parties to the conflict. Each person must understand that by joining the team, he becomes an integral part of it. This is why the habit of defending your interests in the workplace too violently can lead to irreparable consequences.

Conflict of social norms

This type of conflict implies that the behavior of the participants needs attention and timely correction. Every society has its own social norms. If an individual does not agree with any of them, then an internal contradiction gradually begins to grow. When social rules are violated, conflict inevitably arises. In an organization where misunderstandings and quarrels reign, it becomes very difficult to work. The social climate in an organization is a very important component, without which it is impossible to achieve overall success. This is why all employees must carefully monitor their behavior.

Types of conflicts in an organization

Conflicts arise from time to time in the organization. They can relate to both the nature of the activity itself, and affect the line of behavior of individual employees. Social conflicts are characterized by the appearance of understatement, secrecy between the participants in the process. What types of contradictions are there?

Industrial conflicts

This type of disagreement manifests itself directly in the workplace. Often a misunderstanding arises between the boss and the subordinate, since they are in different working conditions. Their financial situation is also usually not the same. The type of such conflicts gives people a lot of trouble and problems. The fact is that an average person spends up to eight to ten hours a day at work. If there is a vivid misunderstanding between colleagues, this time can turn into a heavy burden. Social disputes need to be resolved as quickly as possible, and not prolonged.

Labor conflicts

This type of conflict can manifest itself when a person experiences certain difficulties with social interaction. Labor conflicts, as a rule, affect the sphere social relations between people. As you might guess, each of the employees has their own distinctive disposition. The clash of characters in the course of performing duties and provoke the development of misunderstanding.

Conflict Behavior

How an individual will react to a conflict often determines its outcome. What types of behavior are worth noting? Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish five ways.

Avoidance characterized by the desire to avoid disagreements at any cost. Often such a person is even ready to endure significant inconvenience, just so as not to get involved in a quarrel. At the same time, his interests are infringed.

Competition is a type of conflict behavior that makes a person neglect the opinions of others. It becomes important for a person to satisfy only his own needs, while not caring a lot about how others feel.

Accommodation is a type of behavior that involves listening to the words of the interlocutor. However, this position often hides the inability to understand what the person himself wants.

Compromise is a type of behavior that implies a search for alternative ways of resolving a contradiction. The compromise is aimed at a constructive solution to the problem. At the same time, the participants in the process seek to yield to each other and at the same time defend the moments that are significant for themselves.

Cooperation is a type of behavior in which the participants in the process are looking for the most beneficial option for both of them social interaction. Collaboration is always the choice of a mature person who accepts responsibility. Only in this case there is a rejection of endless accusations and a focus on the available prospects.

Thus, the types of social conflicts and ways of behavior in moments of significant disagreement show how confident a person is, how much he accepts and respects the needs of the people around him.

Depending on the parties conflict is distinguished by:

  1. Intrapersonal conflicts - conflicts between elements of the personality structure. are expressed in acute negative experiences of the personality, generated by its contradictory aspirations. By their nature and content, they are largely psychological, although they also have a social connotation. They are caused by the contradictions of motives, interests, values ​​and self-assessments of the individual and are accompanied by emotional stress and negative experiences of the current situation. It can be both destructive and constructive, that is, it can have both positive and negative consequences for the individual. The reasons for intra-personal conflict can be a contradiction between needs, a contradiction between an internal need and a social norm, a contradiction between the various roles of an individual, the difficulty of choosing between different options for behavior;
  2. interpersonal conflicts - a clash between individuals in the process of their social and psychological interaction. Great importance in interpersonal conflict have personal qualities of people, their mental, socio-psychological and moral characteristics, their interpersonal compatibility or incompatibility. The reasons for these conflicts can be very diverse;
  3. conflicts between an individual and a group are more multifaceted conflicts, which, in addition to intra-personal and interpersonal reasons, include reasons due to the group organization. They arise when one of the individuals takes a position that differs from the position of the group. They can be constructive (it helps to strengthen the connection between the individual and the group, the formation of personal and group identification and integration) and destructive (personality disidentification and group disintegration);
  4. intergroup conflicts are the most frequent type of conflicts, which is expressed in the collision of interests of various groups. The reasons for intergroup conflicts can be: economic, political, national-ethnic, etc. Depending on the level of social groups, the conflict has its own characteristics of occurrence and ways of resolving them. At the level of small social groups, social identification of groups plays an important role in the emergence of intergroup conflict, which causes social differentiation between groups. Large social groups are characterized by large scale and depth of conflicts;
  5. international - arise between individual states or groups of states. These conflicts are based on the conflicting interests of countries.

By spheres of life people are distinguished:

  1. household;
  2. labor;
  3. family;
  4. military;
  5. educational and pedagogical, etc.

By the nature of the objects about which conflicts arise:

  1. status - role;
  2. resource;
  3. sociocultural;
  4. ideological, etc.

By the direction of influence and distribution of powers allocate:

  1. vertical conflicts (boss - subordinate);
  2. conflicts "horizontally" (between colleagues).

By time parameters conflicts are subdivided into:

  1. short-term;
  2. fleeting;
  3. long-term.

By performance conflicts are divided into:

  1. constructive - conflicts that carry positive consequences(strengthening cooperation in the group, achieving any result);
  2. destructive - conflicts with negative consequences (breakup of a group, uncivilized forms of relationships between people).

By the nature of the reasons:

  1. realistic conflicts - conflicts that serve as a means to achieve any result outside the conflict;
  2. unrealistic - the object is inseparable from the conflict itself and coincides with it.

Conflict- lack of agreement between two or more parties, which may be specific individuals or groups.

A person comes into conflict in a situation that is significant for his situation and only when he does not see an opportunity to change it, but usually tries not to complicate the relationship and maintain restraint.

The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties conflicts with the interests of the other. Involving a large number of people allows you to dramatically increase and discover many alternatives for getting out of it.

Conflict is a fact of human existence. Many people perceive the history of mankind as an endless tale of conflict and struggle. Conflict is nowhere more evident than in the business world. There are conflicts between firms, companies, associations, within the same organization, etc.

Conflicts in the organization can be:

  • individuals- interpersonal conflict;
  • group- intergroup conflict. For example, conflicts between line and staff personnel, older and younger generations, groups with different goals, etc .;
  • people and groups... For example, a manager and a group of subordinates, a client and a group of salespeople, etc .;
  • personality- intrapersonal conflict.

The causes of the conflict, reflecting its nature, do not always lend themselves to logical reconstruction, because they can include an irrational component, and external manifestations often do not give an idea. The most common reasons are presented in Fig. 1.

The spectrum of conflicts is quite diverse. There are various approaches to the classification of conflicts. The most traditional approach, which defines various types of conflicts, is classified according to the following criteria: for reasons, for participants, for the degree of openness, for consequences(see fig. 2).

At conflict of goals the parties involved in the situation see differently the desired state of the object in the future.

At conflict of views the parties involved disagree in ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. Resolving such conflicts is more time consuming than reaching agreement on goal conflicts.

Sensual conflict manifests itself in a situation where the participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship. People annoy each other with their style of behavior.

Intrapersonal conflict manifests itself within the individual and is often by nature a conflict of goals or views. Its intensity increases with an increase in the number of solution options, with the achievement of a balance between the positive and negative outcome of the conflict and the perception of the importance of its source. For example, the conflict of a person's actions with his inner values, etc.

V interpersonal conflict two or more individuals are involved if they perceive themselves to be in opposition to each other regarding the goals, dispositions, values ​​or behavior of each of them. The most common type of conflict.

Intragroup conflict- as a rule, this is a collision between parts or members of the group, affecting the group dynamics and the results of the work of the entire group. It can arise as a result of a change in the balance of power in a group: a change in leadership, the emergence of an informal leader, the development of groupism, etc.

Rice. 1 The main reasons influencing the nature of the conflict

Intergroup conflict is a confrontation or clash between two or more groups in an organization. It can have a professional and industrial or emotional basis. It is intense. The development of intergroup conflict leads to intraorganizational conflict.

Intra-organizational conflict arises most often on the basis of the design of individual works, the formation of the organization as a whole, and also as a result of the formal distribution of power. It can be vertical (conflict between levels of the organization), horizontal (between parts of the organization equal in status), linear-functional (between line management and specialists) and role-based.

Open conflicts most often manifested on business grounds. Disagreements between participants relate to the production area and express, for example, different ways solving the problem. Open conflicts are relatively harmless.

The root cause of the "smoldering" hidden conflicts- human relations. Many seemingly "business" conflicts are actually based on the feelings and relationships of people. These conflicts are not easy to resolve: if the business part of the conflict is resolved, then the tension is transferred to other problems with the same participants.

Rice. 2 Types of conflicts

Functional conflicts have several positive consequences:

  • the problems discussed are solved in ways that are most acceptable to all parties, and the staff feel their involvement in solving the problems;
  • difficulties in implementing decisions are minimized - hostility, injustice, the need to act against will;
  • in the future, the parties will be more likely to cooperate than to confront;
  • decreases the possibility of manifestation of group thinking and submission syndrome;
  • the quality of decision-making improves, different points of view are identified, through the conflict, group members can work out possible problems even before they appear.

Dysfunctional conflicts is a conflict that leads to negative consequences:

  • cause dissatisfaction;
  • deterioration of the moral and psychological climate in the team;
  • curtailment of cooperation;
  • increased staff turnover;
  • decreased productivity;
  • the growth of hostility and the formation of the image of the enemy;
  • striving for victories, not solving problems, etc.

Conflicts can perform both positive and negative functions (see Table 1).

Table 1 Conflict functions

Positive features Negative functions
Easing tensions between conflicting parties Large emotional, material costs of participating in the conflict
Obtaining new information about an opponent Dismissal of employees, decrease in discipline, deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the team
Cohesion of the organization's team in the confrontation with an external enemy Seeing defeated groups as enemies
Stimulating change and development Excessive enthusiasm for the process of conflict interaction to the detriment of work
Removal of submissive syndrome from subordinates After the end of the conflict - a decrease in the degree of cooperation between part of the team
Diagnostics of the opponents' capabilities Difficult restoration of business relations ("conflict train")

There are numerous classifications of conflicts. The grounds for them can be the source of the conflict, the content, the significance, the type of resolution, the form of expression, the type of structure of relationships, social formalization, the socio-psychological effect, and the social result. Conflicts can be latent and explicit, intense and erased, short-term and protracted, vertical and horizontal, etc.

Depending on the one who is involved in the conflict, it is divided into four types:

  • 1. Intrapersonal conflict.
  • 2. Interpersonal conflict.
  • 3. Conflict between the individual and the group.
  • 4. Intergroup conflict.

This division of conflicts into separate types, although it is generally accepted in psychological science, is rather arbitrary and does not mean at all the presence of rigid boundaries between them.

Intrapersonal conflict - it is, as a rule, a conflict of motivation, feelings, needs, interests and behavior of the same person.

The category of intrapersonal conflicts unites psychological conflicts consisting in the collision of various personality formations(motives, goals, interests, etc.), represented in the consciousness of the individual by the corresponding experiences (Brief psychological dictionary, 1985, p. 152). Conflicts of this kind in the psychological literature are designated as intrapersonal, personal, internal, intrasubject, intrapersonal, and finally, as simply psychological. All of these concepts are actually used synonymously.

Personal conflict is a confrontation between two principles in a person's soul, perceived and emotionally experienced by a person as significant for him psychological problem, requiring its permission and causing internal work aimed at overcoming it.

According to Merlin, psychological conflict- this is a state of more or less prolonged disintegration of the personality, expressed in the exacerbation of previously existing or in the emergence of new contradictions between various aspects, properties, relationships and actions of the personality (Merlin, 1970, p. 103).

Psychological conflict occurs under certain conditions. External conditions should be such that the satisfaction of any deep and active motives and relationships of the individual either becomes completely impossible, or is threatened (ibid.). The emergence of these external conditions of conflict is inevitable due to the restrictions dictated by social life, as well as due to the fact that on the basis of the satisfaction of some motives, others arise, dissatisfied, etc.

Intrapersonal conflict arises when conflicting requirements are presented to one person, it can also arise as a result of the fact that production requirements are not consistent with personal needs or values.

Interpersonal conflict - this is the most frequently arising conflict, these are situations of confrontation, disagreement, clashes between people.

An interpersonal conflict can be defined as a situation of confrontation between the participants, perceived and experienced by them (or at least one of them) as a significant psychological problem that requires its resolution and causes the parties' activity aimed at overcoming the contradiction that has arisen and resolving the situation in the interests of both or one of the parties.

The emergence of interpersonal conflicts is determined by the situation, personal characteristics of people, the attitude of the individual to the situation and psychological characteristics interpersonal relationships... The emergence and development of interpersonal conflict is largely due to demographic and individual psychological characteristics. For women, conflicts associated with personal problems are more typical, for men - with professional activities.

Psychologically poorly constructive behavior in a conflict is often explained by the individual personality traits of a person. The features of a "conflict" personality include intolerance towards the shortcomings of others, reduced self-criticism, impulsiveness, lack of restraint in feelings, deep-rooted negative prejudices, prejudice towards other people, aggressiveness, anxiety, low level of sociability, etc.

Intra-group conflict (or conflict between an individual and a group) ... The parties to an intragroup conflict are either individual members of the group, or individual groups within it, or a member of the group and the rest of it (the position of which, as a rule, is personified by the leader or other active member of the group).

Conflict between an individual and a group arises when this individual takes a position that is different from the position of the group. In groups, certain norms of behavior are established, and it happens that the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual. In this case, a conflict arises. A conflict between an individual and a group can also arise as a result of the fact that the position taken by an individual does not coincide with the position of the group. A person who goes against the opinion of the group - no matter how close he takes the interests of his organization - becomes a source of conflict.

Intergroup conflict ... It is customary to call intergroup interaction both between groups of people themselves and between individual representatives of these groups, as well as any situations in which communication participants interact in the intergroup dimension, perceiving each other and themselves as members of different groups. More often, of course, when it comes to intergroup conflicts, it is precisely the conflicts between groups of people that are meant.

Intergroup conflicts assume that the parties to the conflict are social groups pursuing incompatible goals and their practical actions hindering each other. Socio-psychological studies have shown that "their" group in any situation looks better than the "other". This is the so-called phenomenon of in-group favoritism, which is expressed in the fact that group members in one form or another favor their group. It is a source of intergroup tension and conflict. The main conclusion that social psychologists draw from these patterns is the following: if we want to remove intergroup conflict, then it is necessary to reduce the differences between groups.

A group is more resistant to conflict if it is cooperatively interconnected. The consequence of this cooperation is freedom and openness of communication, mutual support, friendliness and trust towards the other side. Therefore, the likelihood of intergroup conflicts is higher in diffuse, immature, tight-knit and value-separated groups.

7.4 Work with personnel in crisis situations. Resolving conflicts in work teams.

7.3 Conflicts: concept, types, causes

In many work collectives, certain conflict situations.

Conflict- this is a contradiction between two or more parties, i.e. specific individuals or groups when each party does so that its point of view or purpose is accepted and prevents the other from doing the same.

There is an opinion that a conflict is always an undesirable phenomenon, that it must be avoided and immediately resolved as soon as it arises. In reality, conflicts can be functional, leading to an increase in the efficiency of the organization, or dysfunctional, leading to a decrease in group cooperation and the effectiveness of their activities. More precisely, conflicts can perform both positive and negative functions (see table). The prevalence of certain functions of conflicts depends mainly on their management.


Conflict functions

Positive Negative
Easing tensions between conflicting parties Large material, emotional costs of participating in the conflict
Obtaining new information about an opponent Dismissal of employees, loss of discipline, deterioration of the psychological climate in the team
Uniting the organization's team in the confrontation with an external enemy Seeing defeated groups as enemies
Stimulating change and development Excessive enthusiasm for the process of conflict interaction to the detriment of work
Removal of submissive syndrome from subordinates After the end of the conflict - a decrease in the degree of cooperation between part of the employees
Diagnostics of possible opponents Complex recovery of business conflicts ("conflict train")

There are 4 main types of conflicts.

The first type is intrapersonal conflict... It can take many forms. One of the most common forms of it is role conflict, when conflicting demands are made on one person about what the result of his work should be. For example, a section manager in a store requires the salesperson to be in the department at all times to provide information and services to customers. He later complains that the salesperson spends a lot of time serving customers and pays little attention to replenishing the department with goods. Another situation: the immediate supervisor - the head of the department instructed the merchandiser to speed up the inspection of the quality of shoes, and the quality manager insists on improving the inspection of the quality of shoes by slowing down the technological process. Both examples indicate that contractors were given conflicting assignments and were required mutually exclusive results. In the first case, the conflict arose as a result of conflicting requirements for the subordinate, in the second - because of the violation of the principle of one-man management.

The second type is interpersonal conflict(most common). Leaders often have to defend the interests of the team (resource allocation, equipment utilization time, etc.). Moreover, everyone believes that they must convince their superiors to allocate these resources to him. There may also be a clash between two specialists for the implementation of their projects. A conflict is also possible between two candidates for the same vacancy (position), as well as between individuals with different character traits, views and values.

The third type is the conflict between the individual and the group.... Informal groups set norms of behavior. Everyone must observe them in order to be accepted into this group. However, if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual, then conflict can arise.

A conflict can arise on the basis of official duties. The manager may be forced to take disciplinary measures that may be unpopular with subordinates. Then the group can strike back - change the attitude towards the leader.

Fourth type - intergroup conflict, i.e. between groups (formal and informal), and between the union and the management. Functional groups often conflict with each other due to differences in goals. For example, a customer-centric sales force must always have a large inventory to fulfill orders, which in turn increases costs and, as a result, is contrary to the interests of finance and other departments.

There are several types of conflicts in the environment of managers themselves, namely:

Between managers of different management levels;

Between managers and pressure groups in the enterprise;

Between managers as individuals and as
representatives of the older and younger generation of managers -
carriers of various management ideologies;

Between managers and various organizations in
society (trade unions, associations, press groups, lobbyists, etc.).

It should be noted that the division of conflicts into types is rather arbitrary. Hard boundaries between different kinds conflicts do not exist, and in practice there are conflicts: organizational, vertical, interpersonal, horizontal, open, intergroup and others.

The main reasons for conflicts are:

1. The distribution of resources between employees or departments, which are always limited. Management strives to distribute materials, human resources and finances among the various groups so as to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. At the same time, each group wants to receive not less, but more, as a result a conflict arises.

2. Interdependence of tasks. It exists wherever
one person or group is dependent on another person or group to complete a task.

3. Differences in purpose. Conflict situations arise when an enterprise is divided into divisions that become more and more specialized. They formulate their own goals and can pay more attention to achieving them than achieving the goals of the entire organization.

4. Differences in the assessment of the situation and opinions. Picture of
a certain situation depends on the desire to achieve a certain
goals. Instead of objectively assessing the situation, people
can only consider those alternatives and aspects of the situation,
who, in their opinion, are favorable for their group and personal
needs. For example, a subordinate may think that always
has the right to express his opinion, while the manager may believe that the subordinate has the right to express
his opinion only when asked, and must unquestioningly do what he is told.

5. Differences in behavior and life experience. Research has shown that people with different life experiences
(education, work experience, age and social characteristics) do not always reach full mutual understanding. When they cooperate, conflicts arise.

6. Poor communication link. Employees without information cannot understand the situation or the point of view of others, which is the cause of the conflict.

However, objective reasons are only causes of conflict when they make it impossible for a person or a group to realize their needs, and they hurt personal and / or / group interests. The reaction of an individual is largely determined by the social maturity of the individual, the forms of behavior permissible for her, and the social norms and rules adopted in the team. In addition, the participation of an individual in a conflict is determined by the significance of the goals set for him and how much the obstacle that has arisen prevents them from realizing. The more important the goal is for the subject, the more efforts he makes to achieve it, the stronger the resistance will be and the tougher the conflict interaction with those who interfere with this.

The choice of a way to overcome obstacles will, in turn, depend on the emotional stability of the individual, the available means of protecting his interests, the available power, and a whole series of other factors.

There are several ways to determine the causes of conflicts. One of the main ones is the method of cartography. Its essence lies in the graphic display of the components of the conflict, in the sequential analysis of the behavior of the participants in the conflict interaction, in the formulation of the main problem, the needs and fears of the participants, the ways to eliminate the causes that led to the conflict.

The work consists of several stages. At the first stage, the problem is described in general terms. At the same time, it is important to determine the very nature of the conflict, and it is not important yet that this does not fully reflect the essence of the problem.

At the second stage, the main participants in the conflict are identified. Moreover, if a conflict map is drawn up between two employees, then these employees can be included in the map, and the remaining employees can be combined into one group. You can single out the head of the unit separately.

The third stage involves listing the basic needs and concerns associated with this need, all the main participants in the conflict interaction. At the same time, the motives of behavior behind the positions of the participants are clarified.

The graphical display of needs and concerns expands the possibilities and creates the conditions for a wider range of solutions possible after the entire mapping process is completed. As a result of drawing up the map, the points of coincidence of interests of the conflicting parties are clarified, the fears and concerns of each of the parties are more clearly manifested, possible ways way out of the situation.

The consequences of conflicts can be functional. The problem can be solved in a way that is acceptable to all parties, and as a result, people will feel more involved in solving the problem. This, in turn, minimizes or eliminates difficulties in implementing decisions: hostility, injustice and the need to act against the will. Another consequence of conflict is that the parties will be more cooperative than antagonistic in future situations. Possible and important consequences of conflict are also a decrease in the likelihood of groupthink and the syndrome of submission, when subordinates do not express ideas that contradict the ideas of leaders.

Conflicts if not found effective way their permission can lead to negative consequences:

Increase in staff turnover and decrease in labor productivity;

Reluctance to collaborate with other groups in the future;

Excessive loyalty to one's group and unproductive competition with other groups;

Giving more importance to the "victory" in the conflict,
than solving the problem.

7.4 Work with personnel in crisis situations. Resolving conflicts in work teams

Conflict Management- this is a purposeful impact to eliminate (minimize) the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or to correct the behavior of the participants in the conflict, to change their goals.

There are several methods of conflict management, which are divided into structural and interpersonal.

Structural methods of conflict resolution are:

Clarification of job requirements. Each employee
and it should be explained to the group what results are expected of them, who provides and who receives the information, what is the system of authority and responsibility;

The use of special coordination and integration mechanisms for conflicting units. Establishing a hierarchy of powers helps to streamline the interaction of people. In conflict management important role play services that communicate between functional groups ( target groups, meetings), departments, employees;

Establishing corporate cross-cutting goals. To achieve these goals requires the combined efforts of two or more employees or departments. So, if the three sectors of the sales department conflict with each other, then goals for the department as a whole should be formulated. Likewise, setting clear goals for the enterprise as a whole should encourage department managers
will make the decisions necessary to achieve goals
an enterprise, not just its subdivisions;

Using a reward system. Employees and
units that contribute to the achievement of corporate goals, help other groups, and try to approach problem solving in a holistic manner should be rewarded. At the same time, the reward system should not encourage non-constructive behavior by individuals or groups.

Interpersonal methods of conflict resolution include:

Evasion method. The leader tries not to fall into
conflict situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, do not enter into discussion of issues fraught with disagreements;

Anti-aliasing method. The manager tries to avoid
conflict situation, appealing to the need for solidarity.
Unfortunately, with this method, the problem is often forgotten,
underlying the conflict, but it remains. Emotions do not manifest, but accumulate. There is a growing likelihood that an explosion will eventually occur;

Coercion method. The leader uses power to force people to accept their point of view. The disadvantages of this method are: suppression of the initiative of subordinates, the emergence of the likelihood that all important factors will not be taken into account, since only one point of view is presented;

A compromise method, i.e. accepting a different point of view
sides. This method is highly valued in managerial situations, as it minimizes hostility and makes it possible to quickly resolve the conflict. However, the use of a method of compromise at an early stage of a conflict arising in connection with the solution of an important problem may hinder the search for alternatives;

Method for solving the problem. The manager who uses this method tries to find the best option resolving a conflict situation. Studies have confirmed the high efficiency of this approach to conflict management.

In resolving conflict situations, managers are encouraged to follow the path of organized changes in the value orientations of the organization (norms of behavior); develop mechanisms to accommodate different interests; introduce procedures to develop unity of views (negotiate with groups, use persuasion methods, consult, make concessions).

At the same time, managers should never limit themselves to studying the opinion of only one party to the conflict, and on the basis of this make a decision.

Conflict resolution methods and means can be different:

Individual (personal approach);

Official (within the framework of the developed instructions, regulations);

Social (taking into account the social status of groups);

Legal (actions within the law).

Thus, conflict situations in labor collectives are manageable. Leaders and managers play a significant role in overcoming them. In difficult situations, where a variety of approaches and accurate information are significant factors influencing decision-making, managers must identify emerging conflicts in a timely manner and resolve them, in individual cases Encourage and manage situations to solve problems.