Abstract Applique classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Node abstract in the preparatory group on appliqués. Topic: "Oak" collective work.

Prepared an educator of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outdoor Type No. 11" Maykop.
Zolotareva Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

purpose: Detect a sense of collectivism.

- Educational: continue to educate in children interest in appliqué, properly use the brush and glue, napkin, fix the skills of working with templates.
- Educational: learn carefully and carefully treat nature.
- Developing: develop composite skills.
Materials: Watman, leaf and acorns templates, tassels, gloves, napkins, scissors.


He is in the forest like a bogatyr -
All huge - swell and stitch!
Beautiful leaf, cut,
Green summer and spring.

Giant autumnal glad
Brown your wear outfit.

From the branches, as if for the clauses,
Sketches the acorns. (Oak)


That's right guys. Today we will talk about Oak, and not only let's talk, but we will try to make a collective applique.
Rain and wind oak
It is not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scary to catch a cold?
After all, until late autumn
I stand green.
So I'm hardy,
So hardened.
Oak - powerful, majestic tree. The trunk is thick, covered with brown-gray bark with winding cracks. The older the tree, the deeper the crack. Oak - Tree light-chapter. Drew attention to oak branches? They are repeatedly curved, as if twisted, the old oaks have bizarre bends. The fact is that the branches are constantly drawn to the sun, to the light. So change the direction of growth depending on the lighting.
Oaks bloom in May. The fruits are acorns - ripen in autumn. Many forest residents love to be enjoyed by acorns: boars, deer, field mice, jokes.
Please note the guys, I drew us the tree itself and now we need to make leaves and acorns to our oak.

(Children will drive patterns on color paper, then cut out).

You are probably tired, let's play with you a little.
Fizkultminutka "Oak".
In the glade oak green
I stretched to the sky crown.
He is on branches among the forest
Generously jody hung
Well, we will go a little
Raise the leg!
They looked like, cut down
And they dropped on the grass.
Pulling - hands up.
Pulling - hands on the parties.
Walking in place.
And now quietly sat down and continue the work. We are ready for leaflets and acorns, so we can only glue them on our tree.