Abstract Node on appliqués in the preparatory group "Autumn carpet

Anastasia Klyuy


1. Fasten the ability to work with scissors.

2. Exercise in cutting simple pieces of paper, folded twice.

3. Develop the ability to beautifully select colors, compositions.

4. Take care to evaluate your work and the work of other children in a color and composite solution.

Preliminary work:

Walking for walks, viewing ornamental products (scarves, fabrics).


Square sheets of pale yellow paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, "Golden Autumn".


Educator: Guys let's listen with you a poem, and let's tell about what is said in it.

Fall in our park,

Gives autumn to all gifts:

Red Beads - Rowan

Pink Apron - Osin,

Yellow umbrella - poplars,

Fruit autumn gives us.

Children: About autumn

Educator: Right about autumn, about the fact that she did not forget about anyone and distributed gifts to everyone.

Educator: Guys, and let's look at the picture. Please tell us what the artist portrayed on it?

Children: The artist depicted on her golden autumn

Educator: What paints are present in his work?

Children: Red, green, yellow brown.

Educator: Right.


One, two, three, four, five,

We will collect leaves,

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

Leaves at Poplar

And in aspen

Oak leaves, we will collect

Mom autumn bouquet we collect.

The child takes turns bends his fingers, starting with a big, the child compresses and squeezes the cams. The child bends his fingers, starting with a maiden.

Educator: Guys are great! When autumn leaves, the leaves on the trees begin to shut up, and fall. On Earth you can see an unusual carpet from multicolored leaves.

And today we will try to make such an unusual carpet.

See what I will do (show how from folded paper twice you can cut the leaves.).

You like?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Now you can proceed to work.

Educator: Look, what beautiful carpets you got. You tried well. Did you like to do such unusual carpets?

Children: Yes!

At the end of the classes, an exhibition of work is carried out, children share their impressions.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node on the applique of the "Autumn Carpet". Preparatory group. Software content. Fasten the skill to work with scissors. Exercise.

Tasks: Educational: witness with children of autumn symptoms; Learn to own the composition on the whole sheet of paper collectively; fasten.

Applique "Autumn Carpet" in the senior group for children with OVD Objective: Teach children stick, relate appliques with the subject; educate accuracy in work; fasten colors; Fasten titles.

Falls, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly. Yellow maple, yellow beech, yellow in the sun circle sky. Yellow courtyard, yellow house. All Land of Yellow.

Software content: - Systematize the presentation of children on signs of autumn; - To teach to cut parts using stencils;.

Abstract Node in Fine Activity. Applique from natural material in the middle group. Collective work "Autumn cheerful.

The purpose of the lesson: improve the skills of children in working with scissors. Develop a shallow motility of hands. Develop a sense of composition and color.