Choose correct judgments about socialization. Causal relationships, argumentation. b) Research Centers, Institutes

1 option

  1. numbers under which they are indicated.
  1. Socialization contributes to the assimilation of a sociocultural experience necessary for life in this society.
  2. Socialization agents are concrete people and organizations.
  3. Socialization may be related to the change of social roles, with the acquisition of a new status.
  4. Primary socialization begins with the arrival of a child in an educational organization.
  5. Primary socialization agents perform one - two functions.

"And roles, accumulation of life experience, continuing the whole life, human development, the formation of a person in cooperation with the world around the world, the process of learning cultural norms."

  1. Install the correspondence between the examples and types of adaptive behavior:

Examples of behaviorTypes of adaptation

  1. Increase the qualifications a) downgrading
  2. Blame others in their failures b) boosting
  3. Pretend that nothing has changed c) destroying
  4. It is taken for the work of lower qualifications. D) isolating
  1. Name the term:
  1. assimilation of new standards instead of old
  2. people and institutions responsible for teaching cultural standards and assimilation of social roles.

A) primary 1) family

B) secondary 2) attending physician

3) Rector

4) coach

5) Television employee

6) Teacher

  1. Write an essay: "A person is reflected in his actions" F. Shiller

Verification work on the topic "Socialization of the Individual"

  1. option
  1. Choose the right judgments about socialization and write downnumbers under which they are indicated.
  1. Socialization is a process that ensures the entry of a person to society.
  2. Socialization is primarily aimed at the formation of individual-unique personal qualities.
  3. Socialization is a process for an adult person and not characteristic of a child.
  4. Socialization occurs as a result of exclusively spontaneous, unintended impacts on the identity of various situations of life in society.
  5. Preparation for the development of various social roles, the acquisition to the dominant values \u200b\u200bin society is the main component of socialization.
  1. Using three examples, illustrate the process of socialization of the individual.
  2. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "socialization"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about socialization agents, and one sentence characterizing the activities of one of the agents.
  3. From the above letters, words and phrases, make up and write a certain social science concept, and also name it:

"Conduct, process, cultural individual. Social norms, the values \u200b\u200bto which he belongs to the assimilation, samples of society.

  1. Set the correspondence between the examples and the Socialization stages:

Examples of behaviorTypes of adaptation

  1. Period of moral formation of man a) childhood
  2. The most active in human life b) youth
  3. Socialization intensity falls c) maturity
  4. Develops norms of behavior and relationships d) old age
  1. Name the term:
  1. creatures that have grown in social isolation and educated in the animal community.
  2. loss of social behavior skills.
  1. Establish a correspondence between the types of socialization and agents:

A) primary 1) parents

B) secondary 2) school director

3) close friends

4) coach

5) Sports Club

6) relatives

  1. Write an essay: "Man is nothing but a number of his actions" Gegel

The presentation of the simulator to prepare for the social science of social studies in the 2017-2018 academic year. Option 14.

Prepared a teacher of history and social studies to MOU "Sosh with. Perekogo Ershovsky District of the Saratov region "named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Kireeva V.I. Yermakov Ivan Aleksandrovich



1. Write the word missed in the table.


The state harsh controls the life of society, important political decisions are made individually for the head of state.

The state carries out comprehensive control of all parties to the lives of citizens, including their privacy.

Types of non-democratic regimes.

Answer: Totalitarian




In the above, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts. Write this word.

Music; theatre; art; sculpture; painting.

Answer: Art.




Below is a series of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "market economy".

  • State plan; 2) freedom of the manufacturer; 3) entrepreneurship; 4) centralized pricing; 5) demand; 6) Equilibrium price.

Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

Answer: 1 4.




Choose faithful judgments about science and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Science, as well as other forms of spiritual culture, characteristic of rationality and systemicity.

2) Science is aimed at studying objective laws acting in nature and society.

3) Science allows the use of artistic fiction in research.

4) Scientific knowledge affect the formation of a human worldview.

5) Evidence in science means that any theoretical position, the hypothesis must be suspended.

Answer: 2 4 5.



B) Degradation

C) movement back

E) relative character

Development directions

  • public Progress
  • public regress

Answer: A B V D


Set the match between the characteristics and directions of development: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) use at each stage of development of the best achievements of the past with the addition of something new

B) Degradation

C) movement back

D) the development of society from less perfect to more perfect

E) relative character

Development directions

  • public Progress
  • public regress
  • and public progress and public regression

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A B V D

1 2 2 1 3


  • admission to the University
  • examing
  • consulting teachers
  • highlight receipt



Student of the 11th grade Stepan is preparing for exams. Find the list of Stepan's activities in the list below and write the numbers under which they are specified.

  • admission to the University
  • examing
  • consulting teachers
  • solving tasks, exercising
  • highlight receipt
  • reading textbooks, reference books

Answer: 1 5.




Choose true judgments about the global economy and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • World prices for many commodity products are directly established by interstate organizations.
  • The opening of domestic markets for foreign manufacturers contributes to a decrease in the incomes of all trading firms.
  • The opening of domestic markets for foreign manufacturers contributes to increased competition between market participants.
  • The global economy is a combination of those sectors of national economies, which are directly involved in foreign economic relations.
  • The opening of domestic markets for foreign manufacturers can strengthen the dependence of the economy from imported goods, to create a threat to the security of the state.

Answer: 3 4 5.



A) land tax

B) government duty

D) gambling tax

E) transport tax

Types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation

  • local
  • regional
  • federal

Answer: A B V D


Set the correspondence between examples and types of taxes in the Russian Federation: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) land tax

B) government duty

C) personal income tax

D) gambling tax

E) transport tax

Types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation

  • local
  • regional
  • federal

Write the selected numbers in the table under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A B V D

1 3 3 2 2


  • Factor revenue
  • Factor income



Imagine that you help the teacher to issue a presentation to social studies on the topic "Production factors". One of the slides is called "Earth as a factor of production." What of the listed should be included in this slide? Write down the numbers under which these signs are indicated.

  • Activity of people in the production of goods and services
  • All types of resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of life benefits
  • Factor revenue
  • The limited resource is due to the number of able-bodied population
  • Factor income
  • The limited resource is due to the explored volume of minerals, water and other resources.

Answer: 2 3 6.


10. The graph reflects the change in the demand for the school form at the relevant market: the demand curve moved from the position D to the D1 position. R- Price of goods, Q- Number of goods.

Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Reducing the income of consumers
  • Adoption of a law on compulsory school uniform
  • Increased customs duties on imported fabrics
  • Raising energy prices
  • Surrention of the school year in schools

Answer: 2 5.




Choose the right judgments about socialization and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Socialization is associated with the development of new social roles.
  • Primary socialization ends with the start of work.
  • Socialization agents are only organizations responsible for transmitting sociocultural experience.
  • Agents of secondary socialization, as a rule, act narrowly, within their competence, in accordance with the official prescriptions.
  • Socialization implies only controlled processes of targeted impact on personality.

Answer: 1 4.


12. In the course of sociological surveys, citizens offered to determine the nature of their relationship with the authorities. The data obtained (in% of the number answered) are presented in the diagram.

What conclusions can be made based on the diagram data? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • The proportion of those who noted that he achieves from the power of all necessary, among 50-year-olds more than among 25-year-olds.
  • Among the 25-year-olds, those who have noted that he believes only on themselves, avoids contacts with the authorities, more those who noted that their life is completely depends on power.
  • Equal shares of 50-year-olds noted that their life depends entirely on power and that they rely only on themselves.
  • The share of those who found it difficult to answer among 50-year-olds more than among 25-year-olds.
  • The share of those who noted what relies only on themselves, among 50-year-olds more than among 25-year-olds

Answer: 1 2 3




Choose faithful judgments about the state and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • The state creates legal norms.
  • The main signs of any state include the presence of political parties and the territory on which the power is distributed.
  • The state as a political institution is focused on the implementation of non-profitable goals and interests.
  • The state has the sovereignty and the right of legitimate coercion of citizens to fulfill his will.
  • The state differs from the political party by the fact that it is a political institution.

Answer: 1 3 4.



D) federal budget

Subjects of the Russian authorities

  • only federal center

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A B V D


Set the compliance between questions and subjects of the Russian authorities, to which they refer: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) state awards and honorary titles of the Russian Federation

B) coordination of health issues

C) environmental protection and environmental safety

D) federal budget

E) courts of judicial and law enforcement

Subjects of the Russian authorities

  • only federal center
  • federal Center and Subjects of the Russian Federation

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A B V D

1 2 2 1 2




In the state z, parliamentary elections took place, in which about half of the citizens with the right to vote took part. Find the list in the list below that the elections were passed on the proportional system. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • citizens vote primarily for the program of the party, and not for specific people
  • provided voting on single-member districts
  • the candidate won the candidate who received most votes in the election
  • voting is held on the lists of political parties.
  • perhaps nomination of independent non-partisan candidates
  • created a national constituency

Answer: 1 4 6.


What of the following belongs to personal (civil) rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • the right to participate in the management of state affairs
  • right to freedom and personal integrity
  • right to personal and family secrets
  • right to freedom to move, choose a place of stay and residence
  • right to work

Answer: 2 3 4.




Choose faithful judgments about taxpayers, their rights in the Russian Federation. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Taxpayers are individuals and legal entities.
  • The main right of taxpayers is to pay taxes.
  • The rights and obligations of taxpayers are established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Taxpayers are entitled to use benefits for paying taxes on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by legislative acts.
  • Taxpayers are required to submit to the tax authorities necessary for calculating and paying taxes documents and information.

Answer: 1 4 5.



  • rights
  • responsibilities

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A B V D


Set the match between the actions and elements of the employee's legal status in the Russian Federation: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) lead collective negotiations

B) conscientiously perform their labor functions entrusted to him by the employment contract

C) perform established labor standards

D) participate in the management of the organization

E) receive full reliable information about working conditions

Elements of the legal status of the employee in the Russian Federation

  • rights
  • responsibilities

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A B V D

1 2 2 1 1




In the classroom of social studies, students revealed the features of administrative law. What features of this industry of Russian law they had to identify? Write down the numbers under which the corresponding features are indicated.

  • This branch of law regulates public relations arising in the field of public administration.
  • Punishment for violations of this industry, the right is a fine, lifelong deprivation of liberty.
  • Unlike other industries, has one source of law, which indicates all types of crimes as the most dangerous illegal actions of people.
  • In legal relations regulated by this branch, the will of one of the parties is dominated over the will of the other party.
  • An example of the norm of this branch of law: A citizen acquires and provides rights and obligations under its name, including the name and actually name, as well as patronymic, unless otherwise follows from the law or national custom.
  • Priority of punishment for violation of the norms of this industry, the right includes confiscation (withdrawal) tools for the execution or an object of offenses.

Answer: 1 4 6.


Insert the missed words:

List of terms:

  • spiritual 6) society
  • nature 7) Public
  • sociology 8) decision
  • System

Answer: A B C D E E E


Insert the missed words:

"Society as ____ (a) distinguishes the close relationship and interdependence of all elements and subsystems. In the same way as in ______ (b), they are all part of a single complex, such that, taming or destroying one of the components, you can threaten the existence of a social world. A complex system of social relations and _______ (c) permeates all spheres of society from top to bottom. By accepting any political ________ (d), we will be able to trace these consequences in all areas. We give an example from the recent past of our country. Conducting privatization and denationalation in the economy, the introduction of market relations led to a layer of an old one-party political system, a change in the entire legislation system. Significant changes also occurred in the sphere _____ (e) of culture. The main types of social relations are _________ (e) and causal. The first can be traced in the interdependence of the goals and objectives carried out by society as a whole and its individual elements. "

List of terms:

  • spiritual 6) society
  • nature 7) Public
  • sociology 8) decision
  • functional 9) interaction
  • System
  • In this below, the table shows the letters denoting missed words. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.

Answer: A B C D E E E

5 2 9 8 1 4

Part 2.

Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.

At various times, economists offered various theories explaining vibrations of business activity. The authors of some concepts argue that large technical innovations, such as railways, cars or synthetic fibers, have a great impact on investment and consumer expenses, and therefore, manufacturing, employment and price level. But such major innovations appear irregularly, which explains the obvious instability of economic activity.

Part 2.

Other scientists see the reasons for economic cycles in political or random events. Wars, for example, in an economic sense, a very destructive effect. Truly inexhaustible demand for military products during hostilities can lead to ultra-employment and acute inflation, followed by the occurrence of peace and reducing military expenditures.

Part 2.

There are such economists who consider cycle purely monetary phenomenon. When the government produces too much money, an inflationary boom occurs; Insufficient amount of money accelerates the fall in the production and growth of unemployment.

Despite such a scattering of opinions, the factor directly determining the levels of internal production and employment, most economists unanimously consider the level of general, or cumulative expenses. In a market economy, the entrepreneurial sector produces goods and services only if they can be sold with profit.

Part 2.

With a low level of total expenses, most firms will be unprofitable to produce goods and services in large volumes. Hence the low level of production, employment and income. A higher level of total expenses means that production growth brings profit, so production, employment and income will also increase. When the economy reaches full employment of resources, it makes it difficult for further growth of real production and additional costs simply increase the price level.

Part 2.

Not all vibrations of business activity are explained by economic cycles. There are seasonal fluctuations in business activity. For example, a significant increase in buying demand before Christmas or Easter annually causes real diversion of the level of business activity, especially in retail. Agriculture, automotive industry, construction also is also subject to seasonal oscillations.

Business activity is inherent and long-term development trend, that is, a long rise and decline for, for example, 25, 50 or 100 years ... It is now important to emphasize that the economic cycle is characterized by vibrations of business activity in the presence of a long-term trend towards economic growth.


What are the three economic cycles put forward by scientists are named in the text? What is the difficulty arising from the achievement of the full employment of resources mentioned in the text? How do the authors characterize a long-term development trend?



  • irregularity of large technical innovations; political or random events; inflation boom due to excess money by the government;
  • when the economy reaches full employment of resources, it makes it difficult for further growth of real production and additional costs simply increase the price level;
  • long-term lifts and decals during, for example, 25, 50 whether 100 years.


What examples of seasonal vibrations of business activity are given in the text? Suppose why in these examples is highlighted in retail. Using the facts of public life and personal social experience, provide an example of seasonal fluctuations in services in the service sector and explain the cause of oscillations.



  • a significant increase in buying demand before Christmas or Easter;
  • this is due to cultural traditions, with the fact that consumers acquire gifts and elements of the festive decor;
  • summer and New Year's growth in business activity in the field of tourism can be explained by the onset of vacation period and holidays that families are striving to spend in resort places.


What sign of entrepreneurial activity is shown in the text? Attracting social science and facts of public life, specify any other two signs of entrepreneurial activity and illustrate each of them.



  • Focus on profit;
  • - initiativity (for example, citizens Z and Y were founded in the agricultural region of the country's firm for the production of juices and fruit canned food);

The risky nature of the activity (for example, the products of the company V. did not use the demand from consumers, attempts to find new markets for their products were not crowned with success, the firm went bankrupt and was eliminated.


How can government in market conditions can stimulate sustainable economic growth? Using text, social science and facts of public life, bring any three measures.



  • low taxes from enterprises;
  • minimization of administrative procedures in the field of business;
  • conducting protectionist policies;
  • implementation of state programs aimed at developing infrastructure, structural changes in the economy.


What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social group"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information on the criteria for allocating social groups, and one proposal disclosing any of the functions of social groups in society.



  • relatively sustainable association of people with general social characteristics;
  • in size and numbers allocate groups large and small;
  • the social group performs an integrative function, it is that people seek to unite in difficult situations for them.


Give three examples illustrating the role of the media in the political life of a modern democratic society.



1) In the weekly analytical television program, the team of journalists considers the political events of the week, the country's political life trends make their forecasts (the media places various analytical materials reflecting social realities);

2) TV channels and central newspapers in the presidential election period provided all candidates the opportunity to convey their political programs to the viewers / readers (the media helps the voter to navigate in the position of one or another candidate on the eve of the elections);

3) the leaders of opposition parties were invited to the television political talk show); (Media provide opposition the opportunity to express their point of view);

4) A group of journalists removed a documentary on the connection of the mafia with a well-known politician (the media carries out political investigations).


Alina filed a claim to establish a paternity of a citizen of M. in respect of its minor children. As part of what legal proceedings can this dispute be resolved? What are the parties in this legal proceedings? (Name both sides and specify which of these members of this dispute refers to each of them.) Name two more categories of affairs concluded by this court.



  • civilian;

2) - heer (Alina);

-Replich (citizen M.);

  • on restriction of legal rights;
  • about dissolved marriage.


You are instructed to prepare an expulsted answer on the topic "Science as a Social Institute". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


  • Science as a special system of knowledge about the world.
  • Science functions:

a) knowledge of the world and explanation of the laws of its development;

b) ideological;

c) production;

d) prognostic, etc.

3. System of scientific organizations:

A) academy;

b) research centers, institutions;

c) universities, etc.

4. Views of Sciences:

a) natural;

b) accurate;

c) social;

d) Humanitarian and others.

5. Problems of social responsibility of scientists and scientific ethics.


  • Unified State Exam. Social science. Typical exam options. O.A.Kotova, i.e. Lisov. Publishing House National Education. Moscow. 2018 year

SOCIAL SCIENCE. Grade 11 Option 2 - 1/12 Social Studies. 11 Class Part 1 Answers to Jobs 1-20 are the word (phrase), a digit or a sequence of numbers. Record the responses to the responses in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the response form No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting with the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each character is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Option number 2 in social science Instructions for working work includes 20 tasks. The performance of work on social studies is given 2 hours 10 minutes (130 minutes). The answer to the tasks is the word (phrase), a digit or a sequence of numbers. The answer write down the samples below in the response field in the text of work without spaces, commas and other additional characters, and then transfer the answer form No. 1. Kim 1 Write down the word missed in the table. Forms of the state (territorial) device Blank Answer: Morality. Answer: Forms of the State (Territorial) Device 2 3 Answer: 125. Answer: Option 2 - 2/12 Unitary state A B in g d ... State 3 2 3 1 1 Response Blank is filled with bright black ink. It is allowed to use gel, or capillary, or perch pens. When performing tasks, you can use the draft. Records in Chernovik are not taken into account when evaluating work. The points you received for completed tasks are summed up. Try to perform as much tasks as possible and score the largest number of points. We wish you success! Answer: 2 Characteristics The presence of territorial units that do not have political autonomy have formations (subjects, states, etc.), which have a certain political independence within the credentials of the authority. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated. 1) promotion; 2) punishment; 5) Social norm. 3) social control; 4) self-control; Answer: 2015 FGBU "Federal Center for Testing" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying Not allowed 2015 FGBU "Federal Testing Center" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" WWW. Copying is not allowed social studies. 11 Class 3 Option 2 - 3/12 below shows a list of actions. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the empirical level of scientific knowledge. SOCIAL SCIENCE. 11 class 6 1) Building an argument system; 2) observation; 3) experimental data verification; 4) record indications of instruments; 5) substantiation of conclusions; 6) conducting experiments. Generalization of collective spiritual experience accumulated by centuries, accounting for the most wide layers of modern society Anonymity of the creators Installation to follow the sample, which is adopted from previous generations 5) Commercial nature of works 6) The need for special preparation for the perception of works Answer: Choose the right judgments about the person and write down the numbers, under which they are indicated. 1) The highest degree of talent development associated with the creation of unique creations is called genius. 2) Abilities are the individual features of a person, on whom the success of the fulfillment of a certain kind of activity depends. 3) Public needs make up the natural basis for the development of abilities. 4) The talent is called the level of development of abilities, allowing a person to get a product of activities, characterized by novelty and social significance. 5) The development of any ability depends only on social factors. Answer: 5. Install the correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Distinctive features a) mass production of goods of mass consumption b) nomination to the forefront of the service sector c) predominance of natural economy D) leading the role of information in the life of society D) the emergence of mass culture Types of societies 1) Traditional (agricultural) Society 2) Industrial Society 3) The post-industrial society by examples of popular culture is considered to be proverbs and sayings, fairy tales and legends. What features allow them to be attributed to this type of type (form) of culture? Record the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) Find two actions, "dropping" from the general range, and record the numbers in the table under which they are indicated. 4 Option 2 - 4/12 Reply: 7. Choose true judgments about the types of competition and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Montopsion is called such a type of monopoly, in which the monopolist is not a seller, but a buyer. 2) From the point of view of the interests of society and the state, the monopoly has only disadvantages. 3) Oligopoly is called the market structure in which the market is divided between several large firms. 4) the market situation at which a large number of small firms produce similar products and have the ability to control prices for it, called perfect competition. 5) a barrier for firms that prevent them from entering the market may become an inability to ensure the promotion of its product. Answer:. Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters. Answer: A B C D 2015 FGBU "Federal Center for Testing" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurement" Copying Not allowed 2015 FGBU "Federal Testing Center" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute Pedagogical measurements " Copying is not allowed social studies. 11 Class 8 Option 2 - 5/12 Install the correspondence between the examples and types of the costs of the company in the short term: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Examples social science. 11 Class 10 Types of costs of the company in the short-term period of payment of electricity 1) Permanent transportation costs 2) Variable rental fees for the salaries of the Administration of interest on the previously taken loan write down the selected numbers under the appropriate letters into the table. 9 A b in g Answer: Hidden spontaneous flora mass friction seasonal answer: the appearance on the market of new producers reducing electricity for producers Rising prices for components for the production of household appliances Tightening requirements for the quality of materials used in the production of household appliances 5) increase in income of the population 1) 2) 3) 4) D in the country z As a result of the modernization of production, consumption and export of coal decreased, most of the mines closed, tens of thousands of mines lost their jobs. They registered on the labor exchange and received the status of unemployed. Choose from the list of characteristics that arose in the country z unemployment and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The figure reflects the change in the supply of household appliances on the relevant market: the sentence line S moved to a new position - S1. (P - price; q - quantity.) Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Record the numbers under which they are indicated. A) b) c) d) d) answer:. 2015 FGBU "Federal Testing Center" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying is not allowed option 2 - 6/12 11. Choose true judgments about the socialization of the individual and write the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Individual socialization always occurs spontaneously. 2) Socialization is an assimilation by the individual of social values, norms and samples of behavior. 3) Agents of primary socialization of the individual is its nearest environment: family, friends, peers. 4) Socialization agents are always responsible for the assimilation of the individual standards and values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by collective consciousness. 5) As a result of socialization, people accumulate social experience in life in a particular society. Answer:. 2015 FGBU "Federal Center for Testing" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying is not allowed social studies. 11 Class 12 Option 2 - 7/12 During the sociological survey of men and women of the country Z, they asked questions: "Do you personally perform any work on home? If so, how long does it take you? ". The results of the survey (in% of the number of answers) are shown in the diagram. SOCIAL SCIENCE. 11 Class 13 Select faithful judgments about political parties and write down the numbers under which they are specified. 1) the political party is called a voluntary alliance based on the community of political ideas and aimed at mastering state power. 2) Mass parties are focused on the coming elections, form around several leaders, have a weak organization. Parties express the powerful interests of 3) political specific social groups. 4) Political parties unite supporters of any idea or social program and attract citizens to participate in politics. 5) in relation to the law, the ruling and opposition parties allocate. Answer: 14 Find out the conclusions in the list that can be made on the basis of the chart, and write the numbers under which they are specified. 1) The fifth of those who answered women do not work at home. 2) Among women, the proportion of those who have work on home takes a lot of time, more than those who have work on home takes little time. 3) The larger share of the men responded answered that the work on the house takes a lot of time. 4) Equal shares of men and women found it difficult to answer. 5) Among the men, the proportion of those who work around the house takes a lot of time, more than those who do not work around the house. Answer:. Option 2 - 8/12. Set the compliance between questions and subjects of the state power of the Russian Federation, to which these issues include: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Questions a) social protection, including social security b) environmental protection and environmental safety C) amnesty and pardoning d) judicia; Prosecutor's Office E) Implementation of measures to combat accidents Subjects of state power of the Russian Federation 1) Only federal center 2) Together the Federal Center and the subjects of the Russian Federation record the selected numbers under the appropriate letters in the table. Answer: 2015 FSBI "Federal Testing Center" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying is not allowed and b c d 2015 FGBU "Federal Testing Center" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute Pedagogical measurements " Copying is not allowed social studies. Grade 11 Option 2 - 9/12 in the state Z every three years pass parliamentary elections. Which of the listed features make it possible to consider political regime in the state Z Totalitarian? Record the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) social studies. 11 Class 17 Install the correspondence between examples and measures of legal responsibility in the Russian Federation: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Examples Progressive taxation system Lack of real life of civil rights and freedoms State control over the privacy of citizens of the state monopoly on law on law enforcement Availability of law enforcement agencies The only state ideology answer: a) b) c) d) d) write the selected numbers under the appropriate letters to the table. . According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is a legal state. Select the feature of the legal state in the list. Record the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Recognition of human rights and freedoms by the highest value Implementation in the practice of the principle of separation of the authorities Regular elections to the public authorities Equality of all citizens before the law The availability of the media answer :. 18 A b in g d Ksenia works as a cook. Which of the above positions are the responsibilities of the employee in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? Record the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) joining a professional union to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests 2) careful attitude to the property of the employer 3) obtaining full reliable information on labor conditions 4) the conscientious performance of its labor functions 5) fulfillment of established production norms 6) work, work, Conducted employment agreement Answer: 2015 FGBU "Federal Center for Testing" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying Not allowed Measures of legal liability in the Russian Federation 1) Ways to protect civil rights 2) Disciplinary recovery 3) Criminal Punishment Presentation Promoting a penalty Note Compensation of moral harm Restriction of freedom Answer: 16 Option 2 - 10/12. 2015 FGBU "Federal Center for Testing" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying is not allowed social studies. Grade 19 Read the above designated in a specific letter. Option 2 - 11/12 Text, each position of which (a) political ideology is a special way to explain the social facts and processes, which are based on values, orientation on certain political phenomena. (B) It is very important that the political party program will understand the citizens and could attract them to the support of the party. (C) Unfortunately, political parties are not always possible to clearly and consistently state their views in the program documents. (D) 20% of the citizens of the state Z share the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring state power by inheritance. (E) they organized and registered a party, adhering to monarchical views. Determine what the provisions of the text have 1) actual character 2) the nature of the estimated judgment 3) the nature of theoretical statements is recorded in a table under the letter, denoting the position, the figure expresses its nature. Answer: 20 A B V D read the text below, which missed a number of words (phrases). Select from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert into place of the pass. "Society as (a) characterizes the close relationship and interactiveness of all elements. In the same way, as in nature, all of them are part of a single complex - such that, taming or destroying one of the components, can be put under (b) the existence of a social world. A difficult aggregate of social relations and (c) permeates all areas of society from top to bottom. Taking any political decision, we will be able to trace its consequences in all (g). The main types of social ties are (D) and causal. The first is traced in the interdependence of the goals and objectives carried out by society and individual (E) (family and marriage, production, religion, etc.). Causal relationships are allocated in the case when one of the phenomena causes other things, is its basis. " 2015 FGBU "Federal Center for Testing" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying is not allowed social studies. Grade 11 Option 2 - 12/12 words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose a sequential one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling each skip. Note that words (phrases) in the list more than you need to fill the passes. Terms: 1) Functional 2) Social Institute 3) Social Life Sector 4) Norm 5) System 6) Socium 7) Threat 8) Horizontal 9) Interaction In the table below shows the letters denoting missed words (phrases). Record into the table under each letter number of the word you chose (phrase). A B C D E Answer: Do not forget to transfer all the answers to the answer form No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for the performance of work. 2015 FGBU "Federal Testing Center" WWW.RUSTEST.RU FGBNU "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" Copying is not allowed

Topic 4: Small group. SOCIALIZATION. Sociality and norms.

Part 1

Set compliance between examples and types of social mobilityTo which they belong to: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Suitable for example

A) Alexey translated from the Biological Faculty of the University to the Chemistry Faculty.

B) Semen engineer was appointed head of department.

C) Olga student married his classmate belonging to his classmate

to the same social strate, as she.

D) entrepreneur Ivan broke out.

E) Catherine entered the Nature Conservation Society.

Species society

1. Horizontal

2. Vertical

Choose faithful judgments about the socialization of the individual and write down digitalr sunder which they are indicated.

1) Socialization of the individual is always running.

2) Socialization is an assimilation by the individual of social values, the norms of exemplary.

3) Agents of the primary socialization of the individual stands for its nearest mining: family, friends, peers.

4) Socialization agents are always responsible for the assimilation by the Individual of the norms of values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by collective consciousness.

5) As a result of socialization, people accumulate social experience in life in a concrete community.

Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) demographic group;2) professional group;3) small group;4) big group;5) socialGroup.

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "social control". Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) Comment;2) sanction;3) social norm;4) political ideology;5) condemnation; 6) Spiritual Culture.

Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"Sociologists emphasize that social (a) can be effective in Tomlum, when GoldoDercedina is randomed by" GoldenDire "

(B) for him. The effectiveness of social monitoring is not sufficiently due to coercion, but due to the availability of common values \u200b\u200bapproved among people, insulting (B).

Also allocate internal and external social controls. In science, under the external control of referred to adequacy (d), which regulate performance.

Overly strong, petty social control, as a rule, leads to negative results. A person may completely lose the sinitiatives (e) decisions. Therefore, especially in modern society, it is important to form internal control in people, or (e). "

Schedule thoser mines:

1) Responsibility 2) Society 3) Control 4) Pulse 5) Citizen 6) Mechanism 7) Independence 8) Self Control 9) Status

Part 2


What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "Small Group"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science, make up two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of small groups, and one sentence, which reveals the distinguishing feature of the family as a small group.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "worldview"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the levels of worldview, and one sentence that reveals any function of the worldview in a person's life.



Name any three socialization agents and illustrate an example of each of them.


Causal relationships, argumentation

In 1903, the Charter of the RSDLP was indicated: "A member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party is considered to be anyone who takes it a program that supports the batch by material means and providing it with regular personal assistance under the guidance of one of its organizations ... Every party member and any person having Any business with the party, has the right to demand that his statement in true form be delivered to the Central Committee or to the editorial office of the central body, or the party congress. "

What sphere of social life was reflected in this document?

What type of social norms includes the provisions of the document?

Using social scientific knowledge, specify other any three types of social norms.


Explain that I meant Johannes Becher, arguing: "A person becomes a man only among people." (Give three judgments explanations.)


In one of the textbooks on social studies, it was suggested that socialization is the "human eye". Explain the meaning of this approval and bring three arguments to confirm it.



You are instructed to prepare an expulsted answer on the topic "Social Control". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic "Right in the Social Norm". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

You are instructed to prepare a detailed reply on the topic "Social Group". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

You are instructed to prepare an expulsion reply on the topic "Socialization of the Individual". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic "The role of social control in the development of society". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


"The process of socialization is the entry into the social environment, the adaptation to it, the development of certain roles and functions, which, after its predecessors, repeats each individual individual throughout the history of its formation and development" (B. D. Parygin).

"The process of socialization in simple and complex societies proceeds unequal" (I. Robertson).

"The values \u200b\u200bof each group are based on the development of a certain attitude towards social phenomena dictated by the place of this group in the system of public relations." (M. Andreeva)

Part 1

Set compliance between examples and types of social mobilityTo which they belong to: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Examples of social mobility

A) Alexey translated from the Biological Faculty of the University to the Chemistry Faculty.

B) Semen engineer was appointed head of department.

C) Olga student married his classmate belonging to his classmate

to the same social strate, as she.

D) entrepreneur Ivan broke out.

E) Catherine entered the Nature Conservation Society.

Types of social mobility

1. Horizontal

2. Vertical

1-A, B, d 2-b, g

Choose faithful judgments about the socialization of the individual and write down digitalr sunder which they are indicated.

1) Individual socialization always occurs spontaneously.

2) Socialization is an assimilation by an individual of social values, norms and samples of behavior.

3) The initiates of the primary socialization of the individual is its nearest environment: family, friends, peers.

4) Socialization agents are always responsible for the assimilation of the Individual of the norms and values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by collective consciousness.

5) As a result of socialization, people accumulate social experience in vital activity in a particular society.

Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) demographic group;2) professional group;3) small group;4) big group;5) social group.

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "social control". Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) Comment;2) sanction;3) social norm;4) political ideology;5) condemnation; 6) spiritual culture.

Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"Sociologists emphasize that social (a) can be effective only when he adheres to the" Golden Mid "between freedom of choice and

(B) for him. The effectiveness of social control is mainly provided due to coercion, but due to the availability of common values \u200b\u200bapproved among people and stability (B).

Also allocate internal and external social controls. In science, under external control is understood as a combination of social (d), which regulate people's activities.

Overly strong, petty social control, as a rule, leads to negative results. A person may easily lose the initiative and (e) when making decisions. Therefore, especially in modern society, it is important to form internal control in people, or (e). "

Schedule thoser mines:

1) Responsibility 2) Society 3) Control 4) Pulse 5) Citizen 6) Mechanism 7) Independence 8) Self Control 9) Status

Part 2


What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "Small Group"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science, make up two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of small groups, and one sentence, which reveals the distinguishing feature of the family as a small group.

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: a small group is a sustainable association of people associated with joint activities;

2) one sentence containing information about the types of small groups, for example: small groups are divided into formal and informal;

3) One proposal disclosing the distinguishing feature of the family as a small group, for example: family members as a small group are associated with the generality of life, mutual care.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "worldview"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the levels of worldview, and one sentence that reveals any function of the worldview in a person's life.

The correct answer must contain the following items:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: a system of views, assessments, norms and installations that determine the attitude of a person to society and nature, herself;

(It may be given a different definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept.)

2) One proposal with information about the levels of the worldview based on the knowledge of the course, for example: distinguish between the usual-practical and theoretical levels of worldview;

(Another proposal that contains information about the levels of worldview may be compiled;)

3) One proposal discloses with a support for knowledge of the course any function of the worldview, for example: the worldview is the basis of human self-assessment and its estimates of events and environmental processes.


Name any three socialization agents and illustrate an example of each of them.

The following socialization agents may be named and illustrated in the correct response:

1) Family: (in the family Lena learned the basic rules of polite circulation.)

2) School: (2 class students, taking part in school patriotic holidays, learned to respect the heroic past of their country.)

3) media. (Reading articles on public-political topics helped the Nastya to form their conscious civil position.)