Evolution (history) of a light bulb. Presentation for children. Prepared by: Grishaeva N.A., teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten" 27 "- presentation

Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!" Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!" Over time, people figured out that if a stick was lowered into the fire, it would light up, and with it it would be possible to go where the light of the fire did not reach. This is how the TORCH appeared.

Smaller sticks were used in houses: the log was split into thin chips, RAYS. Luchins were placed on a special stand, LIGHT. and the coals fell into a prepared tub of water. " Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!"

People have long noticed that if a piece of string is dipped in oil and set on fire, it will burn well and for a long time. Such a lamp burned for a long time and evenly. This is how OIL LAMPS were born. Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!"

Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!" Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!" And even later, KEROSINE LAMPS appeared. Instead of oil, they used a special flammable liquid: kerosene. Glass was put on top of such a lamp. It burned much brighter and longer than oil lamps and candles, and, moreover, it was safer.

Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!" Municipal campaign for the disposal of energy-saving lamps "Light without danger!" Electric lamp The history of the emergence of the lamp lasted for several decades, at different times various discoveries were made that brought the lamp closer to a modern, familiar look. (With a tungsten filament)