Fate sons. Rurikovy Dynasty: Why did the royal genus interrupted when Dmitry Son Ivana died

On November 19, 1582, the son of Ivana Grozny Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich died. This event is fatal for Russian history. And one of the most confusing.

Fatal intercession

One of the main versions of the murder of Son Ivan Grozny is known to us from Antonio Possevino, Papal Leah. According to this version, Ivan Grozny found his son's wife, Elena, in an inappropriate form. The daughter-in-law of Grozny was pregnant and lay in one very much. Ivan IV was angry and began to "learn" Elena, hit her face and beat the staff. Here, according to the same Possevino, the Son of the Grozny Ivan ran into the chambers and began to root the Father with these words: "You have turned my first wife without any reason to the monastery, did the same with the second wife and now beating the third to destroy my son, which she wears in the womb. " Final is known. Father's staff pulled the son, breaking the skull.

This version, which has become a honesty, today is criticized. Ivan Ivan IV Ruthless Salties was beneficial at least for two reasons: Firstly, the Russian king appeared in the unclear light, and secondly, such horrors, which were created by the inspection of the same assured in Russia, legitimized the European Inquisition.

Political spot

According to another version of the "stumbling block" of the Son with his father, politics became. This version voiced in his "history" Nikolai Karamzin: "Tsarevich, filled with jealousy noble, came to his father and demanded that he would send him to the army to expel the enemy, to release Pskov, restore the honor of Russia. John in the excitement of anger shouted: "The rebel! You want to overtake me with the throne with the boyars, "and raised his hand. Boris Godunov wanted to keep her. The king gave him several Rents with a sharp rod to his and strongly hit them the prince in the head. This unfortunate fell, pouring blood! " It is significant that this version adopted by Karamzin for reliable belonged to the same Antonio Possevino. The reliability of this quite literary presentation is even more doubtful than the first version, it is not confirmed by any other testimonies. Grain truth, however, in this version is present. It is that the situation in last years The reign of Ivan the Terrible at the courtyard was, gently say, tense. Survive in such an atmosphere was extremely difficult.

Who wrote history

Amazingly, with what surprisingly gullibility Russian historians, and first of all Karamzin, "wrote history", focusing on the testimony of Antonio Possevino, Leah Pope Grigory Xiii, German Henry Stajna and French Jacques Margarette. In all sorts of historical interpretations, especially foreign, you should search for someone profitable. The same Stadan, returned to Germany, outlined the project of conquesting Muscovy, offering to destroy the churches and monasteries, to abolish the Orthodox faith, and then turn the inhabitants in slaves. Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing the rightness of the historian of the slain, which wrote: "As you know, we are very diligently denying and imagine our history and any characters and ideals do not dare and think. We do not admit the ideal in its history ... The whole of our story is the dark kingdom of ignorance, barbarism, sussvaty, slavery, and then ... ".


In 1963, in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, an autopsy of the Tomb of the Tsar John Vasilyevich and Tsarevich John Johnovich was made. The following reliable studies, medical and medical and criminalistic examination of honest remains of Tsarevich showed that 32 times the permissible mercury content was exceeded, a few times arsenic and lead. Because of the poor preservation of bone tissue, it was impossible to reliably establish whether Ivan Ivanovich had a skull was impossible. Taking into account the fact that the mother of Ivan the Terrible and his first wife also died of poisoning the selenium, the version with the poisoning of the son of Ivan Grozny seems to be the most likely. Another question: who was a poisoner?

Did not kill

Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son. This version was adhered to, for example, the Ober-Prosecutor of the Holy Synod of Konstantin Victorious. Seeing the famous film of Repin at the exhibition, he was outraged and wrote the emperor Alexander III: "It is impossible to call a picture of historical, since this moment ... purely fantastic." Analysis of the occurrence in 1582 confirms the thought of victoryossev, it is exactly what "fantastic." Since the writing of the repincial painting, the version "Ivan Grozny killed his son" became a kind of historical meme. She was so rooted in the consciousness that the thought of the innocence of Grozny in the death of the Son is often simply not considered. By the way, the paintings had a difficult fate. In February 1913, she suffered a lot from the old-handed knife of Abraha Baloshov, and quite recently, Orthodox activists turned to the Minister of Culture with a request to remove the picture from the Tretyakov Gallery.

Son's rest

The death of his son seriously affected Ivan IV. The premature death of the son made him a "stagnant dead", he could not have gone helped, he was doomed to eternal suffering. In 1583, Ivan Grozny goes with an unprecedented initiative - to introduce the Moscow Metropolis of the so-called "synodka of the Optic" in the liturgical use of the monastic monoxide - the "eternal" commemoration of the victims of Okrichnina. In fact, the king offered to God the deal: for the sake of rescue the soul of the deceased son, to make relief of the posthumous agony of executed officials.


Abstract on the topic:

Dmitry Ivanovich (Senior Son Ivan IV)

Dmitry Ivanovich (October 1552. (1552 ) -4 June 1553) - First Russian Tsarevich, the first son of Ivan IV of Terrible and Queen Anastasia Romanovna.

During a serious illness in 1552, Ivan demanded the oath of his son-baby from the boyars, but many boyars, not wanting the "king in Pelonets," wanted to see the next king of Ivan's cousin - Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky. This was the reason for the strengthening of the suspicious relationship of Ivan to the Boyars and personally Vladimir.

IN next year One-year-old Dmitry drowned during his parents' trip at the Bogomol in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery - during the descent of the royal family from the Strug, they turned over to the river on a shallow spot, adults were able to get out, but the baby was already dead. The chronicle says that the death of Tsarevich was predicted by Ivan Maxim Greek, whom the king visited in the monastery shortly before that. According to Andrei Kurbsky's testimony, Rev., discruiting the king to go on a mantis in Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, " did not advise him to go to such a long journey with his wife and a newborn father».

The first Russian Tsarevich is buried in the Moscow Arkhangelsk Cathedral, in one grave with grandfather Vasily III. On his tombstone, a different date of death is indicated than in the chronicle - June 6, 1554

  1. Kurbsky A. M. History about Great Prince Moscow - www.sedmitza.ru/text/438701.html
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization executed 11.07.11 05:47:03
Related Summary (son of Ivan IV Grozny), Ivan Ivanovich (son of Ivan Grozny), Ivan Ivanovich (son of the Grand Duke Ivan Mikhailovich), Boutakov Grigory Ivanovich (senior), Krasnov Ivan Ivanovich (senior sergeant ), Frolov Mikhail Ivanovich (Senior Sergeant), Frolov Mikhail Ivanovich (Hero of the Soviet Union Senior Sergeant),

Dmitry Uglitsky
Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia
Dimitri Uglitsky
Dimitri Ioannovich

Prince Uglitsky

Religion: Orthodoxy



Rod: Rurikovichi
Father: Ivan IV
Mother: Maria Naga
Spouse: NO
Commons-Logo.svg Dimitri Uglitsky on Wikisklad
Request "Tsarevich Dmitry" is redirected here; See also other values.
This term also has other meanings, see Dmitry Uglitsky (values).
This term has other meanings, see Dmitry Ivanovich.

Tsarevich Dmi; Trii Iva; Novich (Dimitri Joannovich, direct name (on the birthday) UA; R; 19 (29) October 1582, Moscow - 15 (25) May 1591, Uglich) - Prince Uglitsky, the younger son of Ivan Grozny from Mary Fedorovna Nagya, the Sixth or Seventh of his wife (illegal).

He lived in just eight years, but the political crisis, in many respects associated with his mysterious death (turmoil time), continued at least 22 years after his death (see Lhadmitry).

Canonized in 1606 as a blessing Tsarevich Dimitri Uglichsky, "Uglichsky and Moscow and All Russia," (memory day - May 15, old style, in the XXI century - May 28 in a new style). One of the most revered Russian saints.

1 Life
1.1 at Fedor
1.2 Death
1.3 Investigation
1.4 burial and power
1.5 after death
2 canonization
2.1 Life
2.2 Iconography
2.3 West
3 Notes
4 literature

A life
Measured icon Tsarevich "Dmitry Solunsky"

19 (29) of October 1582 was born from the last wife-cohabitant of Ivan the Terrible Maria Nagya, the marriage was not blessed by the church.

Since it was born from not less than the sixth marriage of his father (while the Orthodox Church considers only three consecutive marriage), he could be considered illegitimate and excluded from among the applicants for the throne (see the legality of the marriages of Ivan Grozny).

Following his birth, a measured icon was written - the third of the preserved (Museums of the Moscow Kremlin). It depicts his St. Patron, Dmitry Solunsky, in honor of which the newborn was baptized (the name is chosen, perhaps in honor of the glorious ancestor of Dmitry Donskoy). His princely name was Dmitry, and the direct name - oar: traditionally it is believed that it was on the day of St. Uara on October 19, he was born. St. Uara's Day (the rare holy, who was not part of the names of the family) accounts for exactly 8 days earlier than St. Dmitry, and the second princely name could well give "on eight day circumcision" into the baptism of the child. However, it is impossible to completely exclude the version that Tsarevich was born on October 11 or 12, received the name of the UAR on the 8th day, and Dmitry - as the most nearest princely name.
Princely chambers in the Uglich Kremlin, where Dmitry lived with Mother Maria Nagoy

30 years before his birth, Ivan Grozny had already had one son named Dmitry (see Dmitry Ivanovich (Senior Son Ivan IV)) - It was an early honor of the king, also born in October and somehow associated with St. Oar. This is one of the mysteries of anthroponymics - according to one of the versions, October 19, not Dmitry Uglitsky was born, and his older brother. The reason why the younger Tsarevich received the same name as the deceased senior, unclear; The coincidence in which they both were born on October 19 - incredible. "As for Dmitry Uglichsky, he, apparently, thought as a direct similarity of his early deceased brother-primacy." F. Uspensky puts forward a version that "St. War has become a patron of the child, since he was the patron saint of his deceased brother-primacy. Thus, both names are - and Dmitry, and the oar - Dmitry Uglitsky could get "inheritance", out of a strict connection with the church calendar. If you follow this version, it turns out that the date of birth (October 19) Dmitry Uglichsky in those chronicles, where it is indicated, calculated by the thumbnail, based on the knowledge of his names. " However, they do not exclude that only the youngest was, and the fact that both were born in October - coincidence.
At Fedor

After the death of the Father in 1584 and the Edema on the throne of Fedor (and even before the wedding ceremony for the kingdom on May 24), the boy with the mother Regent council was removed in Uglich, having received him in the reign (as before and younger brother Ivan the Terrible Yuri Vasilyevich and the younger brother Vasily III - Dmitry Ivanovich residents).

Jerome Gordsy writes that "the queen was accompanied by a different retinue, they were released with a dress, jewels, feeding, horses and so on." It's all on a wide leg, as a sovereign. " In the "New Chronicler" it is indicated that Uglich was allocated to Tsarevich Father, but it is not known how reliably.

In Uglich, he was considered the ruling prince and had his yard (the last Russian specific prince), officially - having received him in the lot, but apparently, the real reason for this was the fear of the authorities that Dmitry Willly or unwittingly could become a center around which all dissatisfied The rule of Tsar Fyodor. This version is confirmed by the fact that there are no real rights to the "lot" in addition to obtaining a part of the revenue of the county, neither Tsarevich nor his relatives received. The real power focused in the hands of the "servil people" sent from Moscow under the leadership of Deca Mikhail Bityagovsky.

After the older brother - Tsar Fyodor Johnovich (who had only one daughter Feodosia Fedorovna, Dmitry remained the only male representative of the Moscow line of Rurikovich. A foreigner traveler Giels Fletcher points to the deposit of his character, reminding the late "Terrible" king:

The younger brother of the king, the child of six or seven (as it was said before), contains in a remote place from Moscow, under the supervision of mother and relatives from the house of Nagich, but (as heard) his life is in danger from the attempts of those that extend their views On the possession of the throne in the case of the childless death of the king. Kormilitsa, who dismantled by him, some Kushan (as I heard), died suddenly. Russians confirm that he is exactly the son of King Ivan Vasilyevich, the fact that all the qualities of the Father are beginning to be discovered in it. He (Say) finds pleasure to watch the sheep kill and in general livestock, see the cutting throat when blood flows from it (while children are usually afraid of this), and beat stick geese and chickens until they Do not be abolished.
-; Fletcher J. About the state Russian

The circumstances of the death of Tsarevich still remain controversial and not fully clarified.

15 (25) May 1591, Tsarevich played "to the twist", and the company was the company made up a small timidity of the tenants of Petrusch Kolobov and the Tuchkov - Sons of the bed and the cormalists who were in the individuals of the queen, as well as Ivan Kraschensky and Grisha Kozlovsky. Tsarevich was guarded by Mom Vasilis Volokhov, Kormilitsa Arina Tuchkov and the bed of Mary Kolobov.

The rules of the game that have not changed to this time, are that the land is drawn, through which the knife is thrown, trying to stick to the ground as far as possible. Wins the one who made the furthest cast. If you believe the testimony of eyewitnesses of events given during the investigation, in the hands of Tsarevich was "pile" - a pointed four-headed nail. The same confirmed by the brother of Queen Andrei Nagya, who passed, however, events with other people's words. There is a slightly different option recorded from the words of a certain Romka Ivanov "with comrades" (also said, in all likelihood, with other people's words): Tsarevich kept a pile in the ring.

Regarding further, eyewitnesses are mostly unanimous - Dmitry began an attack of epilepsy - in the language of the time - "Black Nurses", and during the convulsion he accidentally hit himself "piles" in the throat. In the light of modern ideas about epilepsy, it is impossible, since at the very beginning of the epileptic seizure, a person loses consciousness and keep any items in their hands. It is quite possible that because of the concern, as if Tsarevich was not injured under him on the ground "piley", she tried to pull it out from under Tsarevich and randomly at the same time he was fatally injured in her neck or, perhaps because of this awkward attempt to Tsarevich , at that moment "fighting in cramps," he came across "pile".

According to the cormalitsa Arina Tuchkov,
"She did not save himself, as the black disease came to Tsarevich, and he had a knife in her hands, and he would have a knife, and she took Tsarevich to her arms, and she did not have a tsarevich. "

The same version with some variations were repeated and other eyewitnesses of events, as well as one of the brothers Tsaritsa Grigory Fedorovich Nagoya.
Icon "Tsarevich Dimitri Uglichsky in Life". GIm, 17th century
Left: 1. Tsarevich remove from the Palace 2. The killing of the princess, the Kormilitsa is trying to save Dimitria 3. Bijagovsky on horseback are trying to escape from the coal.
Right: 1. Ponolone beats in the bell. Bityagovsky try to knock out the door in the bell tower 2. Residents of the coal beat the killers of Dimitri killers 3. Grad Uglich

However, the queen and her other brother, Mikhail, stubbornly adhered the versions that Dmitry was slaughtered by Osipo Volokhov (the son of Mamka Tsarevich), Nikita Kachalov and Danila Bityagovsky (the son of Dejak Mikhail, sent to supervice for the Operal Tsarist family) - that is, on the direct orders of Moscow .

An excited crowd, rising in the Nabat, confused the alleged killers. Subsequently, the bell who served as a Nabat, by order of Vasily Shuisky, was cut off the tongue (as a person), and he, together with the Uglichnov, the rebels became the first exile in the newly founded Pelic Ostrog. Only in late XIX. A century, the whole bell was returned to Uglich. Currently, he hangs in the Church of Tsarevich Dimitria "on blood".

Tsarevich's body was assigned to the funeral to the church, Andrei Alexandrovich Nagya was located next to him. 19 (29) May 1591, 4 days after the death of Tsarevich, the investigative commission in the Metropolitan Gelasia, the head of the Metropolitan, the head of the Duma Decoka Elizaria Vyluzgin, the Ocolnic Andrei Petrovich Loup Clesnin and the future king of Vasily Shui. The conclusions of the Moscow Commission at that time were unambiguous - Tsarevich died from an accident.
Uglich Kremlin, Church of Dmitry on the blood of 1692
Main article: Uglichsky case

The investigative case, compiled by the Commission, was preserved called the "Uglich case", during it was attracted to a consequence of about 150 people. The uncle Tsarevich was interrogated - Nagi, Mamka, Kormilitsa, spiritual faces, close to the court or former in the Palace at the initial moment of events. The compilation of a white copy was mainly completed in Uglich. "Investigative case has been preserved almost completely, only a few initial sheets are lost. The manuscript, as the study showed, is in the main part of a white copy of the materials of the investigation submitted for consideration of a joint meeting Boyar Duma and consecrated cathedral 2 (12) June 1591 " The case was reported to Gelasius at a meeting of the consecrated cathedral, by the decision of which was transferred to the discretion of the king.

It should be borne in mind that this Investigation Commission was drawn up on behalf of Boris Godunova, who was accused of killing Tsarevich. It is usually believed that the existence of Tsarevich as a challenger for the throne was unprofitable to the ruler of the state Boris Godunov, who took advancing absolute power in 1587, but some historians claim that Boris considered Tsarevich under the reason mentioned the reason illegitimate and did not consider as a serious threat.

"The first stories that posted a different version of the events - the murder of Tsarevich on the orders of Boris Feodorovich Godunov, were placed in the composition of the ages written in the spring-summer of 1606, after the deployment and murder of Falsitria I, surrounded by the new king - Vasily Ioanovich Shuisky."

With the cessation of the troubled time, the government of Mikhail Fedorovich returned to the official version of the government of Vasily Shuisky: Dmitry died in 1591 from the hand of the mercenaries Godunov. She was recognized as the official and church. This version was described in the "Story of the State of the Russian" N. M. Karamzin). In 1829, the historian M. P. Pogodin risked to speak in defense of Boris's innocence. The Chuisian Commission's original criminal proceedings found in the archives became the decisive argument in the dispute. He convinced many historians and Boris's biographers (S. F. Platonova, R. G. Skrynnikov) is that the cause of the death of Ivan Grozny was an accident. Some criminologists argue that the testimony recorded by the Chuisky Commission, the impression of the dictation was impressed by the dictation, and the epileptic child can not be injured by a knife during the seizure, because at this time the palms are widely disclosed. The version according to which Tsarevich Dmitry remained alive and disappeared (in this regard, it was assumed, for example, that Lhadmitry I is not an impostor, and the real son of Ivan the Terrible), which was discussed back in the XIX - early XX century, still has supporters.
Burial and power
Gem cover of Carevich's crayfish from the Arkhangelsk Cathedral (fragment). Masters Pavel Alekseev, Dmitry Alekseev, Vasily Korovnikov, Timofey Ivanov, Vasily Malosolets under the leadership of Gavrila Otokimov. 1628-1630 years. Workshops of the Moscow Kremlin, Silver Chamber. The contribution of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich to the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. (Museums of the Moscow Kremlin)
Grave and icon in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Kremlin

Tsarevich Dmitry was buried in Uglich, in the palace temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. A children's cemetery arose around the grave of Tsarevich and the chamber.

3 (13) July 1606 "The Holy Power of the Passion Student of Tsarevich Dimitrius were gained intense." After canonization, his remains were transferred to the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and began to be honored as a relic (see section "Canonization").

Fragment of Tsarevich's tombstone Dmitry Ivanovich from the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is in Gima (N 118451). It says:
"In the summer of 7099 months, Maya was killed by the blessing prince Dmitry Ivanovich in the carbon ..."

In 1812, after the capture of Moscow by the French troops and their allies, Dmitry cancer was re-opened, and the power of it was thrown out. After the expulsion of the invaders, the power was again found and installed in the same place in the same silver cancer of the middle XVII centurypreserved to this day.
After death

With the death of Dmitry, the Moscow line of the Rurikovsky dynasty was doomed to extinct; Although the king Fyodor John was subsequently born her daughter, she died in infancy, and he had no sons. 7 (17) January 1598 with the death of Fedor Dynasty stopped, and his successor was Boris. From this date, the troubled time is usually counted, in which the name of Tsarevich Dmitry became the slogan of a variety of parties, the symbol of the "right", "legitimate" king; This name accepted several impostors, one of whom reign in Moscow.

In 1603, Lhadmitriy I appeared in Poland, who issued himself for the wonderfully saved Dmitry; Boris's government, before that, the fact that Tsarevich Dmitry lived in the world, and who remembered him as "Prince", was forced to properly serve him to serve him, who was remembered by his Tsarevich. In June 1605, Lhadmitriy joined the throne and for the year officially reigned as "Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich"; The widowing queen Maria Nagaaya recognized him with his son. Data on her refusal of the Son will differ and ambiguous.

After that, the king was the same Vasily Shuisky, who was investigated by Dmitry's death fifteen years ago, and then recognized the False Dmitry I of the true son of Ivan the Terrible. Now he argued the third version: Tsarevich died, but not because of an accident, but was killed by order of Boris Godunov. Tsarevich became holy (see below, in the "Canonization" section).

This share has not reached its goal, as in the same 1606 in Polish city Samborney appeared a new Dmitry, who was actually the Moscow nobleman Mikhail Molchanov, who did not appear to Russia under the royal name, but already in 1607, Lhadmitriy II (Tushinsky Tyshinsky) appeared in Starodab, and in 1611 in Ivangorod - Lhadmitriy III (Pskov Thief, Sidorca). The name "Tsarevich Dmitry" (which he did not identify any of the real impostors) used his "voivode" Ivan Isaevich Bolotnikov. According to some reports, in 1613-1614, for Dmitry, a Cossack leader Ivan Zarutsky, a former guardian of the two first Falgestritrian Marina Mnishek and her young son - Ivan, known as "vorok". With execution of this unfortunate child (1614) Shadow Tsarevich
Dimitri Uglitsky
Dimitri Ioannovich
1899. Tzarevich Dmitry by M. nesterov.jpg
Tsarevich Dmitry. Picture M. V. Nesterova, 1899.
Prince Uglitsky
Predecessor: Yuri Vasilyevich (Prince Uglitsky)

Religion: Orthodoxy
Birth: 19 (29) October 1582
Death: 15 (25) May 1591 (8 years old)
Silence Place: Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin
Rod: Rurikovichi
Father: Ivan IV
Mother: Maria Naga
Spouse: Nettentriyria and his "descendants" stopped to turn over the Russian throne, although afterwards the Polish gentry of Faustin Luba and issued himself (in Poland) for the son of Marina Mnishek and Falgestmitri II.
Dmitry Uglitsky
Saint Dmitriy icon.jpg.
Saint Tsarevich Dimitri in Life 21 of the stamp. XVIII century State Museum of History of Religion, St. Petersburg

15 (25) May 1591 (8 years)
Uglich, urban settlement Uglich, Uglich district, Yaroslavl region, RSFSR


Day of Remembrance

May 15 (killing), June 3 (transfer of the relics), October 19 (Birth), on Sunday before 26 Aug.- in the Cathedral of Moscow Saints, May 23 - in the Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints

Uglich, Moscow

Royal crown, royal robes
COMMONS-LOGO.SVG Category for Wikisklad

In 1606, a special commission under the leadership of Metropolitan Filaret was sent to King Vasily Shuisky to confirm the death of Tsarevich in Uglich. The motivation to this was the desire, according to the expression of the king, "Likement of bellying to score and the eyes of unbelievers to blind the verbal, and the Live Ravering (Tsarevich) from the murderous ladies," due to the appearance of the impostor who announced himself with true Tsarevich.

Dmitry's grave was opened, while "extraordinary incense" spread through the cathedral. The relics of Tsarevich were gained intense (in the tomb there was a fresh corpse of a child with a handful of nuts clamped in his hand). (There were rumors that Philaret bought from the Son of the Son Roman, who was then killed, and his body was put in the tomb instead of the body of Dmitry).

The solemn procession with the relics moved to Moscow; In the village of Thainsky, she was met by the king of Vasily with a retinue, as well as the mother of Dmitry - Inokine Martha. The coffin was discovered, but Martha, looking at the body, could not utter a word. Then King Vasily approached the coffin, identified Tsarevich and commanded the coffin to close. Marfa came to himself only in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral, where she announced that her son was in the coffin. The body was placed in cancer near the grave of Ivan Grozny - "In the attack of John the Forerunner, the father and his brothers and his brothers."

Immediately at the coffin of Dmitry began to occur - the healings of the patients, the crowds of the people began to besiege to the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. By order of the king, a diploma was drawn up with the description of the wonders of Dmitry Uglichsky and sent by cities. However, after the patient who delivered to the Cathedral, the patient who was touched to the coffin and died, access to the relics was discontinued. In the same 1606, Dmitry was ranked sainted.

Thus, from the XVII century, it becomes one of the most revered Russian saints:

"His worship symbolized the continuity of Moscow high policies. In addition, the time marked by the active searches of truth and good, the "non-clear killing" of St. The prince acquired the meaning of the sacrifice for the inviolability of spiritual traditions: "The God of His races, the reverend and the governments of our and the martyrs are glorified, and gives them the fault of them and the torment of the Mzvozdaya and the gift of healing."

Writing of the first lives of saint dated the end of the same 1606. It was part of the Miner's Mini-Mine (Toulupov), one of whose lists was created in 1607. "Life includes not only a story about the life and death of a saint, close to the story of the Agenda, but also a story" On acquiring and transferring honest and numerous "relics of Tsarevich to Moscow. The tale in the composition of life was preserved in 2 versions - brief and extensive, which diverge among themselves in detail. In many lists of livelihood, the story of the acquisition and transfer of the relics of Dmitry Ivanovich is omitted, but there are preface and the final "word commendable". "

"Several later, the lives of Dmitry Ivanovich in the composition of the Chetyry Mini of John Milyutin were created. Its main sources were the 1st Life of Dmitry Ivanovich and the "New Chronicler". The text of this life was widespread in ancient Russian writing. Preta Life D. I. is compiled on the basis of extensive lives and placed on May 15 in the 1st edition of the March half of the prologue (M., 1643). From edition of 1662 in the Prologue, the memory of the transfer of the relics of DI under June 3 "is placed in the Prologue.

Over the burial of Tsarevich in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral immediately was placed gravestone icon, depicting him in turn - in the scenario (early list - in the Kaluga Museum). Dmitry is traditionally depicted in rich royal clothes and in a crown. The icons depicting the Holy Frontally differ in characteristic of the shortened proportions of the shape and a large round face.

The Ural art explorer writes that "the saint iconography was especially common in Stroganov's primary patrols in the Urals. The most early in the Urals group of works is the Pelona from the Solvychygodsky Historical and Art Museum, dating from 1651-1654. This is a subscription and dated paddle with the mention of Dmitry Andreevich Stroganov "

In early icons with a living of zhith scenes, there is only a scene of "non-clear killings". "In the future, the complete gortgage iconography of the Holy Plyover Tsarevich Dimitria. B. V. Sapunov writes about twelve lists preserved in the museums of Central Russia. " The protirograph, in his opinion, served as "Canel" icon of the beginning of the 20th century, ordered by the grandmother of the future king Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova, Maria Shestech, who was tonsured, by decree of Boris Godunov, in Cheboksary Nikolsky Girl's Monastery, where soon and died. All twelve icons are accompanied by texts from the "New Chronicler". Tsarevich Dmi; Trii Iva; Novich (Dimitri Ioannovich, Direct name (on the birthday) UA; R; 19 (29) October 1582, Moscow - 15 (25) May 1591, Uglich) - Prince Uglitsky, the younger son of Ivan Grozny from Maria Fedorovna Nagya ...

On October 29, 1582, Ivan Grozny born the son of Dmitry, who fell out the share of becoming the last epilence (on the male line) of the Tsarist Dynasty Rurikovich. According to the adopted historiography, Dmitry lived eight years ...

On October 29, 1582, Ivan Grozny born the son of Dmitry, who fell out the share of becoming the last epilence (on the male line) of the Tsarist Dynasty Rurikovich. According to the adopted historiography, Dmitry lived eight years old, but his name for another 22 years hung a curse over the Russian state. Remember the 7 fatal consequences of the death of Tsarevich.

Russian people often have a feeling that the Motherland is under some kind of spell. "We are not like that - not like normal people." At the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries, in Russia, they were confident that they knew the root of all the troubles - all the fault was the curse of innocently killed Tsarevich Dmitry.

Nabat in Uglich

For Tsarevich Dmitry, the youngest son of Ivan Grozny (from the last marriage with Maria Nagya, who, by the way, was not recognized by the church) everything ended on May 25, 1591, in the city of Uglich, where he is in the status of the prince of Uglichsky, he was in the credit link . At noon, Dmitry Ioannovich Metal knives with other children, which were in his retinue. In the materials of the investigation on the death of Dmitry, there is a testimony of one date, playing with Tsarevich: "... Played de Tsarevich in a knife of a knife with them backyardAnd I came to him a disease - Paduchah ailment - and pounced on the knife. " In fact, these testimony became the main argument for investigators to qualify the death of Dmitry Johnovich as an accident. However, the inhabitants of the coal arguments would hardly be convinced. Russian people have always trusted signs more than the logical conclusions of "people." And the sign was ... And what else! Almost immediately after the heart of the younger son of Ivan Grozny stopped, Nabat was separated over the alert. The bell of the local Spassky cathedral called. And everything would be nothing, only called the bell in itself - without a ringing. The legend is reading about this that the trees for several generations were considered to be a quick and fatal sign. When residents learned about the death of the heir, the riot began. Uglichy defeated the ordinary hut, the sovereigns of Deca with the family and several other suspects killed. Boris Godunov, who actually managed the state at the nominal king Fyodore Ioannovich, hastily sent to the Uglich for the rebound of the inside. Not only to the rebels, but also a bell: he was broken from the bell tower, they pulled the "Language", cut off the "ear" and publicly on the main square punished 12 blows. And then it was sent to the link, to Tobolsk along with other rebellion. The then Tobolsky Voivode Prince Lobanov-Rostov ordered to lock the cornofee bell in an ordinary hinterland, making the inscription "First Possible inanimate with Uglich" on it. However, the ripped over the bell did not save power from the curse - everything just began.

End of the Rurikovsky Dynasty

After the news of the death of Tsarevich was separated from the Russian Earth, rumors crawled in the people that the boyar Boris Godunov attached a hand to the "accident." But there were brands who were suspected of "plot", and the then king - Fedor John, a consolidated older brother of the deceased Tsarevich. And the grounds for this were.

40 days after the death of Ivan the Terrible Fedor, the heir of the Moscow throne, became actively preparing for his coronation. According to his order, a week before the wedding of the Kingdom of Widow-Queen Maria and her son Dmitry Johnovich were sent to Uglich - "on the prince." The fact that the last wife of King John IV and Tsarevich was not invited to coronation, was a terrible humiliation for the latter. However, on this Fedor did not stop: for example, the content of the Carevich's courtyard was sometimes reduced several times a year. After just a few months from the beginning of the reign, he gives an order to the clergy to remove the traditional mention of the name of Tsarevich Dmitry in the services. The formal reason was the fact that Dmitry Ioannovich was born in the sixth marriage and was considered illegitimate for church regulations. However, everyone understood that this is just a reason. The ban on mention during the services of Tsarevich his courtyard perceived as the wish of death. The people went rumors about the failed attempts on Dmitry. Thus, Briton Fletcher, being in Moscow in 1588-1589, recorded that from poison intended for Dmitry, his cormali died.

Six months after Dmitry's death, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Johnovich, Irina Godunova, became pregnant. Everyone was waiting for the heir to the throne. Moreover, according to the legends, the birth of a boy was predicted numerous court magicians, characteristics and lycari. But in May 1592, the queen gave birth to a girl. The people were walked in the people that the Tsarevna Feodosia, the parents called the daughter, appeared to the light across the year after the death of Dmitry - May 25, and tsarist family Almost a month detained the official announcement. But it was not the most terrible sign: the girl lived just a few months, and died in the same year. And here they have already become talking about Dmitry's curse. After the death of his daughter, the king changed; He finally lost interest in his royal duties, and spent the months in the monasteries. People said that Fyodor worshius his guilt before the killed Tsarevich. In the winter of 1598, Fedor John died, not leaving the heir. Dynasty Rurikovich died with him.

Great famine

The death of the last sovereign from the Rurikovsky dynasty opened the way to the kingdom of Boris Godunov, which was actually the ruler of the country, while Living Fedor John. By that time, behind the Godunov, the reputation of the "Clever Tsarevich" was entrusted, but it was not much embarrassed. By hectic manipulations, he was still elected king, and almost immediately began with reforms. For two not a few years, he conducted transformations in the country more than the previous kings for the entire XVI century. And when Godunov, it seemed to have gained folk love, killed a catastrophe - a great hunger came to Russia from unprecedented climatic cataclysms, which lasted as many as three years. Historian Karamzin wrote that people "like a cattle shielded grass and fed her; The dead were in the mouth of the Hay. Horse meat seemed sensible: ate dogs, cats, stervo, any uncleanness. People became worse than the animals: left the families and wives not to share a piece with them. Not only robbed, killed for a chunk of bread, but also devoured each other ... The human meat was sold in the pogs in the markets! Mother gloodali The corpses of their babies! .. "Only in one Moscow died from hunger more than 120,000 people; Numerous piles of robbers were written throughout the country. From the born there was no people's love for the elected king, there was no trace - the people again talked about the curse of Tsarevich Dmitry and about the "Cursed Borisk".

The end of the dynasty of Godunov

1604 finally brought a good harvest. It seemed that trouble was over. It was a lull in front of the storm - in the fall of 1604, Godunov reported that from Poland, Tsarevich Dmitry's army moves to Moscow, miraculously flee from the hands of the Killers of Godunov in Uglich in the distant 1591. "Rabotzar", as Boris Godunov called the people, probably realized that Dmitry's curse was now embodied in an impostor. However, Boris's sovereign was not destined to meet face to face with Lhadmitry: he died suddenly in April 1605, a couple of months before the triumphant entry into Moscow "Saved Dmitry". There were rumors that the desperate "damned king" committed itself - I was poisoned. But Dmitry's curse spread and who became the king of the son of Godunov - Fedor, who strangled together with his mother's shortly before the entrance of Falsmitria in the Kremlin. They said that it was one of the main conditions of Tsarevich for the triumphal return to the capital.

End of folk confidence

So far, historians argue whether the "king is unreal"? However, probably, we will never know about it. Now we can only talk about the fact that Dmitry has never managed to revive Rurikovich. And again the fatal was the end of spring: on May 27, the boyars under the leadership of Vasily Shuisky arranged a cunning conspiracy, during which Lhadmitry was killed. The people declared that the king, whom they recently begowed, is an impostor, and arranged a public posthumous ruling. This absurd moment finally undermined the folk confidence in the authorities. Simple people I did not believe Boyam and bitterly mourned Dmitry. Shortly after the murder of the impostor, at the beginning of the summer, terrible frosts struck, which destroyed all crops. In Moscow, Mille crashed about the curse, which the boyars brought into Russian land, killing the legal sovereign. The cemetery at the Serpukhov gate of the capital, on which the impostor buried, was the venue for many Muscovites. A lot of evidence of the "phenomena" of the risen king appeared in different ends of Moscow, and some even argued that they received blessings from him. Emptying folk unrest and the new cult of the Muchennik, the authorities digged the "thief" corpse, charged his dust into the gun and shot in the direction of Poland. Falsenedmitria's wife Marina Mnishek recalled when her husband was dragged through the Kremlin gate, the wind ripped off the shields from the gate, and unharmed, in the same order set them in the middle of the roads.
End of shui

Vasily Shuisky became a new king - a person who in 1598 led to the death of Dmitry Tsarevich in Uglich. The person who concluded that the death of Dmitry John, was an accident, ending with Lhadmitria and having received the royal power, suddenly admitted that the investigation in Uglich had evidence of the violent death of Tsarevich and direct involvement in the murder of Boris Godunov. Saying this, Shuisky killed two Zaitsev: Discredited - even if he was already dead - his personal enemy Godunov, and at the same time argued that Lhadmitry, who was killed during a conspiracy, was an imposton. Last Vasily Shuisky even decided to reinforce with the help of the canonization of Tsarevich Dmitry. A special commission about the head with Metropolitan Rostov Philaret was sent to Uglich, which opened the grave of Tsarevich and allegedly discovered in the coffin the unvealing body of a child, which exulted fragrance. The relics were solemnly brought to the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin: there were rumors in Moscow that the remains of the boy miraculous, and the people went to the Holy Dmitry for healing. However, the cult did not last long ago: there were several deaths from touching the relics. In the capital, rumors were raised about the fake relics and about Dmitry's curse. Cancer with the remains had to be removed from the eye to the reliquary. And very soon in Russia, a few more Dmitriev Johnovich appeared in Russia, and the dynasty of the Shui, the Suzdal branch of Rurikovich, who for the two centuries were the main rivals of Danilovich branches for the Moscow throne, was interrupted on the first king. Vasily finished his life in Polish captivity: in the country, in the direction of which by his order was once shot as the ashes of Falsenedmitria I.

Last curse

Eature in Russia ended only in 1613 - with the establishment of a new Romanov dynasty. But did Dmitry dried up with this curse? 300 Summer history of the dynasty speaks about the opposite. Patriarch Filaret (in the world Fyodor Nikitich Romanov), the father of the first "Romanovsky" king Mikhail Fedorovich was in the most thick of "passions of Dmitry". In 1605, his concluded by Boris Godunov in the monastery released as a "relative" of Lhadmitriy I. After the filament of Shuisky, Filaret brought the "miraculous relics" Tsarevich from the Uglich to Moscow and put on the cult of St. Dmitry Uglitsky - in order to convince that once saved his Lhadmitry was an impostor. And then, putting to the opposition of the king Vasily, became the "informed patriarch" in the Tushinsky Lhaderitriya camp.

Filaret can be considered the first of the Romanov dynasty: with Tsar Mikhail, he wore the title "Great Sovereign" and was actually the head of state. The kingdom of Romanov began with the troubled and the smutch ended. And the second time in the Russian history, the tsarist dynasty was interrupted by the murder of Tsarevich. There is a legend that Paul I closed in a casket for a hundred years, the prediction of the elder Abel, regarding the fate of the dynasty. It is possible that the name Dmitry Ioannovich appeared there.

Alexey Pleshanov

Materials investigating the mysterious death of Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich entered the historical use called the "Uglich column". When switching to new system Storage of documents under Peter I uncomfortable in the use of "column" (scroll) was cut by archivities on sheets and dropped in a notebook. In 1913, handwritten documents were published in a book format called "The Purpose of 1591 about the killing of Tsarevich Dimitri Ivanovich on Uglich."


Many researchers believe that the cause of the death of the younger son of Ivan the Terrible in the "Search materials" was falsified by the Investigation Commission. However, the editor of the book "The case is the search for 1591 about the killing of Tsarevich Dimitri Ivanovich at Uglich", the well-known museum specialist Vladimir Klein, in the preface to the publication indicated that the loss of several fragments of the testimony of the docked coalists, as well as the sheets of the sheets became the result of the negligence of archivists when cutting and Layout notebooks.

"The investigative act is a business copy, manufactured and edited in Uglich," it was he who was represented by the Commission at a joint meeting of the consecrated cathedral (meeting of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church) and Boyar Duma on June 2, 1591, claimed Klein.

Today, to get acquainted with the investigative acts of 1591, there is no need to conduct surveys in the archives. The law firm "Yustina" in the framework of the project "Russian lawsuits" continues to publish genuine materials of the most high-profile forensic cases from the history of Russia. This year, the second book of the series was published - "The case of the murder of Tsarevich Dimyritia."


Citizens break the kings of Tsarevich Dmitry stones. Miniature from handwritten

On the principle of checks and balances

Tsarevich Dmitry did not fall at noon on May 15, 1591 in front of the eyes, as follows from the materials of the "Seasual Commission", in eight people. However, the question of what happened on the backyards of the princely chorus in the Uglich Kremlin, where a nine-year-old boy under the supervision of the nanniki, the crumbles and the bed played with his peers, - an accident or death from the hands of the killer - and today it remains for researchers a source of discussions.

After Dmitry's death, and then his brother Fyodor I Ivanovich - the Middle Son of the Terrible, who reigned to the very death in 1598, stopped the Tsarist Dynasty of Rurikovich. Ultimately, it opened the way to the Tron boyar Boris Godunov, Shurina Fedor, who during the lifetime of the king (weak, according to the testimony of his contemporaries, health and mind) actually managed the Russian state.

Until 1613, when the Zemsky Cathedral "planted on the kingdom" Mikhail Romanova, there was an interface in the country, accompanied by the intervention of neighboring states - Poland and Sweden. At the same time, during the struggle for the supreme power, the name of the deceased Junior Rurikovich, who accepted the Self-Prostmitry (one of them in 1605-1606 reign in the Russian throne in 1605-1606).

The wonderful salvation of Tsarevich from death is one of the most dubious versions of Uglich's events, the possibility of which however, did not exclude some researchers, thereby recognizing the fact of the attempt. But the Investigation Commission came to predictable conclusion: Dmitry's death was not violent.

The "searched" commission led by a boyarian prince Vasily Shui, the future king, arrived from Moscow in Uglich in the evening of May 19. It consisted of Ocolnic Andrei Kleshinn, Dyack Elizarius Svaluzgin and Metropolitan of Sarah and Podonian Gelacy. Prince, according to some historians, was the secret ill-wisher of Godunov, because of which several representatives of the family of Shuisi suffered, including himself.

Thus, the very fact of his appointment Godunov demonstrated that it is not involved in any part of the death of Tsarevich and is not afraid of an independent "search." Other researchers argue that the oppositionality of Shuisky to power is nothing more than a historical legend, and in fact the Father Shuisky was in his time close to Ivan Grozny, in which Godunov was raised, and Prince Vasily, in turn, enjoyed the location of Godunov. However, in this case, the tsarist co-coster had sharp agree with the candidate of the prince.

Certificate of proximity to the royal favorite and Kleshnina have been preserved - Ocolnichy repeatedly performed the secret orders of Godunov. On the other hand, he was a son-in-law of Mikhail Nagogi, one of the units of Dmitry, the actual organizer of the Bunt in Uglich after his death, which in Moscow was already known. It is worth noting that shortly after the commission of the commission to Moscow, Kleshinn took the lead in a remote monastery, where he accepted a number of strict vows and wore Verigi.

"Which custom Tsarevich Dmitre Death happened?"

The crime investigation procedure in that period was regulated by the "judicial officer" of Ivan IV. He was adopted at the Zemsky Cathedral of 1549 and was approved in 1551 by the church-Zemsky Oblast Cathedral. His rules were prescribed by the hierarchical system of "diversion".

They were conducted in a certain sequence: first the testimony was given representatives of the spiritual estate on the downward rank - from archimandrite to Deaconov, then "Boyar Children", Clausers, Olders, Corolovans and Peasants. Interrogations of the members of the same family were also carried out in the order of seniority. However, on the layout of the interrogated sheets of Uglichsky case, it is difficult to judge whether the commission adhered to this order.

In total, the investigative commission of Shui was interrogated from 140 to 150 people of various classes - from Archimandrite Fedor and family members of Nagich to the courtyard servants. At the same time, many have testified to other people's words, but in armament of the then inquiry authorities already had a full-time procedure ("with eyes to the eyes"). True, judging by the materials of "Diprosyov", the Commission resorted to it quite rarely.

Version first

In the Uglich "searched" case reflected two versions of the death of the Junior Sibling of Ivan the Terrible, spent by the Shuisky Commission. According to the first, Tsarevich during the game in the "Tychka" (the players alternately throw the knife from the tile so that he, turning over in the air, stuck in the land in the outlined circle) in the seizure of the epilepsy, which he suffered, "sketched" the throat on his knife.


The evidence of this version was based on eyewitness of the Accidents - Nanniki Vasilis Volokhova, Kormilitsa Arina Tuchkov, the bed of Maria Kolobovaya, the Stryathe Seeds of Yudina and four boys who played with Tsarevich in "Tychka" (at the same time, the testimony for everyone gave the oldest one - Son bed Parsley Kolobov).

From the testimony of Volokhovah: "And threw it to the ground, and here the Tsarevich himself was a knife with a knife in his throat, and he beat him for a long time, and he did not become him." From the testimony of Tuchkov: "And she did not save him, as the Tsarevich's disease came black, and he had a knife in his hands in his hands, and he had a knife ...".

From the testimony of Kolobovaya: "Tsarevich Dmitry went on Saturday in the yard, played with the tenants with a knife, and she did not save him, as she came to Tsarevich black, and he had a knife in his hands in his hands, and he had a knife ..." From the testimony The strangue seed of Yudina: "... Torshiped [Tsarevich] with tenants, from a lot of workers with a little one in a knife, and came to him a mad, and threw him about the ground, and beat him for a long time, and he had a knife with a knife." From the testimony of boys: "And the tenants of Tsarevichy, who played with Tsarevich, Parsley Samoilov, son of Kolobov, Bazhenko Nevozhanov, son of Tuchkov, Ivashko Ivanov, son of Kraschensky, Grishka, Ondreyev Son Kozlovsky, said: played de Tsarevich in the back of a knife with them in the back The courtyard, and came to him the disease, a fading ailment and pounced on the knife ... "

Version Second

According to the investigation materials, the murder version and the names of the alleged killers ("Osip Volokhov, and Mikita Kachalov, yes Danilo Bityagovskaya") - originally proceeded from the queen Mary Nagoya and spread out one of her brothers - Mikhail.


From the testimony of Hegumen Savvatiya: "Agenous Tsarevich lies in the spas [Church] slaughtered and the queen said: Save-de Tsarevich Mikita Kachalov, and Mikhailov Son Bityagovsky Danilo, and Osip Volokhov."

From the testimony of Volokhovoy: "... And as Tsarevich in the disease in a black smoking knife, and the queen of Marya escaped into the courtyard and soaked it, Vasilisa, the queen of Marya Beti himself, and she struck her head in many places, and soaked her, Vasilis, sentenced, What seems to be her son, Vasilisin, Osip, with the Mikhail Son, Bityagovsky, and Mikita Kachalov Tsarevich Dmitrey slaughtered ... "

From the testimony of Mikhail Nazhogo: "... Maya on day 15, on Saturday, in the sixth hour, the days, ranked in the city of Savior [...] and Zhayal he was burning, he ran to Tsarevich to the courtyard, and Tsarevich Zaring [Ali] Osip Volokhov, and Mikita Kachalov, yes Danila Bityagovskaya ... ".

To verify the version of the murder, the members of the Commission limited themselves to the two questions "Parsushka Kolobovu from comrades": "Who were in those pores for Tsarevich?" The boys answered that besides them, near Dmitry, Mamka, Kormilitsa and the bedroom were. Then investigators clarified: "Yes Osip, Vasilisin Son, Volokhov, Danilo, Mikhailov Son, Bityagovsky, were there any way for Tsarevich?" "... Osipa Volokhova and Danila Mikhailovoy Son, Bityagovsky, did not have a chance for Tsarevich for Tsarevich," there was no answer that was satisfied with the commission.

"And the landing people rushed for Mikhail Bityagovsky"

After attentive reading the text of the "Uglich column", it becomes obvious that the main purpose of the Commission was to establish the circumstances of the reprisals over Deca Mikhail Bityagovsky and another fourteen treats, as well as the degree of involvement in the mass riots of the queen Mary and her relatives. Historians suggest that the city clerk Rusin Rakov, an official and an active event party, met the Shuisian Commission on the road to Uglich, and her chapter was aware of the role of Nagih in what had happened and in a hurry to fix it in "interrogation protocols".


From the testimony of Mikhail Nazhogo: "And the days, Maya on the 19 day, in the evening [...] [Ras] praised Mikhail Nagovo: [...] For he, I ordered to kill Mikhail Bityagovsky, and Mikhailova Son, Danil, and Mikita Kachalova, and Daniel Tretyakova, and Osipa Volokhov, and Posal People, and Mikhailov, Bityagovsky, and Osipovsky, Volokhov; And for what he ordered [...] to select knives, and peeled, and the flock of iron, and sabers, and put on [bi] [...]? ". Nagya, unlucking, replied that "those of all people who are broken, beat blacks; And he, Mikhailo Naggy landing [M], not giving them all sorts of people; [...] And she selected knives, and they were singing, and sabers, and a stick of iron and put on the born people a city cradle Rusin Crack ... "

His testimony refuted Grigory Nagoya: "Yes, yesterday de, on Tuesday, Maya at 19 days, his brother, Mikhailo Nagya, ordered the cruise cuddy Rusin Rakov to select the knives and ordered the chicken blood of the bed; Yes, she ordered the flock of iron get. And those knives and the terr who ordered his brother, Mikhailo Nagya, put in those people who are beaten: on Osip Volokhov, yes on Dani [La] on Mikhailova Son, Bityagovsky, yes on Mikita on Kachachakov, yes, Danil on Tretyakov in order That de as well, the people of Tsarevich Dmitrey slaughtered. "

From the testimony of Nazhogo, the scales of traveling are clear: "And Grigoria Fedorov, the son of Nagovo, said many people Posheny and stalls came to the courtyard and so much to speak, unknown who was killed by Tsarevich Dmitrey Mikhailov Son, Bityagovsky, Danilo, yes Osip Volokhov, and Mikita Kachalov; And Mikhailo Bityagovsky teeged to talk, and Poshesky people rushed over Mikhail Bityagovsky, and Mikhailo ran into a stitching hut in the courtyard, and Poshesky people broke the doors and Mikhail dragged, and then he was killed to death, and Danil Tretyakov immediately killed together; And the son of Mikhailova, Daniel Bityagovsky, and Mikita Kachachakov killed in the Dyachy in the rose-free And Volokhov's Osipa led to Queen up, to the church, to save, and here he was killed before the queen; And people of Mikhailov, Bityagovsky, four people, and Osipovsky, Volokhov, two people, and landing people of three people, where they were withdrawn, killed a mobile, unknown where; And he does not know, about what people beat ... ".

The murders were accompanied by a discrepancy and robbery: "And on Mikhailov, the courtyard of Bityagovsky went all people peace, and Mikhailov Dvor loose, and drinking from the cellar in the barrels, and the barrels of Cole, and with Mikhailov, the courtyard took Mikhail Horses of Nintero. Sammood for a while suspended Archimandrite Fedor and Igumen Savatti, who came to the Uglich Kremlin. At the moment when the wife of Dekka Bityagovsky, "Handing, Nagu and Prostonoloshi Koldly" with children to the square in front of the palace, the monks "grabbed" the Bityagovskaya with daughters "and took them away and killed did not give." But after their departure, the disappeared resumed.

The answer to the unsynted queen question

In the "Uglich column" there is no testimony of Maria Nagya. The Queen had a "judicial" immunity, whose deprivation could not even Patriarch. Only she could clarify why in the first few minutes after Dmitry's death she called the killers to Danil Bityagovsky and other relatives of Deca. However, historians have surprisingly unanimous response to this not asked question.

"Praised over the state, the decree of the money of the treasury"

At the end of the throne of Fedor Ivanovich, Dmitry, together with the mother and her relatives, Nagi by the decision of the "all the most important people" (Regentic Council) was sent to Uglich in the status of a specific prince, but was deprived of the right to dispose of the income of his principality, and the Uglich yard began to receive money "For use" from the royal treasury. The real power focused in the hands of the "seruners" led by Deco Bityagovsky, who were sent from Moscow. In the testimony of the commission, the threshing Queen told that Nagya Mikhail was constantly "praised over the state the decree of the money of the treasury", and Bityagovsky "he refused him," from which "quarrels and breaks" spoke. Interestingly, the last skirmish between Nagim and Deca occurred in the morning of May 15th.

The conflict of the interests of the clan Nagih and Bityagovsky testified in the petition king of the widow of the Bitshaigovsky: "My husband Mikhailo said, and he was scolded with Mikhail [Nagim] for the fact that he was harvested with Dmitrey's preliminary and leading to Tsarevich. Mikhail Yes, Grigory ... And about you, the sovereign, and about the queen Mikhailo Naggy, I strongly ordered to bury ... ".

"Who was profitable?"

Much less unanimous is the researchers in relation to one of the starting postulates of the investigation "And who is profitable?" However, mainly the discussion is conducted around that is involved or not to the death of Tsarevich Boris Godunov.

He, being from 1587 by the ruler russian state De facto, as most historians believe, sought de-Yura to build his genus to the throne, Dmitry could become the obstacle on the way, and this can be considered a motive. One of the first large Russian historians, Nikolai Karamzin staging in his "history of the Russian state" version that the royal cliver was still afraid that after the death of Fedor I, the throne would take his brother and tried to eliminate him physically. First, with the help of Mama, Tsarevich tried to poison a slowly active potion, and when this plan failed, to kill Dmitry Godunov instructed some Vladimir Zagralozsky and Nikifora Chepchugov. After they refused, Kulznin has come to Godunov another performer - Deca Bityagovsky, "marked at the face of the press of atrocity."

However, not all historians agree with what Godunov had the resonance to want the death of Tsarevich. The fact is that Maria Nagaya was the eighth wife of Grozny. This marriage, as well as a few previous ones, did not bless the Orthodox Church, and he was considered illegal, and the child was illegitimate and did not imagine the threats to the dynastic aspirations Godunov, they reasoned these researchers.

From the point of view of today's criminal process

Most representatives historical scienceLike Karamzin, did not believe the conclusions of the investigation about the inadvertent suicide of Tsarevich. Historian Sergey Soloviev noted: "The investigation was made unfair. It is not clear whether it was clear that they were in a hurry to collect more testimonies that Tsarevich was killed himself in the seizure of the Padochi disease, not paying attention to contradictions and the shelter of the main circumstances. " (Solovyov S.M. History of Russia from ancient times. KNIV (T.7-8). M., 1960. P. 321-322.).

According to another well-known historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, the Commission "was a matter of Mesto or unfair, carefully asked about side details and forgotten the most important circumstances, did not find out the contradictions in the testimony, generally struck the case." (Klyuchevsky V.O. Kursa of Russian History. Lecture XLi // Kueviewski V.O.Somochenia in 8 volumes. T.II. M., 1957. P.22).

In turn, historians of a later, XX century, Alexander Tyumenev and Ruslan Skrynnikov believed that the commission's investigation was distinguished by completeness and reliability, was not biased, and did not leave in this historical drama "white" spots. (Tyumenev A.I. Revision of the news of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry // Magazine of the Ministry of Folk Education. Part 15.1908. Mai; Skrynnikov R.G. Russia On the eve of "Troubletime"... 1981.)


Grand Mal and another version of the death of Tsarevich

An interesting study undertook a well-known specialist in the field of criminal law. Dr. Legal Sciences Ivan Krylov (1906-1996). He analyzed the materials of the Uglich investigative case from the position modern methods Forensic studies (by the way, it was he indicated that he had the right to exist at least one more version: Tsarevich died as a result of a careless murder, who had occurred by a knife with a knife with some of the participants of the game).

The wings turned to one of the largest specialists in the country of children's epilepsy to the doctor of medical sciences Rama Kharitonov with the question: Could Tsarevich, if the knife really was in his hands during a seizure, put a fatal injury? After acquaintance with the investigative matter, Kharitonov firmly replied: I could not, because during a large convulsive plot (Grand Mal), the sick always produces objects in the hands. The conclusion of Professor Kharitonov, according to Krylov, refutes the testimony of witnesses that Tsarevich "knead the knife" (Krylov I.F. were the legends of forensics. 1987. p.93.).

Other criminologists who studied the Uglich case from the point of view of today's criminal proceedings were called obvious, in their opinion, flaws that do not allow to make an unequivocal conclusion about Dmitry's happened with Tsarevich. These were the lack of a description of the place where the tragedy occurred, the knife, whom the alleged Tsarevich wounded. There is also no description of the wounds of Tsarevich Dmitry, its character and localization, therefore, it is impossible to make the withdrawal of whether he could be caused to him by such a subject.

"Tsarevich Dimitry Death was learn by God's court"

On June 2, 1591, Metropolitan Gelaksi reported the results of the investigation of the death of Tsarevich at a joint meeting of the consecrated cathedral and boyars. In turn, the decision of the Cathedral about the happened in Uglich on May 15, 1591 was announced by the Patriarch Jew: "In front of the Mikhail and Grigory and Grigory and Uglitskaya Posad people, the Treason is clear: Tsarevich Dimitray Death was led by God's court; And Mikhail Nagya Summer orders, Deca Mikhail Bityagovsky and the Son, Nikita Kachachakov and other nobles, residents and landing people who stood for the truth, ordered to beat in vain.

For such a great change in Mikhail Nagya with brothers and men, the trees in their wines reached any punished. But this is the case of Zemskoy, Gradskoye, then God knows the sovereign, everything is in his royal hand, and the execution, and opal, and grace, about that sovereign as God will notify ... ".

All, including the bell, punished "by wines"

The royal verdict "Wines" was the following: Tsaritsa Maria were touched into the nuns, the Nagich brothers were sent to the link, possessing, who took part in murders and robbery, whom they were executed, and whom they were extended to "live" to Siberia, after which the city was deprived. "Punished" was also a bell, which convened the Uglisian "from the axes, and with sabers, and with Rhitnes." He was dropped from the bell tower, dried up, pulled out "Language", cut off one "ear" and sent for 300 years to Tobolsk (he currently hangs in the Uglich Church of Tsarevich Dimitria on blood).

"Skalas" from "Lukavago Slave Boris Godunova" ...

As the further events showed, the circumstances of the death of the juvenile tsarevich with changes in the dynastic, hierarchical and political situation were repeatedly rewritten. For example, Prince Shuisky in turn adhered to all three versions of the Uglich business. As the head of the Investigation Commission, he relentously argued that Tsarevich himself silently in an epileptic seizure. Then, by recognizing the political considerations of Falsmitria I Son Ivan Grozny, said that he had not seen in the Uglich body of Dmitry. Finally, having joined the throne after the overthrow of the impostor, he publicly announced that Tsarevich "rushed to the soul" from Lukavago Slave Boris Godunova. This version remained official and in the Romanov dynasty. In 1606, the "Blagovert Tsarevich" was canonized, and the church considered his unsuccessful suicide as a heresy.

Historian Nikolai Kostomarov (1817-1885) wrote that "the investigative case for us is not more than one of the three testimony of Shuisky, and, moreover, such an indication that the power was destroyed was twice them as themselves" (Kostomarov N.I. On the investigative In the case of the killing of Tsarevich Dimitria // Bulletin of Europe. T.5. 1873.). However, today these documents are interesting at least what they allow them to touch the ancient Russian criminal law, draw up their opinion on the versions of the development of events of the centuries-old prescription, which have reached us with distortions, carry out analogies and comparative characteristics with modernity.

Dynasty Rurikovich began with the foundation of the Moscow principality in 1263 and existed only 355 years. During this period of history, ten generations of kings were changed. Rod, the first representatives of which were distinguished by random health and died, for the most part, from the enemy sword, as it should be brave soldiers, by the end of their existence practically survived themselves.

Related marriages

It is known that the princes of the first four generations of Rurikovich married exclusively on the daughters of sovereign rulers. The overwhelming number of marriages - 22 - was concluded with representatives of Russian principalities: Tver, Mezetsk, Serpukhovsky, Smolensk and Yaroslavsky and others. In three cases, Rurikovichi's pervolment was married to the four-rich sisters of Moscow origin. 19 unions were concluded with princes Rurikins from northeastern lands and adjacent to the principalities in the head of the Oka.

Married had a common ancestor - Vsevolod Big nest - and therefore, such an alliance led to the heighters in one related group. The result was the genetic degradation of offspring. Children often died in infancy. A total of 137 princes and prinjon appeared on the orange marriages. 51 The child died without reaching 16 years.

So, the king of Vasily I was the father of nine children, five of whom went away from the life of babies, one - the trap. The heir to Dmitry Donskoy, the deceased at the age of 15 years, was weak and sickly. Son Vasily II could not walk, grew apathetic and sluggish. In the chronicles of 1756, it was said that in the divine service to the Temple of a three-year-old child were brought in her arms. And although Tsarevich lived to 29 years old, he did not stand on his feet.

The devil is attacked

In addition to physiological deviations, the heirs of Rurikovich were noted mental diseases. Historians note that already in the fifth knee of Moscow Tsarevichi, there were oddities of behavior, as well as unknown for those times the disease of the head, which in our age could be diagnosed as mental deviations.

Ivan IV since childhood was distinguished by a hot-tempered character, a dimity and cruelty, superior to Caliguly and Nero. Psychiatrist P. I. Kovalevsky at the end of the 19th century published work, in which she argued that the Grozny Tsar had the symptoms of paranoia, the mania of persecution and congenital dementia. By the end of his reign, he was on the verge of madness, showing a strange attachment to the oborudy and scareting approximately inexplicable rage. In the attack of anger, he made a violence over his own son, after which he fell into a serious depression. [C-Block]

The situation aggravated the "Zamorsky Deals" - Syphilis, who struck the king, who, after the death of the wife of Queen Anastasia, fell in a convulsion and tasted "vile delight of consulting." The chroniclers claim that Grozny praised the fact that it was crushed by a thousand maidens and deprived a thousand of his children's children. The German pastor Odereborn wrote that the father with the eldest son changed both mistresses and lovers.

Inadequate behavior was noticed by his brother Tsarevich - Yuri. For the son of Ivan IV Fedor Ioannovich, the reputation of an infallible person was consolidated at all. Foreign submitted in the reports to their homeland reported that the Russians call their ruler with the word Durak. The last son of the Terrible Tsar Dmitry Uglichsky since the infancy suffered from "Paducha" the disease, now known as epilepsy, and lagged behind mental Development. The events of the Epoch of Ivan Grozny pushed princely families to refuse related unions.

Pertes disease

In 2010, with the participation of scientists from Ukraine, Sweden, Great Britain and the United States, a study of DNA of bone remains from Sarcophagov found in the Church of St. Sophia Kievskaya was conducted. According to Ukrainian anthropologists and archaeologists, the examination helped to reveal the hereditary disease, which the prince of Yaroslav Wise suffered, is perthes disease, in which the blood supply to the head of the femur is disturbed, as a result of which the joint is worse, leading to its necrosis. Really, grand Duke During his lifetime, chrome badly and complained about permanent pain.

Apparently, Rurikovichi's gene mutation could inherit from their ancestor of Prince Vladimir the Great. Pathogenic autosomes as a result of intraodic marriages were transferred to the descendants from Yaroslav Vladimirovich himself and his blood sister. Chromosomes with genetic disease were distributed to all branches of the princely kind, as well as in the Dynasty of the Hungarian and Polish sovereigns, which confirmed the DNA analyzes of the remains from the burials in Chernigov, Krakow and Hungarian Tihani, where the daughter of Yaroslav Wise Queen Anastasia was restored.