Explanatory note. How to write a methodological manual Explanatory note to the study manual


Educational and Methodical Department

to help the teacher

The concept of crime and the composition of the crime, the elements of the composition of the crime;

The concept, species and system of criminal penalties;

Exemption from criminal liability and punishment;

Rules of qualifications of certain types of crimes envisaged by the special part of the Criminal Code of Russia;

be able to:

To interpret and implement the norms of criminal law;

Free use of regulatory acts;

Logically to express and substantiate their point of view on criminal law;

Freely operate with legal concepts and categories;

Analyze and solve legal problems in the field of criminal law relations;

Apply the resulting theoretical knowledge when resolving various situational tasks;

Competent to apply regulatory acts, as well as guidelines for higher judicial instances in the permitting of various legal issues of a criminal law.

Criminal law is a profiling discipline and, at the same time, it is a fundamental industry of Russian law, which regulates the general principles, conditions and foundations of criminal liability and punishment, as well as establishing which acts are crimes and what punishments or other criminal proceedings are applied to Persons who committed them.

The working curriculum indicates the thematic plan, themes offered for study, information support: educational literature, decisions of the Plenums of the Supreme Court Russian Federation and other regulatory acts necessary to study each topic; Types of independent activities of students, topics of coursework, questions for intermediate certification.

Theoretical knowledge obtained after studying the theoretical knowledge is enshrined in practical classes through oral or written surveys, discussing judicial practice and clarification, solving problems. When studying discipline, students perform coursework. The organization of the course work occurs on the basis of guidelines.

The development of discipline is based on the following courses of general and special training: the theory of state and law; Constitutional (state) right.

Appendix 2.

Explanatory note

Methodical recommendations for the implementation of the test work by students of correspondence for training in the discipline "English" are intended for the implementation of state requirements for the minimum content and level of graduates in the specialty 030503.51 "Law."

The main goal of the English language course in a non-language university is to train the practical possession of the colloquial speech and the language of the specialty for the active application of English, both in everyday and professional communication. The criterion of practical ownership of English is the ability to confidently use the most common and relatively simple language tools in the main types of speech activities: talking, perception of rumor (audit), reading and writing. Practical knowledge of the language of the specialty also involves the ability to independently work with special literature in English in order to obtain professional information.

As a result of the study of the academic discipline, the student of the correspondence form of training should:


Basic vocabulary of the general language;

The main terminology of its specialty;

The main methods of annotation, referencing and transfer of literature in the specialty;

Major grammatical rules and phenomena;

Use learned grammar and lexical material in practice.

Home testing is carried out in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and development of skills and the ability to use them in practice. Before starting the test work, it is necessary to explore the content of the relevant textbooks, lectures abstracts. When performing test work, general instructions on the performance of written works should be guided.

All tasks for test work are divided into 10 options. The number of the variant is determined by the last digit in the student's credit book number or student ticket. Examination on this discipline consists of 12 practical tasks.

Criteria ratings:

Examination is estimated on a five-point system.

5 points - The work is fully fulfilled, without errors, neatly decorated.

4 points - In the work, grammatical errors are admitted, there are errors in the design.

3 points - Student made at least 50% of the task.

2 points - The student did not cope with the task (less than 50% of the task were performed), there are gross errors in the tasks, and also not independently.

Appendix 3.

Explanatory note

Methodical recommendations for the organization and conduct of practical exercises are intended to implement state requirements for the minimum content and level of graduates in the specialty 080107.52 "Taxes and Taxation".

Methodical recommendations will allow students with the greatest efficiency to organize their activities to fulfill practical tasks on the discipline "Fundamentals of research activities". The study of discipline involves practical classes, the implementation of which suggests the creative work of students, by topics defined by independently and agreed with the teacher. Thus, the qualitative development of the discipline "Basics of Research" will be achieved with the implementation of a personal-oriented approach when studying it. The recommendations present the topics of practical classes, their detailed plans are given with comments and explanations.

The purpose of the educational discipline "Basics of Research Activities" is to ensure basic knowledge to implement research in the process of scientific knowledge and theoretical justification of professional tasks.

The content of the discipline "Basics of Research Activities" makes it possible to understand the role of research work in practical activity Specialist, master and consolidate the basic concepts of scientific research, make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe methods and logic of scientific knowledge, search, accumulation, processing scientific information and registration of research results.

As a result of studying discipline, the student must

have a presentation:

On the current state of science as a sociocultural phenomenon and its meaning for human life;


Research methodology;

Ways to search and accumulate the necessary scientific information, its processing and design of results;

Methods of scientific knowledge;

General structure and research apparatus;

Techniques and ways to search and accumulate the necessary scientific information;

be able to:

Apply theoretical knowledge to solve specific practical tasks;

Define the object of study, formulate a goal, to draw up a study plan;

Collect, study and process information;

Formulate conclusions and make generalizations;

Work with computer programs when processing and designing research results.

To fulfill the practical tasks, the student needs to refer to knowledge previously learned on such disciplines as "Russian language and culture of speech", "Business Communication", "Fundamentals of Philosophy", "Documentary Management".

In essence, creative work performed by students within the framework of practical training is the reproduction of "miniature" of research work. The experience gained in the fulfillment of creative work will allow students to competently plan and implement research work of various levels of complexity: coursework, thesis, research project, etc.

Assessment of the quality of fulfillment by students of creative work will be carried out in stages, in accordance with the plan of practical training on a five-point scale. The result of creative work is its defense at the last practical lesson.

Criteria ratings:

5 points - The work was performed by a student independently, in full, without mistakes, neatly decorated, its defense was carried out by a gramone, interesting.

4 points - The work was performed with a minor assistance to the teacher, errors are made, not distorting work themes, there are errors in the design, its defense was carried out correctly.

3 points - The work was carried out by a student with a constant and significant assistance of the teacher, mistakes were made in presenting the topic of work, there are errors in the design, its defense was carried out briefly, without the interest of the audience present.

2 points - The student did not cope with the fulfillment of work, there are gross distortions of the topic, disruption. To protect these works are not allowed.

State educational institution

Higher professional education

"Karelian State Pedagogical Academy"

Of. ART. And. Design.

art. teacher of the Department of Law;

art. Lecturer, Department of Iya


associate Professor of the Department of English

art. Lecturer of the Department



Explanatory note to educational and methodological guide in English for students of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

This educational and methodological manual on the "Foreign Language" discipline is designed for FTIP students taking into account the specifics of the faculty. The textbook was drawn up to work with students studying in the specialties: "Fine art", "Art technologies and design" and "House culture and decorative and applied creativity."

The manual is a collection of texts for reading in a specialty with tasks to them. The manual consists of two main parts: "The Fine Arts" and "Design"

The main objectives of this compilation are the development of students of the non-language faculties of the ability to read literature in the specialty, expand their lexical reserve, improve the lexico-grammatical skills obtained in the school lessons at school, as well as the development of the ability of a monologue statement. Tasks to the texts provide for the development of students the development of the ability to read in order to search for the necessary information, as well as with a complete understanding of the read.

To facilitate working with texts, the allowance is provided with a list of geographical names and personal names with transcription.

This tutorial can be used both for audited work with students and for independent work of students.

The Fine Arts.

Read Texts A - F and Answer The Questions About Different Styles of Art.

(Some of the Styles May Be Used More Than On In Your Answers)

A Cave Paintings.

The Cave Paintings on the Walls of Caves in Spain and Southern France Are The Earliest Form of Art We Have. THEY SHOW A WIDE VARIETY OF ANIMALS, SUCH AS BEARS, HORSES AND DEER. The Pictures Were Painted in Bright Colors, Which Were Made of Various Minerals Mixed With Animal Fat, Egg Whites, Plant Juices and Even Blood. They Were Almost Certainly Connected With Hunting. In One Famous Examplex in France, A Cave in Lascaux in France, a man IS Shown Among Some Animals And There Plant Dark Dark Dots in the Painting. The Meaning of the Painting Is Not Certain, But It Shows That Cave Dwellers Had Superb Artistic Skills.

B Egyptian Paintings

More Than 5 000 Years Ago, The World Around Them on the Walls of the Pharaohs' Tombs. The Egyptians Believed There Was Life After Death, So The Painted Pictures of Mythological Storm and Of Daily Life. People and Animals Were Shown Involved In Daily Activities, Such As Hunting, Farming and Eating.

C Greek Art.

The Most Artistic People of Any Age Were, Perhaps, The Greeks Around 500 BC. Their Aim in Sculpture Was The Imitation Of Life, But Life In Its Perfect Or Ideal Form. We Have Many Examples of Greek Sculpture, Which Is Characterized by The Beauty of Its Forms and Amazing Knowledge Of Human Anatomy. MOST OF THE SCULPTURES PORTRAY GODS AND GODDESSES FROM MYTHOLOGY.

Most Greek Wall Paintings Have Not Survived, But We Have a Few Examples by The Minoans of Crete In The Ancient Royal Palaces of Knossos and Santorini. These Pictures Are Very Realistic and Lively. The Most Common Subjects Are Sports, Celebrations, Dolphins and Beautiful Young People.


The Renaissance Is Usually Defined As The Rebirth of Painting and Literature Inspied by Classical Models, Especially Those of Ancient Greece. The 15th to the 16th Century and Its Center Was Italy. The Great Artists of the Period, Who Include Michelagelo, Leonardo and Botticelli, Were Able to Paint Nature and People with Great Accuracy. More Than Any Other Style, The Works of the Italian Renaissance Can Be Seen in Museum Collections Throughout The World.


The Name Comes from a picture by MONET, "IMPRESSION, SUNRISE" (1872). This Painting Shows Monet's Interest in Analyzing Tone and Color and Above All, The Way Light Reflects on the Surface of Objects. As A Result, The Objects Do Not Have a Clear Outline. The first Impressionist Exhibition Was Held in 1874 When Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Degas and Others Announced That The Aim of the Movement Was To Achieve Greater Naturalism in Painting. MOST IMPRESSIONIST PICTURES ARE OF LANDSCAPES AND THE IMPRESSIONSTIS LIKED TO USE BRIGHT COLORS, EVEN WHEN PORTRAYING SHADOWS; This Often Gives Their Work A Joyful, Optimistic Feel.

F Modernism


Which Style or Styles of Art


Is the Oldest?


Is Directly Influenced by A Previous Style of Painting?

TriED to be very different from previous styles?

Makes People Seem More Beautiful Thant They Really Are?


Began in the NineTeenth Century?

May At First Seem to Be Badly Drawn?

Don't Show Objects Clearly?

Is Found in Museums in Most Countries?

1. READ THE TEXTS ABOUT Six Famous Artists and Do The Tasks.

Before You Read Check The Dictionaryness of the Correct Pronunciation of the Following Words:

aesthetic, Baroque, Career, Ceramics, Draughtsmanship, Essential, Exemplary, Exhibition, Influence, Influential, Mythological, Portraitist, Precision, Psychological, Religious, Renowned, Sculpture, Sign, Success

Paul Cezanne (1

Nationality: FRENCH

Movement: post-impressionism

Media: Painting.

Paul Cezanne Was The Son Of A Prosperous Banker, Who Studied Painting in Paris. He Was One of the Se Second Half of the 19th Century. In Many of His Early Works, Up to about 1870, He Depicted Dark, Imaginary Subjects in A Violent, Expressive Manner. In The 1870s of Impressionism, Particularly As Pactised by Camille Pissarro, And He Participated In The First (1874) And Third (1877) Impressionist Exhibitions. His First Few Impressionist Exhibitions from 1874 to 1877, Were Criticized, Which Discouraged Cezanne from Avidly Displaying His Works.

Though He Considered The Study of Nature Essential to Painting, He NeverTheless Opposed Many Aspects of the Impressionist Aesthetic. Believing Color and Form to Be Inseparable, He Tried to Emphasize Structure and Solidity in His Work, Features He Thought Neglected by Impressionism. For this Reason He Was A Central Figure in Post-Impressionism.

HE CREATED 1300 PAINTINGS IN HIS CAREER, ALL OF WHICH RETAINED A SENSE OF MYSTERY, AS NONE OF THEM WERE DATED AND VERE FEW WERE SIGNED. Until The End of His Life He Received Little Public Success and Was RepeateDly Rejected By The Paris Salon. In His Last Years His Work Began to Influence Many Young Artists, Including Both The Fauves and the Cubists, And He Is Theravesor of 20th Century Art.

Give Russian Equivalents to the Words from the text ::

a Violent, Expressive Manner; to Emphasize Structure and Solidity; Retained A Sense of Mystery

2. Find The English Equivalents of The Following Russian Words and Phrases:

believing that the color and form are inseparable from each other; influence many young artists; Forerunner of the 20th century

Answer the Questions:

1) What Kind of Subjects Did Paul Cezanne Depict in His Early Works?

2) Why Did He Stop Displaying His Works?

3) What is Was Different in Cezanne's Works from the Impressionists' Traditions?

4) Paul Cezanne Was a Central Figure in Post-Impressionism, Wasn't He? Why?

5) What is Mysterious About His Paintings?

6) How Did The Public Attitude to His Works Change in His Last Years?

7) Why Is the Artist Considered to Be a Precursor of 20thcentury Art?

John Constable (1

Nationality: British

Movement: Romanticism

Media: Painting.

British Landscape Painter, John Constable Was Born and Raised in Suffolk, England. His Father Was a Wealthy Corn Merchant. After He Left School He Worked in His Father "S Business. His Heart Was Not in It, However, and In 1799 He Induced His Father to Send Him to the Royal Academy in London to Study Art. Althought at the Beginning of His Career, landscape painting was a low-paid and disrespected career, Constable chose that path despite the indignation of his family and friends. Constable rejected the formal or "picturesque" rendering of nature found in the works of artists like Gainsborough. Instead, he tried to capture Informally The Country Sky. He Loved The Countryside, and His Best Works Were of Outdoor Scenes in His Native Suffolk and His London Home in Hampstead. He Worked in the Open Air, Though He Returned to His Studio to Finish His Paintings. His Larger Scenes Were Sketchd Full-Size in Oil, And The Sketch Was the Finished Painting.

After Creating A Series of Six-Foot Wide Landscapes, Constable Was Granted Membership Of The Royal Academy and Won A Gold Medal At The Paris Salon.

Constable "S Work Greatly Influenced The Frenc Artist Delacronix, And The So-Called" Barbizon School ", Who Followed Constable" S Lead in Working Outdoors.

Give Russian Equivalents:

a Low - PAID AND DISRESPECTED CAREER; The Formal Rendering Of Nature; The Effects of Changing Light; WERE SKETCHED IN FULL SIZE IN OIL


contrary to indignation of families and friends; The membership in the Royal Academy was awarded; which followed the example of constable

Answer the Questions:

1) Why Did Constable's Family Object to His Career of An Artist?

2) What Was Different in Constable's Art from the Works of Artists Like Gainsborough?

3) Did He Work in the Open Air or in His Studio?

4) What Kind of Scenes Were His Best Works?

5) How Did He Become A Member Of The Royal Academy?

Pablo Picasso (1

Nationality: Spanish

Movement: Cubism

Media: Painting.

PABLO RUIZ PICASSO WAS BORN IN MALAGA, SPAIN. The Son Of A Basque Art Teacher, Picasso Showed A Very Early Talent for Drawing. HE WAS FOURTEEN WHEN THE FAMILY MOVED TO BARCELONA WHERE HIS FATHER WAS A PROFESSOR AT THE SCHOOL OF ART. Two Years Later Picasso Had His First Exhibition Of Rather Somber, Quite Classical Paintings. Between 1900 and 1904 He Made Three Trips to Paris Where He Studied The Works of the Impressionists and Of Cezanne. In 1904 He settled in France, Where He Remained All His Life.

From 1901 Onwards, Picasso "S Work May Be Divided Into Periods, Each Showing Different Influence and Personal Interests. Paintings from Picasso" S Blue Period () Depict Forlorn People Painted in Shades of Blue, Evoking Feelings of Sadness and Alienation. After His Move to Paris In 1904, Picasso "S Rose Period Paintings Took On A Warmer, More Optimistic Mood. In 1907 He And the French Painter George Braque Pioneered Cubism (Familiar Objects such as Glasses and Pitchers Were Broken Down Into Geometric Planes).

From about 1912 to 1915, The Collage or Paste-Up Method of Synthetic Cubism Was Developed in Which Bits of Cloth or Paper Were Used to Build Up An The Late 1920s He Turned Toward A Flat, Cubist-Related Style. During The 1930s His Paintings Became Militant and Political. Guernica (1937), A Masterpiece From this Period Depicts The Terror of the Bombing of the Town of Guernica During The Spanish Civil War.

Following World War II, Picasso "S Works Became Less Political and More Gentle. Hept the Remaining Years of His Life in An Exploration of Various Historical Styles of Art, Making Sevel Repoductions of the Works of Earlier Artists. In addition to Painting, He Would Explore Sculpture, Ceramics and Other Art Forms, And Become One of the 1900s and Become One of the 1900s.

Give Russian Equivalents:

different Influence and Personal Interests; Feelings of Sadness and Alienation; BECAME LESS POLITICAL AND MORE GENTLE; One of the Most Influential Artists

Find English Equivalents:

pretty gloomy classical painting; became paramilitary and political; depict unfortunate people; broken into geometric projections; used to create an image

Answer the Questions:

1) What Was Picasso's Father?

2) How Old Was Picasso When He Had His First Exhibition?

3) What is Characteristic of Picasso's "Blue Period"?

4) How Was His "Rose Period" Different from the "Blue One"?

5) How Did The Spanish Civil War Influence His Painting?

6) How Did His Art Change After World War II?

Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1

Nationality: Belgian.


Media: Painting.

Anthony Van Dyck, Portraitist, Was Born in Antwerp. A CHILD PRODIGY, HE SIGED HIS First Portrait in 1616 and Was Quite Well Known When Became a Member of Rubens "Studio Before He Had Reached the Age of Twnty. Van Dyck Became Rubens" Favorite Pupil and His Most Valued Assistant. Van Dyck Could Soon Imitate The Master "S Style So Well That It Was Impossible to Distinguish The Work of One From That of The Other. In 1620, Van Dyck Was Invited to England for a short Period to Paint Court Portraits. He Spent The Next seven years in Genoa painting religious themes in a baroque style and studying the Italian masters, especially Titian and the Venetian School in 1627 he returned to Antwerp where he continued with his religious paintings and completed a series of etchings -. brilliant psychological portraits of contemporary poets AND ARTISTIS.

His Portraits Became More Restrained and Slightly Less Brilliant in Color As He Began to Develop His Own Style. Van Dyck Returned to England in 1632 and spent the rest of His Life There As A Court Painter to Charles I. During The Last Nine Years Of His Life, He Painted Over 350 Court Portraits. These Are Executed in An Entirely Original Style Characterized by A Warm Palette, Subdued by His Use Of Cold Greys and Blacks and Skillful Draughtsmanship, and Combined in a Manner That Shows The Influence of Rubens As WELL AS THE MANNERIST ELEGANCE OF TITIAN. These Distinguished Portraits of An Elegant and Almost Unreal Court Became The Model for Later English Portacenth Centuries and Influenced a Vast Number of European Artists Including Gainsborough, Watteau and Renoir.

Give Russian Equivalents:

a child prodigy; HIS MOST VALUED ASSISTANT; Completed A Series of etchings; Subdued by His Use Of Cold Greys and Blacks

Find English Equivalents:

brilliant psychological portraits of modern poets and artists; Court painter; Thrust art; have become more restrained; distinguish one of the other

Answer the Questions:


2) Van Dyck Was Rubens' Favourite Pupil, Wasn't HE?

3) Why Was He Invited to England?

4) How Did His Portraits Change When Dyck Began to Develop His Own Style?

5) What Themes Did He Paint in Genoa?

6) What can you Say About Van Dyck's Style During The Last Nine Years of His Life?

Albrecht Dürer (14

Nationality: german.

Movement: Northern Renaissance

Media: Painting and Engraving

Albrecht Dürer Is The Greatest Exponent of Northern European Renaissance Art. While An Important Painter, In His Own Day Dürer Was Renowned Foremost for His Graphic Works. Artists Across Europe AdmiRed and Copied Dürer "S Innovative and Powerful Prints, Ranging From Religious and Mythological Scenes to Maps and Exotic Animals.

Technically, Dürer "S Prints Are Exemplary for their Detail and Precision. The Son Of A Metalworker At a Young Age. He Applied The Same Meticulous, Exacting Methods Required in This Delicate Work to His Woodcuts and Engravings, Notably The Four Horsemen of His Apocalypse Series (1498), and His Knight, Death and Devil (1513).

Dürer "S TRAINING ALSO INVOLVED TRAVEL AND STUDY ABROAD. HE WENT TO ITALY IN 1494, AND RETURNED AGAIN IN. CONTACT WITH ITALIAN PAINTERS RESONATED DEEPLY IN HIS ART. INFLUENCED by Venetian Artists, Who Were Renowned for the Richness of their Palette, Dürer Placed Greater Importance on Color in His Paintings. HIS Feast of the Rose Garlands (1506) Removed Any Doubt That, As Well As A Master of Prints, He Was An Accomplished Painter.

Dürer Was Also A Great Admirer of Leonardo Da Vinci. HE WAS Intrigued by The Italian Master "S Studies of the Human Figure, and after 1506 AppLied and Adapted Leonardo" S Proportions to His Own Figures, As Is Evident in His Drawings. Later in His Life, In The 1520 "S, He Illustrated and Wrote Theoretic Treatises Instructing Artists in Perspective and Proportion.

Dürer Was a Humanist and a Creator. His Awareness of His Own Role As An Artist Is Apparent In His Frontal, Christ-Like Self Portrait (1500), Just One of the Many Self Portraits That He Painted in His Career. Dürer "S Earliest Recognized Work Was a Self-Portrait Painted At The Age of Thirteen.

Give Russian Equivalents:

innovative and Powerful Prints; An Accomplished Painter; TheORETICAL Treatises; AppLied Leonardo's Proportions; Earliest Recognized Work.

Find English Equivalents:

the greatest representative; being a significant artist; Large fan yes Vinci; required in this fine work; found a strong reflection in his art; was mainly known for its graphic work

Answer the Questions:

1) What Was Dürer Famous for in His Own Days?

2) The Range of His Prints Was Rather Large, Wasn't IT?

3) What and who influenced his art?

4) What Renaissance Artist Did He Admire?

5) Why Did He Write Theoretical Treatises?

6) What Was His Earliest Recognized Work?

Thomas Cole (1801 - 1848)

Nationality: english

Movement: Hudson River School

Media: Painting.

Thomas Cole, An Outstanding Hudson River Landscapist, Was Born in Lancashire, England. He Was ApprentICEd to a Textile Designer and Engraver Before Immigrating, with this Family, to Philadelphia in 1819. He worked in philadelphia as an engraver. The Cole Family Moved to Steubenville, Ohio, Where He Became An Itinerant Portrait Painter for Some Years and then Returned to Study At The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Where He Was Most Influenced by The Landscapes of Thomas Birch and Thomas Doughty. In 1825 Cole Moved to New York City.

In New York Cole Made His Debut As a landscapist. His Paintings of Familiar American Landscapes Such As The Hudson River And The Catskill Mountains Became Very Well - Known and Popular. Three of His First Paintings Were Purchased by Well-Known Artists, Which Helped Establish His Reputation Rapidly.

After a Visit to Europe from 1829 to 1832, Cole Settled in New York and Began A Large Series of Paintings That Depicted The Rise and Fall of Civilization. He Began to Combine His Knowledge of European Art With His Natural Impulse to Portray Nature AS He Saw It. He Painted Series of Enormous Allegorical Significance: "The Course of Empire" (1836) And "The Voyage Of Life" (1839) Are Good Examples of these.

Being Ill, Depressed, and Tortured, Thomas Cole Spent The Remainder of His Life Painting The Romantic, Realistic Landscapees That Are His Greatest Works. With Their Striking Contrasts of Light and Shade, Their Inherent Feeling Of God "S Presence in Nature, Their Exquisitely Fine Detail and Warm Color, They The Keystone of American Landscape Painting - Honest, Moving and Beautiful.

Give Russian Equivalents:

he was apprenticed to; An Itinerant Portrait Painter; Enormous Allegorical Significance; The Rise and Fall of Civilization; Was Most Influenced by

Find Russian Equivalents:

debuted as a landscape system; portray nature what he saw it; they are the cornerstone; striking contrast of light and shadow

Answer the Questions:

1) What Was Cole's Job in Philadelphia?


3) What Helped Cole Establish His Reputation?

4) What Kind of Painting Is Characteristic of His Last Period of Life?

plete The Table with the information from the texts.



main Topic in Painting

Sir Anthony Van Dyck

3. Which of the Artists Is Each Sentence ARTSETS? Put One Name Opposite Each Sentence.

He Became One of The 20th Century Artists of the 20th Century. HE SPENT THE REMAINDER OF HIS Life Painting Romantic, Realistic Landscapes. His Prints Are Exemplary for their Detail and Precision. He Received Little Public Success During His Life. Three of His First Paintings Were Purchased by Well-Known Artists. HE WAS INVITED TO PAINT COURT PORTRAITS. HE TRIED TO CAPTURE THE EFFECTS OF CHANGING LIGHT. His Original Style Is Characterized by A Warm Palette. HE Believed Color and Form to Be Inseparable. HE WON A GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS SALON. He Showed Different Influence and Interests in Different Periods of His Work. He Illustrated And Wrote Theoretical Treatises Instructing Artists in Perspective and Proportion.

4. Choose from these Six Artists The One That Appeals Yours Most and Speak About His Art and Life.

Leonardo Da Vinci.


1. Answer the Questions:

What do you know about leonardo da vinci?

What Century Does The Artist Belong To?

What Are His Most Famous Paintings?

2. Use the Dictionary to Find Out The Meaning Of The Following Words From the Text:

embodiment, Apprentice, Be Impressed, Commission, Court, Attempt, Establish, Patron, Patronage, Be Buried

3. Read about Leonardo Da Vinci and Make A List of His Paintings Mentioned in the Text. Find the Russian Equivalents of the Names.

What Are the most Important Facts of His BIOGRAPHY?

Leonardo Da Vinci Was The Embodiment of the "Renaissance Man", A Man Who Had Attained Mastery Over All Branches of Art and Science. HE WAS A PAINTER, SCULPTOR, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER BESIDES BEING A SCHOOL IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES, MEDICINE AND PHILOSOPHY. LEONARDO IS PROBABLY MOST FAMOUS FOR PAINTING THE Mona Lisa. , Which is One of the World's Best-Known Works of Art.

Leonardo da Vinci Was Born on the 15th of April, 1452, As the illegitimate Son of the Notary Ser Piero Di Antonio Da Vinci and a Peasant Woman Named Caterina, In A Small Town Called Vinci, Near Empoli, Tuscany. Although Last Names Were Already in Use in Europe at the Time, Leonardo Never Had One. HIS Full Name "Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci" Means "Leonardo Son of Piero From Vinci".

The First Four Years of His Life Were Spen in a Village Near Vinci with His Mother. After 1457, He Lied with His Father's Family, Which Soon Moved to Florence. Leonardo Showed Promise Early On, with An Innate Talent in Art and Music. In 1467, At The Age of 15, He Became An Apprentice Andrea Del Verrocchio, The Foremost Artist of His Day. Andrea Del Verrocchio Until 1480. His First Known Work, Which He Painted As An Assistant, Is The Angel Kneeling On The Left In Verrocchio's Picture the Baptism Of. Christ. . Verrocchio Was So Immpressed by His Pupil's Genius That He Gave Up Painting.

Other Surviving Works From This Period Include Madonna With The Carnation , Madonna. Benois , Portrait of Ginevra de Benci . Leonardo Received A Commission to Paint An Altar Piece St. Hieronymus. Which Was Never Finished, and To Create A Large Panel ADORATION OF THE MAGI Which Was Not FINISHED Either. Unfortunately, Leonardo's Tendency to Leave Work Unfinished Was As Characteristic Of Him As His Artistic Genius.

In 1482, Leonardo Moved to Milan. HE HOPED TO OBTAIN THE PATRONAGE OF THE RUUR OF THE CITY OF THE CITY, Ludovico Sforza, Also Known As Ludovico Il Moro ("Ludovico The Dark") for his Swarthy Features. Leonardo Offered His Services AS A MILITARY ENGINEER, SCULPTOR AND PAINTER. Ludovico Accepted Him Gladly and Financed An Independent Workshop for the Artist. Leonardo Stayed in Ludovico's Service for 18 years.

IN 1483, HE GOT A COMMISSION TO MAKE A LARGE ALTAR PIECE THE VIRGIN OF THE ROCKS . Working AS Court Painter and Sculptor, He Created the Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady With An Ermine) , PORTRAIT OF AN UNKNOWN WOMAN (LA Belle Ferroniere) , SEVERAL SMALL MADONNAS, SUCH AS Madonna Litta. . During This Time, Leonardo Painted the Last Supper. For the Dominican Monastery, Which is Considered to Be The First Work of the High Renaissance and Is One of His Defining Works.

In The Mid - To Late - 1480s, WHEN LEONARDO WAS ESTABLISHING HIMSELF AS A COURT ARTIST, HE Started His Scientific Studies in Botany, Anatomy, Medicine, Architecture, Military Engineering, Geography and Many, Many Other Subjects. We Know About His Studies from the Enormous Amount of Drawings and Sketches That He Left Behind. He worked on the Treatise On Painting., A Collection of Practical and Theoretic Instructions for Painters, Throughout His Entire Adult Life.

In 1499 Leonardo Left Milan and Moved On To Venice Where He Served As A Military Engineer. In 1500, He Returned to the City of His Childhood, Florence. There He Worked On A Commission For a Monastery, Which Was Probably Virgin and Child With St. Anne. . In 1502, He Was Employed by General Cesare Borgia AS An Architect and Military Engineer. HE Prepared Maps for Borgia's Future Military Campaigns.

In 1503, Leonardo Came Back to Florence. He Was Commissioned by Francesco Del Giocondo, A Friend Of Leonardo's Father, To Paint A Portrait Of His Wife, Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo. THE RESULT WAS THE MONA LISA (La Gioconda) Which Became One of the Most Famous Pictures In The World, Although The Portrait Was Not Finished in Time and Never Delivered to the client.

From 1506 to 1512, Leonardo Lived Mostly in Milan Under The Patronage of Charles d'Amboise, The Frenc Governor of the City. During These Years He Created Leda and the SWAN And The Second Version Of THE VIRGIN OF THE ROCKS . HE ALSO CONTINUED HIS ANATOMICAL STUDIES.


Teaching manual

for students studying for non-chemical specialties

Publishing House "Astrakhan University"

Reviewers: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry GOVPO Astrakhan State Medical Academy Nikolaev Alexander Arkadyevich

doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Inorganic and Bioorganic Chemistry of Astrakhan state University Tyrkov Alexey Georgievich

candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Natural Scientific Disciplines of the Astrakhan State Engineering and Construction Institute Restanskaya Anna Stanislavovna

Educational and methodical manual "Chemistry » / Authors V.V. Shakirova, O.S. Sadomeseva - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2010. - ... .. s.

The structure of the UMP includes a set of questions, exercises, tasks. It is intended for students 1 and 3 courses of the correspondence department of specialties: 150202 - equipment and technology of welding production, 050502 - technology and entrepreneurship. This educational and methodological manual may also be recommended for students of non-chemical specialties of universities, graduate students and teachers.

à V.V. Shakirova,

O.S. Sadomsyva,

Approximate thematic plan ..................................................
Course content ............................................................... ...
The structure of the atom and the periodic system of D.I. Imendeeva ................
Classes of inorganic substances ................................................
Solutions ................................................................................
Electrolytes ........................................................................ ... ...
Redox reactions .................................. ....
Basics of chemical thermodynamics .......................................... ...
Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium ..............................
Electrochemical corrosion ................................................... ...
Bibliographic list ................................................... ...
Applications .........................................................................................

Explanatory note

The educational and methodological manual for the discipline "Chemistry" is intended as a training and methodological manual for students of the correspondence department of students in the specialties 150202 - equipment and technology of welding production, 050502 - technology and entrepreneurship and written in accordance with these specialties VPO programs.

The assimilation of students of all aspects of the discipline, the independent attraction of the material being studied into the system, the accumulation of the most important and necessary information for subsequent use in practice is quite difficult, because it is often purely psychological obstacles. The specificity of the remote forms of learning is aimed at forming the skills of independent work of a student with educational literature. It is these tasks that makes this tutorial.

The manual contains the main sections corresponding to the Working Program, which provides for the decision of the testas. Each of these sections includes a summary of the main theoretical provisions, systematizing the student's independently studied material of the textbook and emphasizing his attention to the nodes of the section under consideration and its position in common Structure disciplines.

Selection of tasks in tests is aimed at ensuring that the student can use this material and to control the knowledge, and as a training material. To execute tasks, reference data are given, as well as a list of references.

Approximate thematic plan

* - Topics for self-study

Moscow Department of Education

State educational institution

Higher vocational education Cities of Moscow

"Moscow City Pedagogical University"


Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations

Department of Applied Sociology

Using SPSS in sociology

(Educational and methodical manual)


UDC 316.3.


Candidate of Sociological Sciences E.A. Tatar residents


Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Head of the Department of Applied Sociology Institute of Psychology,

sociology and social relations GOU VPO MGPU, Professor V.M. Ananishnev

Using SPSS in sociology:Educational and methodical manual. Specialty: 050708.65 "Sociologist. Sociology teacher. Faculty: Sociological. 4 course, 8 semester. Full-time Training / Sost: E.A. Tatar residents. - M.: MHPU, 2009. - 81 p.

© E.A. Tatar residents, 2009.

© GOU VPO MGPU, 2009.

Explanatory note to the educational and methodological manual ...... ... ... .4

Chapter 1. Data Processing Features in SPSS ... ... ......... ... 5

1.1. Introduction ............................................................... ..... 5

1.2. The role of the researcher and the possibility of SPSS ................... ...... ..8

1.3. Basics of work in SPSS ............................................. .... 14

1.4. Definition of variables and entering data into the program SPSS ............................................................................................ ..24

1.5. Definition and data entry for variables with multiple responses ................................................................. 36

1.6. Basics of data analysis ............................................................... 40

1.7. Analysis of variables with multiple responses ............ ..47

1.8. Data selection and formation of subsections in SPSS .... ...... ..50

1.9. Analysis of the links between variables .......... ......................58

1.10. Comparison of samples and checking the hypotheses about the equality of the average ..........................................................................................66

Chapter 2. The program "Using SPSS in sociology" .. ............................................................... ... ... 75

Explanatory note to educational and methodological guide

Discipline "Data Analysis in SPSS" is intended for students pedagogical universitiesenrolled in the specialty "Sociology". The course is based on knowledge acquired by students in the process of mastering such disciplines as "methods of sociological research", "Statistics", "General Sociology", "Marketing", "Sociology of Management" and other discipline is studied in the ninth semester.

Objectives and tasks of manual: This manual is intended to form students a system of work skills with a statistical information processing system SPSS.

As part of the discipline, the following tasks: give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the SPSS package and its capabilities; Familiarize with the program interface; to create a system of skills to enter data for subsequent processing; teach the basics of statistical processing and analysis of data using the SPSS package; To form the skills of preparing analytical reports.

Student who studied discipline should know The main characteristics of the SPSS package, the basic data entry procedures for subsequent analysis, data analysis procedures, hypotheses testing hypotheses using SPSS package.

Students must also be able to Working with SPSS package, enter data and subsequent processing, draw up analytical research reports.

In addition, the last training in this course should owl skills Converting a research questionnaire to SPSS format, primary data analysis, analytical reporting.

The structure of the educational and methodological manual is represented by the explanatory note and two chapters. The first chapter describes the main material for the development of the SPSS program. The second chapter is the content of the program on the course "Using SPSS in sociology". The course program for each topic has: summary Topics, questions for independent work, tasks, a list of recommended primary and additional literature.

Explanatory note

to methodical manual

"System and activity approach to the study of foreign literature in school"
Lyudmila Vladimirovna,

russian language and literature teacher

Lessons or classes on foreign literature in the system of philological education involve a specially organized study of works of foreign authors at school, which includes:

  • targeted selection of works for study;

  • the optimal ratio of the components of the literary education (Russian literature, foreign literature) and the establishment of relationships between them;

  • study of works with the obligatory attraction of the relevant historical and theoretical and literary material;

  • the use of a variety of forms of training activities (lesson - optional occupation - extracurricular and out-of-school work).
The goal is to enhance the living interest of schoolchildren to literature, going through creative-game techniques, connecting the learning of new knowledge with the life of children, with the world around them, with events occurring in society.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve such basic tasks:

  • teach schoolchildren of the set of information about the vertex phenomena of the world literary process, the general patterns of its stroke from ancient times to this;

  • give them literary concepts and deadlines necessary for the full analysis and interpretation of artistic texts, as well as the understanding of the main laws of the course of the literary process;

  • learning to determine the national peculiarity and the universal value of works of world literature (including in comparison with works ukrainian literature and other types of art);

  • work out the habits of distinguishing the phenomena of classical and mass culture;

  • develop the thinking of schoolchildren (figurative, associative, abstract, logical, etc.);

  • relief with the discreet achievements of humanity and racial, ethnic, social and religious tolerance at the same time with fundamental nonconformism, the ability to form, formulate and actively defend their own point of view, system of life (including aesthetic) values \u200b\u200band priorities, desire To have actually, with anyone an imposed worldview, to maintain and continue the best national traditions, not to perceive the cult of strength and advantages of material values \u200b\u200bover spiritual.

The school works in fast changing conditions. It's time for a long time to change a lot and in the method of teaching literature.

The proposed learning system is based on many years of experience in school.

For the most part, the conversation will be about books of foreign writers included in the programs, but the works of Krylov, Pushkin, Gogol, Shevchenko, Korolenko and other domestic authors are also addressed in the comparative comparable plan.

Thus, few hours allocated to study foreign classics and modern foreign writers provide great opportunities for expanding the theoretical horizons of schoolchildren, help to raise the level of reflection of literature as art and will undoubtedly create a basis for a deeper understanding of native literature, which is an integral part of the world literary process.

The study of foreign literature is an extensive material for spiritual enrichment of students. Each age re-reads, interprets, adapts to its needs literary classics. Its studying in the school-non-replacement source of knowledge, education of civil, moral and ethical norms.
Students of secondary schools have rooted the desire not to read the works, but to be limited to knowing their contents on blunnovescreen or TV except. Therefore, the expansion of school programs in Russian literature should be welcomed in every way, as well as the additional introduction of works of foreign writers.

The task of the teacher is to return the classical literature of her young readers, WHO WOSE IN LITERATURE LITERATURE IN LITERATURE LITERAGES ABOUT THE DIRECTIONS OF WORKS, so that they contribute to the upbringing of students so that the Writer's word remains in their memory "and all his life. The works of foreign authors turn out to be in this regard by lawliness in the most advantageous position. In front of the teachers, the wonderful tasks arise not only to introduce students with them; It is necessary to extract from them everything that will contribute to the enrichment of the spiritual world of children and adolescents, their knowledge and speech. Therefore, various work options are offered: memorizing, literary installations, vocabulary, citation based on free orientation in the text, compiling cards, memorization of aphorisms, etc.

In the younger classes, the basis for analyzing works of foreign writers is a conversation and commented reading. Therefore, the best option, the path from analysis to the text, and not from the text to the analysis, as it requires the student already developed a literary approach. In younger classes, children are often due to low reading techniques cannot independently assimilate the content of the books that are not known to them. Therefore, it is first recommended to analyze the ideological and thematic content of the work, and then the consideration of its artistic features.

In high school, it focuses on the analysis of works in terms of the writer's method. Questions delivered during the analysis are a problematic characteristic of. Understanding ideological content and artistic material. In the arsenal of the teacher, a variety of lesson management methods are presented: Teacher's lecture, students reports, commented reading, disputes, conversation, drawing.

The study of foreign literature at school is accompanied by various written works: the presentation, composition-miniature, writing reviews and articles in classroom literary newspapers, etc. For the development of the recreation of students in classrooms, all sorts of visual aids and equipment are offered: drawings of children, illustrations and paintings Artists, various publications of books of authors, their portraits, records, gramzapsy. Much attention is paid to the vocabulary and the methodology for its implementation. After each final lesson on the topic recommended a dictionary from which you can learn the necessary material.

The study of foreign literature contributes to the expansion and deepening of the humanitarian knowledge of schoolchildren, opening the prospects of a clearer representation of the global process and the role of Russian literature in it.

The school course of foreign literature is based on an integrated approach, including aspects of the historical and literary, literary and theoretical and cultural study of literary phenomena and the priority of the consideration of literature as a type of art. The author believes that such an approach allows you to more effectively solve the main task: to introduce a child into the world of fiction, the joy of communicating with which is not born of excessive theoreticalation, but from direct communication with the text.

In the school course of foreign literature presented writers of different countries and eras. It is important to identify individual features of each and at the same time that inherent in their creativity associated with a certain epoch, to emphasize the continuity of the development of literature, the perception of traditions and their update.

Approaches to the study of the ancient Russian and foreign literature in school have two common features: impurity and fragmentation.

In modern teaching foreign literature there are a lot of difficulties: imperfection of programs, a small number and low quality of methodical literature, etc. Currently, it is necessary to rethink the approach to the study of foreign literature, it must become systemic, take into account the age of students and not to leave fragmentary knowledge, fragmentary knowledge .

You can come to the same conclusions and relative to foreign literature, if you analyze the school curriculum. In order not to repeat, turn to the chronological synchronous table, which it is also advisable to compile together with the guys in the process of studying foreign literature. I will show only a fragment of such a table.

Temporary layer

Foreign literature

Russian literature


Dante "Divine Comedy", Lyrics Petrarki, Bokcchcho "Decameron"

"Milia of Daniel Sharpet", "The Word about the died of Russian Earth", "Life of Alexander Nevsky", "Zone".

XIV - XVI century.

Rabl, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, Caloderon, Milton, Moliere, Rasin

Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Kurbansky, "History about the Kazan Kingdom", "Domostroy", "The Life of the Avvakum Protopopopus," Tale of Mount-Zontacia "," On Flora Schever ", etc.

XVIII - XIX century.

Defo, Swift, Fielding, Stern, Burns, Voltaire, Didro, Rousseau, Goethe, Schiller

Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Derzhavin, Radishchev, Fonvizin, Karamzin

Such synchronization of the material makes a completely alogistic study of the Moliere after Russian literature of the XVIII century, as it is practiced at school. The history of literature requires that the method of classicism is presented with students as a natural and historically developing phenomenon, the origins of which are torn to antiquity, and the results are tangible and now. Meanwhile, as a rule, schoolchildren, "passing" classicism, do not remember anything about him, except, at best, the rule of three unities in drama.

Thus, the T.F. Kurdyumova needs essential adjustment. Programs edited by A.G. Kutuzov and edited by M.B. Ladygin is more closely and systematized to study literature as a single system (highlighting the initial course on a historical and literary basis, observing chronological compliance in the study of Russian and foreign works).

Thus, the development and implementation of the project "Systemic Study of World Literature" is substantiated and necessary.

This is due to an attempt to create a system in studying foreign literature in grades 8-11, planning lessons after studying the main topics, immediately, a whole block. It is possible on the basis of the proposed system to organize an elective course on foreign literature.

The following hours distribution are recommended for studying sections of foreign literature:

Thematic planning

study of foreign literature on classes





Topic lesson


Ancient literature

Literature Middle Ages

Renaissance era literature

Classicism, Baroque, Enlightenment (XVII - XVIII century)

Romanticism, Realism (XIX century)

Literature of the twentieth century.

16 hours

7 o'clock

14 hours

12 hours

11 o'clock

15 hours

  1. Mythology - the basis of world literature

  2. Myths of different nations about the creation of the world

  3. My favorite myth: an overview of ancient Greek mythology

  4. Gomera Riddle: Lesson - Dispute

  5. "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - comparison of poems

  6. Analysis of the passage of "Odyssey in cyclops". Comparison with Russian folk fairy tale "Laco one-eyed"

  7. Independent Analysis Open Homer

  8. Antique lyrics. Katull. Horace

  9. The concept of free translation. Comparison of poems different authors (Horace, Derzhavin, Pushkin)

  10. Birth of the theater. Varieties of ancient prose

  11. Creativity of Eschil "Prometheus Chained"

  12. Creativity Sofokla "King Edip"

  13. Creativity of Eurypid "Medea"

  14. Generalization and Repetition: Development of Antique Dramaturgies

  15. Integrated game - "Immersion" "Stage to Parnassa"
(MHL, MHK, History)

  1. Examination on the topic

  1. Literature of the Middle Ages. General characteristics and sources of influence

  2. Epos as the heritage of the Middle Ages

  3. Knight's literature.

  4. Dante Aligiery. Marginality of creativity

  5. Art features of the "Divine Comedy"

  6. Different models of the world (Dante, D. Andreev, P. Ershov, V. Shalamov)

  7. Test and creative work "My model of the world"
Final control on the topic

  1. Integrated lesson "The one who has no music in the soul is capable of robbery, treason, meanness" Shakespeare (MHL, MHK, history)

  2. Sonnet: Features and Evolution of the genre

  3. Italian revival. F. Petrarka

  4. Netherlands revival. E. Rotterdamsky

  5. French revival. Francois Rabla

  6. Spanish revival. Miguel Servantes.

  7. Comedy Renaissance in different art types (literature, theater, cinema)

  8. English revival V. Shakespeare. Periodization of creativity
9-10. "Romeo and Juliet" history of creating and artistic features of the tragedy

11-12. Lesson - Reading Conference on Creativity V. Shakespeare

  1. Integrated "Immersion" game "Art, You Taire Fire Epoch" F. Schubert

  2. Examination on the topic

  1. Classicism I. barabout kKO 17 Wekakak The main directions in the art and literature of the seventeenth century.

  2. Pierre Cornel (1606-1684) The greatest French playwright. The tragedy "LED". The features of classicism, problem, character system.

  3. Jean Rasin (1639-1699) - The second great playwriter of the French classic scene. "Andromache" and "Fedra". The features of classicism, problem, character system.

  4. Jean Batist Moliere (1622-1673 ) - Great French Comediographer. Comedy "Tartuf", "Moisanman in the nobility", "imaginary patient". The features of classicism, problem, character system.

  5. The eighteenth century as the era of enlightenment. Outstanding thinkers and artists and their humanistic ideas.

  6. Boualersche (1732-1799). "Seville Barber". Problems, character system, artistic features.

  7. Daniel Defo (1660-1744) and his "The life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo, a sailor from York, who lived 28 years in full of loneliness on the uninhabited island off the coast of America, near the mouth of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown by the shipwreck, during which the entire crew of the ship, besides him, died, with the presentation of his unexpected liberation with pirates written by him "and Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) And his "Travels to different remote countries of Light Lemuel Gullivier, first a surgeon, and then captain a few ships."
8. French encyclopedists enlighteners.

D. Didro and Zh. D "Alamber.

9. Voltaire. The most significant works of Voltaire.

10. The tragedy "Faust" is not only a philosophical tragedy that operates abstract concepts, but this is the image of a particular real life of Germany.

11. Friedrich Schiller (1759 - 1805) - German poet, playwright, philosopher and historian.

12. Examination on the topic.

  1. Walter Scott (1771 - 1832 ) and novels "Puritan" (1816), "Rob Roy" (1818), "Ivanhoe" (1820), "Quentin Dorvard"

  2. Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885) And the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady"

  3. Romance: Interest in History and Folklore .. Tale - Canon for Novelists. Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman (1776 - 1822), Edgar Allan P. (1809 - 1849), Hans Christian Andersen.

  4. English poet and playwright George Gordon Noel Bayron (1788 - 1829) - The idol of all romantic readers, the personification of romanticism. Poem "Fald Harold Pilgrimage"

  5. Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856 ) - last poet Romanticism and his first critic.
6. First french realist Frederick Standal (1783 - 1842 ) :

novels "Red and Black" (1830) and "Parm Monastery" (1839),

7. The most outstanding writer of the early phase of critical realism Onor de Balzaca (1799 - 1850).

8. Prose Gustava Flaubert (1821 - 1880 ) , "Mrs. Bovarie."

9. Gi de Maupassan (1850 - 1893 ) And the novels "Life" (1883), "cute friend" (1885) and numerous numerals.

10.Mikreat Emil Zol (1840 - 1902) .


1. XX Century: Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism

2. Henry Mann (1871 – 1950) And the novel "The Land Promised" (1900) is a caricature on the Berlin Nuvhorisha, which was narrowing the grandiose capital by financial apartments. Thomas Mann. (1875 – 1955) . The author "Buddenbrokov" (1901)

3. Bertolt Brecht (1898 - 1955) - outstanding German playwright, drama theorist, director, prose and poet. "Trigroshova Opera".

4-5.Erich Maria Relark (1898 - 1970 ) And the novel "On the Western Front without Change", stunning by his truthfulness. "Three Comrades" (1939). Romans remark "Love your neighbor" (1940) and "Triumphal Arch" (1946) is the misfortunes of fugitives, miraculously escaped from the gestapo paw. Roman "Time to live and dying time" (1954).

6. Marseille Prost (1871 - 1922) , Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924 ) - Great upgrades of the 20th century.

7. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 - 1980) - French philosopher and prose.

8. Alber Cami (1913 - 1960 ) - like-minded man and opponent Sartre. Treatise "Myth about Sisyiff" (1942). Roman "Plague" (1947).

9. George Amada (1912 - 2001) And the novels "Don Flor and the two of her husband" (1969), "Teresa Batista, tired of fighting" (1972), "Tread from aggress" (1976), "Holy Kidnapping" (1989) ..

10-11. Gabriel Garcia Marquez (born 1928) - Laureate Nobel Prize (1982) Colombian writer, the story "Colonel Nobody writes" (1956).

The famous novel "One hundred years of loneliness" (1962).

12-15. Common outcomes of a generalizing nature. Testing. Questioning. Student conference on modern foreign literature.

Materials for lessons

  1. Section
Was the legendary blind singer of Malaya Asia by the author of these epic tales or only the glorified performer? This score exists different points of view. Probably the poems were made by many folk singers for several generations. Homer may have combined scattered songs into a single cycle by performing the editor. It is possible that individual fragments are the fruit of its individual creativity. The "Homeric Question" is debated by over two hundred years, but none of the scientists denies that Homer has an exceptional merit in the spread of ancient epic.

« Oriadia"The poem is named because the second title of Troy was Ilion, located on the coast of Malaya Asia. For a long time they believed that the city was only poetic fiction. However, the excavations of Heinrich Schliman showed that the siege of the Greeks of the city of Troy could well be a historical fact. Today, some finds of the German archaeologist can be seen in the exposition of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin. Twenty-four "Iliad" songs are told about the events that occurred within forty-nine days of the last, tenth, year of war.

In the poem "Iliad" two grand scenic sites: the precipitated three and the camp of the precipitating Greeks. In an epic legend embodied the struggle of equal, the heroes are arranged symmetrically. The eldest son of the Trojan king Priam Hector is not inferior in the courage Achilles, from whom he is destined to die. He is just as skillful in all military receivers. Note that the battle story includes a whole series of fights. In martial arts with friend Achilles, the Hector inflicted him a fatal blow and selected his armor, which belonged to Achilles. Achilles should take revenge on the death of a friend. Hephaesto pumps him a shield, which depicts a drying and sea, cities and villages, vineyards and pastures, weekdays and festivities. The image on the shield is symbolic, for it includes everything that protects the valiant Greek knight.

Events " Odyssey"Are taken by the tenth year after the end of the Trojan War. All winners returned to their cities, others like Agamemenon, have already died. Only Odyssey cannot return to its island of Itaca. This prevents Poseidon, who became angry at Odyssey because he was blinded by his son of the cyclopa polyfem.

Odyssey, by all means he should return to Itha, where his parents, Penelope's wife and the son of Telemak are waiting for him. The Greeks were patriots, cut off from their homeland for Odyssey is equivalent to death.

On the way to home the hero, the tests (episodes in the Polyfem cave, swimming past Siren island and monsters of Szillo and Charibda) and temptations - Love Nymph Calypso and Tsarevna Svikai. Odyssey thanks to the hectound and courage in all dramatic conflicts turns out to be the winner.

The second plot motive "Odyssey" is associated with the way the faithful Penelope, which is waiting for his spouse twenty years, by the trick rejecting the harassment of those who crave to divide the bed with her and the royal throne.

The third storyline is devoted to their son Telemak, who goes to search for the Father.

In the finals of the poem, all characters are connected. Unrecognizable Odyssey, together with Telemac, I expelled the unreasonable guests - the grooms of his wife, who herself meets him.

Classic period Greek art and literature falls on V c. and coincides with the highest bloom of slave-owned democracy. Having won the Greek-Persian wars (500-449) cities-states, uniting the union led by Athens, defended their independence from the Persian dominion. This contributed to the development of trade and crafts, as well as the rise of the combat spirit and patriotism.

The largest theater was in Megapol, he accompanied 44 thousand people.

Participation of the choir in the tragedy allows you to identify the genesis of the tragedy. The word "tragedy" means a goat song and also indicates the origin of the dramatic genre. The tragedy originated from the choral performance of the Diffirabov in honor of God Dionysus, who was also called Vakhoma. In the fall of the Greeks, collecting the harvest of grapes, making young wine and tasted it (diluting it with water!) Arranged playing in honor of the patron of winemaking. Satira and Vakhanki, who accompanied Dionysus, were dressed in goat skins, pacasy faces grape squeezes. The one who trusted the role of Dionysus was solired by entering into a dialogue with the choir. The procession was accompanied by violent dances and songs. The dialogue could obviously occur between individual hypocrites, in any case, a dramatic performance was born from the dialogue - tragedy.

In the tragedy, the hero was in a duel with ultra-sulfur forces. He invariably turned out to be defeated, but in a duel with fate, his dignity and the strength of resistance to the will of the gods was found.

Eschil (525-456) - Father of an ancient Greek tragedy. Aristocrat and warrior, he took part in battles with Persians in Marathon and Salamine. He was the author of about 90 works, of which it came to us 7. In the tragedy of "Orestea", held from the three parts of Agamemnon, Hoăofors, Evmendy, he spoke about the sinister crimes of the genus of atrides, about the murder of the leader of the Ahasey troops of his Husky Clientedness, cruel violence of children over the mother and revenge of the Gods of Oest for his atrocity. The main conflict of the tragedy is not family, but historical.

In the tragedy "Prometheus chained" Eschil for the first time in world culture recreated the image of the Tyranobor, which bears the light of truth. All that by the time the human civilization reached, Eschil treats as a gift to Prometheus. In the central monologue, the tragic hero speaks of itself about himself about himself:

Sofokl (496-406) Posted by 120 works, 7 tragedies came to us. The son of a rich weapon from the suburbs of Athens Colon, he received an excellent education, took an active part in the political life of Athens, was another pericla. In the competitions of playwrights won 24 victories. The most famous dramatic works of Sofokla are associated with the FVAN cycle of myths. In the tragedy "King Edip" The hero, without knowing that, became the killer of his father and her husband's husband. The gods send a terrible family to the city of the hair, as Karubyz lives here. The ruler of FIV EDIP promises to show the criminal, but soon makes sure in his own fault. The action of the tragedy develops retrospectively: from the present to the past. Close Oedipa people when he had a suspicion of his own fault, convince him that he could not commit atrocities. But the more they give evidence in the impossibility of committing crimes, the stronger his confidence: he himself. The EDIP tragedy consists of an unconsciously perfect crime and deliberately accepted punishment. The Oedip was Sean, but did not know what was worked. Karaya herself, he scratches his eyes and leaves the hair, then settled in Colon. The land, which gives the shelter to a repentant sinner, is under the protection of the gods. Such is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragedy "EDIP in Colon."

In the tragedy "Antigone" There is a conflict between Edip heirs. In the fratricidal war killed two Sons of Edip - Eteokl and Policks. The new ruler of FIV Creonh prohibits the death penalty in the fear of the death penalty, which went to his hometown. Creonh publishes this law from the best motives, wanting to stop chaos and anarchy. The daughter of Edip Antigone, risking his life, dismissed the ruler, betraying the body of Brother Earth. Sophocles in the tragedy "Antigone" not only glorify the courage and loyalty to the duty of heroine, but also encounters eternal moral laws that humanity has developed throughout history, and the leadership of the rulers who violate the world order.

The greatness of the heroes of Sofokla is that they are broken by omnipious rock, retain loyalty to their human debt.

Euripid (480-406) - The youngest of the tragic poets, the author of 92 works, from which 17 tragedies came to us. The best translations belong to in. Annensky.

Euripide was a follower of the philosophy of Sofists who argued that the objective truth does not exist, since only a person is a measure of all things. The playwright demonstrates human rights to actions that terrify others, but they leak out of its inner logic. The contemporaries of his heroes were too uttered, and the heroines were too cruel. Really , Medea In the tragedy of the same name mercilessly, the one whom Jason called his bride. Medea kills his own children, because he wants her suffering to be the tragedy of her father's father. She protects its dignity, just like in the tragedy "Ippolite" Fedra takes a stepskey just because he does not consider love to be a sacred feeling that connects people. The heroine of Euripid literally the fatal women, take the rock and put them to death. In this sense, he agrees with Sophoclon, but compared to the author of the "king edip", Euripid pays much more attention to psychological nuances, masterfully transmitting the dialectics of feelings. So, for example, in the tragedy "IFIGNATIONS IN AVLIDE" The goddess of Artemis demands that Agamemenon brings to sacrifice his daughter, otherwise the Greek ships accumulated near the port city of Avlida will never reach the walls of Troy. Iphigenias together with the Mother Climenness is caused by Avlida allegedly for marriage with Achilles. She is happy. But learning that she was not waiting for her wedding, but a gloomy asid, she in despair praits her father to regret her. Time passes, and infidenia perceives the lot that has fallen.

Rock Iphigenius perceives as a debt, she is ready to dying adequate for the honor of fragile. However, salvation comes in the final: Artemis was settled and replaced the body of the girl with Lanu. Evripide uses a new one in the junction, the reception: Deus Ex Machina is God from the car. When death threatens heroes, the gods are saved at the last moment. There were special theatrical adaptations, who raised the characters to heaven. Even in the most tragic situations, everything ends with a number of works of Euripid safely.

Aristophane (approx. 445- OK. 386) - Father of an ancient Greek comedy. The origin of the comedy is associated with the swollen songs. The term himself initially meant the "song of the crowd of the crowd." A dialog appeared from comic moves. A parody played a significant role in the comedy. Aristophane in the monologues of his characters paroded the speech of politicians, military leaders and sophists. He was the author about 40 comedies, of whom came 11.

The originality of the Roman literature of the Board of Octavian Augustus was that brilliant poets deliberately went to the ruler. This is equally inherent in verges (70-19) and the Horace (65-8).

About the life of the greatest poet of ancient Rome is known from the biographical notes of Svetonia, the author of the famous books "Life of Twelve Caesone" and "On Famous People". Although Guy Sveoniy Tranquille and was a contemporary versery.

Vergili's fame brought "buclables" - shepherd idylls, in which villagers are indulging in love of lovers and comforts, and also talk to philosophical topics. In one of the poems of this cycle, such a string was sounded:

In 30 Vergilius appeals to the creation of the poem "Aeneid", Which indiffered his name. He outlined the events at first in prose, and then - hekzamer, following the traditions of Homer and continuing his plots.

The poem speaks of the fate of the Trojan Enai, the son of Angeis and Aphrodite. Mother commands him to leave the burning Troy and with the closest relatives to go to the Italian shores, for he is destined to become the founder of a new powerful state.