Drawing up a list of necessary. We make lists of affairs and stop afraid of them. Consistency of the list elements

11 simple rulesthat will help you learn how to create the right and readable lists anywhere: in presentation, reports, documents or on sites.

When drawing up documents, we often face all kinds of lists. There are simple and multi-level lists. How to make them? In what cases use the numbering, letters and dash? When at the end of each element of the list it will be relevant, and when you need a comma or point with a comma?

When drawing up documents, we often face all kinds of lists. At the same time, the rules of their design there are a great set. Let's try to figure them out.

Designation of list items

Premunction List Offer and elements of the subsequent list (listed after a colon) can be written as a single string. But in long and complex lists, it is much more convenient to have each item from a new line. And here you have a choice: you can limit ourselves to using paragraphic retardation (example 1) or replace it with a digit, letter or dash (Example 2).

Example 1.

Example 2.

Lists come:

    simple those. consisting of one level of text membership (see examples 1 and 2) and

    composite Including 2 or more levels (see example 3).

From the depth of the membership depends on the selection of characters that will prevail each element of the list. When placing simple lists, it is possible to use lowercase ("small") letters, Arabic numbers or dash.

It is much more difficult to deal with composite listings. For greater clarity combined various symbols In the lists we give an example of the design of a 4-level list:

Example 3.

Of this example It can be seen that the numbering system is as follows: The first level header is decorated with the help of Roman numbers, the headlines of the second level - with the help of Arabic numbers without brackets, the headers of the third level - with the help of Arabic numbers with brackets and, finally, the headlines of the fourth level are decorated with applications Luxury letters with brackets. If this list assumed another, the fifth level, then we would have issued it using a dash.

Compound List Parts Numbering System may consist only of Arabic numbers with points.Then the structure of building the number of each list item reflects its subordination with respect to the elements located above (digital indicators exhibits):

Example 4.

If at the end of the list costs "et al.", ", Etc." or "etc.", then such text is not positioned on a separate line, but leave at the end of the previous element of the list (see examples 3 and 4).

Punctuation registration of lists

In example 3, it is clearly seen that the headlines of the first and second levels begin from capital lettersand the headlines of subsequent levels - from lowercase. This is because after Roman and Arabic (without brackets), the digits according to the rules of the Russian language are the point, and after the point, as we all remember with elementary school, the new proposal begins, which is written with capital letter. After arabic numbers with brackets and lowercase letters with brackets, the point is not placed, so the subsequent text begins with a small letter. The last position, by the way, applies to the dash, since it is difficult to imagine a combination of a dash with a point after it.

pay attention to punctuation signs at the end The headlines of the list, as well as at the end of words and phrases in its composition.
If the title involves the subsequent membership of the text, then the colon is put at the end of it, if there is no subsequent membership, the point is set.

Example 5.

If parts of the list consist of simple phrases or one words, they are separated from each other with commas (see example 5). If the parts of the list are complicated (there are commas inside them), they are better separated by a semicolon (see example 6).

Example 6.

Finally, if parts of the list are separate suggestions, they are separated from each other with a point:

Example 7.

Sometimes the list is drawn up in such a way that it precesses a whole offer (or several sentences). In this case, only the so-called "lower" levels of membership are used in the list ( lower case with a bracket or dash), and points at the end of each part of the list are not put, because In this case, the list is a single offer:

Example 8.

It happens that in any parts of the list, which are phrases, includes an independent proposal starting from the capital letter. Regardless of the fact that at the end of the sentence according to the rules of the Russian language should be put a point, each element of the list will be separated from the next point with a comma:

Example 9.

Consistency of the list elements

When drawing up listings, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the initial words of each list element are consistent among themselves in childbirth. In Example 10, we led an incorrect design option: the last element of the list was used in another case compared to the rest. Such errors are usually found in long lists with a large number of items.

Example 10.

Also, all elements of the list must be necessarily coordinated in the role, number and case with words (or word) in the premuting list of the proposal, after which the colon is worth it. Let's consider the example of improper listing to analyze errors.

Example 11.

This list may seem impeccable if it were not for one "but". The word "compliance" requires after the words in parental caseWho would answer questions "Who? What? " Therefore, each heading should begin like this:

So, we led the basic rules for building and designing lists that will help make your documents even more competent.

If your long list of projects, affairs and tasks completely extends you, then these methods will help you ultimately achieve success. The main thing is to come to the case deliberately.

Oh, these painful lists of affairs! This is a curse of our existence, the source of our stress and sometimes a triumph symbol. Perhaps we are a little and exaggerating, but those of us who adhered to this method of organization probably felt relief only at the end of the working day, namely, when they completed the tasks. And on certain days, when we manage to finish all the goals, we feel that completely exhausted.

If recently your file has forced you to feel in constant tension, and not in a joyful and high spirits, it is possible that time it has come to change your approach to its compilation. Here are a few ideas.

Make a list of six important things for you

The idea is not that six is \u200b\u200ba kind of magic number, but in the fact that, imposing a certain limitation on the number of tasks in your list, you will be forced to make tight solutions that it is important for you, and what is not. In addition, the list of cases from six items is less stunning and overwhelming than a list of 20 cases, which means that you will not be inclined to tighten and postpone the case for later.

Divide the list on the section

There are certain tasks that are very easy and easy to do, and we perform them immediately, one after another, but some require full swinging thinking. If we are randomly distracted by a telephone call, for example, when we start writing a report, then we will probably need some time to return to TU " working area"After that phone call. As a result, we spend much more time than it was provided to complete our robot. And all because our brain needs time in order to rebuild and turn into work again. That is why the rapprochement of similar tasks makes sense. You will have time to do more and spend less time.

Try the correct time to dispose of time.

Perhaps you are simply not of those who know how to proper lists of affairs, or it is difficult for you to reduce some items or jump over them. You can try to give up such a venture at all, and instead to devote all your time to certain work.

That's what tried to make the writer Gwen Moran, when she wanted to understand why he did not have time to do. She traced at how he spent her working time, noted certain behaviors and began to draw up lists with their habits, desires for certain days. It is important to note that these actions it is not only correctly disposed of time to work on discipline and order, but she also had serious psychological advantages.

When we expect the result from performing a task, and in the end we do not do this, then we can succumb to panic, lose respect for yourself and so on.

However, when all our tasks we have planned are correctly distributed by day, time and duration are indicated, then we sleep calmly and know that everything we need to do is already noted. In addition, it all is indicated taking into account our time preferences, days, etc.

It is important to be able to distinguish that it is extremely important for you, but with which you can upgrade

If you are from those people who just need to write out everything that needs to be done, regardless of how important these things are important or urgent, you can at least appreciate their importance. If you do not have time to do everything planned, at least achieve progress in matters important for you.

Here are some useful and at the same time effective recommendations as to how you can spend this assessment. We recommend that you celebrate your tasks with such letters as A, B, C, D, E.

Task A is what we have to do. And if we do not do this, then we will have serious problems. This category includes such things like observance of deadlines, preparation for an important meeting.

The tasks B and C are the items that we have to do, but their execution will not have significant (or no consequences).

D are the tasks with which we can climb, and E - goals that are not necessary, so we can exclude them from our list.

Make sure that you really want to make on your list

We are more likely to be well motivated to fulfill our entire list of affairs if tasks will be specified over which we are glad to work. Yes, there are certain items that we just need to do, but probably there are many and such sections that will not affect our quality of life or career, if we are not embodying them. Getting rid of unnecessary sections from our list, we create a space in order to make more things that are actually pleasing to us.

If you encounter every day with a reminder of the least pleasant points of your work, then it is likely to lead to the undermining of your motivation, and you just don't want to do anything.

It is important to note that we must stop engage in the unnecessary part of our work that we hate. Most likely, every week we need to allocate some time on work on important and large projects that contribute to our long-term career or life goals. You may have to acquire new skills that will help speed up promotion, or you will need to spend more time on coffee with colleagues in the workplace to deepen your knowledge in the industry that you work.

And finally

We will feel much better if we know that in our list of cases, even if there are many tedious tasks in it, there are cases and goals over which we are pleasant and happily work. These tasks help to put more boring goals in perspective and remind us that our work is not just a sequence of small, boring and urgent duties for performance, because we planned them, but really necessary and important things for us. Whatever you choose the organization's method, the main thing - he must please you and motivate, and it is tired and upset. Then everything will definitely be fine.

Hello, dear friends!

The crazy speed of life makes a person rotate like a squirrel in the wheel! But the brain, in order to protect yourself from such a load, prefers to cross out some of the tasks from the memory.

This leads to the accumulation of urgent, important and mandatory instructions, which falls on the head due to incompetent planning. Just think about numerous requests, work issues, care for loved ones, household and homely troubles, are able to create a feeling of chaos, if not forcing themselves to streamline their countless flow.

The list of cases is an excellent way to solve the problem, which is familiar to many of the childhood. Let's remember the main reasons because of which the "Apocalypse" begins:

  • procrastination, or habit to postpone affairs on the mythical, but so desirable "tomorrow" or next Monday;
  • attempting to keep the list of planned affairs in the head, which sooner or later will lead to the forgetting promises;
  • banal laziness;
  • lack of priorities for execution;
  • inappropriate goaling and planning of long-term and short-term goals.

The organization of affairs with the help of the list solves many difficulties immediately, helping to allocate time to more important tasks, such as self-development and communication with relatives or friends. Each modern person can use the advantage of doing business with an approach of a businessman or a highly developed individual.

Cooperation with convenient technologies has long simplifies life modern peoplewho have no time nor the desire to glue the house with stickers or try to write important marks on the doors of the refrigerator.

For this, experienced engineering and IT-sphere masters have come up with smart applications and technologies that are adequately integrated into the format and speed of life. Matching with all the gadgets, which is in the presence of individuals, and providing access to other people, it appears not only for you, but also from other members of a group or family, to be aware of the fulfillment of the task.

All reporting, and most importantly, the data is under the most powerful control of the electronic assistant. How to make a full and ideal list to you? To solve this issue, I prepared valuable advice!

Preparation and preparation stage

List of tasks or to-do-sheet is an effective means for fruitful work. That is why its compilation is given so much time. But it pays off when a person notices the first changes in chaos by an order. What needs to be done in the process of creating it?

  1. Spend a complete analysis of the state of current affairs.
  2. Clearly deline them on home and workers.
  3. Select Task List Planning Tool.
  4. Drive records specifically, understandable and simple.
  5. Remise lists of temporary segments.
  6. Distribute cases for long-term and short-term, taking into account those that are repeated once or systematically.
  7. Looking through the records every day (in the evening), removing those managed to perform.

Down with the familiar numbering!

What is actually this sheet? That's right, numbered list of cases on the day, for a week or even a year, if we talk about the long-term implementation of the implementation.

Forget about the usual license compliance! I suggest you familiarize yourself with the system called 1-3-5. What does it include and what is the difference?

This method allows you to highlight the main one from the secondary. That you mean, this is a functional breakdown according to the principle: it is important, not urgently, it is important, urgently, no matter is not important, not urgently.

Write 1 global task, add to it below 3 averaged cases with non-peak importance and as long as 5 small tasks, which is without pain in the heart, in the event of an overlay other factors, you can transfer the next day.

Mandatory condition Planning from the evening, in order to thoroughly and clearly realize the plan of today. If your weekdays are saturated with multitasking, then I will offer you to leave a place for a pair of troika not planned business that can fall from space.

This approach allows the list to be flexible and mobile. The main feature of this method, many respondents people consider the lack of flowing priorities, which can be crazy! After all, time to perform everything and now!

Paper assistant

If you still have a supporter of a paper list, then this advice will have to do you. What is the main problem of paper diaries faced by many people? It is correct - this strikes done without the ability to make edits or use information for subsequent use. For example, making the phone number or personal observations.

Because of this, you have to create a new task and again to fit it if the nuances appeared. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the method called Bullet Journal, and the author of this idea is none other than R. Carroll. It was he who managed to come up with a universal system of records. How does it work?

The main thing is to numbered all the pages of your diary. For the first page, highlight the honorable mission in the form of a table of contents, it is that in the future will help to find information faster.

After creating a calendar in the form of lists with the days of the week and numbers. Opposite them, place things that are exactly planned and are unlikely to be transferred. On the next page, write the TO-DO list for the next month.

It is worth noting that with this approach, you will certainly need to use footnotes, notes and other alert signals. In the future, this will help instantly read the data. For such a principle, you will succeed to plan your day, but the prerequisite is the need to remember about making the page number to the title page.

Simplicity approach "here and now"

L. Babauta came up with a universal system called GTD, helping to increase productivity. This method of drawing up the list is calculated on the current, simplicity and concentration. What will the to-do-sheet look like in this case?

  • Only thematic lists are drawn up. That you mean, the page with "home matters" are made by those concerning only at home. A similar approach is applicable to work.
  • Systematic data update required. You need to constantly carry a notebook or gadget to the lightning point to fit the task or a global idea.
  • The relevance of the issue implies what you need to enter the list only those commitments that are really important.

Stop leaf!

I will offer you to familiarize yourself with the way from the opposite. At first glance, it will seem nonsense or absurd, then the technique of stop-to-do-list recommends that quite succeeded.

Its essence protrudes the list of not the tasks that you want to implement, namely those that you "soldered"! Suppose the personality dreams to get rid of smoking or pathological dependence on computer games. In this case, the stop list will have to be!

There is a prerequisite for the prescribing timekeeping and summing up (on the eve of the new year, week, day). So, for example, establishing a temporary segment in a list of 30 minutes of the game on a computer, you gradually need to reduce its level of passion to narrow minutes.

On this point!

Subscribe to the blog update, offer your ideas to guide order in life and affairs!

Before the meeting on the blog, while so far!

It is no secret that people love all sorts of lists. With their help, we collect complicated information together so that it was much easier to read and learn. Lists satisfy our inner desire to streamline information. In addition, they help us feel less stress.

Tasks seem simpler if information about them is represented as a list, Maria Konnikov, the author of bestseller "Psychology of distrust. How not to get on the hook of fraudsters "and articles in The New York Times. Here are what lists she advises to make up:

14 useful lists that should make each

Veronika Elkina
  1. List of passwords. With him, you definitely do not confuse in your superstrate passwords like SoccerStar12 or SocC3RStar.
  2. List of daily affairs. Make there all you need today to do. In addition, the tasks performed are very nice.
  3. List of completed cases. When you look at the list of what was done for today, you understand how to improve your productivity. Yes, and self-esteem rises.
  4. A list of cases you need to have time to do for your life. This includes everything - from close-ups like marriage and climbing Everest to the most modest desires, for example, bake perfect chocolate cookies.
  5. Short-term plans. What do you want to do this month?
  6. Long-term plans. What are you planning to achieve in the next five or ten years?
  7. Professional achievements. Make a list of your merit and completed projects. It will not only please you in difficult minutes, but also useful when you need to update the summary.
  8. Requirements for new work. The more hours, days and years you spend at work, the better you know what they do. Therefore, in the next work, you will no longer need the same productivity as before.
  9. List of DIY projects. Pinterest is an excellent site to search for inspiration, but if you have such a list at hand, you will not forget about your creative plans, for example, paint the shelves in the living room or go through old photos.
  10. Shopping list. When you know exactly what you need to buy, you can not only save money, but also to keep the purchase of those unnecessary liver.
  11. Important dates. Anyone will be nice if you suddenly remember about his birthday or some anniversary. So get this list, and you will not forget everything important dates Your loved ones.
  12. Important time. If you often forget about how many days you need to return some thing and when frozen chicken breasts ruffles, then you better write down all the important time.
  13. List of thanks. If you become bad, look at this list and remember what you are grateful in this life, and you will become easier.
  14. List of things that make you happy. This list will make you smile or quickly come up with how to take yourself.

The life of an active modern man involves rapid rhythm, a large number of planned affairs and goals. Without a diary, it's just not to do. Fortunately, the 21st century has its advantages: the electronic market offers a huge selection applications with lists of cases, Organizers and to-do-sheets. Today I will tell about two applications a list of cases.

In fact, there are so many of them that eyes are running out, and the newcomer is completely confused in these unusual things for it. In this article, we denote the basic options for conducting electronic organizers and will last detail on two of them: TODOIST and WUNDERLIST.

But before proceeding to electronic options, I want to draw your attention to other, more classic. First of all, that translated from English means "bringing affairs to completion" or "how to bring things to order." GTD - not just organizer, And a whole huge, structured planning system up to the prospect of life. Such a piece is worth starting when you are no longer a beginner under the management of this kind of organizagasers.

In addition, pay attention - it pursues about the same goals, but it is much easier to use. In principle, the systems complement each other, but it is logical to choose one one that it will be the most convenient and efficient specifically for you.

What are the good electronic applications?

But Getting Things Done and Bullet Journal - paper systems, and we are so accustomed to using mobile phones. Online shops are and in iPhone (App Store), and for the platform android (Play Market). All applications for maintaining a list of cases, organizers and diaries can be downloaded there.

Here the bestWhat are offered shops:

  1. WunderList;
  3. Anydo;
  4. Tick-Tick;
  6. Trello;
  7. Myliforganized;
  8. Gtasks;
  9. DO IT;

And it is only the most famous, actually such applications dozens, hundreds! But today we will focus on the first two, we will analyze their advantages and disadvantages, find out what they differ and what of them is most convenient and functional?

TODOIST and WUNDERLIST: What's the common?

First of all, it should be noted the main features of both applications:

  • they are equally comfortable for use on mobile phone (both on iPhone and on android), tablet, laptop or personal computer, if available personal Cabinet All changes are automatically saved in the cloud storage, synchronized and displayed immediately on all devices, so that you can safely switch between them;
  • they are quite simple, an intuitive interface, not overloaded with extra functions and features;
  • available everywhere and at any time, mobile, tablet, PC. You create one account that works everywhere;
  • meanwhile, the main functionality is quite diverse, practical and convenient.

For which the application data can be used:

  • to keep a list of cases on the day (meetings, events, workers and household moments);
  • to compile a list of purchases (no matter, in a product or construction store);
  • to compile the listings "View", "Read", "Listen";
  • for checklists, for example, "what to take on the journey";
  • to install sound reminders that will say, when it is time to take a tablet, turn off the plate on the stove or start going to meet.

WunderList: how to use?

WunderList. - One of the most convenient electronic organizers? A simple, convenient, with a simple design and an intuitive interface, WunderList usually does not cause problems even in an inexperienced newbie user.

What nice chips opens this application for your fans?

  • the presence of a personal user e-mail, which can be sent any lists, tasks, etc.;
  • the possibility of registration in the general system of large number of people and, in fact, communication with them, sending their lists to other people, delegation of tasks, which is very convenient, for example, for the staff of the staff;
  • creating projects, folders, thematic lists;
  • tags for which you can find your records;
  • you can write descriptions for tasks, create subtitles and subtasks;
  • you can also attach files - text documents, photos, etc.

TODOIST. - Analogue of the previous application, meanwhile, has its own characteristics:

  • modern, fashionable design;
  • there is a so-called "migration function": moving to this application, you can import information from others to not drive all lists again;
  • an countable additional features are superimposed on the basic version, which are opening in an extended paid version, plus it or minus - each decides itself;
  • visualization of productivity, that is, the application as it would estimate your productivity and efficiency, thus encouraging activity.

As you can see, both applications are quite functional and extensive in their capabilities. Which one is better - to say difficult. Someone will prefer a proven, reliable WunderList, and someone is a new, fashionable TODOIST with its numerous paid chips, especially since the fee is not so great - about 2,000 rubles a year.

What are these chips? Holders of a paid account can add comments to their tasks, view completed tasks, send tasks by e-mail, receive reminders to mail or via SMS, export tasks to Google, Outlook or ICAL calendar, use the search and view the statistics of their productivity by day and projects.

Which to choose?

Check both, test, compare - and select the one that will be convenient for you. I chose WunderList for a long time and did not decide to go to a new one.

For me, Wunderlist has only one minus - this is the lack of gamefice that I liked it in Todoist. Gymification is an excellent tool for motivation, so in my opinion, it is necessary to use in the tasks managers.

The second minus Wunderlist, which is noted by other users in the reviews - the absence of a calendar. And in the toll version of the TODOIST, you can use a calendar that automatically makes marked and scheduled events: Synchronization works with ICAL, Outlook and Google Calendar. That is, in a convenient graphic format, you can follow important events As part of your project, together with customers, colleagues, members of your family.