Words formed by the suffixing method Examples of verbs. Methods for word formation in Russian with examples. Types of education words

How to determine the word formed by the subfixtural way, for the answer I will be very grateful and got the best answer

Answer from ѝly [guru]
if you have to discard the prefix and suffix from the word (and they are in the word educated. -Suff. The way there is be sure!) That should be some kind of single word. But: it is impossible to discard the prefix separately, and separate the suffix, otherwise the words will not work. For example: Plantain. There is no such word such a word. The roadmaker is also not. And if you discard the suffix and the prefix, then the road will turn out. \u003d\u003e The word is formed attain. -Suff. Fashion

Answer from Sailor[guru]

< всухомятку) , в-...-((даль < вдаль) , на-...-у (встеча < навстречу) , на-...-(показ < напоказ) , в-...-у (верх < вверху) , в-...-е (начало < вначале) , в-...-и (даль < вдали) , на-...-у (верх < наверху) , с-...-у (бок < сбоку) и другие.
< по-новому, прежний < по-прежнему) , по-...-и (охотничий < по-охотничьи) , из-...-а (давний < издавна) , до-...-а (белый < добела) , с-...-а (новый < снова) , в-...-о (правый < вправо) , на-...-о (белый < набело) , по-...-у (пустой < попусту) , в-...-ую (пустой < впустую) , в-...-и (близкий < вблизи) , с-...-у (молодой < молоду) .
< в-третьих, второй < во-вторых) , в-...-ом/-ем (двое < вдвоем, пятеро < впятером) , в-...-о/-е (десятеро < вдесятеро) , на-...-о/-е (двое < надвое) .
< вскачь) , в-...-ку (догонять < вдогонку). От наречий наречия образуются при помощи по-...-у (долго < подолгу) , по-...-ку (нарочно < понарошку) .

< мимоходом.
Go to the site can still be trapped.

Answer from Eadic[guru]
Many nouns are formed with a subfixtural way.
In the formation of such nouns from other nouns, the following combinations of the console and suffix are used: under -... - NIC< подснежник), на-...-ник (колено < наколенник), при-...-j (море < приморье), за-...-j (река < заречье), меж-...-j (гора < межгорье), без-...-j (деньги < безденежье), без-...-иц (работа < безработица).
When forming nouns from adjectives, combinations of affixes for -..- j (polar< заполярье), про-...-# (седой < проседь).
Sometimes the nouns are formed with a subfixtic way from verbs, for example: from -...- (c) of the EC (serve< сослуживец).

Answer from good man[guru]
if you close the concrete, if the suffix is \u200b\u200balso nonsense ... for example, with the gate of Nick

Answer from User deleted[guru]
acquired, formed by the separation of finding with the help of the prefix "at" and suffix "Enn"

Answer from Vitaly Lyapeko[active]
There should be a suffix and attain.

Answer from Bee[active]
in any way

Answer from Їїnaev Aleksey[newcomer]
The subfixtural method is most actively used in the formation of adverbs from nouns and adjectives.
In the formation of adverbs from the noun the following combinations of prefixes and suffixes are presented: in -...- y (Sukhinky< всухомятку) , в-...-((даль < вдаль) , на-...-у (встеча < навстречу) , на-...-(показ < напоказ) , в-...-у (верх < вверху) , в-...-е (начало < вначале) , в-...-и (даль < вдали) , на-...-у (верх < наверху) , с-...-у (бок < сбоку) и другие.
The largest number of combinations is presented in the formation of adversies from adjectives. These are the following combinations of affixes: on -...- OU / -ME (new< по-новому, прежний < по-прежнему) , по-...-и (охотничий < по-охотничьи) , из-...-а (давний < издавна) , до-...-а (белый < добела) , с-...-а (новый < снова) , в-...-о (правый < вправо) , на-...-о (белый < набело) , по-...-у (пустой < попусту) , в-...-ую (пустой < впустую) , в-...-и (близкий < вблизи) , с-...-у (молодой < молоду) .
Adcharations can be formed with a subfixtural method from numeral, while the following consoles and suffixes are used: V- / in -...- s) (third< в-третьих, второй < во-вторых) , в-...-ом/-ем (двое < вдвоем, пятеро < впятером) , в-...-о/-е (десятеро < вдесятеро) , на-...-о/-е (двое < надвое) .
Aphphiksamiv -...- ((jumping< вскачь) , в-...-ку (догонять < вдогонку). От наречий наречия образуются при помощи по-...-у (долго < подолгу) , по-...-ку (нарочно < понарошку) .
Naphimal methods of education for adverbs are not presented.
Mixed methods are slightly represented. So, some adverbs are formed by adding with suffixation, for example: by + walk< мимоходом.

What is the subfixtry and suffix method of education of words? The answer to the question you will find in this article. In addition, we will tell you about what else there they differ from each other and give a few specific examples.


"Forging the word with a subfixtural way ..." - this beginning is most of the exercises on the subject submitted. But before proceeding with practical taskIt is required to study the theoretical part.

First you need to understand what kind of word formation. Under this term hides a whole section of linguistics. It studies all existing ways to educate words. Knowing them in theory and applying in practice, it is possible to quite easily understand how Russian is enriched all the time.

Word education methods

The subfixtural method is one of the most complex. It should also be noted that other people exist in Russian. And before presenting to your attention a subfixtary method, you need to tell about other ways that play no less important role In word formation.

So, in Russian, the following methods exist, with which new words are formed:

In this article we will tell more in more detail about the first three. After all, such methods are interrelated, and they cannot be considered separately.

Pottaging method of word formation

About what features is hiding in itself the subfixtary-suffix method of education words, we will tell a little further. Now I want to tell you how the Russian language is enriched due to a purely seating method.

For this method, adding to the basis of the console (or so-called prefix) is characterized. Let us give a few examples:

  • the word "companion" was formed by the console co-added to the "Comrade producing the basis;
  • the word "enemy" is formed using the prefix of non-added to the "buddy" producing
  • the word "overrabity" is formed using the prefixes of super- added to the "early" producing basis;
  • the word "attach" is formed by the prefix to be added to the producing "giving";
  • the word "distribute" is formed using the prefix one-added to producing "Giving".

Features of the seating method

When forming words in this way you should know that:

Suffix word formation method

To form the words of subfixtural soffixal, it is necessary to know the basic rules of the suffix and submachine method. The latter was considered above. As for the suffixing method, then, according to the name, words in Russian with it are formed by adding to the producing a particular suffix. Let us give a few examples:

  • the word "countryman" is formed by adding a suffix - to the basis of "land";
  • the word "Bereznyak" is formed by adding a suffix - a birch-based "birch";
  • the word "gray" is formed by adding suffix - to a producing "gray";
  • the word "worker" is formed by adding a suffix - to producing "works";
  • the word "room" is formed by adding the suffix - to the "rooms" producing the basis.

Features of the suffix method

The presented method of word formation is one of the most common. With this method in our native language Almost all the significant parts of speech are formed. It should also be noted that with a suffix method, part of the speech of the new word can be the same as the producing, and may differ. For example, the names of the nouns with suffixes - and are usually formed from the verbs (appear - appearance).


No wonder for your attention was presented two previous ways of word formation, because the named is to simultaneously attach both a suffix, and the console. It should be especially noted that the mentioned method of education of words is the most difficult.

METHOD PLAYING AND SUFIXAL: Samples of word education

Despite the fact that such a word formation is recognized as one of the most difficult, thanks to him, our tongue has become more diverse and beautiful. After all, there is an incredible number of combinations of consoles and suffixes that can be attached to almost any generating basis. In order for you to make sure that, present a few examples:

  • the word "mediocre" is formed using a suffix -n- and the prefixes that added to the "gift producing";
  • the word "gift" is formed using a suffix - and the consoles added to the "gift" producing the basis;
  • the word "solder" is formed with the help of suffix - and the console attachments added to the "singe" producing;
  • the word "fither" is formed using the suffix - and the consoles added to the "five" producing
  • the word "distilled" is formed using a suffix -OV and the consoles of sub- added to the "blind" producing
  • the word "inevitable" is formed with the help of suffix - and the consoles of non-recommended "avoiding".

Features of the submissive suffix method

As you can see, it's quite difficult to form the word with a subfixtural way. And to do it right, you need to know all the features of the morpheme.

By the way, with help this method Not only the names of nouns and verbs are formed, but also adverb and adjectives:

  • glass - cup holder;
  • arms - disarm;
  • his own - in his own way;
  • the chef is supreme.

When using this method of word formation, you should also pay your attention to the following nuances:

1. The meaning of a new word, which was formed using the subfixtural suffix method, is quite often excreted from a combination of a noun, which is in an indirect case, and the pretext. At the same time, a prefix is \u200b\u200busually applied at derivative of expression, the last one. For example:

  • windowsill, that is, under the window;
  • cutton, i.e. under a glass;
  • madness, that is, without the moon.

2. We should not forget that the suffix -y- can not be expressed in the word graphic sign. For example:

  • lud and - without-people - [th] -e.

3. All adverbs that are written through the hyphen are formed using the subfixes of the subfixes. For example:

  • from the prefixes and suffixes -Em-, -U- (adult - in an adult-wow, wolf - wolf [th] -y, good - good-to him, comrade - in a friendly comrade);
  • from the ordinal numerals through the prefixes of the Wash and C-, as well as the suffixes -Ih- and -th- (third - third-third, the first one - first).

4. As mentioned above, the value of derivatives that were formed by the subfixtural way is usually motivated by a combination of nouns with a pretext. Moreover, a prefix is \u200b\u200bapplied in the adjective derivative, which is symbol, and there is also a zero suffix. For example:

  • without horn-0-ie, that is, without horns;
  • footless-0th, that is, without legs.

However, there are also such derivative names of the adjectives that, along with the prefix, have a financially pronounced suffix. For example:

  • without harmless (derived from the pretext and nouns "without harm");
  • with a ticket-nth (there was a pretext and a noun "without a ticket").

Fastening material

Now you know about how words are formed with the help of atrocid, suffix or subfixes. To secure this topicYou must perform several following exercises:

1. If possible, form nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs with a subfixtural way: sword, village, work, cry, read, harm, storing, window, door, wilderness, shiver, departure , sunrise.

2. Determine the modular words for the end-free, illiterate, failing, hairy, silent, talkative, sofa, piling, bony, intercity, current, father, supersaturated, expansion, today's, tolerable, tired, reader.

A) come,

B) reader

C) inevitable

D) Seen.
2. What word is formed by a suffix method?

B) overcome

C) gait,

D) destruction.
3. What word is formed with a seating method?

A) bought,

B) somewhere

C) fair

D) stir.
4. What word is formed with a seating method?

B) manageable,

C) plan,

D) seventels.
5. What is the word formed by the way of addition?

A) international

B) defensed

C) Crossroads

D) Supernatural
6. What word is the error in determining the word education method?

A) strengthened - console,

B) run - console,

C) Exit - Bessfix,

D) burning - suffixual.
7. Specify the method of education of the word sunrise.

A) console,

B) Bessfix,

C) suffixal

D) transition
8. B What offer is the word formed by transition from one part of speech to another?

A) I am a composer, but now I am speaking as a pianist.

B) When I entered the front and looked into the hall, I saw a dying picture.

C) shook the remains of bread, flour and cereals from the closet, so as not to divorce the mice.

D) Then she put on glasses and read a few words who came on the eve of telegrams.

B) Find errors in the formation of words and correct them.

1. Indicate an example with an error in forming the word form

1) lovely man

2) hardly time

3) without two fifths

4) lie on the shore

2. Indicate an example with an error in forming a word form

1) by two thousand twenty second year

2) several tomatoes

3) at all cool

4) the most important

3. Specify an example with an error in the form form formation

1) kilograms of apples

2) future elections

3) to two thousand second year

4) Ensured

4. Specify an example with an error in the form form formation

1) more needed

2) several hectares

3) with four ruble

4) Go home

5. Specify an example with an error in the form form formation

1) in two thousand first year

2) not with machines with hands

3) Georgians

4) Small transistors

6. Specify an example with an error in forming a word form.

1) with twenty-five rubles

2) no complaints

3) worse than just

4) do not put a notebook here

7. Specify an example with an error in forming a word form.

1) in both bags

3) no comment

Task 2.

Form R.P. MN. h. The following nouns.

Weekdays - _____________, rags - _______________, chicken - _________, sheet - __________, Polane - ___________________, Tomato - _______________, Apples - ________________, Candles - _______________, Soccer - _______________, Drug - ____________, Drug - ____________ ___________________, mushrooms - _______________, Grup - _________________, Kocherga - _______________, Mandarins - __________________.

Task 3.

Write down the name noun, given in brackets, in the appropriate case.

1. On the Black Sea, a lot of sandy (coast) ____________________________________

2. Detachment (soldiers) ____________ and the group (partisans) _________________ met on the banks of the Volga.

3. I stayed in the forest for a very long time: from blue (twilight) _____________ to complete (dotmon) _______________.

4. In the garden a lot (apple, cherries, currants) _______________________________________.

5. Rome fell from invasion (Varvara) __________________________________.

6. After (freezing) ___________________ Ryabina berries become sweet.

7. A pair (Herons) circled the swamp _______________________________________.

8. Ivana Alekseevich Krylov wrote a lot (Basni) _____________________.

9. Father brought several (melons) from Samarkand ___________________.

10. Autumn always has a lot (weddings) ______________________.

Task 4.

Creating relative and attracted adjectives from these nouns names.

1. Cossack ___________________________________________________________________

2. Azure __________________________________________________________________

3. The landowner _______________________________________________________________

4. Tile _______________________________________________________________

5. Artillery _____________________________________________________________

6. Swamp _________________________________________________________________

7. Turtle _______________________________________________________________

8. Fish __________________________________________________________________

9. Crocodile _______________________________________________________________

10. Sable ________________________________________________________________

Task 5.

Find and correct errors in education comparative degree The name of the adjective.

1. Paints, thanks to the Sun, look even more distinct and brighter.

2. It was necessary to dive on the bottom.


3. This meeting has passed more organizer than in the previous one.


4. Our goal is to show the best decoration of the cake.


5. We will study this problem on pairs in more detail.


6. This recipe was represented by culinary books pretty earlier.


Task 6.

Open brackets and write numeric names.

1. We conduct correspondence from 280_______________________________________________

(graduate). 2. This event will occur in 2010 ________________________________ (year). 3. This monument to art will soon celebrate its 249 ______________________________ (anniversary). 4. New 10 ___________________________________ (store) Not quite ordinary. 5. Builders handed over 3 _______________________________ (level) Parking within the prescribed period. 6. Installed 32 _______________________________ (channel) TV shift. 7. Recreation of a new sanatorium receive 3 ______________________ (one-time) hot meal. 8 Next week 35 __________________________________ (degrees) heat.

Task 7.

Find and correct the errors in the use of numeral.

1. Netzke cost from fifteen to two hundred fifty thousand rubles ._____________________

2. For a birthday, I invited three comrades. _____________________

3. Bekas had rings on both paws. ______________________

4. Four women and five men participated in the show. ______________________

5. Mass of the hungry leech 2-3 grams, after saturation with blood - up to thirty-five grams. ____________________________

6. The mass of the body of an eagle-grain of more than two and five tenths of kilograms. ___________________

7 Weighing products were carried out on three scales. __________________________

8. The material of the study is set out on a hundred fifty pages. ___________________

9. The work plan of the department for two thousand twelfth year. _________________________

10. Over the past two years, the government was allocated for the government of Housing, about six hundred million rubles. ___________________________

11. This scientist has written more than three hundred articles.


Task 8.

In sentences, correct errors associated with the wrong use of pronounhimself andhis own.

1) I found the assistant in my office. _________________________________________
2) Mother ordered her son to pour out tea. _________________________________________
3) The hostess suggested the tenants to go into their room. ____________________________
4) Father asked her daughter to invite her girlfriends to himself. _______________________________
5) The writer showed the image of the mother in its development. ________________________________
6) I ordered a porter to take my things into the luggage compartment, and then ranked my seat in the coupe. ___________________________________________________________________
7) The audience requested the poet to read once again its best poem ._________________________________________________________

Task 9.

From the pronounteances offered in brackets (each, any, any) Choose suitable in meaning.

1. In the play of Gorky "at the bottom" ______________ actor Shown peculiar.

2. Our dad collects ____________ trash in the garage.

3. The train stopped at ___________ stations.

4. The volitional man will overcome _______________ difficulties.

Prefix is \u200b\u200bone of the significant parts of the word. It stands before the root and can change the main lexical value, or supplement it.

The method in which the new word is formed with its help is called the seating method of word formation. His difference from the suffix and subfixes is that, changing the basis in this way, you do not change some of the speech to which it belongs. Maximum that a prefix can change the word category within a part of speech.

In contact with

Some prefixes are closely related to pretexts and have the same meaning as these parts of speech. These accreposes include from- / is-, sub-, out-, and-, and many others.

Classification of consoles

These morphemes can be classified by several features, for example:

  • On spelling. Some are always written equally (do not change the consonants). These include all consoles except ending on z. and from. The consoles ending with these letters are written according to the rule. It is that Z. written before ring consonants and vowels, and from - before deaf consonants;
  • By origin. Most prefixes it has russian origin. Some are taken from the Church Slavonic (V / V-, low / NIS), and there are also Latin, Greek and other foreign origin. These include a-, anti-, counter, pan-, sub-, ex-, trans-, inter-and about fifteen;
  • By ability to change the type of verb. But this will be discussed in the following chapters.

Education words with consoles

Plotted formation method has its own characteristics for each part of speech. We will discuss them separately.


With the help of the prefix, the noun changes its value, and sometimes to the opposite. Examples of words formed by prefixes can be brought quite a few:

paul - underground

order - confusion

grandson - Little

title - subtitle

Even more often, this method of word formation is found with foreign language consoles:

mobilization - demobilization

revolution - counter-revolution

But in general, the submissive word formation clearly loses Suffer suffix among nouns names. Many words that we mistakenly consider educated with the help of consoles, in fact formed with a subfixtural way, and often - from a different speech from another part of speech. And such examples are more:

Ospen - sub osin oV-IK (Pottable suffix)

Zydati - Candle - Create - Create - CO-ZD-A-N iE (in this way, creature not formed by prefix from building).

Another feature of the behavior of consoles in nouns - their property becomes part of the root. It happens when the root ceases to be productive, that is, without the prefix, no words are formed from it, and it is not perceived as a significant morphem in itself.

A list of such words is inconsistent, and not everyone converges, whether the prefix has become part of the root. As examples lead such cases:






If you look more attentive, then the roots are quite productive here. Another thing is that the word-forming models for which these words have been formed are now more common. They are formed with a subfixtural method, or rather - from the verbs after the truncation of the suffix:

measure - Measure - Size - Example

As you can see exampleDespite its origin, it has long ceased to be associated with the process of measure. In modern Russian from try Rather form suitable.

Even more difficult hello. In modern Russian, there are words that occurred from one basis:

hello, answer, brief, respond, veche, advice, testament.

But they all have long lived their lives and have lost contact with the basis.

Even more often, this is found in borrowings. The iNoyasic console stands out as such when an input root is a productive basis for word formation.

tropics - subtropics

subject and an object

The last words do not contain the prefixes of sub-. Latin root -ect- in Russian is unproductive, and we only have roots.

Finally, the last thing I want to say about nouns with consoles. If you want to know what word is formed with an atrocid way or some other, try to take a prefix. If a non-existent something is obtained, it means that the word formation went through another model.

On the names of the adjectives, we will not stop in detail, since the situation here is similar.


The verb is a rather complicated part of speech. Due to the fact that the Russian language is synthetic, the formation of viewed forms in it is not specifically syntactically, but by the help of word and word formation. If in english language We just need to assemble the design of auxiliary and one of the three forms of the main verb, then in Russian, the view is a category that a particular verb has a category.

The problem represents that there is no uniform model of speciation. There are several of them, and some of them got to us since Ancient RussiaAnd for the rest do not fit all the models of word formation. Part of the verbs, originally had a value of a single action, have a perfect view without any prefixes and suffixes, for example, to give and become. Some one can give a value of a singleness with a suffix - (like - Collap). But the most versatile model of the transformation of the verb base is such a scheme:

verb of imperfect species (root + suffix -, - ,-, and- + Flexion - t.)

the verb of the perfect species (add a visual console)

verb of imperfect species (add suffix duration or repeated action)

By forming a new word using the prefix, we give it the value of the effective process, and change it. Such a transformation got the name of the formation of a training pair.

stand - to defend

know - know

get angry - get ready

To beat

run - come running

swatch - sail

glasy - bump

splash - splash

Prefix, forming a new word, changes its lexical meaning, sometimes it is imperceptible, and sometimes the result of the word formation is very different from the source, for example:

do - fromdo (there is practically no difference)

solve - timesolve (Difference is evident)

burn - fromburn (completely gone in a figurative meaning)

Not all consoles can be modifier. For example, the church Slavonic prefixes of the age-free, pre- and some others cannot always form the verb of the perfect species.

walk restgo

to suffer - sOto suffer

wear wHOwear

However, the first and third verb form a couple in another way, and the consoles will not help them.

Also are not visible prefixes from Greek, Latin and German languages. What is interesting, such words are often two-visited:

privatize deprivatize

qualify - difocus

Sometimes the verb transition does not succeed in the prefix in a different form, but you can completely change its value, sometimes beyond recognition:

led - ofled - tradeled

As you can see, sometimes even two prefixes do not help.

What conclusions can be made relative to the appearance of word formation in the verbs? There are two of them:

  • the prefix can form the verb of the perfect species, but not always:
  • the prefix changes the lexical meaning of the verb, but the degree of change varies.


Some consoles do not cause difficulties when writing, and with others there are problems. We highlight a few cases when we can apply a number of rules:

  1. Not With verbs are written separately. Exception - some verbs with several consoles. Example: unpleasure.
  2. If after the console is a yoted vowel, then between it and this vowel put solid sign Kommersant Example: To lift.
  3. In Morphem, on -Z.and -from The choice of consonant depends on the next letter behind the prefix. If there is a ringing consonant or vowels, put Z.if deaf - put from. TO from- It is not a relationship, it does not obey this rule (unchanged). Example: disassemble, mortar.
  4. Console pre- Written when the excessiveness says. It is similar to something re-. Example: beautiful, adorable, block, exceed, crime.
  5. pri- Writing in the value of approximation, bringing to completion. Example: forlead forknow, forthe house forbrejy.
  6. Consoles not- and ni- Nouns, adverbs and adjectives are chosen depending on the emphasis. The choice is carried out in word formation. Without staging ni-, with stress - not-. In the future, the selected prefix is \u200b\u200bpreserved in all derivatives from this word. n.when, notwhen.
  7. Co- Writing through a hyphen. Exception: can be written separately, if there is a pretext between it and the word.
  8. Initial consoles are written through a hyphen in front of their own names. An exception - counter-admiral.

Some interesting cases

Sometimes there are difficulty with morphem analysis Words, when in the Word I want to highlight the prefix, and in fact it is not. Or never happened, or it exists only etymologically. To check the best to turn to the dictionary, but we give a number of cases here.

premiere - No, the root dates back to the Latin sequence numerical "first";

the president - The word is borrowed entirely, in Russian, it is not disintegrated by productive morphemes;

backed - It is allocated etymologically, the root in modern Russian is unproductive, the current root basis - naked;

building - Consoles never had a root health (Single: cold, architect);

benefit - became part of the root;

distort - same;

fool - also;

price-list - The German root Preis.

Most often, such words begin on pre- and, and this is understandable: the Latin prefix Prae- has the same origin (like our pre-), and the processes that happened to it foreign languagesare similar to those in Russian.

Words in Russian are formed the most different ways, very often in this process, special morphemes are involved - consoles and suffixes. Some words are formed with a submissive way, some suffix, but there are also those in which both of these cases are combined. How can you form a new lexical unit with a two morpheme?

Suffer-suffixing method of education words: examples and features

So, already out of the name it is clear that with this method, the word is formed using the console and suffix, which simultaneously join the base. Here, for example, if you take the word "gift" and add a prefix to it without suffix -, then the noun is "meditarian". Since morphemes are used in the formation of new words, the submissive suffix method refers to the morpheme.

One of the most common cases when the word is formed with a subfixtural way is that the noun with a pretext is taken as the basis, for example, the word "snowdrop" is formed from a combination "under the snow". Former pretexts are transformed into consoles.

It is quite difficult to form the word with a suffix suffix, because it is necessary to know what features all the morpheme included in its composition are distinguished.

As for the value of the new word, it is usually compiled from the combination of the value of the console and base, the suffix only adds certain shades to it. Typically, new nouns, adjectives and verbs are formed in this way, as well as adverbs.

All the adverbs that are written in the spelling rules through the hyphen, are formed in such a way. Here are examples of the submissive suffix method of forming the words of this part of speech on behalf of the adjective: the prefix of a + adjective adult + suffix wow, as a result, it turns out an adult adult.

But they should not necessarily be formed from the adjectives - there are a number of such adventures formed from ordinal numerical, for example, first, secondly, and so on. They are written through a hyphen, and therefore fall under the general rule.

There is a complex case of the submissive suffix method of formation of words, when the suffix is \u200b\u200bzero, as, for example, in the word Overall. They are formed by the same principle as the words where the suffix is \u200b\u200bphysically present, such as unfail, fearless and so on. Sometimes the suffix "th" can also be implied, which can only be seen when phonetic analysis - Anhydrous, deserted.

What did we know?

One of the most complex ways The formation of new words in Russian is the submissive suffix, when two morphemes are added to the base - a prefix and suffix. At the same time, in some cases, the suffix may be zero, and sometimes it can be seen only in the phonetic analysis of the word. The withral-and-suffix method is most often formed by the names of nouns and adjectives, as well as verbs and adverbs. About the latter should be said particularly, because it is easy to determine which adherence is exactly formed in this way, they are written through a hyphen, and they can form both of the adjectives and pronouns. Also a common option for this method of education of new words is the option when there is a word with a pretext, suffix is \u200b\u200badded to it - and here is a new word. The value of this word is usually the synthesis of the value of the console and root, and the suffix in this case may or add to the value of some shade, or not to perform a sense-forming function at all.