Zhurova teaching literacy in kindergarten. Teaching preschoolers literacy. Summaries of classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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“Teaching preschoolers to read and write with the help of chips” (according to the system of L.E. Zhurova) Senior educator MBDOU No. 137 Makarova E.V.

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The analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy is developing, that is, learning is not limited to training reading skills, but contributes to the mental development of the child as a whole. The essence of the method is that the child, under the guidance of an adult, analyzes the sound composition of the word, and then synthesizes the original word from the sounds thus obtained. The method of writing-reading based on the results of the analysis, in essence, should contain a kind of hint of how a whole word is obtained from individual sounds.

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Teaching children the sound analysis of words begins with determining the sequence of sounds in it. It is necessary to select a sequence of sounds by repeatedly pronouncing a word with a consistent intonational emphasis on each sound. When analyzing the word bug, the child must pronounce it three times: zhzhzhuk, zhuuuk, bug. Children cannot master sound analysis just by saying words aloud. It is necessary to show them the word objectively, presenting its sound structure in the form of a model. Really imagine the word makes it possible to picture-scheme of its sound composition. A drawing-object is placed on it, the name of which the child must disassemble into a series of cells under the drawing, which are sequentially filled with chips. The word model resulting from sound analysis reflects individual sounds and their sequence. When conducting sound analysis, the child leads the pointer under the diagram and, in accordance with the movement of the pointer, pronounces a word with a successive selection of sounds, designating each of them with a chip.

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After the children have mastered the skills of sound analysis of the simplest words (poppy, whale, house, smoke, forest, onion), they are introduced to vowel sounds. Children learn that sounds, during the formation of which air passes freely, nothing "interferes" with these sounds - neither teeth, nor lips, nor tongue, are called vowels. Children find such sounds in previously analyzed words: poppy-[a], bow-[y], house-[o], forest-[e], whale-[and], smoke-[s]. Children "check" all sounds by pronouncing them and see if anything in the mouth interferes with their pronunciation. Vowel sounds are marked with a red chip. Introduction to vowels

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THREE AND FOUR SOUND WORDS ROSE ELEPHANT SLEEP [p] [o] [s] [a] [s] [l] [o] [n] [s] [a] [n] [i]

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MOON FOX GESE [l] [y] [n] [a] [l] [i] [s] [a] [g] [y] [s] [s]

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ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE STROCKS: After the children learn to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants, it is necessary to acquaint them with stress, teach them to distinguish the stressed syllable and the stressed vowel in the word. It is better to start learning to isolate a stressed syllable from two-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (bear, porridge), then move on to words with stress on the second syllable. Teaching the ability to isolate word stress is included in the work of conducting sound analysis. Following the stressed syllable, children get acquainted with the stressed vowel sound. A black chip is used to indicate the stressed vowel sound.

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In the preparatory group for school, the following tasks are solved: they learn to analyze and synthesize sentences of various designs, get acquainted with all the letters of the Russian alphabet, learn some spelling rules, lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet using spelling rules, master the syllabic and continuous way of reading.

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One of the important tasks in conducting the sound analysis of words is to familiarize children with vowels and the rules for writing them after hard or soft consonants. Children must learn that the letters "a", "o", "y", "s", "e" are written after solid consonants, and the letters "i", "e", "yo", "yu", " and "- after soft consonants. In the course of the sound analysis of words, children learn that the sounds “h”, “u”, “y” are soft consonants, they do not have a solid pair, and the sounds “zh”, “sh”, “c” are hard consonants, not have a soft pair. Familiarization with the rules for writing iotated vowels I, Yu, Yo, E at the beginning of a word, as well as in words like "lighthouse", "army" is carried out in the course of sound analysis of specially selected words. Children learn that the letters I, Yo, Yu, E at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound represent two sounds: IA, IO, IU, IE.

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During the year, the task of familiarizing children with all the consonants of the Russian alphabet (in the process of working on the sound analysis of words) is being solved. At the same time, a single principle of introducing each new consonant letter is strictly observed. A consonant letter, with some exceptions, denotes two sounds: a hard and a soft consonant, so the vocabulary material is selected taking into account what sounds can denote the letters that we enter. For example, the letter m denotes the sound “m” in the word past, i.e. soft consonant, and the sound "m", i.e. hard consonant; the letter n in the word Nina denotes the sounds "n" and "n", etc.

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In working with children, this principle is implemented as follows: for example, the teacher invites the children to lay out the word Nina. Vowels already familiar to children should be marked with the corresponding letters, and the sounds "n" and "n" - with chips (green and blue), respectively. Then the children are invited to name the sounds indicated by chips (“n” and “n”). And here the teacher says that these sounds are denoted by one consonant letter - "ne". Children call the letter, pronouncing its name with an overtone "e", i.e. "ne". (This requirement also applies to the pronunciation of the names of other consonants: “me”, “re”, “le”, etc.).

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After the children already know several consonants (m, n, p, l, g, k, s, s, d, t, g, w), they are introduced to the letter b (soft sign). For this purpose, it is proposed to lay out two words that differ from each other in one consonant sound, for example, the words mel and mel, which differ in the sounds “l” and “l”. Children understand. After that, the educator “introduces” the rule that in addition to the letters i, e, u, e, and, which denote the softness of consonant sounds, there is also a letter - a soft sign (b), which does not indicate any sound, but is put in order to show that the preceding consonant is soft.

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The separating function of a solid sign is revealed by comparing two words, for example, sat down and ate. Children learn the rule about a hard sign, which does not indicate a sound and is set in order to separate a hard consonant from the letters e, e, i, u, the writing of which otherwise indicates that the preceding consonant is read softly.

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WHEN TEACHING READING, THREE OBJECTIVES ARE DISTRIBUTED: TEACHING WORD CHANGING, FORMING POSITIVE READING, FORMING CONTINUOUS READING. The stage of inflection is aimed at forming a way of reading. The child should first look at the vowel, then look at the consonant and read. When reading syllables, the child must rebuild his reading skill: here the movement of the strip with vowels (the “Windows” manual) no longer forces him to look at the vowel first, he himself must guide his reading. Stress helps to move from syllabic to continuous reading.

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EXERCISES FOR CHILDREN OF THREE YEARS: "FUNNY BELLS" Program content. To develop phonemic hearing, speech attention and articulatory apparatus of children. Educator. A large bell (shows a large circle) rings: "Ding, ding, ding." A small one (shows a small circle) rings “Ding, ding, ding” (children repeat sound combinations). When I show a big circle, big bells will ring; when I show a small circle, small bells will ring. The teacher shows either large or small circles.

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"ELEPHANTS AND DONKEYS" Program content. Develop speech attention and articulation apparatus of children. The teacher divides the children into two groups: donkeys and elephants. They stand up against each other. Educator. The donkey (shows a picture) shouts: “Eiii-iii”, and the elephant (shows a picture) shouts “Yyyy-yyy” (children repeat sound combinations). On the command “Elephants are coming,” the first group of children moves around the room and makes the appropriate sounds. On command: “Elephants are coming”, the above actions are performed by the second group. The game is repeated 3 times, then the children change roles and the game is repeated again.

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EXERCISES FOR CHILDREN OF FOUR YEARS: “TRAIN” AND “BIRD” Program content. Develop speech attention, speech breathing and phonemic hearing. Educator. Listen to what once happened. A train was driving through the forest, and its wheels were rattling angrily: "T-t-t-t." The bird heard his song and wanted to sing in the same way, but she got an affectionate song: "T-t-t" (children repeat sound combinations twice). So the boys will be the train and the girls will be the birds. There is a train, the wheels are knocking ... A bird is singing ... (Children pronounce the necessary sound combinations). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children change places.

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"Bees and flies" Program content. To develop phonemic hearing and speech attention of children. Educator. Remember how the bees buzz ("Z-z-z-z"). And the flies are buzzing: “Z-z-z-z” (children repeat). The bees flew and buzzed ... sat on the flowers and collect nectar - sweet juice from the flowers, then honey will be made from it (children sit down) Flies flew and buzzed ... sat on the grass ... The children change roles and the game is repeated.

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EXERCISE FOR CHILDREN OF FIVE YEARS: "TELL ME LIKE": Program content. Develop phonemic hearing, speech attention and speech apparatus. The teacher throws the ball in a circle, calls words with the selection of any hard and soft consonant sounds. The child must repeat the word in the same way and throw the ball to the teacher. All children take part in the game. If the child develop phonemic hearing, speech attention and speech apparatus. The teacher distributes to the children one picture at a time, in the name of which there is a sound [l] and [l]. Puts blue and green circles on the flannelgraph. Educator. Look at your pictures. In the name of objects there is a sound [l] - a big brother or a sound [l] - a little brother. Raise the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound [l] (checks); now with sound [l] (checks). Children take turns going out, calling a word with the emphasis on these sounds and putting pictures after the corresponding circles. One child calls all the words with the sound [l], the other with the sound [l].

Svetlana Agafonova
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Literacy in the preparatory group

Program content:

Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants; to consolidate the ability to determine the place of stress in words; make sentences of two words, name the first and second word.

Organizing time

repeat the tongue-twister

Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, the Oka River flows,

Co-co-co, co-co-co there is a fisherman nearby.

Ke-ke-ke, ke-ke-ke is fishing on the Oka.

Ku-ku-ku, Ku-ku-ku no luck to the fisherman.

Guess the word that ends with the sound [k]:

uro., other., stu., sapo., then., kri., suro.,

veni., cord., poro., kato., zamo.,

brelo., zna., clo., tres. .

A game "Choose a rhyme"

The word is hidden somewhere

The word is hidden and waiting.

"Let the guys find me,

Come on, who will find me?

Tell me, hunter, plainly;

How did you deal with the wolf?

I caught him.

He ran into that ravine

Where dope grass grows

Skok - and right into my .... (trap)

On the way, our Mashenka is walking,

She leads a goat by a rope.

And passers-by look in all eyes

The girl is very long... (scythe)

AT:-Trap, braid, cat, rabbit, cabbage, what is it?

D:- These are words.

AT: Yes, those are words. I want to remind you that words are made up of sounds; there are sounds that are pronounced easily, they can be pulled for a long time, sung and they do not meet obstacles in the mouth.

What are these sounds called?


AT Q: What vowel sounds do you know?


AT:-What chips are these sounds indicated by?


AT:-What are the sounds that meet barriers in the mouth called?


AT: What are the consonants?

D:-Soft and soft, sonorous and deaf.

AT:-What chips denote solid consonants?


AT:-What chips denote soft consonants?


AT: - What are the consonant sounds you know?

AT:-Name his soft couple


(if a child calls a soft consonant sound, please name its hard pair) [l], [l], [k], [k], etc.

AT:-Guys, who remembers what a sound analysis of a word is?

D:- This is the alternate selection of sounds in a word.

Guess the riddle

Not a bush but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells.

AT:-What is it?


AT:-Let's highlight the first sound in the word book.

So, what is the first sound in the word kkniga?

D:- [TO]

AT:-What is the sound, hard or soft?

D:-hard consonant

AT:-What chip denotes a solid consonant sound?

D:-blue chip

AT:-What is the second sound in the word book?


AT:-What is the sound, hard or soft?


AT:-What chip will we designate?


AT:-What is the third sound in the word kniiga?


AT: What is that sound?


AT:-What chip denote vowel sounds?

D:-Red chip.

AT:-What is the fourth sound in the word bookgga?


AT: What is that sound?


AT:-What chip will we designate?


AT:-What is the fifth sound in the word book?


AT: What is that sound?


AT:-What chip do we designate?


AT:- What are the vowel sounds in the word book?


AT:-Now let's try to find the stressed vowel sound in this word.

Let's put the emphasis on [a] and pronounce this word book.

AT: Have you heard this word from anyone?


AT:-Let's try to put an emphasis on [and] and pronounce the word book.

AT: Is that what they say?

D: Yes, they say.

AT:-What is the soft consonant sound in the word?


AT:- What other consonants are in this word?

D:-[k] and [g].


The bush bends in the wind

And he drops the leaves.

The wind shakes him

Bends branches to the ground.

Only the wind stops

The bush will wave its branches.

A game "Living model of the word"

(4 children are called to the board)

Take from the board chips denoting sounds in the following sequence [n], [g], [a], [i], [k].

We need to line up so that the word book is obtained.

Working with offers

(doll appears)

AT:- Today Nina doll came to visit us.

What is she?

D:- Beautiful, good, elegant, sweet.

(2 children are called to the board)

AT:- One child will be a Nina doll, the other will be elegant in a word.

What words mean players?

D:- They denote the words Nina and elegant.

AT: What did we get?


AT:- And now the words will change places.

What is the offer now?

D:- Smart Nina.

AT:-And now we will change the word smart to the word sweet.

AT:- What is the first and what is the second word?

What is the first sound in the word honey?


Consolidation exercise (individually)

Sound analysis of the word (ribbon, branch, bear, cup)

Summarizing lessons

List of used literature:

1. Teaching preschoolers to read and write according to methods D. B. Elkonina,L. E Zhurova, N. AT. Durova:Program. Guidelines. Games- lessons. Umk. « Literacy education for preschoolers» _M.: School Press, 2011.-192s.

2. Entertaining ABCs:materials for classes with children of preschool and primary school age. / ed. comp. G. P. Popova, V. I. Usacheva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.-252p.


Related publications:

Abstract of the final lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Literacy" OBJECTIVES: to consolidate and systematize knowledge about sounds; to consolidate the ability to determine the location of the sound in the word, the number of syllables in the word.

Synopsis of a quiz lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Bukvotsirk" SUMMARY of a quiz lesson in a preparatory group for teaching literacy (complex). theme: "BOOK CIRCUS". GOAL. - continue to introduce children.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group MADOU "TsRR - D / garden No. 21" Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group Compiled by: teacher of the preparatory group Starikova.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sound [C] and the letter C, c" MBDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 60 "Berry" Kuleshovka village, Azov district of the Rostov region Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Dunno" Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about the word, denoting the subject of the action. To consolidate knowledge about the proposal and the composition of 3 or more.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: to help the preschooler to master the program material, to make the pedagogical process more emotional, to achieve greater activity of children in the classroom.


  • To consolidate the ability of children to conduct a sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound.
  • Strengthening the skills of highlighting the desired sound in a word.
  • Develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
  • To consolidate the ability to highlight the first letter in a word and name words of a certain sound structure.
  • To improve the ability of children to make a chain of sentences according to schemes.
  • Form the grammatical structure of speech, expand vocabulary.
  • Improve children's reading skills.

Materials: an envelope with a letter; Pictures; scheme of a five-sound word, chips: red, blue, green, black; chart cards for determining syllables in a word; cards with a set of letters; pointer.


The teacher informs the children that she has found a letter from Dunno. Reads to his children.

Educator: Dunno writes that he ended up in the country of “Clever and clever women” where Queen Literacy reigns. The queen of letters invited Dunno to play speech games, but Dunno refused to play with the queen, because he does not know what “speech” and “speech games” are. To which the queen was very angry and ordered Dunno to be imprisoned in a high tower, but promised to let him out if you and I help him. It is necessary to complete the tasks that Queen Gramota has prepared for us. Well, do you agree to help our friend Dunno? (Answers of children).
– Before we begin to complete the tasks, let's remember what a “speech” is? What does it consist of? (Speech is words, sentences. Speech is made up of sentences. Sentences are made up of words. Words are made up of syllables and letters. Syllables are made up of letters and sounds.)
- In order for us to correctly complete all the tasks, let's do gymnastics for the tongue. Curious tongue looks up, down, left and right (children perform tongue movements 3-4 times). And now let's say the tongue twister "Like a hill on a hillock, lived thirty-three Yegorki" (children pronounce the tongue twister quietly, loudly, quickly and slowly).

1 task: Sound analysis of the word

Educator: Look at the picture and name the words that begin with a hard sound -m- and a soft sound -m'- (Answers of children).

- And now we will conduct a sound analysis of the word, for example, the word bear. Do you remember what sounds are? (Vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and deaf, as well as percussion).

M'- consonant, soft, sonorous sound, mark with a green chip.
To- consonant, solid, deaf sound, mark with a blue chip.
BUT- a vowel sound, mark with a red chip.
What is the accented sound in this word? Sound -i-, put a black chip next to it.

2 task: Which letter is "lost"? (Correct the error)

Task 3: How many syllables are there in a word?

Educator: You need to paint over as many "bricks" as there are syllables in this word.

Physical education minute

4 task: Unscramble the word

Educator: You need to guess which word is encrypted. The pictures will tell you which letters to enter in the squares.

5 task: Make an offer

Educator: Adding one word at a time, make a chain of sentences according to the scheme.

6 task: Read the word

Educator: And finally, the last task. Each of you has a chain of letters, you need to circle the letter that is written correctly, and cross out the one that is not correct. Read the received word.

Educator: Well done!

The phone rings, the teacher talks, then informs the children that Dunno is free and invites the children to invite him to kindergarten to teach him everything they have learned themselves.

This manual is intended for the development of the sound side of speech in preschoolers and familiarization with the basics of literacy. The book contains a program, guidelines and lesson plans for junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups. The book is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

The educational and methodical manual "Development of the sound culture of speech in children of 3-4 years old" contains scenarios of educational and game classes for the workbook "One - a word, two - a word". The book is the 1st part of the author's program "From sound to letter" to prepare children aged 3-7 years to learn to read and write. The main purpose of the book is to provide practical assistance to teachers in conducting classes in preparation for teaching literacy at the first stage of education. Recommended to a wide range of professionals working in preschool educational institutions. Can be used by parents, tutors.

In the proposed book, the reader will find a detailed description of 30 psychological sessions with children of senior preschool age to prepare them for schooling. The book summarizes and structured various approaches to the mental development of a preschool child; the main patterns of preparing a child for successful schooling are revealed.

Title: Preparing children for literacy and preventing writing disorders.
Author: Kliment'eva O.V.
Publishing house "Childhood - press"
Year: 2010
Format: pdf
The purpose of this manual is not to systematize the lessons, but to build a system of games and demonstrate techniques that can be used to overcome the OHP, FFNR and prepare children for literacy. The book presents advanced weekly planning, a system of games and tasks for teaching phonemic analysis and synthesis, which can be used to automate sounds (clarify the pronunciation of vowels, automate consonants), teach phonemic and syllabic analysis and word synthesis on individual, subgroup and frontal classes. In addition, the manual contains examples of comprehensive classes to overcome OHP and prevent writing disorders (work on vowels and consonants, differentiation of vowels / consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants, hard and soft), author's didactic games and examples of graduation classes that demonstrate the school maturity of children . This manual will be useful to speech therapists of preschool institutions, educators and school speech therapists.

Electronic version of the book "Preparing older preschoolers for literacy" 1-year senior group.
Abstracts, didactic material.
O.M. Yeltsov
This material presents practical material on preparing 5-year-old children for literacy, taking into account their characteristics, interests and needs. Summaries of classes in the senior group, literary and didactic material, will help determine the goals, content and scope of work.
It is intended for educators of older groups of preschool educational institutions, it can be useful for parents for self-study with children.

The manual of the "Preschooler" series presents lesson plans for teaching literacy to children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten. The developed program for teaching literacy in the preparatory group of the kindergarten assumes: the development of phonemic hearing of children, work on recognition, isolation and distinction of the background; teaching children initial reading, introducing the concept of "syllable", then the sentence as a whole; preparation of the basis for the successful mastery of the skills of writing cursive letters; enrichment of children with living impressions of the surrounding reality, received by children in the process of observation and excursions, and on this basis, the expansion and refinement of children's ideas about life; ensuring the overall development of children by deepening the content of the material being studied.
The manual is intended for kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers, it can be useful for parents.

The manual was developed by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The first book reveals the issues of organizing correctional and developmental education and training of older preschoolers with mental retardation, presents programs to familiarize children with the outside world and develop speech, to familiarize them with fiction, to develop speech (phonemic) perception and prepare for teaching literacy, to develop elementary mathematical concepts. The programs are built on the basis of successive links between the preschool and primary levels of the lifelong education system and have been tested for many years.

The manual outlines the basics of preparing for literacy in kindergarten, describes the demonstration material. Particular attention is paid to playing techniques and didactic games, which are the specifics of teaching preschool children and meet modern standards in preschool education. Abstracts of classes in the group of senior preschool age and the group of kindergarten preparatory to school are given.
In modern society, the issue of preparing preschool children for school has become acute. Teachers working in preschool institutions, and especially parents, often tend to solve this issue by “training” children of 6 years old according to the 1st grade program. Unfortunately, it quickly becomes clear that this way of preparing a child for school is not effective: as soon as the stock of "school" knowledge ends, he begins to lag behind his classmates. This is due to the fact that the modern primary school curriculum requires special attention to the formation of learning skills in children.
Is it possible to limit preparation for school to the last year of preschool childhood? Of course not! If the system of educating and educating preschoolers in kindergarten should be subordinated to the ultimate goal - preparing for schooling, then it is also necessary to talk about the specifics of teaching not only in preparatory school, but also in the senior group of kindergarten, i.e. about the specifics mental education of children in the second half of preschool childhood.
This manual is devoted to one of the issues of mental education of preschoolers - teaching literacy based on the theoretical provisions developed by P. Ya. Galperin, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin. The proposed literacy course takes into account the age capabilities of older preschoolers and is based on introducing children to the sound reality of the language.
The development in children of the appropriate means and skills for isolating, comparing units of linguistic reality is an indispensable condition for literacy.
The authors of the manual believe that it is advisable to start preparing children for school not in the preparatory school, but in the older group of the kindergarten. At the same time, they rely on the data of Soviet psychologists, which testify to the special "sense" of a child of 4-5 years of age for the language. At an older age, this linguistic instinct weakens somewhat, the child, as D.N. Bogoyavlensky says, seems to lose his “linguistic abilities”. The introduction of the child into linguistic reality at the moment of the most acute "language sense" is the most effective means for mastering this reality.
This program is based on the method of teaching elementary reading developed by D. B. Elkonin, supplemented by a large number of different word games that make up the main part of the classes and necessarily contain a learning task.