Son of the Galaxy download fb2. “Son of the Galaxy” Dmitry Raspopov. About the book “Son of the Galaxy” by Dmitry Raspopov

Son of the Galaxy Dmitry Raspopov

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Title: Son of the Galaxy

About the book “Son of the Galaxy” by Dmitry Raspopov

In some distant Galaxy, such a long-awaited calm has come. Battles and wars are left behind, and all citizens are in complete peace. At the same time, an unknown person from planet Earth sets off on a found ship in search of adventure. What consequences this will have for the entire Commonwealth is still unknown.

The novel "Son of the Galaxy" tells the story of a fantastic extraterrestrial world where there is a place for everything - a desperate struggle for supremacy, and for love, and for artificial intelligence.

The main character of the book is an ordinary guy who one day becomes the captain of a spaceship. In an instant, new opportunities open up before him, which he could not even dream of before, because he had always been an outcast. And now he is considered a genius. Beautiful girls fall in love with him.

Dmitry Raspopov portrays his hero as a true fan of computer games, who is ready to put all his skills into practice, in the real, not virtual, world.

“Son of the Galaxy” is about the fact that nothing happens by chance, even if it seems so at first glance. Everything has been planned for a long time. And the only thing that no one planned was that an ordinary earthly guy would pretend to be the savior of the entire population of the Commonwealth.

Dmitry Raspopov wrote a simple but interesting book. The plot of the book is simple and clear. The characters behave quite predictably, but this does not prevent you from closely following their every action.

Son of the Galaxy is a pretty good teen fantasy novel. It has an interesting main character who, according to all the canons of the genre, suddenly turns into a superhero, and there are also dangerous space adventures and battles.

The plot of the book is strongly reminiscent of the computer game "Space Rangers", with the addition of several literary devices of the genre. The book will be interesting to read for those who are interested in science fiction and are not very picky in choosing plots. And also to all fans of this computer game.

In the book “Son of the Galaxy” there are a lot of fights that take place literally in all corners of the Galaxy. Dmitry Raspopov places the main emphasis in his book on large-scale military operations in outer space, as well as on the rivalry between giant space fleets. The author also pays attention to the relationship between the teenager and the artificial intelligence that is on the ship with him.

The book is easy and can be read literally in one sitting. It is intended to make the reader feel in the place of the hero of the book. A must read for all Space Rangers fans.

But do not forget that the book “Son of the Galaxy” is, first of all, an adventure work for teenagers.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Son of the Galaxy” by Dmitry Raspopov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.


Book description: Vova Kurochkin is no longer an ordinary person. He now holds the post of head of the Meklar race. In addition to his personal problems and mastering the skills of AI, he still needs to unravel the mystery of the Forerunner, solve something with the aggressive wave of insectoids that are mowing down planet after planet like locusts, and stop the third offensive of the berserkers. Difficult? It's really difficult. Anyone would have given up long ago. But Vovochka cannot just give up, because he is the last hope of millions of worlds.

In the current times of active fight against piracy, most of the books in our library have only short fragments for review, including the book Son of the Galaxy. Confrontation. Thanks to this, you can understand whether you like this book and whether you should purchase it in the future. Thus, you support the work of the writer Dmitry Raspopov by legally purchasing the book if you liked its summary.

He is not just the captain of a spaceship, he is a true arbiter of the destinies of many worlds. He created a powerful star fleet and successfully resisted the invasion of berserker robots. Even the artificial superintelligence Keller considers him a genius. And the host of the galactic news channel Tasha Irda is simply crazy about him. Meanwhile, on his home planet, the future savior of the galaxy was a real outcast. And for a long time, the only joy available to him was computer toys. And if not for a happy accident... However, it is difficult to call something that was planned two hundred years ago an accident. The only thing that could not be planned was that an ordinary earthly guy would be promoted to the rank of savior.

The work belongs to the Fantasy genre. It was published in 2010 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "New Heroes" series. On our website you can download the book "Son of the Galaxy" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.3 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

If you want to become the Emperor of the Galaxy, then everything is easy and fun.
If you were considered an outcast in the sixth grade, but you had a highly developed intellect, you were one of the best online grandmasters and knew how to bet on foreign exchange rates (given that you had Wi-Fi in your village), then the only thing you what you need to do is to find an abandoned spaceship in some wilderness with AI (artificial intelligence) on board and fly with it into outer space, taking this book with you.
It will tell you in great detail, and also clearly and to the point, how to become the Emperor of numerous races living in outer space.
All in your hands! Go for it! For a long time I did not dare to pick up this book, and now I know that it was not in vain that I put off our acquaintance for so long. It took my poor brain a long time to come to its senses after reading this “masterpiece.” I finished reading it simply out of stubbornness.
The plot, like its execution, is extremely simple, there is no atmosphere at all (just like in space), although I expected something completely different from space science fiction.
The little boy Vova Kurochkin, having performed a couple of simple manipulations with the AI ​​from the found ship, immediately, with its help, organized himself a substantial cash account, collected goods and left our beautiful planet to conquer the vastness of the Universe. At the suggestion of the kindest AI, having implanted a chip in his brain for mental communication and cooperation with him, our Kurochkin in one fell swoop, without straining, dealt with all the problems, plans and enemies that stood in his way. Possessing the knowledge of his beloved commander Sun Tzu, a strong-willed character, additional processing power connected to his brain and excess weight, which his “older brother” AI Keller stubbornly fought against, our Vova easily created a new race, new types of ships and space weapons, new industrial and raw material bases, as well as scientific centers, conducted political intrigues and smashed terrible evil opponents. He sincerely enjoyed shopping, mining minerals, performing, God forgive me, holovision and mental communication with various AIs. At the same time, he managed to hide the fact that he was a man from planet Earth, and fell in love with a girl reporter from the human race (I’m at a loss as to where people except Vova came from in the Galaxy). At the end of this “action-packed” story, Vovochka’s appetites increased, the girl confessed her love to him, he revealed his true face to her and decided to increase his life expectancy to conquer new Galaxies with his faithful Keller. The author absolutely, completely and completely does not bother himself with descriptions of anything; he is absolutely, completely, not at all interested in delving into any cause-and-effect relationships other than the most necessary ones. In the Big Galaxy, he has several biological and non-biological races that are extremely primitive in terms of intelligence and development (compared to Vova Kurochkin and Keller). The Galaxy itself reminds me of Maasdam cheese, in which only asteroids, space fleets, antimatter and a few planetary systems float. All!
At the end we are given a short glossary, from which we get “comprehensive” information about the main races, ships, military ranks and types of weapons (torpedo tube, rocket launcher, plasma gun, disintegrator and molecular emitter - what a fantasy!)
You won’t get much emotion from this book either, since the author focuses on a schematic description of what needs to be done to conquer the Galaxy. There are, in my opinion, tiny funny inserts only at the beginning and end of the book, and in the middle everything is so dry and serious that you want to howl from this tediousness and sameness.
In general, if fate smiled on you in all respects, you were able to stoically endure the battle with this book and memorized it to conquer outer space, ninety percent of success is in your pocket.
If you still think that our planet is the most beautiful in the entire Universe, and you have absolutely no time, and laziness becomes the Emperor of the Galaxies, then I ask you to think twice before picking up this book. P.S. I am extremely upset that my first encounter with space science fiction turned out to be depressing. I feel like I won’t be able to pick up a book of this genre for a long time now :(

Like the author's previous works, this book is very similar to a computer game. This time, Dmitry Raspopov decided to recall the “Galactic Wars” genre (judging by the text of the work, the game Master of Orion was taken as a basis). As always, the main character is a twelve-year-old boy, Vova, who plays chess well, but is completely unable to stand up for himself in front of hooligans. Purely by chance, Vova was lucky and in the forest he found an ancient spaceship with a working AI (artificial intelligence). Purely by accident, the AI ​​introduced part of its powers into Vova’s brain. Now the plot develops only in an upward direction: Galactico is in danger, a horde of cybernetic creatures is ready to drown all living things in blood. But Vova (along with the AI ​​actively helping him, of course) successfully wins the war and, purely by chance, becomes the dictator of the entire Universe. But he is not allowed to relax by a previously unknown race of insectoid aliens, for whom all living things are just food for larvae. And again Vova goes into battle (the results of which, unfortunately, are only in the next book, which, as far as I understand, has not yet been published).
A fun read, but noticeably worse than Shards of Hearts or Master of Blades.