The best architectural universities in the world. Universities of Russia architectural: rating, description, features and reviews. University of Zagreb, Croatia

The finalists of the International Archiprix International Architectural Competition met in Moscow to participate in the workshop of the "arrows" to improve the infrastructure of the metropolis. They told "theories and practices" about architectural trends and approaches to education in their native cities and how knowledge gained there could be applied in Russia.

Labib Hossen.

Bangladesh, BUET University.

We have a pretty good educational process - both in form and the program, but it has its own limitations. Architectural educational institutions are followed by the Western way, and many of our teachers are foreigners who have come many years ago to teach architecture and offered their training structure. Over these 50 years, education has changed little - and now we feel that we are very lacking orientation on our own architecture, our local traditions, local history.

On the other hand, we have problems with terms: due to interruptions in training, a six-month semester stretches for 8 months, and 5 years of the institute can stretch for 6.5 years - as it was in my case. The sociopolitical situation in our country is very unstable, the authorities are not able to control the internal policies - until what is unsafe to go outside. Against the background of these public riots, local architects very much support each other, and teachers are students.

Despite all the political and economic difficulties in the country, the architectural situation is not so bad - many projects are built. But I worry about the fact that many foreign architects come to our country and at the same time not enough for our cultural context.

In the first days of Vorkshop in Moscow, we explored Arbat Street - there are a lot of old architecture there. In general, in Moscow a lot of open spaces - Bangladesh is very lacking. And many old streets with a bright historical context, but it seems to me that in order to maintain this atmosphere, we need new architectural standards that balanced between respect for the past and the needs of the modern economy.

Luis Alonzo Perez

Costa Rica, Universidad De Costa Rica.

Our architectural school studies different problems, and the most important problem for Central America with its severe economic situation is social. In my opinion, our education is very good, the teachers themselves are very educated and undergo practicing worldwide, and the level of architectural competitions in Costa Rica is quite high. Today the government wants to significantly improve the quality of building buildings and their design, give people good conditions for life and make the city belong to them, and not cars. The main trend in Costa Rica is a steady architecture, a design with the amendment on the weather, on the wind: we are a tropical country, so we can not think about it. We also cooperate with South and North America, which helps us develop.

But if they still talk about the lack of our education - the level of teachers could still be higher. Today, our students know more about topical trends than teachers, and the academic community still remains fairly closed.

Honestly, a good architecture in Costa Rica is very small. First of all, because the bad houses are cheaper. In addition, most people are not very versed in architecture in principle - so we need to educate and ordinary people, show them that they need architecture to improve their lives. Little by little and this situation is changing - now builders work with better materials, and the design of buildings also becomes better.

During the training, I was most interested in urban problems and transport - so I chose this topic and at the Moscow Worchop. Now we study the main city stations and think how to improve the territory around them - add green areas, comfortable spaces for people, trade, make the city more friendly.

Adish Patney

India, R V College of Architecture.

I think we have a very serious architectural school - we make a lot of research and analytical work. We studied architectural projects around the world - and try to keep track of new ideas and philosophy in architecture. I received both fundamental and applied knowledge that I was very useful.

Architecture in India is a very small community. We are very practically oriented, but technology worldwide, of course, is strongly ahead of those that we have, because, unfortunately, modern architecture requires considerable money. But we try to experiment, get out of the usual solutions. At the same time, India is very different, different people live in it - including the richest in the world. As an architect, you have to choose, for whom you will build - for super-rich or for the poor, - because in each case you will set different tasks in front of you.

I think that the architectural community of India needs to be more sensitive to different things - social problems, natural problems. In this sense, I am very upsetting the philosophy of making money on architecture. All the cost of the building and the percentage they will receive from it are cared. I think that over time, people will become more sensitive to the problems of our country.

At the same time, in India, ordinary people do not believe that architecture is important. The buildings are perceived as work for one day, and they still have to understand that the architecture is not the construction of residential blocks, but the type of art, what makes you worry about something. After all, in fact, the architecture is about the sensations of people, about their behavior in space, and this understanding comes to us gradually.

This workshop turned out to be very successful - my group is the best, and I have something to learn from each of the colleagues. We are engaged in urban problems - Moscow is a very large city in which it is easy to get lost. Our project is about it - how not to lose your identity in the metropolis, how to feel it at a personal level. I came here for the first time and perceive Moscow as a ring city - in my city, too, there is a ring road, but it is alone, and here are five of them - and they have become an important element of urban navigation. Wherever you go, it is necessary to drive along the ring, and then send somewhere - and we are trying to work on these transfers. We want to make them more humane, active and alive. We propose to make a transplant station that would bring joy.

Dicle Takin

Turkey, Middle East Technical University.

Our education is quite diverse - schools differ, some of them are more technical, some are more theoretical. At the same time, students and groups compete with each other - what approach is better. My architectural school is one of the main in all of Turkey. It adapts the American model to our realities - and at the same time it is often criticized for old-fashioned. The teaching staff has not changed for a long time and with difficulty perceives new trends - like digital architecture. We have young teachers who support new approaches, but in general the look at the architecture is somewhat outdated. But there is still progress: the skills of analytical work, design - all this is slowly becoming better.

I only graduated from the institute, so I don't know the whole situation in the architectural community very well. But I can say that it is quite difficult to get a job after the release. In most bureau, I do not like to work: there is a foggy methodology, a strict hierarchy, and most importantly, I know how much more than from me they require. At the same time, if I open my little bureau in Turkey, it will be hard for me to promote my philosophy among the mass of commercial, capitalist oriented organizations.

I can't imagine life in Istanbul in 5 years - even now it is impossible to breathe there. It is worse than in Moscow, due to the density of the population - Moscow is not such a rejected city, to be honest. In Istanbul, many attracts culture and intellectual resources - but after some time they all leave the city, because it is very hard to live there. In addition, the approach of the authorities to the city is very aggressive - and this, it seems to me one of our main problems. We have a very unpleasant situation with social housing. Immigrants live in slums for 70 years, but now the government wants to hold a gentrification there - and is not considered at all.

Our first results on the workshop can be designated as follows: we are in a dead end. We work with social housing, trying to make it more humane, but it is difficult to imagine it in reality. At first we thought it would be necessary to somehow combine residential spaces for sharing - but after discussion, they realized that the commune spaces never really worked in Russia, so they decided to do individual spaces. The existing options for apartment planners are very tough, and we believe that this personalization is luxury of the choice - people in Russia suffer because they cannot choose their suitable apartment. We thought that it was impossible to change outside the house, but from the inside you can somehow rebuild - for example, arrange two-storey apartments. But this is also not so simple. As a result, we decided to work on small changes - for example, one neighbor can buy from another room and expand the apartment, another - to change with a neighbor from the first floor and arrange an office there.

Dalia Munenzon

Israel, University of Technion in Haifa.

It is good to learn from us - but it was even better when Israel was a young state, the architecture at that time was very strong. A lot of Jews arrived in the country who studied in the German school Bauhaus, and they built a lot of houses in Tel Aviv. Then after the war, many people came from Morocco, Iraq and Iran, and it was necessary to build social housing - and in those days with him, too, everything was fine: it corresponded to the climate, it was beautiful and comfortable. In the sixties, we picked up the trends of the school of Japanese metabolism - in our school were very famous in this direction of the professor. Then, in the 1980s, everyone began to build their villas - there were terrible villas with marble, and at the same time, because of the crisis, ordinary residential buildings began to build. Now everything is left at about the level of the eighties - they pay a little, old architects do not give places with young.

We have quite modern education - but the parameters and digital technology appeared only in the past few years. And for the same reason, my architectural school is a hundred years, and there are countercake teachers there. On the other hand, we have a very well thought up concepts - do research, work on the context, although less work on the design. Our architecture is smart and calm, but we have no crazy design - we are not even allowed to use the word "beautifully", because it's beautiful - this is not thoughtful and this is a matter of taste.

After five years of study, we are three years internship - when we finish the institute, we can build buildings up to 4 floors. Then we must work on public buildings and urban planning, then we pass exams and then we can do what we want.

What will change in a few years? Now we begin to actively think about the climate. But while it remains at the level of ideas. We all move very slowly - in my institute only 2 years ago we bought a 3D printer. And on the other hand, yes, we are slowly moving, but we move.

On this workshop I am very interested to watch, as other people think and reason. By and large, it seems to me that everything is equally - we are all saying in the same language. Although there are their nuances: we always start in Israel from the city - until it is necessary to increase or change the place under the building or change, and in some countries when they make a house, they immediately take the drawing plan at home almost on the first day. The theme of this workshop in my group is the green spaces of Moscow, we received two places in the Bittsev forest park and now analyze them - what is there now and how people use them.

Sherin Amarin

Jordan, Jordan University.

Honestly, education could be better - but this is I speak solely about my university. Jordan University was very good in the past - but now he has strongly passed for many reasons. In general, education is quite modern - our king pays a lot of attention to education, schools and universities. We have many foreigners and students, and teachers, and we have quite high standards as a whole - at least as far as I know about it. The main problem is that the teachers are aged, and relate to their subject indifferent - although they say, they were stunning architects in his youth. There is another category of teachers who defended the thesis and according to the rules of our system should be sure to teach - but because they do it against their will, they do not really want it. Therefore, you need to do a lot. Not that we do not want to learn yourself - but sometimes it would be great if someone really helped in this.

In Jordan, there are a lot of truly good architects - now the construction boom here, people come to us from all over the world - from Syria, Iraq and so on. I think that in the architecture there will be a real ascent, because every year the number of architectural bureaus is growing. But young hard to start a career: you are paid a penny, and you have to work very much. But this is invaluable experience.

At this workshop, I work in the "City Reperary" group. I chose her because she reminds me of my country: everyone is closed from each other, but I think that if someone starts changing the situation, everyone will follow him - just need a leader. We offer to get started with facades - make them more interactive. In Moscow, all such a big and closed that you just go and go, and it would be nice if you could stay, hear something or done.

Paco Hernandez and Luko Mateo

Uruguay, Universidad De La Republica.

About education we can say that in general it is not bad. We studied at a public university, he is very old, with strong traditions - but he is slightly old-fashioned. Architectural education in Uruguay copied from the French model - Ecole Polytecnique. All training takes about 10 years old - 7 years + three-year internship worldwide, and only after that you can get a diploma. Of course, we all start working as early as possible - education is very complex and complex, four years of architecture, two years of urbanistics and so on. In a private school, it is taught for 5 years, and traditional also want to cut to five to meet the world around us - now we are 29, and we only finished learning. Some of our graduates already have children and ex-wives.

But, on the other hand, our education is very strong - this is one of the best schools in Latin America. The course is divided into several component parts that can be selected and combined - technical, historical, environment, social architecture. Separate parts can be repeated, if someone suddenly wants, - and learn, say, years 15. There are people who learn and for 30 years - because it is free. We joke on this topic - that if you put a cow in our educational system, then even for these many years will turn into an architect. This path of learning, among other things, retains some ideas that were inherited from the 60s - while the situation, of course, changed and became very complicated since then.

In Uruguay in the 60s there was a very good economic situation, and after that everything was strongly spoiled. Then we had many great architects, and then there were also many good architects, but the level they did not reach. I think that a new generation has now appeared, young architects from 30 and to 42 who cooperate a lot with other countries of Latin America and around the world - and these collaborations are very motivated and inspired. These architects are trying to apply new methods, they make a lot of interesting things.

At the Moscow Workshop we are in the military group - we visited several military buildings and try to understand what the importance of these buildings are for Muscovites. Honestly, while we do not understand what it happens, - we think they should be associated with all the legends of power and about what they often do not speak here. Moscow, like Berlin, the city on which war and the military left strong traces - both of these cities are generally very important for the history of the twentieth century. We feel about the same energy here. Although we talked with the Russians, and they said that in general, nothing about this is not felt - but we ourselves feel it, and all foreigners who come to Moscow, feel about the same. We would like to do it clearer, more open - as in Berlin.

The first steps

Perhaps the three main advantages in education abroad- quality, variety and opportunities. On your decision to enroll in a foreign university, will affect how the segment of the life path you have decided. Roughly speaking, their three:

  • At the end of high school, or the first courses of the Russian university
  • Upon receipt of a bachelor's degree or a specialist in Russian architectural (A, maybe a mathematical, engineering or even artistic) university
  • When receiving a master's degree of one of the Russian universities

These are the points of reference and ask you further coordinates of the choice of a passage institute.

In the first case, you have to show patience, because foreign universities are still wary of our educational system. Therefore, most countries will have to undergo preliminary courses lasting from 9 months to 2 years (depending on the country chosen).

It is increasing that frequent exams of such courses are equal to the introductory. By coating, preparatory programs can be used if submitting documents for receipt at the end of the first courses of the Russian university. True, in this case, the years of study in the Russian university are most often not counted and "burned".

In the second case, the receipt on the "zero" level does not withstand any criticism: despite all the stamps, Russian education is still expensive. The first courses you will be trapped in place, obviously surpassing their classmates in knowledge. Therefore, having received some basic knowledge, think about the master's program.

Note, the process of admission to master's programs is more personalized than the bachelor. Sometimes experience is needed, recommendations, serious attention is paid to the personal qualities of the candidate. Bad news for specialists: despite the whole year difference, most likely your diploma will be equated to Bachelor.

Choosing a country

Deciding with the program, you get the choice of the country. Here, two factors will play the major role - knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200band your architectural preferences. Regarding the study of the language, I will say one thing - best, you can learn the language only in the medium country. In addition, it will be useful to plunge into the colors of the country. But at the expense of architectural preferences, you will have to think about not to regret.

Try to get acquainted as closely as possible with the architectural traditions of countries that are most interesting for you and spread them on yourself. After all, despite the current trend - everyone to drive into one comb, each country has its own manner, national features and individual characteristics in architecture. Therefore, it is important that the characteristic features of the local heritage harmonize with your sense of style.

It is easy to guess that one more factor will be your material well-being. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to submit documents for receipt. And oddly enough - abroad important in obtaining a grant will be a properly executed package of documents. Therefore, begin preparation in advance, for one and a half or two years before the start of training.

Free guides on training and scholarships in England, USA and Australia. Download by clicking on the picture.

Decided with the country? Choose!

Architectural Association Architecture School (England). Legendary architectural school, unconditional rating leader. More than 90% of both students and the teaching staff are foreigners. The program presents as "full-fledged" educational programs (5 year old programs with a diploma and the admission of the specialty "architect", as well as master programs for 16 months) and the post-graduate program for a year in terms of 11 directions.

Columbia University Architecture School (USA). Another "monster" of architectural education is preparing specialists since 1881. The school is a division of the Columbia University of New York, which is part of the ivy league and widely known outside the states themselves. The school itself specializes in master's (7 directions duration of 2.5-3 years) programs and specialized courses (duration of 2-3 months).

Architectural Faculty of Massachusetts Institute of Technology(USA). It is difficult to suspect the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in an inferiority complex because of the neighborhood with a concentrated Harvard. The institute is considered to be the world leader in science and technology. The school presents a full cycle of learning: undergraduate (4-year-old program, a magistracy - 3.5 or 2.5 years, and doctoral studies - at least 2 years. There is also the possibility of distance learning.

Munich Technical University(Germany). The university enters the union of German Technical Universities TU 9 and is the largest university of Bavaria. The architectural faculty of Tuma is generally the only place in Bavaria where you can get a degree in the direction of "architecture". The faculty more than once was awarded various prestigious prizes in the field of architecture. The faculty offers both a bachelor program - 8 semesters and master - 4 semesters.

In addition, you can find excellent high-tech architectural universities in Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, China and Malaysia. And each of them will be able to offer you excellent learning conditions and a diploma with whom the whole world will be considered. For example, not so concentrated, but not less interesting universities:

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

$ 4,300 per year

- This is a reputable private university in Malaysia, which offers high-quality and affordable programs in English. The architecture in the university can be studied at the level of undergraduate and magistracy. At the same time, both academic and research programs in the field of overall architecture, construction, geodesy and environmental technologies in architecture are offered.

University of Huddersfield, Great Britain

Approximate cost of learning:$ 18,400 per year

As an innovative educational institution, seeks to prepare a new generation of professionals with fresh views and ideas. The university offers a wide range of different architectural programs of different levels. Among them are unique programs with a specialization in international architecture, which suggest foreign trips outside Europe to familiarize themselves with the architectural traditions of different regions of the world. In addition, the university programs lead to the prestigious accreditation of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).


Approximate cost of learning:$ 29,000 a year

Located not far from Manhattan specializes in the preparation of qualified personnel for work in the field of accurate sciences and technologies. The Institute offers fundamental programs of undergraduate and magistracy in the field of architecture, urbanism and infrastructure planning. An important place in the university is occupied by programs with a bias in engineering technologies and construction. In addition, here you can get a doctorate of philosophy in urban systems.

Chalmers University of TECHNOLOGY, Sweden

Approximate cost of learning:$ 15,000 per year

It is included in the list of the best engineering and technical universities in the world. By providing students with generous scholarships and various options for professional development, the university offers affordable and high-quality English-language education. University graduates are widely demanded not only in Scandinavia, but also beyond. To study architecture in English in the university can be at the level of magistracy. In particular, for 2 years here you can get degrees in architecture, planning and sustainable development, in architecture and urban design, in design and construction project management, in construction engineering and technologies.

Polytechnic. University of. Milan., Italy

Approximate cost of learning:$ 4,400 per year

It is the largest engineering and technical university of Italy and teaches students from around the world, offering programs not only in Italian, but also in English. At the undergraduate school, the university offers an English-language program in architectural design, which includes workshops and a variety of training trips. In the magistracy, students are available with specializations in general architecture, construction, architectural design and history, architectural and urban design.

Popular Architecture Programs

Foreign educational institutions offer a wide range of programs in the field of architecture with various specializations.

Most popular programs with double specialization in adjacent areas - architecture and design. For example, such programs are offered in (Great), (Canada), (Australia) and (New Zealand).

Another sought-after direction in modern architectural education is architecture and sustainable development. Programs of this type are preparing professionals who will use topical principles of sustainable development and environmental friendliness in architectural work, in the branch of urbanistics and urban planning. You can get such an education in such universities as Buckingham University It also offers interesting programs of magistracy and doctoral students who prepare experts in classical and historical British architecture.

University programs enjoy wide popularity among students, allowing to obtain a double degree, in parallel studying architecture and another discipline. One of the world's leading providers of such programs is (United Kingdom). At the Bachelor's level, the university offers numerous programs with specializations in architecture or architectural design and in business, management, history, marketing, sociology, etc.

Features of Architectural Programs

For admission to architectural programs of foreign universities, students submit a standard package of documents.

It includes:

  • filled introductory form
  • a copy of the passport
  • certificate and Transcript Valuation
  • other certificates and diplomas
  • certificate of Language Exam
  • motivational letter or resume
  • letters of recommendation

Since the architecture is a creative discipline, in most cases, additional introductory requirements are added to the standard list of documents.

First of all, we are talking about portfolio. It is necessary for admission to the architectural programs of many foreign universities. For example, the prestigious school of architecture in the composition on its website notes The portfolio is the most important component of the introductory application of the student. It was in the portfolio that a student can demonstrate its abilities and talents, it is it a reflection of creative vision, conceptual and creative thinking of a student. These are important factors that the School Reception Commission takes into account when enrolling.

In addition, some universities conduct entry interviews with potential students. These interviews help the admissions commission to make a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe creative potential of the student, and also makes it possible to personally discuss the portfolio presented to him.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

In 2017, the British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) conducted a global study of the best architectural universities in the world. The first 20-ku included European universities of England, Switzerland, Sweden and Italy.

This university is headed by the rating of architectural universities in Europe. It is in the Netherlands and is the oldest technical university of the country. The university is included in the Association of Five Technical Universities in Europe (IDEA League), which aims to build the science and technology of Europe to the world vertex.

2. Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich

ETH Zurich - university, which is considered the most prestigious in Switzerland, besides, is famous for the quality of education around the world. The Architectural Faculty issues highly qualified specialists.

The Higher Technical School of Zurich gave the world of such brilliant architects as: Santiago Calatrava, whose account has more than 30 famous world-famous sights, Ilya Bondarenko, the leading architect of Templerogenation, and others.

The Manchester School of Architecture is a separate educational institution within the University of Manchester and the Metropolitan University. Students of the architecture school have the opportunity to use the resources of both universities.

For various types of research, not only English famous architects are involved, but also global geniuses.

This university is in second place in England (after Oxford), which specializes in learning in different directions, but architects with a Cambridge diploma about higher education are especially valued.

Moreover, the university itself has an exquisite architectural style. The chapel on the territory of the university is considered the best example of the English gothic architecture.

And closes the 5-cm of the best architectural universities in Europe Milan Technical University.

Are popular worldwide. They attract foreigners with their democratic prices, high level of education and centuries-old history. At the University of Milan, architects famous for the whole world studied: Joe Ponti, Renzo Piano, Aldo Rossi, Akille Castiloni and others.

Development of engineering plans and drawings, the embodiment of grandiose construction projects, the revision of the established object and the delivery of its customer is the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of architects. In this article, we will list the famous and most popular architectural universities of Russia, and they will answer the question of where to receive a graduate who wants to make beautiful on a large scale in this world.


This abbreviation is deciphered as the Moscow Architectural Institute, sometimes referred to as the State Academy. This story has been here for more than two and a century (despite the date of the foundation of the institute itself in 1933 by the Politburo Resolution, in fact, he was the successor of the tradition of the first specialized Moscow architectural school established in 1749), is the leader in the production of specialists in the field of architecture and construction. To be more accurate, I prepare professionals in the field of reconstruction, restoration, architectural design. The State Academy itself was accredited by the RIBA Organization known to the world, or the Royal Institute of UK Architects. Like some other architectural universities of Russia, Marhi invites young people the redeference of the army relevant to them, and without exception to all needy students provides housing in the hostel. In the walls of the Institute, you can get a state diploma in the following departments:

  • engineering technical;
  • architectural design;
  • visual arts;
  • humanitarian education.

And according to the following, divided into individual profiles, specialties:

  • design of Architectural Environment;
  • urban planning;
  • architecture.

Conditions for entering and marching reviews

To enroll the graduate of the school is not easy: for free education on a budget basis, it is necessary to provide the results of the exam examinations with a middle score, exceeding 74-76 units for 1 subject. In order to study on a commercial basis, it is required to pass the USE on average for 70-71 points, but enrollment occurs at smaller indicators. At the same time, for the semester will have to pay up to 206,000 rubles. The Institute is located at: Moscow, ul. Christmas, 11/4, to. 1, p. 4. Judging by the reviews of the user audience, spatial thinking develops especially well in the marchs. But above the advent of students in the profession of practical skills, according to the studied, should also work.

Architectural universities of Russia: MGSU

The full name of this educational institution - the National Research University was established in 1921. Today, the university positions itself as a research center, which in addition to testing construction technologies and materials to improve the process of the construction and operation of bridges, houses and communications also produces from its doors of first-class specialists. University implemented full-time, correspondence and remote form of education in the following institutions:

  • fundamental education;
  • mechanization and engineering and environmental construction;
  • architecture and construction;
  • energy and hydraulic construction;
  • management, economics and information systems in real estate and construction;
  • in the MGSU branch in Mytishchi.

Among the other architectural universities of Russia, this NIU is allocated by the fact that the student offers a wide range of and the choice of specialties, namely:

  • architecture;
  • management;
  • information technologies and systems;
  • communal infrastructure and housing;
  • metrology and standardization;
  • technosphere safety;
  • applied math;
  • restoration of architectural heritage;
  • applied mechanics and many others.

The average score of the EGE for admission to MGSU should exceed the mark of 64 points. If you go to a budget place with such or smaller indicators, it will not be possible for commercial-based training, it will be necessary to lay out about 165,000 steering wheel and above 1 semester. MGSU also offers students a hostel.


This, at first glance, a complex encryption hides under itself the name of the St. Petersburg architectural universities of Russia without this educational institution is impossible to imagine: founded back in 1832, the university and today does not lose relevance and popularity among applicants. This educational institution related to the category of state-owned offers incoming and budget places, and a hostel, and 3 standard forms of learning for the convenience of all and each (day, evening, correspondence), and the possibility of choosing a direction in institutions:

  • professional retraining of specialists and advanced training;
  • construction and technical expertise;
  • road safety;
  • surveys and designing of buildings, building structures and structures.

Faculties also operate on the basis of university:

  • rights and judicial expertise on transport and construction;
  • building;
  • architectural;
  • road road;
  • urban economy and engineering ecology;
  • understanding forms of learning;
  • economics and Management.

In SPbgas on the budget basis of training, the applicant can pass if each of the results of its exams will exceed 68.8 units (depending on the selected specialty and competition of those who want this indicator may vary). Otherwise, for the receipt of education on a commercial basis, it will be necessary to pay from 84,000 rubles per semester (for different faculties).


Further universities of Russia calls us to Samara, where at ul. The Young Guard, 194, is located Samara State Architectural and Construction University. This educational institution for higher education was founded in the 30th year of the last century. Today it is an authoritative university not only the city (8th place in the list of urban universities), but also the countries (347th place in the All-Russian top page). The main profile is the scope of preparation of graduate architects and builders in the specialty:

  • environmental protection and technospheric safety;
  • technical system management;
  • technology and construction techniques;
  • computing equipment and informatics;
  • fine and applied arts;
  • architecture;
  • economics and Management.

SGASU in numbers and facts

Today, the university has more than 5 thousand students. It will be easy to enter here if the average score for 1 handed over the subject will exceed 64 units. The average cost of training is from 42 to 88 thousand rubles. SGASU refers to has accreditation and license, offers young men and girls the possibility of living in a hostel. The university also has a branch branch in Belebey (Republic of Bashkortostan).


One of the best architectural universities of Russia is located in Novosibirsk is the Novosibirsk State Architectural and Construction University established in 1930. The average passage score on the exam is about 60.1 units. The following are the activities of the following faculties:

  • architectural and construction;
  • engineering and environmental;
  • construction and technological;
  • 1st stage of higher education;
  • management and economy;
  • humanitarian education;
  • remote learning and branches;
  • information and engineering technologies;
  • for work with students - citizens of foreign states.

Architectural and construction universities of Russia: a list of additional institutions

The above institutions and universities (by the way, all of them, which is important, belong to the category of state) is not the only places to receive profile education in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction engineering. The list of architectural universities of Russia is much more, but the choice of applicant is much richer. For example, you can also stay at the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Voronezh, Tyumen, Tomsk, Kazan or Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Construction University and many others. It becomes obvious that educational institutions, prepare graduates in the construction and architectural spheres, are based today not only in the capital or major cities, and therefore young people and girls from all over the country can be trained.

The British Consulting Company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) amounted to a rating of the best architectural universities in the world. As in the past year, the Top-100 leader was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). The second place was taken by Bartlett School (part of the University College of London), the third - California University in Berkeley (USA). The Delfta Technical University (Netherlands) was at the fourth place, a top five school design of Harvard University (USA) is closed. There are no Russian universities in the list.

If we talk about countries, then the winner of the list of steel USA: American universities occupied a total of 23 positions. For comparison: from the entire European region, 32 universities have entered the top (12 of which are in the UK), from Asia - 22 universities (leaders there are Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, South Korea). A complete list of architectural schools is given. You can make a sample by regions, countries and evaluation criteria.

QS issues annual university studies from 2011, comparing more than 800 universities around the world for 42 subjects. Experts exhibit points, relying on an academic reputation in educational institutions, citing scientific articles of their teachers, employers' reviews.