Ekaterina church policy 2. Peoples of Russia. National and religious policy of Catherine II. The adoption of the throne and the beginning of the reign

In the history of the Church under Catherine II, two significant events occurred - the secularization of the ownership of the clergy and the proclaiming of violence, that is, the termination of the policy of violent Christianization and the persecution of Inackers.

Upon joining the throne, Catherine gave a promise to not atose on the ownership of the church. It was the tactical step of the Empress, designed for the peace of the clergy, if not clearly, then a hidden hostile perceived Manifesto Peter III. As soon as Catherine felt the inability of the clergy to seriously resist secularization plans, she created a commission from secular and spiritual persons who were assigned to resolve the issue of the fate of church land tenure. She even prepared an emotionally rich fit in front of the Synod members who ended with the words: "Do not defile the same to return my crown what you kidnapped by her imperceptibly, gradually." The need for a pathetic speech disappeared, the synodals showed humility and obedience. The only hierarch, daring to openly raise a voice against secularization, was the Rostov Metropolitan Arseny Matseevich.

Forging the secularization plans of the Empress of Arseny could not, and it understood it perfectly well. And if Catherine has prepared a harsh kara rebar, then this action had, most likely, a personal attack is undisguised hostility. Impressed to the language of Arseny (which he paid) allowed himself once sharply and unflatterily responding about the Empress and this review was known to her.

Implementation of the manifesto on February 26, 1764 "On the secularization of church possessions" had important consequences. Manifesty finally decided a century-old dispute about the fate of church victuchin in favor of secular power. The established one-and-a half-ruble lifts with former monastery peasants (called "economic"), provided admission to the treasury in 1764-1768. 1 million 366 thousand rubles of annual exchanges, of which only a third took place for the maintenance of monasteries and churches, 250 thousand. Credited by hospitals and alignments, and the remaining money (over 644 thousand rubles) replenished the state budget. In the 1780s, the urgent amount reached 3 million rubles, and together with other economic incomes - 4 million, of which only half a million was spent on the content of the clergy, and 7 / 8th income came the state.

From now on, each monastery had the states approved by the government of monastic and "initial" persons for the maintenance of which a strictly established amount was released. The clergy, thus, turned out to be fully dependent on the state, both in the economic and administrative attitude, that is, it was erected into the rank of officials in the regions.

Another consequence of secularization was an improvement in the position of former monastic peasants. Work on the monastery barbecine was replaced by a monetary interference, which at least limited the economic activity of the peasants. Economic peasants, in addition to previously cultivated areas, received part of the monastery lands to use. Finally, they freed themselves from the military jurisdiction - the courts of monastic authorities, torture, etc.

In accordance with the ideas of Enlightenment, Catherine adhered to in relation to the initiative politicians of violence. So, with the pious Elizabeth, Petrovna from the Old Believers continued to charge in a double submay, attempts were made to return them to the Lono of True Orthodoxy, they left the church, to which they responded to the shares of self-immolation ("Garyami"), as well as flight either in the deaf place, either beyond the country, then Peter III allowed the Old Believers free worship, and Catherine II's VERULPOST extended further - in 1763, she abolished the split office established in 1725 to collect double pillow, and the tax "with a beard". At the same time, from the dual pillow, the grades were released from 1764. Old Believers, who did not abstract church sacraments from Orthodox priests. The tolerant attitude of the government to the Old Believers contributed to the economic prosperity of the Old Believers in Starodube (now the Bryansk region), Kergents (now the Nizhny Novgorod region) and others, where rich merchants appeared. Moscow merchants-Old Believers in the early 70s of the XVIII century. Created Rogozhsky and Preobrazhenskaya communities - organizations that owned major capital and gradually subordinate to their influence of old-belt communities on the outskirts of Russia.

The imperatric versoity manifested itself in the termination of the infringement of Muslims. So, those who have accepted Orthodoxy, no longer provided advantages in the inheritance of property. Tatars Catherine allowed to build a mosquer and discover the madrasas who were preparing the cadres of the Muslim clergy.


From the middle of the XVII century. The estate-representative monarchy develops into absolute, which reflects the entry of feudalism into a new stage of its existence - in the era of the late feudalism. The class division of society is drawn up as a class. The current system acquires the features of closetness, conservatism. The form of government under absolutism remains, in principle, the former - monarchical, but its contents and external attributes change. The power of the monarch becomes unlimited, the proclamation by his emperor emphasizes the power of both in external and in the inner spheres.

For the formation of absolutism, Peter I reforms are important. First of all, the estate reforms should be allocated only because they had a global scale and determined the status of the estates.

The new level was the nobility. There were friction between him and the disintegration, but as a result of both reforms of both grade and estates received. Peter sought to make all civil servants and changed the order of inheritance for this. He issued a decree "On the Union of Chair", that is, now only one son could inherit the land (however, it was limited to the right to sell real estate, etc.), and not the inheritance did not have anything left except to go to the public service (though, in the future Already at the age of 30, they refused the unionastic).

In 1722, the "Tabel about ranks" was issued, which determined the order of service and in fact the hierarchy of society as a whole. The significance of this document is not only in this - the Tabel allowed people from the lower estates to hear the nobility. For example, at the military service, he has even reached the lowest rank of officer, a person automatically received a personal nobility, but without land, and he has reached the 6th ranks - hereditary, but also without endowment of the earth. Thus, during this period, the difference between the norilance and boyars disappears completely.

The clergy becomes part of the state apparatus, subordinate and controlled by his interests. Peter I creates a great synod.

The urban class has also changed, but it was not united, but was divided into guilds. Town Hall and other local governments were created.

The social characteristics of the peasantry has changed. Most of the peasants were addicted to the nobles, and the free peasants were now called the free peasants. From this time, the division on the peasants and the hills disappears, which contributed to Peter I "about the pillow of grants", which also did not distinguish them.

There were changes in the structure and activities of government governing bodies. Russia has become an empire since 1721, and Peter I - Emperor. The law was proclaimed, which refers to unlimitedness and not controlling the imperial power. The order of inheritance of the throne was also enshrined by the law, which stated that the emperor could leave the power of anyone at his discretion and without restrictions.

In Petra I, the boyars did not stop going out, but the need for the deliberate body did not disappear, so it was originally replaced by the Consides of Ministers, and later in 1711 - Senate. The Senate was created by Peter at the time of his care hike as an organ replaced him during the absence, but after remained acting. The Senate was an organ with deliberative, executive and judicial authority, and gradually even received some possibilities to make solutions to the nature of the law and mandatory for execution, but the king could very easily cancel them.

In 1717-1719. In the sectoral management to replace the order management system comes collegiate. The colleges possessed not only administrative, but also the judiciary. At the head of the collegium was its president, but he was only presiding and no more. Unlike orders, the collegium had a regulation on the structure. Initially, the colleges were about 10 and from the bottom there were three most important - military, naval and foreign affairs. Representatives of these three colleges remained in the Senate even when representatives of all others were derived from its composition.

In Peter I, in 1708, provinces are organized, which changed the order in dividing Russia into territorial administrative units. The provinces were divided into the provinces (in which the governors protested), and those in turn on the counties.

Courts and the first of them are born - the survive, which existed in every county. In addition, in some cities there was a judge, and where they were not, the court perpetrators were performed by magistrates. Peter has created a system of military and naval vessels. Prosecutors are organized, which were created from above. At first in 1722, the rank of general prosecutor was created, then Fiscals (created in 1711 as employees of a secret supervision) were reconnected by him. The prosecutor's office at first was a general supervision body, in addition, the prosecutor general oversrade for the Senate. A lawyer appears.

At the same time, Peter I accepted an attempt to destroy competition in the process. He took this attempt in 1697 by making a decree on the transfer of all cases of searching (that is, there were no full-time bets with witnesses, etc.), but it was indeed failed. In 1715, a part of the future military charter appeared called the "brief image of the process", according to which all the affairs were wanted. In 1723, another decree was adopted "On the Form of the Court" in which the procedure for conducting private applications was established.

The development of law in this period is characterized by the development of state and administrative law as a branch. Regulations were introduced. At the same time, there were no significant shifts in civil law. Criminal law has occurred codification in the field of military criminal law. Published "Military Articles".

The period of "enlightened absolutism" and 34-year-old reign of Catherine II, in particular, left a bright mark in the history of Russia. The originality of the personality of the Empress, its outstanding qualities of the statesman and the greatness of it has been shaken. If Peter the Great established on the shores of the Baltic, Catherine is the Great - on the shores of the Black Sea, spreading the borders to the south and including the Crimean Peninsula in the Empire. One of this is enough that the descendants with gratitude recall the name of Catherine II. With Catherine, the high level has achieved the spread of the enlightenment, the first magazines began to be published, writers appeared, whose works sound relevant and in our days, major success reached historical science. Catherine was distinguished by incredible performance: "I am passionately love to be busy and find that a person is only happy when he is busy." Another time she wrote: "I love to work in nature and the more I work, the more fun." It is enough to look at the routine of the day of the Empress to make sure how much time she devoted to the state of government. Catherine vigorously and constantly legislatively, its Peru owns such major acts of reign, as the "Okaz" of the commissioned commission, the institutions of the provinces, complained diplomas of the nobility and cities, and many others. But Ekaterina composed not only decrees, manifestos and instructions. She left a tremendous epistolary heritage. According to her recognition, she was completely unavailable, she did not understand the music, but I willingly composed the plays, water.

The ideas of moderate enlighteners shared not only the empress. Some Russian Velmazbi established personal relations with the French enlighteners and were, like Catherine, in correspondence with them.

The French revolution put an end to flirts with the ideas of enlightenment as the very Catherine and her environment. Bastille's assault, alarming information about the burning of noble castles and feudal literals reminded Russian nobles of the events of the peasant war in Russia. There were collapsmen on which the favorite of Catherine Platon's teeth wrote, "there was a calm, confidence and prosperity." A new era approached the era of the decomposition of serfdom and the new growth of capitalist relations.

Questions for self-control

1. The main prerequisites for the formation of an absolute monarchy in Russia. The main features and features of Russian absolutism.

2. Development of the state system in the first half of the XVIII century.

3. State reforms of the first quarter of the XVIII century.

4. Petra's estate reforms. Legal status of the nobility. Tabel about ranks.

5. Give a brief description of the socio-political system of Russia 2nd half of the XVIII century.

6. What does your expression mean: "enlightened" absolutism as a special political regime.

7. "Okaz" Catherine II. Mounted Commission 1767

8. What was the basic principles of the provincial reform of 1775

9. The value of Catherine II church policy for the further development of Russian society.


  1. Article Military // Reader on the history of the state and law / Sost. Yu.P. Titov. M., 1997.
  2. Bakaev Yu.N. The history of state-church relations in Russia. Khabarovsk, 1994.
  3. Demidova N.F. Server bureaucracy in Russia XVII century. And its role in the formation of absolutism. M., 1987.
  4. Efimov S.V. Petrov's transformations and Russian society in the first half of the XVIII century // History of Russia: People and Power. St. Petersburg., 1997.

5. The history of the domestic state and the right: a textbook. Part 1 / Ed. O.I. Cleaner. Ed.3 e, recycling. and add. M. MSU. 2007.


7. Readings on the history of the state and law / Sost. Yu.P. Titov. M., 1997.

8. Moiseev V.V. The history of the state administration of Russia. M., 2010.

Talion law (from lat. Talio, born. P. TaliOnis - Retribution equal to the force of the crime) is the principle of punishment that has developed in a generic society. He was causing the guilty of the same harm that was deposited by them ("Oco for the eye, tooth for the tooth").

What is the path of development of victorious suggests to choose Alexander III? What are the consequences of this choice predicted?

The victorious advocates for the conservative way, he proposes to abandon Western influences, and especially from the Western education system.

From the point of view of the Russian intelligentsia, what were the consequences of the course Alexander III for Russia? Compare the forecast and assessment of the consequences and formulate the problem (author - p. 368).

From the point of view of the liberal intelligentsia, the board of this emperor turned his disaster.

Question: Alexander III course is a tragic error or the only possible way out for Russia?

Answer: As a rule, in reality, none of the outputs is the only possible. As for the path of Alexander III, he chose conservatism. The twentieth century showed the fallacy of this path. In Russia, it was he who led to revolutions. Because the board of this emperor really became a disaster. But in the 1880s, countries both with a liberal public building were equally successful (for example, United Kingdom) and conservative (for example, Germany). Therefore, the choice of Alexander III was indeed difficult, his path at that time was not all considered erroneous.

Compare Alexander II management systems (p. 188) and Alexander III.

Systems with these emperors are not very different. Under Alexander III, universities submitted to the Ministry of Enlightenment, the press, publishing house, scientific and creative societies were again obeyed by the Security Department. These measures reproduced the Nicholas I system, but the rest of the Alexander II system remained unchanged, the reforms were not canceled only, only adjusted.

When conflicts and society could more often arise

The discontent could more often cause the system of Alexander III, especially the intelligentsia, whose rights in press, societies and universities were drunk. But at the same time, to grow into conflicts, this discontent could less often, because the protests were suppressed in the embryos. Therefore, discontent was copied without the ability to "release steam".

Why, in your opinion, has a political question formed in Russia?

The conservative course of the government made almost impossible to the legal and open expression of discontent. Therefore, it was copied to the depths of society, the contradictions were intensified between the power and society, and not only the liberal and socialist intelligentsia. Society more and more stripped to political reforms. This desire was not manifested, while it was weak, and the ruler was located on the throne, but with his change everything changed.

Is it possible to call the actions of Alexander III conservative counterformations? (Take out the problem of the lesson.)

The new emperor most often did not cancel the reforms (except for the cancellation of the autonomy of universities), but introduced additions that completely changed the essence of the case. So the reform of education has not been canceled, but access in the gymnasium ceased to be all-known due to the circular "On the kitchen kids". Zemstvo reform persisted, but the Zemsky Chiefs now appointed the Minister of Internal Affairs. It was these measures that the liberal path was impossible for Russia, which the authorities and sought. But this is this way, as the story showed, would help to avoid many problems.

Prove that the actions of the Ministry of Finance accelerated the modernization of the Russian economy.

The number of industrial enterprises has increased significantly, foreign investments came to Russia. The country occupied one of the leading positions in the world among grain exporters. Thanks to this and other successes, the executions of the treasury annually by 60-70 million rubles exceeded costs. The economy as a whole strengthened significantly, the industrial coup made a significant step forward.

Alexander III understood: the economy is out of politics. In this area, he was not such a conservative, as in politics, because Russia has achieved significant success. But all of them were reduced to no subsequent revolutions that occurred in many ways because of the conservatism of the political course of this emperor.

Imagine that the university bench met two student of the 1890s - a Russian nationalist and a participant in the national movement of one of the outskirts of the empire (to choose from: Ukrainian, Jew, Georgian, Tatar, etc.). Describe their dispute about the national question in Russia.

The Jew, at the beginning restraving, could only talk about the restrictions in the field of education introduced for the people of his faith, then it would have moved to the drawback a settlement, and then, having broken down, began to expose pogroms, lawless, even from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Empire, but Unpunished, despite this.

The nationalist could argue that the enemies of Russia can harm her, if they are dispersed throughout its territory, and when they are focused on a set of settling, the premium for them is facilitated. In his opinion, the formation of the enemies of the empire was also required only to harm her. And finally, when so harmful people overwhelm the bowl of patience, in principle, quite patient Russians, the reaction in the form of pogroms is quite natural.

If you were on the site of one of these students, for what actions, the statements of the authorities and national movements to you - a man of the XXI century - would be a shame?

The arguments of the nationalist are quite intelligent with the exception of their starting point: the Jews were not enemies of Russia at its very nature, such a single nation cannot be attributed, because such words are ashamed, just as for all the oppression of the non-Russian population (the line of settling, limited access to education , Education itself is only in Russian, prohibiting the print in native languages, a unwashed ban on promoting the same Poles and, of course, Jewish pogroms).

Make your conclusion about the value of the course Alexander III for Russia.

The conservative course of Alexander III led to the appearance except the political, as well as a national question.

Judging by this data, what was the level of modernization of Russia and the development of capitalist relations?

The level of development of capitalist relations was low, since 81% of the population continued to be peasants, and workers were only 8% (5.2% - urban, 2.8% - rural); At the same time, the peasants - the poor (33%) and middle peasants (21.6%) were almost nothing on the market. Modernization also remained low, since rural residents accounted for 74% of the population, and completely illiterate - 79%.

Relying on the actions of Alexander III known to you, specify his personal qualities.

Alexander III was a strong man, which is evident by what decisive measures he accepted against revolutionaries. He practically crossed public discussions, because it can be called not tolerating objections. But at the same time he possessed the mind whom the liberal course in the economy.

Describe a dispute that could take place between the conservative, liberal and socialist on the following question: "What is the importance of the Board of Alexander III for Russia?".

The conservative would have to admire these board. It began with the rampant of the revolution, the murder of the previous emperor, and ended with the aspiration of society, the defeat of the people. In the press and then the discussions ceased to be as sharp. Yes, it was largely achieved at the expense of censorship, but also at the expense of the general soothing of society.

The socialist would have to argue the metaphor of Alexander III itself about the fact that Russia is similar to a huge boiler, inside which steam under high pressure. Periodic pairs breaks out. People walk around with large hammers that immediately swipe these bars. But someday such a big gap is formed that it is not possible to close it. True, the king said this in a private atmosphere, but in Russia, as you know, everything is secret, but nothing is a secret. According to the Socialist, even the king recognized that the revolution is inevitable. Indeed, someday the pressure of the steam will be so strong that it turns out a huge barrier, from which the boiler will ruin. And Alexander III just brought it around, ordered not to let couples outside.

The liberal sighs hard on it, because the boiler will really ruin that in the metaphor means the end of Russia. With his interlocutors, Liberal could only tell about the delights of the constitutional monarchy with the Freedom of Personality and the Word, the Parliament from the representative of the Zemstvo, etc. He would probably be remembered by the liberalism of this emperor in the economy: replacing the patterned stage of a single unspecified tax, the final abolition of the temporary duty , Protecting, stabilization of the ruble, etc. He would only have to sometegone that the emperor did not show the same liberalism in politics, because it could bring no less brilliant results.

Vitaly Voropanov

National and religious question in judicial policy

Catherine II *

The administrative and judicial reform, implemented by the Government of Catherine II after 1775 and aimed at strengthening the political system of Russia, was inextricably linked with the processes of formation of large classes, the legislation of Peter Great1. Creating a sustainable structure of the class society, the autocratic power sought to ensure the rights of subjects through the inclusion of special institutions into the law enforcement and law enforcement mechanism of the state. The problems of unification of the forms and types of public administration was solved with the studied historical, cultural, geographical features of all regions of the empire. The imperial principle of social and legal differentiation was considered as a factor in the weakening of cross-aged contradictions, rapprochement of Russians with indigenous inhabitants of Oriental provinces, was evaluated as an important policy tool in relation to the peoples living near Russian borders.

The composition of the considered ruled state remained in the last third of the XVIII century. Extremely heterogeneous. Spontaneous Russification, however, the legal provision of ethnically, culturally, socially close groups was promoted to the wide links among the population. Overcoming historically established fragmentation was carried out by the abolition of special "societies" and the consolidation of individual estates. "State Liberalism" manifested itself in refusing to forcing the estate processes, in confirmation of "rights, advantages, liberties, charters and privileges" 2, operating in certain regions. Legislative consolidation of the status position of the part of the subjects determined changes in the local judicial, object and territorial competence of local judicial institutions.

The experience of administrative reform was acquired by the government in the original Russian lands and in Western territories attached to the Empire in the early 70s. XVIII century The "exemplary" were elected Tver and Smolensk province, established by the Decree of November 25, 1775.3 in 1776-1778. The decrees of the establishment of another 11 provinces4 were followed. The number of judicial sites was established in accordance with the number and composition of population, as well as provinces area. The new practice of selection of candidates for the judges suggested the participation of persons whose moral qualities and social status did not doubt the estimated voters and supervisory authorities 5, which was from the point of view of the legislator, the pledge of the promised justice in the "present places" 6.

Ethnic to know (from Tatar Murz7 to Moldovan Boyar8), which poured into the first estate of the empire, went to the department of county and upper sorts, having received the right to participate in the elections of the estate assessors in the College I and II of instances. The closure of the Baltic nobility caused the objection of the Empress, who proposed to admit to the elections besides neborn all persons of noble origin living in the provinces9. On the relationship of autocracy with

* The article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (Project No. 04-06-96020).

the upper social layers influenced the circumstances of political life. The aristocrats of the abolished Crimean Khanate worthy of "in terms of loyalty and ability" were allowed to replace vacancies in the III instance - judicial chambers. ".... This is a new way to civil service, and to get it was open to getting in Oya," the monarch explained. The gentry of the Belarusian lands was filtered after the Polish military-political perturbation in the late 80s - early 90s, adopting in the management of the Earth, 400 years owned by the Polish crown, Catherine II did not hurry to extend "institutions about provinces" in full . The judiciality in Lithuania and Belarus caused political interests12.

Persons of urban classes were within the competence of magistrates and town hall. The ancient business management in the cities of the Baltic region in 1763 was consolidated by complained diplomas13, but the right to choose the class judges in 1785 was spread to all citizens that correspond to the established census14. Having determined the conditions for the formation of the urban population15, the Empress consistently argued in social relations ethnocultural and religious tolerance. Allowed to cool merchant posts, not having a "no mannago pokoka", Catherine II reported in January 1785 by the Tambov and Ryazan Governor-General that this procedure applies not only to Christians of all denominations, but Jews, Muslims and pagans. "He must be used by the benefits and rights without the difference in the law and the people in its rank and the state," as stated by the Government Senate in the next decree, reflecting the position of the autocratic monarch16. The Jews of the monarch recommended whether to relocate in the cities with submission to the Magistrants, "so that these people do not wander into harm to society, but producing trading and multiplying needlework and crafts, and their profits and society benefited" 17. In cases of spiritual jurisdiction, Jews were jumped by county and provincial kagalam18. The "benefits" associated with economic rights was canceled with the inclusion of Jews in class19. Saving the effect of Polish laws in the Western province20, the Empress weakened the legal discrimination of representatives of an ancient state-minded nation, "cast", Ekaterina II said, "bye. Incable with other states, and paying in the treasury equal to grants, also wearing other on the par with

other gravity, should in any case are protected and satisfied to be on a par with

other her imperial majesty subjects. " By 1795, the transition of Jews to the number of merchants and the mesh was resolved in 10 provinces. From July 1, 1794 was

confirmed the double taxation of the Jews who did not enter into any of the Russian

cars. The exception from their number of the Jewish population of Crimea did not apply

on rabbis.

Recalling the importance of folding the "third" class, the opening of the estate institutions in the Ukrainian "Slobodas and Places", Catherine II warned authorized persons, "So that everything was disgusted with every way

coercion, and the same touch to whose property; But so that the goodwill and conviction in their benefits served as a leadership for the compilation of social and merchant societies "24. "Raskolnikov", who experienced social friction with Orthodox, was confirmed by the right to form an independent judicial board25.

Encouraging the development of economic relations of the regions of the empire with neighboring countries, the settlement and adoption of citizenship with merchant families, the government provided corporately living ethnoreligious groups of citizens the right to solve their affairs in verbal courts based on usually legal norms. "Societies" with a number of 500 families could apply for the opening of individual Town. In the southern provisions of privileges received Armenian and Greek diasporas. Forming the National Magistrate and subordinating the Armenian-Tatar population of Astrakhan State law, the Supreme Power left the "internal jurisdiction" in the "Blasting"

communities, having established a special procedure for analyzing subjects with temporarily living in Astrakhan tribesmen. Decree of January 13, 1765

envisaged the organization "Court of Astrakhan Asian" with separate rooms for

orthodox Christians, Muslims and Hindus - "idolaters". At the request of the Governor General in 1786, the possibility of introducing Armenian assessors to the regional magistrate and the monarch conscious court referred to the current law, which provided such a right27. For Christians because of the Caucasian Range entering the department

the spiritual authorities of the Orthodox and Catholic branches were planned the basis of new

cities in accordance with their settlement.

By decree of September 1, 1785, the national magistrate subordinate to the Chernihiv provincial magistrate was replaced by the Court of Greek "Brotherhood" in Nezhin. The usual right was still used in verbal and arbitration courts in solving commodity disputes with foreign Greeks29. "Posky" Greek magistrate with location in Ynikale received a state content30. In 1792, the Turks living in Nikolaev were encouraged by benefits and government loans, the possibility of building a city mosque and the choice of national judges who used, at the request of the Diaspora, the norms of Russian legislation31.

The city courts of the Urals and Siberia did not have official differences, providing protection to the inhabitants, regardless of their ethnic origin and religious affiliation, but in Tobolsky pricing by decree of December 9, 1787, trade migrants from Central Asia were excluded from the competence of the magistrates ("Tashkents" and "Bukharians ") - Tajiks, Uzbeks, Uygura, numbered in 1786, 2704

In 1775, the current and top reprises were established to parse the Affairs of the Rural Population in 1775. The sphere of object jurisdiction of state courts was unified. The departments have plastered the seruners of old classes, including one-bedrooms, arable soldiers, the Siberian disadvantages and children of Boyar, Cossacks and national servicors, as well as yamchikov, free peasants of all discharges, yasual peoples. The interests of state-building demanded the creative intervention of autocracy in social processes. Simplifying social structure, the monarch prescribed to take during the IV audit (1782) documentation, "holding the current of the rule to be under the title and in one salary of state peasants not to divide into many particular names" 33. Thus, in the Astrakhan province, the special status of "Samets", "Bobills", Boldyrey, "Transfiers" and children of newcomers34 was abolished. The masses of various immigrants from the Transcaucasia and the Polynaya, as well as the Northern Counties of Russia35, were enrolled in the department formed in the southern province36. In the future, the government sought to maximize the aggregate of the rights and obligations of state peasants of all ethnic groups and faults.

So, commenting on the law, in 1782, the Ufa Governor General commanded: "The lesions will be in the lower sprays. Both all those inhabitants of the highest institution in the 335th article named and Tatar serve and paying Cherkas, Mordva and Cheremis, Chuvas, Chudtyari and Bobylized and Eat more than any kind of peoples in the local governments live. "37 Given the national-cultural And the socio-legal heterogeneity of the orders the provincial leadership has formed a collegium of class assessors. Of the 35 seats in Spravas, 10 were approved for representatives of the Tatar population, 6 - for deputies from Russian peasants, including Old Believers, 5 - from the Blacks and Bobills, Mordovsky, Chuvash communities, 1 from Odnodvords and Ukrainians. The retired ensign and the Palace Peasant were included in the list without the indication of ethnic voters38.

In addition to disciplinary and criminal liability, an important guarantor of Justice Catherine II considered religious senses of subjects. First

the responsibility of the person who joined the judicial position was the suspension of the oath that was sacred and carried out with the participation of clergy for the meetings of Christian and Muslim religion39. The constant attribute of the judicial premises to the "grazhal" and an unsystematic meeting of regulatory acts was holy images appealed to the conscience of Orthodox judges40. Adherents of Islam were kept in the "presence" coran41.

Before the formation of the areas, the corona administration collected objective and accurate information about the origin, the number, cultural features of indigenous peoples42. Taking into account the compact residence of the autochthonous population, the Supreme Power provided culturally separate groups of subjectable conditions to participate in public life. In particular, in the lower sprays in the territory of Northern Siberia and Western Siberia, the mandatory representation of the Mari, Udmurt, Khanty-Mansiysk and Tatar population was enshrined. Deputies from national communities were introduced by the provincial leadership in

court Board II Instance.

The most numerous peoples of the Ural counted by the end of the XVIII century. Up to 190 thousand people.44 in public strict Bashkis have a special amount of rights and duties, their status could formally be distributed to representatives of other ethnosocial groups45. Having accepted in December 1780 to the Office of Dozens of Bashkir villages, Vyatsky governor limited the competence of the lower disappearance and the Zemstvo police, the commandments relate to the legislation with the gears and customs of the people. Detailed information was requested in the Orenburg administration46.

Founded on the legal status to Bashkirs were Meshcheryaki who have served in irregular troops. Considering the density of the settlement and the features of the "state" of the peoples in January 1782. Catherine II prescribed Ufa governor I.V. Jacobi to identify them into the department of individual vessels and introduce additional assessors to the composition of the Zemskoy Police47. Meanwhile, the natural disunity of servicing, commercial, yasual, suitcase Tatars, who made up a quarter of the inhabitants of the region48, facilitated the government of the unification of justice.

By 1785, 5 lower reserves were opened in the Southern Urals with a total and 5-special jurisdiction49, where Bashkirs replaced 80% of vacancies. In four counties, 2 reprisals were accepted that received ordinal numbers. Naming on a nationally class attributed. Bashkir deputies occupied 25% (5 out of 20) places in the Ufa and Orenburg Upper Spravas, 100% (2) - in conscientious

Similarly, after 1781, reprisals were organized in three Ukrainian provinces so that the Cossacks, "having assessors from themselves elected, thus encountered in the intention of their own and in their right convicted to be equal to themselves" 51. Questions about the real estate of the wealthy Cossacks, which possessed the property on the "shuttle" rights, were also transferred to the maintenance of ramp. Competence, posts in the Ukrainian courts were brought in accordance with the generalime norms53.

At the same time, contributing to the adoption of new institutions, the legislator, in part, retained the action of the current system of law in Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian lands, as well as in the North-Western provinces with the financial-speaking population, noting that from the Swedish deposition of 1736 "not only Hospitals in the courts of rural, in the highest institutions selected, but also the peasants themselves or rural residents, who know the literacy, can learn about the concept of affairs "54. The obligation to comply with the rules of Swedish law was distributed to III instance55.

The tasks of the office work facilitated translators provided for in the state not only administrative, but also the judicial institutions of the Western and South provinces56. It is known that translators were introduced in the Office of the five Perm Pramps57. IN

The Slobodsk reprisals of the Vyatka province worked a translator from Mariy, in the Nolinskaya - Udmurt language58. Turkic-speaking employees worked in the Southern Uralship59.

When appointing chairmen, the cultural characteristics of the members of the Board and the Communications Population were taken into account. In Birsk and Chelyabinsk, the governor sent people selected by him "by the ability and according to Bashkir and Meshcheryak customs and rites, finding to be massacres." In particular, A. Mikhailov grew up in Wednesday Bashkir and "Sufficient acquired minions both in the knowledge of their language and in all the intensities and revolutions", served in the center of the Iset Province from 1746., remaining the chairman of the Chelyabinsk 2nd massacre until June 1794.61 Ufa Judge M. Bekchurin before the appointment worked as a translator of Turkic languages62. In Berezovskaya violence was sent "Son Boyarsky" A. Kashpirev, who did not have a tablen rank, but a long time was engaged in the reception of Yasaki among

Instructoring I. V. Yakobi for solving state problems in Irkutsk and Kolyvan's procurement, Catherine II ripped out: "Everything that in the position of your Governor General Ufimskago was undertaken, relative to the digestive treatment of nations, the province inhabiting, we confirm, and Now deigning, so that you are all the effort to put together the nations with Russian perfect kindness. " Vacancies were recommended to replace taking into account the established tribal hierarchy64 from among the "honest, prudent, jealous and stray people" 65. Aboriginal, elected by the Armenians who came to the province center, the governor set filling the duties of the assessors, "fear

the core of God and the law, shame and renovation from citizens for all sorts of

against office and truth. "

The practical successes of the local administration in cooperation with tribal leaders were predetermined by the degree of development of the region by state power. The highest difficulties experienced the leadership of remote Siberian regions. By providing a formal representation of the population, artificially involved in official legal relations, officials were engaged in clarifying tungs, Koryakov and Chukcham the values \u200b\u200bof laws and the reform, the advantages of the court in the convictions before the Voivodsk Court. One of the primary tasks set in front of employees was the dissemination of knowledge of Russian language and literacy. The measures taken against the unauthorized leaving of institutions were reduced to imprisonment of the right to be elected to the authority67. Tobolsk administration suggested

organization in "Yasachny" disturbances in meetings of important affairs officials with

participation of elders and translators.

The state recognized the variety of forms of ordinary justice, ordering the legal life of the peasants to the institution of verbal courts69. In Western Siberia, the highest administration introduced the hail courts70. The empowering in the analysis of civil and unavoidable criminal cases of indigenous Siberians was enshrined behind the organs of traditional management, which contributed to the allocation of "princes" and elders from the tribal environment71.

Outside the unified system of courts, the Cossacks remained mainly separated on the widespread space of imperial borders, depending on the commandants of linear fortresses and the military offices. The Don Army army included in the Azov province, the monarch left "with all his property" and "the most observed ends" 72. The functions of the management and court in the Ural troops after the rebound of the rebellion were presented to Ataman and seniors controlled from Orenburg.

Important for the government was to ensure effective control over the nomadic population and resolving relations with border peoples.

Supreme Power has identified new accommodation places for Kalmykov Volga region and Nogaites of the Precaucasia74, without interfering with the system of traditional management and court,

accepted Kalmykov returned from China by estimating the mutuality of interests with the Criminal Empire, the unresolved of the territorial issues75, and prescribed the Kalmyk Duchini in South Altai to "bed" to pay natural fees76, took care of increasing the standard number of translators and Tolmachi in border areas77. The disclaiming of complaints between the Kazakhs of the Middle Jus, approved to whanging into the territory of the state, and the Russians before the formation of the state police, I. V. Yakobi instructed linear commanders and provincial officials78. Century Polycentricity of power in the steppe did not allow to stop robbery raids with theft

cattle and people's offense.

Catherine II demanded that the local administration of thoughtful actions to ensure the interests of Russia and the safety of internal regions. Special efforts attached the Orenburg administration, organized in 1786-1787. Border

court, as well as three reprisals in the small "Horde", endowed with the forensic police


The court in the composition of 2 officers, 2 merchant, 2 rural and 7 Kazakh assessors was headed by Ober-Commendant. Jobs of rural deputies were rendered by Bashkir and Meshcheryak Germans, Kazakh - representatives from "generations" of Alim-Ul, Bai-Ul, Zhetar81. Ensuring the justice government was calculated to stop uncontrolled conflicts of neighbors, involving the Kazakhs in legal relations with the Russians. The shape of a civil court who has received support for law enforcement agencies was acquainted with the form of civil court familiar to the people. The cooperation of the provincial and steppe authorities should have facilitated public order, secure trade routes that are profitable to the Russian and Kazakh people.

The total amount of material incentives, allocated for the administration of O.A. Igelstrom (1784-1792, 1796-1798) over full costs, amounted to 31871 p. 68 CP.82 In linear settlements, the construction of mosques continued. Mullah83 was sent to the steppe. Increasing the role of Islam in the social life of the Kazakhs, the Supreme Power hoped to speed up the religious and moral development of the people, posed dependent on Muslim centers of Russia. Thus, the governor organized a sustainable interaction of the provincial leadership with a birthday binding, having entered into a complex process of resolving in-bed relations, the formation of single control centers in the steppe with the simultaneous enhancement of the influence of the Russian Empire. The autocracy made an attempt to transfer nomadic leaders to the service with responsibility for fulfilling powerful powers, improving public relations and legal relations, consistently introducing in the steppe elements of statehood.

Showing care to strengthen the Caucasian line, the monarch considering ways to bring the stateless ethnic groups "in the nearest acquaintance and close relationship with other. Submitted, "recommending to attract" Podgorny peoples "to the choice of judges, to create a school on the study of local languages84, take measures to Christianization85 and the Islamization of pagans, taking into account the experience of Orenburg Mull, tighten the control over the activities of the military boss. Getting to get acquainted with the results of politics in the Southern Ural, the Empress instructed officials in the Pre-Bureau: "Detailing and justice need to bring them to himself a power of attorney, to soften their morals, win the hearts and teach them more handle the Russians," "disseminate our improvement and our laws," Koi we will give them ready for their own peace of mind, silence and prosperity. " In the Kabarda, the monarch suggested introducing informations as the judicial authorities as part of the "best" people without the participation of officers, "according to the example of how to use the benefit of Orenburg between Kyrgyz", promising to provide funds with cash payments. The border court in the composition of the representatives of childbirth and officials was assumed in Mozdok or

Ekaterinograd. Change of oath, the murder and robbery was subject to court II of instances according to the laws of the Russian Empire86.

By the end of the Board of Catherine II, a fundamentally new law enforcement system was created. The administrative-territorial device, the number and location of judicial institutions in the newly acquired Western and southern regions were revised and optimized until November 1796.87 reduced the legislation of the fragmentary population into the current department of vessels, magistrates and cruising. A self-adjustment was solved by the question of the procedure for the formation of a judiciary by attracting broad masses to participate in public life, providing social associations formally equal opportunities.

Religious and social proximity, the ethnic relationship of members of the colleges with the defendants of cases was an undoubted advantage of new institutions. Judicial deputies became an important link between the supreme power and the population, sending

justice "name and power" of the monarch based on the developed single or

authorized in the empire legislation. The homogeneity of social origin facilitated complaints about the unlawful actions of officials, which strengthened the real estate faith in the meaning and strength of state law. Elections strengthened the amalgamation process of generic nobility to state structures, conducive to the growth of the prestige of the leaders noted by differences.

The individualization of the judiciality in the regions was determined by the compactness of the residence and the status position of ethnic groups. The estate justice smoothed social contradictions in a poly ethnic and multi-elegiosis environment. Non-micro-cell restrictions on the empathy of judges most fully ensured the protection of legitimate interests, personal and property safety of "citizens". The action of state law mitigate the variety of forms of ordinary justice.

The first experience of social cooperation with state power had contradictory results. The judges did not have minimal education and remained under the influence of the traditional worldview. The abuse of rural meeters by posts was due to the desire to satisfy family-clan, usurgogration interests. Overcoming the legal isolation and community closetness of the peasant "world", which had a solid foundation, demanded a long time. In many ways, patriarchals retained the relationship between national deputies with ordinary tribesmen89. The inhabitants of the Zararal provinces remained the most "statists", showed passivity in competition with officials and the application of legitimate authority90. An important factor in the inertness of Sibiryakov was the features of the genesis of a volost society - artificiality of administrative borders, social, cultural and consumer, religious disabilities, the mobility of the population caused by the incompleteness of colonization processes, the growth of the contingent of reference-sellers, the sustainable autonomy of Aboriginal91, who did not accept the liberal ideas of autocracy.

At the same time, the monarch, taking care of budget payments in favor of "irrationally" expanded judicial states, contributed to the achievement of socio-political stability in the country who survived the "Pugachevshchina" in the East, folk unrest and rebellion of nobility in the West, the formation of conditions for updating the traditional worldview and Omployment, development of a single legal culture. Retracting into the official legal field of social masses created in the future the possibilities for progressive restructuring of the judicial system.

In November 1796, the era of "State Liberalism" was interrupted. Emperor Paul I refused to artificially involve the peoples of Russia for judicial practice. The judicial system was simplified in the interests of centralizing management and reduce costs. Changes led to the cardinal strengthening of the social role of the bureaucracy,

deprived of restraining institutions of judicial representatives. Doreframe courts were restored in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Belarus. The administration of the eastern regions faced the problem of "linguistic" barriers93. The Orenburg border court who did not receive the recognition of the steppe population in the complex political conditions, in 1799 was included in the Border Business Commission94, Kazakh reprisals were abolished in November 1803.95

Experience in the functioning of Ekaterina II agencies was from 12 years in Siberian up to 20 years in European provinces.


1 See: Efremova N.N. Judicial reforms in Russia: traditions, innovations, problems // State and law. 1996. No. 6. P. 85-87; Kamensky AB From Peter I to Paul I. Reforms in Russia of the XVIII century. Experience of a holistic analysis M., 2001. P. 439-454; Migunov T.L. Russian court in the second half of the XVIII century. N. Novgorod, 2001.

2 Full set of laws of the Russian Empire I. (PSZ RI). T. XVI. № 11904.

3 PSZ Ri I. T. XX. № 14400.

4 there. № 14500, 14525, 14590, 14594, 14603.

5 PSZ Ri I. T. XVII. № 16297; T. XXII. № 16187. Art. 62-64; № 16188. Art. 49-51.

6 PSZ Ri I. T. XVI. № 11989.

7 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 15936.

8 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 17018.

9 is there. № 17459.

10 PSZ RI I. number. XXII. № 15988.

11 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 17079.

12 PSZ Ri I. T. XIX. № 13977; T. XXIII. № 17264.

13 PSZ Ri I. T. XVI. № 11904, 11932, 12049-11052.

14 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16256.

15 See: Lavrinovich M. Creating the social foundations of the empire in the XVIII century: Legislative practices regarding the urban population of Russia and their Western European sources. 2002. No. 3. P. 117 - 136.

16 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16391.

17 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 17327. P. 3.

18 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15436.

19 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16391.

20 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15359; T. XXIII. № 17112.

21 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16391.

22 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 17224.

23 ibid. № 17340.

24 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15265.

25 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16238.

26 PSZ Ri I. T. XVII. № 12307.

27 PSZ Ri I. T. T. XXII. № 16356.

28 Ibid. № 16194; T. XXIII. № 17010.

29 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 16746.

30 there. № 17348.

31 there. № 17039.

32 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16953; RGAD (Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts) F. 24. OP. 1. D. 60/2. L. 21.

33 Okache (United State Archive of the Chelyabinsk Region). F. 44. OP. 1. D. 3. L. 128 about.

34 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16095.

35 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 17010, 17048, 17147.

36 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15700; T. XXII. № 16195; T. XXIII. № 16898, 17300, 17514.

37 CGIA RB (Central State Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan). F. 346. OP. 3. D. 1. L. 3 about.

38 there. L. 1-3.

39 Gako (State Archive of the Kirov region). F. 582. OP. 44. D. 237. L. 85; F. 583. OP. 603. D. 171. L. 54; GASO (State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region). F. 8. OP. 1. D. 1925. L. 96; Okache F. 1. OP. 3. D. 10. L. 40; F. 15. OP. 1. D. 814. L. 4.

40 GATO (State Archive of Tomsk Oblast). F. 50. OP. 1. D. 1032. L. 12; Okache F. 15. OP. 1. D. 1379.

41 Okache. F. 115. OP. 1. D. 99. L. 11-12.

42 Gappo (State Archive of the Perm Region). F. 316. OP. 1. D. 78. L. 24-57.

43 Gappo F. 290. OP. 1. D. 6. L. 2-3; Marchenko V.G. Management and Court of the Small Peoples of the North of Siberia and the Far East: Dis. ... Cand. East. science Tomsk, 1985. P. 68-69.

44 See: Kabuzan V.M. Peoples of Russia in the XVIII century. Number and ethnic composition. M., 1990. P. 243-244.

45 See: Rakhmatullin U.Kh. Population of Bashkiria in x "^ - x" ^ P centuries. M., 1988; Yuldashbaev B.H. The problems of the nation and the political position of Bashkir in the composition of the Tsarist Russia. Ufa, 1979.

46 Gako. F. 583. OP. 600. D. 10. L. 1-2 vol., 43-43 about.

47 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15324.

48 See: Kabuzan V.M. The peoples of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. Number and ethnic composition. P. 187.

49 Okache. F. 44. OP. 1. D. 38. L. 6; CGIA RB. F. 346. OP. 3. D. 1. L. 3.

50 CGIA RB F. 1. OP. 1. D. 17. L. 124-198.

51 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15265.

52 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16082.

53 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15385, 15478; T. XXIII. № 16991.

54 PSZ Ri I. T. XVIII. № 12848; T. XX. № 14842; T. XXII. № 16507.

55 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 16828.

56 ibid. № 17526; T. XLSH. № 17494.

57 Gappo. F. 316. OP. 1. D. 67. L. 5-8.

58 Gako. F. 583. OP. 4. D. 949. L. 6; D. 82.

59 Okache. F. 115. OP. 1. D. 40. L. 27-27 about.

60 CGIA RB. F. 346. OP. 3. D. 1. L. 1 OB.-3 about.

61 Okache. F. 115. OP. 1. D. 58. L. 107.

62 CGIA RB. F. 1. OP. 1. D. 17. L. 154.

63 TF GATO (Tobolsky branch of the state archive of the Tyumen region). F. 341. OP. 1. D. 63. L. 48-49.

64 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15673.

65 rgad. F. 24. OP. 1. D. 62/3. L. 105.

66 ibid. D. 62/1. L. 151-152.

67 ibid. D. 62/2. L. 106-108 about.; 153-156.

68 there. D. 60. L. 210.

69 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15115; T. XXII. № 16603.

70 See: Minenko N.A. Russian peasant community in Western Siberia. XVS-XIX centuries. Novosibirsk, 1991. P. 129.

71 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI No. 15675; T. XXII No. 16165; T. XXIII No. 16829.

72 PSZ Ri I. T. XX. № 14252.

73 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15813; T. XXII. № 16355.

74 PSZ Ri I. T. XXI. № 15830; T. XXIII. № 17401.

75 PSZ Ri I. T. XVI. № 11931; T. XXI. № 15673; T. XXIII. № 16937.

76 rgad. F. 24. OP. 1. D. 33. L. 63-65.

77 PSZ Ri I. T. XIX. № 13489, 14000; T. XXI. № 15673.

78 rgad. F. 24. OP. 1. D. 60/1. L. 177-177 about.

79 ibid. D. 62/1. L. 35 about.; D. 66. L. 5-5 OB., 8-9; Kabuldinov Z.E. About the raids of the Kazakhs of the Middle Jus on

inner side. Omsk, 2001. P. 9.

80 GOO (State Archive of the Orenburg Region). F. 6. OP. 10. D. 1633. L. 5-9; F. 54. OP. one.

81 See: Materials on the history of the Kazakh SSR. M.; L., 1940. T. IV. P. 487.

82 See: Meyer L. Kyrgyz steppe of the Orenburg Office // Materials for geography and statistics of Russia, collected by officers of the General Staff. St. Petersburg., 1865. T. 10. P. 26.

83 See: Materials on the history of the Kazakh SSR. P. 124.

84 PSZ Ri I. T. XXII. № 16194.

85 PSZ Ri I. T. XXIII. № 17117, 17144.

86 ibid. № 17025.

87 ibid. № 17526.

88 there. № 17112.

89 See: Voropanov V.A. Practice of local justice: state courts for rural ordinary people of the Orenburg province in the last quarter of the XVIII - early XIX century. // Ay Trepo. 2002. No. 3. P. 137160; Shakurova F.A. Bashkir parish and community in the middle of the XVIII - early XIX century. Ufa, 1992. P. 67.

The fragment of the article from that 18 "Orthodox Encyclopedia". Moscow, 2008

E. A. was raised by his father in strict Lutherancy and for a long time Ko-flashed before switching to Orthodoxy. But when in 1744, E. A. Gray-Lo got sick and suggested to call Lu-Teran. Pastor, she demanded to send for Archim. Simon (Todorsky), which added her popularity at the court. In contrast to Peter III E. A. tried to demonstrate his religiosity. Attaching the posts and church rites, but allowed himself during the liturgy, sitting on the choir, lay her father-jans or discuss with the officials of the state. business At the same time, over the years, she realized the mystical significance of his choice of faith over the years. In the note "On the foresown", she wrote: "In 1744 a year on June 28 ... I adopted the Grekorossiysky Orthodox law. In 1762, on June 28 ... I adopted the All-Russian throne ... To this day ... It begins the apostle with the words: "I give you sister my damp, a landing minister". "

In the XVIII century In Russia, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe secularization of church lands was popular, the Kuyu perceived E. A. after coming to power, creating an image of the defender of the Church, the Empress 12 Aug. 1762 was canceled by Peter III attempts to secularization, which caused the clergy discontent. However, the idea itself was not thrown away, it was decided to create a special commission to study the problem of the Bud. secularization reform and development of regulatory documents. In nov 1762 by decree E. A. The Commission on church estates led by the Novgorod Mitre was established. Dimitri (Sechenov), Fit actually led the State Secretary of the city of N. Heat. The most important event in the preparation of reform was the descriptions of monastic and bishops, which were conducted by army officers. On May 12, 1763, the savings board was recreated, the duty of the preparation and reform of church possessions and peasants was entrusted to Ku.

26 Feb. 1764 A decree "On the division of spiritual estates" with the manifesto "On the suggestion of all the bishops and monastic peasants of the Board of Saving" (PSZ. T. 16. № 12060). T. about. The secularization of church lands was legally framed. All the estates of the Synod, the bishops and Mont-Rey were transferred to the property of the state and were subject to reference to the savings collegium, formerly. The monastery peasants began to be called "economic" and began to pay in the treasury of marks in the amount of 1 p. 50 k. From the soul, Mont-Rya was left only small gardens, gardens and pastures. 8.5 million decans were switched to the treasury. Earth, OK. 2 million peasants (men and women) and more than 1.5 million rubles. Annual income. At the same time, the treasury was entrusted with the material content of the bishops, Mon-Rey and spiritual schools (188 thousand rubles were allocated in total). The dioceses were divided into 3 classes: 3 dioceses were attributed to the 1st dioceses, the 2nd - 8, to the 3rd - 15. Also on 3 classes were also shared by the abode. In accordance with the class, the amounts for the content were determined, and in the mon-rhyme - and the number of monotums. Husband. Mont-ry 1 class had the right to receive annually from the treasury 2017,5 r. and contain up to 33 monastishes, MON-PI of the 2nd class - 1311.9 p. and contain up to 17 people, 3rd grade - 806.3 p. and contain up to 12 people. Outside discharges were delivered Trinity Sergiev Lavra, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, as well as the Cathedral Mont-Ri: Alexander Nevsky (afterwards Lava), vladimirsky in honor of the Nativity of the PRAC. Virgin, Ipatievsky in the name of St. Trinity, Novgorod-Seversky in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Chernigov Borisoglebsky I. Miracles in honor of the edge of the arch. Mikhail in Honhekh. Laurers were prescribed content in the amount of 10070 p. per year (this amount was replenished by donations from imp. yard). The rest of the monastery either became worn (they were also divided in 1764 on grades, depending on the number of monastishes and existed on donations and funds from the sale of various products), or abolished, attributed to the larger, turned into parish churches. 10 Apr. 1786 The secularization reform was carried out on the territory of Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod-Seversky pricing, 26 Apr. 1788- in Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav, Kursk and Voronezh priests, and in 1793-1795- in the affiliates of Lithuania, Zap. Belarus and Zap. Ukraine. In total, as a result of secularization, the state content received 272 mon-RAMs, more than 500 were abolished, the number of monastishes decreased by more than 2 times.

The reform hit the church, but the protest of the clergy was weak. When choosing candidates for the Bishops' Chairs, E. A., unlike its predecessors, made a bet on the immigrants not from Little Russia, and from the Great, which were more loyal to the policies of the Empress. Secularization criticized the Rostov Miter. schishmch. Arseny (Matsievich), In 1763, a convicted, devoid of Sana, and in 1767 the monastic title and the deceased in conclusion; Tobolsky Miter. SVT. Paul (Konushevich), dismissed on peace in 1768

E. A. paid attention to the problem of the reform of spiritual and educational institutions. In 1762, a commission was established to develop a plan for transformation of spiritual schools. According to the reform project (1766), it was supposed to divide spiritual and educational institutions for higher, middle and lower, introduce new items, more than SCU. teaching methods. The project was not implemented. To prepare teachers E. A. intended to open theological facts with Moscow Un-Those, however, this idea was also not implemented.

Continuing the policies of Elizabeth Petrovna and Peter III, E. A. It sought to include the Old Believers in the emerging civil society. To start. 60s. XVIII century Stakeholder centers have developed: Pomorie, Starodubye, Kergenets, Irgiz. The main center during this period was Moscow, where there were large communities of Beglopopovtsev, as well as the freeness: Fedoseevtsev, Pomorstsev and Filippovtsev. In addition, many Old Believers remained on the branch in the Commonwealth. From 1762, E. A. offered them to return to Russia and settle any place, but those who wanted almost no found. In 1764, troops were sent to the branch, more than 20 thousand. Plees were forcibly sent to the settlement to Siberia. The ruins were subjected and other centers of old-believe, for example. Stokey. In relation to bragopopovtsy, power adhered to a moderate course. Beltopopovtsy 7 times made attempts to find a bishop, even turned to the Holy Synod, but did not achieve anything. In 1788, some freedoms were provided to the Old Believers, the name "Raskolniki" officially abolished, the double layer was abolished. Old Believers were allowed to elect public positions. In the 80-90s. XVIII century In Starodube, on Irgiz, the Ingul got spread uNISHRANIE As a form of reconciliation with ultra. Church while maintaining old rituals.

E. A. initiated a massive resettlement of foreign colonists (primarily Germans) to various regions of the country (Volga region, Ukraine, Crimea, Baltic States). This significantly increased the number of Protestants (mainly Lutheran), as well as Catholics in Russia. They were allowed to build schools, churches, free to commit worship. Dec. 1772 Catholic was created. The diocese in Mogilev, all Catholic came to the jurisdiction. Parishes and Mont-Ri Lat. Rite in the territory of the Empire. The union remained. Diocese in Polotsk. The supervision of Catholics was carried out by the Justice College of Liflyand, Estland and Finnish affairs. Papal Bully could not be made public in Russia without the approval of the empress. Since 1794, a massive process of joining uniats to Orthodox has begun. Churches.

By decree of June 17, 1773 (PSI. T. 19. No. 13996) E. A. Proclaimed the principle of violence, the case of "Inoverts" was transferred from the management of diocesan bishops to the jurisdiction of the secular administration. Of particular importance it was for Muslim. population. Forbidden for the construction of mosques forbidden before the construction of the mosques was made, the madrasa was created. Since 1783, a reception for military service Tatars was allowed. Murz and "Chinovnaya People" and the assignment of officer ranks that gave the opportunity to get a nobility. However, to obtain the title above the premier major, the resolution of the Empress was required. When E. A. was preparing a decree that all Muslims who showed themselves to the devotees of the empire and had noble origin were equated in privileges to the nobility. This decree was already signed by Paul I in 1797. The active participation of Bashkir in the Pugachev uprising caused an increase in control over their communities. In 1782, from the maintenance of Bashkir. Starshin was seized by the Court of Small Criminal and Civil Affairs, transmitted by the Lower Spravel, which existed in parallel with the same sprauls engaged in the affairs of Rus. peasants. Decree from 22 Saint. 1788 in Ufa was established by Musulm. The spiritual assembly led by a mufti, headed by Mullah (except for the Mull of the Tavrician region and Zap. Province) and the subordinate to Ufa governorship, and later the Office of the Orenburg Governor. Decree of January 23 1794 Muslims were opened in Simferopol. Spiritual Board for the Tauricual Region. and zap. Gubniy led by muftius. As a result, the Mullam was determined by the state. The content, the secular administration began to solve questions about the appointment of Mulle, as well as disputes and cases subject to, according to Sharia, the disaster in the Councils of Mullee and Starin. She also followed the execution of military service Bashkirs (border service and participation in wars). Back in 1769, Tatars began to teach the Kazan gymnasium. Islam language and basics. With incentive policies in relation to Musulm. The culture of Tatars is associated with the educational activities of S. Kh. Halphine and his son I. S. Halphine, who made up the 1st printed Tatars. ABC (1778), Russian-Tatar. Dictionary (more than 20 thousand words) and other benefits. In 1787, Arab was printed in St. Petersburg. Text of the Quran with notes.

The principle of violence was distributed on the Jews, the number of reasons in Russia increased significantly after the sections of the Commonwealth. Decons 1791 and 1794. In places of compact residence of the Jews, the trait of settling was established, outside the limits they could not live. The transition of Jews in Christianity removed all the limitations.

Siberia's development contributed to the spread of Orthodoxy among the local population. There were whole villages fixed on Earth baptized Buryat. Buryat and Evenkov was charged with the duty to bear the border service, protecting the territory from Mong raids. Khan and Thai. At the same time, it contributed to the spread among Buryat, especially Zabaykali, Buddhism in the form of Lamaism. In 1771, a significant part of Kalmyks living in the Merrar Dream (Urals), Volga and Don, on Terek and confessed by Lamaism, moved to China, in the Astrakhan lips. It remains OK. 13 thousand families. Some of them (ch. Arr. From in Doulia) were attributed to the Cossack class of the land of Don Troops and gradually moved to Orthodoxy.

A. I. Commissarenko

In general, in Russia, with Catherine II (1762-1796), religious tolerance policy was carried out. Representatives of all traditional religions have not experienced pressure and oppression. Thus, in 1773 the law on the tolerance of all religions, prohibiting the Orthodox clergy to interfere in the affairs of other denominations; Secular power reserves the right to solve the issue of establishing temples of any faith.

Having entered the throne, Catherine abolished Decree Peter III on the secularization of land in the church. But in February 1764 again issued a decree on the deprivation of the Church of Land Property. Monastery peasants with a number of about 2 million people. Of course, the clergy was seized and transferred to the Office of the Board of Savings. The states of the state included churches, monasteries and bishops. In Ukraine, the secularization of monastic possessions was held in 1786.

Thus, the clergy fell into dependence on secular power, as it could not carry out independent economic activity. Catherine has achieved from the government of the Commonwealth of the equation in the rights of religious minorities - Orthodox and Protestants.

In Catherine II, the persecution of old-handers stopped. Continuing the policy of the spouse of Peter III overthrown by her, the Empress supported his initiative of return from the border of the Old Believers, the economically active population. They were specifically assigned a place on Irgiz (modern Saratov and Samara region). They were allowed to have priests.

The free resettlement of the Germans to Russia led to a significant increase in the number of Protestants (mainly Lutheran) in Russia. They were also allowed to build chicks, schools, free to commit worship. At the end of the XVIII century, only in one Petersburg had more than 20 thousand Lutheran.

For the Jewish religion, the right to the public administration of faith was maintained. Religious affairs and disputes were left under the jurisian courts. Jews, depending on their existing capital, were ranked at the appropriate class and could be elected to local governments, becoming judges and other civil servants.

By decree Catherine II in 1787, in the printing house of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, for the first time in Russia, the full Arabic text of the Islamic Holy Book of the Quran was printed for free distribution of Kirgizam. The publication was significantly different from European primarily by what Muslim character was worn: the text to the press was prepared by Mullah Usman Ibrahim. In St. Petersburg from 1789 to 1798, 5 editions of the Quran appeared. In 1788, a manifest was released, in which the Empress commanded "to establish a spiritual assembly of the Moometansky law in Ufa, which has a department of all the spiritual officials of the law, ... excluding the Tauride region." Thus, Catherine began to embed the Muslim community into the system of the government of the Empire. Muslims received the right to build and restore mosques.

Buddhism also received state support in the regions where it traditionally confessed. In 1764, Catherine established the post of Hambo Lama - the heads of Buddhists in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. In 1766, Buryat Lama recognized Catherine to the embodiment of Bodhisattva White Tara for the benevolence to Buddhism and the humane board.