Max Tal30 new wise wise for good luck, achieve goals, gaining the necessary qualities at the right moment. For calm and concentration. Story old man about power, management, influence

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Arthur / 5.02.2015 Surprise works. Although first treated skeptically. Especially financial.

Max Tal.

36 wise money and influence

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Dedication to the secret knowledge of the wise teacher, as well as Mr. Keshin, was not verminated. He took my hands to his hands, long studied them, and then began to massage the fingers and points on the palms. I carefully watched his actions and further felt how my hands get hot.

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Max Tal.

All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in whatever form without the written permission of copyright holders.


The art of wise is special gestures, or the positions of the fingers of the hands capable of changing reality - for a long time in the east, there was a secret for seven seals. This art was passed from the teacher to the student, and on the legend it was even believed that the one who reveals the secret to a strange thing could die. And of course, for Europeans, for the past centuries, it was indeed unthinkable to even think to get at least a bit of this secret knowledge to touch him at least a rapid mind.

I do not know why it happened that it was that I became the European, who did not only have opened knowledge, but who was honored to carry it further, entitled to the secrets of the East so far from him before Europe. If the times have changed so much or some more reasons so that secret knowledge became explicit - but some way or another, the strength managed by my fate led me straight to this mystery. And we are not always, probably, you need to know how and why our fate develops so, and not otherwise. Do not comprehend this by the human mind, and it remains only to follow your destination, for it is from the Most High, and the Almighty is better known that it is good for us, and what is bad, and what way we should go for the best ministry to him.

My Indian teacher blessed me to give you this knowledge. And if this book is in your hands, it means that this knowledge is intended for you. Amazing, inceptible ways sometimes comes to us something that becomes the most important thing for us in life. The truth comes with amazing paths, and the fate itself.

Knowledge gave me at all at all. Before it became available to me, I lost everything that I had, and almost lost my life. Later, I realized that it was a kind of test needed to me then. Do not pass through this face, it is unlikely that my sufficiently lazy and the brain can be mobilized to master the new knowledge, and even so unusual for a sober-minded and confident Europeans.

I will try to briefly tell us about my adventures, which may might be the basis of the novel, or even one. But my task is not to entertain you, but to give information that will help you correctly perceive the knowledge set out in the book: Take them with due respect and seriousness.

Words about my chosenness. Surprise and shock!

Many years ago I was an ordinary student, with very ordinary abilities. My life path seemed to be predetermined: having received economic education, I was going to do business, going at the footsteps of my father.

But one day the buddy introduced me to his teacher yoga. And I unexpectedly interested in this occupation, which began to do, and quite seriously. Although my progress was modest, what I was aware of.

One day a stranger came to the class, which for some reason I wanted to please. It felt something special, some power. And I began to try my best. But, apparently, even the simplest Asana could not fulfill from overflow.

When, after classes, this man approached me, I pulled my head in my shoulders, waiting for a devastating low marks. But instead, the words surprised me were sounded. I even doubted: did I heard? "You have a seal of selected," this man said to me. - And your hour will come. "

Before me, I did not immediately reached the meaning of what was said. And when it came out - I experienced a real shock. I? Elected? What does it mean? And most importantly - what should I do about it next?

But there were no answers. It remained to wait that they may still appear.

After I found out that this man was a teacher of my yoga teacher. I remembered this meeting for a long time, but time went, and nothing in me, nor in the surrounding world, did not tell me what my chosen is. And I began to pray that God will show me this.

When we are looking for answers to our questions, these answers come - in one form or another. The answer to my question about what my chosenness consists, came to me in so strange form that I immediately did not even understand what this is the answer.

Beggar old man. Strange meeting and a strange conversation

- You must listen to me. After all, I also had once a selection of selected ... like you.

I shuddered. Who is this person? How, how does he know? .. Of course, I carefully listened to everything that the old man said.

And he said that I should immediately throw and go to India - if I just don't want to repeat his fate, becoming the same beggar.

It turned out, he was not always like that! On the contrary, once it was a rich, succeeding person, the heir of huge capital. And once he, like me, heard that it was a selection of chosenness and that his mission is to go to India and get special knowledge there, which will help many people. But he gently neglected this advice received from a wise man, and did not go anywhere.

Soon his family was ruined, and how he tried to fix things, nothing came out. As a result, he lost everything, and even the roof over his head.

For a few days I went under the impression of this meeting, but then I decided that the speeches of the polusch-headed old man could hardly trust. Yes, and the trip to India could not enter my nearest plans.

And so, when I have already started to forget about what happened, the extraordinary circumstances of my life reminded me of the words of the old man.

Serious troubles in my family. My way lies in India

The business of my father failed. For me it was like a thunder among a clear sky. It turned out that things were not very good for a long time, but the parents hid it from me, until the last moment hoping to correct the situation. However, bankruptcy could not be avoided. We were in huge debts, so I had to even lay a house. Father on this soil run down with a heart attack.

In such a situation, I could not continue my studies at the university. I had to look for at least some work.

For several days I went like a robust, trying to get used to this new reality, and then unexpectedly for myself quickly gathered and went to India - absolutely not understanding that I would do there.

I will not go into the details of this trip - I will only say that after a long flight with transfers, delays in the flights and overnight at the airport I arrived in Delhi already tired enough and not enough and, barely finished the hotel with a very ascetic atmosphere, immediately collapsed on the bed And fell asleep dead sleep. When I woke up, I started thinking what to do next. I did not have any travel plan. And I decided to start to go to Rishikesh, the city, which I heard a lot like about the world capital of yoga.

But the train going to Rishikesh was not, but was another, going to the city nearby, in two tens of kilometers.

I decided that this distance would somehow overcome, and without hesitation sat down into the car.

The way is not a joke is experiencing me

And then I made a mistake - I did not fastened the luggage to a special ring under the seat, as other passengers did. As a result, I did not have time to rear, like a backpack of my and the next washed. - On the railway, I was doing a shouter thumbnail, and maybe not alone.

And I hoped in naught that with the arrival in India, all the troubles will dispel as smoke. How did I scold myself for the children's faith in fairy tales! The trouble seemed to acquire only a new scope.

I went out at the final station without money and documents and in a state close to despair. The legs themselves brought me to the bazaar, apparently, because the body has long been demanding food and water, and I have nothing to sleep and nothing to quench hunger and thirst. I probably had a hungry and unhappy, besides, I could not explain anything because of ignorance of the language, and local merchants, sorry me, began to give me some kind of fuzzy fruits and vegetables. Whether from hunger and thirst, or simply on the nervous soil, I all of this eaten with greed, forgetting that nowhere, and in India, especially, in no case there are vegetables and fruits are unwashed.

It is not surprising that very soon I felt all the symptoms of acute poisoning. I barely reached some building, sat down on the ground, while having lost my mind, and, apparently, I lost consciousness, because further remembered very vaguely. I was in the heat and delusion, my condition was critical, but a miraculous way came to me.

My Savior and the first conductor on the way to know

Not understanding how much time has passed, I woke up in some kind of cozy room. It turned out to be a small hotel, under the walls of which I became bad. The owner of the hotel, smiling, friendly Hindu in a natural way saved me. And when we met closer and talked, it turned out that my Savior (who asked himself to call himself Mr. Keshin) is if not a specialist, then a well-knowledgeable person in terms of ancient knowledge, and in particular, sciences about how with gestures Hands to master the art of managing the material world.

So, it seems happen by chance, I first learned about the art of ancient Indian wise. Although, as I now understand, nothing accidental was on my way. The fate itself led me and suggested every step, and if I was not there, I pushed, not very much with me. What to do if there was no other way to bring me to my destination, except to spend through a whole series of tests and troubles.

Mr. Keshin, having learned about my misadventures in India, drew attention to my hands, and said that everything had been natural with me. My hands, too tense, give me anxious and restless person in me, and the habit without having to squeeze the fists talks about my impassiveness and with difficulty holding away aggressiveness. I do not hide me, I hid the phrase of my interlocutor that a person with such hands is able to lose not only money and things, but even himself.

But I did not get angry and offended - because these words were pronounced softly, besides, in the tone of Mr. Keshin, he was heard sincere participation and the desire to help me.

Then I learned from him that my energy meridians almost do not work. As I did yoga, then, of course, knew about the energy meridians. But with his characteristic one, I was convinced that I was convinced that my most meridians are certainly all right. And then suddenly the real Hindu assures me in the opposite.

I was extremely excited this conversation. I felt: here it is, prophecy about my chosenness, begins to be carried out. I realized that I was on the right track. That my path led me to India and really not accidentally.

As a result, Mr. Keshin promised that he would introduce me to a real teacher, a specialist in yoga, and in particular on yoga fingers, as sometimes called the ancient art of a wise.

And when I, having recovered from my illness, got strength, and I moved to Mr. Keschin.

We went for a long time on the bold hot sun with a narrow streets, and then came to a small building, which turned out to be a Shiva temple, where there was a four-time statue of this Hindu deity.

Mr. Keshin told me to look at the two lower hands of the statue folded into special gestures. And I immediately felt the special energy embedded in these gestures. It was then that first time in my life realized that gestures could carry the information hardly more than words.

When we left the temple, Keshin told me that it was Shiva who brought peaceful knowledge to people - about how with the help of hands, or rather - gestures, you can find power over the material world.

- Power is not in the sense, in which you understand, Europeans, - clarified Keshin. - For you, power is the opportunity to subjugate other people. We are here in India, it is not necessary. Why subordinate to the other, do it with your slave when you can be the Lord of the Matter itself? That is, according to your will, create all that you need, without making immense efforts, no one or others.

- And you can also create money from the air too? - I asked with a grin.

Teacher. The most important meeting

At first I thought that the priest of the Shiva Temple, who read the mantras all the time that we were there - and there is the teacher about Mr. Keshin. But everything turned out to be much more difficult and mysterious. The path to the teacher, it turns out, has not yet begun. I still had the tests on this path. After all, Keshin reported that for meeting with the teacher, I will have to go to the mountains, and alone! In unfamiliar mountains, smoking jungle.

How I was naive, thinking that the teacher lives somewhere nearby. In fact, he turned out to be a hermit living in the mountains. Keshin told me that he never leaves his habitat. Therefore, there is only one way to meet the teacher - to come to himself, whatever it cost.

In this test, of course, a great meaning was also laid. Go alone the path in the mountains, through the jungle, can only be the one who really needs to meet with the teacher. Whose intention to meet him is absolutely firmly and adamant. Who is ready to achieve this meeting by anything.

I was ready to find teachers by anything. I have already firmly convinced, and most importantly - my heart suggested me that I just need to meet him. And that I will not retreat from this intention.

Keshin in detail told me how to find the road, pointed out all the guidelines on the way. And the next morning I went to the route specified to me.

I was ready for all the peripeties of the road. I was very determined. I gave myself a word: I will not give up, I will not turn back, whatever obstacles do not meet me along the way.

And, apparently, as a reward for my firm determination, the path did not predict unpleasant surprises. He was not even very long. Already by noon, I went to the place of the same day, where, for all the signs, the home of the hermit should be.

But I didn't even have to look for him: the teacher sat near one of the boulders, and there were many on an extensive plateau, where my path ended, and as if I was waiting for me.

He really waited for me!

I was immediately filled with reverence to this saddogo, dark, thin man whose age was given out that Sedina. This instantly emerged reverence and great respect for the teacher, I carry in my heart so far.

He asked him to call him just an old man, and I agreed, although I immediately seemed that this name was not very much.

Of course, in reality his name is different. But he has reason not to call his real name. And I respond to this with respect to this.

Start. Ten days devoted to the development of secret knowledge

My learning began with the fact that the old man has long studied my palms, and then easily touched several points on them. I immediately felt the energy flowed in my hands. Hands as if came to life, awakened from a long hibernation. I started literally feeling every cage of my hands. They seemed to be endowed not only by special strength, but also by consciousness.

I came to the old man every day for ten days, during which he taught me the awakening of energy in his hands, then control this energy and through energy born in gestures - wise, the energy management of the surrounding world. Each lesson lasted about three hours. This time flew unnoticed. I was ready to go to him yet, but one day the old man said that I would not come to this at this time to India. The first cycle of classes is completed, and now it has come for me to return home and independent practice.

I myself felt that it was time to go home. Yes, and continue to use the hospitality Koshin, who still disinterestedly provided me with a table and shelter, I also could no longer.

Knowledge brings me money!

However, the old man has repeatedly told me that this time to arrival in India is not the last.

Looking ahead, I will say that it came out. Since then, I have started going to India annually and live there for two weeks there, and for two or three months, learning daily to wisely at the old man.

And at that moment, despite the course of study and for the changes that I felt in myself (my anxiety disappeared, a peacekeeping appeared, and the feeling of special energy in the body, and my hands no longer lived separately from me unconscious), I Still did not know where I take money to at least buy a train ticket.

I told about this Keshin, he looked at me surprised. Then I deletedly said: "You are already known to cash wise wise."

Monetary wisers? In the process of my learning, the old man never uttered these words. I took our classes with him rather as preparatory to master the welfare energies. I did not even think that I could already own them.

But I couldn't go to him again - he clearly told me that this meeting was the last. I had to think myself. Reaching in the room that Keshin took me, I began to remember everything that the old man taught me. All exercises for hands, all gestures, wisers that he showed me, I repeatedly worked out every night, and now it's not necessary to repeat everything. But I still could not understand which of these gestures can help me return the money.

I again and again repeated wisers, who taught me an old man, and listened to the feeling of his body. I began to understand that gestures in which I add hands, change the energy of my body noticeably. Then I felt the energy of the surrounding space. I traveled these subtle changes, trying to understand what information they carry, what they mean, what impact on reality is provided.

And I began to act at my own risk, continuing to practice precisely those wiseers who seemed to me should have helped me.

The next morning I went out to the street - not knowing why. I no longer need to go to the old man, I still had no money for returning to Delhi. Just what is called, my legs suffered.

I came to the memorial cemetery, where the ceremony of honoring a saint on his grave was finished. People came out due to the fence. Several women sitting on the benches gone, rose and also went away.

On one bench, where the woman was just sitting, there was some object. Go closer, I saw that it was a wallet. An ordinary female leather wallet, which I have seen a lot in local bears.

Grabbing the wallet, I immediately rushed after a woman and shouted:

- Madame! You left!

Dressed in Sari, the elderly Indian woman turned around, horror was reflected on the face on a moment, which immediately replaced by joy when I gave her a wallet. She began to thank me, I murmured something like "not worth thanks" and was going to leave, but she took the bill from the wallet and began to stubborn me. I refused, but she did not lag behind, and I took it rather from politeness.

Engineering money in his pocket, I got back to my hotel, Keshin. And already there found that he became the owner without a small two thousand rupees.

And only here it came to me that my wisers worked! Monetary wise, as I could not understand it immediately!

On the same day, I settled with Keschin, even though he refused to take money for food and shelter, saying that I was his guest. But in the end, nevertheless agreed to a small amount, explicitly making me a solid discount.

Cases are miraculously settled. And not only me

Soon I was already in Delhi. In the hotel, from where I went on a journey, I was waiting for another surprise. It turned out that literally a few hours before my return, someone threw here my wallet, stolen with a backpack on the train! There was naturally money there, but the passport was safe and preservation. There was also a card of the hotel, which served as a guide for the "good" thief, who decided to return the document to the unfortunate foreigner.

Now nothing prevented my prosperous return home. So my first ended, but not the last trip to India.

Returning home, I learned that the father became noticeably better. But in the house reigned a truly mourning atmosphere, as my parents were extremely suppressed by the latest events in the family and did not know how to dig out from the debt.

Suddenly, I felt that now I am the head of family and liability for further life lies with me.

I remember how in India money literally fell on me at the right moment, it was worth only to start practicing money wise wise, I enneumed this practice with enthusiasm.

There were no weeks as a former companion of the Father, which has long lost a very decent amount (for which no one has hoped for a return, since this man rushed to the run) suddenly appeared and returned the debt.

In view of the poor health of the father, the Father recovered this money to me. I managed to start a new business on them, which quickly began to generate income. A year later, we were able to buy our house. Father recovered. And I soon returned to school at the university.

And soon I was waiting for another surprise. I met that older who prophesied about India and the coming poverty, if I refuse to go there.

Only now it was not a beggar old man, but quite decently dressed Mr. Middle Ages. I would not recognize him, but he himself came up to me, and only in his eyes, according to the very memorable smart and firm look I realized that it was true.

He thanked me for fulfilling a promise and went to India. He said that I saved not only myself, but also him. Otherwise, his life would have disappeared in a gift, and he would have killed him for anything. But since he still managed to convey knowledge of his knowledge to the right hands, then his fate was finally turned to her face. He managed to find a job and accumulate money to remove housing.

My life also returned to a prosperous king, but still it was a completely different life than before.

So in my first visit to India, I mastered the art of wise, designed to attract and create welfare energy. Why this kind of energy I had to master first - I do not know, but I guess: we first come to the solution of the most relevant problems for us. Since at that moment I was on the verge of despair from the impending poverty and the whole soul wanted to solve exactly this problem - the decision came to me that surprisingly.

New meetings with teacher and new knowledge

But life did not stand in place - she moved forward. And, accordingly, put new tasks and brought new problems.

Now I understand that every problem in our life is a call with which the fate appeals to us: a call to move forward, to new knowledge, new experience, new wisdom and a new look at the usual things. But then, when I was younger and naive, I have not yet understood it. I thought I learned a lot in India and is able to cope with the most serious problems. I had a family, my own business with a good income, and my life was quite successful. Yes, I have achieved a lot due to learning from the old man!

But once I realized that my education was far from completed. What I know a lot about money and generating their welfare energy - but much to a lesser extent I speak the art of communication with people. When the relationship did not make up, at first I perceived it as an annoying interference and thought that the problem was in other people or in circumstances. But when these difficulties in the relationship posed at first my business, and then the world in my family - I first thought that, perhaps something was wrong with me. If there is a welfare energy that can be seized in order to live sides - so, maybe there is some kind of energy relationship, which can also be seized with a wise to live in harmony with you and others?

And when I asked this question to India, I asked this question to the old man, I saw a satisfied smile on his face.

"It's good that you ask about it," he said. - I have long been waiting for you, when you are ready for a conversation about power. The real government is not only over the energy of well-being, but also over the world as a whole. Now you are finally ready for this.

At first I was confused. The issues of power did not particularly interest me. I did not strive to belong to the strong world of this.

What an old man answered me that I, apparently, I misunderstand the word "power" itself. And asked me to clarify my idea that, in fact, it is.

"Everyone knows what power is," I replied. "It's when you want anyone you want to order anything, and they will obey you."

"But no," the old man laughed. - You, like many, hit the stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bpower. In fact, power is quite another.

- And what is it?

- This power is when you do not need to order anyone, and at the same time everything is happening as you need.

I was silent, hesitation over his words. Yes, they had some kind of incomprehensible until the truth for me. And at the same time ... I started to understand what he meant. After all, I myself have already acquired some experience, and knew that when we own welfare energy, you do not need anyone to ask for money. Money simply come to you some kind of inspired paths.

Apparently, something similar happens with the energy of power. If you own it, you do not need to order and make orders - after all, circumstances are in your favor and without it. As if you manage the circumstances implicitly, without invoking rudely by our orders to the world around us - and change it naturally and gently.

In such a plan, I never thought about power. And for the first time I realized that I always dreamed of such power. Not about towering over people, be the leader. But to manage the world, the life of wise and wisely - to the general good, and its own, and other people.

Still, I had many questions immediately. Is it well, is it ethical - to manage people, affect people? And if they do not want it? Doesn't it make it manipulation?

I asked all this old man. And prepared carefully listen to his answer.

Story old man about power, management, influence

- Power, influence, management - these words in your western world really sound frightened, - he began his story. - It's all because you are all raised in the principles of struggle. From childhood, you have driven the idea to your heads that you can succeed and flourish only at the expense of someone else. They say, winning the enemy, and then you will be fine. And otherwise he will win, and it will be good to him, and you feel bad. And it does not even come to mind that you can live without war, without struggle. So that everything was good!

- But it does not happen! - I put up my replica yet.

The old man just smiled:

- So, these are your words - another confirmation of the western way of thought. We are here in the East, we live differently. We understand that the struggle does not bring to good. Even the one who considers himself to winning, eventually loses. Because all people are connected. It is impossible to defeat the other, without losing himself. But it can be done so that the winners are all! To do this, you need to abandon the struggle.

- But do not refuse to fight - does not mean to surrender and lose?

- In the psychology of the Western person, abandon the struggle - it means to surrender. Otherwise you do not think to yourself. But what would you say, learning that everything else is different in true reality?

- In TRUE - is it in what?

- In the invisible reality, in the reality of energy, which is the essence of the world. In this reality you can get away from the struggle and at the same time not to surrender. Do not surrender - and defeat.

- Without struggle?

- Without struggle. The struggle comes in the one who gives itself to deceive illusory visibility. You see some interference on your way, for example, a person who seems to you, prevents you from living like you want. And it seems to you that if you somehow steal this person, for example, you threaten or punish it, he will change his behavior and stops you to interfere. And now you begin to somehow influence this person, suppress him will. Suppose, for some time you manage to achieve your own, and he ceases to interfere. But sooner or later you will face the devastating consequences of such behavior. Or this person begins to oppose you. Or you encounter the fact that your actions destroy not only the life of another person, but also your own. Since it is impossible to send any power into the outside world without sending it at the same time and on itself.

I thought about these words. Well, the old man is right as always: this is exactly what happens. People do not see the energy reality - the true essence of the world. They do not see that in this reality the law is valid: what power will send it out - such and get in response. They do not see that all people are interconnected between themselves and can not destroy the life of another person, it is impossible to suppress his will, without destroying himself.

Therefore, trying to influence the power of other people, we do not succeed - or achieved, but only for a short time, after which we pay for this success with great own problems.

And yet the old man says that we can gain power over the world, we can manage it, we can influence people ... But how to do it, so as not to suppress the will of the will in order not to destroy the draws of life to act only in contemptive means good?

- Everything is very simple! - continued the old man. - To gain power, do not try to influence directly on people. Avoid this error. Instead of this act gently and descendant - affect the energy of the world.Create energy configurations you need. And then in your life, they will begin to develop the circumstances that you need. It is the people who themselves voluntarily without violence and pressure from your side will appear to do what you need. And the most natural way will disappear from your life those who prevent your plans or simply acts on you in the best way.

- Wow! - I exclaimed, anticipating huge new opportunities that I did not dream. - This is the influence, such power I really want to learn!

"That's what I am going to teach you," the old man replied. "And, as you already, of course, guess the main means of government, management and influence will be a well-known tool to you - wise.

My mission - transfer knowledge to you

So, I was again the long, complex, but extremely interesting training. And again I suggest to pass it and you, reader, following me.

In accordance with the stages of my learning, which I told here, the practical part of this book is divided into two parts. One of them shows wisers for gaining welfare, wealth, wealth. In another - wise associated with human interactions designed to help you establish relations, gain power and influence, if you wish to become a leader, as well as learn how to independently from other hazardous desires.

You can master them in any order. The logic of my learning demanded that first I mastered welfare wisers. But this does not mean that you must follow the same logic. Decide what is more relevant for you now. If welfare questions - then start, like me, from the first part. If issues of relationships, authorities, management, influence - start with the second. On the quality of mastering you wise, it will not affect.

At this preface, let it end. I just say that the ancient art wise became truly my vocation. I continue to study it to this day. Actively practicing this art and mastering all his diversity, but I can, nevertheless, to say that anywhere, in no sources and no teachers have met more than the special method of learning, which gave me an old man, and most importantly - Whoever I did not hear any of the special monetary wits, no about the wise of power over the material world, including the world of people. This, speaking in modern language - exclusive. Knowledge that to this day was only available to a narrow circle of dedicated.

But the time of power over the material world has already come not only for the elected, but for everyone who wants and is ready to touch this knowledge.

The ancient wise of power over the material world will only gain more and more from the fact that many people will practice them.

I give it knowledge, this power and power in the hands of my readers. Direct all this on the creation of good.

But before proceeding to practice, please read the first part of this book, which precesses two practical parts, numbered here as the second and third. It gives important information about the ancient art of wise and about the secrets of the true world order, without knowledge of which this art is impossible to comprehend. This part of the book will help you properly configure your consciousness for the best understanding of the art of wise and fully arrange to approach practical work.

Part I. All you need to know before working on this book.

True world order: the whole world is permeated with energy threads

Westers - ancient art. Many people consider it akin to magic, but it is not. Yes, they give a result that can be called magic, but at the heart of the art of Muds there is nothing mystical or queen - and there are only true knowledge of the nature of the world.

These knowledge of the ancient India. According to legends, they were brought from heaven themselves gods, giving a particularly marked instructed to teachers. According to other legends, this knowledge came to ancient India from the highly developed ancient civilization known as the name of the Arctic, or hyperborea. The art of managing the world, based on the knowledge of his true nature, was mastered there in perfection.

And what about the true nature of the world, on the knowledge of which the art of wise is built? This knowledge also came time to become obvious. According to him, all our world is permeated with energy threads. These threads permeate all the human body and associate a person with the outside world. There are millions of input points and outputs of these threads on the hands of the hands and footsteps of the feet. Thanks to these relations, a person is part of not only the surrounding nature, but also the whole universe.

The universe is a living organism, a person is his cell, associated with a whole set of living threads, which is transmitted to energy and information.

This connection is direct and reverse. We can receive energy from the universe and information and thus replenish our stock of vitality and correctly navigate in the surrounding life. But we can influence the world around the world through the threads connecting us with him. We can even master the art of creating such combinations of these threads that will change the energy around us the best for us.

Because on the palms and fingers of the hands of many points of entry and exit energy yarns, it is easiest to manipulate them with gestures, folding your fingers into certain combinations.

Westers are special combinations of fingers, gestures of hands, with the help of which various combinations of energy yarns, binding us to the outside world are created.

The material world is subject to our will

Westers allow us to change the material world, manage them in their will. Without applying physical effort.

Human self organs usually resist this truth. They do not believe that the material world may vary in our will without interference. Usually people interfere in the material world by force. So they want to benefit for themselves. Even trying to reverse rivers. But the result from power intervention is usually either disproportionately small and does not meet the efforts spent, or and the opposite desired one at all.

We get a much more weighty and significant result when we act without rough strength, not in the forehead, but urgent. When we work with subtle tools - by their will, intention, not a fist, but the tips of the fingers. When we act on energy, and not on the material component of the world. And thanks to our exposure to energy, the material component itself changes.

This is only for unprepared sense organs, the world seems dense, unshakable and with difficulty changes. In fact, the visible world is plastic. It can be changed as we need, literally several movements of your fingers.

We can create an abundance of your fingertips in your life, attracting money, ending with poverty forever. We can create everything you need for ourselves, without the need to abandon the sake of this in a gravitory work. We can gain genuine wealth - of course, it does not fall out of the sky on you, but the art of wise will help you create such circumstances of your life in which wealth will come the most natural way for you. We can establish the relationship you need with people. We can protect yourself from all unwanted influences. We can gain strength and power, fulfill our most bold desires and achieve the highest goals. At the same time, we do not have to fight, punch the head of the wall and make a lot of effort. Everything desired is carried out in the most comfortable form for us.

We can change the energies of the surrounding

By creating a particular combination of energy yarns, we change the configuration of the space around us.

All that happens to us in life, first arises in the form of an energy configuration of space. And only then this energy "scheme" or "project" is embodied in the form of real events.

By changing the "project" in time, we change in the right side and the course of our life events.

Thus, wisers are a universal means of managing the outside world - due to the ability of our fingers to create special combinations of energy yarns and change the energy configuration of the space around us.

The word "Mudra" has many values. Usually it is translated from Sanskrit as "print", "sign". But these values \u200b\u200bare very conditional. The true meaning of this word is much deeper. It contains an indication of the ability of the human mind to comprehend the truth of the surrounding world, thanks to which the hands receive the gift of control of energies in order to create joy for themselves and others.

Thanks to the wise, your life will become flat, smooth and pleasant

Gestures of most people are chaotic and disordered. They do not carry the necessary energy and information, and therefore they are not able to create a clear and clear combination of energy yarns. Meanwhile, only a clear and clear combination of these threads becomes a programming factor - creates a certain combination of the energy of the surrounding space, which forms the events you need for a person.

Due to the chaoticness of gestures, most people in the surrounding space are made not clear programs of events, but only information "noise". Therefore, in the life of an ordinary person a lot of interference and accidents.

It happens that a man involuntarily attracts his own hands. Anxious, tense, nervous hands create such configurations of space that attract anxiety, voltage, nervousness and unnecessary vanity.

But most people are not able to seriously affect the events of life with gestures. This is because the energy threads that permeate the body are in very sluggish, not active condition. This is especially characteristic of Europeans with their traditionally materialistic mindstream. In the east, people significantly feel their unity with the universe. They know that the body is only a compatibility of the Spirit.

In the West, people often perceive themselves only as a physical body existing separately from the world. When we at least mentally separate ourselves from the energies of the world, then these energies in our body will die, weaken, become sluggish. Hence the disease, loss of vitality, early aging and too short life - all the main misfortunes of modern civilized states.

When the energies in the human body are too weak, the entry points and the exit of energy yarns on the fingers and palms cease to be active. They are becoming something like clogged spring, which can no longer give the purely life-giving moisture.

But it is enough to master a few accurate, having a big power of influence on the reality of gestures, as life will change. It is breeding, even the most intractable problems will begin to resolve, and welfare will come to your life. A normal course of life is a smooth, pleasant, smooth course, without shocks and obstacles. This is the course of life when at the right moment it comes to us exactly what we need for well-being and prosperity are the necessary circumstances, the necessary things, the necessary people. This is the flow of life in which we sell our potentials in everything, and therefore satisfied and happy.

Only this should be a human life!

The art of wise helps us make it such. With the help of gesture magic, we will build energy configurations we need, thanks to which we simply remove everything that interferes with us and create the energy of prosperity, well-being, joy, happiness, the most arrangement of us relationships.

Now you know the main secret of the wise. It is that wise are a way to interact with the Universe by managing energy threads. But that's not all. The special secret is as follows: With the help of these energy yarns, you can change not only the space next to you, but also to affect any distance. If you want, your impact will affect any person on the planet, even a completely unfamiliar, even living on the other end of the globe, who you have no chance to ever meet. And, nevertheless, he can become a significant person in your destiny, and you are in it.

Moreover, your impact can spread immediately to large masses of people. And even, with some skill, on all of humanity!

Mustache? Yes. But also responsible.

Therefore, let's talk about some of the rules that need to be observed before mastering the art of influence and power with a wise.

Three working conditions with wise

The use of wise is available to each person and does not require special training. You simply folds in a special way to fingers - and the world changes. This can be compared with the game on a musical instrument. I just had silence - but it is worth touching the strings, as the sound arises, a certainly changing space.

Mudra acts by itself. To get the result, only to execute it. But still, from the fulfillment of the same wise, the results of different people, and even at the same person in different cases, may differ. Therefore, applying wise, we must firmly know what we want to get and from what depends on the receipt of exactly the result that we need. And it depends on three things:

- hardness and activity of our intention,

- presence of a creative purpose,

- Proper spiritual mood.

Condition first: solid active intention

The execution of each wise must necessarily be accompanied by the formation of a clear intention to obtain as a result exactly what you want.

However, this item is not always completely understandable. Why still form an intention if wizers work and so?

I will answer this question. Yes, waders work and so - but Mudra just creates the energy configuration you need. But what kind of purpose we will send this energy, it depends on us, more precisely, from the efforts of our consciousness. Mudra, creating a configuration of energy yarns, changes reality. But our consciousness is also a force changing reality! Why not use this power for a more optimal wise action? We resort to the figurative comparison and like a mudra produced from Luca Arn. And the intention created by the power of consciousness is like a sharp eye Arrow and his solid hand, guiding this boom to the desired goal.

After all, even when applying the same wise, you can set different goals in different cases. For example, you are executed by Mudra leadership. If you are the owner of my own company, it can give you authority in the eyes of your employees. If you are a housewife - respect and reverence of your husband and children. If you are a school teacher - attention from students, etc. In the same wise, a variety of opportunities are laid. What kind of possibilities you choose - depends on your intention.

Before you get something, we need to want it. So the world is arranged - before something material will arise, a plan should appear. Sometimes these plans are built in addition to our will - when we plan something unconsciously. Westers are a way to plan and create something positive in your life quite consciously, in accordance with its plan.

But the plan is not yet intention, as well as the desire is not only intention. So that the plan has become an intention, he needs to give energy. That is, to invest some mental strengths aimed at doing the purpose. The plan in which the energy of the soul is embedded becomes active. Active plan is an intention.

But that the intention is carried out, it should be not only active, but also solid. That is, you must be firmly confident that you want. You should not have doubts and oscillations. You do not have to put any conditions, for example: if I pay well, I need power, and if they are not needed. Remember: as soon as your intention, the word "if", it stopped being solid. The solid intent will be if you formulate it like this: "I need power, and a point. In any case, under any conditions. "

How to create the desired intention

Practice to formulate such an intention is active and solid. It is not hard. To invest in your intention, you do not need to strain at all. Remember that you are not physically inserted, but the energy of the soul. And the energy of the soul becomes the most powerful not when we are tightened, but on the contrary, when we are calm and relaxed.

Sit in a comfortable posture, relax, calm down - for which you are rhythmic, measured, making slow deep breaths and exhalations. Then think about what you want. And imagine that your desire has already been implemented.

If one thought already fills you with energy and enthusiasm, it means that your intention is actively. If you, what is called nor hot, nor cold, then you may need to choose another goal.

Now ask yourself: if you want to fulfill your desire. Whether there is no doubt if the word "if" is not crucial? ("If it is so, then I want it, and if not, then I do not want"). As soon as the duality appeared when you want to fulfill the desire only under certain conditions, it means that you again need to think about another purpose.

If, with thoughts about your desire, you are filled with energy so that you are literally ready to fly to meet your desire, and if you want to fulfill this desire without any reservations and conditions, it means you have formed a clear, solid, active intention.

What will happen if you do the Mudra without such an intention?

Create a favorable energy configuration in any case. This means that conditions will appear in your life to fulfill your desire. But without solid intention, these conditions either will disappear very quickly, since your energy configuration does not have enough strength for their retention, or you simply cannot complete this conditions. Therefore, the desire is either not fulfilled at all, or it will not be fully implemented, or you will not get the result that we were waiting.

Therefore, be careful. Mudra works by itself, but how much you can take advantage of its work - depends on you.

Condition Second: Creative Goal

What does the creative goal mean? This means there is a goal that does not imply harm to other people, infringement of their will, violence against them and other unknowing intents.

Suppose there is a person who prevents the achievement of your goals in your environment. You want him to stop you to interfere. You can choose one of two ways:

- either wish him evil (so that he fell ill, or with him the misfortune, and so he disappeared from your horizon, or so that it turns into a zombie, which you can manage as you want),

- Or so that the situation is allowed to be universal than good (for example, you can part with him, because he will move somewhere in another place, or you will not part, but it will change my behavior and no longer be disturbed).

What happens if you choose the first way - the path of evil?

Mudra will not work as you want. You just can not cause an evil to another person. The reason is that wise people work only on creative goals. With the help of the wise you will not be able to break the harmony of the universe. Because it is a tool that, on the contrary, contributes to an increase in this harmony.

But the harm of yourself you can hurt yourself. But only this does not do wise, but your own misfortune. It will just come back to you and will hit your life.

Therefore, be attentive doubly. Do not even admit a hint of unkind thoughts and wishes to other people.

What happens if you choose the second way - the way of good?

If you choose the second path, you will sufficiently fulfill the Mudra and form the intention to remove obstacles from your life so that it serves everything for good.

How exactly these obstacles will disappear - you don't think about it. The energy universe has its own ways and ways to solve problems. Your good intention will make your own business, Mudra will create the necessary circumstances - and then everything will be resolved, perhaps, even without your participation, but just as to restore the disturbed harmony.

Conditions Third: Right sincere mood

As we have already spoken, it is advisable to be in a relaxed relaxed state for the best execution.

This is especially important when performing a wise, aimed at improving relations with people. We all know that any nervousness, anxiety, fears very spoil the relationship. And if you will perform wise in a nervous or restless condition, you will make interference to the channel of its action. That is, put obstacles on the way of unfolding the ideal energy configuration of the space, which is laid in the wise.

As a result, favorable circumstances will be collaborated, but it will be difficult for you to use them. Perhaps they will use someone else instead of you - he whose mental attitude in this situation turned out to be more favorable.

The practice of wise already has a beneficial effect on our physical and mental state. So as you practice, you will enter the right mental mood automatically. But for a start, it is very useful to practic a little in its creation.

Practice to create the right spiritual mood

Sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes. Imagine that you were moved to another world for a while - such where everything was created specifically for you so that you were good, comfortable, pleasant and joyfully. You deserve this little rest and you can safely leave behind all your usual concerns behind. Later you will return to them if you want, and now it's time to enjoy the rest.

Imagine yourself where you are pleased to be, where you all like you, and most importantly - where you feel in complete safety. It may be a paradise garden, or some resort place, or a desert island, or a temple.

Create such an ideal place in your imagination for yourself. Fill it with everyone than you want - let there be flowers, the sea coast, rainbow, blue sky or twilight with burning candles. Remember that you do it only for yourself, you create your world where you and only you are the owner.

You can be in this world as much as you like. Breathe deep and measured and imagine that you exhale all your concerns, anxiety, and inhale clean and light peace, which is pleasant and relaxing spreads on your body.

If you have some severity in your heart, unpleasant memories, insults, if something oppresses, exhale all this, but inhale joy and equilibrium.

Gradually, you will gain the right mental attitude.

In addition, you will create your special sacred place in which you can go at any time when you need to put your emotions in order.

Westers lead to the harmony of the energy of the human body

Pay attention to how you go, stand, sit. Are there any pain, voltage in your body, uncomfortable states? Almost every European older than thirty years is something like this. Tense shoulders and spin, irregular posture, headaches from clad head muscles - a consequence of a "civilized" lifestyle.

Where in the body there is at least the slightest tension, the energy flows badly or does not flow at all. So, the connection of a person with the outside world through the energy threads is interrupted.

The practice of wise is truly invaluable not only because it opens up the possibilities of managing the material world, but also because he is healing. Practicing wise, you restore normal energy in your body. Energy channels can be cleaned and activated, communication with the outside world through the energy threads.

That is why wise people always work, even if the practitioner is inexperienced and never engaged in energy practices before. Westers are like a self-passing tool, which begins to work by itself, as soon as you are taken for him, and also has a beneficial effect on the practitioner. After all, when they are activated, they are cleared and come to harmony our energies - disappear for diseases themselves for diseases and ailments. It is no secret that the causes of the ailments should be sought in disorders of energy. The practice of wise, successfully eliminating these violations, will allow you to feel much better than physically and psychologically. And the effect you will notice immediately - wise act instantly, even if you perform their first time in life.

Therefore, every person can do wise without preparation.

Anyone may perform wise people, regardless of age and health status.

Westers are performed only sitting with a straight back. If you want, you can sit on the floor in a lotus position or a half tripled or crossed the "Turkish" legs. But you can simply sit on the chair.

You need to sit, contact your east.

The place of classes is any, but preferably secluded. You can imagine that you are in your holy place you imagined to create a right peacefiction.

The presence of other people is permissible only if they are your like-minded people, know what you are doing and approve of your classes. You can also study in a group with like-minded people. When a few people perform the same muder, the effect will be stronger.

The best time for classes is morning or evening. Ideally - twice a day, and in the morning, and in the evening. But in some cases, another time of day is permissible. Usually, Mudra is performed within a few minutes (from 1 to 5 minutes). To more accurately determine the duration, follow your feelings. Mudra usually works as long as it is pleasant to perform it, easily and it does not cause voltages and discomfort. So you can safely trust yourself - keep wise so much time as you want. In some cases, it is possible to extend this time to 10, 15 minutes, in exceptional cases - up to 30 minutes, but not more.

More specific instructions will be given in sections dedicated to the description of the wise.

Important condition: all wise are performed by two hands at the same time.

The order of work on the book

As already mentioned, you can start either from the second or from the third part - at your request. The order of work on both practical parts is the same.

In order to help you successfully cope with the work, the description of each wise is built on a convenient scheme, which includes "Who needs Mudra" sections and "How Mudra works".

All that is required of you is to follow a certain order in the practice of wise.

First, read the "Who will need Mudra" to each of the wise book.

There are a variety of life situations in which it is necessary to apply this MUDRA. You can easily relate your circumstances with the situations described and understand whether you have this wise.

Then, when you read the relevant sections to all wisers, choose, based on the read, only one (!) Of them, namely, which you need first.

Notice, it is very important, based on your life situation, choose only one mudra, most important for you at the moment.

At the same time, several wise practices cannot be practiced. Otherwise, you risk creating multidirectional energy flows, which either simply "rogue" each other and will not give results, either begin to stretch your energies in different directions, spraying them into and again making it impossible.

Having chosen one wise, read the "How Mudra works" works ". This will help you to figure out the mechanism of the wizard and find out what result you can count on.

Then read the "How to Apply" section and follow the data there.

After you practiced one Mudra for the required time, be sure to note the result and those changes that happened in your life during this time.

Check even the most minor, at first glance, changes. Do not neglect them. In its source, the river sometimes represents a barely noticeable stream - but it turns into a powerful stream later. Also from minor, at first glance, events in your life can grow the energy of your well-being, wealth and success.

Do not practice Mudra longer than specified in the "How to apply" the deadline, even if it seems to you that nothing happens. Changes in any case go - but first at the energy level. In the material world they can manifest a little later. What period dates - depends on your individual characteristics. After all, each person has its own pace and rhythms of life, their speeds to the goal. It is not necessary to artificially rush the events, it will not lead to the desired result. Just calm down and wait.

Only after the results of the wizard not only manifested themselves in the physical world, but also stabilized - you can choose a new goal and a new muder.

The book is given enough information so that you can carry out all your intentions and desires with a wise. But a surprise awaits especially meticulous at the end of the book. If there are those who want to become a real master in the practice of wise - especially for them in the appendix to this book there are special exercises that will allow you to quickly achieve perfection and help not only yourself, but perhaps other people in reaching them goals and fulfillment of desires.

Energy practices, data in the appendix, will help you not only improve in the art of wise, but also feel the energy of the surrounding world and the human body.

Stooking exercises: the simplest energy configurations

Preparation for the development of wise, as already mentioned, is not required. But at your request, you can prevent your practice with some tuning exercises. Which, moreover, can provide you with essential help in different life situations. The following several exercises that will take you only a few minutes will allow you to create the simplest energy configurations that are extremely beneficial to affect your condition. In addition, they will help you in a wide variety of lifestyles. And at the same time will become a kind of warm-up before the practice of wise.

For calm and concentration

Sit with a straight back, breathe aperture. Put your hands in front of the chest of palms to each other. Slow face palm. Fingers look up.

Close your eyes. Focus on the point in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. After a few seconds, your feelings will come to harmony, you calm down and can focus to make the right solution in any matter.

For power and knowledge from space

Stand up with a straight back, breathe the diaphragm. Put the hands in front of the breasts up. Close your eyes. Focus on the throat area. Stay in this position no more than a minute. Then attach palm to the heart area. Open your eyes.

You reunited your contact with the highest source, and now you have strength and knowledge to continue your way in the right direction.

To overcome negative emotions

Stand straight, breathe aperture. Bend your hands in the elbows, elbows are pressed to the sides. Strike hard brush in fists, then sharply disconnect them, throwing intense poppy thumbs forward.

Repeat several times, at the end remaining in the position when the fingers are intense and spread. Close your eyes. Focus on the spinal area at the base of the neck. Stay in this position no more than a minute. Then sharply shake your hand brushes and open your eyes.

Stress caused by stress or negative emotions is dropped, you will feel ease.

To protect against extraneous influences

Stand or sit with a straight back. Belsh the diaphragm. Put your hands in front of the breast, the palms are directed towards each other. Throw your palms about each other, then divert them aside - just let them break.

Then turn your hands with your palms to the chest, the edge up, the tips of the fingers are directed to each other. Close your eyes. Focus on the field of solar plexus. Stay in this position no more than a minute.

For successful self-realization

Stand straight, breathe aperture. Close your eyes. Put your hands in front of the chest palms, edge up, finger tips addressed to the fingertips of the opposite hand. Focus on the field of solar plexus. Then open your eyes and simultaneously make the hands of the hands opening the gesture - as if your palms are the flaps of the gate, which diverge out. Focus on the eye area.

Repeat two more times. This exercise is especially useful in the difficulties of self-discharge - in communication, work or work.

So, you not only configured yourself properly, but also summed fingers, launched the processes of energy in them - that you are very useful when you master the wise. Therefore, it is possible without delay to start the main course of our classes.

Part II. Wisers for gaining welfare, wealth, wealth

How to choose the mudra you need

In this part of the book you will find a description of a variety of wise, a number of 21.

It is such a number of wise - 21 - not by chance. The energy vibrations of the number 21 correspond to such qualities as wealth and well-being. Therefore, 21 is a number that attracts the energy of material benefits.

The energy of this number is in a special way structure the energy of the external environment around us. All things, items marked with the characteristics of Number 21, have truly miraculous properties. Beads of twenty-one beads, chain, lace or tape length 21 centimeter, bouquet of 21 flower, service from 21 objects, etc. - all these things placed directly in your energy field or in your habitat will contribute to constant An increase in your opportunities, an increase in wealth, success in any activity.

This part of the book containing 21 Mudra, also in a special way structures the space of your life - provided that you will work with it. After replenishing your arsenal of knowledge and skills of 21 wise, you yourself will become the center of welfare attraction and well-being.

But this, of course, does not mean that you will have to constantly fulfill all the wisers described here. If you wish, you can master them all - but for each specific life situation it is very important to choose the right one to choose the muder, which you need now.

Each mudra is extremely concrete and is aimed at accumulating around a person of a certain type of welfare energy. To choose the wise, you need to understand what kind of quality you need energy. To do this, you need to take into account, firstly, your current financial situation and, secondly, the result you want to get. If it is wrong to evaluate these two indicators and choose not quite suitable for you at the moment Mudra - result or will not, or you get the wrong result you expect.

Here is an example. In the book you will find a description of the wise of great wealth and wise access to a constant source of abundance. Some readers may think that the rest of the wisers are generally not needed: in fact, having received great wealth, what else can you be desired? After all, all the problems in this case should be resolved by themselves, isn't it? ..

Unfortunately (or fortunately), it is not. Not all people are ready overnight to gain great wealth. If a person is currently in a state of poverty, then the wise of great wealth will not work for him. After all, any wise is activating a certain energy chain. If you are poor, then it is likely that the chain attracting money into your life is torn - there is some breach in your energy. And to start receiving money, you must first close this gap. This goal is not the wander of wealth, but wise financial stability.

Judge yourself: if you do not have elementary financial stability, how can you hope for wealth? Do not, right, so jump through the steps. Your way to wealth, like any way, must begin from the first step. Namely - with the restoration of a more or less normal material situation.

The same thing is with a wise access to a constant source of abundance. If you are confident that there are no breaks in your energy, through which it is abundance, as it comes, so leaves - do it. But if there is no such confidence - for starters, ask a more modest purpose. Otherwise, while you shall not be charged, it can consult not only the newly acquired abundance, but also the remnants of even the insignificant concentration of the extension of well-being, which still existed around you.

So, if your financial situation is far from well-being - start with the wise of financial stability, let it be the first and most important for you.

And if things are completely bad, you are at the bottom of the poverty or financial crisis, and do not see the exit - you will not see the wise to gain the inner strength, the description of which goes in the next chapter first. After all, without the necessary inner force it is impossible to patch the bars in the energy sector and find a way out of a difficult situation.

It is not necessary to wake up immediately to great wealth and in the event that you are currently needed to solve some particular problem. Money for a specific goal will come to you easier and faster than great wealth - if you choose the correct Mudra correctly.

Therefore, think about what purpose is more relevant for you now: become rich - or get money for a specific purchase, trip, improvement of housing conditions or education? If you have a specific goal - do Mudra, which attracts money for this purpose, and not "wealth in general."

Mudra is on great wealth to be performed when you have real prerequisites for this, but you want to activate favorable opportunities and attract the necessary luck and good luck. For example, you open your business. Or just finished the university and arrange to work. Or already work, and you have enough prosperity, but a chance appears to get a better paid position. That is, the new period begins in your life, in which wealth is not only desirable, but also actually with a successful coincidence. Mudra will just help you ensure such favorable conditions.

But if you are just lying on the couch and do not plan anything new, if there is no important thing, the responsible stage in life is not in your plans - the wise of wealth simply will not work.

If you do not yet have a well-paid work (or even there is no work at all) - will help wits for working.

As you can see, wisers act very selectively, in different ways.

But you should not fear that you cannot choose the right wisers that will help you. Sections "Who will need waders" and "how wizers work" are intended for that you can easily cope with this task.

For greater convenience, the wisers are presented in four sections:

The first is devoted to the rapid improvement in the material situation, to exit the launcher,

The second is designed to succeed in business, work, purchase and sale,

Third - for success in cash operations,

Fourth - for the performance of cash and protection against the loss of money.

Wise for rapid improvement of the material situation

Mudra to gain internal strength, to exit stagnation and crisis

Who will need wise

This mudra is needed to you if you ended up in a deep financial crisis, from which you do not see the exit.

She for those who cannot cope with poverty, whose income is steadily falling, despite all efforts.

This wise for those who feel that he does not have enough strength to cope with circumstances.

It will help when there is a desire to do something and seek success - but the feeling arises that there are some closed doors around and all your attempts to change something.

She is also for those who overcome laziness, it's hard to force yourself to act, although you need to act.

This mudra for those who want to act, but for some reason can not. But not for those who are inactive because it does not want to act!

Mudra will help get out of the failure band or from a closed circle, where they pursue troubles, problems and trouble.

In order for your actions to begin, finally, to bring due results to make a financial crisis, poverty and failures behind, you first need to find a special force for this. So far, your desires, aspirations and actions simply lack energy, so you tolerate failure for failure. This energy will not give you no one and nothing from the outside - it is possible and you need to create inside yourself.

This is a start to start - because it creates the main thing: the potential for success.

This mudra gives the main conditions of success - the hardness of the spirit, charisma, it will make your intellect and intuition and, of course, will attract an abundance energy.

Think how ready you are ready for this. Because by opening the source of force within herself, you will need to immediately find the use of this power - to act, otherwise the rejunction of energy can lead to undesirable consequences, up to the nervous breakdown and illness. That is why this mudra is one of the most difficult.

How to work wise

This wader clears the internal source of your strength.

All is superfluous, preventing you, just falls like a faded flower petals. Doubts, disbelief, retreat the negative emotions that prevent your success experience. You bloom, and discloses all the best that is in you. You become resistant to external influences, including other people's opinions. It ceases to be limiting you with a factor. Now you can fully rely on yourself, trust yourself, your forces, knowledge, intuition. No one will betray you from your way.

Opening your inner source of force, Mudra simultaneously starts the process of restructuring circumstances around you. Be careful even to trifles! Start the circumstances you need, happy coincidences, which may seem random to you.

But remember that after you have completed this muder, there will be no randoms anymore. Life will begin to give you chances. Do not miss them.

Also be careful to your dreams - they can give tips and direct to the right path, warning from erroneous steps.

Notice other signs, signs, tips, which will begin to appear on your way. Usually they themselves pay attention - this may be a randomly heard conversation, or a string of a newspaper header, reporting something important to you personally, or other things like that. Think, analyze, trust your intuition to correctly read such signs.

Especially carefully follow these special moments in your life that require action from you. You will definitely feel when there is a moment. Your awakened force simply will not let you inactivate. And you yourself will feel that passivity is inappropriate, you need to do something. And the circumstances will be clearly suggesting you what you need to do. You are not mistaken.

Act, if not even confident in the correctness of the action! In fact, now you will only fall out of successful chances, and in the end everything is settled in the best possible way.

How to apply

This mudra is very strong, so it is enough to apply only for 3 days, 1 time per day, better in the morning (but not immediately after awakening, and then, when you have already woke up, we got up and ready for action), 3-5 minutes .

Description of wise

1. Put your hands in front of the breasts towards each other, the side edge down, the fingers are directed forward.

2. Appoint each other to the base of the palms and tightly connect them.

3. Seal the maizintsy, nameless and middle fingers inside the palms. Now each of these fingers is in contact with the same finger of another hand with medium phalanges.

4. Connect thumbs up so that their side surfaces are tightly sealed to each other, and lift up vertically, at an angle of 90 degrees to the palm.

5. Connect straight index fingers with pads and pull forward, from ourselves.

6. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, measured.

7. Focus on the field of solar plexus and imagine that there is a powerful source of your internal energy.

8. Form in your consciousness intention to create a powerful inner support, an energy rod, and imbued with the feeling of increasing inner strength to get out of stagnation or crisis.

9. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

Mudra for "breakthrough" in the material sphere

Who needs this wise

This wise will help those people whose life has never been financial success who used to bare ends with the ends.

Poverty is not the norm. And you are also exactly worthy of success in the material sphere, like any other person. You are poor not because you are worse than others, but simply because you have some curvature of energy, perhaps inherited.

Start the practice from this wise. It is she who will help to correct the unfavorable energy construction that programms you on poverty.

If you do not correct this position with this wise, you will not help any mander of wealth, nor wise abundance, nor wise, attracting money, not all.

If you have any specific goals - for example, you want to take a loan or give debts - first practicing this MUDER anyway, and only after its development go to wises that meet your goals. Otherwise, they or do not affect or affect badly.

Please note: Mudra helps in the case of total money bad luck. If there is a place and success in your life, and failures, if the periods of laptop are replaced by periods of prosperity - you don't need this mudra, in this case other wisers will help, for example, to attract money for success in business, etc. - Watching For your circumstances.

And only if there is no prosperity in your life now, it was not before and was not foreseen in the future - this wise for you. It is capable of changing your life, and then in the future completely different prospects will open.

How to work wise

Mudra creates such a powerful energy stream, which fully transforms the unfavorable energy configuration, previously tuned to the poverty. The curvature of energy is spread, energy flows are organized, leading cash energies directly into your life, and not bypassing you, as it was before.

Since our inner psychological state is determined by the state of energy, then due to the fulfillment of the wise you will feel stronger and more confident, you will find the feeling that you are worthy of success, well-being, wealth. Gradually will make an increasingly complete disposal of poverty psychology.

End of a familiarization fragment.

Max Tal.

36 wise money and influence

All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in whatever form without the written permission of copyright holders.


The art of wise is special gestures, or the positions of the fingers of the hands capable of changing reality - for a long time in the east, there was a secret for seven seals. This art was passed from the teacher to the student, and on the legend it was even believed that the one who reveals the secret to a strange thing could die. And of course, for Europeans, for the past centuries, it was indeed unthinkable to even think to get at least a bit of this secret knowledge to touch him at least a rapid mind.

I do not know why it happened that it was that I became the European, who did not only have opened knowledge, but who was honored to carry it further, entitled to the secrets of the East so far from him before Europe. If the times have changed so much or some more reasons so that secret knowledge became explicit - but some way or another, the strength managed by my fate led me straight to this mystery. And we are not always, probably, you need to know how and why our fate develops so, and not otherwise. Do not comprehend this by the human mind, and it remains only to follow your destination, for it is from the Most High, and the Almighty is better known that it is good for us, and what is bad, and what way we should go for the best ministry to him.

My Indian teacher blessed me to give you this knowledge. And if this book is in your hands, it means that this knowledge is intended for you. Amazing, inceptible ways sometimes comes to us something that becomes the most important thing for us in life. The truth comes with amazing paths, and the fate itself.

Knowledge gave me at all at all. Before it became available to me, I lost everything that I had, and almost lost my life. Later, I realized that it was a kind of test needed to me then. Do not pass through this face, it is unlikely that my sufficiently lazy and the brain can be mobilized to master the new knowledge, and even so unusual for a sober-minded and confident Europeans.

I will try to briefly tell us about my adventures, which may might be the basis of the novel, or even one. But my task is not to entertain you, but to give information that will help you correctly perceive the knowledge set out in the book: Take them with due respect and seriousness.

Words about my chosenness. Surprise and shock!

Many years ago I was an ordinary student, with very ordinary abilities. My life path seemed to be predetermined: having received economic education, I was going to do business, going at the footsteps of my father.

But one day the buddy introduced me to his teacher yoga. And I unexpectedly interested in this occupation, which began to do, and quite seriously. Although my progress was modest, what I was aware of.

One day a stranger came to the class, which for some reason I wanted to please. It felt something special, some power. And I began to try my best. But, apparently, even the simplest Asana could not fulfill from overflow.

When, after classes, this man approached me, I pulled my head in my shoulders, waiting for a devastating low marks. But instead, the words surprised me were sounded. I even doubted: did I heard? "You have a seal of selected," this man said to me. - And your hour will come. "

Before me, I did not immediately reached the meaning of what was said. And when it came out - I experienced a real shock. I? Elected? What does it mean? And most importantly - what should I do about it next?

But there were no answers. It remained to wait that they may still appear.

After I found out that this man was a teacher of my yoga teacher. I remembered this meeting for a long time, but time went, and nothing in me, nor in the surrounding world, did not tell me what my chosen is. And I began to pray that God will show me this.

When we are looking for answers to our questions, these answers come - in one form or another. The answer to my question about what my chosenness consists, came to me in so strange form that I immediately did not even understand what this is the answer.

Beggar old man. Strange meeting and a strange conversation

- You must listen to me. After all, I also had once a selection of selected ... like you.

I shuddered. Who is this person? How, how does he know? .. Of course, I carefully listened to everything that the old man said.

And he said that I should immediately throw and go to India - if I just don't want to repeat his fate, becoming the same beggar.

It turned out, he was not always like that! On the contrary, once it was a rich, succeeding person, the heir of huge capital. And once he, like me, heard that it was a selection of chosenness and that his mission is to go to India and get special knowledge there, which will help many people. But he gently neglected this advice received from a wise man, and did not go anywhere.

Soon his family was ruined, and how he tried to fix things, nothing came out. As a result, he lost everything, and even the roof over his head.

For a few days I went under the impression of this meeting, but then I decided that the speeches of the polusch-headed old man could hardly trust. Yes, and the trip to India could not enter my nearest plans.

And so, when I have already started to forget about what happened, the extraordinary circumstances of my life reminded me of the words of the old man.

Serious troubles in my family. My way lies in India

The business of my father failed. For me it was like a thunder among a clear sky. It turned out that things were not very good for a long time, but the parents hid it from me, until the last moment hoping to correct the situation. However, bankruptcy could not be avoided. We were in huge debts, so I had to even lay a house. Father on this soil run down with a heart attack.

In such a situation, I could not continue my studies at the university. I had to look for at least some work.

For several days I went like a robust, trying to get used to this new reality, and then unexpectedly for myself quickly gathered and went to India - absolutely not understanding that I would do there.

I will not go into the details of this trip - I will only say that after a long flight with transfers, delays in the flights and overnight at the airport I arrived in Delhi already tired enough and not enough and, barely finished the hotel with a very ascetic atmosphere, immediately collapsed on the bed And fell asleep dead sleep. When I woke up, I started thinking what to do next. I did not have any travel plan. And I decided to start to go to Rishikesh, the city, which I heard a lot like about the world capital of yoga.

But the train going to Rishikesh was not, but was another, going to the city nearby, in two tens of kilometers.

I decided that this distance would somehow overcome, and without hesitation sat down into the car.

The way is not a joke is experiencing me

And then I made a mistake - I did not fastened the luggage to a special ring under the seat, as other passengers did. As a result, I did not have time to rear, like a backpack of my and the next washed. - On the railway, I was doing a shouter thumbnail, and maybe not alone.

And I hoped in naught that with the arrival in India, all the troubles will dispel as smoke. How did I scold myself for the children's faith in fairy tales! The trouble seemed to acquire only a new scope.

I went out at the final station without money and documents and in a state close to despair. The legs themselves brought me to the bazaar, apparently, because the body has long been demanding food and water, and I have nothing to sleep and nothing to quench hunger and thirst. I probably had a hungry and unhappy, besides, I could not explain anything because of ignorance of the language, and local merchants, sorry me, began to give me some kind of fuzzy fruits and vegetables. Whether from hunger and thirst, or simply on the nervous soil, I all of this eaten with greed, forgetting that nowhere, and in India, especially, in no case there are vegetables and fruits are unwashed.


Hand power. Fate

I want to start this book with gratitude - to the highest forces, to fate, and to my Indian teachers who have passed a huge heritage to my hands, the art of ancient forgotten wise, capable of turning the well-minded familiar life, and fill it with a new meaning, and open new gigantic prospects.

In my youth, I did not expect fate to give me such a gift. And still not getting tired of surprising this. Therefore, gratitude became my permanent state. I live in gratitude for the gifts received by me. And now I am grateful to you, reading these lines for your interest. And for the fact that, perhaps, on these pages we will move together.

I got into my hands the art of a wise yoga fingers, and since I can not personally transfer it to you from my hands to yours, then I do it through the book. All you learn from here is equivalent to personal dedication. If you want, I will give you this dedication. The distance on which we are located apart is not important. The art of wise is based on energy interactions. And for them there is no distances.

Human hand - What can be more beautiful? What could be more powerful? We all do in life with your own hands. We have our own lives, do it yourself. But how little most people know about the true possibilities of the hands!

Our wonderful hands are just folding your fingers in a certain way - we can change yourself and the world around ourselves, we can improve health and improve fate, we can achieve the desired and attract all that we need for happiness.

Once I did not believe it, and I could not even imagine what I would believe. My fate made a rather sharp turn, so that I finally opened to get the knowledge to which it was intended. I lost everything that had when our family business was crash. And who knows, at what day of life, I would graduate from my days if it were not for a random meeting with a person who strongly advised me to go to India. I would not make this advice if it were not for despair, which I then owned me. Despair and hopelessness made me act - and fate performed her plan: led me to India. From there, I returned with the luggage of knowledge that allowed me in a short time to return the lost and re-establish my life, achieving those success, which I could not dream about.

My main task is to give you a secret knowledge

Now I perform my main task - I give knowledge received by me. My path brought me to India not so that I, having arranged my life, left everything recognized with myself. My path led me to India so that all the recognized me was all the property. In this sense of my life and my mission, if you want.

In the first two books, I outlined what was for me the main thing at a certain stage of my life. This is the art of monetary wise and wise associated with the art of relationships, management, influence and power. But the knowledge that I own, this is not exhausted. In India (especially in his second arrival, when I already knew that I had to write books) I was not only practiced, but also made the record. These records typed a lot, and not everyone disassembled me even to this day. Viewing these records, I continue to learn, wondering how many knowledge was laid in me during my not such long stays in India. And again, I discover in them an inexhaustible storehouse information.

And as the part of the records are mastered, I realized that a new book was abandoned, since the new topic was expanded by knowledge, which is important not only for me - and this is the topic of achieving goals, any, in all spheres of life. There are many wise wise people who are able to help us in a variety of situations. For example, when something is not laid without visible reasons, successes luck, or annoying trifles do not allow you to achieve the desired one. This happens to all. It is necessary to urgently make an important work - but distract unnecessary phone call, or just attacked Lenz and Apathia. Waiting for the meeting, from which fate depends - but you slept or tightly stuck in traffic. You will finally recover from a hard and long disease, and it remains to completely hold out to the end of the course of the procedure or a strict diet, but you unexpectedly break up, eat something wrong, break the regime registered by the doctor - and now I am ready to recur in the disease, and everything is ready to start first.

But these and similar troubles can be avoided! Mudra, made at the right time and in the right place, gives an energy impetus, the impulse that helps "slip" a difficult place and even dissolve obstacles. It seemed to me wrong and unfair that people still do not know about it. You do not need to stand before the problems that have been inserted in front of you as a wall - it is necessary to remember that everything in the world there is energy, and we can change energy by catching it with the tips of your fingers. Do it, believe in yourself, and the walls will fall out, and the smooth road will open before your goal.

Personal dedication: Transfer skill from hand to hand

Now about the dedication I promised. You can get it right now.

Close the book and attach both palms to the cover. The energy you feel, I give you directly from my hands. Let your hands take this energy within a few minutes. Then put both palms on your chest and tell me: "I take a dedication to the art of wise. I am engaged in possession of the energy capable of transforming reality. From now on, I carry the strength at the tips of my fingers, transforming everything to what I touch. "

You got a dedication. Now you can change the world in your will. Do it in a goodwill - otherwise you will not work. Strength ceases to work, being aimed at evil or mercenary purposes. But it works without restrictions, if the objectives of good, capable of bringing good to our world.

From this book you will learn the true essence of the ancient wise

Westers that you will learn from this book, as I said, very ancient. Naturally, such configurations you can find in other sources, because the knowledge has long spread the most different ways. But similarities with other wise are purely external. My Indian teachers revealed to me the genuine ancient meaning of these configurations, which was subsequently distorted, sometimes beyond recognition.

The main error of modern sources is in very superficial, and sometimes primitive interpretation of wise and their values. Mainly they apply to improved health. But it is very narrowed and essentially incorrect looking! Wise - gestures that can change the world, and I will not be tired of repeating it.

I hope my new book will help you approach the true understanding of the wise and the use of their true opportunities - and these opportunities, without exaggeration, I will say, endless.

Part 1.
The essence of the art of wise. Terms and rules for their implementation

Weshers: Energy Management Art. Who manages the energy, he controls the world!

Westers - art with very ancient roots. Sources indicate its ancient Indian origin, where, according to legends, the wisers were brought from a highly developed ancient civilization, known as the name of the Arctic, or hyperborea.

Representatives of this ancient civilization knew about the true nature of the world much more than we with you. They not only saw and felt the energy that is the basis of the universe, but also knew how to manage it perfectly. Weshers are one of the tools for such management.

The energy that makes up the basis of the world is never in immobility. It forms streams, or threads that permeate literally everything, including the human body. Although it will be more correct to say that these threads do not permeate the body, but make up the body. We are with you - energy flows, and nothing more. Tight matter is also nothing but a bunch of energy. Material particles that make up all that we see atoms and even smaller particles are by their nature are both particles and energy waves. It is now experimentally proven to science. Therefore, the person is also a body, and energy at the same time.

What only approaches, and with a big caustic, modern science, for the ancient Indians, and even more so for the hyperboreans was a well-known knowledge-studied knowledge that was successfully used in practice.

Hands are the best energy management tool, and therefore the world. Because on our palms and tips of fingers there are millions of input points and the exit of energy threads that associate us with the whole world and even from the whole universe.

With gestures, we can control these fingertips of your fingertips.

Westers are special combinations of fingers, gestures of hands, with the help of which various combinations of energy yarns, binding us to the outside world are created.

Westers allow us to change the material world, manage it in their own will, practically without applying physical efforts.

The power in this case is not needed, since we work with thinner tools - their will, intention and very delicate movements. So we are impact on energy, and not on the material component of the world. And thanks to our exposure to energy, the material component itself changes.

We can create an abundance of your fingertips in your life, attracting money, ending with poverty forever. We can create everything you need for ourselves, without the need to abandon the sake of this in a gravitory work. We can gain genuine wealth - of course, it does not fall out of the sky on you, but the art of wise will help you create such circumstances of your life in which wealth will come the most natural way for you. We can establish the relationship you need with people. We can protect yourself from all unwanted influences. We can gain strength and power, fulfill our most bold desires and achieve the highest goals. At the same time, we do not have to fight, punch the head of the wall and make a lot of effort. Everything desired is carried out in the most comfortable form for us.

Creating energy configurations with finger movements

All that happens to us in life, first arises in the form of an energy configuration of space. And only then this energy "scheme" or "project" is embodied in the form of real events.

By changing the "project" in time, we change in the right side and the course of our life events. This is done with the help of the fingers, the correct movements of which we can create special combinations of energy yarns and change the energy configuration of the space around us.

Most people do not even think about what a huge role is playing gestures, movement, position of hands. It happens that a person literally pulls the trouble with her hands. This is due to chaotic, disordered movements, from gestures that disturb the harmonious energy.

But it is enough to master a few accurate, having a big power of influence on the reality of gestures, as life will change. It is breeding, even the most intractable problems will begin to resolve, and welfare will come to your life. A normal course of life is a smooth, pleasant, smooth course, without shocks and obstacles. This is the course of life when at the right moment it comes to us exactly what we need for well-being and prosperity are the necessary circumstances, the necessary things, the necessary people. This is the flow of life in which we sell our potentials in everything, and therefore satisfied and happy.

The art of wise helps to make our life just such.

But before you need to understand some rules that need to be observed that the art of a wise brought you exactly what you want from life.