Summary of the lesson “Sound and letter Z” for children of the senior group. Automation of sound w card index on speech therapy on the topic Tasks with the letter z


Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group with FFN

“Journey to the land of the sound and letter Z”

Objectives: Correction of phonemic disorders in children of the preparatory group. Introducing children to the letter and sound J.

1. Correctional and educational:

Teach children to answer questions accurately and completely;

Form a lexical and grammatical system;

Exercise children in sound-letter analysis and word synthesis;

- automate the sound "Zh" in syllables, words, phrases;

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

Development of logical thinking, attention;

Development of fine movements of the fingers;

3. Correctional and educational:

Formation of a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;

Ability to listen to peers and speech therapist;

Cultivating friendly relationships, cultivating perseverance,

Equipment: tape recorder, recording of an original song about the letter Z, sound diagrams, aquarium, fish with pictures (beetle, giraffe, pajamas, grass snake, knives, hedgehog), 3 buckets, train cars, plot picture of a family of hedgehogs, wax, plasticine backing, computer , presentation with the sound Zh, cardboard gnome and giant, su-jok balls with springs, cards with shaded letters Zh,

Progress of the lesson

The song sounds: The letter Z, the letter Z, the letter Z buzzed,

The letter Zh, the letter Zh invited you to visit

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha come in kids,

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I’m waiting for a magical land.

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the office to music (a song about the letter Zh), the letters Zh, pictures with the sounds Zh (beetles, bees, etc.) hang on the walls.

Speech therapist: Hello guys, sit down, listen carefully to the text and determine which sound is most common?

A friendly family lives on the lawn: a hedgehog, a hedgehog and a hedgehog. Hedgehogs catch beetles and snakes, and hedgehogs bask in the hot sun and wait for dinner. After dinner, the hedgehogs huddle and fall asleep under a blackberry bush.

What sound was repeated?

That's right, J.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson

And you probably guessed that today in class we are going on a journey through a fairyland, where we will get acquainted with the sound and letter Z. A lot of new things await us: interesting meetings, tasks, and of course, games.

But for our journey to be successful, we need to remember how to pronounce the sound Zh correctly.

2. Characteristics of the sound

Let's make the sound J.

How should lips, teeth, tongue look when we pronounce the sound Zh?

The lips are rounded, the teeth are close together, the tongue is “cupped” behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges are pressed against the molars.

What is he like?

Consonant, hard, sonorous.

Why, how did you determine that it is consonant, voiced?

Let's check it out: let's play the game "Headphones". “Let’s put on headphones,” (cover our ears with our hands) and pronounce the sound Zh, do you hear the noise in the headphones?, yes, that means we have correctly determined that the sound Zh is ringing.

You and I pronounce syllables, words with the sound Z, but can we see the sounds?

No, we see and write letters.

What letter represents the sound Z in writing?

Let's become wizards and turn the sound Zh into the letter Zh.

Together with the children we recite the poem:

We put on dresses to the sounds,

We turn sounds into letters.

3. Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the hands and memorizing the visual image of the letter.

Let's make the letter Z out of wax.

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, it’s like a beetle makes a “buzzing sound.”

4. Exercise to develop attention.

Find the hidden letters Z and circle them.

5. Automation of the sound Ж in syllables and words.

Let's buzz along with the funny bug. (slides)

Now let's play the game "Say the Word":

Zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ll give milk... (to the hedgehog).

Zha-zha-zha - two are sitting on a branch... (siskin).

Same, same, same - we live on the third... (floor).

Zhi-zhi-zhi - they swim in the sea...(walruses).

6. Speech therapy exercises

The hedgehog is preparing for records. (hands on belt)

Let's play sports; (raise your hands in front of you)

The hedgehog is straining its paws.

Raises the barbell upward. (raise your arms up with tension)

Holds 1,2,3,4,5,

You can lower the barbell. (we lower our hands)

The hedgehog squats low, (squat)

And he walks on the pebbles (we walk)

Comes back.

Relaxation is pleasant. (exhale, wave your arms)

7. Development of fine motor skills using Su-jok therapy

Good-natured, businesslike,

Covered with needles

Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?

This is our friend... (hedgehog)

Each child is given a Su-jok ball. We take out the springs and put them on each finger one by one.

This hedgehog wants to sleep

This hedgehog jumps into bed

This hedgehog took a nap.

This one has fallen asleep a long time ago.

At least this one is not sleeping yet,

But he lies quietly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Don't wake up the hedgehogs.

8. Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes -ik, -ok and augmentative -ishe.

A gnome and a giant came to visit us and you need to turn objects into very small ones, like the gnome's, and into very large ones, like the giant's.

I will speak:

A man has a mosquito, and you answer: a gnome has a mosquito, and a giant has a mosquito.

9. Consolidating the skills of isolating a given sound from words; determining the place of a sound in a word.

And now we’ll go fishing:

Many different fish swim in the pond.

The cat will catch ginger with his fishing rod

Little fish

And on it is a picture.

Name the picture.

Find F in the word quickly.

Place the fish in different buckets.

Children must determine where the sound Ж is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word and put it in buckets.

Words: beetle, hedgehog, snowflake, crane, skis, snake.

10. Summary of the lesson.

Well done! You have completed all the tasks.

What did we do today?

What did you like most?

What were the difficulties?

Today everyone worked well in class and I give you the letters that you made.

Poems about the Letter Z

This letter is wide
And it looks like a beetle.
And at the same time, like a beetle,
Makes a buzzing sound:
F - F - F - F - F - F - F!

F has so many legs
As if the letter could crawl.
The letter Z is for sure
A beetle's shadow on paper.

Life, chewing gum, the word wait,
Well, you also need to know
Zhenya, Zhanna, puddle,
S - well, in winter, cold.

A beetle sits on a leaf
He buzzes in his own way,
He invites guests to his place,
Show how Zh sings.

The beetle has long wanted to get married,
It's no good living without a wife.
I would take a ground beetle into the house,
And the two of them would buzz.

A beetle is buzzing over the road,
The foal is running
And the Giraffe in a bright jacket
Puffed: - It's hot today!
And the beaver juggles
Acorns like a Juggler!

The beetle fell and could not get up,
He is waiting for someone to help him.

I met a hedgehog in a thicket:
How's the weather, hedgehog?
And we went home, trembling,
Hunching, cowering, two hedgehogs.

Riddle about the Letter Z
Zhenya was playing around
Played in the blinds:
Opened and closed
He gave them no rest.
But they were already saved -
Turned into a letter... (F)

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Z, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Z and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Z in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Acorns Toad Beetle Giraffes

  1. Tell me how the beetle buzzes? (W-w-w...)
  2. What sound is in both the word BEETLE and the word SKI?
  3. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle is the [zh] sound in the word BEETLE? - SKIS? - HOT? - FRIEND?

When we pronounce the sound [zh], the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost clenched, there is only a narrow slit between them. Say: LJJ. Both the tongue and lips prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [zh].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [zh]?
  • Is this sound voiced or dull?
  • Why?

Assignment: printed letter Z for preschoolers

Examine the letter Z. Sew the letter Z in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

Lazy red cat
I lay down... (stomach).

Mom is knitting a long scarf.
Because son... (giraffe).

It's raining, it's more fun.
You and I are friends.
We have fun running
Barefoot in... (puddles).

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And pats them on... (tummies).

Tale about the letter Z

Greedy Toad

Once upon a time there lived an important Beetle, a cautious Already and a greedy Toad. One day an important Beetle says to Uzhu:

We should paint the roof.
“You can paint it,” says the cautious Already.
- Just what kind of paint?
“Yellow,” said the Beetle importantly.
- But we don't have yellow paint.
- Well, then orange!
- And there is no orange either.
- Let's go ask the greedy Toad, she has a whole barrel of orange paint.

And the greedy Toad was eating jam from the jug. She saw that the Beetle and the Already were coming towards her, she quickly hid the jam and sat and waited.

Hello, Toad! Can you give us some orange paint to paint the roof?
- I'm not giving it! - Toad answers.
- It's a pity for the paint.

The Beetle and the Already left with nothing, and the Toad began to eat the jam again. Then the Bumblebee flew in and buzzed:

Give me a little bit of jam, J-toad.
- I don’t have any jam!
- Oh, you're greedy! - Bumblebee got angry, and how he stings Toad.

Frightened toad - jump into a barrel with orange paint! She came out all orange and was crying orange tears:

Have pity on me, unfortunate one!

But no one felt sorry for the greedy orange Toad.

Riddles for children starting with the letter Z

He builds his nest in the field.
Where the plants grow.
His songs and flight
Enter the poems!
If he wants, he will fly straight.
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings.

Into a golden ball
The oak tree hid.

In this smooth box
Bronze color
A small oak tree is hidden
Next summer.

Egg in a cup
fell from the tree
And it didn't break.

Leaves are falling from aspen trees,
A sharp wedge rushes through the sky.

He's tall and spotted
With a long, long neck,
And he eats leaves
- Leaves of trees.

Black, not raven.
A horn, not a bull,
With wings, not a bird.

Six legs without hooves.
It flies and buzzes,
If he falls, he digs the ground.

I'm sitting on a branch
I'm sitting on a branch
And I repeat the sound F.

Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-billed, gray body,
And the back of the head is bare and red.
Wanders through the dirty swamps,
Catches frogs in them.
Clueless jumpers.

The brothers stood on stilts,
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or are you walking?
They can't get off their stilts.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Z

Live for people, people will live for you.
Where friendship is valued, enemies also tremble.
A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.
Put your soul and heart into your work, cherish every second of your work.
Tell him, point him out, and put him in his mouth.
Living life is not a field to cross.
Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you won't be able to put it back together.

Funny poems about the letter Z for children

The beetle buzzes:
- I walked and walked,
I found a yellow pebble.
- It's an acorn! You're wrong,
- The giraffe says to the beetle.
- Well, hang him on a branch,
- The beetle says to the giraffe.
(G. Sapgir)

Song of the beetle Zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm sitting on a branch
I keep repeating the letter F.
Knowing this letter firmly,
I buzz in the spring and summer.
I'm a beetle, I'm a beetle
I live here.
I'm buzzing, buzzing,
I look, I lie,
I've been buzzing all my life:
A beetle flies over a meadow
He was tired of walking.
(G. Vieru)

Beetle-bug answered lesson.
Instead of the words “the stream is babbling”
He wrote “bug buzzes.”
(G. Vieru)

The beetle fell and could not get up.
He is waiting for someone to help him.
(S. Marshak)

Acorn and oak
An acorn fell from a branch to the ground,
The acorn is ripe, the acorn is heavy.
He cries and cries out of fear
And he doesn’t hide his acorn tears.
- What should I do, giant oak tree?
Hey, answer me, I'm your son!
- What should you do?
Bury yourself in the ground so that by spring
Turn into an oak tree.
(Leila Eradze)

That's why they called it a snake
An old-timer of the local puddles?
Didn't sting anyone
Harmless black snake.
(L. Kondratenko)

Picking flowers is easy and simple
Small children.
But to the one who is so tall,
It is not easy to pick a flower.
(S. Marshak)

Easily breaks a lion's back
The blow of his hoof
And he eats leaves and grass -
And not always enough...
I really like giraffe
Although I'm afraid he's wrong!
(B. Zakhoder)

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog
Collecting blackberries.
Red-sided fox
He also wants to profit.
The godfather thought:
Hedgehogs have dark needles.
(E. Sirota)

The glutton felt sorry for the juggler:
“It’s a pity that he won’t have dinner soon.
There are many plates, many dishes,
But they don’t serve hot food.”
(B. Berestov)

White lawn,
Warm sweatshirt.
I'll go skiing -
Catch me now.
(3. Alexandrova)

The little crane took the acorn
He threw an acorn and caught it.
He will probably be very soon
He will be a circus juggler.
(A. Pudval)

There are miracles in life:
The snake was stung by a wasp.
She stung me in the stomach.
It hurts terribly
And Doctor Hedgehog said to Snake:
“I don't find anything.
But still, I think
You're better off crawling on your back,
Until my stomach heals.
(R. Mucha)

The foal sees clearly:
Yellow light! It's dangerous to go!
(B. Timofeev)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

Develop auditory attention and logical thinking by solving logical problems.

Learn to pronounce the sound [Zh] correctly.

Continue teaching the child to determine the sequence of sounds in a given word.

Improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activity, develop the child’s sound-syllable representations.

Develop the child’s auditory-speech memory.

Continue learning to form sentences with the given word.

Learn to independently perform sound-syllable analysis of words.

Exercise 1. The adult invites the child to listen carefully, think and solve the following logical problems;

Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Dasha. How many children does mom have in total?

The dog Mickey gave birth to kittens: three white and one black. How many kittens did Mickey have?

In winter, a soldier walked through forests, fields, forests, fields. Suddenly a river. How can he get across the river?

Task 2. Introducing the sound [F].

The adult invites the child to think and say how the objects depicted in the color pictures are similar: lemon, sun, chicken. (They are all yellow.) Then asks to find related words to the word yellow(yolk, yellowness, yellow) and determine the same first sound in all these words.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [Zh]:

lips are rounded and slightly extended forward;

a wide tongue at the top and forms a “cup”;

a warm air stream flows through the center of the tongue;

the neck "works".

Sound symbol: beetle buzzes: ZHZHHHH...

Hacharacteristics sound: consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), always hard, sonorous. Designation: blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

They cut wood with a saw: ZHZHZH (the sound is pronounced briefly, abruptly).

Task 4. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [Zh]”:

f, m, b, f...; zha, ha, zhu...; Zhenya, belly, milk, bed, giraffe...

Task 5. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

zha-zhu-zhu-zhi, zhi-zhu-zha-zho...; wait-wait-wait-wait, wait-wait-wait-wait...

Task 6. Finish the words with the syllable ZHI. What words did you get?

This..., gara..., chi..., line..., sea-

Task 7. Didactic exercise “Big - small” - an exercise in word formation (pay attention to the appearance of the sound [F] in a new word).

Flag - flag, shore - .., friend - .., horn - .., pie - .., circle - .., iron - ..

Task 8. Solve riddles, name the first sound in the riddles, find the longest and shortest word.

It's like a tiny bell. (Lark)

Into a golden ball

The oak tree hid. (Acorn)

Cheren, not a raven,

A horn, not a bull,

With wings, not a bird. (Bug).

Task 9. Didactic exercise “Finish the tongue twister, name the first sound in the word.”

Lazy red cat

Relaxed to myself... (stomach)

Task 10. Replace the first sound in words with the sound [Zh]. What words did you get? Make up sentences with each word.

Onion - beetle, woman - .., peace - ., little - ., package - ., ticket - ., bundle - ., Venya - ..

Task 11. The adult pronounces the word, and the child calls this word by sounds:

beetle [bug], toad [toad].

Task 12. The adult pronounces a series of 3-5 words with the sound [Zh], and the child must remember all the words and repeat them in the same order.

Task 13. Find words starting with syllables:

JA: -ra, -ket...;

ZHU: -ravl, -ki...;

JI: -raf, -here...

Find words ending with a syllable:

JI: but-..., ly-...;

JA: ly-..., co...

Task 14. Choose as many words as possible with the sound [Zh]: the sound [Zh] is at the beginning of the word and in the middle of the word.

Task 15. Learn pure sayings:

Zha-zha-zha - we saw a hedgehog.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - hedgehogs are running.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - help the hedgehog.

Jo-jo-jo - I'm driving a Peugeot.

Task 16. The adult invites the child to listen to the sentences and repeat them (one at a time):

Zhenya is chewing.

Zhenya is chewing gum.

Girl Zhenya chews gum.

Girl Zhenya chews mint gum.

Little girl Zhenya chews mint gum.

Little girl Zhenya chews tasty mint gum.

Which words in each sentence did not have the [Zh] sound?

Task 17. Come up with as many sentences as possible about Zhora and Zhenya, using familiar prepositions.

Task 18. Introducing the letter Z.

Looks like a beetle

It just doesn't buzz yet.

O. Hoffman

What else does the letter Z look like?

Comparison of letters K and Zh:

This is F, and this is K,

A whole beetle and half a beetle.

A. Shibaev

Letter games.

Task 19. Independent sound-syllable analysis of words. Reading, copying, writing from dictation:

beetle, beetles, leather, toad, toads.

Reading, copying sentences:

Here are Dima and Nata. Dima has a bug. Nata has a toad. Dima and Nata have a beetle and a toad.

Words with the sound J.

The sound Zh at the beginning of a word.


Toad, frill, greedy, greed, greedy, thirst, jacket, pitiful, sting, pitiful, pitiful, sting, complaint, plaintive, complain, pity, gendarme, genre, heat, jargon, fry, fry, hot, roast, brazier, hot, firebird, jasmine, harvest, reaper, huddle, zhakhnut, jockey, juggler, lark.


chewed, yellow, bile, millstone, hard, burnt, pulp, zhor, ass, acorn, burnt, gutter, perch, hard.


beetle, swindler, swindler, swindle, crane, magazine, journalist, scold, creepy, horror, withered, swindle, swindle, bug, bug, ground beetle.

Zhi (zhi)

Alive, live, flayer, alive, painting, belly, animal, tenacious, animal, lively, alive, liquid, liquid crystal, liquid, love of life, life, vein, vest, tenant, veiny, dwelling, vein, residential, living space, housing, bench press, honeysuckle, fat, grow fat, lively, fatten, wen, resident, life, live, live, live, live, Zhitomir.


Same, chew, rod, wish, desire, gelatin, nodule, jelly, iron, iron, iron ore, piece of iron, wife, turn yellow, yellowness, yolk, jaundice, yellow, stomach, cutesy, affectation, pearl, pearl, wife, married, married, marry, get married, groom, female, woman, ginseng, pole, stallion, asp, muzzle, victim, gesture, cruel, tin, token, burn, burn, gutter, burning.

The sound Zh in the middle of a word.


Skin, puddle, fire, fireman, run, respect, leave, fry, tremble, bed, face, reins, tremble, lawn, clothes, husband, snake, no hedgehog, lawn, bed, Snezhanna, fry, press, give birth, boundary , unclench, give birth, hedgehogs, respected, dagger, money, bear cubs, leader, counselor, harvest, pajamas, fire, fireman, run, hold, tremble, lie, terrible, eggplant,


Burn, iron, burned, jump, circle, friend, flag, pie, hedgehog, little book, hedgehog, piece of paper, hacksaw, burn, knife, engine, heavy, meadow, tinned, boot, curd, footstool, horn, alien, gooseberry, hedgehog


I'll say, page, hedgehog, put, sesame, see, cut, knit, smear, smear, peel, buzz, ground beetle, buzz, buzz, judge, punish, report, jacket, lampshade, openwork, wander, walk, make friends, lie, I'll show you, I'll put it down.

Zhi (zhi)

Dinner, knife, man, puddles, be friends, circle, hedgehogs, pressure, knife, reins, mode, waiting, weapons, homeless people, skis, fawn, saffron milk cap, dozen, similar, bait, pushing, red, mode, profit, make money, bait, bait, pressure, press, apply, cut, lies down, spins, pushes, alert


Already, worse, closer, blackberry, ice cream, necklace, dragee, annually, beige, beige, plot, lower, burn, it seems, on guard, cerebellum, survey, maybe, tension, tension, chew, kindle, ryazhenka, mummer, mummer, conjugation, sliding, really, respect, whatnot, sentence, position, multiplication, official, couch potato.

The sound Zh in a combination of consonants.

Goon, chewing gum, waiting, greedy, blind man's buff, squinting, cake, reaper, reaper, reaper, reaper, priest, jug, chewing gum, ruminant, tourniquet, flagellum, burning, wait, lot, unexpected, wander, assert, breeches, jam, horseman, jumper, gentleman, gin, jeans, jeep, jungle, emery, raincoat, holder, hold, hold on, twice, southern, gambler, foreign land, Christmas, Angela, cuffs, orange, engineer, neighing, arson, bourgeois, obsessed, deceitful, horseman, liar, pseudoscience, set fire, everyone, important, paper, garage, citizens, multi-story, brave, massage, wet, installer, guard, rain, skin, false, complex, urgent, alarming, insignificant, cake, shoemaker, artist, sheath, scissors, road, careful, necessary, friendly, friendship, service, necessary, skier, cobblestone, beach, litigation, southern, blizzard, taiga, reliable, youth, draftsman, near, lower, mobile, prestigious, book, between, before, clothes, hope, adjacent, rebellious, gentle, polite, coastal, diligent, coast, careless, once, obsession, rewarding, exercise, citizen, enmity, hollow, foot, need, Luzhniki, ski track, three times, four times, thrifty, ignorant, moneyed, embankment, thrifty, ignorant, win, princess.

2 J sounds in one word.

Buzz, ground beetle, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, goo, Buzz, thirst, thirst, pearl.

Word combinations and phrases with the sound J.

Toad in a puddle, residents of Zhitomir, yellow frill, beige frill, heavy barge, roast on the brazier, neighing of a foal, a gendarme is waiting, waiting for my husband, stung with a sting, buzzing of a beetle, sorry for the lark, leather jacket, southern heat, yellow acorn, desire to live, sting, weekly magazine, weekly magazine, terrible complaint, sorry for the snake, sorry for the crane, beetle buzzing, waiting for birth, hedgehogs on the lawn, terrible fire, hard millstones, burnt jacket, leather jacket, terribly hot, soft skin, beige jacket, rogue cheating, paper beetle, jasmine withered, wife's frill, yellow pajamas, fry pies, yellow beetle, put sesame seeds, residents' complaints, counselor ran, ground beetle's home, giraffe skin, wife's pearls, harvest of acorns, sinewy animal, life on the bed, chew jelly, yellow acorn, closer to the bear cub, hard acorn, gluttonous bear cub, Bug is alive, husband's vest, tie it tight, heavy hacksaw, wife in pajamas, little book on the bed, maybe a horn, pathetic juggler, juggler is juggling, fatty roast, lark near the puddle , the jug is not for frying, the harvest is at the boundary, to live and not bother, to make a living creature, Zhenya and Zhora, the resident is alive, friendly residents, the living revives, the life of animals, I’ll put a little book, the counselor in a puddle, the counselor in a jacket, bourgeois face, put a bug , wet skin, snakes live, used reins, women on the jury, respect husband, jelly is trembling, rye harvest, terrible bug, desire to chew, buzzing and not pressing, chewing gum, put it on the bench, scolded the swindler, go out to the bank, scissors Zhanna, wandering around the lawn, cut with scissors, thirst for profit, Zhenya’s flag, the necessary piece of paper, in each piece of paper, the reins are shaking, the piece of paper is pressed, a pie with cottage cheese, ran away from the bear, smeared with fat, the reaper was waiting, circling on skis, reaping the harvest, cruel groom, liquid yeast, knitting a vest, the snakes don’t sting, I’ll tell my husband, I feel sorry for the bug, punish the page, they’ll squeeze out the cake, a dozen horsemen, the little bear trembled, the luggage is acquired, the hedgehog squinted, a fat animal, looks like a hedgehog, the hedgehog is cowering, an orange flag, a skier on the ski track, lying friend, jacket folded, openwork frill, brave beetle, cutting the peel, Zhanna is having dinner, I see a fireman, put on gooseberries, I see a hedgehog, put on makeup, I see my wife, burned my stomach, blackberry pie, friend set fire, set fire to a piece of paper, pie hedgehog, a little blackberry, put on some mushrooms, the jug is rusty, the conductor is conducting, chewed clothes, a similar regime.

My wife put the saffron milk caps in the roasting pan for frying.

I'm already closer to the cottage.

I am knitting a yellow jacket for my husband.

Jeanne had a yellow jacket.

The swindler cheats and lies terribly.

Report as required.

Zhenya lived on the floor below.

A hedgehog runs across the lawn.

The snakes are already in a puddle.

Angela has a pearl necklace.

The beetle buzzes...

A skier runs along the track.

Zhenya is chewing blackberries.

A crane circles over a puddle.

Tansy smells tender.

Zhenya's dad is an artist.

The husband is waiting for his wife.

The bear cub is chewing grain.

You need to put gelatin in the jelly.

The installer needs a hacksaw.

Every year the tree is decorated for Christmas.

Zhenya has live snakes.

It really can't sting.

The hedgehog needs a beetle for dinner.

The vest has no cuffs.

Zhanna has a leather jacket.

A woman chews gum.

Zhanna and Zhenya are having dinner.

The hedgehogs are waiting for their mother hedgehog.

Zhanna has a paper toad.

A bug buzzes over the jasmine.

A friend is guarding the house.

Life in a foreign land is still worse than at home.

I'm chewing gum.

I will express a common desire to live together.

I need a yellow book.

Zhora presses the sandpaper.

Zhora works as a journalist for a magazine.

I'm waiting for the baby hedgehog to be born.

A fireman runs to a fire.

The pajamas have no cuffs.

Beetles buzz over tansy.

Zhenya and Zhora live together.

I can use a hacksaw.

The firefighters ran towards the fire trucks.

Hedgehogs lived at the foot of the mountain.

The beetle buzzed and buzzed under the orange lampshade.

The pole was reinforced with cobblestones.

The tokens were placed in paper bags.

We were forced to wait for the jury's decision.

The toad lived and lived in a liquid puddle.

Waiting and catching up is worse.

We live and chew bread.

Living life is not a field to cross.

I don't care about fat - I wish I could live.

Heat gives rise to wind, coolness gives rise to rain.

He runs like he's on fire.

Live and live and make good money.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

Live and don't worry.

Snakes don’t live where hedgehogs live.

Hedgehogs don't live where grass snakes live.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

Poems with sound J.

zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha

There are hedgehogs here.

zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

Somehow I came to the hedgehog.

zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi

Show me the hedgehog.

zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I'm not friends with snakes.

zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha

He's already leaving the hedgehog.

zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi

Our house has floors.

zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha

There are two floors below me.

zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha

There are two floors above me.

same-same-same, same-same-same

What floor am I on?

Fire trucks

Five fire trucks in a row

waiting for the guys.

Five cars already

waiting for firefighters in the garage.

It was Zhenya's birthday.

Zhenya was waiting for his birthday

Uncle Zhora, Aunt Dasha,

Misha, Masha and Natasha.

At this time the store

receives one hundred cars.

On the store window

bright red car

like fire it burns. About her

All five guests recognize him.

Every guest from the store

carried a fire truck.

That's why we line up together

five cars are waiting for the guys.

Zhenya is also waiting. There are five of them.

Come play.


I don't ask the greedy guy for anything.

I won’t invite a greedy person to visit.

A good friend will not come out of greed,

You can’t even call him a friend.

Ya. Akim.

One step, two steps,

left, right boot.

I'm teaching Alyosha

stomp a little.

G. Lagzdyn.

A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle.

The casing is heavy on the beetle.

E. Blaginina

A beetle is buzzing and circling above Zhora.

Zhora is shaking all over with fear.

Why is Zhora trembling so much?

The beetle buzzes quite harmlessly.

A. Starodubova.

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner,

where are you sticking your nose?

Ju-ju-ju! Ju-ju-ju!

I'm putting things in order.

A. Maslennikova.

“Ju-zhu-zhu, I’m sitting on a branch,

I keep repeating the letter F.

Knowing this letter firmly,

I buzz in winter and summer.”

bug beetle

answered the lesson.

Instead of the words “the stream is babbling”

wrote “bug buzzes.”

G. Vieru.

Rain, rain, rain!

All fields, hurry up!

Do not spare water, water the gardens.

V. Suslov

The stream runs, runs, runs!

The stream is trembling, trembling, trembling!

Stream, from where and where?

I run to the river from under the ice.

V. Suslov.


(Counting book.)

“Zhu” and “zhu” -

flew into a circle


june beetle,

rhinoceros beetle,

swimming beetle,

son beetle

and the father beetle,

ground beetle, beetle beetle -

everyone got caught in my net!

Hedgehog and fox

The hedgehog runs along the paths and slides on the ice.

The fox says to him:

Let me translate!

The gray hedgehog answers:

I have two pairs of legs - I’ll cross myself!

S. Marshak.

Don't hurt the toads

Here's a toad, a toad! Let's run away!

Natasha and Maya are shaking.

And the toad answered them: - Eh, you!

After all, I'm not bothering you.

We live quietly by the water,

We eat bugs and midges.

There is no harm for children from toads,

how there is no harm from cats.

You don't need to offend the toads

And there is no point in running from them.

The story of the hedgehog

There was a boundary across the field.

There we met a hedgehog.

We looked at the hedgehog

Without screaming or screaming.

We looked at the hedgehog

keeping mouths closed.

We looked at the hedgehog

he ran away from us...

N. Slepakova

Beetle and ox

The beetle buzzed in the thick sedge,

the ox was lying in the sun.

The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed.

The ox lay, lay, lay.

And then he asked: - Tell me,

Why are you buzzing like that?

The ox beetle answered fervently:

Clearly, I’m not buzzing for nothing.

I live and don’t worry,

because I'm buzzing!

P. Voronko.


Mouse in a green circle

I cooked millet porridge.

There are a dozen kids

waiting for dinner.

Everyone got a spoonful -

not a speck left!

S. Marshak.

What are the sparrows singing about?

What are the sparrows singing about?

On the last day of winter?

We survived! - We made it!

We are alive! We are alive!

V. Berestov.

Two suns

The spring day has come,


I run out onto the porch.

The sun is in the sky

The sun in a puddle -

Both shine in my face.

V. Solovyov.

I can't find any mushrooms

I walk, walk, walk,

but I can’t find any mushrooms,

And still in the basket

only red fly agaric.

V. Nezval.


A hedgehog walks without paths

doesn't run from anyone.

From head to toe

hedgehog covered in thorns.

How to take it?

A. Kapralova.


Zhenya celebrates her birthday -

The hero of the day is eight years old!

The guests gave it to Zhenya

gun, tank and pistol.

And, just like the real one,

as it happens with soldiers, -

black, new, shiny,

with round disc automatic.

The guests ate cheesecakes,

Zhenya was playing in the room -

he is a military toy

I took it apart piece by piece.

What have you done, Zhenya?!

Did you break everything? What a nightmare!..

I'm disarmed! -

The hero of the day shouted loudly.

S. Mikhalkov.


Rain, rain, have fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Rain, rain, more -

the greenery will be thicker.

Just don't kill us,

Don't knock on our window.

Bear cubs

The bear cubs didn’t know

that hedgehogs inject themselves,

and let's go with the hedgehogs

play like with cubs.

Suddenly the cubs burst into tears:

Hedgehogs are pains!

The hedgehogs got scared:

carry tongs and knives

and let's have a little something

remove the thorns.

E. Kotlyar.

In the forest

I've been walking in the forest since morning.

I was completely wet from the dew.

But now I know

about birch and moss.

About raspberries, blackberries,

about the hedgehog and about the hedgehog,

who have hedgehogs

all the needles are shaking.

N. Matveeva.

Count it

The hedgehog bought boots at the market.

Boots that fit your feet,

a little less - for my wife,

with buckles - to my son,

with clasps - for my daughter.

And he put everything in a bag.

How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family?

And how many boots did the hedgehog buy with them?

Where are the clasps?

Summer in a zoo cage

The little bear is very hot.

Good in this heat

take off fur clothes.

He's looking for a clasp

to take off clothes.

O. Krieger.

The beetle buzzes: - I walked and walked,

I found a yellow pebble.

- It's an acorn! You're wrong, -

The giraffe says to the beetle.

“Well, hang it on a branch,”

The beetle says to the giraffe.

G. Sapgir.

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog

Collecting blackberries.

Red-sided fox

He also wants to profit.

The godfather thought:

Hedgehogs have dark needles.

E. Orphan.

Lazy red cat

I rested my stomach.

I want to eat

Too lazy to toss and turn.

So the red cat is waiting,

Maybe the bowl will crawl up?

There in the rye, the border is red.

I once sat on a hedgehog.

And I thought: “The hedgehog looks like

For freshly cut rye."

And I sat down on the rye on purpose

And I realized: the hedgehog looks like rye.

M. Bertenev.


The crane would be friends with the toad, if only

This toad wanted friendship.

V. Lunin.

We lived together, we lived quietly

Hedgehog, hedgehogs and hedgehogs.

Hedgehog with hedgehog for hedgehogs

They stocked everything.

Here's a hedgehog by the path

He sees a mushroom on a thick stalk.

A big hedgehog needs a mushroom:

The hedgehogs are waiting for a mushroom for dinner.

The hedgehog wished the hedgehog:

– Don’t feel sorry for the hedgehog’s legs!

And the hedgehog ran away,

She held a mushroom in her paws.

A yellow leaf lay in a puddle.

The hedgehog will string a leaf onto needles,

He will run closer to the hole,

There will be something for the hedgehogs,

Let them lie warm in winter!

I. Lopukhina.

baby crane

The little crane took the acorn

He threw an acorn and caught it.

He will probably be very soon

He will be a circus juggler.

A. Pudval.

From the legs to the ears

A hot scent washes Zhenya,

And the top of the head and the belly

The wife will have a shower with water.

Hot rain washes Zhenya

From the top of the head to the legs,

He washes his neck, washes his ears,

How nice it is to be in the shower!

I. Lopukhina.

And they live in an apartment with us

Two snakes and two hedgehogs,

They sing over us all day long

Two siskin friends.

And about our two snakes,

Two hedgehogs and two siskins

They know in our new house

All twelve floors.

S. Mikhalkov.


If you haven't lived

Near the blackberry tree,

But if you lived

Near the strawberry field, -

So it's familiar to you

Strawberry jam,

And completely unusual

Blackberry jam.

M. Yasnov.

Stories, texts with sound J.

Stories with pictures.

(The adult reads the sentence, showing a picture so that the child can add a word where it is required. The second time, the adult reads the entire sentence, highlighting the sound being practiced with his voice, the child repeats after him. In the first case, the child practices the sound in a word, in the second - in sentences Then the child composes the story himself.)


One day Zhanna saw a large orange (beetle).

Dad, what is this (bug)? - Zhanna asked.

This (beetle) is a ground beetle,” dad answered.

Zhanna wanted to catch (the beetle), but it buzzed, buzzed and flew away.


Everyone knows what it is (giraffe).

The (giraffe) has long legs and neck.

Do you think: does this (giraffe) live in Africa?

No, Zhenya and Zhanna saw this (giraffe) at the zoo.

Once Zhenya watched a film about (giraffe).

Stories with questions.

1. One day Misha and Zhanna went skiing to Luzhniki.

Who...? Where...? With what...?

There were two ski tracks on each path.

What's there...?

Therefore, Misha and Zhanna could ski next to each other.

To whom...? On what...?

2. Counselor Natasha once walked with Timosha and Seryozha past a rye field.

Who...? With whom...? Past what...?

Suddenly, at the boundary line, Seryozha saw a snake.

Who...? Where...? Whom...?

This one now lives in the school in a living corner.

Who...? Where...?

3. Zhora found a hedgehog hole under a stump.

Who...? Whose...?

There were five hedgehogs lying there. They were waiting for mom.

Who...? What they were doing...? Whom...?

Zhora just stroked the hedgehogs and left.

Who...? Whom...? What did you do...?

The hedgehog didn’t like this, and she took the hedgehog away.

Who...? Whom...?

When Zhora ran back to the old stump, the hedgehog was no longer there.

Who...? Whom...? When...?

4. One day Zhenya and Zhora were lying on the beach and sunbathing.

Who...? What they were doing...? Where...?

“Let’s go get some ice cream,” Zhora suggested, “it’s very hot.”

Who.,.? What did you suggest...?

And they ran to the tent for ice cream.

What did you do...? Where...? For what...?

5. Zhora has a lot of books.

Who...? What...?

They are on the shelf.


Zhora takes care of the books.

Who...? What...?

Sometimes he even replaces their yellowed covers.

What is he doing?

6. “Mom, can I iron your yellow sweater?” - asked Zhenya,

What...? Who asked...? What did you ask...?

“No, you don’t need a jacket. You will burn it. Iron daddy's pajamas."

What did you answer...? Why…?

7. One day Zhenya Zhukov saw the horse Ryzhukha with a red foal on the lawn.

Who...?Who?.. With whom?..

Zhenya came closer and wanted to pet the foal, but Ryzhukha did not allow it.

Who...? What did you do...? What did you want...? What did you do...?

Zhenya and the hedgehog.

Zhenya has a hedgehog. During the day, the hedgehog waits for darkness under a bookcase. Zhenya prepares food for his prickly ball every day. But in order for the hedgehog to eat, you need to lure him out from under the cabinet.

Zhenya was wrong.

Write, Zhenya, what the animals are doing: a hedgehog, a bear cub, a crane, snakes. Zhenya smiled and wrote. And this is what he came up with: A hedgehog climbs trees. The little bear is crawling. The crane is pricking. Snakes fly. Zhenya, of course, was joking and made mistakes on purpose. Correct them.

Who's the boss?

The big black dog's name was Zhuk. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up the Beetle on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together. And when the Beetle recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner.

One day they were walking through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

“My dog,” said Kolya, “I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!”

No, my, - Vanya was angry, - I bandaged her paw and carried tasty morsels for her!

My! My! - both shouted.

Suddenly two huge shepherd dogs jumped out of the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hastily climbed the tree and shouted to his comrade:

Save yourself!

But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to help Zhuk. The forester came running to the noise and drove the shepherds away.

Whose dog? - he shouted angrily.

“Mine,” said Kolya. Vanya was silent.

(According to V. Oseeva)

Disappearance on the beach.

One day there was a loss on the beach. The crab's gills were stolen. The crab did not want to live without gills. Who stole the gills? Many people saw a yellow toad chewing something. The yellow toad is greedy! The toad stole the gills. The crab filed a complaint against the toad. But the Toad, however, claimed that it did not take the gills. But they didn’t believe the yellow toad, and no one felt sorry for it...

(According to N. Voronel, R. Mucha)

Greedy toad.

Once upon a time there lived an important Beetle, a cautious Already and a greedy Toad. One day an important Beetle says to Uzhu:

We should paint the roof.

You can paint it, says the cautious Already. - Just what kind of paint?

“Yellow,” said the Beetle importantly.

But we don't have yellow paint.

Then orange.

And no orange either.

Let's go ask the greedy Toad. She has a whole barrel of orange paint.

And the greedy Toad was eating jam from the jug. She saw that the Beetle and the Already were coming towards her, she quickly hid the jam and sat there waiting.

Hello, Toad! Can you give us some orange paint to paint the roof?

“I won’t,” Toad answers. - It's a pity for the paint.

The Beetle and the Already left with nothing, and the Toad again began to eat the jam. Then the Bumblebee flew in and buzzed:

Give me some jam, Toad.

I won’t give it, I feel sorry for the jam.

Oh, you greedy thing! - the Bumblebee got angry and stung the Toad. Frightened toad - jump into a barrel with orange paint! She came out all orange and was crying orange tears:

Have pity on me, unfortunate one!

But no one felt sorry for the greedy orange Toad.

About friends.

The chicken had few friends. He is a friend of color. If yellow means friend. If it's gray, no. If it's brown, then no. The chicken saw a yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.

So are you my yellow friend? - said the chicken.

Yes, it’s me,” grumbled the caterpillar, “yellow friend.”

What are you doing here?

I pull the yellow phone.

What for?

Can't you guess? The blue bell that lives in the forest and the blue bell that lives on the lawn decided to call each other.

Ding, ding, ding! - so the bells rang each other all day long and wished for rain and sun.

Don't they have anything more to say? - the chicken laughed.



In a small house with a large door lived a bee, Zhu-zhu-zhu. She did not offend anyone, she was not friends with anyone. One lived. One day, a careless wind blew in and slammed the door of the bee house. A bee hovered near the door - it was impossible to open. His hands are occupied with a heavy bucket of fresh honey. Who will help open the door? The ants are busy with work - they are building anthills. The grasshopper can’t either: he trains in jumping. The beetle has become self-important - creepy! Don't disturb, don't annoy! Get off! Only the drones flew in as if on fire. Yes, not to help, but to profit from someone else’s honey. And the bee Zhu-zhu-zhu had neither a door, nor a house, nor a drop of honey. What a horror! Suddenly the bees arrived - friendly, polite. They surrounded the poor thing. They supported me in trouble. And the bee began to Zhu-zhu-zhu happily live in a new house with new girlfriends. No worse than others - a hard worker.

(According to B. Livanov)

Compose a story on a topic.

1. In the school living corner there lived a hedgehog, two snakes, white mice and a red squirrel. One day Seryozha brought his little brother Zhenya to school to show him the living corner. At this time, for some reason, the counselor Nadya called him, and Zhenya was left alone in the living corner. He was a great inventor. And he wanted to release all the animals into the wild.

Tell us about how he did it, how the animals scattered around the school and how the guys caught them. How did this story end?

2. Dad and Zhenya went skiing. Dad helped Zhenya put on her skis and said: “Go ahead along that ski track over there, and I’ll catch up with you.” Zhenya went along the ski track and suddenly saw a small black dog running along the neighboring ski track. “Bug! Bug! - Zhenya shouted. “Wait for me!” But the Bug did not pay any attention to him. Then Zhenya took off his skis and ran after Zhuchka. And that one is from him.

Tell us about what then happened to Zhenya. How did dad search and find him?

I suggest you and your child, with the help of my materials, study the ABC in a simple and accessible form together with your child.

On this page you will find interesting tasks about the letter “F”.

So, I will list what will need to be done with the baby:

  • Circle the objects that begin with the letter “F”. Color the large and small letters “Zh” blue.
  • Write a small letter “zh” in a circle under each picture and circle the first letter “zh”. Discuss who is shown in the pictures? What letter do all these words start with?
  • Color the picture, find out who is depicted in it, insert the letter “w” in the word “firebird”.
  • We are learning to write the letter “Zh” - you need to circle the letters zh with multi-colored pencils, and then
  • color the giraffe and draw black spots on its back.
  • We learn to write large and small capital letters “Zh” - we trace the dotted lines.
  • We are looking for five letters “F” among other pictures. (Letter game for attentiveness).
  • Help the toad Klava from the cartoon about Luntik collect all the letters “Zh” - carefully circle the dotted lines.


Learn how to pronounce the letter “Zh” correctly

Alphabet Baby from Aunt Owl about the letter Z

Educational cartoon on the topic