What implies the rational use of natural resources. Rational use of natural resources. Creating low-waste and waste-free technologies

The most important property of any production is its resource intensity, i.e. The number of resources consumed to issue a unit of products.
Under the resources are understood as funds, reserves, opportunities and sources necessary for the production, satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of society under modern technologies and socio-economic relations. Production resources are divided into material, labor and economic (financial). Material resources are divided into biological (organic) and mineral. Biological resources consist of plant and animal world and are unevenly distributed. They are used to provide the population with food and, partly, for production.
By the ability to restore natural resources are divided into renewable and non-repaid. Renewable resources (vegetable and animal world, water, etc.) are within the biosphere cycling of substances. They are capable of self-restoration by reproduction or in the process of natural recovery cycles. Animals and plants are not renewed in the case of the disappearance of the species. Non-repaired resources (coal, oil, ore, etc.) are not restored in the process of circulation of substances during the time, commensurate with the tempo of economic activity. Non-renewable resources should be spent economically and rationally.
Important signs of natural resources are the possibility of their replacement and depletion. Replaced resources can be replaced by others at present or in the near future. For example, fuel can be replaced by the energy of the Sun, the energy of thermal waters, wind energy, etc. An indispensable natural resources cannot be replaced by the other neither currently or in the future. Resource depletion occurs under the influence of human production and economic activities. Exhaustion leads either to the complete and irreversible destruction of the resource, or to an environmental catastrophe. When the first signs of exhaustion of natural resources, a change in the enterprise is needed. Exhausable resources include scarce natural resources that may disappear in the near future.
Resource saving management (rational environmental management) is included in the overall management system of the enterprise, railway and industry as a whole and includes a complex of environmental measures aimed at improving the environmental characteristics of rolling stock and enterprises of railways. These measures are divided into the following groups: organizational and legal, architectural and planning, design and technical and operational.
Organizational and legal measures are aimed at fulfilling environmental legislation on railway transport, developing eco-logical requirements, standards, norms and regulations on equipment, equipment, fuel and lubricant materials, etc.
Architectural and planning activities provide for the development of decisions on rational land use, planning and development of the territories, the organization of sanitary protection zones, the preservation of natural landscapes, landscaping and improvement.
Design and technical measures make it possible to implement technical innovations in the design of rolling stock, sanitary and technological means of protecting the environment at enterprises and transport facilities.
Operational activities are carried out during the operation of vehicles and are aimed at maintaining their technical condition at the level of specified environmental standards.
The listed groups of measures are implemented independently of each other and allow you to achieve certain results. But their integrated use will ensure the maximum effect.
The rational use of natural resources is achieved:
At the production stage - through the use of modern technology and the organization of production, the choice of rational methods of obtaining billets, progressive methods of mechanical, electromechanical and electrochemical processing, hardening parts, the use of persistent anti-corrosion coatings, the use of flexible automated industries, improve the design of the equipment, creating a rational maintenance system and repair of technical equipment for enterprises and rolling stock, expansion of the nomenclature and the volume of restoration of equipment and rolling stock, fuel and energy resources, disposal and waste production;
at the repair stage - by selecting methods for repairing products, reducing the share of damage damaged during disassembly, increase the share of the restoration of worn parts, the use of selective assembly, as well as local closed systems of use of oils, lubricating and cooling liquids, water, etc.;
at the stage of transportation of goods -
ensuring environmental safety in areas and on the tracks during the operation of rolling stock;
compliance with the basic parameters of its characteristics, such as reliability, permissible noise levels and vibrations, sound and light signals;
improving the process of collecting and processing information on the functioning of transport systems, the implementation of automated control systems for the technical condition of mobile sources of environmental pollution and environmental situation in areas and on railways;
control over the observance of technology at the points of the filling and plum of petroleum products, during the transport of flammable liquids and materials, compressed and liquefied gases, oil products, oxidizing substances and organic impurities, bulk cargo;
fulfillment of the safety requirements of trains, taking into account the implementation of activities that ensure full prevention of possible emergencies.
Among the many components of natural resources are currently of particular importance to the resources of fresh water, and railway transport enterprises consume it in large quantities. At the same time, in the industry in low rates work is underway to introduce closed water use systems, low-waste and waste-free water-saving technologies.
One of the serious sources of pollution of water resources are the process of cleaning the rolling stock, in which toxic drains are formed. Effective washing machines with current utilization systems have been developed.
The main directions of saving water resources at individual railway transport enterprises are shown in Fig. 32.3.
An important place in reducing the losses of natural resources is occupied by the utilization and processing of industrial waste.
Under utilization means the use of waste as secondary raw materials, fuel, fertilizers and other purposes. In various activities of the Company, production waste and waste disposal are formed. Production waste is the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products formed in the manufacture of products, performance and partially or fully lost the initial consumer properties. Consumption waste is products and materials that have lost their consumer properties in the sum of physical and moral wear.
Waste production and consumption are called secondary material resources. Secondary resources can be used to produce new types of products or for energy. In all cases, secondary resources are recycled, i.e. Removal from the places of education and accumulation in order to subsequent use or disposal. The more waste, the higher the likelihood of environmental pollution.
Waste is classified on solid, liquid, gaseous and energy. The phase state of waste affects the choice of methods and means of storage, transportation and processing. According to sanitary and hygienic features, waste is divided into inert, weakly toxic water soluble, weakly toxic volatile, toxic water-soluble in water, toxic volatiles containing oil (oil), organic easily ascending, feces, household garbage. Toxic waste has their own classification.
Nomenclature of waste depends on the type of raw materials and finished products. Solid waste includes waste black and non-ferrous metals, rubber, plastics, wood, abrasives, slag and ashes, mineral and organic substances, household garbage. Liquid waste consists of electrolytes, fuel and lubricants, cooling, degreasing and detergent solutions, etc. Gas emissions are formed from boilers, melting equipment, ventilation systems. Energy waste should be considered heat and various types of radiation (noise, vibration, magnetic and electrical fields, radiation).
The use of waste is one of the most important areas of improving the efficiency of production, reducing environmental pollution, reducing the consumption of natural resources per unit of products. When choosing methods and means of warehousing, transportation and processing of waste, it is necessary to proceed from their technical and economic assessment.
The main types of secondary resources when repairing the paths are concrete and wooden sleepers, worn rails, details of rail mounting, crushed stone and sand. Old concrete sleepers are used as a foundation during the construction of household and sports facilities or implement the owners of summer houses for foundations under greenhouses, baths and houses. Old wooden sleepers can serve as a good material in the construction of non-residential premises (storages, warehouses). Worn rails are used in the construction of buildings and facilities of industrial or household goods. Sand and crushed stone recycle and use during the construction of various structures. Fasteners are subject to recovery or converted into new products. Trimming, sawdust, chips of wood serve as raw materials for making chip and fibreboard, plywood, organity, cardboard, and bark - for making medicines and fertilizers.
In the enterprises of railway transport, a large number of motor, industrial, compressor, transmission and other oils manufactured from oil are used. In the year of the enterprise of the railway, use up to 400 tons of various oils, part of which (15-20%) is assembled, and most often burned in boiler houses. Modern engine oil contains up to 10 different additives, which are not spent practically when working. The most important direction of reducing the consumption of oils at railway transport enterprises is the regeneration of waste oils. When regeneration, it is produced: cleaning of exhaust oils from mechanical impurities byfeit, separation, methods of coagulation, adsorption, chemical treatment; Restoration of oil properties by introducing various additives.
The questions of the rational use of natural resources and the protection of nature on railway transport should be considered with full consideration of the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the area of \u200b\u200bthe design of the designed enterprise, to be assessed by its influence on the environment of the adjacent area, the possibility of preventing negative consequences in the nearest and long-term perspective. Taking into account the nature of the negative impact of the projected object on the environment, issues of rational use of natural resources should be solved: surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, soil, territories, minerals, vegetation, etc. It should be provided with normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions, the life of the population living in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction of railway highways or industrial facilities of the industry, minimizes a negative impact as a result of industrial activity on the flora and fauna.
The development of all activities related to the construction of new, as well as the reorganization of existing railway transport facilities, the modernization of rolling stock, should be carried out in unity with environmental protection requirements.

1. Keeping.

2. Rational use of natural resources.

a) The problem of using mineral resources.

b) rational use of water resources.

c) rational use of soil resources.

d) rational use of forest resources.

d) Reutileization.

e) resource-saving technologies

g) integrated use of raw materials.

h) Improving product use efficiency.

and) information technology.

3. International cooperation.

4. Conclusion.

5. List of used literature.

Like an apple on a dish

We have an earth alone.

Do not hurry, people

Loose everything to the bottom.

No wonder to get

Before hidden caches

Plunge all wealth

For future centuries.

We are the total life of the grain,

One destiny relatives

We are shameful

At the expense of the next day.

Understood it, people

As your own order

Not the land will not be

And each of us.

1. Introduction.

The planet is not as great and all natural processes flowing on it are closely interrelated. So, pesticides (DDTs) used in the Agriculture of Europe and North America were in the liver of penguins living in Antarctica. The destruction of forests in one country leads to a reduction in the natural riches of the entire planet, the emissions of chemicals on one continent can cause skin cancer in people living in other parts of the world, admission to the atmosphere of carbon dioxide in one place accelerates the change in the climate of the land in general. Oceanic and atmospheric transfer of pollutants does not know borders. "Everything is connected with everything."

A person always used the environment mainly as a source of resources, but during a very long time its activities have not had a noticeable influence on the biosphere. Only at the end of the last century, the change in the biosphere under the influence of economic activities has paid attention to scientists. In the first half of this century, these changes increased and at present avalanche collapsed on human civilization. In an effort to improve the conditions of your life, a person is constantly increasing the pace of material production, without thinking about the consequences. With this approach, most of the resources taken from the nature return to it in the form of waste, often poisonous or unsuitable for disposal. This creates a threat to the existence and biosphere, and the person himself. The only way out of this situation lies in the development of new systems of rational use of natural resources, and in human prudence.

2. Rated use of natural resources.

The ideas of monitoring the environment of scientific observation included in the technology of rational environmental management are widespread due to the problem of conservation of nature. Now this question is very relevant, because If humanity does not understand all the importance of what is happening, it may threaten him by an ecological catastrophe.

but) the problem of using mineral resources.

Every year, 100 billion tons of mineral resources are extracted from the subsoil of the Earth, including fuel, of which 90 billion tons turns into waste. Therefore, the resource saving and reducing the level of environmental pollution is two sides of the same medal. For example, in the production of 1 tons of copper, 110 tons of waste remains, the manufacture of one gold wedding ring - 1.5 - 3 tons of waste, etc. If at the beginning of the XXVEK, 20 chemical elements of the Mendeleev table were used, now more than 90. Over the past 40 years, the global consumption of mineral resources has increased 25 times, and production waste is 10-100 times more.

Metal number 1 for industry - iron. RUD reserves with high iron content are gradually exhausted, and the need for humanity in the hardware for the second half of the 20th century increased ten times. New technologies appeared to extract this metal from poor ores.

Another important metal is copper. If at the beginning of the century, ores were used for processing, in which the copper content was at least 3%, today - even 0.5% of this metal. Copper is needed electrical industry and automotive industry, so during the century the production of copper has increased by 22 times, and the number of waste is not less than 50 times.

US Environmentalists are called a material monster. Throughout the life of one American, 15 tons of iron and cast iron are consumed, 1.5 tons of aluminum, 700 kg of copper, 12 tons of clay, 13 tons of attorney salt, 500 tons of building materials, including 100 m 3 wood. In Japan, one resident accounts for 50 tons of mineral raw materials. If all countries begin to consume the same resources as the United States, then humanity would need an area equal to 3 land squares. The reserves of mineral raw materials on the planet are limited and quickly depleted. Different types of resources can be exhausted in the next 30-50 years. Perhaps, in the next 20-30 years, the reserves of lead and zinc ores, tin, gold, silver, platinum, asbestos will be exhausted, and the mining of nickel, cobalt, aluminum and others will cease. Fosphoric raw materials are depleted in their eyes. Soon enough prices for phosphoric fertilizers produced from terrestrial raw materials will sharply rise. And then phosphorus will have to be lifted with sea depths, which falls there out of rocks, through the fields to which they are taken out as a fertilizer, then with domestic runoff in the sea. And this "golden" phosphorus will be used in agriculture.

During the existence of the USSR, it was believed that our country is the most rich in all kinds of natural resources. 2 times decreased extraction of apatites. After the collapse of the country of the Russian Federation lost the chromium and manganese deposits, without which it is impossible to produce high-quality steel.

How to stop or slow down this resource depletion process? The only way is to simulate the biosphere cycle of substances in the industry. It is necessary that the useful elements contained in the raw materials do not fall into landfills, and have been repeatedly used. In this case, waste production and consumption is no longer waste, but secondary material resources. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev said: "There are no waste in chemistry, but there is only unused raw materials."

Some scientists believe that it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary resources at about 10 times, which will allow to switch to sustainable development of the economy based on new scientific and technical developments. Are there any positive examples in this area? Yes. Governments of Denmark, Germany, Austria included a radical reduction in the costs of primary resources (about 90% reduction in the costs of primary resources, said Austria).

b) rational use of water resources.

The drainage systems and structures are one of the types of engineering equipment and landscaping of settlements, residential, public and industrial buildings, providing the necessary sanitary and hygienic working conditions, life and recreation of the population. The drainage and purification systems consist of a complex of equipment, networks and structures intended for receiving and removing through pipelines of household industrial and atmospheric wastewater, as well as for their purification and disposal before resetting in a reservoir or disposal.

Objects of drainage are buildings of various purposes, as well as newly under construction, existing and reconstructed cities, settlements, industrial enterprises, sanitary and resort complexes, etc.

Waste water is water used on household, industrial or other needs and contaminated by various impurities that have changed their initial chemical composition and physical properties, as well as water flowing from the territory of settlements and industrial enterprises as a result of precipitation of precipitation or street watering.

Depending on the origin of the species and composition, wastewater is divided into three main categories: household (from toilet rooms, shower, kitchens, baths, laundries, dining rooms, hospitals; they come from residential and public buildings, as well as from household premises and industrial enterprises) ; Production (WATERS used in technological processes that do not meet more requirements for their quality; this category of water includes water, pumped into the surface of the Earth during mining of minerals); Atmospheric (raindling and thale; along with atmospheric water from watering streets, from fountains and drainage).

In practice, the concept of urban wastewater is also used, which are a mixture of household and industrial wastewater. Household, industrial and atmospheric wastewater are discharged both together and separately. Wire distribution and separation systems of water disposal received the most widespread. With a shared system, all three categories of wastewater are distinguished by one common network of pipes and canals beyond the city's territory to sewage treatment facilities. Separate systems consist of several pipes and channels: on one of them, rain and unpolluted production wastewater are distinguished, and on the other or several networks - household and contaminated industrial wastewater.

The amount of production wastewater is determined depending on the performance of the enterprise according to the enlarged standards of water consumption and drainage for various industries. The rate of water consumption is an expedient amount of water required for the production process, established on the basis of scientifically based calculation or best practices. The enlarged rate of water consumption includes all the cost of water in the enterprise. Production wastewater consumption norms are used in the design of newly under construction and reconstruction of existing wastewatering systems for industrial enterprises. Enlarged norms allow us to evaluate the rationality of water use on any current enterprise.

The efficiency of water use in industrial enterprises is estimated by such indicators as the amount of waste used water, the coefficient of its use and the percentage of its loss.

in) rational use of soil resources.

The uncontrollable influence on the climate in aggregate with irrational management of agriculture (making an excessive amount of fertilizers or plant protection products, improper crop rotation) can lead to a significant decrease in soil fertility, greater fluctuation of crop yields. But the decrease in food production even by 1% can lead to death from hunger million people.

Under the action of economic activity, the soil salinity occurs, the disappearance of perennial plants, the rise of sands, and in modern times these processes accelerated and accepted completely different scales. For his history, the person turned into a desert at least 1 billion hectares of once productive lands.

Excessive concentration of animals on minor areas with unstable vegetation cover, the resumption of which is difficult due to the lack of moisture and soil poverty leads to a reabes and, as a result, to the destruction of soils and vegetation. Since in arid areas of soil are often sandy, then in places of re-paint, areas with loose sands are arising, which are dispelled by the winds.

Desertification is recognized as one of the global problems of humanity, the solution of which requires the union of the efforts of all countries. Therefore, in 1994, the UN Convention was adopted to combat desertify.

d) rational use of forest resources.

Once the forests were occupied by most of the surface of the planet's land, but with the development of civilization the situation changed sharply, and now all the forests occupy only a third of the sushi surface. Already the first farmers burned out extensive areas of forests to clear the territory for crops. With the development of agriculture, the forest industry began to quickly disappear. We needed lands on arable land and pasture, wood for construction and heating. As a result, the natural forests were destroyed by almost all of Europe, in North Africa, in the Middle East, Central Asia, the south of Russia, in a number of America regions. Special demand used durable and beautiful wood tropical trees. In the XXVEK, most of the wood was mined in developing countries, rainforests, whose areas were huge, and wood reserves are almost inexhaustible.

But it turned out that this is not. Today, tropical forests occupy only 7% sushi, that is, two times less than 100-200 years ago. And their area decreases with catastrophic speed - 1.25% annually, primarily in Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and in African countries. In Latin America, in the 20s, they destroyed up to 6 million hectares per year. Africa since the early 1980s lost more than 50 million hectares of tropical forests.

Reducing forest areas and forest degradation - deforestation - have become one of the global environmental problems. The reason for deforestation in developing countries remains, in particular, the need for fuel. Almost 70% of the population of these regions is still for cooking and heating houses and use firewood and charcoal. Due to the destruction of forests, almost 3 billion people have already encountered a sharp lack of wood fuel. Prices are growing at it, and not a purchase of firewood often leaves nearly 40% of the family budget. In turn, the high demand for wood fuel seals further cutting down of forests.

The rational use of natural resources is necessary, because The forests are "light of our planet", and therefore, if a complete cutting of the forest occurs, the oxygen generation will decrease dramatically.

e) realization, as one of the most important areas of production to reduce the costs of primary resources.

Realization, or recycling is a re-or multiple use of resources.

There was noticeable progress in the development of recycling. For example, for the period 1985-1995, the secondary use of glass in the world has increased from 20 to 50%, and metals - from 33 to 50%, today these indicators are even higher.

In Germany, in early 1993, a law on waste from packaging was adopted. Manufacturers now have to respond to the fate of packages of their products. This led to a sharp reduction in the number of receipt of the used container on landfills. If the packaging is difficult to dispose, then the manufacturer has to pay for it, which is understandable, unprofitable. The reuse curve of materials in Germany sharply crawled up from 12% in 1986 to 86% in 1997. Plastic harvest increased by about 20 times. Such laws are adopted in Austria, France and Belgium.

The second is a very important law in this direction - the Tara processing law. Many firms began the production of computer boxes and simple materials without using adhesives, paints, or composite materials, which makes it easier to the secondary use of containers.

Car manufacturers and TVs are increasingly creating their products, taking into account their easy disassembly. The concept of "industrial symbiosis" appeared. "Symbiosis" is the cohabitation of two organisms useful for each other. "Industrial Symbiosis" is when unused resources of one enterprise become raw materials for another enterprise, as a rule, from another area of \u200b\u200bproduction.

For example, in the Danish city of Kalunburg, hot water of power plants is used by the nearest fish farm. Il from this company serves as a fertilizer for the farm land, and the soot from the work of the power plants goes to the production of cement.

This symbiosis is not only environmentally friendly, but beneficial economically. The number of waste is sharply reduced, for the placement of which on landfills - polygons has to pay expensive. Reduce the flow rate of primary resources in the production of building materials, when the crushed stone is replaced by slag and ash heat power plants.

Under the pressure of economic levers, the role of Reethetization will increase. It is planned to bring the level of metals recycling up to 80%, paper and plastics - up to 60-70%.

e) resource-saving technologies.

Currently, a huge amount of metal goes into the chips. Some machines (excavators, machines, cars, tractor) weigh a lot, which make it difficult to dispose. Powder metallurgy is one of the most important ways to save metal. If there is 60-70% of the metal during metalworking of casting and rolled in the chips, then in the manufacture of parts from press powders, the loss of materials does not exceed 5-7%. This not only saves raw materials, but also energy, reduces the contamination of the atmosphere and water. Without chips, you can do when using accurate casting, leaf and volumetric cold stamping.

In any production, a large amount of water is used. Thus, in the production of 1 tons of steel, 150-230 m 3 of water is required, for the manufacture of kapron fiber - 5000 m 3 of water, 1 tons of nickel - 4000 m 3 of water.

g) Complex use of raw materials.

Significant economy of primary resources can ensure the integrated use of raw materials, i.e. Obtaining many useful substances from it at once.

For example, on the Kola Peninsula there is an apatitonefelin ore deposit. They contain:

13% apatita

30-40% Nefelina

limestone and other materials. The extracted ore is divided into apatite and nephower concentrates, after which phosphoric fertilizers, phosphoric acid, fluorides, phosphogyps, and from necline and limestone, are obtained from Apatitis.

From copper ores, except copper, you can get at least 20 useful elements - sulfur, zinc, gold, silver, molybdenum, etc. We can save scarce resources, finding them a replacement: the scarce copper can be replaced with fiberglass, iron and ammimony - plastic.

During oil mining, passing gas is lost, and it is a raw material for the chemical industry. Of the natural and associated gas, a huge amount of goods receive.

When processing oil, it is possible to obtain an even greater range of products:

Light gas oil oil fuel oil

Kerosene Ligroin, Nafta

It is much more profitable to produce its products than to bring from abroad for the currency, and there to supply raw materials - oil, gas. Valuable raw materials for the chemical industry - sulfur, its compounds, sulfur dioxide, which is thrown into the atmosphere by industry, enterprises and transport. In Russia, they are higher than in Japan at 20 times, 3 times in SSCHCH, England.

h) improving product use efficiency.

One of the most important aspects of resource saving is to increase the efficiency of the use of product resource and the extension of its service starting with C / X technique, cars and ending with clothing and shoes. Repair of goods than replacing his new, not only economically beneficial, it creates new jobs especially in the field of repair of household appliances, computers, cars. Doubling the life of the car 2 times reduces the use of the resources required for its production. Toyota re-uses sea cargo containers, the initial life of which is 20 years.

The use of laundry services will retain the use of materials in the calculation of 1 washing at 10-80 times.

In Germany, it is allowed to quickly arrange a matchmaker at the house of the landfill of cumbersome things. Things are redistributed: they are taken by those who hoped to repair them. It happens that there is nothing to export. To collect clothes to homeowners on the eve of the mailboxes there are special packages, which is packaged, what can still be worn, take charity organizations.

In the US, there is a "sales" system. Things used to use, sell at low prices. We have commissions for this purpose. It is impossible to set, for example, old cars that pollute the atmosphere or household appliances, the use of which is environmentally dangerous. But this is not profitable to the manufacturer. In the US, only 17% of such goods are reused, in other countries - less. While in Russia is spent much more sulfur, iron, copper, aluminum and other scarce resources.

and) information technologies as one of the ways to reduce the consumption of some resources.

Electronics of the last decades of the twentieth century created telecommunication networks. In each cell of these networks - monitor, telephone, modem, computer. Economies paper, materials, energy spent on printing and delivery of printed products. There is no need for long-distance and long business trips / use of the Internet saves material resources, time and energy. Today, they are already talking about the information "post-industrial civilization". The information resources themselves are changing. They are becoming smaller in size, even miniature.

A simple silicon or germanium microplate of 1 mm 2 replaces thousands of transistors and binding elements. As a result, the specific costs of materials and labor on 1 operating element of the device or to record one bit of information decreased. Information technologies make it possible to reduce the energy intensity and material consumption of the corresponding products and changes the entire industrial sphere radically. 12.11.04 A new mine was opened in Kemerovo, a capacity of 3 million tons of coal per year using computers and modern technologies.

3. International cooperation.

In 1992 (June 3 - 14), the World Conference "Environment and Development" Unced was held at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) at the level of the heads of state and governments. A huge work was carried out, and as a result of a meeting in Rio, two international agreements were concluded, two statements about the principles and a plan of fundamental actions were adopted for worldwide sustainable development. These five documents include:

  1. Rio de Janeyr Environmental Declaration and Development. Its 27 principles determine the rights and obligations of countries in ensuring the development and welfare of people.
  2. The agenda of the year at the SXXI century is a program of how to make development sustainable with a social, economic and environmental point of view.
  3. A statement about the principles related to the management, protection and sustainable development of all types of forests, vital to ensure the economic development and conservation of all forms of life.
  4. The purpose of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is to stabilize the concentrations of gases that cause the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere at such levels that will not cause dangerous imbalance in the world climatic system.
  5. The Biological Diversity Convention requires countries to take measures to preserve the diversity of living beings and ensured the equitable distribution of benefits from the use of biological diversity.

The conference in Rio forced to think about how much people are able to solve the problem of harmonizing the socio-economic development and environmental protection. The conference participated 178 states and more than three dozen intergovernmental international organizations. 114 delegations were headed by the heads of states and governments. Simultaneously with this Conference in Rio de Janeiro, the public rally "Global Forum" was held. Its participants (about half a million representatives of public organizations of the countries of the world, to one degree or another related to the environmental movement) during scientific discussions at the seminars showed opinions independent of the official authorities.

The Rio de Janeyr Environmental Declaration and Development defined the Code of Principles for Subsequent Development. These principles define the rights of peoples on the development and responsibilities for the preservation of our overall environment. They are based on the ideas of the Stockholm Declaration adopted at the UN Conference on the Environmental Environment in 1972.

Rio de Janeira Principles include the following major ideas:

  1. People have the right to a healthy and fruitful life in harmony with nature.
  2. Today's development should not be harmful to the interests of the development of current and future generations.
  3. States should develop international compensation legislation for damage that activities carried out under their control causes outside their territories.
  4. To achieve sustainable development, environmental protection should be an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in the separation from it.
  5. The eradication of poverty and inequalities in the standard of living in various parts of the world is necessary to ensure sustainable growth in meeting the needs of most people.
  6. States must cooperate in order to preserve, protect and restore the integrity of the Earth's ecosystem.
  7. States should limit and eliminate non-existence models of production and consumption and encourage the relevant demographic policy.
  8. Environmental issues are solved in the most efficient way with the participation of all interested citizens. States develop and encourage awareness and participation of the population by providing broad access to environmental information.
  9. States take effective environmental laws, develop national laws related to responsibility and compensation to victims of pollution and other environmental damage.
  10. In principle, the one who pollutes the environment must be financially responsible for this pollution.
  11. States notify each other about natural disasters or activities that may have harmful effects.
  12. Sustainable development requires a deeper scientific understanding of the problems. States should share knowledge and new technologies to achieve sustainability purposes.
  13. The war inevitably has a devastating impact on the sustainable development process. Therefore, states must respect international law, providing environmental protection during armed conflict, and should cooperate and its further development.
  14. The world, the development and protection of the environment is interdependent and inseparable.

An equally important document than the Environment Declaration is the agenda for the XXI century, which includes the consideration of a number of different socio-economic and environmental problems. The agenda plan consists of four major sections.

· The first one is called "social and economic aspects".

This section discusses international relations of cooperation aimed at achieving a global economic order, which will help all countries, both developed and developing, to become a path to sustainable development.

One of the main reasons for the constant environmental degradation worldwide recognizes the structure of consumption and production that does not provide sustainability - especially in industrialized countries. Therefore, the issue of rationalizing the production and change in the structure of consumption is particularly carefully considered.

· Section of the second - "preservation and rational use of resources."

Deals with the consideration of such global environmental issues as the protection of the atmosphere, the rational use of land resources, the fight against the destruction of forests, the fight against desertification and drought, protection and rational use of oceans, protection and rational use of fresh water resources.

A separate chapter also makes it possible to consider the issue of improving the safety of the use of toxic chemicals, the removal of hazardous waste, removing solid waste and wastewater and, of course, the removal of radioactive waste.

· In the third section - "Strengthening the role of major groups of the population."

It is said about the need to increase the role of women, youth and children in ensuring sustainable development, strengthening the role of indigenous population, cooperation with non-governmental organizations, local authorities, workers and trade unions, business and industrial circles, scientific and technical circles, as well as to strengthen the role of farmers.

· Fourth section - "Means of Implementation".

Lights questions of funding for sustainable development, transmission of technologies developed countries by developing.

It also refers to the need to send science for sustainable development, enlightening, training and informing the population, capacity building for sustainable development.

The question of the need to revise international legislation on sustainable environmental development is also considered.

The agenda discusses both the urgent problems of today and the issues of preparation for solving the problems of the next century.

It recognizes that providing sustainable development is primarily the responsibility of governments and that it will require the development of national programs, plans and policies. The efforts of states should be coordinated through international organizations.

The agenda of the atxxi century is explained that the movement forces in the environment are population, consumption and technology. It offers measures in the field of policies and programs to achieve a sustainable equilibrium between consumption, population and the ability of land to support life, describe some methods and technologies that need to be developed to meet the needs of people with the rational use of natural resources.

Having adopted the agenda of the atmosphere of the century, industrialized countries recognized that they should play a more important role in improving the environment. Rich countries also promised to increase financial assistance to other countries for development. In addition to financing, such countries need help to accumulate knowledge, potential for planning and implementing solutions related to sustainable development. This will require the transfer of information and professional skills.

As they say on the agenda for the 21st century, only a global partnership can bring to all peoples more secure and secure future.

The largest Russian scientist, a valid member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co-chairman of the Russian ecological union N.N. Moiseev believes that humanity stands on the threshold of a new stage of its history, when the main task is to find an exit from the dangerous environmental situation of a global scale. It is necessary to create such conditions and the organization of the life of the world community, which can provide a coevolution, i.e. Joint development of man and nature. The main indicators of the crisis environmental situation are the discrepancy between the needs of the growing population and the declining opportunities for their satisfaction at the expense of the resources of the exhausting nature, ("Malthus problem"), a decrease in the stability of the biosphere, the deterioration of the human gene pool, the greenhouse effect, etc.

To reduce the crisis situation that can lead to a global economic catastrophe, a solution of a number of tasks is required. The first among them, according to N. I. Moiseeva, is an assessment of the scale of real danger, the rates of its rise and the associated identification of the conditions of the ecological imperative. To do this, it is necessary to develop national research programs, create national information centers, intensify the exchange of information. On the basis of the assessment of the scale of the global environmental threat, the following tasks should be resolved:

  • optimization of demographic policy (conducting a system for family planning measures, improving the pension provision, the introduction of progressive technologies in food production). The scientists of the WORLDWATCH institute believe that the sustainable development of society is possible with a significant decrease in the birth rate, and if humanity will begin the necessary transformations today, having laid the foundations of the harmonious interaction of society and nature for the next 40 years;
  • revision of the value orientation of society and the formation of an environmental structure with the priority of the moral factor;
  • creation of foci of the noosphere (Ecopolis, etc.);
  • development of the educational program based on the rules of business and environmental standards common to the entire planet;

the proclamation from the UN stand must for all principles of the planetary dormitory, which can become a cornerstone in the formation of a new thinking of people "inhabiting land.

5. Conclusion.

Due to the increase in the scope of the anthropogenic effect (human economic activity), especially in the last century, the balance in the biosphere is disturbed, which can lead to irreversible processes and raise the question of the possibility of life on the planet.

In this paper, we reviewed all the main aspects of the rational use of natural resources. And also drew your attention to the recklessness of a person who without measure draws the resources of the Earth, his native planet, without making anything to neutralize traces of their activities.

It pleases that in the last decade, this issue firmly occupied the first positions on various international conventions. It's good that people at least began to think about the environment, about the state of the planet, about the reserves of natural resources. Because according to forecasts, if the modern rate of mining and consumption of explored oil reserves will continue, it will be exhausted after 30 years, gas - after 50, coal - after 200, the depletion of aluminum reserves is expected after 500-600 years, iron - after 250 years, Zinc - after 25, lead - after 20.

6. Literature asked.

1. G. V. Stadnitsky, A. I. Rodionov. "Ecology".

2. V.A. Wrodyin "Encyclopedia for children. Ecology".

3. V.A. Wrodyin "Encyclopedia for children. Chemistry".

4. D.Teilor, N.Grin, U.Stut "Biology in 3 volumes".

5. E.A. Kriksunov, V.V.passchenik "Ecology of the 10-11 class".

Renewable resources, up to a certain limit, are capable of being restored, but the long history of their operation led to significant changes in the natural features of resources and, above all, to their ability to self-end. More acute is the problem with the exhaustion of non-renewable resources, as well as with the accumulation of a huge amount of production and consumption. All this testifies to irrational nature management.

In contrast, rational environmental management- This is a highly efficient management that does not lead to a sharp change in the natural resource potential, to which humanity is not economically economically ready, and not leading to deep changes in the environment of the human environment, which causes damage to his health or threatening his life.

The system of activity of rational environmental management is intended to ensure the economical operation of natural resources and conditions and the most effective regime of their reproduction, taking into account the promising interests of the developing farm and preserving the health of people.

The main principle of rational environmental management is the economic specialization and organization of the economy, the social structure of the Company must comply with the natural and resource security (potential) of the territory, resource-reproducing and assessing functions of ecosystems, their natural abilities to resist anthropogenic effects.

The necessary elements of rational nature use are:

  • * Optimal modes of consumption of resource species and their integrated use;
  • * Accounting for the speed and resumption of resources;
  • * Management of simple and advanced reproduction of resources;
  • * preservation of the quality of the used landscape (ecosystems);
  • * blocking and eliminating the negative consequences of the seizure of the natural resource;
  • * Organization of the most economical and cost-effective industries, taking into account the natural functioning and dynamics of ecosystems.

Ways of rational use of natural resources:

  • 1. Inventory and creation of inventories of natural resources.
  • 2. Environmentalization of technological processes.

Required production- This is such an organization of resource cycles based on the principles of interconnection and closets, in which the waste of some industries are used as raw materials for others, which ensures their complete disposal. However, in the overwhelming majority of production, the formation of certain waste inevitably. The real goal is to transition to low-waste production, characterized by the maximum possible disposal of emissions.

3. Situating the negative effects of human economic activity.

Natural resource potentialthe territory is a set of natural resources dedicated to it, whose joint operation is technically possible, economically appropriate and environmentally admissible. Under environmental potentialit is understood as the degree of comfort of natural conditions and the environmental situation on the estimated territory. The environmental potential of the territory reflects the conditions for the development of settlements and the formation of settlement systems.

From the standpoint of rational nature management, the natural resource potential is not an absolutely marginal supply of resources, but only that their limit that can be used without a significant violation of the most important properties and functions of ecosystems. Therefore, before the use of the ecosystem begins, the measure of the seizure of the substance and energy should be determined, which does not undermine its ability to self-regulation and self-healing. Otherwise, use will be spontaneous, despite the externally planned character.

The rational use of the potential of landscapes is impossible without taking into account their integrity, spatial differentiation, determining their stability to the chosen form of anthropogenic impact, without analyzing possible changes in nature and develop measures to prevent negative consequences. It is most relevant for biological and recreational resources, the state of which is largely determined by the state of natural complexes as holistic formations.

Currently, scientific directions are allocated from the science of environmental management. biological nature managementwhich comes from the fact that all nature management should be based on the economic and environmental bases and is clearly ecological and ethical.

As a positive example of biological environmental management, we give information about the state of hunting economy in the United States. The twentieth century found a living nature in the United States in a very urgent state. In particular, the resources of the animal world were very exhausted and looted. Now in the United States about 14 million lovers hunters, the direct contribution of which in the country's economy exceeds $ 20 billion a year, and indirectly 60 billion dollars. (In 2003, the entire state budget of Russia amounted to about 80 billion dollars). Hunting service gives more than 700 thousand jobs, the state receives over $ 3 billion taxes. But hunting resources are not reduced. If at the beginning of the last century, about 10 thousand beavers remained in North America, now 6-9 million, with annual seizures of 600-700 thousand individuals. The number of belly deer is huge- 32-33 million individuals, the size of the wapiti populations have achieved unprecedented-1.2 million heads, the number of wild indeek increased from 1 to 5 million over several years. The conclusion is obvious: the intensive exploitation of populations of hunting animals, subject to the norms and restrictions on strict control and help from a person, does not affect their number and reproduction.

With rational nature management, the anthropogenic load should not exceed the level of stability of ecosystems ( environmental capacity of the territory). As a rule, in the context of the development of technogenesis, the environmental capacity of the territory is a limiting indicator.

In particular, they speak about the recreational capacity of the territory, i.e., on the permissible recreational burden, which is expressed in the number of people (or human-days) per unit area per unit of time. It is usually measured by the number of vacationers per 1 hectare (person).

How to determine this limit? It is known that with excessive loads in forest landscapes, the soil is considerably compacted, impoverished and replaces the formated cover, the teen disappears, young trees dry out. The forest litter gradually disappears, the soil fauna is suppressed, the soils are drained and their fertility is declined noticeably. As a result, there is a progressive drop in current increase.- Indicator of aging of the eco-system of the forest. When accelerating this process, the resumption is suppressed and the forest may die.

It follows that the magnitude of the ratio of the current increase in the average diameter of trees under conditions of undisturbed ecosystems characterizes their recreational capacity and stability. The maximum amount of recrehensors (people), the influence of which cannot significantly reduce this value, is considered as an extreme load on this ecosystem. As observations showed, in dry pine forests, the maximum load is 2-3 hours / hectares of 1 h, in fresh thumps and fryniki- 5-8 people / ha, in wet pine forests and spruce- 8-15 people, in conditions of fresh and wet floodplain and low-lying meadows- 20-30 people / ha.

Currently, environmental management is carried out according to the administrative-territorial, natural geographical, basin sign. At the same time, these signs are not always applicable to other sectors of the economy.

The process of rationalization of environmental management is a transition from a purely autonomous, industry in its nature of the operation of certain types of natural resources to the integrated use of the set of natural conditions in the region and the maximum rapprochement and, possibly, even merging the boundaries of natural and economic territorial systems.

The conjugate assessment of the natural resource and environmental potentials and environmental capacity of the territory allows you to establish environmentally sound areas of nature management, largely determining the conditions for the development of the regional economy. The combination of these areas will be the natural potential of regional development (PPRD).

Natural resource potential + Ecological potential of the territory + environmental capacity of the territory \u003d natural potential of regional development

Thus, the PPRD defines the regional strategy of environmental management on the basis of an ecological and economic approach. The reflection of the spatial differentiation of the PPRD is the ECOLOGO-ECONOMIC DISTRICT, allocated as an object of territorial environmental management, in which the exploitation of natural resources is governed by the living conditions of the population and the environmental capacity of the relevant territory.

Until now, the task of managing economically important bioresours was set as the task of maximizing consistently made products. Meanwhile, such an approach is inconsistent with the objectives of conservation of biodiversity. Anthropogenic transformations of natural systems leading to a temporary increase in their productivity are accompanied by a reduction in the general biomass and the simplification of the structure of the systems themselves.

As in most regions of Russia, in the Altai Territory, an exhaustive list of biological resources suitable for use is not developed, payments for their use, reserves and permissible removal limits, distribution of resources through the territory of the region. The system of monitoring the state of populations of most resource species and control over their use has not been developed.

These problems are particularly acute for medicinal plants. The objects of the field blank are almost always determined as a species name of the plant without specifying the parts of the parts, the rates of the board were minimal and practically did not take into account the biological features of the species and commercial cost of medicinal raw materials. All this led to the fact that the rates were close to the harvesting of rhizomes, and for the workpiece of leaves and herbs, and payments to the budget of meager. Forest rates have not taken into account not only the environmental significance of plants, but even commercial value. For example, the rates of forest feeds for the fishing harvest of the drug raw materials of the ordinary, the Hyperician of the dended, licorice of the Ural, Timyan Czczuchy, nine, high, blue, Blue, List Lamberry in 2006 amounted to 1.70 rubles per kilogram!

Analysis shows that the main commercial turnover of wild plants in the Russian sector of Altai-Sayan Ecoregion is carried out through an unstructured (and uncontrolled!) Market. Industrial processors and numerous mediators buy raw materials from the local population, for which this type of income is often the main, and in the distant settlements of the foothill and mountainous regions of Altai and the only one.

The system of rational environmental management in respect of any natural resource includes several interconnected subsystems: monitoring the state of the plant world, the preservation and restoration of vegetation cover, the use of plant resources, control and supervision (Fig. 1). The purpose of organizing each system is to develop and implement scientifically based organizational, legal and financial and economic mechanisms in the specified area.

Monitoring system- This is a comprehensive system of regular observations of high-quality and quantitative indicators of natural resources and the state of the natural environment for the purposes of timely detection, analysis and prediction of possible changes against the background of natural processes and under the influence of anthropogenic factors, evaluating these changes, developing recommendations for timely prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative influences.

An important element in the system of state regulation of environmental management should be the formation of an exhaustive list of monitoring objects and controlled indicators for each object, the development of unified schemes for the description (certification) of objects, the definition of monitoring studies and the frequency of observations, the efficiency of collecting and processing information, the forms of its presentation and transmission. The comparability of the data contained in different databases must be ensured. Created information resources should provide comprehensive information on natural complexes of state authorities, local governments and other interested parties.

Based on the research conducted, recommendations are developed: in the case of a stable state of the resource - the use of it within the established standards; For resources of limited and fragmentary distribution - use for the needs of the local population on a license basis; In the case of degradation or weak learning - limit or complete prohibition of use and development systems of measures for protection and recovery,which includes both preventive and direct protection measures. The priority direction is also the development and implementation of methods for assessing damage to bioresurs and natural objects, the development of law enforcement mechanisms for the recovery of funds from offenders to restore natural resources.

Fig. one.

Compensation of harm to the environment.Damage is divided into damage to the farm (hunting, fishing, forestry) and damage to natural objects as such. Damage to the farm is determined by the cost of products that will not be obtained after the project is implemented or as a result of the accident. Damage to the biota and loss of biosphere functions can be obtained by the valuation through the direct monetary assessment of animal or plant populations, the loss of their habitats, etc.

Recently, the focus of scientists and practitioners are issues of assessment, identifying the real economic value of biological resources and the introduction of economic and financial mechanisms for regulating environmental management. Now the general case is the understatement of the price of the natural good or even its zero assessment, which leads, in particular, to a decrease in biodiversity. In determining the value of biological resources, the concept of general economic value (value) is allocated as the most promising approach: an attempt to take into account in a summary assessment as the cost of using wildlife resources, including ecosystem services and the cost of "non-use", biodiversity conservation.

In the existing techniques, only the harm caused by nature at the moment of exposure is taken into account. It is not prolonged for the period of self-sustainment of ecosystems, returning the populations of organisms to the original state.

Economic assessment should take into account not only the commercial (market) value of natural resources, but also the value of ecosystem functions (climators-incorporating, media-forming, bioresources), social and cultural significance, as well as the cost of measures to restore the reserved (used) resource.

In order to encourage economic motivation in the population, the development of mechanisms for compensation for missed benefits when restricting the economic activity of the population and economic entities.

For biological resources, the direct protection of natural populations of unsophisticated species should be combined with the protection of fishing species during rational use. In case, after the measures taken, the state of the population of the species does not cause concerns, in the future it is possible to use a resource, but with strict control and regular monitoring.

IN system use of resourcesimportant tasks are the development of the system of accounting and economic assessment of natural resources, environmental rationing systems and objectivation of predictive estimates of stocks of commodity plants and animal numbers.

Positive effects can give such administrative control tools of control as limits on the preparation of wild plantations, the standards of attendance of the PAs, licensing, etc.

The economic assessment should take into account not only the commercial (market) value, but also the value of ecosystem functions (climators-incorporating, media, bioresources), social and cultural significance, as well as the cost of measures to restore the reserved (used) resource.

Control system and supervision.In Russia, in accordance with the law, state, production and public monitoring in the field of environmental protection is carried out. The functions of state control are particularly important, as natural resources are a nationwide property, which is enshrined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and constantly conflicts are conflicts from various business entities and sectors of society.

An objective necessity is to increase the state of state inspectors in the field of environmental protection to an environmentally optimal and economically sound number.

Public environmental control can play a special role, the results of which are subject to compulsory consideration by state authorities and local governments.

According to the current Russian legislation, the company is obliged to provide rational environmental management, environmental protection, as well as its own protection against the negative impact of a polluted environment, which can manifest itself in the form of the impact of hazardous factors on the health of the enterprise personnel, on the state of production facilities, on the course of technological processes. Failure to comply with these obligations should entail serious legal and economic consequences for the intruder enterprise.

The conditions of existence on the market are currently determined by the ecological component of production. The competitiveness of industrial and consumer goods products in the national and world markets is directly related to the environmental parameters of production technologies manufactured by goods, as well as environmental costs directly affecting the level of total production costs.

Summing up, you can specify some measures to minimize the negative impact of man's economic activity on biological diversity:

  • * Maximum use of diversified lands (intensively used agricultural, forest, industrial, etc.);
  • * identification of territories with highly degraded vegetation in need of restoration;
  • * Environmental restoration (recultivation) of broken lands;
  • * preventing the mass spread of pests and diseases of plant objects in the implementation of production processes; Introduction to the culture of economic valuable types of flora and fauna;
  • * development of new methods and technologies in the field of protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources;
  • * stimulating the implementation of resource and energy-saving technologies, increasing the share of the use of secondary resources, increasing the degree of waste disposal;
  • * Stimulating the development and implementation of effective environmental management systems in enterprises, including in accordance with international standards of the ISO 14000 series.

Natural resources are a means of existence, without which a person cannot live and which he finds in nature. It is water, soil, plants, animals, minerals that we use directly or in a recycled form. They give us food, clothes, shelter, fuel, energy and raw materials for the work of the industry, of which the person creates comfortable objects, cars and medicines. Some types of resources, such as mineral, can only be used once (although some metals can serve as secondary raw materials). Such types of resources are called exhausted or non-renewable resources. They have finite reserves, the addition of which is almost impossible on Earth. First, because there are no such conditions in which they have formed millions of years ago, and secondly, the rate of formation of minerals is immeasurably slower than the consumption of their person.

Other types of resources, such as water, "return" nature again and again, no matter how much we use them. These resources are called renewable or permanent resources. They are reproduced in natural processes occurring on Earth, and are maintained in some constant quantity determined by their annual increase and consumption (fresh water in rivers, oxygen atmosphere, forest, etc.).

It is often very difficult to carry out the border between renewable and non-renewable resources. For example, plants and animals, if used wastefully, without worrying about the consequences, may disappear from the face of the earth. Consequently, in this regard, they can be attributed to non-renewable resources. On the other hand, the vegetable and animal world has a self-reproduction ability and when sensible use can be saved. Thus, in principle, these resources are renewed.

The same can be said about soils. With the rational management of the farm, the soil can not only be preserved, but even improve and increase their fertility. On the other hand, the unreasonable use of soil leads to the fall of their fertility, and erosion often physically destroys the soil layer, completely blending it. That is, in many cases the renewability or non-naturalness of natural resources is determined by the attitude towards them.

Now a person in his economic activity has mastered almost all available and well-known resources, both renewable and non-repaid.

Mineral resources

Unlike renewable resources, which, with their proper use, are practically inexhaustible, minerals can be used only once, after which they disappear. These resources are irreducible. The pace of their formation is immeasurably slower than the rate of mining. Therefore, throughout the future history of humanity, it will be necessary, in all likelihood, the search for funds and methods of more efficient use of non-repaired resources, including the methods of processing secondary raw materials.

The importance of mineral resources can be judged by their diversity and multilateral use in everyday life.

Some minerals are just as important for the life and health of people like air and water. Salt, for example, without which man cannot do, was an exchange object throughout human history. It has become the most important industrial raw materials - its reserves in the earth's crust and in the ocean are very large and humanity has this resource into abundance.

Otherwise it is the case with mineral fuel and metals. Many of them are neither abundant nor cheap and therefore should be protected as an endungent type of resources.

The pace of operation of the earth's subsoil is accelerated from year to year. The purpose of the protection of mineral reserves is to ensure rational and complete use of their use, prevent damage and stop attempts by unauthorized prey, maintain areas of subsoil, representing scientific, cultural interest. It is necessary to make decisive measures to reduce the mining losses. If, during the extraction of tens of millions of tons, at least the proportion of the percent of minerals is lost, the actual losses will be tens of tons, and huge amounts will be spent on exploration and preparatory work.

The development of minerals should be carried out in such a way that it is possible to fully use chemical elements to completely use even poor ores, even the deposits are fully exhausted. It is necessary to maintain minerals in the process of transportation to recycling places. Still often the large losses of stone coal during underground fires, large funds are spent on the fight against them. Significant losses in mining, enrichment and processing ores of non-ferrous and rare metals. The main metals and related components are lost here.

Thus, the main requirements for the protection of subsoil and their rational use is the most complete extract from the subsoil and rational use of reserves of the basic and jointly binding minerals and components contained in them; preventing the harmful effects of work related to the use of subsoil, the safety of mineral reserves; protection of minerals from flooding, fires and other factors that reduce their quality and value of the deposit; Preventing the contamination of the subsoil with underground storage of oil, gas and other materials.

Land resources

The soil is a surface fertile layer of the earth's crust, created under the cumulative effect of external conditions: heat, water, air, plant and animal organisms, especially microorganisms. Soil resources are one of the most necessary prerequisites for providing life on Earth. However, their role is currently underestimated. Soil as an element of the biosphere is designed to provide a biochemical environment for humans, animals and plants. Only soil can be provided with full-fledged conditions for the production of food, animal feed. An integral functions of the soil as a natural body is the accumulation of precipitation and water balance control, the concentration of plant nutrition elements, education and ensuring the purity of groundwater.

With the intensive use of the Earth, it is necessary not only to think about how more she has to take, but at the same time take care of the increase in soil fertility. The land fund of Russia is 1709.7 millionga. About 1,100 million hectares of land is in the permafrost zone. Agricultural land occupy only 13% of the country's land foundation area and tend to reduce. Over the past 25 years, agricultural squares decreased by 33 million hectares, despite the annual involvement in the agricultural turnover of new lands. The main reasons for the reduction of the Selkhozward are the appearance of soil erosion, insufficiently regulated land allocation for non-agricultural needs, flooding, flooding and fear, ingrowth of forest and shrub. The factors that contribute to the destruction of soil are also underground and open development of minerals.

According to assessments of scientific institutions, the soils of the farmland lose about 1.5 billion tons of a fertile layer every year due to erosion. The term "erosion" comes from the Latin verb Erodere - to eat. Erosion is the destruction and demolition of soil cover (sometimes soil-forming rocks) water flows or wind. At the same time, the most fertile top layer of the soil is destroyed. Trees of combating soil erosion are very diverse and depend on soil-climatic and agroeconomic conditions. They should be carried out on the basis of introducing agriculture zonal systems:

  • * In the distribution areas of wind erosion - soil-protective crop rotations with strip deployment of crops, snow deposits, consolidation and afforestation of sands, growing structural forest strips;
  • * In areas of propagation of water erosion - soil processing and crops of agricultural acults across the slopes, contour plowing, strengthening the arable layer and other processing methods that reduce the flow of surface water;
  • * In the mountainous areas - a device of anti-leaving structures, afforestation, lurpping of the slopes, the regulation of grazing of cattle, preservation of mountain forests.

The task of rational use of the lithosphere includes fixing and mastering of sands. Sands are called loosely low-spirited deposits consisting of grains of minerals (mostly quartz). Sand fixing is performed by the method of mechanical protection, bituminization (sandplane coating of the bitumen emulsion, cementing the surface layer to a depth of 0.8 - 1 cm. The solid peel successfully opposes winds two years). Sand fixed can be used for forest areas, gardening, viticulture, muddy and animal husbandry.

Drain of wetlands increases soil resources. The swamps are valuable land. After drying, they are used under various agricultural medication, as well as for the cultivation of forest and peat mining. The soils of the drained marshes are fertile, a large amount of amino acids, nitrogen and other organic substances accumulate in them. But the solid drying of the marsh can harm (an example of this is a solid acelioration, which led to the deplorable results), therefore there are various ways of regulating the water regime when the marsh is carried out that do not allow negative consequences, for example, the creation of water bodies in the rivers and tank holders.

Restoration of soil directed land reclamation. The development of an open method of mining has sharply increased the number of territories that are subject to destruction. The restoration of the territories is carried out in four directions: for agricultural use (agriculture, gardening), under forest plantation, under water bodies, under housing and capital construction. The most effective is currently reclamation by forest separation.

Water resources.

Water is the basis of life on earth and her homeland. Unfortunately, the abundance of water only seemingly, in reality the hydrosphere is the thinnest shell of the Earth, because in all its states and in all areas there are less than 0.001 mass of the planet. Nature is arranged in such a way that water is constantly updated in a single hydrological cycle and protection of water resources should be carried out in the process of the use of water by influencing the water cycle of water. The need for water increases from year to year. The main consumers of water are industry and agriculture. The industrial value of water is very large, since almost all production processes require a large amount of it. The bulk of water in the industry is used to produce energy and cooling. For these purposes, water quality does not matter much, therefore, the basis for reducing the water-brewery of industrial production is reverse water use, in which the water is once renovated from the source repeatedly, "increasing" thereby reserves water resources and reducing their pollution. The largest "water consumables" among industrial sectors are ferrous metallurgy, chemistry, petrochemistry and thermal power engineering. The transition from the direct-flow for re-water suggestion allows to reduce the volume of water consumption on TPPs at 30-40 times, in some chemical and oil refineries - at 20-30 times, on the production of ferroalloys - 10 times. Most of the "industrial" water goes to cool the heating units. Replacing water cooling by air in chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking, on TPP and in the woodworking industry would reduce water consumption by 70-80%. Large possibilities for reducing irrational water expenditures are also available in housing and communal services. Everyone is well known as the leaks of faulty cranes, other sanitary fittings, from external water supply networks. In the latter case, the cause of leaks is often the ring-free pipes, and replacing them on long-term enameled pipes and tubes made of glass-like materials with increased anti-corrosionship would allow much reduction of water consumption. Renewable non-reserved natural resource

Forest resources

Forests are the national wealth of the people, the source of wood and other types of valuable raw materials, as well as the stabilizing component of the biosphere. They have a very large aesthetic and recreational (restorative) value. The rational use and preservation of forests is currently becoming important for the European part of Russia and the Urals, where relatively small forest resources and the main production facilities of industrial enterprises are concentrated, as well as the majority of the country's population. To streamline the use of forests of state importance and preventing the depletion of woody reserves in the mince areas of forests, divided into three groups. The first group includes forests that perform mostly the following functions: water protection, protective (anti-erosion), sanitary and health and wellness (urban forests, forests of green zones around cities).

The second group includes forests in areas with high population density and a developed network of transport routes, having a protective and limited operational importance, as well as forests with insufficient logging resources, to preserve the protective functions of which, continuity and inexhaustibility of use, they need a more rigorous forest management mode.

The third group includes forests of crowded areas that have mainly operational importance and intended to continuously satisfy the needs of the national economy in the wood without prejudice to the protective properties of these forests. In the forests of the third group, the leading place occupies the use of targeted resources (primarily wood). In the light of modern issues of environmental protection and the rational use of forest resources, the development of forests of the third group, the improvement of forest exploitation and processing of wood, further increase the productivity of plantations, the effective use of side products of the forest is important. The creation of large timber industrial complexes in the North-West and in Eastern Siberia, in the Far East made it possible to involve large forest arrays with overripe and ripe plantations, having put forward the task in front of the forestry and the forest industry to replace the old forests with new ones. Of great importance acquires the integrated use of wood raw materials. Its base is the production of a technological chain that allows the use of wood, as well as waste of logging and sawmills as the feedstock for the pulp and paper industry and the production of wood plates.

The recreational significance of forests located in places with the developed industry, near large cities, is growing rapidly. Recreational value of forests sometimes exceeds the cost of wood derived from them. When accumulated in the forests of vacationers, recreational load arises. This may be dangerous to continue the natural development and normal existence of forest arrays, biogeocenoses. If the forest site is severely damaged by pulling the soil, it must be excluded from use for 3-5 years or more. It is necessary to carefully fulfill all the rules of fire protection, prohibit walks, rest and collecting mushrooms and berries in young frosting.

With the development of urbanization, green areas in cities acquire. Green plantings - wood-shrub, flower and herbal vegetation, elements of landscaping of landscaped areas - are an effective means of environmental protection of the city, they increase comfort, the aesthetics of the urban environment can be 20% more and more reduce the power of urban noise, as they serve as an obstacle to distribute sound waves. Green general uses can not be privatized or leased and are the citywide municipal property without the right to change the appointment of these territories and alienation of part of them for other purposes. Any forms of economic activity are not allowed that cause the city's green foundation.

disposal of natural bodies and the phenomenon of natural resources at the level of both a separate individual and more or less large public groups. The classification of natural resources The classification is based on three traits: by sources of origin on the use of resources in production and by the degree of resource degree. Forest Fund part of the land land foundation on which the forest highlighted or can grow for agriculture and the organization of specially protected natural territories; It is part of biological ...

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Lecture number 11.

Rational use of natural resources

The history of human society is the history of environmental management, i.e., disposal of natural bodies and phenomenon (natural resources) at the level of both a separate individual and more or less large public groups. Unlike any other living organisms, also using natural resources, a volitional, reasonable start associated with targeted transformation of its environmental environment is inherent.

Natural resources are a combination of natural bodies and phenomena that society uses for their own purposes now or will be able to use in the future.

In the most general form, as applied to the person, "resources are something extracted from the natural environment to meet their needs and desires" (Miller, 1993). The needs of a person can be divided into material and spiritual. Natural resources in direct use in some part satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, such as aesthetic ("beauty of nature"), recreational, etc. But their main purpose is to satisfy material needs, i.e. the creation of material goods.

1. Classification of natural resources

The classification is based on three symptoms: on sources of origin, on the use of resources in production and by the degree of resource dehydration.

According to sources of origin, resources are divided into biological, mineral and energy.

Biological resources are all living medium-forming components of the biosphere: producers, consversions and relegates with genetic material concluded in them. They are sources of manufacturing material and spiritual benefits. These include commercial facilities, cultivated plants, pets, picturesque landscapes, microorganisms, i.e., here include plant resources, resources of the animal world, etc., genetic resources are of particular importance.

Mineral resources are all suitable for use of real components of the lithosphere used in the farm as mineral raw materials or energy sources. Mineral raw materials may be ore, if metals are extracted, nonmetallic, if non-metallic components (phosphorus, etc.) are retrieved or used as building materials.

If mineral wealth is used as fuel (coal, oil, gas, combustible shale, peat, wood, nuclear energy) and at the same time as an energy source in engines to produce steam and electricity, they are called fuel and energy resources.

Energy resources are called the totality of the energy of the Sun and space, atomic energy, fuel and energy, thermal and other energy sources.

The second feature, according to which resources class is classified - on the use of them in production. This includes the following resources:

- Land Fund - all lands within the country and the world, in their intended purpose in the following categories: agricultural, settlements, non-agricultural purposes (industry, transport, mining workings, etc.). World Land Fund - 13.4 billion hectares.

- The Forest Fund is part of the land land foundation on which a forest has grown or may grow, highlighted for the management of agriculture and the organization of specially protected natural territories; It is part of biological resources;

- Water resources - the amount of underground and surface water, which can be used for various purposes in the economy (special importance are of freshwater resources, the main source of which are river water);

- hydropower resources - those * which can give the river, tidal and tidy activity of the ocean, etc.;

- Fauna resources - the number of water inhabitants, forests, shallow, which can use a person without disturbing environmental equilibrium;

- Minerals (ore, non-metallic, fuel and energy resources) - the natural accumulation of minerals in the earth's crust, which can be used in the economy, and the accumulation of minerals forms their deposits, the reserves of which should be of industrial importance.

From an environmental point of view, the classification of resources on the third basis is important - according to the degree of degrees. The exhaustion of natural resources from environmental positions is the inconsistency between the safe norms of the withdrawal of the natural resource from natural systems and the subsoil, and the needs of humanity (countries, the region, enterprises, etc.).

At the first level of classification (Fig. 1), all resources can be divided into inexhaustible and exhausted. The inexhaustible resources include mainly processes and phenomena, external with respect to our planet or inherent in it as a cosmic body. First of all, these are resources of cosmic origin, in particular the energy of solar radiation, the energy of moving air, falling water, sea waves, flows, as well as the energy of tides and swells. Cosmic resource derivatives are climatic resources, to the number of which (except above the solar radiation and wind) include atmospheric precipitation. Of course, these resources are inexhaustible only as long as there is a solar system.

Fig. 1. Classification of natural resources for their exhaustibility and renewability

Exhausable resources include all natural bodies (live and oblique), which are within the globe as a physically finite, having a specific mass and scope of the natural body. The exhausted resources include animal and vegetable world, mineral and organic compounds contained in the depths of the Earth (minerals). All exhausted resources can be further classified by their self-healing ability. For example, the resources of the animal and plant world are certainly renewable, since they are capable of self-reproduced due to metabolic processes.

2. Using various types of resources

Use of animal resources

The relationship between humans and living organisms is complex and diverse. In general, the impact of a person for a living nature can be reduced to the three main directions. First, plants and animals serve for a person source of food, clothing (including fur and fibers), technical raw materials, fuel, luxury goods, and a person is constantly producing them, reducing their number and biomass. In some cases, plants, animals, as well as microorganisms, are undesirable, being weeds in agriculture, carriers or causative agents of diseases or pests. It is enough to recall the epidemics of plague and cholera or mass reproduction of some insects (locusts, the Colorado beetle, the Siberian silkworm, etc.), after which there was a loss of crop crops and wood.

Secondly, the mass death of animals is caused by a wide penetration of chemistry in the processes of environmental management, in particular the chemicalization of rural and forestry. For fertilizer, the destruction of pests, carriers and causative agents of diseases are used now tens of thousands of specially synthesized organic and inorganic compounds of sulfur chemical elements, chlorine, phosphorus, arsenic, mercury. The essence of chemical protection of plants is a targeted change in environmental chemistry for unwanted organisms (pollution of the medium for them), but at the same time the side effects are inevitable - negative / impact on the entire complex of living organisms, including completely harmless, as well as per person.

Operation of some types of animals and plants and targeted destruction of other (considered harmful) reduces their number up to complete destruction on large areas.

Thirdly, it should be borne in mind that all living organisms exist in the form of specific groups (populations, which are further) in certain habitats - natural systems, where the physical and chemical environment corresponds to their biochemical requirements. The impact of society into natural systems in the form of cutting of forests, hydraulic, urban and industrial construction, the disintegration of virgin steppes, open mining of minerals leads to the disappearance of animal and plant habitats.

Operation of wildlife resources (first of all, the vegetable and animal world) leads to the fact that the rate of restoration of their number is lagging behind the pace of operation (i.e., withdrawal of biomass and depletion of the Genetic Fund). Thus, exhaustable resources, despite the ability to restore, turn into exhausted. Over the past 370 years, by some data, 130 species of birds and mammals disappeared from the face of the Earth, and hundreds of species inscribed in the Red Book - a mournful list of types under threat of disappearance. At the same time, the number of certain species is now only hundreds of couples or even dozens of individuals. Many are preserved only in zoos.

The loss of any, even the most useless, at first glance, the species means an irreversible depletion of the Genetic Foundation of the Planet.

Using resources of subsoil

The exhaustable non-reserves resources include resources of the planet's subsoil, primarily ore of metals and non-metals, groundwater, solid building materials (granite, marble, etc.), as well as energy carriers (oil, gas, stone coal). After all, they can only be used once, and they do not possess the ability to self-restore. They were formed during hundreds of millions of years in past geological epochs, including those times when complex electrochemical, volcanic, tectonic processes occurred on Earth. Stone coal, for example, is a product of photosynthesis of plants of past geological eras (mesozoic). Today there are practically no conditions for similar processes, but even if we assume that the processes of mineral formation occur at present, their rates are incommensurable in comparison with the pace of seizure and transformation by society.

The rate of operation of resources of subsoil is constantly increasing. There is evidence that in the century (1880-1980) annual consumption of coal, iron, manganese, nickel increased 50-60 times, tungsten, aluminum, molybdenum, potassium - 200-1000 times. It was assumed that while maintaining the rate of consumption of aluminum reserves is enough for 570 years, iron - for 150 years, zinc-and 232 years old, lead - for 19 years. In 1990, the global consumption of metals as a whole was estimated at about 2.5 billion tons, but to estimate their deadlines began to approach more carefully, meaning the opening of new deposits, the use of so-called "poor" ores. True, the development of newly open fields is related to certain economic problems, and the use of ores with a low content of useful components leads to a sharp increase in waste volume. For the period 1970-1989. 72 billion m burned in the world3 Oil, and its prey in 1989 amounted to 3.4 billion m3 . Consumption of coal for the same period was 90 billion tons, and natural gas - 1100 trillion. M.3 . The term of the exhaustion of the well-known reserves of coal-in 1970 was estimated at 2300 years, and in 1989 - for about 400 years (on average). But for gas, these indicators were 38 and 60 years, respectively. However, even if substantial adjustments will be made to scientific and technical progress, the essence of the case does not change: the fact of the exhaustion of a number of deposits, and the most affordable, already evident.

Using land and forest resources

A special category from the point of view of exhaustability and renewability is land and forest resources. The soil is the basis of all material benefits, wealth, which depends on human well-being. The main property of the soil is its fertility, i.e. The ability to produce crop plants. The soil is a natural-historical biocosna body resulting from the physical, chemical and biological weathelation of rocks in the situation of various climate, relief and in the conditions of earthly gravity. The soil formation is longer and complicated. It continues continuously, but it is known that a layer of a black earth horizon with a thickness of 1 cm is formed about a century. It may be lost for a much shorter period from several years to several hours. Incorrect soil treatment, extensive agriculture (improving agricultural products, not by increasing yields, and through the involvement of new lands), cutting down forests lead to intensive water and wind erosion processes (from Lat. Erod - Embod). In addition, land, including the most valuable - arable land, can disappear as a result of other types of environmental use. Thus, in principle, the renewable resource may be restored (or at least not to collapse) only under the condition of rigidly regulated careful use. This circumstance gives reason to evaluate it as a relatively renewable resource. Note that from the general land fund of the planet, equal to 149 million km2 , Only 13% is agricultural area and 27% fall on herbal-shrub pastures and meadows. The average security of arable land in Russia is slightly more than 0.8 ha / person, and tends to reduce.

Forest resources must be attributed to relatively renewable resources, in particular wood.

Wood - a set of polymers of plant origin and as a resource capable of self-assessment is exhausted renewable. The total stock of wood, for example, in Russia (the most rich in forests of the country of the world), is 79,109 m3 . The average annual growth of wood is about 855 106 m3 , and the annual cutting volume - less than 400 106 m 3. . Investigator, but not more than half of what he grows, and it would seem, there should be no problems with the wood. However, the above data refer to the total reserves and the increase in biomass, which includes wood accumulating both in coniferous and deciduous, both in ripe and unloaded (including young), both in the available and inaccessible forests. For forest processing industries, it is still preferable for the wood of coniferous rocks (spruce, pine, cedar), and not any, but only such that meets certain technical and technological requirements. The increase in such wood lags behind its seizure. The renewal of the forest after logging in most cases occurs through the reduction of coniferous breeds by decades decades.

Thus, while maintaining and accumulates the overall stock of wood in the forests, the business, which requires the production of wood turns out to be exhausted and only relative to the resumption resource. Since, however, scientific and technological progress is aimed at mastering and using any wood in industry, the problem of the problem can be reduced. With all, it should be kept in mind the dual natural resource essence of forests, which are simultaneously sources (producers) of raw materials and the media forming a global value factor. Therefore, the exploitation of forests to obtain wood must necessarily (i.e., on the basis of legislation), consider cosmic, soil and water protection, climatic-forming, recreational and other environmental functions of forest systems.

Using water resources and atmospheric air

Special status have two most important natural bodies that are not only natural resources, but also at the same time the main components of the habitat of life: the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Formally, both of these bodies are inexhaustible, because due to the purely physical reasons on our planet, it is possible for a strictly defined amount of a substance in one of three aggregate states - solid, liquid and gaseous. The disappearance of water in a particular region (drying rivers, the formation of deserts on the place of the seas, the disappearance, in particular, the Aral Sea) does not mean that the water has become less: it simply moves to other places, amazing the world ocean, moisture reserves in the atmosphere and T . P.

At the same time, freshwater reserves, suitable for use, are about 2.5% of its total volume, two thirds of which are localized in glaciers and snow cover. Fresh water, forming an annual stock, due to dilution in it, industrial and household wastewater is practically not suitable for use without special processing: cleaning or water treatment. This is also true for atmospheric air, which in a number of cities and industrial centers is strongly polluted, and impurities contained in it have a harmful effect on people and other living organisms.

Thus, being inexhaustible in quantitative, atmospheric air and water are exhausted qualitatively, at least locally.

Limit of natural resources

In the century of the scientific and technical revolution, humanity began to master almost all renewable and non-renewable resources available to it. At the same time, a significant part of non-repaired resources has already been used. In many countries, some renewable resources (wood, hydropower, fresh water) are used almost completely.

The increasing rates of industrialization are associated with numerical growth of the population. By 1900, the population has reached 1.6 billion people. With an annual increase of 0.5% and doubling of 140 years. But in 1970, the population of the world reached 3.6 billion people, and the increase increased to 2.1% per year. It is believed that it was "super-exponential" growth, since growth rates increased, and the death rate decreased. From 1971 to 1991 Mortality continued to fall, but fertility decreased. The population has grown from 3.6 to 5.4 billion, i.e., the annual increase fell from 2.1 to 1.7%, which corresponds to the doubling time equal to 40 years. On July 11, 1987, a five millionth resident of the planet was born. Further growth predictions are significantly varied, but in the first quarterXXI A century population population will increase and can achieve, according to different scenarios (models), 8-12 billion people.

There are calculations according to which the daily energy consumption in the Stone Age was approximately 16.8 ∙ 103 KJ per person, in the era of animal husbandry and agriculture - 50.2 ∙ 103 , in industrial society - 293.3 ∙ 103 , and at present in developed countries reached 964-1047 ∙ 103 KJ per person.

Compared with the growth of the population, energy consumption and materials inXX in. There was a leading pace.

In the period from 1900 to 1970, the energy intensity of industrial and agricultural production increased 4.5 times, and the material intensity was 4.2 times. When maintaining the current growth rates of the population in 2000, energy consumption will increase by 12 times, and materials - at 9 times compared with 1900.

Thus, the intervention of people in natural natural processes increases sharply and can contribute to the change in the mode of ground and groundwater in whole regions, the surface drain, the structure and state (fertility) of soils, the intensification of their erosion, activate geochemical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, change in macroclimate, etc. Modern activity, such as construction of hydraulic structures, mines, mines, roads, wells, water bodies, dams, deformation of sushi nuclear explosions, construction of giant cities, flooding and gardening deserts and much more, already causes such processes .

The number of population, industrial production, the consumption of natural resources, and consequently, and environmental pollution increases exponentially, and it is believed that the exponential growth of production is the driving force of the world economy, the development of which one way or another is aimed at the physical limits of our planet. For the first time of the existing limits of the possibilities of Earth and the development of society, they were spoken in 1972. This caused sharp objections to many scientists and specialists in the world. However, the physical limb of the mass of the planet and the components of its characteristics (surface area, stocks of chemical elements in the form of natural resources is an objective reality. Therefore, objective reality is the need not only to the rational use of natural resources, but also self-limiting the growth of the number of people-consumer people. Of course, we are not It is about any violent actions above the population, but an increase in the well-being of the population and quality of life inevitably requires, for example, family planning.

In 1990, Dale formulated three rules-imperative optimization of natural resource use and maintaining environmental quality:

For renewable resources, the rate of consumption should not exceed the pace of their self-restoration;

For non-repaired resources, consumption rates should not exceed the rates of replacement by renewable resources, and the Company must invest part of the funds, for example, from the operation of energy fossils in the development of renewed energy sources;

For pollutants, the limit intensity of their receipt in the natural environment should not exceed the rate of processing and neutralizing in natural aquatic and ground ecosystems. "

Created computer models ("scenarios") further (up to 2100) the development of society under different options for stabilizing the population, industrial production volumes, creating environmentally friendly technologies, reduce soil erosion, increase the efficiency of natural resources and others. Of course, these scenarios are not Dogmas, and the construction of their authors do not mean that it will be exactly the way, and not otherwise, although the essence of the case does not change, and the objective social and economic and economic realities will automatically make a person reasonable to use the mind to survive on our planet in the historical future.

Today's specialist cannot not be aware of the following. The use of human as part of the nature of its other components and the transformation of the natural environment in the interests of society is inevitable and natural, as they are carried out by virtue of the action of the laws of nature and the social laws of the Company's development. Thus, scientific and technological progress is not something alien to nature contrary to her. On the contrary, it is one of the consecutive and natural processes of its evolution. But at the same time natural and emerging environmental and resource problems.

Consequently, human society is obliged to be able to assess the limits of permissible physical, chemical structural changes in nature and not overlap these limits. It is clear that this task is solved on the basis of further scientific and technological progress, including the adjustment and transformation of the principles, methods and techniques of environmental management. Therefore, the protection of childbirth, ensuring the compliance of its chemistry with the requirements of life in the present and the future, is the task of responsible professionals at their workplaces.

3. Principles of rational environmental management

The intensive exploitation of natural wealth led to the need for a new type of environmental activity - the rational use of natural resources, in which the requirements of protection are included in the process of economic activity on the use of natural resources.

Natural management - social and production activities aimed at meeting the material and cultural needs of society by using various types of natural resources and natural conditions. Environmental use includes: a) protection, renewal and reproduction of natural resources, their extraction and processing; b) the use and protection of natural human life environment; c) preservation, restoration and rational change in environmental equilibrium natural systems; d) Regulation of the reproduction of a person and the number of people.

Natural use can be irrational and rational. Eranny environmental management does not ensure the preservation of natural resource potential, leads to the decomposition and deterioration of the quality of the natural environment, is accompanied by pollution in the exhaustion of natural systems, disruption of environmental equilibrium and the destruction of ecosystems. Rational environmental management means the complex scientific and sound use of natural wealth, in which the maximum possible conservation of natural resource potential is achieved, with a minimal violation of the ability of ecosystems to self-regulation and self-healing.

Rational environmental use pursues a double goal:

- to ensure such a state of the environment in which it could satisfy, along with the material needs of aesthetics and rest requests;

- It is possible to provide the possibility of continuous production of beneficial plants, the production of animals and various materials by establishing a balanced cycle of use and renewal.

Environmentally balanced environmental management is possible only when using an "ecosystem approach, which takes into account all types of interconnections and mutual influences between media, ecotomos and man."

Ethical environmental management ultimately leads to an environmental crisis, and environmentally balanced environmental management creates prerequisites for exiting it.

The exit from the global environmental crisis is the most important scientific and practical problem of modernity. Thousands of scientists, politicians, practitioners in all countries of the world are working on her decision. The task is to develop a complex of reliable anti-crisis measures, allowing to actively counteract the further degradation of the natural environment and to reach the sustainable development of society. Attempts to solve this problem only by some means, such as technological (wastewater treatment plants, waste-free technologies, etc.) are fundamentally incorrect and will not lead to the necessary results. Overcoming the environmental crisis is possible only under the condition of the harmonious development of nature and a person, the removal of antagonism between them is achievable only on the basis of the implementation of the "Trinity of Natural Natural Nature, Society and Nature," on the ways of sustainable development of society, a comprehensive approach to solving environmental problems.

The most common principle, or the environmental rules, it is necessary to consider the following: the global source natural resource potential in the course of historical development is continuously extended, which requires humanity of scientific and technical improvement aimed at the wider and complete use of this potential.

From this law, another fundamental principle of nature and live environment should be followed: "Eco-friendly - economically", that is, the more an approach to natural resources and habitats, the less energy and other costs are required. The reproduction of natural resource potential and efforts to embodimize should be comparable to the economic results of the exploitation of nature.

Another essential environmental rule is all components of the natural environment - atmospheric air, water, soil, etc. - It is not necessary to protect it separately, but in general, as a single natural ecosystems of the biosphere. Only with such an ecological approach it is possible to ensure the preservation of landscapes, subsoil, gene pool of animals and plants.

The environmental crisis is not the inevitable and natural source of scientific and technological progress, it is due to both in our country and in other countries of the world the complex of the reasons for an objective and subjective nature, among which the consumer, and often predatory attitude towards nature, disregard for fundamental environmental laws. Analysis of both the environmental and socio-economic situation in Russia makes it possible to distinguish five of the main directions, in which Russia should exit the environmental crisis (Fig. 2). At the same time, an integrated approach is necessary in solving this problem, i.e., at the same time all five directions should be used.

Fig. 2. Ways to exit Russia from the environmental crisis

As the first direction, the technological improvement should be called - the creation of environmentally friendly technology, the introduction of waste-free, low-waste industries, the update of fixed assets, and others.

The second direction is the development and improvement of the economic mechanism of environmental protection.

The third direction is the application of administrative preventive measures and legal liability measures for environmental offenses (administrative and legal direction).

The fourth direction is the harmonization of environmental thinking (ecological and educational direction).

The fifth direction is the harmonization of environmental international relations (internationally right direction).

Specific steps to exit the environmental crisis for all the above five areas in Russia are undertaken; However, ahead of all we have to go through the most difficult and responsible sections of the path. They will be solved - whether Russia will come out of the environmental crisis or permeats, immersed in the bunch of environmental ignorance and unwillingness to be guided by the fundamental laws of the development of the biosphere and the limitations arising from them

1.1. Basic tools of rational environmental management

The main directions of engineering protection of the environment from pollution and other types of anthropogenic effects - the introduction of resource-saving, waste-free and low-waste technology, biotechnology, disposal and detoxification of waste and the main thing - the environmentalization of all production, which would ensure the inclusion of all types of interaction with the environment in natural cycles Circuit substances.

These principal directions are based on cyclicity of material resources and borrowed from nature, where, as is known, closed cyclic processes act. Technological processes in which all interactions with the environment are fully taken into account and measures taken to prevent negative consequences are called ecologized.

Like any environmental system, where the substance and energy is spent economically and the waste of some organisms serve as an important condition for the existence of others, the production ecologized process managed by a person must

follow the biosphere laws, and first of all the law of the volume of substances.

Another way, for example, the creation of all sorts of, even the most perfect treatment plants, does not solve the problem, since this is a struggle with the investigation, and not with the cause. The main cause of pollution of the biosphere is resource-intensive and polluting technologies for the processing and use of raw materials. It is these so-called traditional technologies lead to a huge accumulation of waste and to the need to clean wastewater and utilization of solid waste. It is enough to note that the annual accumulation on the territory of the former USSR in the 80s. It was 12-15 billion tons of solid waste, about 160 billion tons of liquid and more than 100 million tons of gaseous waste.

Low-waste and waste-free technology and their role in the protection of the habitat

A fundamentally new approach to the development of all industrial and agricultural production is the creation of low-waste and waste-free technology.

The concept of waste-free technology, in accordance with the Declaration of the United Nations Economic Commission (1979), means the practical application of knowledge, methods and means so that in the framework of human needs to ensure the most rational use of natural resources and protect the environment.

In 1984, the UN Commission lied a more specific definition of this concept: "Departure technology is such a way of producing products (process, enterprise, territorial and production complex), in which raw materials and energy in the cycle of raw materials are most efficient and comprehensively used - Production - consumer - secondary resources - in such a way that any environmental impacts do not violate its normal functioning. "

Under wasteless technology also understand this method of production, which ensures the most complete use of the processed raw materials and the waste generated. More accurate than "waste-free technology", the term "low-waste technology" should be considered, since in principle "waste-free technology" is impossible, for any human technology cannot but produce waste, at least in the form of energy. The achievement of complete interacting is unrealistic, since it contradicts the second beginning of thermodynamics, therefore the term "waste-free technology" is conditional (metaphorical). The technology that allows you to obtain minimum solid, liquid and gaseous waste, is called low-waste and at the present stage of development of scientific and technological progress it is the most real.

Huge importance for reducing the level of pollution of the environment, saving raw materials and energy has reuse of material resources, so on. Retreat. Thus, the production of aluminum from scrap metal requires only 5% energy cost of smelting from bauxite, and the fusion of 1 tons of secondary raw materials saves 4 tons of bauxites and 700 kg of coke, reducing at the same time by 35 kg emissions of fluoride compounds into the atmosphere.

A set of measures to reduce to a minimum of harmful waste and reduce their impact on the environmental environment, on the recommendation of various authors, includes:

- development of various types of selfless technological systems and water-co-air cycles based on wastewater treatment;

- development of production waste production systems into secondary material resources;

- the creation and release of new types of products, taking into account the requirements for re-use;

- the creation of fundamentally new production processes, which make it possible to eliminate or reduce the technological stages, on which waste is obtained.

The initial stage of these integrated activities aimed at creating waste-free technologies, is the introduction of negotiable, up to fully closed, water use systems.

Water supply is a technical system, with cobra there is a multiple use in the production of waste water (after cleaning and processing and processing) with a very limited reset (up to 3%) in the reservoirs (Fig. 3).

A closed cycle of water use is a system of industrial water supply and drainage, in which the repeated use of water in the same production process is carried out without discharge of waste and other waters into natural reservoirs.

Fig. 3. The scheme of the revolving industrial and urban water supply:

1 - workshop; 2 - intra-rolled water supply; 3 - local (workshop) sewage treatment, including recycling of secondary waste; 4 - public sewage treatment plants; 5 - city; 6 - city sewage treatment plants; 7 - Tertiary sewage treatment plants; 8 - injection of peeled wastewater into underground sources; 9 - supply of purified waters to the city water supply system; 10 - dispersion of wastewater in the reservoir (sea)

One of the most important areas in the field of creating waste-free and low-waste industries is to transition to new ecological technology with the replacement of water-intensive processes anhydrous or low-water.

The progressiveness of new technological schemes of water supply is determined how much decreased in them, compared with previously active, water consumption and the amount of wastewater and their contamination. The presence of a large amount of wastewater at an industrial facility is considered an objective indicator of the imperfection of the technological schemes used.

The development of waste-free and anhydrous technological processes is the most rational way to protect the environmental environment from contamination, which allows to significantly reduce the anthropogenic load. However, studies in this direction are just beginning, therefore, in various fields of industry and agriculture, the level of environmentalization of production is far from the same.

Successes were achieved to introduce new methods of raw materials, which allow to reduce the amount of raw materials and materials for the production of a unit of products, to use waste of one production in the process of another.

These technologies are based on the following approaches:

1. Mechanization and automation of raw materials production, allowing to move to more massive methods of obtaining it

2. rationalization and intensification of production processes of production and processing of ores and concomitant materials

3. The use of geodetic methods of exploration of deposits of mineral resources and exploration of wear

5. Development of the application of enrichment methods, increase the extraction of beneficial components, even from relatively poor ores, but bombarding large arrays

Currently, there are certain successes in our country in the development and implementation of elements of environmentally friendly technology in a number of industries of black and non-ferrous metallurgy, thermal power engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical industry. However, the full translation of industrial and agricultural production on waste-free and anhydrous technology and the creation of fully ecologized industries are associated with very complex problems of various nature - organizational, scientific and technical, financial and others, and therefore modern production will still consume a huge amount of water for their needs have waste and harmful emissions.

Biotechnology in environmental protection

In recent years, in environmental science, more and more interest is manifested with biotechnology processes based on the creation of products necessary for humans, phenomena and effects with microorganisms.

In relation to the protection of the environmental environment, biotechnology can be viewed as the development and creation of biological objects, microbial crops, communities, their metabolites and drugs by including them in the natural circulation of substances, elements, energy and information (V.P. Zhuravlev et al., 1995 ).

Biotechnology has been widely used in the protection of the environment, in particular, when solving the following applied issues:

- utilization of solid wastewater phase and solid household waste with anaerobic fermentation;

- biological purification of natural and wastewater from organic and inorganic compounds;

- microbial restoration of contaminated soils, obtaining microorganisms capable of neutralizing heavy metals in sewage precipitation;

- composting (biological oxidation) of vegetation waste (opead of leaves, straw, etc.);

- creating a biologically active sorbing material for cleaning the contaminated air.

Rational use of energy

As many scientists note, use high-quality energy for the production of low-quality heat "it is like cutting oil with a circular saw or beat flies with a blacksmith hammer."

Therefore, the main principle of use of energy should be the correspondence of the quality of the energy to the tasks.

In the conditions of the environmental crisis in developed countries, alternative energy sources are increasingly used: wind energy, tides and tide, geothermal, hydroelectric energy, biomass energy, solar energy. The basic principle laid in the separation of energy sources into alternative and traditional - the use of inexhaustible sources to obtain energy in an alternative approach and exhausted (oil, gas, coal) with traditional.

The rational use of energy should not be limited only by using alternative sources, energies economy should be developed.

So in countries with a cold climate, technologies should be used in the construction of buildings and structures, providing complete thermal insulation (double-glazed windows, wall panels.). Model of a disposable consumption of waste (a), and a natural society (b).

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The presence of a sufficient financial resource, their effective use, predetermine the good financial position of the company solvency, financial sustainability, liquidity. In this regard, the most important task of enterprises is to find reserves for increasing their own financial resources and their most effective use in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise in general.
11430. Efficient use of labor resources through improving the motivation of the Russian Drama Theater "Master" 4.26 MB.
To do this, it is necessary to study the system of staff needs of its interests of the values \u200b\u200bof value values \u200b\u200bof ideals as well as incentives for improving the work activity of workers. Everything is aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of the talent of artists. They create these conditions for the implementation of creative talent. Labor resources This population has the physical and intellectual abilities necessary to participate in employment.
8114. Sensual and rational knowledge 10.14 KB.
The ideal reproduction of objects of the outside world of the object in the consciousness of a person subject. A holistic reflection of objects as a result of their immediate impact on the sense authorities is called perception. Perception is associated with the active detection of the distinction and synthesis of properties and sides of the items with the help of example of the hands allowing the shape of these items of the eye of the severity of their visible contours of the hearing of the rumors catching the corresponding sounds. Thanks to the perception, binding and correlation of items in ...
3734. Rational economic behavior 4.49 Kb.
Complete limited and organic rationality of a person model in economic theory. Rational Economic Behavior is the behavior of a person who brings the best results at the lowest costs. It is necessary to take into account the elements of uncertainty and risks. The nature of human expectations and legal norms. At this level of rationality, a group of factors associated with the desire of a person not only to the material benefits t is taken into account.