Peak перевод на русский язык

Peak, n. 1. A point; the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point; as, the peak, or front, of a cap. Run your beard into a peak. Beau. & Fl …

Peak - 〈 m. 6〉 1. 〈Phys.〉 Spitzenwert eines Signals o. Ä. 2. 〈allg.〉 Spitze, Spitzenwert, Höhepunkt 3. Bergspitze, gipfel (bes. in engl. Namen); →a. Pik1 * * * Peak [ pi:k; engl. Gipfel, Spitze, Scheitelpunkt], der; s, s … Universal-Lexikon

Peak - Peak, v. i. 1. To rise or extend into a peak or point; to form, or appear as, a peak. There peaketh up a mighty high mount. Holand. 2. To acquire sharpness of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

peak - peak1 vi. [< ?] to become sickly; waste away; droop peak2 n. 1. a tapering part that projects; pointed end or top, as of a cap, roof, etc. 2. part of the hairline coming to a point on the forehead; widow s peak … English World dictionary

Peak - Peak, v. t. (Naut.) To raise to a position perpendicular, or more nearly so; as, to peak oars, to hold them upright; to peak a gaff or yard, to set it nearer the perpendicular. … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Peak - (High Peak, spr. hai pīk, P. von Derby), ein breites Plateau mit steilen Wänden und tief eingeschnittenen Tälern im nördlichen Derbyshire (England), das zur Penninischen Kette gehört und vom Derwent, Dove und Wye bewässert wird. Es erreicht im… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

Peak - Peak, SC U.S. town in South Carolina Population (2000): 61 Housing Units (2000): 36 Land area (2000): 0.268859 sq. miles (0.696341 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000671 sq. miles (0.001738 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.269530 sq. miles (0.698079 sq …

Peak, SC - U.S. town in South Carolina Population (2000): 61 Housing Units (2000): 36 Land area (2000): 0.268859 sq. miles (0.696341 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000671 sq. miles (0.001738 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.269530 sq. miles (0.698079 sq. km) FIPS … StarDict"s U.S. Gazetteer Places

peak - pointed top, 1520s, variant of PIKE (Cf. pike) (2) sharp point. Meaning top of a mountain first recorded 1630s, though pike was used in this sense c.1400. Figurative sense is 1784. Meaning point formed by hair on the forehead is from 1833. The… … Etymology dictionary

peak - top of something aiguille, alp, apex, brow, bump, cope, crest, crown, hill, mount, mountain, pinnacle, point, roof, spike, summit, tip, vertex; concepts 509,836 Ant. base, bottom, nadir peak maximum, zenith acme, apex, apogee, capstone … New thesaurus

peak|y - «PEE kee», adjective, peak|i|er, peak|i|est. 1. peaked or pointed; peaklike. 2. abounding in peaks … Useful english dictionary


  • Peak Energy. Myth or Reality? , James Speight G.. … Купить за 16389.95 руб электронная книга
  • Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond , Sharon Ferrett. This best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on methods of increasing their performance inside and outside the classroom. It helps them make the…

Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна



1. {pi:k} n

1. 1) пик, остроконечная вершина; гора

here the high ~s begin to rise from the plain - а здесь уже кончается равнина и поднимаются высокие горы

2) высшая точка

at the ~ of glory - на вершине славы

the ~ of the demand - наивысший спрос

at the ~ of one"s career - в расцвете творческих сил

3) остриё (крыши и т. п. )

4) гребень (волны )

the wind blew the waves into great ~s - ветер вздымал гребни волн

2. 1) козырёк (кепки, фуражки )

2) остроконечная часть головного убора (спускающаяся на лоб )

3) торчащий вихор, кок

3. острый конец, клинышек бороды

4. уст. мыс лифа и т. п.

5. спец. пик; высшая точка, максимум

flood ~ - пик половодья

sales have reached a new ~ - товарооборот достиг новой вершины

2. {pi:k} a

максимальный; рекордный; высший

~ month {year} - месяц {год} наивысшего подъёма /расцвета/ (в экономике, торговле и т. п. )

3. {pi:k} v

1. 1) достигнуть апогея (славы, власти и т. п. ); достигнуть полного расцвета; подняться до высшей точки

2) повыситься до рекордного уровня (тж. ~ out)

sales have now ~ed and we expect them to decrease soon - товарооборот уже достиг максимума, и ожидается, что он скоро начнёт уменьшаться

2. обострять, акцентировать

to heighten and ~ contradictions - усиливать и обострять противоречия

3. мор. отопить (рей )

4. брать вёсла на планшир

to ~ the oars - брать «на валёк» вёсла

5. поднимать хвост или хвостовые плавники прямо вверх (при вертикальном нырянии - о ките )

to ~ (the) flukes - мор. жарг. ложиться спать

II {pi:k} v

чахнуть, слабеть (обыкн. to ~ and pine)

Peak, n. 1. A point; the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point; as, the peak, or front, of a cap. Run your beard into a peak. Beau. & Fl …

Peak - 〈 m. 6〉 1. 〈Phys.〉 Spitzenwert eines Signals o. Ä. 2. 〈allg.〉 Spitze, Spitzenwert, Höhepunkt 3. Bergspitze, gipfel (bes. in engl. Namen); →a. Pik1 * * * Peak [ pi:k; engl. Gipfel, Spitze, Scheitelpunkt], der; s, s … Universal-Lexikon

Peak - Peak, v. i. 1. To rise or extend into a peak or point; to form, or appear as, a peak. There peaketh up a mighty high mount. Holand. 2. To acquire sharpness of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

peak - peak1 vi. [< ?] to become sickly; waste away; droop peak2 n. 1. a tapering part that projects; pointed end or top, as of a cap, roof, etc. 2. part of the hairline coming to a point on the forehead; widow s peak … English World dictionary

Peak - Peak, v. t. (Naut.) To raise to a position perpendicular, or more nearly so; as, to peak oars, to hold them upright; to peak a gaff or yard, to set it nearer the perpendicular. … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Peak - (High Peak, spr. hai pīk, P. von Derby), ein breites Plateau mit steilen Wänden und tief eingeschnittenen Tälern im nördlichen Derbyshire (England), das zur Penninischen Kette gehört und vom Derwent, Dove und Wye bewässert wird. Es erreicht im… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

Peak - Peak, SC U.S. town in South Carolina Population (2000): 61 Housing Units (2000): 36 Land area (2000): 0.268859 sq. miles (0.696341 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000671 sq. miles (0.001738 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.269530 sq. miles (0.698079 sq …

Peak, SC - U.S. town in South Carolina Population (2000): 61 Housing Units (2000): 36 Land area (2000): 0.268859 sq. miles (0.696341 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000671 sq. miles (0.001738 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.269530 sq. miles (0.698079 sq. km) FIPS … StarDict"s U.S. Gazetteer Places

peak - pointed top, 1520s, variant of PIKE (Cf. pike) (2) sharp point. Meaning top of a mountain first recorded 1630s, though pike was used in this sense c.1400. Figurative sense is 1784. Meaning point formed by hair on the forehead is from 1833. The… … Etymology dictionary

peak - top of something aiguille, alp, apex, brow, bump, cope, crest, crown, hill, mount, mountain, pinnacle, point, roof, spike, summit, tip, vertex; concepts 509,836 Ant. base, bottom, nadir peak maximum, zenith acme, apex, apogee, capstone … New thesaurus

peak|y - «PEE kee», adjective, peak|i|er, peak|i|est. 1. peaked or pointed; peaklike. 2. abounding in peaks … Useful english dictionary


  • Peak Energy. Myth or Reality? , James Speight G.. … Купить за 16389.95 руб электронная книга
  • Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond , Sharon Ferrett. This best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on methods of increasing their performance inside and outside the classroom. It helps them make the…