Main dates of the Middle Ages. What does the history of the Middle Ages study? Time frames and major events of the Middle Ages. Great Migration

The events of the Middle Ages, a period that lasted from the second half of the 5th century to the end of the 15th century, are rich in their diversity. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD marked the beginning of this faith. under attack from the barbarians. After 10 years, the state of the Franks arose, which eventually occupied the territory of almost all of Western and Central Europe. At the same time, the eastern Roman Empire was transformed into the Byzantine. In 800, Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Frankish Empire by the Pope, which was to inherit the rights of the departed Roman Empire. However, the state fell apart already in 843, modern France and Germany were formed from its fragments.

While in Europe the formation of "barbarian" kingdoms was taking place, Islam was born in the east. The states professing it quite quickly began active aggressive activity, as a result of which the Khorezmian state fell. In Central Asia, the expansion of China was stopped by the Turkic tribes, after which the Chinese emperors hit the defensive, but already in the 13th century, their state was captured by the Mongols of Genghis Khan. The appearance of the Golden Horde is one of the most serious events of the Middle Ages. This state captured a huge territory, conquered Khorezm, China and most of the Russian principalities. Their active conquest fell on 1223-1242. For Eastern Europe, the events of the Middle Ages ended with the liberation from the rule of the Golden Horde in 1480.

In the 10th century, events in the Middle Ages in Europe began to heat up. In the 10th century, the Holy Roman Empire was founded, the emperors of which entered into an active struggle against the Papal Throne. In 1080, the Norman conquest of England took place, which predetermined the entire future history of the development of Great Britain. Also, the Western and Eastern worlds entered into an active confrontation on religious grounds. The apogee of these conflicts was the massive crusades in the Holy Land, which lasted from 1096 to 1270. At the same time, one of these campaigns was carried out against the principality of Lithuania, which managed to fight back only with the help of Novgorod.

One of the most difficult centuries in the Middle Ages was the 14th. England unleashed the Hundred Years' War against France, which ended from 1337 to 1453. In the same century, from 1347 to 1350, one of the worst epidemics in European history took place - the bubonic plague, which was popularly called the black death. Scientists have not singled out a specific date for the end of the Middle Ages, since each region developed according to its own laws. For Europe, this event was the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1492. It is interesting that in the same year the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks were founded on the territory of modern Ukraine (ataman Bayda Vyshnevetsky), the Reconquista in Spain was completed and the New Land was opened.

5th–7th centuries- The Great Migration of Peoples - the movement of Germans, Huns, Slavs and other tribes from the periphery of the Roman Empire to its territory). The creation by the Germans in the western part of the Roman Empire of "barbarian kingdoms", in the eastern part - the formation of the Byzantine Empire. The resettlement of the Germans and Slavs in the territory from Britain, Gaul and Spain to the Gulf of Finland, the Upper Volga and the Don.

481–511- the reign of the king of the Franks Clovis from the Merovingian dynasty. Adoption of Christianity by the Franks. Creation of the "Salic Truth" - a record of customary law of the Salic Franks.

486- the battle near the city of Soissons between the army of the leader of the Salic Franks Clovis and the troops of the former Roman governor Siagrius. The conquest of Gaul by the Franks is the initial stage in the formation of the Frankish state.

493–526 reign of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths. Founding of the Ostrogothic state in Italy.

527–565- the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Codification of Roman law (Codex of Justinian). Strengthening the central government, the army, tax oppression. Persecution of heretics. The construction of military fortifications to defend against barbarian invasions, in Constantinople - the church of Hagia Sophia. The return of the regions of the Western Roman Empire captured by the barbarians (Northern Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, the Apennine Peninsula, Sicily, the southeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula).

532- the uprising "Nika" in Constantinople - the name from the password-cry of the rebels - "Nika!" ("Win!"). Caused by tax oppression and oppression of the authorities, the persecution of heretics and pagans. With the help of mercenary detachments, the Goths and the Heruli were suppressed.

560–796- Avar Khaganate. Settled in Pannonia. He made raids on the Slavs, Franks, Lombards, Georgians and Byzantium. Destroyed by the Frankish king Charlemagne.

568- Conquest of Italy by the Lombards. Formation of the Lombard Kingdom in Northern and Central Italy.

622 Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina Hijra). The beginning of the Muslim chronology.

7th century the rise of Islam. Creation of a single Muslim state in Arabia - the Arab Caliphate.

7th–8th centuries- the period of extensive Arab conquests. Accession to the Arab caliphate of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Libya, Iran, the western part of North Africa, Spain, southern and southwestern regions of France.

681- the emergence of the First Bulgarian kingdom.

715–741- the reign of the mayor of the Frankish state Charles Martel ("hammer"). Restored the political unity of the Frankish state. He put an end to the old procedure for donating land holdings by the kings to full ownership, gave out land for life use on the terms of mandatory royal military service - benefices. The land fund for the distribution of beneficiaries was created by confiscation of the possessions of recalcitrant magnates and the wide secularization of church lands.

718- the battle of Christians with the Moors in the Covandoga Valley in Asturias (Spain). The beginning of the Reconquista (reconquest by the indigenous population of the Iberian Peninsula of territories occupied by the Arabs).

732- The defeat of the Arabs by the Franks at Poitiers. The advance of the Arabs into Western Europe was stopped.

741–768- the reign of the Frankish mayor, and then King Pepin the Short. Founded the Carolingian dynasty. He united the whole country under his rule - from the English Channel to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Defeated the Lombards.

756- the formation of a secular state of popes in the territory taken away by the Frankish king Pepin the Short from the Lombards.

768–814- Reign of Charlemagne. Expanded the boundaries of the kingdom. He strove for the centralization of power (he controlled the activities of the counts with the help of "state envoys"). Encouraged the forced Christianization of the population of the conquered lands. Domestic policy contributed to the process of feudalization of Frankish society - the establishment of feudal land dependence of the peasantry and the growth of large land ownership.

800- the formation of the empire of Charlemagne. Presentation of the imperial crown to Charlemagne in Rome.

843- Treaty of Verdun. The division of the empire of Charlemagne between the grandchildren of Charlemagne: Lothair received the territory of Italy and lands along the Rhine and Rhone - later Lorraine, Charles the Bald - lands west of the Rhine, Louis the German - lands east of the Rhine.

9th century- educational activities of Cyril and Methodius. Creation of Slavic writing - Cyrillic.

955- the defeat of the German army of Otto I of the Hungarians on the river. Lech. The Hungarians cease to make predatory raids, pass to a settled way of life and settle in Pannonia. At the end of the tenth century accept Christianity.

962- the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, headed by the German Emperor Otto I. It included Germany, northern and a significant part of Central Italy, some Slavic lands, as well as part of southern and southeastern France.

987–996- the reign of the French king Hugh Capet, the founder of the Capetian dynasty. Rules in France until 1792

1000- Establishment of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Around 1000- Discovery of the northeast coast of North America by the Icelandic Viking Leif Eiriksson.

1054- the division of the Christian Church into Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Greek Catholic (Orthodox).

1066- Norman Conquest of England. The defeat by the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, of the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. Establishment of direct vassalage of all feudal lords from the king and the king's ownership of the land. The final subordination of the peasants to the seigneurial power. Contributed to the completion of the process of feudalization.

1077- "walking to Canossa" of Emperor Henry IV. At the heart of the conflict between the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope is the struggle for the right to inaugurate bishops (investiture).

1096- Beginning of the Crusades. They were held under the slogan of the liberation of Christian shrines in Palestine from the rule of Muslims. Participants: chivalry, large lords, peasantry, merchants. The Catholic Church acted as the ideological inspirer and organizer of the campaigns.

1096–1099- The First Crusade. Proclaimed by Pope Urban II in 1095. The first crusader states were formed: the county of Edessa and the principality of Antioch.

1099- Conquest of Jerusalem by the crusaders. The creation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, in vassal dependence on it were the rest of the crusader states in the East.

12th century- the creation of the state and the Ncs in South America.

1192- the seizure of power in Japan by shoguns from the samurai clan of Minamoto (ruled until 1333).

1147–1149— The Second Crusade. Reason: the capture by the Seljuks in 1144 of the city of Edessa. The campaign was led by the French king Louis VII and the German king Conrad III, failed.

1154–1189- the reign of the English king Henry II Plantagenet Henry of Anjou), the first of the Plantagenet dynasty. Carrying out reforms to strengthen royal power and limit the power of feudal lords.

1180–1223- reign of the French king Philip II Augustus. Pursuing a policy of centralization of the state, increasing the royal domain, limiting the independence of the feudal nobility). Return of Normandy and other areas in the north and south of the country that belonged to the English king.

1189–1192- The Third Crusade, caused by the conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 by the Egyptian sultan Salah ad-din (Saladin). The campaign was led by the emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Frederick I Barbarossa, the French king Philip II Augustus and the English king Richard I the Lionheart. Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands.

1202–1204- The Fourth Crusade. Organized by Pope Innocent III. Conquest of the Christian cities of Zadar in Dalmatia and Constantinople. Creation on the territory of the Byzantine Empire of the states of the crusaders is the largest - the Latin Empire).

1204 Capture of Constantinople by the crusaders.

1206- The election of Genghis Khan as the Great Khan of all Mongolia.

1212-Children's Crusade.

1212- Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. The combined forces of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarre inflicted a crushing defeat on the Arab conquerors.

1215- signing by the English king John the Landless " Magna Carta" devoted to the establishment of law, order and guarantees of the personal rights of the population). Subsequently, one of the main constitutional acts of Great Britain.

1217–1221— The Fifth Crusade. Undertaken against Egypt by a combined crusader army led by the Austrian Duke Leopold VI and the Hungarian King Andras II. It ended with the conclusion of a truce with the Egyptian Sultan.

1219–1221- the campaign of the Mongols led by Genghis Khan in Central Asia.

1226–1270- Reign of Saint Louis IX. He carried out military, monetary and judicial reforms, established the rule of "40 days of the king" between the declaration of war and its beginning, concluded the Treaty of Paris (1259), according to which the English king renounced claims to Normandy, Maine and other French territories lost by England under John Landless , but kept Guyenne. He led the Seventh and Eighth Crusades, which suffered a complete collapse.

1228–1229— Sixth Crusade.

The emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Frederick II headed. He concluded an agreement with the Egyptian Sultan on the return of Jerusalem to the Christians and the announcement of a 10-year truce. In 1244 the city was recaptured by the Muslims.

Around 1230 the basis of the inquisition.

1235- Mongolian conquest of northern China.

1241–1242- the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars into the territory of a number of states of Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Dalmatia, Wallachia, Transylvania).

1248–1254, 1270- The Seventh and Eighth Crusades in Egypt and Tunisia, led by the French King Louis IX the Saint.

1261- the fall of the Latin Empire and the revival of the Byzantine Empire under the rule of Emperor Michael VIII, the founder of the Palaiologos dynasty.

1265- convocation of parliament in England, the formation of a class-representative monarchy.

1279- Mongol conquest of southern China.

1285–1314- the reign of the French king Philip IV the Handsome. Expanded the territory of the royal domain. Captured in 1300 Flanders, lost in 1302 as a result of an uprising of the Flemish cities. Made the papacy dependent on the French kings. Convened the first Estates General. Achieved from the pope the abolition in 1312 of the Knights Templar.

1289-1 326 - the reign of the Turkish Sultan Osman I. The founder of the Ottoman dynasty, who ruled in Turkey until 1922.

1291- loss by Europeans of the last possessions in the East.

1302- the convocation of the States General in France, the registration of a class-representative monarchy.

1309–1377- "Avignon captivity" - forced (under pressure from the French kings) stay of the popes in the city of Avignon (Southern France), where (with a break in 1367-1370) there was a papal residence.

1337–1453 The Hundred Years' War between England and France. Causes of the war: the desire of England to eliminate the vassal dependence of Guyenne on France and return Normandy, Anjou and other French territories lost under John the Landless, the struggle of both states for dominance over Flanders, the claims of the English kings, connected by kinship with the French Capetian dynasty, to the French throne; France sought to oust the British from Guyenne. England was defeated in the war, lost all its possessions in France except the port of Calais.

1356- the signing of the Golden Bull by Charles IV (the election of the emperor by the college of electors, securing other privileges for them). Strengthening the political fragmentation of Germany. Active until 1806

1356- Battle of Poitiers between the French and the British. The defeat of the French knights and the capture of the French king John II the Good.

1358- "Jacquerie" in France. The peasant uprising was caused by the defeat of the French troops, economic ruin, and an increase in extortions and taxes. Suppressed by the troops.

1368 the expulsion of the Mongols from China. Beginning of the Ming Dynasty.

1378- uprising "ciompi" in Florence. Hired workers, poor artisans ("chompies") demanded that they be given the right to participate in the management of the city. After the suppression of the uprising in Florence, tyranny was established - the sole dictatorship of individual wealthy families. From 1434 to 1737 (with interruptions) the Medici family became the ruler of Florence.

1381 Wat Tyler's rebellion in England. Contributed to the elimination of serfdom and the corvée system.

1385- the conclusion of the Union of Kreva - a dynastic union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland (the Lithuanian Grand Duke Jagiello, marrying the Polish queen Jadwiga, became the Polish king). For the Polish nobility, the union meant the possibility of expanding their possessions east of the Western Bug and eliminating the danger of Poland being included in Hungary. Lithuania got the opportunity to focus its efforts on the fight against the Mongols-Tatars and push the boundaries of the state further to the east. Jagiello and his subjects were obliged to accept Catholicism, annex the lands of the principality to Poland and contribute to the return of the possessions lost by the Polish kingdom.

1389- the battle on the Kosovo field between the united troops of the Serbs and Bosnians under the command of the Serbian prince Lazar and the Turkish army of Sultan Murad I. The defeat of Serbia and the transformation into a vassal of the Ottoman Empire.

1396- a crusade led by the Hungarian king Sigismund I against the Ottoman Turks. The defeat of the crusader troops in the battle of Nikopol from the Turkish army of Sultan Bayezid I the Lightning. Establishment of Turkish dominance in the Balkan Peninsula.

XIV-XV centuries.- Early Renaissance in Italy.

1402- the defeat of the Ottoman Turks by Timur's army, led by Sultan Bayazid I the Lightning.

1410 July 15- Victory over the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunwald by the combined troops of Russians, Lithuanians, Czechs and Poles. The aggression of the Teutons to the east was suspended.

1415- Condemnation and burning at the stake as a heretic of the leader of the movement for an independent Czech national church, professor of theology at the University of Prague, Jan Hus.

1415–1460- the organization by the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator of sea expeditions to the northwestern coast of Africa, which marked the beginning of the Portuguese expansion to this mainland.

1419–1437- Hussite wars against the German nobility and the supreme power of the German emperor, which were religious in color. Crusades against the Hussites organized by Pope Martin V and Emperor Sigismund.

1439- the decision of the Florence Cathedral on the unification of the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

1445- the invention of printing Johannes Gutenberg published the first printed book).

1453- the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks, led by Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror. The death of the Byzantine Empire. Renaming Constantinople to Istanbul.

1455–1485- War of the Scarlet and White Roses: internecine war of feudal families in England, which took the form of a struggle for the throne between two branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - the Lancasters in the coat of arms of a scarlet rose) and the Minks (in the coat of arms of a white rose). The death in the war of the main representatives of both dynasties and a significant part of the feudal nobility facilitated the establishment of Tudor absolutism.

1461–1483- Reign of King Louis XI of France He pursued a policy of centralization of power, suppressed feudal revolts. He annexed Anjou, Picardy and other territories to the royal domain.

1479- the formation of a single Spanish state under the rule of Fernando and Isabella through the unification of Aragon and Castile.


A Brief History of the Middle Ages: Epoch, states, battles, people Khlevov Alexander Alekseevich

Chronology of the main events in Europe I-XVI centuries

5 – The troops of Emperor Tiberius go to the Elbe.

9 – The uprising of the Germans led by Arminius and the defeat of the Roman troops in the Teutoburg Forest.

14–16 – Campaigns of the commander Germanicus beyond the Rhine. Victory over Arminius. Victory over the tribes of Mars and Hutts.

43 – The transformation of Britain into a Roman province as a result of the campaigns of Aulus Plautus and Claudius.

73–74 – Roman Wars in Upper Germany.

77–85 – Conquest of Northern Britain.

85–89 – Dacian Wars of the Romans.

98 – "Germany" Tacitus.

101–106 – The conquest of Dacia and its transformation into a Roman province.

167–180 – Marcomannic Wars. German invasion of northern Italy.

212 – Edict of Caracalla granting the rights of Roman citizenship to all freeborn inhabitants of the Empire.

238 – The invasion is ready across the Danube.

253 – The beginning of sea voyages is ready to Asia Minor.

258–274 – Usurpation by Postumus of power in the provinces, falling away from the empire of Gaul, Britain and Spain (the so-called Gallic Empire).

284 – The beginning of the period of dominance.

286–287 – The uprising of Carausius.

293 – establishment of the tetrarchy.

301 – Edict of Diocletian on maximum prices for food and handicrafts.

303 – Edict against Christians.

313 – Rescript of Milan on the free practice of Christianity. Official recognition of Christians by Constantine.

316–332 – Edicts of Constantine on attaching columns to the land, artisans to colleges, curials to cities.

324 – Rise of Constantinople.

325 – First Ecumenical (Ecumenical) Council in Nicaea.

350–360 – The first invasions of the Franks, Alemanni and Saxons in Gaul.

361 – Edict of Julian the Apostate on the restoration of paganism. Return to the policy of religious tolerance.

374–375 – Defeat by the Huns of the Gothic tribal union (the Powers of Germanaric).

376 – Flight ready across the Danube from the Huns to the Roman Empire. The uprising is ready on the Danube.

378 – The defeat of the Romans in the battle with the Goths at Adrianople, the death of Emperor Valens.

382 – Settlement of the Goths in Moesia as federates.

392 – Theodosius prohibition of pagan worship.

395 – The final division of the empire after the death of Theodosius. Rise of Alaric and the Visigoths.

401–402 – Alaric's Visigoth invasion of Italy and their defeat at Pollentia.

406 – Barbarian invasion of Gaul.

407 – Roman withdrawal from Britain.

409 – Invasion of the Vandals, Alans and Suebi into Spain.

418 – The emergence in Aquitaine of the first barbarian kingdom of the Visigoths.

429–439 – Formation of the kingdom of the Vandals in the province of Africa.

449 – The beginning of the conquest of Britain by the Anglo-Saxons.

451 – Battle of the Catalaunian Fields.

452 – Attila's campaign in Italy.

453 – Death of Attila. The collapse of the state of the Huns.

454 – The murder of Aetius and the resettlement of the Ostrogoths in Pannonia.

455 – Vandals, landing in Italy, capture Rome.

476 – The overthrow of Emperor Romulus Augustulus by Odoacer and the disappearance of the empire in the West.

477 – Migration of the Britons to Armorica.

481–511 – Clovis is the king of the Salic Franks.

486 – The capture by the Franks of the last Roman possession in Gaul - the state of Syagria.

493 – Ostrogoths capture all of Italy and kill Odoacer by Theodoric. Rise of the Ostrogothic kingdom.

529 – Foundation of the first monastery in Monte Cassino by Benedict of Nursia.

535–555 – War of Byzantium with the Goths for Italy.

554 – Byzantine conquest of southeastern Spain.

560–570 – Foundation of the Avar Khaganate in Pannonia.

568 – Invasion of Italy by the Lombard tribes.

597 – The beginning of the Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons (the baptism of King Ethelbert I of Kent).

602 – Æthelbert's Kentish Truth is the first record of the legal customs and laws of England.

616–620 – The Goths conquer Spain from Byzantium.

622 – Flight of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina (Hijra). The beginning of the Muslim chronology.

632 – Muhammad died. Rise of the Islamic Caliphate.

680 – The Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV convened the VI Ecumenical Council, which restored peace between the eastern and western churches.

687 – Mayor of Austrasia, Pepin Geristalsky became the mayor of the entire Frankish state.

711–714 – Arab Caliphate conquers Visigothic Spain.

714 – Beginning of the reign of Majordom of the Frankish State Charles Martel.

718 – In the Cavadonga Valley in Spain, a militia led by Pelayo defeated a detachment of Arabs. The beginning of the Reconquista and the formation of the Kingdom of Asturias.

720 – The Arabs began the conquest of southern Gaul.

726 – The Byzantine emperor Leo III laid the foundation for iconoclasm.

732 – Charles Martell defeated the Arabs at Poitiers.

751 – Major Pepin the Short is officially proclaimed King of the Franks. Beginning of the Carolingian (Pipinid) dynasty.

754–756 – Pepin's campaign in Italy. victory over the Lombards.

756 – Formation of the secular state of the popes.

757 – Offa becomes King of Mercia. Hegemony of Mercia among the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

768 – The beginning of the reign of Charlemagne.

773–774 – Charlemagne conquered the Lombard kingdom in Italy.

782 – Charlemagne defeated the Saxons on the Weser.

788 – Charlemagne abolished ducal authority in Bavaria and divided the area into counties.

788–803 – Wars of the Franks with the Avar Khaganate.

793 – The beginning of the Viking campaigns in the West.

796 – Liquidation of the Avar Khaganate.

800 – Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the West in Rome.

801 – The Franks conquered Barcelona from the Arabs.

817 – The Frankish emperor Louis the Pious divided the management of the Frankish state between his sons, retaining supreme power.

825 – Beginning of Wessex hegemony in Britain. King Egbert.

833 – Beginning of regular Danish raids on the Anglo-Saxons.

840–842 – The internecine war of the sons of Louis the Pious: Lothair I, Louis the German and Charles the Bald.

843 – Treaty of Verdun on the final division of the empire of Charlemagne between his grandsons - Lothar, Charles the Bald and Louis the German.

847 – Arab campaign against Rome.

855 – The collapse of the state of Lothair. Formation of the kingdoms of Italy, Provence and Lorraine.

865–876 – Massive Danish invasion of England.

871–896 – War of King Alfred the Great of Wessex with the Danes. Unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

888 – Agreement with the Danes of Guthrum on the division of England into two parts - Anglo-Saxon and Danish.

890 – The beginning of the reign of the Norwegian king Harald Fair-haired. The first unification of the country.

899 – The beginning of the Hungarian aggression.

911 – The French king Charles III the Simple ceded the territory of Normandy to the Normans.

921–924 – Invasion of Italy by the Hungarians.

933 – The Hungarians invaded the lands of the Eastern Franks, Gaul, and Italy. The victory of the German king Henry I over the Hungarians.

955 – Otto I defeated the Hungarians at Lech, after which their raids ceased.

951 – The first campaign of Otto I in northern Italy.

961–962 – The second campaign of Otto I in Italy, his coronation with the imperial crown. Formation of the Holy Roman Empire.

967–971 – The third campaign of Otto I in Italy.

982 – Otto II tried to capture southern Italy, but was defeated by the Arabs.

987 – Beginning of the Capetian government.

997–1038 – The beginning of the reign of the Hungarian prince (since 1000 - the first king of Hungary) Istvan (Stefan) I St. Baptism of Hungary.

1000 – Battle of Sveld ("Battle of the Three Kings").

1000 -1004 – The voyages of the Icelander Leif Eiriksson to North America.

1014 – The victory of the Irish king Boru Brian over the Vikings at the battle of Clontarf.

1016 – Agreement on the division of the kingdom of England between Edmund Ironside and Knut the Great.

1016 -1042 – Dominion in England of the Danish dynasty.

1017 -1029 – Beginning of the Norman conquests in Italy.

1022 – Pope Benedict VIII and Emperor Henry II at the Council of Pavia called for the exclusion from the clergy of violators of celibacy.

1031 -1039 – Wars of King Henry of France with rebellious feudal lords.

1037 – Rise of the Kingdom of Castile.

1042 – Return to power in England of the Anglo-Saxon dynasty.

1044 – Marriage of King Henry I of France to Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

1045 – Recognition by the Hungarians of fief dependence on the emperor.

1046–1047 – Campaign of Emperor Henry III in Italy (1046-1047). The period of maximum domination of emperors over popes.

1046 – Robert Guiscard conquered Calabria and Apulia.

1054 – Division of the Christian Church into Western and Eastern.

1060–1091 – Conquest of Sicily by the Normans.

1066 – The defeat of the Norwegians at Stamfordbridge, the death of the king of Norway, Harald the Severe (September 25).

1066 – Landing of the Normans by William the Conqueror in Britain, the beginning of the Norman conquest. The defeat of the Anglo-Saxons at Hastings (October 14).

1071 – In the battle of Manzikert (Asia Minor), the Seljuk Turks defeated the army of the Byzantine emperor Roman IV Diogenes. Byzantium lost Armenia and almost all of Asia Minor.

1071 – Fall of Bari; The Normans conquered Byzantine possessions in Italy.

1076 – First Communal Charter.

1076–1077 – "Journey to Canossa" (December-January).

1085 – The Spaniards occupied Toledo.

1086 – "Salisbury Oath" - a direct vassalage of all land holders from the king. "Book of Doomsday".

1095 – Pope Urban II at a church council in Clermont (France) called on Christians to liberate the Holy Land (November).

1096–1099 – First crusade.

1097 – The crusaders occupied the capital of the Seljuk Turks, Nicaea.

1097 – Battle of Dorileus.

1098 – The crusaders took possession of Edessa and Antioch, forming the first states of the crusaders: the county of Edessa and the principality of Antioch.

1099 – Capture of Jerusalem by the crusaders. Establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

1100 – The first Magna Carta in England, guaranteeing the observance by the king of the rights and privileges of large proprietors (Henry I).

1108 – Beginning of the reign of King Louis VI of France. Strengthening of the central power, struggle with feudal lords in the royal domain.

1122 – "Concordat of Worms" between the Pope and the Emperor - the end of the struggle for investiture.

1128 – Marriage of Matilda, daughter of Henry I, and Count of Anjou Geoffroy V Plantagenet.

1135 – The beginning of feudal strife after the death of Henry I. The struggle for power of King Stephen of Blois with Matilda, daughter of Henry I, heir to the throne.

1135–1154 – The reign of the English king Stephen of Blois.

1137 – Byzantine Emperor John II Komnenos established Byzantine sovereignty over Antioch.

1137 – Catalonia and Aragon united to form the Kingdom of Aragon.

1137 – Marriage of Louis VII to Eleanor, heiress of the Duchy of Aquitaine.

1144–1155 – As a result of the anti-papal uprising of the Romans, under the leadership of Arnold of Brescia, the Roman Republic arose, liquidated with the help of Frederick I Barbarossa.

1144 – The Seljuk Turks captured Edessa.

1147–1149 – Second crusade.

1152 – Divorce of Louis VII from Eleanor. Eleanor's marriage to Henry II Plantagenet.

1152 -1190 – The reign of the German king Frederick I Barbarossa, from 1155 - Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

1153 – "Wallingford Agreement" - Matilda recognized Stephen as king, Stephen recognized Matilda's son Henry II Plantagenet as heir.

1154 – Accession to the English throne of Henry II Plantagenet. Accession to England of the possessions of the House of Anjou.

1154 – The beginning of the campaigns of Frederick I Barbarossa in Italy (1154–1186).

1158 – "Ronkalskoe agreement", prescribing the transfer of supreme power over the Italian cities to the emperor.

1159–1299 – Franco-Angevin war.

1162 – Destruction of Milan by Frederick I Barbarossa.

1164 – "Clarendon constitutions" - limiting the competence of ecclesiastical courts in England.

1166–1179 – Judicial reform of Henry II.

1167 – The emergence of the Lombard League - the union of Italian cities to fight the Germans.

1169 – Beginning of the conquest of Ireland.

1170 – Assassination of Thomas Becket by order of Henry II.

1170 – Founding of the Principality of Mecklenburg.

1175–1193 – The reign of the Egyptian Sultan Salah ad-Din (Saladin).

1176 – Battle of Legnano.

1180–1223 – The reign of the French king Philip II Augustus.

1181 – Confiscation of the possessions of Henry the Lion in the empire.

1183 – Peace of Constance between Frederick I and the Lombard League, Frederick's refusal of the Roncal Agreement and the restoration of self-government rights for northern Italian cities.

1186 – Marriage of Frederick I's son Henry VI and Constance, heiress of the Sicilian kingdom.

1187 – The defeat of the crusaders at Hattin. Saladin occupied Jerusalem.

1189–1199 – The reign of the English king Richard I the Lionheart.

1189–1192 – Third crusade.

1195 – Livonian bishopric established.

1195 – King Alfonso VIII of Castile is defeated by the Arabs.

1196 – Henry IV's attempt to make the German crown hereditary.

1196 – The beginning of the active expansion of the Danes in the Eastern Baltic.

1198 – Founding of the Teutonic Order.

1200 – Founding of the University of Paris.

1201 – Foundation of the Riga fortress by the crusaders.

1202 – Creation of the Order of the Sword.

1202–1204 – Fourth Crusade.

1202 – Capture of Zadar by the crusaders (November).

1203 – The first assault on Constantinople by the crusaders. Restoration on the throne of Isaac II Angelos (July).

1204 – Capture of Constantinople by the crusaders (April). The actual collapse of the Byzantine Empire.

1209–1229 – Persecution of the Albigensians and Cathars - Albigensian Wars.

1212 – Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; decisive victory over the Moors.

1212 – Children's Crusade.

1212–1250 – The reign of the German king Frederick II of Hohenstaufen.

1214 – The French king Philip II Augustus defeated the British and their allies at the battles of Bouvines and Laroche-au-Moine.

1215 – "Magna Carta".

1217–1221 – Fifth Crusade.

1226 – The Teutonic Order begins the conquest of the lands of the Prussian tribe.

1226–1270 – Reign of the French King Louis IX Saint.

1228–1229 – Sixth Crusade. Temporary return to the Christians of Jerusalem.

1233 – The Roman Curia established the Inquisition.

1237 – Merger of the Teutonic Order with the Order of the Sword.

1240 – The Swedes were defeated by the Russian army under the leadership of Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky) in the battle on the Neva River.

1242 – "Battle on the Ice" - the victory of Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi.

1242 – Detachments of Batu Khan defeated the army of King Bela IV of Hungary, captured Hungary and invaded Slovenia.

1244 – Muslim capture of Jerusalem. Pope Innocent IV blesses the new crusade.

1245 – The Lyon Cathedral excommunicated Emperor Frederick II from the church.

1248–1254 – Seventh Crusade.

1250 – Louis IX is captured by the Muslims.

1259 – Treaty of Saint Louis IX (Treaty of Paris), under which the English king renounced claims to Normandy, Maine and other French territories lost by England under John Landless, but retained Guyenne (Aquitaine).

1270 – Eighth Crusade.

1282 – "Sicilian Vespers" - the expulsion of the French from Sicily. Transfer of power to the House of Aragon.

1291 – Fall of Acre. The end of the crusader states in Palestine.

1300 – The core of the Ottoman state was formed in the northwestern part of Asia Minor.

1302 – Convocation of the first Estates-General in France. "Bruges Matins" - the beating of the French garrison. The defeat of the French knights at the Battle of Courtrai.

1370–1377 – Avignon captivity of the popes - the forced stay of the popes in the city of Avignon (Southern France).

1315 – Battle of Mount Morgarten.

1337–1453 – Hundred Years War between England and France.

1340 – Battle of Sluys. British naval victory.

1346 – Battle of Crécy.

1356 – Battle of Poitiers, the defeat of the French army by Edward ("Black Prince"), the capture of King John the Good.

1381 – Wat Tyler's peasant uprising in England.

1406 – Florence captured Pisa.

1410 – Battle of Grunwald by the combined forces of Poles, Lithuanians, Czechs, Russians and Tatars with the Teutonic Order; destruction of the order.

1411 – Peace of Toruń with the Teutonic Order.

1414 – Jan Hus, a professor at the University of Prague, was burned at the stake in Konstanz.

1429 – The beginning of hostilities under the leadership of Joan of Arc.

1431 – Joan of Arc burnt at Rouen (May).

1434 – Medici power was established in Florence.

1439 – Florentine Union of the Eastern and Western Churches: the Patriarch of Constantinople recognized the authority of Rome over himself.

1445 – Johannes Gutenberg produced the first European printed book.

1453 – The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople.

1469 – Ferdinand II, heir to the throne of Aragon, married Isabella, sister of the king of Castile. The beginning of the unification of Spain into a single state.

1474–1477 – Burgundian wars - the war of the French king against the Duke of Burgundy for the territorial unification of France.

1477 – The defeat of the Burgundians at Nancy, the death of the Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold. Accession to France of Picardy, Nivernay and the Duchy of Burgundy.

1483 – The Balkan Peninsula is completely conquered by the Turks.

1492 – Fall of Granada in Spain, completion of the Reconquista.

1492 – Christopher Columbus is appointed admiral, viceroy and governor general of all the islands and lands that he manages to discover in the Western Ocean.

1494–1559 – Italian wars of France.

1498 – The Portuguese sea expedition led by Vasco da Gama reached India.

1500 – Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral discovers Brazil.

1500 – Colonization of the Congo by the Portuguese.

1501 – The Portuguese establish the trading post of Cochin in India. The beginning of the colonization of Western Hindustan by Europeans.

1501 – The voyage of Amerigo Vespucci along the coast of South America ends. Vespucci made the final conclusion that the open lands were a new continent.

1502 – The marriage of King James IV of Scotland and the daughter of Henry VII - Margaret Tudor, which determined the rights of the Stuarts to the English throne.

1511–1514 – Anglo-French War.

1512 – Battle of Ravenna during the Italian Wars.

1513 – Final unification of Spain.

1513 – Spaniard Vasco Nunez de Balboa goes through the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean.

1516 – The Netherlands is annexed to Spain.

1517 – Speech by Martin Luther in Wittenberg with 95 theses against indulgences. Beginning of the Reformation.

1519 – Election of Charles V of Spain as Holy Roman Emperor.

1519–1521 – Ferdinand Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world.

1520 – Excommunication of Luther from the Church.

1521 – Treaty of Worms on the partition of the Habsburg Empire.

1525 – Secularization of the Teutonic Order. Bringing the vassal oath to the Polish king.

1525 – Battle of Pavia. The defeat of the French and the capture of Francis I.

1531–1535 – Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire.

1534 – Founding of the Jesuit order.

1557–1559 – War of England and Spain against France. Expulsion of the British from the port of Calais. Peace in Cato Cambresi.

Asia, Africa, America in the V - IX centuries. During the period of history, which we define for Europe as the early Middle Ages, Western European civilization was by no means the leader in terms of its level of development. A number of Asian civilizations, such as Chinese, Indian, Iranian, and later Arab-Islamic, were far superior to Western Europe both in economic development and in the sphere of culture. Unlike Europe, where the population lived compactly in a relatively small area, non-European civilizations were peculiar centers, often separated from one another by vast territories inhabited by people whose main occupations were still hunting, gathering, and nomadic cattle breeding. Contacts between civilizations were weak. For example, the civilizations of America until the end of the Middle Ages generally existed in isolation from the civilizations of other parts of the world.
The wealth of agricultural civilizations attracted nomads, and the invasions of militant nomadic tribes were a typical phenomenon, and above all for the medieval history of Asian civilizations. Most nomadic invasions were repulsed, but there are many cases when they managed to destroy one or another civilization or the conquerors were included in the system of social relations of the country they conquered, which allowed them to overcome the existing barrier between barbarism and civilization.
The most advanced civilization of the early Middle Ages was the Chinese. Many nomadic tribes lived in the neighborhood of China, and therefore a characteristic phenomenon of the Chinese Middle Ages was an almost constant struggle with nomads.

Gradually, the Tobis abandoned their nomadic life, adopted the Chinese language, Buddhism, and Chinese customs. At the end of the VI century. China was again united under the Chinese emperors. From the beginning of the 7th century, the Tang dynasty began to rule in the country. The reign of the emperors of this dynasty lasted almost 300 years. In recent decades, Tang China has been shaken by civil strife, peasant uprisings, and nomadic invasions. The final blow was dealt by the peasant war led by Huang Chao. And although the uprising was crushed, the Tang dynasty fell a few years later. China broke up into many states. A long period of bloody and devastating civil strife ensued.
The highly developed Chinese civilization had a great influence on its neighbors. This was achieved through conquests (for example, Korea and Vietnam). When the Japanese created their own state, Tang China was taken as a model for its structure. For some time in Japan, Chinese was the language of communication among people from high society, the language of literature.
In the first half of the 7th c. Arab nomads began their conquests under the banner of Islam. For several decades, the rulers of the Arab Caliphate managed to subjugate many countries and peoples and create a huge power, the territory of which stretched from Northern India to the Iberian Peninsula. This power included peoples of different civilizations, including those that were formed in antiquity (for example, Egypt, Iran, part of India), as well as many tribes that still lived in the conditions of primitive society. All these diverse peoples with their different levels of social development, with their unique culture, different languages ​​were united under the rule of Arab rulers and Islam. Mutual influence, synthesis of cultures of peoples took place in the caliphate, as a result of which a peculiar culture developed, an Arab-Islamic civilization arose.
The caliphate reached its greatest prosperity by the 9th century, but by the end of this century it had broken up into many States, of which the most stable were the state of the Fatimids (with its center in Egypt) and the Korl Caliphate on the Iberian Peninsula.
North India at the beginning of the 4th century. united under the rule of the Gupta dynasty. Several small states arose in the south of Hindustan. From the middle of the 5th c. the southern Huns began to attack the power of the Gupta, who at the beginning of the VI century. dealt her a devastating blow. In the first half of the 7th c. North India was again united under the rule of Harsha, but soon after his death this power was defeated by Chinese troops. This was followed by an Arab invasion, but the conquerors failed to advance beyond the Indus Valley. In the rest of India, there were many states that waged frequent wars among themselves.
On the African continent from the end of the II century. until the end of the ninth century. on the territory of modern Ethiopia there was a Christian (from the 4th century) state of Aksum. Internal turmoil and the onslaught of Muslim Arabs (this conflict began with the Ethiopian seizures in the south of the Arabian Peninsula) led to the collapse of this African power.
In the lower reaches of the Niger River in the VIII century. (perhaps much earlier) the state of Ghana was formed, which controlled the trade route along this African river to the Arabs of North Africa. Salt came from the Arabs, which the merchants of Ghana exchanged for gold.
During the early Middle Ages, the Toltec and Maya civilizations developed in America. The capital of the Toltec state was located on the site of the modern city of Mexico City. This civilization reached its heyday in the VI-VII centuries. At the end of the 7th c. the capital of the Toltecs was destroyed, apparently by the invasion of tribes from the north. And although in the ninth century. the Toltecs managed to revive their state with a new capital, yet under the new onslaught of neighboring tribes they were forced to leave the territory of Mexico.
On the Yucatan Peninsula and to the south of it, the Maya Indians created several of their states. But at the end of the 1st millennium AD. the Maya left their southern territories for unknown reasons, perhaps due to the invasion of neighboring tribes or the depletion of the land that provided the main food for agriculture! chesky population.
Non-European Civilizations in the High Middle Ages. For many Asian civilizations, this period was a time of fierce struggle against the nomads. The apogee of this struggle was the Mongol invasion in the 13th century.
After the fall of the Tang Dynasty in the north of China, nomads, the Khitans and Tanguts, who broke in there, created their own states. In the XII century. A new invasion of nomads followed - the Jurchens defeated the Khitans and formed their own state in the occupied Chinese territories. Long and out-; tedious wars were fought with the Jurchens by the rulers; Chinese Song Dynasty, which united under its rule the territories of China, free from foreign yoke. In fact, only South China remained under the rule of the Sung dynasty.

13th century brought disaster unprecedented in the history of China. Having subjugated all the Mongol nomadic tribes at the beginning of this century, Genghis Khan chose China, which seemed fabulously rich for the Mongols, as the first object of his aggression. Su some emperors at first underestimated the enemy, hoping that in civil strife the barbarians would weaken each other, they even helped the Mongols in defeating the Jurchen-nei. The Mongols devastated Northern China (according to some estimates, before their conquest, about 50 million people lived there, and by the end of the 13th century - only about a million). Contrary to the calculations of the Sung emperors, the Mongols immediately after conquering the north of the country moved to the possessions of the Song dynasty. However, like no other country, the conquerors had to overcome the resistance of the Chinese for a long time. The generation of China by the Mongols lasted almost 70 years. The conquerors moved their capital from Mongolia to China. The foreign yoke was extremely heavy. Taxes have increased several times. The Chinese were forbidden to occupy places in the state administration, to have weapons, to turn on the light at night, to move at night.
Simultaneously with heavy wars in China, the Mongols launched devastating attacks in the western direction. They conquered Central Asia, Iran, Volga Bulgaria (here, after the victory on the Kalka River over the Russian-Polovtsian army, the Mongols suffered a severe defeat, for which in 1236 this Muslim country was literally wiped off the face of the earth), Ancient Russia. In 1241, under the command of Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, the Mongols moved into the depths of Europe. Their main onslaught fell on Hungary - such was the traditional path of the steppe nomads from the East, for the Hungarian steppes provided enough food for their horses. At the same time, the Mongols attacked Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, and Romania. The victories were given to the invaders with ever greater difficulty. In pursuit of the Hungarian king, they reached the Adriatic coast, and here the Mongol offensive bogged down. Batu withdrew his troops to the Volga, where he founded his own state, known as the Golden Horde.
After the completion of the Mongol conquest of Iran, another Mongol state arose there, ruled by the Hulagu dynasty, the grandson of Genghis Khan. The rulers of these Mongolian states, formed on the occupied lands, did not recognize the power of the great khan, who settled in Beijing, over themselves.
The Mongols failed to conquer Japan. When in 1274 they landed on the island of Kyushu, they met there unprecedented resistance from the samurai. The next landing of the conquerors was destroyed by a typhoon. Japan was one of the few countries of the Middle Ages that could not be conquered by any foreign conquerors.
The gri of the Mongols' campaign in Vietnam also ended in failure. The Vietnamese guerrilla tactics and the harsh jungle climate forced the Mongols to abandon their attempts to conquer this country, which had only recently achieved independence from China.
India was also attacked by the Mongols North of India by this time was captured by the rulers of the Muslim states based in Afghanistan and Iran. In 1206, the Muslim governors of the conquered Indian territories created their own state there - the Delhi Sultanate. The Mongols repeatedly invaded this country, reached Delhi, but could not capture it. At the end of the XIII - beginning of the XIV century. The Delhi sultans subjugated almost all of India.
The Muslim conquest from North Africa also swept into Tropical Africa. And although the domination of the Moroccans over Ghana did not last long, from the second half of the 11th century. Islam began to spread there. This conquest weakened Ghana, and in the XIII century. the most powerful state of the river basin. Niger becomes Mali.
In the east of the African continent in the XIII century. Ethiopia was again united under the rule of the Christian dynasty.
In America on the Yucatan Peninsula in the XI century. united the Mayan states. Along the Pacific coast of South America, other Indian peoples created their states, among which were the Incas.
Political map of Asia, Africa and America in the XIV - XV centuries. The Mongol yoke had a very detrimental effect on the fate of many Asian civilizations. The greedy conquerors were never able to maintain their dominance over the occupied lands. The Mongol conquests led to the decline not only of the conquered peoples and states, but also of Mongolia itself, which, after the collapse of the Mongol states created outside of it, turned out to be fragmented and became prey for neighboring nomadic tribes.
In neighboring Japan, which did not know the foreign yoke, the period of the XIV - XV centuries. was a time of strife, which unleashed princes who did not obey the central government with their samurai troops.
Central and Western Asia, freed from Mongol oppression, at the end of the XIV century. subjected to a new devastating invasion of the Central Asian conqueror Timur. His power collapsed shortly after the death of the leader, nicknamed "lame" because of a wound in his leg. This made it possible to strengthen again the Turkish state in Asia Minor, which arose back in the 11th century. In the XIV - XV centuries. the Ottoman Turks, subjugating the Turkish states in Asia Minor, managed to capture the Balkan Peninsula, Moldova, the territory of present-day Romania. The event that shocked Europe was the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453. This year (the year of the end of the Hundred Years War in Western Europe), the last stronghold of the Christian world in the Balkans collapsed. From now on, the main threat to Europe came from the growing power of the Ottoman Empire.
Timur's invasion of India put an end to the existence of the Delhi Sultanate, the country broke up into many small principalities.
By the end of the XV century. the Reconquista was completed on the Iberian Peninsula - the Spaniards defeated the last of the Arab states that existed there - the Emirate of Granada.
Africa in the fifteenth century. in the river basin Niger becomes the new hegemon instead of Mali, the Songhai state. In the XIII century. in the lower reaches of the Congo River, a state arose founded by the Bakongo tribes. At the end of the XV century. its king converted to Catholicism. Ethiopia also remained Christian.
In the region of Lake Chad, the state of Kanem existed since the early Middle Ages. Its heyday falls on the 13th century. At the end of the XIV century. under the onslaught of grays, the rulers of Kanem, together with their subjects, were forced to move from the eastern to the western shore of Lake Chad.
In America, by the time the Europeans appeared there, the most significant was the state of the Incas, ter. whose territory stretches in a long strip along the South American coast of the Pacific Ocean. During the XV century. the rulers of the Incas enslaved many neighboring peoples and created their own huge power with a diverse population, where the Incas formed the ruling layer.
In the same XV century. The once united Maya power broke up into many states. To the north of the Maya in the territory of modern Mexico at the beginning of the 15th century. the Aztecs created a league of three city-states, where the main role belonged to Tenochtitlan (now the city of Mexico City is located on this site), and soon conquered vast territories. The arrival of Western Europeans put an end to the independent development of the civilizations of the American Indians.

7th century the rise of Islam. Creation of a single Muslim state in Arabia - the Arab Caliphate.
7th-8th centuries - the period of extensive Arab conquests. Accession to the Arab caliphate of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Libya, Iran, the western part of North Africa, Spain, southern and southwestern regions of France.
681 - the emergence of the First Bulgarian kingdom.
732 - The defeat of the Arabs by the Franks at Poitiers. The advance of the Arabs into Western Europe was stopped.
768–814 - Reign of Charlemagne. Expanded the boundaries of the kingdom. He strove for the centralization of power (he controlled the activities of the counts with the help of "state envoys"). Encouraged the forced Christianization of the population of the conquered lands. Domestic policy contributed to the process of feudalization of Frankish society - the establishment of feudal land dependence of the peasantry and the growth of large land ownership.
800g. - the formation of the empire of Charlemagne. Presentation of the imperial crown to Charlemagne in Rome.
843 - Treaty of Verdun. The division of the empire of Charlemagne between the grandchildren of Charlemagne: Lothair received the territory of Italy and lands along the Rhine and Rhone - later Lorraine, Charles the Bald - lands west of the Rhine, Louis the German - lands east of the Rhine.
IX century - educational activities of Cyril and Methodius. Creation of Slavic writing - Cyrillic.
962 - the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, headed by the German Emperor Otto I. It included Germany, Northern and a significant part of Central Italy, some 1000g. - Establishment of the Kingdom of Hungary.
1054 - the division of the Christian Church into Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Greek Catholic (Orthodox).
1066 - Norman Conquest of England. The defeat by the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, of the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. Establishment of direct vassalage of all feudal lords from the king and the king's ownership of the land. The final subordination of the peasants to the seigneurial power. Contributed to the completion of the process of feudalization.
1096 - Beginning of the Crusades. They were held under the slogan of the liberation of Christian shrines in Palestine from the rule of Muslims. Participants: chivalry, large seigneurs, peasantry, merchants.
The ideological inspirer and organizer of the campaigns was the Catholic Church.
1096–1099 - The First Crusade. Proclaimed by Pope Urban II in 1095. The first crusader states were formed: the county of Edessa and the principality of Antioch.
1099 - Conquest of Jerusalem by the crusaders. The creation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, in vassal dependence on it were the rest of the crusader states in the East.
XII century - the creation of the state and the Ncs in South America.
1192 - the seizure of power in Japan by shoguns from the samurai clan of Minamoto (ruled until 1333).
1147–1149 — The Second Crusade. Reason: the capture of the Seljuks in 1144. city ​​of Edessa. The campaign was led by the French king Louis VII and the German king Conrad III, failed.
1154–1189 - the reign of the English king Henry II Plantagenet Henry of Anjou), the first of the Plantagenet dynasty. Carrying out reforms to strengthen royal power and limit the power of feudal lords.
1180–1223 - reign of the French king Philip II Augustus. Pursuing a policy of centralization of the state, increasing the royal domain, limiting the independence of the feudal nobility). Return of Normandy and other areas in the north and south of the country that belonged to the English king.
1189–1192 - The Third Crusade, caused by the conquest of Jerusalem in 1187. Egyptian sultan Salah ad-din (Saladin). The campaign was led by the emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Frederick I Barbarossa, the French king Philip II Augustus and the English king Richard I the Lionheart. Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands.
1202–1204 - The Fourth Crusade. Organized by Pope Innocent III. Conquest of the Christian cities of Zadar in Dalmatia and Constantinople. Creation on the territory of the Byzantine Empire of the states of the crusaders is the largest - the Latin Empire).