Preparing children for school according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Preparing a child for school: recommendations for parents What they do in preparation for school

Elena Polushkina
Features of the organization of the process of preparing for school in kindergarten

What tasks does the process of preparing a child for school?

Preparing for school in kindergarten is content-rich, individually oriented process, which solves the problems of becoming older preschoolers main components school readiness. The process of preparing for school consists not in maximizing the development of the child, not in speeding up the timing and pace of transferring him to "rails" school age, but above all in creating for everyone preschooler conditions for the most complete disclosure of his age-related capabilities and abilities. Preparation for school provides the necessary level of development and the prospect of further successful advancement of the child in education.

It is unacceptable to limit preparation for school only by the intellectual side, by increasing the knowledge of children, preparation to future academic subjects, as is often still observed in practice. Knowledge is not so much an end in itself, but one of the means of the overall development of the child and the formation of his attitude to the world. If a child has a lot of knowledge, but at the same time does not know how to communicate and cooperate with peers and adults, do not able independently solve practical issues accessible to age, does not show emotional responsiveness to others, serious personal problems can await him in school.

V kindergarten preparation for school carried out throughout preschool childhood and ends in senior preschool age. special role in this is played by senior and especially the preparatory group, wherein school preparation process expands most fully.

Preparation for school is part of the overall goal of educating the whole personality of the child in preschool childhood. It is aimed at stimulating cognitive activity, communication skills, the formation child independence, initiative, imagination and creativity, strengthening physical and mental health, as well as developing the desire for school

The process of preparing for school meets general requirements organizations modern educational process in preschool, but at the same time requires special accents in the selection of content, pedagogical methods, means, conditions of activity in order to realize readiness for school in full.

Educational process in groups of children before school age is focused on the prospect of future education in school. In this regard, the tasks of development in older preschoolers interest in school; enrichment of ideas about school and student life, educating children's desire for a new social role and position schoolboy.

The necessity of setting and solving these problems is determined by the logic of personal development. Psychological data show that personality organization a person is shaped like way to master the future. The mood of consciousness, feelings, imagination of the individual for the course of future actions and relationships.

Therefore, it is necessary to form with the elders preschooler school image as an image of the desired future, thereby enriching children's ideas and remove the uncertainty and alertness present in some children about the upcoming education in school.

Formation of a positive image of the near future in the elder preschooler must be understood by adults (teachers and parents) how the special task of preparing for school, which requires certain means and methods and is solved in a complex way in the unity of the development of motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of the personality of the future schoolboy.

For this in kindergarten excursions are used school meeting with the teacher and schoolchildren, songs about school, musical, literary works, games on school theme, teacher's stories about school years, joint with schoolchildren holidays, meetings with the teacher, etc. It is advisable to allocate a learning area in the group where school supplies, attributes for games in school hang up workbooks, school board, etc..

The main thing is that in the development of children's interest in the school had no formalism, to school perspective, entering the content of the educational process, was associated primarily with the exciting activities of children, with their experience of a sense of their growing up, increasing independence, with the development of self-confidence, the desire for schooling.

The transition to older age is associated with a change in status preschoolers in kindergarten. In the common family of pupils children's garden they become the oldest. The educator helps children to realize and emotionally feel their new position, involve children in new collective activities that are important for their personal development, and expand the scope of social behavior. Elder preschoolers participate in the design kindergarten for the holidays, become teacher assistants in the group, show concern for young children.

The task of the educator is to provide conditions for the development of older preschoolers broad independence, interest in knowledge and creativity, humane feelings, value orientations, striving for school to a new social role of the student.

The essence of an adequately constructed school preparation process consists in creating conditions in which the child in a variety of activities accumulates, expands, comprehends personal subjective experience, saturated with means and ways active engagement with the world. Elder preschoolers learn different waysindependent knowledge: observation and introspection, sensory examination of objects, logical operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification, simple measurements, experimentation with natural and man-made objects. Future pupils in a practical way, they master the means of independent expression of an emotional-value attitude to the world and establishing contacts with people (speech, non-verbal means of expressing social emotions, moral and aesthetic norms of a culture of communication and relationships, skills of interaction and cooperation). In different activities, children learn the appropriate skills: cognitive, labor, visual, communicative, game, constructive. All this replenishes the subjective experience of children and the possibility of creative self-expression.

specialattention is paid to the development of universal skills by children: accept the goal of the activity, plan elementarily, select the necessary materials in accordance with the goal, get the result and express your attitude to it. In various activities, conditions are created for the development of children capabilities to realize his intention, to find means for its realization and ways, then compare the result with the original idea, carry out elementary self-control. At the same time, the teacher teaches children to use visual aids, helping to move steadily towards the goal: reference diagrams, models, operational maps.

The development of a subjective position, namely child independence, initiatives, creativity in the elders preschoolers is decided by the educator widely, in all forms of educational process. This is achieved through the integration of educational content, the relationship and complementarity of different types of children's activities, their common focus on the development of cognitive activity, independence, communication, social feelings and the desire for a future position schoolboy.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that children often experience uncertainty in the implementation of their plans, they need support from adults. The child must be sure that they will understand him and help him with any outcome of his attempts to solve the problem that has arisen before him. To create a situation of success in independent activity for each child is the most important task. preparation for school.

What are the conditions preparing a child for school?

The condition for the formation of readiness for school the developing pedagogical interaction of the educator with the children.

The unit of developing pedagogical interaction in preparation for school there is a problematic educational situation, which is resolved by the child in variable cooperation with the educator. At the same time, the position of the educator is dynamically changing from active assistance and partnership to the role of an adviser and an interested observer, which opens up scope for children's initiative and creativity.

Event scenario of children's life before school age in kindergarten is built as a system for solving various, gradually becoming more complex, corresponding to current childish needs and interests of problematic situations and tasks that encourage seniors preschoolers to the manifestation of independence, cognitive and communicative activity, creative self-expression. The educator creates creative situations in gaming, cognitive, theatrical, artistic and visual activities, in communication with peers, in manual labor. Supports children's creative initiatives, an atmosphere of cooperation in collective creative activities based on interests.

Educational situations are constructed by the educator as situations of accumulation and application of practical and gaming experience, cooperation and interaction, cognition and experimentation, individual and joint creative problem solving with peers. Many educational and upbringing tasks are solved within the framework of joint children's projects that unite children by solving a common, exciting task: organization of a theater studio, edition of a children's illustrated book "Favorite Tales", holiday preparation"Our Pets" etc.

V the process of interaction with preschoolers the educator encourages them to independently search for answers to emerging questions, aims at experimentation, reasoning, hypotheses, asks questions, engages in collective discussion. Various forms of communication with children are used: cognitive, business, arbitrarily contextual, out of situational and personal, while taking into account the level of communicative skills and communicative culture of each child.

The upbringing of benevolent and friendly relations between children continues. Under the guidance of the educator, these relationships become more stable, selective relationships are formed based on the mutual sympathy of children and common interests. It is important that every child feels accepted children's society. This gives him the feeling of confidence and security necessary for full-fledged personal development. The educator needs to know well how the system of interpersonal relations develops in the group, and in a timely manner to provide assistance in overcoming the difficulties of communication between children and peers.

By his behavior, the educator always shows the children an example of a kind, caring attitude towards people, towards all living things. It draws the attention of children to the external signs of expressing the emotional and physical state of people, teaches "read emotions" actively show empathy and willingness to help. The scope of children's application of the rules of the culture of behavior and communication is expanding: behavior on the street, in public places, in transport, the rules of safe behavior, communication with strangers, etc. All this is a necessary part of the child's social readiness for school.

V preparation for school the educator constantly relies on the growing independence and achievements of the children. This is expressed in setting new, more complex tasks for children; in increasing requirements for organization and purposefulness of the behavior and activities of children; in the development of skills of self-control and self-assessment of results; in the gradual formation of children's will, a sense of personal responsibility for actions and deeds. In pedagogical process of children's garden, it is necessary to provide conditions for different paces of progress, taking into account the capabilities of children, thereby maintaining the natural course child development.

Subject special attention of the educator are the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of future schoolchildren, development of motor activity and activity, education of a hygienic culture, familiarization with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

Between 6 and 7 years there is an active development of the musculoskeletal system, motor qualities are improved. But organism the child is sensitive to deforming influences. It is necessary to constantly monitor the posture and posture of children, the use of general developmental physical exercises that strengthen the muscular system, as well as special measures to prevent the development of flat feet and functional posture deviations.

Game activity retains its developmental and educational value in preparing older preschoolers for school. Social skills and abilities, communication, friendships, mutual understanding continue to crystallize in various plot and creative games. Fantasy and imagination of the child especially are convexly revealed in role-playing and directorial play, which by the end preschool period is characterized by the presence of an original idea, the flexibility of deploying the storyline in accordance with the conditions and circumstances.

In games with rules in the future schoolchildren Valuable mechanisms are formed, the rule of consistent behavior, the prerequisites for educational activity. The game organically is intertwined by the teacher in directly educational activity. Senior training preschoolers is built as a fascinating problem-cognitive activity. The child masters the universal prerequisites for learning activities: the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. At the same time, the game base is preserved. Selection of various educational games - conducive to the development of memory, attention, speech, ways of thinking, communication skills - serves the formation of all types of readiness for school(intellectual, speech, social, volitional, etc.).

Special readiness for school- the development of mathematical concepts, the native language, teaching the basics of literacy - is included in the general content of the educational process. For this purpose, game forms of learning, workbooks, logical blocks, subject and graphic models are used. You also need printed letters, letter stencils, cut out of sandpaper and glued on cardboard letters (for examination with fingers, cubes with syllables, pictures signed in block letters, board-printed games with letters, numbers, notebooks, pens, etc. The children themselves compose from letters their names, stick them on lockers with clothes, on their drawings. preparatory group can be attached to interior items "labels",block letters: "table", "chair", "painting", "frame" etc. This helps in mastering reading.

special attention is paid to the development of small muscles of the hand, which prepares child to learn writing. To this end, the teacher conducts finger gymnastics, graphic exercises: hatching and painting contour images, tracing stencils, drawing and copying patterns and ornaments, needlework, silhouette cutting with scissors, etc. These exercises are included in classes, and also become part of children's games "v school» .

The subject-educational environment in senior groups is designed taking into account the tasks of activating various types of activities, development children's cooperation and friendly relations, creativity and search activity. In the selection of materials, the interests of both boys and girls are taken into account. In the subject environment, materials are mandatory, activating the cognitive activity of children: educational games, puzzles, crossword puzzles, technical toys and devices, constructors, models. Large selection of subjects for the development of research activity and experimentation: magnets, magnifiers, scales, beakers, filters, microscopes, flashlights, etc. Children's encyclopedias, illustrated albums, prospectuses enrich ideas about the world and broaden the general outlook necessary for the future schoolboy. A well-illustrated book becomes a source of new interest preschoolers. The educator initiates and supports the discussion of problems of interest to children, involves them in joint projects and mini-research.

The process of forming a school readiness involves the systematic monitoring of the progress of children's development in the educational process. Pedagogical diagnostics is a necessary tool for a modern competent educator. Intermediate pedagogical diagnostics allows you to take into account problems in the development of the main components of readiness for school and implement an effective individual approach to the child.

The condition for effective preparing children for school is the interaction kindergarten and family. Their interaction is determined by a common understanding of the essence of readiness for school, content, forms

and methods preparation for schooling in kindergarten and family. Interaction between educators and parents, their mutual trust

and cooperation provide coordinated support preparing a child for school taking into account its individuality and pace of development.

Generally the process of preparing for school is based on"opening perspective", which is gradually personally accepted by the child, emotionally and practically experienced by him as a feeling of growing independence and confidence in the successful solution of future tasks.

What changes take place in the child the process of preparing for school?

As a result preparation for school In the development of the child, the following important changes occur.

The proportions of the body change, the limbs are elongated, the ratio of body length and head circumference approaches the parameters school age. Raising the right hand up, through the head, the child can block the left auricle with the right hand (Filipino test). Milk teeth are being replaced by permanent ones. Increased intellectual and physical child's performance. These positive changes are markers of the biological maturity of the child, necessary to start schooling.

Talking about the physical development of the future schoolboy, it should be noted success in the development of movements. The child has formed the basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity. He independently performs age-appropriate hygienic procedures, observes the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle. V process various and specially selected exercises develop the hand, small muscles of the fingers, which serves as a guarantee of mastering the letter.

The intellectual preconditions for the beginning of a systematic schooling. This is manifested in the increased possibilities of mental activity. The child is well oriented in the world around him. He quite confidently distinguishes objects of animate and inanimate nature, the objective and social world. He is aware of a number of clearly expressed connections: temporal, spatial, functional, causal.

Over the years preschool childhood The child has acquired a number of cognitive skills. These are the skills of differentiated perception and purposeful observation, the use of sensory standards to assess the properties and qualities of objects, their grouping and classification. Senior preschooler learned to compare objects, highlight the main

and secondary signs, answer a wide variety of questions, reason, as well as independently formulate questions, use simple visual models, diagrams when solving problems.

Urebenka increased cognitive activity, interest in the world, the desire to learn new things. He acquired a valuable skill - to accept from an adult or put forward a simple cognitive task on his own, use the teacher's recommendations to solve it, or solve it independently on the basis of known to him ways(comparison, analysis, measurement, etc., it is clear to express the result of knowledge in speech. The main thing is that the child has mastered the ability to purposefully carry out elementary intellectual and practical activities, to accept tasks

and, as a rule, to achieve an adequate result, he learned to follow the course of the educator's reasoning. Without these skills school learning is complicated by many difficulties and mental overload.

The child shows interest in creativity, his imagination is developed, the desire for independence is expressed and the necessary skills and abilities are formed for this. He gained experience of successful independent activity, and this gave him self-confidence, strengthened his desire for new achievements. He able act independently (in everyday life, in various forms children's activities). When in trouble, seek help from an adult. The child is aimed at achieving positive results in a new social role - the student.

The prerequisites for the child's entry into a wider society have developed. He learned to communicate with adults and peers, learned the basics of a culture of behavior and communication, friendly relationships. The child uses different forms of communication. His speech skills are varied. He knows how to listen and understand the speech of the interlocutor, to express his thoughts clearly and understandably for the listener, to construct sentences correctly, to compose a coherent story. His vocabulary is diverse, speech is intelligible and expressive. This is important for school learning achievement.

The child is happy to participate in collective activities, able accept a common goal and conditions, tries to act in concert, shows a keen interest in the overall result. Volitional manifestations are observed in his behavior and relationships.: he seeks to restrain himself, if necessary, to show patience, perseverance. These elements of arbitrariness are very valuable for the upcoming learning activities. But preschooler they are still being formed, and it is still premature to approach the child's voluntary control of his activity with high demands.

In the behavior and attitude to the environment, the child manifests socially valuable traits. He is benevolent, expresses sympathy, responsiveness, desire to help, shows respect for elders, treats animals and plants with care. His feelings acquire a socially moral coloring, become more stable.

The self-awareness of the child develops, his ideas about himself, a positive image is formed "I AM". He sincerely aspires to his immediate future. He wants to become schoolboy, get a new social status.

All these achievements in the development of the child are on the verge of schools indicate the successful formation of readiness for the beginning schooling.

Kiseleva Natalia
Preparing preschool children for school

From the experience of the educator for children Kiseleva N. A.

Be ready for school already today does not mean being able to read, write, count. Be ready for school- means to be ready to learn all this.

Leonid Abramovich Wenger

Of course, I understand that the child in school they will teach both to write and read, but to teach a child to think, reason, draw conclusions, analyze, independently use their knowledge, defend their point of view - that's what I strive for in my classes.

What is the readiness for school education in kindergarten? First of all, from readiness childrento new activities:

Be able to hear, understand and solve a learning problem;

Find a solution to the question;

To assimilate a large amount of instructive information and educational material;

Be able to listen and speak (development of communicative activity and phonemic hearing).

One of the main difficulties that a child faces in school is the mastery of writing. Many children do not know how to stop in time when they write a letter or word; fail to spell the elements of the letters correctly. Therefore, one of the important tasks facing me is preparation of the hand for writing.

In a kindergarten, the solution of this problem is facilitated by joint activities in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. These activities develop the small muscles of the fingers, so that the child's hand becomes more flexible and obedient. Children master the skills and abilities of working with a pencil, brush, scissors, a stack; develop hands and eyes.

For the development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements, I use different methods and techniques of work.:

1. Finger game training

Finger gymnastics, physical education

Finger games with verses, with tongue twisters

2 modeling from plasticine and salt dough using natural material (seeds, cereals, shells, etc.)

non-traditional drawing techniques: brush, finger, toothbrush, candle, etc.

construction: from paper using origami technique, work with Lego constructor

Various types of applications

3. Development of graphic motor skills

Stencil drawing


dorisovka (according to the principle of symmetry)


4. Didactic games


Small object games

Puzzles, mosaic

Drawing on croup remains one of my favorite pastimes. children they create plot pictures that replace each other.

The development of fine motor skills is also facilitated by the "dry pool", a box filled with peas (you can use buckwheat, rice, beans). Children like to look for small toys in the pool, pour peas from one container to another.

Decorative drawing contributes to the development of graph-motor skills. Children draw very small elements of the painting: dots, curls, wavy and straight lines, etc., and the rhythm in the arrangement of the elements of the pattern helps to develop a sense of rhythm. Drawing a pattern, children learn to "hold" the line, limit their movements. Many elements of the pattern resemble letter elements. (ovals, curls, wavy lines).

To master the letter, children must be well oriented on the sheet, know where the "top" and "bottom", "middle", "left and right side".

I teach them to navigate on a sheet in a box using graphic skills. Moving along the sides of the cell, children learn to draw exactly straight lines. We learn to connect dots along the arrows in a given direction.

Teach them to draw parallel lines (straight lines at the same distance from each other). For this purpose, we use hatching.

When hatching, we follow the rules:

We write vertical and oblique lines only from top to bottom, and horizontal lines - only from left to right.

Later I will use wavy, zigzag lines as a stroke. Inscribe spirals in round and oval objects ("unwind from the center to the edge of the circle, "twist" from the edge to the center).

We draw "waves" and "paths"; at the same time, children learn to smoothly move their hand along the entire length of the line; start with dotted lines, and then solid lines.

In notebooks, we learn to fit ovals, circles, inclined sticks into a cage.

The development of fine motor skills is important because the entire future life of the child will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary when performing a variety of household and educational activities.

Purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the mental and physical development of the child.

Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the child's speech activity. If the child performs the exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, then his speech will become more clear, rhythmic, vivid, and control over the movements performed will increase. The child's memory develops as he learns to memorize certain hand positions and sequences of movements. The child develops imagination and fantasy. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech.

I see the results of my work in showing interest children to various types of activities.

I have noticed that children is growing cognitive activity, all the work done increases efficiency children in the classroom relieves the load. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the assimilation of skills, the improvement of visual and auditory perception, the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, voluntary attention, creative imagination, speech, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, and the development of basic graphic skills.

It can be argued that the child's adaptation to school conditions will pass quickly if he has sufficiently developed cognitive interests, the ability to arbitrarily control his behavior, to subordinate private goals to more significant ones. The child is able to widely use the basic mental operations, he has a good memory, the ability to control his actions is developed. And if by the age of seven he has learned to control his fingers and hands in a playful way, that is, he has well-developed fine motor skills and coordination of finger movement, he has mastered the basic graphic skills, then this will be quite enough for further learning to write at school.

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“Preparing children for school”

Simakova T.E.

Saint Petersburg20 y.


The problem of preparing children for school, despite its study, still remains relevant. This is understandable. Every year the requirements of training become more complicated, the program itself varies in different educational institutions. In children entering the 1st grade, every year more and more deviations are found in the state of health, neuropsychic and functional development.

A child who crosses the threshold of the school must correspond to a certain physical, mental, emotional and social development. This is the guarantee of his future school performance.

By the senior preschool age, children acquire a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge, undergo certain training in a preschool institution, and they face the problem of adapting to the conditions of school life. And if we take into account the modern requirements of primary education programs, it becomes clear that it is necessary to organize high-quality preparation of children for school, moreover, carried out by qualified specialists (psychologists, teachers, primary school teachers).

In the proposed course of developing activities, an attempt was made to combine several tasks at once in preparing children for schooling:

Formation of cognitive activity and educational motivation of children of senior preschool age.

Correction and development of activity disorders and a set of indicators of functional development that are necessary for successful schooling. This is the organization of attention, analytical thinking and speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, the development of fine finger movements and hand-eye coordination.

Introduction to numbers and the alphabet

Program destination.

The program is designed for preschoolers 6-7 years old.

The program is not designed for children with severe intellectual disabilities or significant intellectual retardation.

Organization of the learning process.

The program involves 55 lessons, lasting from 25 minutes to 30-35 minutes, depending on the condition and capabilities of the children. Classes are held 2 times a week.

Class structure

1 Greetings, games and exercises to relieve tension in the group and create a positive emotional background.

2 Task aimed at getting to know new material (new letter, number). Doing exercises in notebooks.

3 Physical education

4 Games, tasks and exercises for the development of various types of attention, memory, the development of visual-figurative thinking, the basics of logical thinking and speech-thinking operations, the development of hand-eye coordination and interhemispheric interaction, as well as the development of visual-spatial perception and fine motor skills of the fingers.

5 Summing up. Parting.

methodological equipment.

  1. Tables, chairs according to the number of participants
  2. Colored and simple pencils, checkered notebooks for each child
  3. Notebooks "Literacy" and "Mathematics" for children 5-6 years old, from the series "Sunny Steps".
  4. Cards with tasks for the development of attention stability.
  5. A poster depicting various objects (the game “What - where?”).
  6. Forms with labyrinths.
  7. Visual aids for learning letters and numbers.
  8. Cut squares for each child
  9. Counting sticks for each child

Expected result from the implementation of the program

After completing the course, it is expected that preschoolers will experience changes in the cognitive sphere:

The stability of attention, its selectivity and the possibility of its switching will increase

Indicators of short-term visual memory will improve: the number of correctly recognized stimuli will increase, as well as the ability to retain a number of visual stimuli

The quality of indicators of long-term semantic memory will change for the better: understanding, comprehension and memorization of texts will improve.

The volume and speed of auditory-speech memorization will increase, as well as the possibilities and volume of their delayed reproduction, which, in turn, will affect the improvement of the quality of phonemic perception of speech.

The quality of thinking processes will improve: children will learn to generalize, compare and classify, establish causal and temporal relationships between objects and phenomena of the world around them.

Thanks to and along with the development of thinking, speech will develop, the quality and volume of the active dictionary will increase.

The nature of the child's working capacity will change: the possibility of retaining instructions and purposeful activity will increase, the pace of activity will increase, the speed of assimilation of a new method of action.

Improving graphic skills.

The general awareness of children will be replenished.

A positive attitude to learning will be formed, the fear of future admission to school will disappear

Changes in the cognitive sphere will entail changes at the personal level. Having learned to think and, especially, to express their thoughts with the help of words, children will be able to realize their success. As a result, children's self-esteem will increase.

Forms of results control.

(carried out in the form of individual diagnostics)

The analysis of the results is based on a comparison of the results of the primary and final diagnostics, tracking the performance of tasks during the lesson, as well as a feedback questionnaire.

Each child undergoes an individual diagnostic study. The purpose of psychological research is to identify the level of development of cognitive functions and the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for schooling.

For the convenience of testing, a special form has been developed, which includes methods that most fully assess those mental functions and those knowledge and skills that future students need.

Lesson 1-2

1 greeting

2 chain. Names” Target: acquaintance, stress relief in the group, memory training.

Description: The leader starts the game by saying his name. The next member of the group calls name leader and your own. And thus, each next participant in a circle repeats the names of all the previous ones, starting with the name of the leader. The exercise should be repeated until the group remembers all the names (this is especially important if the group has not worked together before). In the next round, the task becomes more difficult. The facilitator asks each participant to name one of their good qualities (“My mother, my friends, my teachers, I myself appreciate myself for ...”). Participants, starting with the leader, but in a circle, name their name and their good quality, repeating them and the quality of the previous participant. The exercise goes through 1 circle, the host finishes.

3. Introduction to the letter "A".

Finger game "Stork".
Fingers - head, palm - wings.

Stork mom, stork dad

They made a nest on the roof,

baby stork

Beak fed.

The palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are straightened away from themselves and intertwined (as if clinging to each other), painthe last fingers are the head, the remaining closed fingers are the wings.Wave them.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound A occurs, sing this sound, determine its location. Get to know the letter A, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

This program assumes that the preliminary acquaintance of children with sounds and letters occurred in children in classes with a speech therapist.

Acquaintance with the number "1".

Consider pictures depicting objects, count them, select only those objects that are shown one at a time. Consider number 1.

What does the number "one" look like?

Here is one, or a unit, - A unit looks like a hook,

Very thin, like a needle. Or maybe a broken branch.

S. MarshakG. Vieru

-Make the number "1" from the sticks.

4. Physical education.

A is the beginning of the alphabet,

That's what she's famous for.

And it's easy to find out:

Legs set wide.

The child should stand with their legs wide apart. For each count, hands in turn: on the belt, on the shoulders, up, two claps, on the shoulders, on the belt, down - two claps.

The pace is gradually picking up.

5. Consolidation. Think.

1. Guess the riddle:

They came to us with melons

Striped balls.


2. Complete the task. Who is extra? Why?

3. Look at the letter and learn the rhyme:

The stork spent the summer with us,

And in the winter he stayed somewhere.

6. Summing up

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What was the most difficult task?”

7. Farewell

Lesson 3-4

1 Greetings

2 "Praise yourself"



3 . Introduction to the letter "B".

Finger game "Tower".

We will build a high tower.

Windows and loopholes in the tower are visible.

The palms are placed vertically to each other, the little fingerspressed (like a boat), and the thumbs are bent inward

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound B occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter B, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

. Acquaintance with the number "0".

4. Physical education.


Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Three - bent down

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

The child recites a poem, performing movements.

5. Consolidation. Think.

Complete the task.

Can you put all the little nesting dolls into the big ones? Which nesting dolls are more, and which are fewer? Find the same nesting dolls.

Look at the letter and learn the rhyme:

Behemoth opened his mouth:

The hippopotamus asks for a bun.

6. Summing up

  1. Parting

Lesson 5-6


2“Change name”



3 “Memorize 10 words”

Target: development of auditory memory.

Description: children with an interval of 1 second are read 10 words that are not related in meaning. A memorization setting is given. The words are read again. Reproduction of the words that the children remembered is done at the end of the lesson at the end.

4 Introduction to the letter "B".

- Finger game "Wolf".

wolf in the meadow

Played the accordion.

We make a “steamboat”, we spread our thumbs to the sides.The index fingers are bent inside the palms and form a forehead, and the rest in the form of a "boat" - the upper and lower jaws.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound B occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter B, “write” it in the air, lay it out of the ropes

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

The child imitates the breath of the wind, shaking the torso inone, then the other way. To the words “quiet, quiet” the child crouches, to “higher, higher” - straightens up.

. Acquaintance with the number "2".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle:

He has two wheels

And a seat on a frame.

There are two pedals below.

Spin them with their feet.

(A bike

What else occurs only in two? (in a person, in clothes, etc.)

5 “Say the other way around”

Target: development of verbal-logical thinking, speech.

Description: children are offered words and the child must name a word that is opposite in meaning.

Word examples:

big - small old - new

fat - thin live - dead

black - white high - low

clean - dirty child - adult

student - teacher refrigerator - heater

sick - healthy evil - good

beautiful - ugly first - last

coward - brave ice - water

cheerful - sad narrow - wide

hot - cold empty - full

voiced - deaf strongman - weakling

light - heavy artist - spectator

blind - sighted soft - hard

6 “Remember the words”(See task 3)

7 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

8 Farewell

Lesson 7-8

1 greeting

2 “Compliments”

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.


3 Acquaintance with the letter "G".

Finger game "Rake".

Leaves fall in the garden

I will sweep them with a rake.

Palms on yourself, fingers interlaced, straightenLena and are also directed at themselves.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound G occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter G, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

- Physical education.


Grisha walked, walked, walked,

Found white mushroom.

One - fungus, two - fungus,

Three - fungus,

He put them in a box.

When reciting a poem, the child imitates movements
mushroom picker: they go, bend down and put the mushrooms in the box. *

Movements should be slow, rhythmic.

. Acquaintance with the number "3".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook



5 “Who will be who?”


Description: the host shows or names objects and phenomena, and the children must answer the question of how they will change, who they will be. So, who (what) will be:

egg - ... egg - ... bricks - ... student -...

chicken - ... caterpillar - ... fabric - ... sick - ...

acorn - ... flour - ... skin - ... weak - ...

seed - ... wooden board - ... day - ... summer - ...
boy - ... iron - ...

Sometimes there are different answers. For example, an egg can become a crocodile, a snake, etc. Children should be encouraged for multiple responses to a question.

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7 Farewell

Lesson 9-10

1) Greetings

2) Current

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children stand in a circle, holding hands, and pass the “current” around the circle (along the chain, one after another shake the hand of the person on the right).

3) Who is hiding here

Target: development of memory.


4 Acquaintance with the letter "D".

Finger game "House".

The house stands with a pipe and a roof,

I went out to the balcony for a walk.

My brick house

Very cute.

The palms are directed at an angle upwards, the tips of the fingers touch. The middle finger of the right hand is raised up, the tipslittle fingers touch each other.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound D occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter D, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


Rain clouds sailed: Lei, rain, lei!

Raindrops dance as if alive:

Drink, rye, drink! And the rye, leaning towards the green land, Drinks, drinks, drinks. And the restless warm rain pours, pours, pours.

The child stands with his arms outstretched, palms down. After the first line, he begins to shake his hands freely. Then, continuing to shake, turns the palms up, then again turns the hands with the palms down.

. Acquaintance with the number "4".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was difficult?”

6 Farewell

Lesson 11-12

1 Greetings

2 Newspaper

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: a newspaper sheet is placed on the floor. Four must stand on it.

3 Broken phone

Target: auditory development.

Description: d Children sit in a row or in a circle. The host pronounces a word quietly (in the ear) next to the player sitting next to him, he passes it on to the next one, etc. The word must reach the last player. The host asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” If he says the word proposed by the presenter, then the phone is working. If the word is not right, the driver asks everyone in turn (starting from the last one) what word they heard. So they will find out which player messed up, “spoiled the phone”. "Guilty" takes the place of the last player.

4 Acquaintance with the letter "E".
- Finger game "Christmas tree".

The tree turns out quickly,

If the fingers are intertwined.

Palms away from you, fingers are skipped between each other (palms at an angle to each other). The fingers are pushed forward.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound E occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter E, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

. Fizkultminutka.

The child depicts a hedgehog, performs various movements.

One, two, three, four, five!

The hedgehogs went out for a walk.

One two Three! Well, puff up!

After these words, the child snorts, as he wants.

- Fixing.Think.

Guess a riddle:

On the back of the needle

Long and spiky

And he curls up into a ball

There is no head or legs.

-Acquaintance with the number "5".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

5 “Explain what it means”


Description: explain what it means: a boy, like a bear; the teacher is like a thundercloud; girl like a swan; man is like a wall; car as a toy; grass like a carpet; trees like heroes; air like glass; ice like stone; legs like cotton; man is like a cloud.

Ask the children to think of similar expressions and tell what they mean.

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7 Parting

Lesson 13-14

1 greeting

2 Wishes

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.


3 “Chain”



4 . Acquaintance with the letter "J".

Finger game "Beetle".

The beetle flies, buzzes, buzzes

And his mustache moves.

Fingers in a fist. The index and little fingers are separatedhand, the child moves them.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound Zh occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter Zh, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


On the lawn, on the chamomile

The beetle flew in a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I am friends with daisies.

Quietly swinging in the wind

I bow down low.

I found myself a beetle

On a big daisy.

I don't want to hold

Let it lie in a pocket (child shows).

Oh, fell, fell my beetle (bending over)

Nose covered in dust.

The green beetle flew away, flew away,

Flew on wings (waves his hands).

- Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle:

He's tall and spotty

With a long, long neck

And he eats leaves

Tree leaves.


-Acquaintance with the number "5".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

5"Choose a word"

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking, speech.

Description: Children are offered 10 words, you need to come up with words related to them in meaning:

shovel letter chalk mushroom cat

dig write board forest fluffy

frost boat bread fur chair

cold swim fresh soft comfortable

9) Summing up

10) Farewell

Lesson 15-16

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.


3 Acquaintance with the letter "3".

1. Finger game "Bunny and Mirror".

Bunny looks in the mirror

And wiggles his ears.

Left palm up, make a "goat". We put the right hand on top of it, which also depicts a “goat” (back sidenoah up). Extend the middle and ring fingers up and downboth hands and move them in opposite directions.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound З occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter Z, “write” it in the air, put it out of the rope.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


The text of the poem is accompanied by the movements of the child.

Every day in the morning

We do exercises (walking in place). *

We like it very much

Do in order:

It's fun to walk (walking),

Raise your hands (hands up),

Squat and stand up (squats 4-6 times),

Jump and jump (10 jumps).

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

White in winter, gray in summer

Jumps deftly, loves carrots.


- Acquaintance with the number "6".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

4 Graphic dictation “Track”


Description: after the children have completed the graphic dictation, the task is given to continue the received track to the end of the line.

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

6 Farewell

Lesson 17-18

1) Greetings

2) Centipede


3) “Chain”

Target: development of attention and auditory memory.

Description: the facilitator invites each child in the group to name a fruit (vegetable, animal, plant of the children's choice). Each participant must not only name his subject, but also repeat the items named by previous participants. Depending on the number of children in the group, the circle of children can be completed 2-3 times.

4) . Acquaintance with the letter "I".

1. Finger game "Playful bell".

The bell keeps ringing

He moves his tongue.

The backs of the hands are facing up, the fingers of both handscrossed. The middle finger of the right hand is lowered down, and the child moves it freely.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound I occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter I, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"



In the meadow, by the river

May beetles are playing.

Falling down, tired!

They lay on their backs.

They talk with their feet.

Have quieted down. Resting.

The child lies on the carpet with his legs up, flounders.Tired. Some time lies, rests. The exercisecan be repeated 2-3 times.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

I am small, thin and sharp,

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me.

(Needle and thread.)

-Acquaintance with the number "7".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

5) “What is superfluous?”

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking, speech.

Description: 6 groups of words, 5 words each, are read out. Of these, 4 words are united by a common concept, and one is superfluous. Children are invited to eliminate unnecessary words by ear and memorize them.

Examples assignments:

table chair, floor, cabinet, shelf

aspen, poplar, Pine, birch, ash

bitter, sour, sweet, hot, salty

Ivan, Sergei Petrov. Fedor, Semyon

milk, kefir, meat, cottage cheese, sour cream

river, lake, sea, bridge, pond

(each group is read twice).

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

Lesson 19-20

1) Greetings

2) Molecule

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children run around the room. At the word “molecule”, which the leader pronounces, everyone gathers in a heap, tightly clinging to each other.

3 . Introduction to the letter "K".

Finger game "Cat".

The cat has ears on top

To better hear the mouse in the hole.

the back and the little finger are raised up.



Raise your shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers

Jump jump, jump jump.

Above, from toe to toe.

We sat down, we eat grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high

Jump on your toes easily.

Push off with one foot and land softly onanother.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

She speaks silently

But clear and not boring.

You talk more often with her -

You will become four times smarter. (Book.)

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

- Acquaintance with the number "8".

Completing assignments in the "Mathematics" notebook

7) “Tell and show”


Description: d children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme.

Right wall,

On the left is a closet

floor down,

Ceiling - above

door ahead,

Window is behind.

8) Summing up

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

9) Farewell

Lesson 21-22

1 Greetings

2 Praise yourself

Target: relieving tension in the group, increasing children's self-esteem, developing verbal abilities.

Description: The facilitator asks the children to name 2 of their good qualities. With low activity of children, it is necessary to achieve a positive emotional response to this task and insist on its implementation.

3 Look and remember

Target: development of visual memory


4 Acquaintance with the letter "L".
.Finger game "Horse".

The horse's mane curls

Beats playfully with hooves.

Right palm on edge away from you. Thumb up.From above, the left palm is superimposed on it at an angle, forming a mane with the fingers. Thumb up. Two thumbsform the ears.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound K occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter K, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


Let's spread the legs with the letter L,

As if in a dance - arms to the sides.

Leaning left, right

Left, right...

Turns out to fame.

Left - right, left - right...

Reading a poem the child accompanies the movementiyami.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Sitting grandfather

Wearing a hundred fur coats

Who undresses him

He sheds tears. (Onion.)

- Acquaintance with the number "9".

Completing tasks in the notebook "Mathematics

5 Graphic dictation “Track”

Target: development of visual-spatial perception and fine motor skills.

6 “Remember the pictures”

Target: development of visual memory

Description: children are asked to remember the name of the pictures they looked at at the beginning of the lesson

7 Debriefing

8 Farewell

Session 23-24

1 Greetings

2 "Change your name"

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: the facilitator invites the children to change their name for the duration of this lesson. The child chooses a name for himself (nickname, name of a cartoon character, book, etc.), which is written on a tablet and pinned to the child's clothes. All the time of the lesson (or until the child wants to change the name), the facilitator and the group call the child a new name.

4 . Introduction to the letter "M".

Finger game "Mouse".

A gray lump sits

And everything rustles with paper.

The middle and ring fingers rest against the thumb. Ukathe back and little fingers are bent into arcs and pressed against the middle andring fingers.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound M occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter M, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"



We are funny nesting dolls,

Sweeties, sweeties.

We have boots on our feet

Sweeties, sweeties.

In our colorful sundresses,

almonds, almonds,

We are like sisters

Sweeties, sweeties.

The arms are bent at the elbows, the index finger of the right hand rests on the right cheek. When pronouncing the words “okays, okies”, the child claps his hands each time, shows boots on his feet, alternately puts each foot on the toe, on the heel.Further on the account "time- two- three" spinning, hands on the belt.

Consolidation. Think.

1. Guess the riddle.

This little baby

Glad even for a bread crumb, Because it's dark

She hides in a burrow.


- Acquaintance with the number "10".

Completing tasks in the notebook "Mathematics

5 “Tell and show”(See activity 9)

Target: development of motor coordination, speech, consolidation of the concepts of “left-right”

Description: Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme.

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

7 Farewell

Session 25-26

1 Greetings

2 compliments

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: the children stand in a circle. The psychologist, giving the ball to one of the children, gives him a compliment. The child should say “thank you” and pass the ball to a neighbor, while saying affectionate words to him. The person who received the ball says “thank you” and passes it to the next child. Children, saying compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3 “Finish the sentence”

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking and speech.

Description: children are invited to complete the sentence by explaining the named event. Use the construction of a complex sentence with a union because.

Examples assignments:

Mom smiled because _______________________________________ .

The children ran home, _____________________________________________.

The dog growled menacingly.

Mom opened the window, ________________________________________________.

Petya cried out loudly, _____________________________________________.

Mom scolded her son, ________________________________________________.

The teacher laughed merrily.

Grandma turned off the TV.

Sasha has a sore throat, _____________________________________________.

The boy decided to change clothes, _________________________.

The dog wagged its tail merrily.

The cat arched its back and hissed, _________________________.

The cars braked abruptly, _______________________________.

The policeman whistled loudly, _____________________________.

The boy quickly ran to school, _____________________________________.

A flock of crows rose over the field, _____________________________________.

The girl got up from the seat of the bus.

4 Introduction to the letter "H".
Finger game "Mink".

At the tree on the hill

The rabbit hid in a hole.

The palms are almost horizontal. Index and pinkyright hand rest against the index and little fingers of the left. Wednesdayny and ring fingers of the right hand are raised and divorced insides (ears). Thumb pinched

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound H occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter H, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

. Fizkultminutka.

Legs crossed - get down

And wait for the command.

And when I say: "Get up!" - Don't help them. Legs together, legs apart, Legs straight, legs sideways. Legs here and legs there. What's the noise and what's the noise?

The child accompanies all words with movements.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

Now he is gray, then whitish,

It's a little blue.

And sometimes so beautiful

Lace and blue-blue.


5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

6 Farewell

Session 27-28

1 Greetings

2 Confusion

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: game for a group of children. A driver is selected who leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and stand in a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get confused, as best they can. When confusion has formed, the driver enters the room and tries to unravel what happened, also without opening his hands.

This game will help children to feel their belonging to the group, to understand how unpleasant it is to be outside of it.

3 “Finish the sentence”


Description: children are invited to complete the sentence with one of the words given in brackets. Repeat the entire phrase.

Masha pricked her finger with a knitting needle, because she could not (wash, knit, sew).

The sailor saw a distant island, as he picked up (magnifier, binoculars, glasses).

The workers could not lift the piano into the apartment, as the staircase in the entrance was (old, dirty, narrow).

The water in the jar rose because the boy threw it in (twig, stones, crumbs).

Katya withdrew her hand, because she took up the hot (metal, wood, plastic) pan handle.

4 . Introduction to the letter "O".

Finger game "Points".

Grandma put on glasses

And my granddaughter saw it.

The thumb of the right and left hands, together with the rest, form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound O occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter O, “write” it in the air, put it out of the rope.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"



The best swing flexible vines.

Monkeys know this from the cradle.

Who swings all the time, yes-yes-yes!

He never gets upset!

The child slightly springs in the knees with the swinging of the arms back and forth (swing). When they say: "Yes, yes, yes!" - claps his hands, saying the last two lines - jumps.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Fluffy white ball

I show off in a clean field.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

6 Farewell

Lesson 29-30

1 Greetings

2 Newspaper

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: a newspaper sheet is placed on the floor. Four must stand on it.

children. Next, the newspaper is folded in half, and the children should again fit on it. The newspaper folds and shrinks until four children can fit on it. (To do this, you need to hug, thus reducing the physical distance.)

3 Acquaintance with the letter "P".

1. Finger game "Cockerel".

The cockerel stands all bright,

He cleans the scallop with his paw.

The index finger rests on the thumb. Restfingers spread and raised, forming a "comb"

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound P occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter P, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"



We wrote, we wrote

Our fingers are tired.

You jump, fingers,

Like sunbeams.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

They jumped on the meadow.

The wind shakes the grass

Tilts left and right.

You are not afraid of the wind, bunnies,

Have fun on the lawn.

The recitation of the poem is accompanied by movementsfingers.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Blooms from under the snow

Welcomes spring first.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

4 Complete the task.

Find all the objects that are hidden in the picture. (See application)

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

6 Farewell

4 . Introduction to the letter "R".

Finger game "Cancer".

Cancer creeps, creeps along the bottom,

Exposing one claw.

Palms down, fingers crossed and down. Largefingers towards you (pincers).

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound R occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter P, “write” it in the air, put it out of the rope.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


Rowan grew by the river,

And the river flowed - rippled.

The fish frolic merrily in the clear, warm water,

Then they will shrink, they will open, Then they will bury themselves in the sand

The child depicts frolicking fish.

- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

5 “How similar?”

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking, speech.

Description: children are invited to find a logical connection between three objects. Select an object that differs from others in some way. Explain the reasoning.

Example: book, album, notebook. An extra item is a book, since it has a ready-made text, but the album and notebook do not contain text, it's just paper fastened.

Cow, horse, lion.______________________________________________

Rooster, goose, sparrow. _______________________________________________

Christmas tree, birch, pine._______________________________________________

Sea, river, lake.________________________________________________

Goat, pig, cow. _______________________________________________

Pants, shorts, skirt._____________________________________________

Beets, carrots, cucumber. __________________________________________

Plum, apple, peach.____________________________________________

Table, shelf, chair.________________________________________________

Tram, train, trolleybus. _________________________________

Frying pan, cup, saucepan. ___________________________

Eyes, nose, eyebrows. ________________________________________________

Night light, floor lamp, candle. ___________________________________________

Sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase._______________________________

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

7 Farewell

Lesson 33-34

1 Greetings

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children sit in a circle. Everyone covers their eyes with bandages. The host moves several people. Then the one to whom the leader touches with his hand says the words: “I am here.” Everyone has to guess whose voice it is.

3 Describe from memory

Target: development of attention and memory.


4 Introduction to the letter "C".

1. Finger game "Elephant".

There is an elephant in the zoo.

Ears, trunk, he is gray.

Nods his head,

It's like he's inviting you.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

5 “Tell and show”

Target: development of motor coordination, speech, consolidation of the concepts of “left - right”


One two three four! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We sweep the floor in the apartment. Imitate movements.

Five, six, seven, eight! They clap their hands rhythmically.

Come visit tomorrow. Gently raise your hands

to the sides.

Eight, seven, six, five! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will play together. They jump and squat.

Four, three, two, one! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will give you pies. Stretch your arms forward

holding an imaginary

a tray of pies.

And while we rest- Get down on the carpet.

Let's lie on the side, fall asleep. Lie down on the carpet

close their eyes.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

7"Graphic dictation"

Target: development of visual-spatial perception and fine motor skills.

8 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

9 Farewell

Lesson 33-34

4 Greetings

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children sit in a circle. Everyone covers their eyes with bandages. The host moves several people. Then the one to whom the leader touches with his hand says the words: “I am here.” Everyone has to guess whose voice it is.

6 Describe from memory

Target: development of attention and memory.

Description: the presenter shows the picture to the children for 20-30 seconds, then, with the help of questions, finds out what they remember.

4 Introduction to the letter "C".

1. Finger game "Elephant".

There is an elephant in the zoo.

Ears, trunk, he is gray.

Nods his head,

It's like he's inviting you.

Palm on yourself. The middle finger is down. On the one hand, it is clamped with the little finger and ring finger, and on the other hand, with the index andbig. Wiggle your middle finger (trunk).

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound C occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter C, “write” it in the air, put it out of the rope.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

5 “Tell and show”

Target: development of motor coordination, speech, consolidation of the concepts of “left - right”

Description: Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme:

One two three four! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We sweep the floor in the apartment. Imitate movements.

Five, six, seven, eight! They clap their hands rhythmically.

Come visit tomorrow. Gently raise your hands

to the sides.

Eight, seven, six, five! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will play together. They jump and squat.

Four, three, two, one! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will give you pies. Stretch your arms forward

holding an imaginary

a tray of pies.

And while we rest- Get down on the carpet.

Let's lie on the side, fall asleep. Lie down on the carpet

close their eyes.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her - She will cry and die.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

7"Graphic dictation"

Target: development of visual-spatial perception and fine motor skills.

8 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

9 Farewell

Lesson 35-36

1 Greetings

2 "Centipede"

Target: correction of the relationship of children, stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

3 Who is attentive

Target: attention development.

Description: children are given instructions: “Now I will name different words, and as soon as you hear the name of some animal, clap your hands”

Let's try: "Wood, table, cat(cotton),

4 . Introduction to the letter "T".

1. Finger game "Tiger".

little tiger cub,

Fluffy like a kitten.

The thumb is pressed to the palm of the middle and ring fingers. The index and little fingers are raised up and bent into arcs (ears).

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound T occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter T, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

. Fizkultminutka.


We sharpen the knife with you!

He will be very good.

He will cut supplies: Butter, lard, bread, sausages, Tomatoes, cucumber... Help yourself, well done!

The child imitates the movements of a grinder: holds a fretNew then one, then the other hand with a coup. For the last twolines - four claps.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write in me.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

5 Summing up: The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?” 6 Farewell

Lesson 37-38

1) Greetings

2) “Think up and remember the words”



Task examples:

Bread- dinner Tree- garden

A bike- road Book- read

A fish– river Bed- night

A cup- milk Hen- Chick

Shirt- clothes Shovel- dig

3) . Introduction to the letter "U".

1. Finger game "Ears".

Bunny has long ears

They stick out from the bushes.

He jumps and jumps, Amuses his rabbits.

Fingers in a fist. We put up the index andmiddle fingers. Move them forward and backward.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound U occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter U, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

. Fizkultminutka.


Child. Duck meadow, gray, field,

Where did you spend the night?

Duck. Under a bush, under a birch.

Itself, duck, I go,

I take my children.

By myself, duck, I'll swim.

I will take my children.

The child must perform all the movements behind the duck: either he rolls from foot to foot, then he walks, putting his hands on his knees,then swims, making circular movements with his hands in front of his chest.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Two antennas on top of her head, And she sits in a hut, Carries her on herself, Creeps very slowly.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

6) Summing up

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7) Farewell

Lesson 39-40

1 greeting

2 kind word

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.


3Introduction to the letter"F".
1. Finger game "Owl".

An owl sits on an oak tree

And screams: boo-boo-boo-boo.

Hands in a fist, pressed. Thumbs - up (ears), index fingers together: they are exposed to themselves (nose)

. - Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound F is found, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter F, “write” it in the air, put it out of the rope.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

4 “Recognize letters by fragments”

Target: development of visual-figurative thinking.

Description: learn letters by fragments. Remember them. Write down in a notebook. Time to memorize 20-30 sec.



Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel.

They stamped their feet,

hands clapped,

Right, left leaning

And they returned back.

Here is the secret of health.

Hello to all fitness friends!

The child accompanies the reading of the poem with movements.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

Passers-by are scared.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics"

5 Generalization

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking, speech.

Description: the exercise goes in a circle, the leader calls 2 words, the task of the participant is to summarize them and call them one concept.

Task examples:

Sunday Wednesday table sofa

Elena Nadezhda slippers boots

Russia Poland Volga Neva

watering can shovel spoon plate

cubes doll beetroot bow

rowan aspen milk cheese

apple orange Saint Petersburg Moscow.

6 Debriefing

7 Farewell

Lesson 41-42

1 Greetings

2 Ocean is shaking

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children, arbitrariness and self-control.

Description: Children run around the hall, depicting the movements of the waves with their hands. Psychologist says:

- The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, a marine figure- freeze! Children must stop and hold the position in which they were before the “Freeze” command sounded.

The psychologist walks around the room, examines the “sea figures”, praises each child for the unusual or beauty of the figure, for immobility, etc.

3 . Getting to know the letterX» .

Finger game "Cunning Goose".

The sly goose is standing, cackling,

He wants to pinch you.

Palm at a right angle to the forearm. index pathe lion rests on the big one. All fingers are pressed to each other.Wiggle your thumb.


Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


Hamster, hamster, hamster,

Striped barrel.

Hamster gets up early

Washes cheeks, rubs neck. Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge.

One, two, three, four, five! Homka wants to become strong.

The child imitates all the movements of the hamster.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant,

He is black, he is white

And it gets burned.


4 “Tell and show”

Target: development of motor coordination, speech, consolidation of the concepts of “left - right”

Description: Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme:

Let's walk merrily together

And we raise our knees.

We will clench our fingers into a fist

And I'll take it back.

Hands to the sides, forward

And turn right.

Hands to the sides and down

And turn left.

5 Debriefing

5 Parting

Lesson 43-44

1 Greetings

2 Wishes

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children sit in a circle and, throwing a ball to each other, say good wishes

3 Who is hiding here

Target: development of memory.

Description: children are shown 9 pictures with images of animals. They are examined and turned face down. The facilitator points to the card and asks: “Who is there?”. The guessing participant takes the card for himself. The one with the most cards wins.

4 Acquaintance with the letter "C".
Finger game "Chain".

Fingers sorted out

And we get a chain.

Thumb and forefinger of the left hand in a ring. Rings from the fingers of the right hand are alternately passed through it: large - index, large - middle, etc. This exercise can be varied by changing the position of the fingers. All fingers are involved in this exercise.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound X occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter X, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


It's very hard to stand like this
Don't put your foot on the floor

And do not fall, do not swing,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

The poem is recited 2 times; first time babystands on one leg, the second time on the other.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They count everything in the world.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

5 “What is wrong?”

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking, speech.

Description: children are invited to fully and coherently explain what is the absurdity, implausibility of the situation described in the poem.

The fish dived from the bridge, _____________________

She screamed and drowned. ___________________________

The turtle's tail is tucked in ___________________________

And she ran after the hare, _____________________

Near the river, well, business, ___________________________

Overtook Gray! ___________________________

The cat was sitting in a birdcage, _____________________

And the bird wanted to eat it, _____________________

But the cat jumped on the branch _____________________

And, chirping, flew away. ___________________________

A quick run at a baby tiger, _____________________

The hedgehog has a huge growth, _____________________

Elephants have crooked horns

And a big fluffy tail. ___________________________

From the water, seeing the wolf, _____________________

The squirrel rushed to the bushes, _____________________

The hippopotamus climbed onto the Christmas tree _____________________

And gnaws nuts there. ___________________________

Sparrows sat down on the house, _____________________

The roof collapsed. ___________________________

Under the birch with a cat ___________________________

Polka mice dance. ___________________________

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7 Farewell

Lesson 45-46

1 Greetings

2 compliments

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: the children stand in a circle. The psychologist, giving the ball to one of the children, gives him a compliment. The child should say “thank you” and pass the ball to a neighbor, while saying affectionate words to him. The person who received the ball says “thank you” and passes it to the next child. Children, saying compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3 Acquaintance with the letter "H".

Finger game "Turtle".

From the thick bushes without fear

The turtle crawls out.

Palm down, fingers clenched into a fist. Straighten the fiatbody finger and little finger, alternately wiggle them.

Consider pictures depicting objects with the sound Ch in the name, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter H, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

And we can do that too.

Tilt your head to one shoulder, then to the other.

See what time it is:

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Swing to the beat of the pendulum.

Left - one, right - one,

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Legs together, hands on the belt.

On the count of “one”, tilt your head to the right shoulder, then toleft like clockwork.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

They go, they run

And they won't leave the place. (Clock.)

- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

4 “Come up with a proposal”

Target: verbally - logical thinking, speech.

Description: Each child is given 2 pictures. It is necessary to come up with a sentence using the names of the objects shown in the picture.

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “Which task was the most difficult?”

6 Parting

Lesson 47-48

1 greeting

2 "Praise yourself"

Target: relieving stress in a group, increasing children's self-esteem, developing verbal abilities.

Description: The facilitator asks the children to name 2 of their good qualities. With low activity of children, it is necessary to achieve a positive emotional response to this task and insist on its implementation.

3 Think and memorize the words

Target: development of associative memory.

Description: children are presented with 10 subject pictures, at the same time they read 10 words, each of which is connected in meaning with one of the pictures. It is proposed to remember only the words and reproduce them based on pictures.

Task examples:

egg - chick vase - flower

plate - breakfast car - wheel

basket - mushroom dress - closet

lamp - light hedgehog - forest

4 Acquaintance with the letter "Sh".

Finger game "Ball".

Inflate the balloon quickly.

He gets big.

Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out -

He became thin and thin.

All fingers of both hands are in a "pinch" and touch the tips. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the form of a ball. The air "comes out", and the fingers take their original position.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound Sh occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get acquainted with the letter Ш, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


Squirrel from a branch to your little house
She dragged the lump.

The squirrel dropped a bump

It hit Mishka right.

Moaned, groaned Mishka

A bump popped up on his nose.

The child accompanies the reading of the verse with movements.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

No for battle with regiments

No bullets, no bayonets.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

5 “Graphic dictation”

Target: development of visual-spatial perception and fine motor skills.

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7 Farewell

Lesson 49-50

1 greeting

2 Wishes

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children sit in a circle and, throwing a ball to each other, say good wishes

3“Who is hiding here”

Target: development of memory.

Description: children are shown 9 pictures with images of animals. They are examined and turned face down. The facilitator points to the card and asks: “Who is there?”. The guesser takes the card. The one with the most cards wins.

4 Acquaintance with the letter "Sh".
Finger game "Puppy".

Puppy has a pointed nose

There is a neck, and there is a tail.

Right palm on the rib, on yourself. Thumb up. Ukapositive, middle, nameless - together. The little finger alternately goes down and up.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound Щ occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter Щ, “write” it in the air, put it out of sticks.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


The goldfinch chirped and clicked,

Inflated like a balloon, cheeks.

A pike looked out of the pond,

I was wondering: what is it?

The child imitates the movement of animals.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

Who can't name me?

I AM looks like a hedgehog.

I am from dust and stains

I guard your dress.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

5 “Tell and show”

Target: development of motor coordination, speech, consolidation of the concepts of “left - right”

Description: Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme:

One two three four! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We sweep the floor in the apartment. Imitate movements.

Five, six, seven, eight! They clap their hands rhythmically.

Come visit tomorrow. Gently raise your hands

to the sides.

Eight, seven, six, five! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will play together. They jump and squat.

Four, three, two, one! They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will give you pies. Stretch your arms forward

holding an imaginary

a tray of pies.

And while we rest- Get down on the carpet.

Let's lie on the side, fall asleep. Lie down on the carpet

close their eyes.

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7 Farewell

Lesson 51-52

1 greeting

2 Ocean is shaking

Target: correction of the relationship of children, stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

3“Who is attentive”

Target: attention development.

Description: children are given instructions: “Now I will name different words, and as soon as you hear the name of some animal, clap your hands”

Let's try: "Wood, table, cat(cotton), cabbage, drum, stump, cow

So we started: "pasta, house, horse, swing, pillow, pencil, elephant, book, dog, mirror, suitcase, trousers, pig, blanket, wolf, closet, window, pipe, fox, school, lamp, bed, door , kitten, cucumber, soup, porridge, mouse, bear, sofa, tea, spoon, paper, giraffe, bucket, fork, puppy, shovel, glass, car, bread, apple, hare, tulip, wall, notebook, road, forest , flower, cat, birch, hippopotamus, bicycle, chamomile, monkey, tree, watermelon, moon, water, stone, zebra, brush, banana, rain, cloud, elk, TV, hand, glasses, rat, castle.

Do not prompt the child by lengthening the pause after naming the animal, by looking, by words, or in any other way.

4 Introduction to the letter "E".

Finger game "These fingers."

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

Alternately bend and unbend the fingers of both the left and right hands into a cam.

Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound E occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter E, “write” it in the air, lay it out of the ropes.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"



Beware of bubbles!

Oh what! Oh look!

Are bloated! Shine!

Come off! Fly!

And they burst!

Soap bubbles burst (clap hands). The child accompanies the reading of the verse with movements.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

A mole climbed into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.

A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,

If the mole opens its mouth.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

5 “What will they become?”

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking, speech.

Description: children are invited tell what the following items will turn into.

Chair without back _________________________________________________

Table without legs _________________________________________________

Cup without handle________________________________________________

Window without glass

Cap without visor______________________________________________

Sleeveless sweater _______________________________________________

Snowman without cold _____________________________________________

Ice cream without a refrigerator ____________________________________

Tree without branches ________________________________________________

Matches without sulfur ________________________________________________

Sofa without back _______________________________________________

Book without pages _______________________________________________

Pencil without lead ___________________________________________

TV without electricity _____________________________________

Rider without a horse _____________________________________________

Pillow without feathers______________________________________________

6 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

7 Farewell

Lesson 53-54

1 greeting

2 "Kind word"

Target: stress relief in the group, emancipation of children.

Description: children sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns saying something nice about their neighbor. Conditions: the speaker looks into the eyes of the person he is talking about.

3 Acquaintance with the letter "U".
Finger game Yula.

I twist the spinning top, I spin,

And I will teach you.

Run your thumb over the tips of your other fingers,index to little finger and vice versa. We perform as rightas well as left hand

. - Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound Yu occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter Yu, “write” it in the air, lay it out of the ropes.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"


How cheerful I am,

I forgot about things.

I began to spin

I can not stop.

The child runs and spins first in one, then in the otherside.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning

And I'm not lazy

twirl even

All day.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

4 “Finish the sentence”

Target: development of verbal - logical thinking and speech.

Description: children are invited to complete the sentence using the union to. At the beginning of each phrase, select 2-3 possible options for its continuation. Speak the resulting sentence in its entirety.

Task examples:

Dad bought flowers to _____________________________________

Marina opened the window, ____________________________________________

The children boarded the boat

Lena poured soup into a bowl, ______________________________________

Mom answered the phone

The workers brought the brick, _____________________________________

Seryozha went to the stream, ______________________________________

Dima bent over a bush, ____________________________________

Petya covered his face with his hands, _____________________________________

Vova took the dog by the leash, _________________________________

Mom put on a smart dress, _________________________________

Katya raised a chick from the ground, ________________________________

Grandfather put a scarecrow in the garden, _____________________________

The driver opened the trunk of the car, ____________________

Lena took ice out of the refrigerator, ______________________________

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

6 Farewell

Lesson 55

1 greeting

2 “Praise yourself”

Target: relieving tension in the group, increasing children's self-esteem, developing verbal abilities.

Description: The facilitator asks the children to name 2 of their good qualities. With low activity of children, it is necessary to achieve a positive emotional response to this task and insist on its implementation.

3“Look and remember”

Target: development of visual memory

Description: Children are shown 10 pictures depicting objects. Pictures are considered, names are spoken out. A memorization setting is given.

4 . Acquaintance with the letter "I".

Finger game "Apple tree".

The apple tree has a trunk

there are many branches on the trunk,

And the leaves on the branches are green.

Press your hands back to each other. Fingerssplayed and lifted up. Move hands and fingers

. - Consider pictures depicting objects in the name of which the sound I occurs, pronounce this sound, determine its location in the word. Get to know the letter I, “write” it in the air, lay it out of the ropes.

Completing assignments in the notebook "Literacy"

. Fizkultminutka.


If your hands freeze

We start rubbing them

Quickly we will be able to handle,

How to heat up on the stove.

And then the legs

Let's jump a little.

Legs warmed up

Warmed up palms

They burn for real

Not pretend.

The child accompanies the reading of the poem with movements.

Consolidation. Think.

Guess a riddle.

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

adults love me

and little kids.


- Completion of assignments in the notebook "Mathematics

5 Debriefing

The participants of the lesson in a circle answer the question: “What task did you like?”

6 Farewell

Bibliography :

1) T.A. Tkachenko "Logical exercises for the development of speech" Moscow 2005

2) Yu.V. Ostankova "The system of correctional and developmental classes to prepare children for school" Volgograd, "Teacher" 2008

3) E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonov "Steps to school", Moscow, "Sphere" 1999

4) N.A. Zavyalova, E.V. Lukin "Integrated course for preparing preschoolers for school" Volgograd, "Teacher" 2005

5) E.D. Schwab "To school with joy" Volgograd, "Teacher" 2007

6) A.A. Rean, S.N. Kostromina "How to prepare a child for school" St. Petersburg, "Peter", 1998.

7) A.A. Osipova "Diagnosis and correction of attention" Moscow 2001

8) S.V. Konovalenko “Development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old” Moscow 2008

9) E.V. Kolesnikova "Is your child ready for school" Moscow 2006

10) M.M. Bezrukikh "Is the child ready for school" Moscow 2001

11) T.A. Kolokolova “Development of conceptual thinking”

Marina Trofimova
Conditions for the successful preparation of the child for schooling

Speech by a social educator at a general kindergarten meeting dedicated to preparing children for school.

Topic " Conditions for the successful preparation of the child for schooling»

social teacher

M. A. Trofimova

School it is a new educational social institution in the life of everyone child. School is a place where the independent and almost adult life of our children begins. For children, this is a significant change in their usual way of life, which brings serious stress. Parental experiences are understandable - from a good start school careers depend on all subsequent successes.

All parents deal with the same questions. In which school is better to send the child? At what age - from six years old or from seven? Or maybe it's better in general closer to eight? How prepare the child for school? What additional classes, sections, circles to give for a comprehensive preparing a child for school? These questions arise about a year before admission child to school.

Most parents think that child ready for school. Someone relies on the erudition, ingenuity, logic of the baby. Others are calm because managed to teach the child read in syllables and write a little. Still others rely on the independence and sociability of their son or daughter. Fourth - on education and obedience.

But development is not everything. It is very important to be able to fit school requirements, work in a group, communicate with other children.

After five years, children begin to develop important for the future learning needs, this is a period of intensive formation of personality in all areas. It is at this time that completely new, individual qualities appear - the desire to engage in serious activities, communicate with peers and strive for success. And also to be good in the eyes of the teacher and parents, that is, to assert oneself in relationships with others.

Most teachers believe that every graduate of a preschool educational institution should read well, retell, count and be able to solve simple problems. In this regard, each parent, fearing that their child will not meet the expectations of teachers and will be the "worst" in the class, strives to teach his baby around to meet the requirements.

However, according to GEF preschool education, which entered into force on January 1, 2014, graduate preschool institutions upon admission to school should not only be able to read / count / write, but rather have a certain set of qualities, among which are:



ability to volitional efforts;



readiness to take responsibility for one's actions;


respect for family and society.

That is, the main task of the kindergarten is not to give to kid a certain amount of knowledge (this task is entrusted to school, but in teaching them to extract this knowledge on their own, to observe, compare, establish cause-and-effect relationships, etc. In other words, the program preparation of preschoolers in kindergarten is aimed primarily at the emotional, communicative, physical and mental development of children, as well as at training future first graders to harsh everyday life school life.

Therefore, a big role in successful learning psychological readiness plays, it consists of intellectual-personal and emotional-volitional. Psychological immaturity child may cause problems in learning.

Socio-psychological, or personal readiness - the ability to adapt to a new social role, which implies new rules of behavior and a different status in society.

Given this, parents of future first graders need to consider a number of factors. Sometimes mothers and fathers think that their task is to collect child to school, and they are obliged to teach and educate him in kindergarten, school. Thus, they shift their own family responsibilities to educational institutions. But according to the Convention on the Rights child The main responsibility for raising children rests with the parents, so any parent, even the busiest, is able to independently instill in his son or daughter all the necessary skills. From all that has been said, we can conclude that only together, all together, it is possible to overcome all the difficulties in the upbringing and education of children. WITH child you need to talk on different topics, discuss films, cartoons, fairy tales, learn to have your own opinion and express it tactfully.

Psychologists believe that preparing a child for school is difficult, but you can. The main thing is to create a positive image schools and teachers. Going there should be a holiday and a new stage in life. You need to explain to the baby what are the benefits school life what he will learn there and what will be interesting for him.

As in any other business, preparing a child for school Every parent makes some mistakes. The main one is overloading children with additional developmental activities, while depriving children of play and communication with peers. This will form an aversion to future studies. And despite the fact that the child is already on the threshold of school, it still remains child, and the leading activity of children is the game. Therefore, children should play enough, communicate with peers and rest. The second mistake parents make preparation for school this is intimidation with deuces, punishments, possible ridicule of classmates. It is very important to unconditionally believe in your own child, to praise for any achievements, to help in failures, but at the same time one should not shift his work onto himself.

From all that has been said, I would like to note that we talk a lot and pay attention to the readiness of our children for school, but you need to think about whether you parents are ready for a new stage in the life of your child. In this regard, I offer you a mini-exam. You, dear parents, are invited to compare how life will differ preschooler from the life of a first grader. To do this, they need to answer a series of questions.

sample questions:

What classes are held in kindergarten? What subjects will my child study in 1st grade?

How many classes per day are held in kindergarten? How many lessons per day will there be in 1st grade?

The duration of the lesson in preparatory group in kindergarten? Lesson duration in school?

How many teachers teaches child in kindergarten? How many teachers will teach child in 1st grade?

Wishes to parents.

Prepare your child for school aggressively, smartly, respecting the measure and tact. Remember what you choose school not for myself, and for your child, so try to take into account all the factors that can complicate it education. Don't customize baby only for success but don't be intimidated by failures. Support your child's desire to become schoolboy. Remember that adaptation to school It's not an easy process and it doesn't happen quickly. The first months can be very difficult. He really needs your faith in him, smart help and support.


1. Social educator in school(from work experience)/ av. Comp. L. D. Baranova. Volgograd: Teacher. 2009

2. Svirskaya L. Family work:optional instructions: Methodological guide for workers preschool educational institutions. – M. : LINKA-PRESS, 2007. - 176p.

3. Interaction with parents, compiled by M. A. Pavlova / Scientific Center "Development of educational initiatives", Saratov, 2003

4. Psychological and pedagogical portal about the development and education of children.


“Raising a child really means raising the life in a child. The teacher should not educate the child, but the life in the child.”
(Sh. Amonashvili.)

What is the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education?
Federal state standards are established in the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirement
Article 12 of the "Law on Education" and represent
a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.
What are the requirements put forward by the GEF DOW?
The standard puts forward three groups of requirements:
Requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education;
Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education.
Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of preschool education.
What is the distinguishing feature of the Standard? For the first time in history, preschool childhood has become a special self-valuable level of education, the main goal of which is the formation of a successful personality.
The key setting of the standard is to support the diversity of childhood through the creation of conditions for the social situation of the assistance of adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child.
What should be a graduate of a preschool educational institution?
A child - a graduate of a preschool educational institution must have personal characteristics, among them initiative, independence, self-confidence, a positive attitude towards himself and others, a developed imagination, the ability to volitional efforts,
The main purpose of pre-school education is not preparation for school.

How will GEF ensure that children are prepared for school?

Not a child should be ready for school, but a school for a child! Children should be so at the exit from kindergarten that they do not feel neurotic in the first grade, but are able to calmly adapt to school conditions and successfully master the educational program of elementary school. At the same time, the school must be ready for different children. Children are always different and in these differences and diverse experiences of the first years of life lies the great potential of each child.
The purpose of the kindergarten is to develop the child emotionally, communicatively, physically and mentally. To form resistance to stress, to external and internal aggression, to form abilities, a desire to learn. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that today's children are not the same as they were yesterday.
Will preschoolers study like in school?
The child must learn through play. The first skills in drawing, singing, dancing, reading. Accounts and letters will enter the child's world of knowledge through the gates of children's play and others.
children's activities. Through play and experimentation, communication, children get to know the world around them. At the same time, the main thing is not to push the forms of school life onto preschool education.
What is the involvement of parents?
Parents have the right to choose any form of education. These are private kindergartens, family ones, while they have the right "at any stage of education to continue their education in an educational organization" Article 44 "Law on Education in the Russian Federation" "parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive a general education."

Annex 1

Working with parents
Goal: Creating conditions for the inclusion of parents of future
first-graders in the process of preparing a child for school.
Inform parents about the criteria for readiness of children for school.
Inform parents about the problems of first-graders (during the period of adaptation to school) and their causes.
Offer practical advice and guidance on how to prepare your child for school.
Our children are one more year older. Now they
pupils of the preparatory group, the oldest in kindergarten.
Back to school soon! How the child's education will turn out in the first grade depends largely on our efforts. How the child will meet with the school will largely depend on what attitude he has towards school, what expectations will be formed. The formation of the desire to become students is the enrichment of the overall development of a preschooler, the creation of a positive psychological attitude to a new stage of life. The serious attitude of the family towards preparing the child for school should be based on the desire to form in the child a desire to learn a lot and learn a lot, educating children in independence, interest in school, a friendly attitude towards others, self-confidence, the absence of fear to express their thoughts and ask questions, to show activity in communication with teachers.
What characterizes an independent child? The independence of the older preschooler is manifested in his ability and desire to act, in his readiness to seek answers to emerging questions. Independence is always associated with the manifestation of activity, initiative, elements of creativity.
An independent child is, first of all, a child who, as a result of the experience of successful activity, supported by the approval of others, feels confident. The whole situation of schooling (new requirements for the behavior and activities of the student, new rights, obligations, relationships) is based on the fact that during the years of preschool childhood the child has formed the foundations of independence, elements of self-regulation, organization. The ability to relatively independently solve accessible problems is the prerequisite for the social maturity required at school.
Experience shows that a first grader who does not have this quality developed experiences serious neuropsychic overload at school. A new environment, new requirements cause him a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. The habit of constant guardianship of an adult, the performance model of behavior that has developed in such a child in preschool childhood, prevent him from entering the general rhythm of the class, make him helpless in completing assignments. Ill-conceived tactics of education, the desire of an adult, even with the best of intentions.
Constantly taking care of and helping the child in elementary matters in advance create serious difficulties for his learning. Adaptation to the school of such children is significantly delayed. Now we will dwell on the criteria for the readiness of children for school, that is, we will consider what should be characteristic of a child in order for him to be ready for school.
While we will disclose the content of each component of school readiness, please try to “try them on” for your child and decide what you need to pay attention to today so that your child is successful at school.
Readiness criteria:
1. physical
2. intelligent
3. social
4. motivational.
Physical readiness is such a level of development of all body systems at which daily training loads do not harm the child, do not cause him excessive stress and overwork. Each child has his own, well-defined, adaptive resource, and it is laid long before the child enters school. When choosing a school and school load, it is necessary to pay attention to the health group, the conclusions of doctors, and the child's illness.
Intellectual readiness- includes the knowledge of the child, the presence of special skills (the ability to compare, generalize, analyze, classify the information received, have a sufficiently high level of development of the second signal system, in other words, speech perception). Mental skills can also be expressed in the ability to read, count. However, a child who reads and even knows how to write is not necessarily well prepared for school. It is much more important to teach a preschooler a competent retelling, the ability to reason and think logically.
Social readiness is the mood of the child to work and
cooperation with other people, in particular adults, who have taken on the role of teacher-mentors. Having this component of readiness, the child may be attentive for 30-40 minutes, he can work in a team. Having got used to certain requirements, the manner of communication of teachers, children begin to demonstrate higher and more stable learning results.
Motivational readiness - implies a reasonable desire to go to school. In psychology, there are different motives for a child's readiness for school: playful, cognitive, social. A child with a play motive ("There are a lot of guys, and you can play with them") is not ready for school. The cognitive motive is characterized by the fact that the child wants to learn something new, interesting. This is the most optimal motive, having which, the child will be successful in the first grade and during the period of study in elementary school. The social motive is characterized by the fact that the child wants to acquire a new social status: to become a schoolchild, to have a portfolio, textbooks, school supplies, and his own workplace. But one should not start from the fact that only the cognitive motive is the most basic, and if the child does not have this motive, then he cannot go to school. By the way, elementary school teachers are focused on the game motive and in many respects their activities, and the learning process is carried out using game forms.
I offer you this dialogue...
Somehow three girls argued about which of them would be the best first grader.

I will be the best first grader, - says Lucy, - because my mother has already bought me a school bag.

No, I'll be the best first grader, - said Katya. - My mother sewed a uniform dress with a white apron for me.

No, I ... No, I, Lenochka argues with her friends. - I not only have a school bag and a pencil case, not only a uniform dress with a white apron, they gave me two more white ribbons in pigtails .... This dialogue shows not awareness, not readiness of girls for school.
The beginning of school life is a serious test for children, as it is associated with a drastic change in the whole way of life of the child. He must get used to:
- to a new teacher;
- to a new team;
- to new requirements;
- to daily duties.
And every child, without exception, goes through the process of adaptation to school (the process of adaptation). And naturally, the more the child has the necessary skills, qualities, the faster he will be able to adapt. But for some children, the school requirements are too difficult, and the routine is too strict. For them, the period of adaptation to school can be traumatic. What are the problems facing first graders at this time? Where do these difficulties come from? And can they be avoided? Many difficulties can be avoided if you pay attention to them in time.
Most of the sources of possible school difficulties and
troubles are often hidden in preschool childhood. Causes:
Parents of a child under 6-7 years of age:
- not so often they pay attention to the development of the baby (“Yes, he still has time to learn, there is a school for this!”),
- do not pay attention to the peculiarities of his communication with surrounding adults and peers (“it will pass with time ...”),
- the presence or absence of a desire to learn (“gets involved,
grow up, you look, and everything will pass"),
- do not teach the child to manage their emotions, actions, obey the requirements the first time.
As a result, children do not appear to have formed important components of school readiness.
What you need to know and be able to a child entering school:
1. Your first name, patronymic and last name.
2. Your age (preferably date of birth).
3. Your home address.
4. Your city, its main attractions.
5. The country in which he lives.
6. Surname, name, patronymic of parents, their profession.
7. Seasons (sequence, months, main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons).
8. Domestic animals and their cubs.
9. Wild animals of our forests, hot countries, the North, their habits, cubs.
10. Transport land, water, air.
11. Distinguish clothes, shoes and hats; wintering and migratory birds; vegetables, fruits and berries.
12. Know and be able to tell Russian folk tales.
13. Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval.
14. Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right - left side, top, bottom, etc.)
15. Be able to fully and consistently retell the listened story, compose, come up with a story from the picture.
16. Distinguish between vowels and consonants.
17. Divide words into syllables according to the number of vowels.
18. Good command of scissors (cut strips, squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, ovals, cut an object along the contour).
19. Use a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler, draw geometric shapes, animals, people, various objects based on geometric shapes, carefully paint over, hatch with a pencil without going beyond the contours of objects.
Preparing children for writing begins long before the child enters school. In the preparatory group, this is given special attention.
Preparation for writing involves the development in children:
Fine motor skills of the fingers (for this purpose, it is necessary to teach children to perform a variety of practical tasks, create crafts using various tools, in the process of which such qualities as the accuracy of arbitrary hand movements, eye, accuracy, attention, concentration develop).
Spatial orientation, in particular, on a sheet of paper, as well as in general directions of movement (left to right, top to bottom, forward - backward, etc.).
Visual and graphic skills in the process of visual activity, as well as with the help of graphic exercises.
Coloring has a positive effect on the preparation of the hand for writing. For this purpose, you can use ready-made coloring books. When performing such tasks at home, it is necessary to pay the child's attention to the fact that the image is painted over carefully enough, evenly and accurately.
Helps the development of graphic skills performing various tasks related to hatching. Hatching is performed under the guidance of an adult. Mom or dad show how to draw strokes, control the parallelism of the lines, their direction, the distance between them. For hatching exercises, you can use ready-made stencils depicting objects.
20. Freely count up to 20 and back, perform counting operations within 20. Correlate the number of objects and the number. Learn the composition of numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5. Read the simplest mathematical records.
21. Be able to listen carefully, without being distracted.
22. Maintain a slender, good posture, especially when sitting.
Tips for parents:
Develop perseverance, diligence of the child, the ability to bring things to the end
Form his mental abilities, observation, inquisitiveness, interest in knowing the environment. Make riddles for your child, make them together with him, conduct elementary experiments. Let the child talk aloud.
If possible, do not give the child ready-made answers, make him think, explore.
Put the child in front of problem situations, for example, invite him to find out why yesterday it was possible to sculpt a snowman out of snow, but not today.
Talk about the books you read, try to find out how the child understood their content, whether he was able to understand the causal connection of events, whether he correctly assessed the actions of the characters, whether he is able to prove why he condemns some heroes and approves others.
Be attentive to the child's complaints.
Teach your child to keep their belongings in order.
Do not scare your child with difficulties and failures at school.
Teach your child the right way to deal with failure.
Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence.
Teach your child to be independent.
Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity.
Strive to make every moment of communication with the child useful.