A selection of didactic material "entertaining tasks in the Russian language". A selection of didactic material "entertaining assignments in the Russian language" Interesting assignments for 6 years in Russian

Here is the complete archive of the free electronic magazine Korablik.

Preschoolers are distinguished by curiosity and aspiration. Boring primers and dry presentation of the material repels children from further development. The presented magazine was created for a variety of activities with a child, as an aid for parents and educators. Bright pictures and interesting exercises are suitable for children who are getting ready to go to school. Cognitive tasks allow you to saturate the developing mind with useful knowledge without interrupting the gameplay.

The electronic magazine "Korablik" has carefully selected tasks aimed at the all-round development of the child. The collected exercises activate the logical thinking of the baby, allow and apply the existing knowledge in practice. Each edition features fun exercises that every preschooler will love. Convenient presentation of the material contributes to the rapid memorization of new knowledge.

The fascinating magazine has collected useful material on its pages, which is able to lay the necessary foundation for further education. Together with interesting exercises, the child will develop in the right direction, train his mind and increase his potential.

Summary of the magazine Korablik by numbers:

Preparing hands for writing, mathematics, the world around.

Mathematics, logic, the world around.

Preparing hands for writing, thinking.

Mathematics, preparing hands for writing.

Preparing hands for writing, mathematics, logical thinking.

Ship number 6 (download / view in JPEG format)

Development of hand motor skills, mathematics, thinking.

Logic, thinking, memory development.

Ship number 9 (download / view in JPEG format)

Preparing hands for writing, developing speech.

Fundamentals of labor education, logical thinking.

Mathematical representations, hand motor skills.

Logical thinking, the world around.

Development of attention, mathematics, logical thinking.

Preparing hands for writing, mathematical representations.

Development of speech, mathematics, the world around.

Cognition of the environment, preparation of the hand for writing.

Mathematics, the development of hand motor skills.

Classes on the development of speech by writing sentences and stories.

World around, nursery rhymes.

Mathematics for toddlers: classification.

We develop attention, fine motor skills of the hands of children.

We compare objects and develop children's attention.

We develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills of the hand, looking for patterns.

We learn to observe, compare and generalize.

We compare objects by their internal characteristics, solve logical problems.

We teach children to classify objects.

Classes for the development of the intellectual abilities of children 5-6 years old.

Literacy classes for children 5-6 years old.

Articulatory gymnastics.

Games and exercises on the topic "Man and his health".

The world around us, environmental education, speech development.

Tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Lessons with letters and syllables.

The first steps of children in mathematics.

Complexes of developing exercises.

Physical culture lessons for the development of motor creativity of preschoolers.

Mathematics for preschoolers.

Complexes of developing activities for preparing senior preschool children for school.

We teach children safe behavior, classes on the topic "Winter".

Classes on the topic "Winter".

Classes in mathematics for preschoolers.

Tasks for the development of speech in preschool children.

Classes for teaching children to read.

Classes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read through play.

Reading lessons for children 4-5 years old.

Classes for teaching reading of middle preschool age.

Cards-assignments in mathematics 1st grade.

Classes on the topic "Autumn".

Mathematics, writing.

Exercises for the development of memory, exercises for the development of attention.

Summaries of classes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read and write; exercises for the development of attention, thinking.

Developing exercises for preschoolers.

We develop hand motor skills, develop attention, thinking, mathematics for preschoolers, classes for the development of speech.

Literacy classes, speech development classes.

Puzzle games, we develop hand motor skills, math problems.

Non-traditional methods of improving children's health, developing logical thinking (loto), solving crosswords.

Tasks for the development of thinking, tasks for teaching children to read and write, tasks for preparing a child for learning to write.

Cut pictures, crosswords.

Intellectual Readiness for School: Sessions 1-10.

Intellectual Readiness for School: Sessions 11-21.

Intellectual readiness for school: classes 22-32.

Games and tasks for the development of a child's attention, thinking, memory.

Tasks for preparing the hand for writing (draw in cells).

Exercises and problems in mathematics for primary classes.

The program is based on the basic principles developed by N.A. Fedosova. The content of the program is aimed at the general development of the child, thereby creating a solid foundation for the successful study of the Russian language.



The goal of the program is the all-round development of the child's personality, the formation of his mental abilities and creative activity, the development of his outlook, intellect, and personal qualities.

The achievement of this goal is facilitated by the solution of the following tasks:

  1. development of speaking and listening skills;
  2. development of interest and attention to the word, to one's own speech and the speech of others;
  3. enrichment of active, passive, potential vocabulary; development of the grammatical structure of speech, the skills of coherent speech based on the child's speech experience;
  4. development of the ability to operate with language units: sound, syllable, word, phrase, sentence;
  5. the development of visual-figurative and the formation of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, substantiate their judgments;
  6. development of memory, attention, creativity, imagination, variability of thinking;
  7. development of general educational skills: the ability to work in a team, interact, bring what has been started to the end; work attentively, with concentration;
  8. expansion of ideas about the world around, phenomena of reality based on the life experience of the child.

In preparation for teaching their native language, children get acquainted with stories, fairy tales, plot and subject illustrations. They learn to answer questions and ask questions about the content of the read texts, retell what they read, expressively read poems learned by heart. They compose fairy tales and stories based on illustrations.

In the process of getting acquainted with works of art and working with them, the intellectual and moral-aesthetic education of preschoolers is carried out, their emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of the surrounding life develops.

Children master dialogical and monologic speech. They learn to speak expressively, without tension, without haste, clearly pronouncing each word.

Learning is based on play and is practical in nature. Speech games that precede orienting actions are of particular importance in preparing children for teaching their native language.

Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These games include: "Tell me the word", "Guess the word", "Continue the tale", "Continue the story", "Tell about the toy", etc.

Preliminary orientation actions help to form fine motor skills, develop coordination of movements, prepare children to perceive the shapes of letters. Preliminary indicative actions - tracing the contour of an object, common elements in objects, shading objects, completing the missing elements of objects, finger gymnastics, etc.

The development and improvement of speech is associated with the tightening and enrichment of the vocabulary of children; the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; retelling from illustrations and drawing up a story from a picture.

In preparation for teaching reading, a readiness is formed to speak coherently on certain topics, to be aware at an elementary level of what speech is, what is its purpose and features.

Development and improvement of oral speech.

Expanding the stock of words that call objects, actions, signs.

Improving the ability to form single-root words, use complex sentences of different types in speech.

Formation of the ability to use words correctly within the meaning in the appropriate context.

Formation of the correct understanding of the figurative meaning of words.

Learning the ability to notice and correct your speech mistakes.

Comparison of objects, highlighting and correct naming of their essential features; enrichment of the dictionary with the exact names of qualities (material, shape, color, size).

The correctness of understanding and use of generalizing words by children, and their active use in speech.

Development of dialogical and monologue speech.

Teaching meaningful, logical and consistent transmission of text based on illustrations.

Development in children of attention and interest in the word, its emotional coloring in the process of reading fairy tales, poems.

Learning riddles, tongue twisters; retelling of a fairy tale based on illustrations.

Development of the ability to communicate coherently about episodes from your own life on a given topic; orally describe the world around (flowers, animals, birds, vegetables, fruits, sky, sun, etc.) according to the plan.

Development of emotional perception of speech in adults and children.

Ability to answer questions, ask questions, build short messages.

Picture story: description of what is shown in the picture.

Development of children's interest in independent verbal creativity, encouragement in the creation of stories, fairy tales, poems.

Preparation for learning to read.

Teaching the correct literary pronunciation, orthoepic norms of the literary language.

Improving the sound culture of speech: the ability to distinguish by ear and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language.

Improving phonetic hearing: the ability to name words with this sound in a sentence; determine the place of sound in a word.

Strengthening and development of the child's articulatory apparatus: teaching the clear pronunciation of words and phrases.

Highlighting sounds at the beginning, end and middle of a word.

Preparation for teaching writing.

Preparing the writing hand for writing in the process of tracing patterns and shading objects, gymnastics for the fingers; acquaintance with the rules of writing - with the correct landing when writing, with the position of the sheet, pencil when working in a notebook; learning to work in a confined space (on the working line), moving the writing hand from the bottom along the line, from left to right; acquaintance with the contour of the object and its features.

Planned results.

Children should be able to:

pronounce all sounds correctly;

pronounce words distinctly and clearly;

find words with a specific sound;

determine the place of sound in a word;

observe orthoepic pronunciation norms;

make sentences for key words, on a given topic;

compose stories, fairy tales from a picture, from a series of pictures;

retelling fairy tales, stories, small in content, based on supporting illustrations;

observe basic hygiene rules;

navigate the page in the notebook.

Thematic lesson plan.

Lesson 1.

Acquaintance with the school and with each other. Identification and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities that children possess. Riddles on the theme "School". Finger gymnastics.

Lesson 2.

Travel to the world of toys. Guessing riddles. Drawing up a story on the topic "My favorite toy". Memorizing poems by A. Barto. Finger gymnastics.

Lesson 3.

In kindergarten. Guessing riddles. Drawing up a story based on the picture "In kindergarten". Finger gymnastics. Acquaintance with the ruled notebook. Acquaintance with the landing rules.

Lesson 4.

Travel through fairy tales. Quiz based on fairy tales. Guessing riddles. Meeting with the heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Staging of the "Turnip" fairy tale. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (illustration turnip).

Lesson 5.

My favorite fairy tale. Guessing riddles. Retelling of your favorite fairy tale. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (illustrated bunnies).

Lesson 6.

Travel to Multland. Cartoons quiz (guessing riddles). Drawing up a story about your favorite cartoon hero. Game "Help Winnie the Pooh". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (illustration Winnie the Pooh).

Lesson 7.

Travel to the forest. Acquaintance with the plants of the forest. Guessing riddles. Game "What is superfluous." Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a Christmas tree).

Lesson 8.

Into the forest for mushrooms and berries. Guessing riddles. Memorizing the poem "Mushroom". Drawing up a story based on the painting "Lost". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (we draw a mushroom).

Lesson 9.

Animals of the forest. Guessing riddles. Game "Who is superfluous?" Drawing up a story - descriptions from a picture (about a squirrel). Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a squirrel).

Lesson 10.

Animals of the forest. Guessing riddles. Drawing up a story - descriptions (about a woodpecker). Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a bird).

Lesson 11.

Travel to the village. Pets guessing riddles. Game "Who is superfluous". Game "Big and Small". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (we draw a chicken).

Lesson 12.

Pets. Drawing up a story - descriptions from a picture of one of the animals. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a dog).

Lesson 13.

Wild and domestic animals. Their similarities and differences. Retelling of the story "Vaska the Cat". Memorizing the poem "Vassenka". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a cat).

Lesson 14.

In the garden and vegetable garden. Guessing riddles. Game "What's extra?" Drawing up a story based on the picture "Harvesting". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (drawing vegetables and fruits).

Lesson 15.

Travel to the meadow. Guessing riddles. Exercises to automate sounds u ,  h  ... Memorizing the poem "Butterfly". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a butterfly).

Lesson 16.

Journey to the forest swamp. Guessing riddles. Game "Who is superfluous?" Memorizing a poem by E.A. Alyabyeva "Frogs - Laughing". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a frog).

Lesson 17.

On the river. Guessing riddles. Game "Who is superfluous?" Drawing up a story based on the picture "Fishing". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a fish).

Lesson 18.

Traveling by air. Guessing riddles. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a rocket).

Lesson 19.

We walk around the zoo. Guessing riddles. Game "Who is superfluous?" Game "Who lives where?" Drawing up a story - describing an animal from a picture. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a bear).

Lesson 20.

Who works who. Professions of people. Guessing riddles. Drawing up a story about the professions of parents. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (we draw a steamer).

Lesson 21.

My family. Drawing up a story about your family. The game "Speak the other way around." Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw balls).

Lesson 22.

In the shop. Guessing riddles. Compilation of the story "Shopping". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw toys).

Lesson 23.

Instruments. Guessing riddles. Game "Name in one word". Drawing up a story based on the picture "Building a feeding trough". Finger gymnastics. We draw a shovel in a notebook.

Lesson 24.

What a miracle - machines? Transport. Game "Finish the sentence". Drawing up a story about various types of transport. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a car).

Lesson 25.

Don't play on the pavement! Acquaintance with the rules of the road. The game "It happens - it does not happen." Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a traffic light).

Lesson 26.

Travel to the circus. Guessing riddles. Drawing up a story based on the picture "In the circus". The game "Who was you?" Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw a clown).

Lesson 27.

Seasons. Difference of seasons. Guessing riddles. Logorhythmic poem "Autumn Leaves", "Wind". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw the sun).

Lesson 28.

What is speech. Oral and written speech. Drawing up a story based on the picture "Chef". The game "Speak the other way around." Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw dishes).

Lesson 29.

The speech consists of sentences. A sentence is made up of words. The beginning of a sentence (designation in the form of a diagram). Game "Finish the sentence". Finger gymnastics (tracing an object along the contour, shading; writing a short and long oblique stick).

Lesson 30.

Division of words into syllables. Game "Postman". Drawing up a story based on the picture "Little teacher". Finger gymnastics (shading; writing a short stick with a rounding at the bottom).

Lesson 31.

Composing words from syllables. Game "Complete the syllable to the word." Drawing up a fairy tale based on plot pictures "Hare is a bouncer". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (shading objects; writing a short stick with a rounding at the top).

Lesson 32.

Acquaintance with the sound side of the word. The game "Who to visit". Drawing up a story based on the "Little photographer" picture. Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (shading objects; writing a long stick with a rounded bottom).

Lesson 33.

Learning to hear and distinguish sounds. Game "Tom and Tim". We compose a fairy tale (at the beginning). Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (shading objects; writing a long stick with a rounded top).

Lesson 34.

Learning to hear and distinguish sounds. Game "Tom and Tim". Quiz "Who is more". Drawing up a story based on plot pictures "Soon to school". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (shading objects).

school number 3, Borisoglebsk

Game assignments in Russian lessons

It has long been known that knowledge assimilated without interest, not colored by one's own positive attitude, emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. The use of game moments in the lessons of the Russian language and literature awakens interest in the subject, makes it fascinating, loved and necessary. The more interesting a child is, the stronger his knowledge.
Cooking and conducting non-standard lessons is troublesome, but this form deserves attention if the teacher is creative in his work.


Exercise 1 . Which sounds are more important - vowels or consonants - for understanding speech? Make a conclusion. Try to read the given words.


Oh-oh (cow)
-o-a- (school)
-o-oo-a (girlfriend)
-o-i-a (capital)

Assignment 2... Find paired words that differ only in the voicelessness / voicedness of one of the two consonants. Who quickly?

1st option

bark, shine, live, home, sorry, pass, dew, steam, plump, daughter.

2nd option

goat, ear, prank, stake, yours, drink, angry, fishing rod, tower, guest.

Task 3. Choose words that differ only in the softness / hardness of the consonants. The teacher names the hard version, and the students - the soft one.

Small - ..., nose - ..., current - ..., onion - ..., soap - ..., bald - ..., load - ..., was - ..., howling - ..., ardor - ..., angle - ....

Assignment 4... Arrange the words in three columns like this:

1. letters> sounds;
2.Letters< звуков;
3. letters = sounds.

Yula, sewing, coal, her, nightingales, line, porch, thawed out, story, stump, bridge, family.

Assignment 5... What letters can be used to cook food?

To ka;
NS- sha.

Which two letters make up an entire era?

R- er and a.

Task 6. Phonetic relay.

Each child receives a card with an assignment. On the blackboard is a table with card numbers. Everyone, having solved their problem, enters the number of the correct answer in the required column. The row that finishes the work first and has no errors wins.

Assignment 7. Collect the bouquet.

1st option

Collect flowers in a bouquet, in the name of which there are only solid sounds.

2nd option

Collect flowers in a bouquet that have at least one soft sound in their names.

Chicory, rose, chamomile, lilac, lily of the valley, aster, daffodil, nasturtium, rosehip, bell, honeysuckle, buttercup.



Do you know the proverbs?

1. The word is ... and silence is gold (silver).
2. Maybe it’s not good somehow ... (will bring).
3. Kind ... and the cat is pleased (word).
4. Business ..., fun hour (time).
5. Where it is thin, there and ... (torn).
6. A penny ... protects (ruble).
7. One with a bipod, and ... with a spoon (seven).

Crossword for a lesson based on Viktor Astafiev's story "Vasyutkino Lake"

1. "We have no luck today," Vasyutkin's grandfather grumbled ... (Athanasius).
2. The fishermen went far downstream ... and finally stopped (Yenisei).
3. "..., our nurse, does not like flimsy ones!" - he remembered the words of his father and grandfather (taiga).
4. “Vasyutka recognized the foreman of the bot by his voice and funny Ukrainian accent ... ("Igarets").
5. Surname of the author of the story (Astafiev).
6. He immediately saw a large black bird rising from the ground - ... (wood grouse).
7. Vasyutka decided to spend the night on the shore ... (lakes).
8. Vasyutka raised his head. At the very top of an old disheveled spruce I saw ... (nutcracker).

Lotto game

Such games can be used in the final lessons on the topics: "Synonyms", "Antonyms", "Phraseologisms", "Foreign words", "One-part sentences". Each pair of students receives one card, which they fill in with tokens. Each child, listening to the proposed options, automatically memorizes a huge number of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, which are deposited in the corners of memory in order to come to the rescue at the right time.


Travel lessons, fairy tale lessons

Exercise 1... The class goes on a journey. The teacher leads an interesting story, including the assignment in the narration.

On our way there is a swampy swamp, here and there you can see words-bumps, but not everything can be stepped on. Words in which it is written b , - traps. You need to write out only words-bumps without b ... If you make a mistake, you will drown. Be careful.

Jumble_, hot_, backhand, bake, trifle_, shaved, supine_, admiring, viscous_, odorous_, lily of the valley_, gallop_, settle down, hut_.

Ahead is a dense forest teeming with wild animals and snakes. If you insert the doubled consonants correctly, then we will overcome this obstacle.

Ka (s, ss) eta, ba (l, ll) ans, mi (s, ss) iya, ha (l, ll) hereya, pa (s, ss) ivny, pa (s, ss) azhir, e ( f, ff) ect, go (l, ll) iya, ba (s, ss) ein, a (n, nn) ​​etit, a (n, nn) ​​atia, te (p, pp) itoria, te (p, pp) a (s, ss) a, ko (p, pp) espondent, ka (p, pp) andature.

Assignment 2

We are at the labyrinth, but the path will be opened by the one who collects all the rings, lost here by the princess.

Write out the words with the missing letter O.

Rosy, ch_tkiy, uttered, big_rny, sh_v, sh_lk, care_r, thick_nka, canvas, cheap, conductor, burn_hand, still_, ooze, shoulder_, hot_, gooseberry.

Assignment 3... The one who fills in the table correctly will pass the maze.

Where a?
1. R_stov
4. age

Where e?
3.to pick up

Where O?
2. to see

Where and?

Where O?

I often conduct such blitz questions to determine the degree of mastery of the material. This work is done and checked within 5-7 minutes, and the teacher sees which of the spelling is poorly mastered and requires additional work.

Ball game

While working on such topics as "Declination of nouns", "Conjugation of verbs", "Categories of adjectives, pronouns", I use a ball in the lesson. I throw a ball to someone from the class and name a verb, the student catches the ball and names the conjugation or type of this verb. Such a game activates the whole class, awakens interest, makes even those who are accustomed to sit behind the backs of their comrades start to get excited, because the children do not know to whom the ball will fly and what verb the teacher will pronounce.

Assignment 4. Third wheel.

Find a word that does not correspond to a certain rule, part of speech, meaning, form, etc.

Lemon, pocket, straw;
hot, powerful, crying;
wet, wet, dry;
cut, swing, hide.

Vocabulary relay races

They are carried out only after repeated work on the vocabulary words. This is a kind of vocabulary dictation. Children write difficult words in their workbook. In addition, each child writes three words on a common card, passing it along a row. Children try not to make mistakes, so as not to let down their comrades, because the score for the card is given to the entire row.


Exercise 1. Cryptographers Competition, or Restorers Competition.

Make phrases with the suggested words so that the meaning of the words becomes clear.

TO a mpania ... - to O mpania,
subscriber - subscription,
hang up a nny - hang up e nny,
misdirected - covered.

Assignment 2 . Restore the Explanatory Dictionary page. Write out the terms correctly based on the explanatory article.

1. ... - steel frame of reinforced concrete structures (fittings).
2. ... shows that the track is clear (semaphore).
3. ... - internal phone number of the institution (switch).

Assignment 3... Determine the meaning of these words. In case of difficulty, you can refer to the reference material on the supplementary board.

Argument -
attribute -
absolute -
actual -
hypothesis -

reference: argument, proof; sign, affiliation, scientific assumption; important for the moment; unconditional, not dependent on anything.

Offsets in the form of a game

Literacy competition

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. The game involves two teams at the same time, which must answer 10 questions. You are given 1 minute to think over the answer. If the teams do not cope with the task, then the audience will answer and receive an incentive token. Such tests are held after the completion of work on some big topic: "Noun", "German participle", "Verb", "Numeral", "Pronoun", etc.


Children are very fond of these games, because the correct answer is supported by a prize. It is received by the last one who gave the correct answer.

1. Name all morphological features of the word carrot.
2. What are the words starting with a syllable boo .
3. Name all categories of pronouns.


The class should answer the questions suggested by the teacher, but all answers should begin with a specific, pre-agreed letter, for example, c .

- Where have you been?
- How is gasoline transported?
- What did you write out of the book?
- What string instrument do you know?
- What dish do you like?

Entertaining games

Let off some steam

Come up with 5 words starting with a syllable steam .

steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -

(Greenhouse, parterre, password, party, guy.)

A post that should have been written a long time ago: how to teach Russian to children who come to learn from scratch at preschool age. With adults, everything is clear: there is an RCT methodology, there are RCT textbooks, there are tests. And what about young children who have to learn Russian from scratch in a foreign language format? We do not have a clear, understandable, step-by-step methodology. Textbooks, in fact, too.

We have an hour a week + homework at best, and a kid who learned to say hello on the way to class. I'll tell you how I see the solution to this problem, and below I will give a comment by Ekaterina Protasova and a very useful quote from her manual.

RCT for toddlers?

What can we take from RCT, a methodology that is completely inappropriate for preschoolers in its classical form?

1. Basic principles of teaching.

For example, information that the teacher must necessarily give a speech model at the beginning of an assignment or game. Not just "now we will play in the store", but speech models: what the child says, what the adult says. When a new teacher appears in our school who is not familiar with the RFL methodology, we have to constantly remind about speech models, check their presence at each lesson. We show the task and how to perform it, we pronounce what the child has to say.

Reason for lack of progress # 1: lack of speech models in the teacher.

2.Grammatical, speech formulas

In fact, language is not composed of words, but of formulas. For example, “I want to buy” is a formula. We change the last word in the formula: I want to buy an apple, I want to buy milk, I want to buy fish, strawberries, yogurt, cheese ... And we have a lot of proposals. The language is a constructor, we change one word in the formula - a new statement appears, we add the particle "not" - a new statement appears. In the lesson plan and the program, we first prescribe what speech formulas we give the children, and only then the vocabulary. Formulas, phrases are more important than words. There is no point in learning words outside of formulas, there is no point in learning words out of context.

Reason for lack of progress # 2: learning words, not formulas. We are often visited by children who know a lot of words on topics: animals, fruits, vegetables, home, clothes. But they cannot speak even in the simplest sentences.

3 order of presentation of grammar

Grammar? Preschoolers? Babies? "This is the girl," what a grammar. We have two problems with regard to grammar: grammar is often understood as spelling (from the word “competently”?), And grammar is often understood as theory (“the accusative case answers the questions“ who, what ”, in the feminine gender the ending changes to -y, -y, exceptions are nouns with a soft sign at the end "). Moreover, grammar is simply the structure of the language, its skeleton, without which we will again be left with a pile of words "by topic."

If you are not familiar with the RCT methodology, you can simply open the RCT textbook for adults or, for example, the table of contents of Nina Vlasova's RCT textbook for children. See in what order the authors give the cases. This choice is not accidental, it is determined by the frequency of the use of cases in speech. At the same time, the authors do not take ALL case meanings, but choose the most necessary ones at the elementary level.

For example, in the prepositional case these meanings:

Place: in a bag, on a sofa;

Transport: drive, sail, fly on something, etc.

Can you avoid all this grammar, case study?

You can, if you put the child on the environment. For example, if you have a Russian-speaking kindergarten. Are we telling the child that
learning the prepositional case? No, of course, the child is just playing, performing tasks, learning to speak as part of the study of individual speech formulas.

The reason for the lack of progress # 3. There can be many reasons here, in fact. Cases need to be automated in speech. So that the child, having said somehow “I want to buy milk”, hears himself and understands that something is not right, “they don’t say that”, you need to think more. This automation may be lacking. It is not enough just to “understand the topic”. Just saying it right a few times isn't enough.

There may be a lack of gradualness, step-by-step elaboration.

There may not be enough games for practice, or there may not be enough games to use what has been learned in your own utterance, in your speech. Spaced repetition previously learned may be lacking.

The cases at this point are for example. There are a lot of other topics: gender, number, agreement of nouns and adjectives, etc., but the general approach remains the same.

Or maybe not an RCT?

Maybe not an RCT, just not instead of an RCT, but together with it. You can take aids for monolingual children with speech impairments and developmental delays. These are the grammatical and lexical notebooks of Kosinova, materials for the development of coherent speech of children with ONR Arbekova, etc. You can partially take general developmental materials for babies.

But I have never seen an effective program for non-Russian speaking children, built only on materials for monolinguals without additions and processing. It's all about the difference in goals. Each manual solves its own problems, and the authors of speech therapy aids for monolinguals have completely different tasks than teachers and parents who want their child to learn to speak Russian.

You can spy on ideas in English for toddlers. There are many ideas, I myself have subscribed to dozens of blogs of American kindergarten teachers and teachers of English as a second native. But the procedure for introducing grammar in Russian is still different. They are more likely about the design of the assignment, the presentation of the material, the options for the games.

Reason for lack of progress # 4... A "patchwork quilt" from a variety of manuals that helps to spend lesson time, but does not solve specific problems. There are a lot of printouts and cards, but there is no single system. If the system is not in the program, then systematic language learning will also fail.

Or maybe just play?

You can experiment. Go to the teaching community and ask how to teach Russian to kids who are learning it from scratch. I bet one of the first comments would be: "Which lessons? Which programm? Toddlers learn in the game, just play. To the store, to the zoo, to dolls, to bingo. I liked this lotto about dishes: link. And you can also sing songs and dance in a circle. "

If you spend several hours with your child every day, then just communication and just play will be a developing and learning environment. Download a lotto about dishes, memorize songs, get out the toy cash register and start playing. If you have an hour a week, then "just playing" you will simply kill a lot of time without achieving anything.

Therefore, we return to the systematic approach: what grammar you practice, what formulas can you derive from it, what vocabulary you will need in the process, what games you can think of to practice vocabulary and formulas. There are games, they are at the end of the chain. And they work for a specific task. And they do it! We connect songs as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, a round dance as a break, loto as an interval repetition of the previous topic (and do not forget to repeat not only vocabulary, but vocabulary inside a sentence, inside a formula). Look, everything came in handy, everything found a place inside the system.

Reason for lack of progress # 5... Well, you get the idea, I guess. Games are not built into the program, into the system. And in this case, you can play for 5 years, and the child will not speak even the most elementary Russian. And not because ...

"We only have an hour a week"

I write about this very often and continue to write, because an hour a week also makes sense if you have a flexible program, a systematic approach, specific tasks for each lesson and tasks with games that solve these problems. If you see the rhythms of the students and follow them. If you see the potential, the opportunity to step over to a new, more difficult stage, and use this opportunity. If you are trying to figure out why it doesn’t work, instead of explaining everything for an hour a week. If you are ready to take a problem student temporarily for individual training, this also often helps to catch up with the group. If both you and your parents understand that you are advancing in small steps, and it cannot be otherwise with such a volume of work and such short occupations. But you are advancing.


And lastly: what to do with homework. Here's my version. If the child has Russian-speaking family members, then they will help to repeat what they have learned in the lesson, they will help to make a couple of worksheets. If there are no Russian speakers in the family, there are songs, baby educational videos on YouTube, or short videos specially recorded by you for homework. And so on until the child learns to read. As soon as I have learned, we have the opportunity to give assignments for self-fulfillment. Copybooks, connect the word and the picture, worksheets with elementary tasks and vocabulary familiar to the child. The child grows up, the Russian progresses, homework becomes more difficult.