The concept and types of values \u200b\u200band ideals. What values \u200b\u200band ideals exist in the modern world. Ideals in modern society Values \u200b\u200band ideals of man Examples

Values \u200b\u200band ideals ...But as soon as any ideals, replace values \u200b\u200b- they become false ...

"Values" - this is what exists in reality and what people possess, and " ideals"What people seek, but they do not have in reality, and maybe never will never. The ideals are always expressed in some statements.

It should be distinguished here - the existence of statements as a fact of possessing with a social individual or social association, and, the content of ideals expressed in these texts. The content of ideals can be false or true, which is established according to the rules of logic, and conflict come into conflict and even kill each other's people, because these texts for them have value or people are involved and delivered to the conditions of adoption of these texts (for example, contract, oath etc.), regardless of their falsity or truth. Therefore, one thing to proclaim some ideals, and another, to implement them.

Implementation of ideals Always leads to a practical effect, reverse what was expected. Plato ("State"): "Why do people create a society? Why do people behave together? In order to be happy people. What is a happy life together? This is a fair life. What is a fair life? Fair collaborative life is installed when Everyone is busy with his own business, makes it well and does not interfere with others .... "This concept of Plato, the ideal of public peacekeeping, was implemented in fascist Germany:" Everyone "," Küken, Kinder, Kirya ", etc. We are well known slogans ... Ideals should remain ideals and not to replace values.

As soon as ideals, any ideals, replace values \u200b\u200b- they become false... In this, it is precisely such a sense - all the ideals of false without exception ... Why is the substitution. Aid and values \u200b\u200binevitably lead to practical contradictions? By definition of "ideals". "Ideals" - are created by abstraction. The one who creates some ideal will be called "ideologue." Ideologist It always allocates and fixes not all, but only some, significant, from the point of view of the ideologist, aspects of reality. Therefore, when "ideals" are trying to implement in reality, then in one or another stage of their implementation, contradictions inevitably arise ... that it is impossible logically, it is impossible empirically. The conditions for idealization are alone, and the conditions of implementation are essentially others.

Now let's give the definition of the terminas"Value" and "ideal" according to the rules of logic. The term is used in the term "value" in two senses, as a term predicate, i.e. Sign of the subject, and as a term-subject, i.e. Some thing (subject) about which is stated in the statement.

1."Value"As the term predicate is a property (sign) that may acquire (change) any object with such and only such conditions: 1. The subject exists, i.e. allocated and fixed in reality, 2. Selected, and also attributed to To the subject and social subject, it is known (legal, legal, material, technical, etc. Types and species of relationships);

2. "Value" As a term-subject is any real object that corresponds to such and only such signs: 1. Regarding the subject called "value" recorded equivalence relationships or comparisons with other objects, this is known to social individuals and agree with this definition. ; 2. Social Individual is able to restore the rules for determining and operating with the subject as "value".

"Ideal" - A statement that has such signs: 1. The statement is always created by the reception of insulating abstraction; 2. What is approved by the statement of the subject does not contain the conditions for its implementation (existence in reality); 3. What is approved by the subject is always on the properties of the subject that were recorded in insulating abstraction, and is never fulfilled, but only partially, with respect to reality, including thoughts and actions of people.

"The crime needs justification" ... The criminal is always looking for a pretext for his action, the substitution of the concepts of "ideal" and "value" is a way to form such an excuse for a crime ... for example - "You are Aryans, and therefore you are all given from birth You don't need to think, you have racial superiority ... "," You are proletariat, hegemon history, and therefore you have the right to be given by origin, you don't need to think ... ", etc. Formulas when "ideals" replace "values" ...

People kill each other in different reasons and without reason ... When I served in the army, one soldier deserted with a weapon. Our security community was put in a barrier for the capture of a deserter. Should or not I shoot in a fugitive if he comes to me? Not from any ideals, my decision does not automatically, only specifically and every time, people take similar solutions ...

In social empiric, there is no tough determination between the ideal and action (for example, murder) as a cause and consequence.
There is a rigid regularity in the fact that "ideal" - it has logically some properties (by definition of this concept), and "values" - logically, other properties, and therefore ideals replace values, they inevitably become false.

For example, adventurers who, "nationalist ideals" presented not as ideals, but as a project and a program that began to implement in reality, i.e. "Ideals" gave the status of "values", the Bolsheviks - also, the German fascists - also, conquistadors - also ...

The crime always needs justification ... The definition of terms is the famous and surest way to combine people by a particular conscious criterion, combine with the help of signs. People take the text and agree with the text in which some ideal is expressed, subjectively, but the fact of acceptance is already an objective, an empirical sociological fact that may be observing, calculating, etc. For example, elections to the authorities, each voter makes the choice subjectively, but the result of the election is objective.

It's obvious that terminal Definition Operation is important as universal reception of organizing people in social associationsAs a universal part of the mechanism of creating social associations.

At school, remember, in the class teacher spoke to us: "We will call such a thing that is" or "will consider such a position true, but such - false," etc., if all students in the class agree, That teacher, thus, unites the class about the meaning and meaning of the subject, introduces the total rate of attitude to the subject. Now everything is in class term correlate the subject in a certain way. If some social individuals accepted, for example, that they will consider "Muscovites - nonhumans, villains, a hole in humanity," vitro ", then they act in accordance with such a definition of solidarity or" that the Ukrainian front consisted mainly from ethnic Ukrainians, and therefore was called "Ukrainian", etc.


by discipline: culturalology

Ideals in modern society


2. Cultural space 60s and modern Russia


List of used literature


The fundamental characteristic of the environment of a person in modern society is social changes. For an ordinary person of a subject of social knowledge, the instability of society is perceived primarily as the uncertainty of the existing situation. Therefore, there is a two-way process in relations with the future. On the one hand, in the situation of instability and uncertainty about tomorrow, which exists even in the secured segments of the population, a person is trying to find what he will give him confidence, support in the future change. Some people are trying to secure their future at the expense of property, others are trying to repel from higher ideals. Many people are perceived as a kind of warranty that increases security in changing social circumstances, contributing to confidence in the future.

Moral method of regulation of behavior of people. Other ways to regulate custom and right. Moral includes moral feelings, standards, commandments, principles, ideas about the good and evil, honor, dignity, justice, happiness, etc. Based on this, a person estimates its goals, motives, feelings, actions, thoughts. Moral assessment may be subject to all in the world. Including the world itself, its device, as well as society or its individual establishments, actions, thoughts, feelings of other people, etc. A person can expose to moral assessment of God and his acts. This is about this, for example, in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov", in the section on the Great Inquisitor.

Moral is, thereby, in this way of understanding and evaluating reality, which can be judged from everything and can endure the sentence to any event, the phenomenon of the world of external and world internal. But in order to judge and endure the sentence, it is necessary, first of all, to have the right to do this, and, secondly, have evaluation criteria, ideas about moral and immoral.

In modern Russian society, spiritual discomfort is felt, in many respects caused by the moral conflict of generations. Modern youth can not accept the lifestyle and style of thinking idealized by the elders, the older generation is convinced that it used to be better, about the modern society is poorly and doomed on the decay. What gives the right to such a moral assessment? Is there a healthy grain? This work is devoted to the analysis of the problems of ideals in modern society and its applicability to the modern situation in Russia.

1. Ideals and values: historical review

Moral assessment is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bhow "must be", i.e. The idea of \u200b\u200ba certain proper world order, which is not yet, but who should still be, an ideal world order. From the point of view of moral consciousness, the world should be kind, honest, fair, humane. If he is not so, the worse for the world, it means that he has not yet grown, not matured, did not fully implement the potency fully laid in it. The moral consciousness "knows" what the world should be and thereby pushing reality to move in this direction. Those. Moral consciousness believes that the world can and need to be done more perfect. The cash condition of the world does not suit him, it is mainly immoral, there is still no morality in it and it is necessary to make it there.

In nature, everyone seeks to survive and compete with others for life benefits. Mortgage and cooperation here are rare phenomena. In society, on the contrary, life is impossible without mutual assistance and cooperation. In nature, weak dying, weak helps in society. This is the main difference between a person from the animal. And this is the new thing that a person makes it in this world. But a person is not "ready" in this world, he grows from the kingdom of nature and in it all the time competes the natural and human principle. Morality expression of human in man.

A true person is the one who is able to live for others to help others, even sacrifice for others. Self-sacrifice The highest manifestation of morality, embodied in the image of God, Christ, who has long remained for people an unattainable ideal, a model for imitation. A man from biblical times began to realize his duality: a beast man began to turn into a man-God. God he is not in heaven, he is in the soul of everyone and everyone is able to be God, i.e. To sacrifice something for others, to give yourself to another particle.

The most important condition of morality is the freedom of humans. Freedom means independence, human autonomy from the outside world. Of course, a person is not God, he is material material, he lives in the world, he must eat, drink, survive. And, nevertheless, thanks to the consciousness, a person gains freedom, it is not determined by the outside world, although it depends on it. The man himself determines himself, it creates himself, he decides how to be. If a person says: "What can I? Nothing depends on me, "he himself chose the incompleteness, his dependence.

Conscience is an indisputable evidence that a person is free. If there is no freedom, then nothing to judge is: do not judge the animal who killed a person does not judge the car. A person is judged and, above all, his own conscience judges him, if only he has not yet become an animal, although this is also not uncommon. Free, according to the Bible, a person even considers God, who endowed his freedom of will. A person has long understood that freedom and happiness, and burden. Freedom, identical mind, distinguishes a person from animals and gives him the joy of knowledge and creativity. But at the same time, freedom is severe responsible for itself and its actions, for the world as a whole.

A person as a creature capable of creativity is like God or Nature in general, that creative strength that creates peace. It means that he is able to either improve this world, to make it better, or destroy, destroy. In any case, he is responsible for his actions, for his actions, big and small. Every act is changing something in this world and if a person does not think about it, does not track the consequences of his actions, it means he has not yet become a man, the creature is reasonable, he is still in the way and it is not known where this path will lead.

There is one morality or a lot of them? Maybe everyone has their own morality? Answer this question is not so simple. Obviously, in society there are always several codes of behavior practicing in various social groups.

Regulation of relationships in society is largely determined by moral traditions, which include a system of moral values \u200b\u200band ideals. A significant place in the emergence and evolution of these ideals belongs to philosophical and religious systems.

In the ancient philosophy, a person realizes itself as a cosmic creature, trying to comprehend his place in space. Finding Truth This is a search for an answer to the question of how the world works and how it works myself that is good, good. The traditional ideas about good and evil are rethought, the true benefit is distinguished, as opposed to the fact that the true good is not, but only considered to be. If the everyday consciousness of the good believed wealth and power, as well as the pleasure delivered, the philosophy allocated the true benefit of wisdom, courage, moderation, justice.

In the era of Christianity there is a significant shift in moral consciousness. There were general moral principles formulated by Christianity, which, however, in ordinary life, was not particularly practiced even in the clergy environment. But this does not devalue the importance of Christian morality, in which important universal moral principles and commandments were formulated.

With his negative attitude towards property in any form ("Do not collect treasures on the ground"), Christian Moral opposed himself to dominant in the Roman Empire type of moral consciousness. The main idea in it becomes the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual equality of equality of all before God.

Christian ethics readily accepted everything for her acceptable from earlier ethical systems. So, the well-known rule of morality "Do not do the person of what you do not want yourself", the authorship of which is attributed to the Confucius and the Jewish sages, entered the Canon of Christian ethics on a par with the commandments of the Nagorno Protection.

Early Christian ethics laid the foundations of humanism, preaching humans, selflessness, mercy, non-resistance to evil violence. The latter assumed the resistance without harming the other, the opposition of moral. However, this in no case meant a refusal of his beliefs. In the same sense, the question of the moral right of condemnation was also put in the same sense: "Do not judge, do not judge," you have to understand how "do not condemn, do not make sentencing, for you yourself are not sinless," but stop the evil, stop the spread of evil.

Christian ethics proclaims the commandment of good and love for the enemy, the principle of universal love: "You heard that it was said:" Love your neighbor and raising your enemy. " And I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for chasing you ... For if you love loving, what is your award? "

In a new time, in the XVI-XVII centuries, significant changes occur in society, which could not but affect morality. Protestantism proclaimed that the main responsibility of the believer before God is emphasis


The fundamental characteristic of the environment of a person in modern society is social changes. For an ordinary person - the subject of social knowledge - the instability of society is perceived primarily as the uncertainty of the existing situation. Therefore, there is a two-way process in relations with the future. On the one hand, in the situation of instability and uncertainty about tomorrow, which exists even in the secured segments of the population, a person is trying to find what he will give him confidence, support in the future change. Some people are trying to secure their future at the expense of property, others are trying to repel from higher ideals. Many people are perceived as a kind of warranty that increases security in changing social circumstances, contributing to confidence in the future.

Moral - a way to regulate the behavior of people. Other ways of regulation are custom and right. Moral includes moral feelings, standards, commandments, principles, ideas about the good and evil, honor, dignity, justice, happiness, etc. Based on this, a person estimates its goals, motives, feelings, actions, thoughts. Moral assessment may be subject to all in the world. Including the world itself, its device, as well as society or its individual establishments, actions, thoughts, feelings of other people, etc. A person can expose to moral assessment of God and his acts. This is about this, for example, in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov", in the section on the Great Inquisitor.

Moral is, thereby, in this way of understanding and evaluating reality, which can be judged from everything and can endure the sentence to any event, the phenomenon of the world of external and world internal. But in order to judge and endure the sentence, it is necessary, first of all, to have the right to do this, and, secondly, have evaluation criteria, ideas about moral and immoral.

In modern Russian society, spiritual discomfort is felt, in many respects caused by the moral conflict of generations. Modern youth can not accept the lifestyle and style of thinking, idealized by the elders, the older generation is convinced that it used to be better, about the modern society - the descendant and is doomed to disintegrate. What gives the right to such a moral assessment? Is there a healthy grain? This work is devoted to the analysis of the problems of ideals in modern society and its applicability to the modern situation in Russia.

Ideals and values: historical review

Moral assessment is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bhow "must be", i.e. The idea of \u200b\u200ba certain proper world order, which is not yet, but who should still be, an ideal world order. From the point of view of moral consciousness, the world should be kind, honest, fair, humane. If he is not so, the worse for the world, it means that he has not yet grown, not matured, did not fully implement the potency fully laid in it. The moral consciousness "knows" what the world should be and thereby pushing reality to move in this direction. Those. Moral consciousness believes that the world can and need to be done more perfect. The cash condition of the world does not suit him, it is mainly immoral, there is still no morality in it and it is necessary to make it there.

In nature, everyone seeks to survive and compete with others for life benefits. Mortgage and cooperation here are rare phenomena. In society, on the contrary, life is impossible without mutual assistance and cooperation. In nature, weak dying, weak helps in society. This is the main difference between a person from the animal. And this is the new thing that a person makes it in this world. But a person is not "ready" in this world, he grows from the kingdom of nature and in it all the time competes the natural and human principle. Morality is the expression of human in man.

A true person is the one who is able to live for others to help others, even sacrifice for others. Self-sacrifice - the highest manifestation of morality, embodied in the image of God, Christ, who has long remained for people, an unattainable ideal, a role model for imitation. A man from biblical times began to realize his duality: a beast man began to turn into a man-God. God he is not in heaven, he is in the soul of everyone and everyone is able to be God, i.e. To sacrifice something for others, to give yourself to another particle.

The most important condition of morality is the freedom of humans. Freedom means independence, human autonomy from the outside world. Of course, a person is not God, he is material material, he lives in the world, he must eat, drink, survive. And, nevertheless, thanks to the consciousness, a person gains freedom, it is not determined by the outside world, although it depends on it. The man himself determines himself, it creates himself, he decides how to be. If a person says: "What can I? Nothing depends on me, "he himself chose a non-free, his dependence.

Conscience is an indisputable evidence that a person is free. If there is no freedom, then nothing to judge is: do not judge the animal who killed a person does not judge the car. A person is judged and, above all, his own conscience judges him, if only he has not yet become an animal, although this is also not uncommon. Free, according to the Bible, a person even considers God, who endowed his freedom of will. A person has long understood that freedom - and happiness, and burden. Freedom, identical mind, distinguishes a person from animals and gives him the joy of knowledge and creativity. But at the same time, freedom is severe responsibility for itself and its actions, for the world as a whole.

A person as a creature capable of creativity is like God or Nature in general, that creative strength that creates peace. It means that he is able to either improve this world, to make it better, or destroy, destroy. In any case, he is responsible for his actions, for his actions, big and small. Every act is changing something in this world and if a person does not think about it, does not track the consequences of his actions, it means he has not yet become a man, the creature is reasonable, he is still in the way and it is not known where this path will lead.

There is one morality or a lot of them? Maybe everyone has their own morality? Answer this question is not so simple. Obviously, in society there are always several codes of behavior practicing in various social groups.

Regulation of relationships in society is largely determined by moral traditions, which include a system of moral values \u200b\u200band ideals. A significant place in the emergence and evolution of these ideals belongs to philosophical and religious systems.

In the ancient philosophy, a person realizes itself as a cosmic creature, trying to comprehend his place in space. Finding truth is a search for an answer to the question of how the world is arranged and how it works, what is the good, good. The traditional ideas about good and evil are rethought, the true benefit is distinguished, as opposed to the fact that the true good is not, but only considered to be. If the everyday consciousness of the good believed wealth and power, as well as the pleasure delivered by them, the philosophy allocated the true benefit - wisdom, courage, moderation, justice.

In the era of Christianity there is a significant shift in moral consciousness. There were general moral principles formulated by Christianity, which, however, in ordinary life, was not particularly practiced even in the clergy environment. But this does not devalue the importance of Christian morality, in which important universal moral principles and commandments were formulated.

With his negative attitude towards property in any form ("Do not collect treasures on the ground"), Christian Moral opposed himself to dominant in the Roman Empire type of moral consciousness. The main idea in it becomes the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual equality - equality of all before God.

Christian ethics readily accepted everything for her acceptable from earlier ethical systems. So, the well-known rule of morality "Do not do the person of what you do not want yourself", the authorship of which is attributed to the Confucius and the Jewish sages, entered the Canon of Christian ethics on a par with the commandments of the Nagorno Protection.

Early Christian ethics laid the foundations of humanism, preaching humans, selflessness, mercy, non-resistance to evil violence. The latter assumed the resistance without harming the other, the opposition of moral. However, this in no case meant a refusal of his beliefs. In the same sense, the question of the moral right of condemnation was also put in the same sense: "Do not judge, do not judge," you have to understand how "do not condemn, do not make sentencing, for you yourself are not sinless," but stop the evil, stop the spread of evil.

Christian ethics proclaims the commandment of good and love for the enemy, the principle of universal love: "You heard that it was said:" Love your neighbor and raising your enemy. " And I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for chasing you ... For if you love loving, what is your award? "

In a new time, in the XVI-XVII centuries, significant changes occur in society, which could not but affect morality. Protestantism proclaimed that the main responsibility of the believer before God is stubborn labor in his profession, and the testimony of God-being is successful. Thus, the Protestant church gave her flock to the whole list: "Enrich!" If Christianity has previously argued that it is easier for a camel to pass through the needle-minded ear, the richer to get into the kingdom of heaven, now on the contrary - the rich becomes God-loved, and the poor are rejected by God.

With the development of capitalism, industry and science develops, the worldview is changing. The world loses the halo of divinity. God generally became superfluous in this world, he interpreted a person to feel like a full-fledged Mr. Peace and soon proclaimed the death of God. "God died. Who killed him? You and I, "says Nietzsche. A man liberated from God decided to become God himself. Only the deity was pretty ugly. It decided that the main goal was to consume as much as possible and created a consumption society for some part of humanity. True, it was necessary to destroy a significant part of the forests, pollute the water and the atmosphere, and turn the huge territories into the landfill. It was also necessary to create mountains of weapons to defend against those who did not get into the consumption society.

Modern morality again became a semi-speaking, resembling prechristian. It is based on conviction - we live once, so you need to take everything from life. As sometime, the callos in conversation with Socrates argued that happiness is to meet all his desires, and now it becomes the main principle of life. True, some intellectuals did not agree with this and began to create a new morality. Back in the XIX century. There was ethics of non-violence.

It happened so that it was the XX century that you can't call humanism in any way, and mercy gave rise to ideas in direct contradiction with the prevailing practice of solving all the problems and conflicts from the position of force. It turned out to be a quiet, disagreement, disobedience, non-evil resistance, disagreement, disagreement. A person supplied to a hopeless position, humiliated and dyeing, finds a non-violent means of struggle and liberation (first of all internal). He, as it were, takes responsibility for evil, creatible by others, takes on someone else's sin and takes it over with his non-aggravated evil.

In Marxism, the thought is defended on the phased establishment of genuine social justice. The most important aspect of an understanding of justice proclaims the equality of people in relation to the means of production. It is recognized that during socialism, differences in labor qualifications are still preserved, in the distribution of consumption items. Marxism adheres to the thesis that only the communism must occur with the full coincidence of the justice and social equality of people.

Despite the fact that in Russia Marxism spawned a totalitarian regime, which actually deny all the fundamental human values \u200b\u200b(although the proclaiming of their main goal), the Soviet society was a society, where culture, primarily the spiritual, was attributed to high status

Ideals and values \u200b\u200bare oriented by a person among the objects of the outside world, identifying the personal significance of its needs, interests, aspirations in the context of development.

Ideal (Franz. idéal from Greek. iDEA - The idea, concept, presentation) can be defined as a generalized value-normative image of a proper future, which is formed as a result of the maximum broad summonation of human life experience.

As a form of understanding life and the image of perfection Ideal:

  • is an unlocked, unstructured education;
  • has an estimated and at the same time emotional-sensual character;
  • differs from everyday reality;
  • determines the method of thinking and human activity;
  • is a spiritual expression of a certain norm;
  • from the outside regulates the holistic and active attitude of the person to the present, future and even to the past;
  • possesses the motivating force to action;
  • Provides a generalized, panoramic plan of the future and stability of strategic, meaningful characteristics.

According to the degree of generalization, personalized, collective and software ideals are distinguished.

Personalized ideals arise, as a rule, in childhood. They are crystallized from the observations of the child for the closest relatives, literary heroes, pop or sports idols. Personalized ideals are based on the infantal consciousness, which are characterized by uncertainty in itself, the desire for support and protection "from above", the inability to make decisions and respond to them. At the same time, personalized ideals encourage identity to self-implants. Identifying yourself with the object of personification, the person is trying, although on the external yet parameters, determine the benchmarks for self-development.

The collective ideal is crystallized, when no single image of a person satisfies the increased image requirements of the desired. Forming a collective ideal and moving towards him, a person is more free and independent than in the case of a personalized ideal. He already chooses freely, assigns, trying on the desired signs of other people. At the same time it is understood that a person is able to identify not only external, but also internal, essential signs, which are then crowded into a collective ideal fabric. In gatstical ideals, the pragmatic aspect of the ideal is most clearly manifested, which suggests that a person clearly distinguishes the world of valid and the world of desired, the world has not yet come true, the world of norms and the world of super-followers. At the same time, a person who has formed a collective ideal, as a rule, has a more adequate self-esteem and hopes first of all on himself.

The program ideal suggests that the person "idealizing", passing the personification stage and collect the desired properties, can abstract from specific carriers of specific properties. The object of idealization in the program ideal is the subject itself, which has the creative faith in itself. Software ideals are incompatible with infantile consciousness, in them a person is focused only on its own strength and therefore is extremely moral.

The higher the degree of development, the maturity of the personality, the faster in the system of the worldview there is a transition from the ideals of the programmed persons through collective to ideals. At the same time, the peculiarity of the person gives the direction of its activity, it does not determine the unique presence of ideals of some type, but what ideals are dominated by man's aspirations.

The ideal guides a man during his activities, is the organizing start of self-knowledge, gives man a dedication, dynamism and vision of the life prospect and thereby acts as an incentive of spiritual development.

Values act as criteria, standards on the basis of which an individual or group estimates any item or phenomenon, justifies and protects the behavioral choice; or as certain concepts of desired, which characterize the individual or group and determine the choice of types, means and behavior objectives.

Initially, as a result of the development of social consciousness of submissions about the proper, social values \u200b\u200bare formed in various spheres of public life. They are reflected in the works of material and spiritual culture or human actions that are a specific embodiment of public value ideals. At the same time, refracted through the prism of individual vital activity, social values \u200b\u200bare included in the psychological structure of the individual in the form of personal values.

When there is a speech about personal values, we must remember that, forming your own system of values, a person is not focused on declared (the values \u200b\u200baffected by the level of power), but on real social values. The degree of reality of one or another social value is confirmed by public practice.

At the level of society, a significant discrepancy between the state-level declared and real social values \u200b\u200bis of social displeasure, apathy and distrust of any new initiatives descended from above.

At the personal level, a double value system is also formed - declared and real. The first allow person to adapt to the requirements imposed from outside, on the second it is focused when building its own trajectory of life. "Meeting" of social and personal declared values \u200b\u200bleads, as a rule, to the fact that social interaction acquires the nature of lightningness, and therefore, social and personal development stops (remarkably reflects the moment of such a "meeting" Expression: "You pretend that we pay, We pretend that we work ").

At the same time, formed personal values \u200b\u200band value orientations acquire a certain independence from the regulatory role of external, unusual values.

Personal values \u200b\u200bare recognized as sustainable meanings that specify the human activity vector.

At the same time it is necessary to distinguish values:

  • Terminal, or limit, acting as goals that are in order to strive for them;
  • Instrumental, acting as principles that show that it is preferable to achieve a certain goal in any situation, a certain image of action is.

Instrumental values \u200b\u200bideally must comply with terminal not only in terms of efficiency, but also from the point of view of ethics (see chapter 9).

Personal values \u200b\u200bas regulators of activity are significantly more than needs, orient a person to development, provide a clearer vision of remote goals correlated with life ideals, and greater stability in motion to these goals (Table 3.2, by D. A. Leontiev) .

Table 3.2. Differences between needs and personal values \u200b\u200bas human activity regulators



Personal values

A source

Individual relations with the world

Collective experience of social community

Relative importance and motion

Constantly changing


Dependence on the moment


Subjective Localization


Character effect




PA desired condition

In the desired direction

Saturation and deactualization

Temporarily possible


Representation form

Links with objective living conditions

Ideal ("proper model")

Criteria need


Social (general)

Thus, the activities and development of a person will become more efficiently effective if:

  • The regulatory role of external, social, unusual values \u200b\u200bwill decrease and the role of personal values \u200b\u200bwill increase;
  • The needs of a person will be ousted by his personal values.

Like the needs, personal values \u200b\u200bform a hierarchy, the change of which leads to changes in the direction, pace and effectiveness of human activity and development.

As semantic regulators of leadership activity Personal values \u200b\u200bdetermine:

  • Perception and understanding of situations and problems (the error of the subordinate leader, the main value for which is a career, will be considered as interference) for its success, and the leader for which the main value is to help others - as an opportunity to support the employee and develop its professional skills);
  • The attitude of the leader to others (the leader who highly appreciates loyalty, conformism and politeness, with difficulty will perceive confident, independent, creatively gifted employees who are reluctant to obey orders);
  • Decisions and actions of the leader (the leader that appreciates the courage and loyalty to convictions is ready to take unpopular decisions if they are confident in their correctness);
  • The use and delegation of power (the leader who considers power as a higher value will focus her in his hands; the leader for which the highest value is the competence and interests of others, will distribute the powerful powers between the members of the Group, if this ensures a more effective solution of general mutual tasks);
  • Methods for resolving conflicts (the leader for which competition and ambitions are most valuable, will not behave as a leader, highly appreciating cooperation) 2; etc.

Practice shows that values \u200b\u200bare of great importance in the leader's activities as benchmarks and the criteria for its activity. That is why recently many concepts of leadership relying on a value approach (see chapter 2) appeared (see chapter 2).

In the structure of morality, it is customary to distinguish between its elements. Morality includes moral practices (expressing in behavior), moral relations, moral consciousness.

Moral norms, moral principles, moral ideals and values \u200b\u200b- all these elements of moral consciousness.
Moral norms are social norms regulating human behavior in society, his attitude to other people, to society and to themselves. Their implementation is ensured by the power of public opinion, internal conviction on the basis of the ideas adopted in this society about good and evil, justice and injustice, virtues and vice, due and condemn.
Moral norms determine the content of the behavior, how it is customary to enter a certain situation, that is, inherent in this society, the social group of morals. They differ from other rules operating in society and performing regulatory functions (economic, political, legal, aesthetic), according to the method of regulating the actions of people. Morals are reproduced every day in the life of society by the power of tradition, authority and power of generally accepted and supported by all disciplines, public opinion, the conviction of members of society about proper behavior under certain conditions. Unlike simple customs and habits, when people come to the same way in similar situations (celebration of the birthday, weddings, wires in the army, various rituals, habit of certain labor actions, etc.), moral norms are not simply carried out as a result of the generally accepted order, but The ideological rationale in the views of a person about proper or short-term behavior, both in general and in a specific life situation.

The formulation of moral norms as reasonable, expedient and approved rules of behavior is the real principles, ideals, concepts about good and evil, etc., operating in society.
The implementation of moral norms is ensured by the authority and power of public opinion, the subject of the subject on decent or unworthy, moral, or immoral, which determines the nature of moral sanctions.
The moral norm in principle is designed for voluntary performance. But its violation entails moral sanctions, consisting in the negative assessment and condemnation of human behavior, in a directional spiritual impact. They mean a moral ban to make such actions in the future, addressed to both a specific person and everyone around. The moral sanction reinforces the moral requirements contained in moral norms and principles.
Violation of moral norms can entail in addition to the moral sanctions of other kinds of sanctions (disciplinary or public organizations envisaged). For example, if a soldier lied to his commander, then behind this dishonest act in accordance with his degree of gravity on the basis of military charters will follow the relevant response.

Moral norms can be expressed both in a negative, prohibiting form (for example, Moiseev laws are the ten commandments formulated in the Bible), and in positive (be honest, help the neighbor, respect the elders, take care of honor, etc.). The moral principles are one of the forms of the expression of moral requirements, in the most general form, the revealing moral content existing in one or another society. They express fundamental requirements regarding the moral essence of a person, the nature of the relationship between people, determine the overall direction of human activity and underlie private, specific behavioral norms. In this regard, they serve as criteria of morality.
If the moral norm prescribes which specifically a deed should make a person how to behave in typical situations, then the moral principle gives a man a general direction of activity.
The moral principles include such common principles of morality as
Humanism - a person's recognition by the highest value;

altruism - disinterested ministry;

mercy - compassionate and active love, expressing in willingness to help everyone in anyone in need;

collectivism - a conscious desire to promote the common blessing;

refusal of individualism - contrasting the individual to society, any

sociality, and egoism - preferences of their own interests to the interests of all others.
In addition to the principles characterizing the essence of one or another morality, there are values \u200b\u200b- these are samples of behavior and the situation, recognized as a guideline that are approved in the norms. When they say "be honest", mean that honesty is the value. Human values \u200b\u200bhave a hierarchy, i.e. There are values \u200b\u200bof lower and higher levels. In relation to all these levels, the supreme regulator serve as the concept of higher values \u200b\u200b(value orientations) of morality (freedom, meaning of life, happiness).

Moral ideals are the concepts of moral consciousness in which moral requirements for people are expressed in the form of an image of a morally perfect personality, the idea of \u200b\u200ba person who has embodied the highest moral qualities.

The moral ideal was understood in different ways at different times, in various societies and exercises. If Aristotle saw the moral ideal in the person, who considers the highest valuable to be a self-adhesive, exhausted from the unrest and alarms of practical activities, then Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) described the moral ideal as a leadership for our actions, "divine person inside us" with which We compare ourselves and improve, never, however, without being able to become one level with it. The moral ideal in its own way determine various religious teachings, political trends, philosophers. The moral ideal adopted by man indicates the ultimate goal of self-education. The moral ideal adopted by the public moral consciousness determines the purpose of education, affects the maintenance of moral principles and norms. You can talk about a public moral ideal as an image of a perfect society built on the requirements of higher justice, humanism.




Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  • Introductory students with the concepts of ideal and values;
  • Form the concept of conflict of values;
  • Educating respect for the eldest, sense of duty and honor.
  • "A kind person is not the one who knows how to do good, and the one who does not know how to do evil"

V.O. Klechevsky

  • "Angry man harms himself before he hurt another"


Parable "The island of spiritual values"

  • Once upon a time there was an island on Earth, on which all spiritual values \u200b\u200blived. But one day they noticed how the island began to go under the water. All values \u200b\u200bsat on their ships and sailed. Only love remained on the island.
  • She waited until the last, but when there was nothing to wait, she also wanted to float from the island.
  • Then she called wealth and asked for a ship, but wealth answered: "On my ship a lot of jewels and gold, there is no place for you." When the ship sailed past, she asked for her, but she answered her: "Sorry, love, I am so sad that I should always stay alone." Then love saw the ship of pride and asked for help her, but she said that love breaks harmony on her ship. Needing joy, but that was so busy with fun, which did not even hear about the invokes of love. Then love is completely desperate.
  • But suddenly she heard the voice somewhere behind: "Let's go, love, I will take you with me." Love turned around and saw the elder. He brought her to Sushi, and when the old man walked, love was unwritten, because she forgot to ask his name. Then she turned to knowledge:
  • - Tell me, knowing me? Who was this old man?
  • Cognition looked at love:
  • - It was time.
  • - Time? - Love asked. - But why did it save me?
  • Cognition once again looked at love, then in the distance, where the old man sailed:
  • - Because only time knows how important love is in life.

I. .

  • Morality

3. Etiquette.

A) the doctrine of morality and morality

B) the norms that the Society established.

C) the norms that established the state.

D) rules of behavior of people in society

II. . Match Terms and Concepts:

A) spends serious research, expanding the ideas about the world.

B) disassembled in the basics of sciences.

C) disassembled not only in the basics of science, but in literature and art.

1. Literate person

2. Enlightened man

3. Scientist man

Answers to the test:

I. . A-4, B-1, B-2, M-3.

II. . A-3, B-1, B-2.

What is the ideal?

Ideal - Sample, something perfect, the highest goal of the aspirations.


Idealization - Presentation of someone or

what is the best than it is in reality.

Materialist - The person is striving for material benefit.

What are the values?

Values - It is a positive value of something that is not doubtful.

Moral values \u200b\u200bserve as an ideal for all people.

Seven fundamental values: Truth, good, benefit, domination, justice, freedom, beauty.

Highlight those provisions that are

valuable for you in life.



Faithful friends

Good studies






theaters and Museums


money on expenses



Write out that you can never forgive

a person with whom to be friends or respected.

Explain why. Add list.



Weakness of character



Specify that you never allow yourself

communication with a person who love and worthwhile.

Explain why. Add your options.

It looks untidy

Tell a lie

The most important value for any person is life.

but sometimes people risks it.

Read the texts and determine, in the name of what values

people risked life.

In 1941 to the front

thousands of volunteers,

to fight

with fascist troops,

they attacked our country.

During the epidemic

tipha doctor helped

sick, although I knew

what is this disease.



Two climbers

in the mountains fell under the collapse

stones. One serious

suffered, and the second saved him

risching your own life.

"Golden" rule of morality:

"Treat the people so

as you want,

to relate

Ideal- The highest sample of something, worthy of respect, admiration, study, imitation. Ideal from a French word (Idealis - view, image, idea). The ideal is the highest degree of positive quality in culture and in art.

Ethical ideals manifest themselves in various phenomena of public life. Ideals are spiritual and material, subjective and objective, synthetic, man-made and natural and natural origin, etc.

The concept of the ideal for the first time appeared in Christian morality as a result of awareness inconsistencies between due and existing :
the advantage of man and real living conditions;
The appearance of the earth man and the way Jesus Christ.
Christian moral as an ideal Approved the image of the martyr, ascet.
I. Kant. I wrote: "Ideal is what you need to strive and what will never reach," this is the "necessary leadership of the human mind." Ideal , According to Kant, unchanged for all time, cut off from real life. The ideal of freedom is freedom of spirit.
V.F. Hegel claimed that ideal:
is the opposite (?) reality;
develops through this contradiction;
It is implemented in the fruits of world mind activities.
A. Feyerbach believed that ideal It is "whole, comprehensive, perfect, educated person."
Socialists-utopians, believed ideal human right for free development, which is possible only as a result of the elimination of class inequality.
K. Marx and F. Engels. Defined moral ideal As a component of the public ideal "Liberation of the oppressed class by a revolutionary way. The founders of Marxism believed that the ideal reflects developing reality:" The story cannot get a final completion in some kind of perfect condition ... it ... movement ... with which reality should be remedied ... ".
Ideal it is a value and imperative presentation (approves the unconditional, positive content of the actions), determining the content of good and evil, due, etc.
Modern ethics considers the ideal from the standpoint anthropocentrism. Moral ideal - this is:
Universal, absolute, moral view of good, due;
The image of the perfect relationship between people;
The device of society providing the perfect relationships of people (public ideal);
The highest sample of moral personality.
Personal moral ideal man - This is a desire for happiness, life satisfaction, he must have social significance. Aspects of personal Ideal:
sensual-emotional (ideas about personal happiness);
Understanding the purpose and meaning of life;
motives of activity;
Attitude towards other people.
Content the ideal is determined by the social environment. The formation of the ideal is the process of turning the environment to the inner world of the individual. IN based An ideal may lie with an individual moral program, a positive example, and so on.

Maintenance functions of the ideal:
determining the purpose of moral activity of a person;
Mattering a person to moral actions;
combining due and existing;
Determination of the moral appearance of a person.
The moral ideal can be based on a social ideal. Social ideal:
determines the lifestyle and activities of the Company;
Includes moral installations;
morally oriented society

Moral - There is a responsibility for their actions. Since, as follows from the definition, morality is based on a free will, only a free creature can be in the moral. Unlike morals that It is an external requirement for the behavior of the individual, along with the law, morality - there is an internal installation of an individual to act according to its conscience.

Moral (moral) values - This is what else ancient Greeks called "ethical virtues." Antique wise men The main of these virtues considered prudence, goodwill, courage, justice. In Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the highest moral values \u200b\u200bare associated with faith in God and zealous reverence. As moral values, all nations are hurry honesty, loyalty, respect for older, hard work, patriotism. And although in life, people do not always show similar qualities, but they are valued highly, and those who have them enjoy respect. These values \u200b\u200brepresented in their impeccable, absolutely complete and advanced expression, act as ethical ideals.

  • Forward\u003e
For several years now in our country there are discussions on how to make Russia the most advanced country of the modern world. A number of authors emphasizes the importance

the newest scientific developments and domestic achievements in the fundamental sciences. Others point to the geopolitical and climatic features of Russia, which implies large additional costs of heat supply and laying other communications, overcoming significant distances, processing of primary raw materials, etc. The third is a special national spirit of the people who are overcoming any difficulties on the shoulder. Fourth believe that the West will have substantial assistance in the technological and economic development of the country, guided by the considerations of geopolitical stability.

What do you think about these positions? Which of the bottom more consistent with common sense? What are initially unreal?

carried out by gear from generation to generation unchanged
values. Activities, their funds and targets of centuries existed
As sustainable traditions, samples and social norms.
In modern conditions, the need for qualitatively different
ways to prepare and incorporate individuals in society. "
What type of society is the author under the "modern conditions"?
Relying on the knowledge of the social science and personal social experience,
Bring two explanations of the author's point of view, why in modern
the world "has increased the need for qualitatively other ways to prepare and
Inclusion of an individual to society. "

There are various meanings of the concept of "society". Under society, in a broad sense, understand

1) the whole population of the earth
2) the whole world in the manifold of its forms and manifestations
3) unity of living and inanimate nature
4) a certain stage of historical development

The concept of "personality" is used to characterize
1) human activity
2) unique human originality
3) the aggregate of socially significant qualities of a person
4) a person as a separate representative of the human race

Grandma explains how to make a delicious borsch properly. What form of communication illustrates this example?
1) Exchange of views
3) Transferring experience
2) Information sharing
4) expression of experiences

Are the following judgments are true about the relationship of society and nature?
A. The existence of society is largely depends on the state of nature.
B. Society always negatively affects the natural environment.
1) is true only
3) Both judgments are true
2) true only b
4) both judgments are incorrect

Targeted cognitive activity of man upon receipt
knowledge and skills are called
1) creativity
3) socialization
2) Education
4) labor

Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world?
A. Science explains the laws of development of the surrounding world.
B. Science reveals possible prospects for the development of society.
1) is true only
3) Both judgments are true
2) true only b
4) both judgments are incorrect
Called productivity
1) the number of products produced per unit of time
2) the difference between the revenue of the company and the total costs
3) separation of production process per number of individual stages
4) process of production of goods and services

The citizen V. who returned from vacation found that for the month prices for
major consumer goods have increased. Subsequently, she noted
further price increase. Manifestations of which economic phenomenon noted
citizen V.?
1) Competition
2) Inflation
3) sentences
4) demand

In the country z, there is a commodity production and money circulation. What
Additional information will make the conclusion that the economy
Countries Z wearing a team (planned) character?
1) Retired employees receive an old-age retirement.
2) Most workers work at industrial enterprises.
3) the state acts as a monopolist on hiring labor.
4) the state carries out control over the money supply.

Are the following wage judgments true?
A. The salary of the employee depends solely on his personal qualities.
B. There are various forms of wages of workers.
1) is true only
3) Both judgments are true
2) true only b
4) both judgments are incorrect

Socio-political organizations and movements d) All of the above 89. Task Note the correct answer The form of the organization of political power in a society with sovereignty and controlling with the help of special authorities is: a) political system b) political regime C) state 90. Task Mark the correct answer in the broadest sense, the government is: a) the right to do something on behalf of the state b) the art of living together c) the ability of an individual or group of people to control, influence other people 91. Task Note the correct answer note to what kind The authorities include the power of the Minister: a) to the executive b) to the legislative c) to judicial 92. The task is to note the correct answer to the recognition by society or its most part of the existing power characterizes it: a) Legality b) legitimacy c) Statism 93. Task Note the correct answer what Of the signs listed below are not mandatory for the state? a) Public power b) permanent government control over the daily lives of people c) the presence of a certain territory d) sovereignty and independence of the country in the international arena 94. Task notify the correct answer which of the following signs is not a sign of the Presidential Republic. a) President - Head of State b) The president is elected by spicy national voting c) the leader of the Government becomes the leader of the party's election 95. The task is to note the correct answer in accordance with the Constitution The Russian Federation is: (a) the democratic state b) by the Federal State B) of the legal state) presidential Republic 96. Task Note the correct answer What is the legal state? a) The state in which the Constitution b) is also actually operating the state, the main principle of which is the rule of law (law) c) state with the republican form of government 97. Task notify the correct answer by the signs of the legal state are: a) the separation of the authorities to the legislative, executive and judicial b) equality of all before the law c) Institute of the Presidential Power D) Mutual Responsibility of the State and Citizens 98. Task Note the correct answer The set of political institutions, public structures, norms, values, as well as their interactions in which political power is implemented and political Influence is: a) political regime b) political system c) state 99. Quest Note the correct answer by the main functions of political parties is: a) the organization of the electoral process b) ensuring the connection of civil society and the state c) selection of candidates and the nomination of political figures d) all of the above 100. Task Note the correct answer. The system of methods and methods for the implementation of power : a) political regime B) political system c) State 101. Task Mark the correct answer Political scientists allocate the following types of political regimes: a) democratic b) authoritarian c) totalitarian d) all listed above 102. Task notify the correct answer What document is recognized in modern the world "of the international standard of human rights and freedoms?" a) Declaration of the Rights of Russia b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights B) Declaration on the Principles of International Law

11. Holistic understanding of nature, society, a person who has expressed in the system of values \u200b\u200band identity ideals, social

groups, societies are

1) Nicocentrism 2) Nauchnocentrism 3) Worldview 4) Sociocentrism

12 . The process of mastering knowledge and skills, methods of behavior called:

1) Education 2) Adaptation 3) Socialization 4) Modernization

13 . Inherent only to a person, the form of interaction with the outside world is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program

14 . The definition of a person himself as a person who can make independent decisions to join certain relations with other people and nature:

1) Socialization 2) Education 3) self-realization 4) self-awareness

15. Inherent only to a person, the form of interaction with the outside world is

1) Need 2) Activities 3) Purpose 4) Program.

16 .Tommin "Society" not Includes concept:

1) the union form of people

2) parts of the material world

3) natural habitat

4) ways to interact people

17 . The transition from the covered fire to the fatal agriculture will be an example of interconnection:

1) society and nature

2) societies and cultures

3) Economics and Religion

4) civilization and formation

18. All examples, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "social needs." Indicate unnecessary examples.

Creation of cultural values, labor activity, communication, social activity,

participation in the game, sleep.

19. Complete the proposals:

1) Accordingly, the need for the reproduction of the kind was formed by social

institute - ...

2) A person is a product of biological, cultural and social ....

3) what is most expensive, holy both for one person and for all mankind

- this is … .

4) according to social needs for social needs ....

5) the origin of a person is called ....

6) Perfection, the highest goal of the human aspiration is ....

20. Spiritual and bodily in man:

1) precede each other

2) are connected with each other

3) oppose each other

4) independent of each other

21. The distinctive feature of a person is

1) satisfaction needs

2) Environmental adaptation

3) understanding of the world and himself

4) use of labor guns

22 . Thennium has knowledge and abilities to defend personal rights, respects the rights of others, strictly fulfills their duties, complies with the laws of the country. What qualities is Gennady?

1) Cituit

2) conscience

3) patriotism

4) responsibility

23 Will the following judgments about the social start in man?

A. Social start in man precedes biological.

B. Social start in man is opposite to biological

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

24. Will the next judgments about spirituality?

A. Spirituality is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality.

B. Spirituality is the morally oriented will and human mind.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

25 . Read the text below, each position is numbered.

1.Avitenna, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin - This is a few names of the priests, whose genius has revealed in full force. 2. Ufologists consider the appearance of adderkind aliens intervention. 3. According to biophysicists, the geomagnetic waves affecting the fruit. 4. The geomagnetic field of the Earth is different and its intensity depends on the Sun and other planets.

Determine which clauses of tex are carrying: 1) actual character 2) evaluation character

Write down under the position of the position letter denoting its character.

26 . Read the following text in which a number of words are missing. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert to the place of passage:

"Society, the state and culture are the means of human organization _______________ (a), due to which coordination is achieved between the actions of individual people / coordination __________________ (b) people at the same time creates society and is created by it. People are united to achieve those who stand in front of them __________ (c) some researchers were even the opinion that the ability to create associations is a special form _____________ (d) of a person to dangerous ____________ (e). If the animals are changed in the process of evolution Body or ________ (e), then a person unites his efforts with the efforts of other people. " Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word, phrase can only be used once. Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that in the word list more than you need to fill the pass. "

1) Environment

2) Culture

4) Activities

5) Interaction

6) Behavior

7) labor instrument

8) Device

9) Generation

27 . You are invited to prepare a detailed answer on the problem of "public progress". Make up sophisticated planAccording to which you will cover this topic.

\u003e\u003e Ideal and values

23. Ideal and values

What ideal?

In my behavior, we consciously or unconsciously follow some ideals, most often not even suspecting it.

Ideal (from Franz. Ideal)- Sample, something perfect, the highest goal of the aspirations. It refers to what it seems worthy imitation. Ideals in humans can be different. One person considers the ideal of a respectable businessman traveling on Mercedes (he strict, deliver, provided). And the other attracts the romance of long roads. He wants to know the world to visit different countries, cross the Northern Arctic Ocean or the Desert.

We advise you to remember

Ideal- Something perfect corresponding to the ideal.

Idealist- A disinterested person striving for sublime purposes.

Idealization - representation of someone or something better than it (it) is in reality; Employment of qualities corresponding to the ideal.

People who are on the first place put material values, such as a luxurious mansion or car, are called materialists.

And another person is called idealist. The idealists are made to attribute people to the first place spiritual values \u200b\u200band ideals (good, justice, honesty). At the same time in each person there are both
start: Material and iwell.

From the word "ideal" the concepts with whom you probably met once.

The carriers and the embodiment of the ideal always performed the heroes. That is why they served as a model for imitation, inspiring people on sublime moral actions. In the images of heroes embodied bright, memorable manifestations of moral durability, courage, the greatness of the human spirit. Heroes
poets are chanting, their image is imprinted in the immortal works of great artists and sculptors.

People seek to ideal all their lives. With him we carry out our actions and things.

Perhaps the most amazing lies in the fact that we want to see ideal not only yourself, but also others, especially close.

Let's try to think about who and why can become an ideal for others.

Probably, you had to hear the phrase of young fans about some popular singer: "She is my ideal!" But what does this mean? Girls like singer's appearance, her manners hold on, talking, laughing. Like the success of which the singer has achieved. But the fans do not know anything about the singer's views on life, as she communicates with their relatives, friends. We are talking only about external imitation.

Each generation has its own ideals. Often they are associated with events that everything is going through the society at this time. The military generation admired the feats during battles, resistant behavior in captivity of enemies.

The new time and modern youth have other examples for imitation, closer and understandable to them.

What is values?

What are the values? These are those subjects, phenomena (material and spiritual), which are most important for a person in life.

There are values \u200b\u200bimportant at all times. They can be called universal. Such values \u200b\u200binclude truth, freedom, justice, beauty, good, benefit.

The incredible values \u200b\u200bof family life consider loyalty and constancy, love for children in combination with demandingness, respect for man.

But sometimes a person has a conflict of values. Imagine this situation. A friend asked to come to support him at sports competitions, and at school for tomorrow day it is necessary to prepare a serious message, the materials to which there is no house. And the student turns out to be in front of a difficult choice: to go to the competition to support a friend or prepare a message to the library? Any decision is unpleasant, because you want to be a good friend, and a successful student. In life you have to learn to make a choice in many

What values \u200b\u200btoday are todaying teenagers?

When scientists find out which books are reading teenagers 10-13 years old, what heroes they imitate and admire, it turned out: the championship holds fictional heroes who are peculiar to the feeling of collectivism, community with other people. Each of them acted, guided by the moral necessity to take care of others. Characters of works could not remain indifferent to the pain and suffering of other people, they felt responsible for them. But the students in the first place were not fabulous heroes and not kinherogi, as in adolescents, but real people who have achieved success due to stubborn work and outstanding abilities.

It is difficult to determine the values \u200b\u200bof adolescents. Some evidence suggests that they are mainly focused on material benefits, without tormenting themselves questions about the meaning of life. However, on the other hand, adolescents are interested in the life of their family, religion, not indifferent to the pain and suffering of other people.

Science found that there are three stages of moral development of a person.

The first stage - when a person does not make bad actions, because the punishment is afraid. If a person thinks he can come to the steal, he is unlikely to steal.

The second stage - when a person values \u200b\u200bthe view of the group in which it is located. A person does not steal, saving exile from the group.

At the third stage, behavior is determined by the principles applicable regardless of the authority of the group. They are based on justice, mutual assistance and equality of human rights, respect for his dignity as a person. A person does not steal, because respects other people. The right is the behavior corresponding to such principles.

This scientific theory is based on the belief that people are characterized by certain stages of moral development. But it turned out that most people are rarely moving above the second level. Criminals stop at the first.

The principles of morality suggest us what should be our relationship with people, as follows to people. The simplest form of their expression is as follows: Treat people the way you want them to relate to you. This is the form of equality relations between people.

Let's summarize

Ideals and values \u200b\u200baffect the behavior of people. Ideals are samples for imitation, something perfect. Real people or fictional heroes, public ideas and values \u200b\u200bcan be as an ideal. Values \u200b\u200bcall all items, phenomena (spiritual and material), which are important for a person important in his life. There are universal values \u200b\u200bthat were considered important.

Check your knowledge

1. What does the concepts mean: "ideal", "idealist", "idealization"?
2. List the features of the character, which, in your opinion, should have an ideal person. Justify your choice.
3. How do you understand the expression "every time your heroes"?
4. Do you know the artworks in which the heroes are captured, show the sublime ideals? Name them.
5. Describe the situation in which the conflict of values \u200b\u200bis reflected.
6. Come up with suggestions (phrases) with the words: "benefits", "Justice", "Beauty", "Freedom", "Honor", "Responsibility".


1. The basis of the culture of Japan and China is the respect of children in relation to parents.

It includes officially recognized duties, such as respect for parents, unquestioned obedience to them, caress about father and mother.

Compliance with this cultural value so rebuilt the relationship in society that Chinese and Japanese nations today, perhaps, exceed all others in terms of respect for the elder.

What is the situation with this cultural value in our country, in Russian society? Spend your mini-study (use print materials, radio, television, your observations).

2. Perform a task test.

A. What could you be able to forgive the person with whom they are friends?
1) rudeness;
2) betrayal;
3) faulty, greed;
4) weakness of character;
5) rudeness;
6) Other.

B. What do you never allow yourself, communicating with your loved one and expensive for you?
1) look untidy;

2) to speak in a lie;
3) to strangle or emboss;
4) to increase the voice;
5) Other.

Take the conclusion that for you is valuable in communication with loved ones.

Kravchenko A.I., Pieveova E.A., Society: Tutorial for grade 6 educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2009. - 184 p.

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