How to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way? We celebrate the New Year twice Where we celebrate the New Year twice


First of all, a few days before the New Year, decide on loneliness. So why are you alone. No, the fact that a prince worthy of your charms has not yet been found is understandable and these are his problems. Why are you the only one for the New Year. Surely you have a couple of friends who would not mind seeing you at home, but you didn’t want to. Why do you need a motley company? At first, everyone will decorously eat Olivier, washed down with alcohol, then they will violently react to the president's speech, which will not be known further, but one thing is clear - this will require colossal physical strength, plus everything will have to get home in the morning or, even worse, stay overnight at someone else's apartment. Immediately no.

Why didn't you invite guests to your place? In addition to the above, you will have to cook, entertain the guests, wash the dishes for them for a week, arrange tired guests on the existing horizontal planes. No two times.

Form your unique opinion about the New Year itself. An astronomical holiday that people invented, together with its entourage. What does it mean? That tomorrow will be the first day of the next month, although the figure for the year will also change, and for another couple of weeks, the previous year may be mistakenly entered in official papers. But since it is supposed to celebrate the New Year, why not please yourself once again?

Table. Do you like Olivier? Make Olivier. If you don't like Olivier, buy a Korean carrot. Although kirieshki - the main thing is that this is all just for you. It's better not to buy champagne. Cheap champagne is tasteless, but it will be a pity to leave expensive champagne, while drinking a whole bottle in one person is fraught with consequences. At the very least, you will have to erase all provocative numbers from your phone. Better to splurge on a good vintage wine that is open until Christmas or Old New Year.

Appearance. But no! Take and celebrate the New Year in your pajamas! Even better, you don't have to wash off your makeup and change your clothes. Or, on the contrary, put on a breathtaking make-up, for example, under Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra (Google help) and wear something that you would not dare to appear even to your best friend in normal times.

New Year's entourage. Let the smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines be - this is from childhood. Let there be candles - living fire, it is magical and cleansing. TV and Irony of Fate (not a remake) will create the best New Year mood. In addition, the President will come to congratulate you while the chimes chime, do you have to thank him and clink glasses on the glass of the screen?

And at the end of the holiday, you can afford to play a little naughty, otherwise why do we need the Internet? In any social network, fill in the search parameters: Australia, gender, age, marital status (in accordance with objective reality). Why Australia? Well, let it be Mauritius, it's good there too. Start methodically browsing your online accounts (you need to choose the network where page views are displayed). You don't even need to write anything, someone will definitely respond, and there, you see, the soul rushed to heaven. Happy New Year?

How to extend New Year's Eve and get a double pleasure from the holiday?

Due to the fact that neighboring settlements sometimes lie in different time zones, the onset of January 1 can be celebrated twice a night, having got from one to the other.

1. Sweden and Finland

The whimsical borders of European states played a New Year's joke with the inhabitants of the Swedish town of Karesuando and the Finnish village of Karesuvanto. The settlements located in Lapland live according to the time of the countries to which they belong. It is enough to cross the bridge over the Muonio River to find yourself in a different country and in a different time zone. The time difference between settlements is 1 hour.

2. Florida

Time paradox within the boundaries of one state. Western Florida lives in Central American Time (CST) and eastern Florida lives in Eastern North American Time (EST). The time zone border runs partly along the Apalachicola River. You can start the celebration in Port St. Joe and continue in Gulf County, within 25 minutes.

3. Spain and Portugal

A similar situation has developed between the Spanish region of Extremadura and the Portuguese region of Alentejo. Despite the geographical proximity, the time difference between settlements is one hour. Leaving the Spanish Badajoz in the western direction after 20 minutes you can be in Portugal. The New Year celebrations can be continued, for example, in the picturesque Elvas.

4. Arizona and California

Adventure lovers can celebrate the New Year on the border of the states of Arizona, Nevada and California. Arizona lives on Mountain Standard Time, and California is one hour behind its neighbors, following Pacific Standard Time. You can celebrate the New Year in Arizona Village, and then again - in the Californian town of Needles.

5. New Zealand and the Cook Islands

You can start the celebration in New Zealand, which is one of the first to celebrate the New Year, and continue in the Cook Islands. This Pacific state is on the opposite “side” of the date line from New Zealand. The time difference between the countries is 23 hours. At the same time, it takes just four hours to get from Auckland, New Zealand to the Cook Islands by plane.

Russia is perhaps the only country in the world where the New Year is celebrated twice, almost in a row. First, we raise our glasses of champagne and say a healthy New Year's toast at midnight on January 1, and two weeks later the celebrations are repeated ...
The line of change of dates on the globe (date border) passes conditionally along the Pacific Ocean, bypassing land, approximately along the 180th meridian from Greenwich. Therefore, each new calendar date first "enters" the Earth on the Chukchi Peninsula, and then from east to west bypasses all time zones in order and "leaves" the Earth in Alaska.
The first people on the planet to celebrate the New Year are the inhabitants of the Chukotka Peninsula, the last - the residents of Alaska. Russia is located in eleven time zones, and the New Year marches through its expanses for ten hours. The time difference between two adjacent time zones is exactly one hour, and in each zone people celebrate the New Year at "their" midnight. When the New Year comes to us, on the Neva banks, it is already 10 am in Chukotka.
But after a noisy and cheerful New Year's holiday, we do not have time to enter the working track, as the old New Year comes to our homes ... Radio and television announcers dubbed the second New Year's holiday with such a slang phrase. Unfortunately, this incorrect expression is used by almost all Russians. It should be said: New Year according to the old style. The arrival of this second New Year is celebrated at midnight from January 13-14.
The fact is that in Russia there are two calendars - Julian and Gregorian, or two chronological systems - "old style" and "new style". The Julian calendar is used exclusively by the Russian Orthodox Church and its parishioners; secular life takes place in our country according to the Gregorian calendar, which is adopted in Europe, America and other countries. To understand the issues of chronology, let's turn to history.
... The solar calendar that we use did not appear immediately. We inherited this calendar from the ancient Romans, and the Romans borrowed it from the Egyptians.
Even the ancient Egyptian priests established that a year is not exactly 365 days, but 365 and a quarter. But they did not take into account this fourth part of the day in their calendar. Therefore, the Egyptian calendar year in relation to the true solar year was "wandering", that is, the beginning of the year fell on different calendar dates. The complete cycle took place in 1460 years (4x365 = 1460).
Once the Roman dictator Julius Caesar made a trip to Egypt. There he got acquainted with the Egyptian calendar, and returning to Rome, he decided to introduce a solar calendar at home too, albeit with amendments.
The development of the new calendar was entrusted to the Alexandrian astronomer Sozigen. The average length of the year was taken equal to 365 1/4 solar days. Therefore, it was decided to count three out of every four calendar years for 365 days, and in the fourth - 366. The last year was a leap year. An extra day was added to February.
The new calendar system was introduced on January 1, 45 BC and soon spread throughout the civilized world. In honor of Julius Caesar, the calendar was named Julian.
So, the Julian calendar was based on the annual movement of the Sun among the stars and the change of seasons corresponding to this movement. The average length of a year of 365 days and 6 hours corresponded to the known at that time duration of the tropical year - the annual circulation of the Sun.
Unfortunately, the tropical year is not exactly 365 and a quarter days, but is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds, that is, shorter than the Julian year by 11 minutes and 14 seconds.
... In the year 325 of our chronology, an Ecumenical Church Council took place in Nicaea (a city in Asia Minor). It adopted the Julian calendar and decided "for eternal times" to consider the vernal equinox on March 21. This was necessary in order to establish the time for the celebration of Christian Easter. The council decreed: to begin the celebration on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon.
At that time, the vernal equinox fell on March 21, and the highest ministers of the church who participated in the work of the Nicene Council, apparently believed that if it was so in 325, then it will be so in the future. They did not know that the length of the Julian year is 11 minutes 14 seconds longer than the tropical one.
The accumulated minutes and seconds gradually grew into hours, and every 128 years the counting error increased by a whole day. By the second half of the 16th century, the error reached 10 days: according to the Julian calendar, the equinox was already on March 31, and not on March 21, as in the year of the Council of Nicaea. The Easter holiday was postponed to summer, and this caused particular alarm among the ministers of the church.
Since the dates of the vernal equinox and Easter full moons, taken as the basis for calculating Easter, no longer corresponded to real astronomical phenomena, the Catholic Church initiated the next calendar reform. It was carried out by Pope Gregory XIII on the basis of a project developed by the Italian mathematician and physician Luigi Lilio (1520-1576).
On March 1, 1582, a decree was issued to reform the Julian calendar. Since, according to this calendar, the date of the vernal equinox (March 21) was 10 days behind, it was proposed to exclude 10 days from the account and thereby return the equinox day to the calendar date set by the Council. In practice, it looked like this: after Thursday, October 4, 1582, Friday came, but not on the fifth, but immediately on October 15.
In the future, in order to avoid the accumulation of new errors, it was envisaged to convert three leap years into simple ones every four hundred years. It was decided to consider simple years that end with two zeros, the number of which is not evenly divisible by 4 (for example, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100), while the years 1600, 2000, 2400 and so on remain leap years.
The Gregorian calendar was immediately adopted in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, France and some other Catholic countries.
The introduction of the new calendar in England in 1751 was accompanied by the postponement of the beginning of the new year from March 25 to January 1. This decision was especially outraged by the ladies of the court, who thought that they immediately aged not only by 11 days of the difference between the two calendars, but also by another three months ... It took more than three centuries to spread the Gregorian calendar around the world. It began to be called the "new style", and the name "old style" was established behind the Julian calendar.
Even Peter I advocated the introduction of a new calendar in Russia, which was used by most European countries. He was needed both in international and scientific affairs. Time reckoning on two calendars led to great inconvenience and confusion. However, the Russian Orthodox Church obstructed the calendar reform. An important role in this was played by the fact that the Gregorian calendar came from the Catholic clergy. "It is better to part with the Sun than to get along with the Pope," said the holy fathers.
In 1830, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences came up with a proposal to introduce a new style in Russia. But the minister of public education, Prince Lieven, in his report to Nicholas I, presented the reform of the calendar as "untimely, inappropriate, and capable of producing unwanted unrest and confusion of minds." Of course, after receiving such a "report," the tsar imposed a resolution: "The remarks of Prince Lieven are absolutely correct."
In 1899, at the Russian Astronomical Society, an authoritative scientific commission was created to prepare for a new calendar reform. The great Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev took part in it. But the reform was again thwarted by the opposition of senior government officials and the Holy Synod.
... January 26, 1918 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, which was signed by V.I. Lenin, the Gregorian calendar ("new style") was introduced throughout the Russian Federation. The counting of dates moved immediately 13 days ahead, since since the time of the calendar reform in 1582, the backlog of the Julian calendar has increased by another three days. Therefore, the decree ordered that after January 31, 1918, the next day should be considered not February 1, but February 14. From that day on, our country began to live and work according to the new calendar.
It has already been said that in the New Year 2001 the difference between the two calendars will supposedly reach 14 days, and therefore the New Year according to the "old style" will come a day later than in previous years, that is, on the night from January 14 to January 15. .. Is it really?
2000 was a leap year in both calendars. For this reason, a difference of 13 days will remain for another century (until March 1, 2100). Only after that the difference between the calendars will increase by one more day and will be equal to 14 days.

Journalists The telegraph asked the question: how to extend New Year's Eve and get double pleasure from the holiday?

The existence of time zones allows you to travel in time and celebrate the New Year twice. Provided that the settlements are at a short distance from each other.

New Zealand and Cook Islands

You can start the celebration in New Zealand, which is one of the first to celebrate the New Year, and continue in the Cook Islands. This Pacific state is on the opposite “side” of the date line from New Zealand. The time difference between the countries is 23 hours. At the same time, it takes just four hours to get from Auckland, New Zealand to the Cook Islands by plane.

Sweden and Finland

The whimsical borders of European states played a New Year's joke with the residents of the Swedish town of Karesuando (pictured) and the Finnish village of Karesuvanto. The settlements located in Lapland live according to the time of the countries to which they belong. It is enough to cross the bridge over the Muonio River to find yourself in a different country and in a different time zone. The time difference between settlements is 1 hour.

Spain and Portugal

A similar situation has developed between the Spanish region of Extremadura and the Portuguese region of Alentejo. Despite the geographical proximity, the time difference between settlements is one hour. Leaving the Spanish Badajoz in the western direction after 20 minutes you can be in Portugal. The New Year celebrations can be continued, for example, in the picturesque Elvas (pictured).


Time paradox within the boundaries of one state. Western Florida lives in Central American Time (CST) and eastern Florida lives in Eastern North American Time (EST). The time zone border runs partly along the Apalachicola River. You can start the celebration in Port St. Joe and continue in Gulf County, within 25 minutes.

Arizona and California

Adventure lovers can celebrate the New Year on the border of the states of Arizona, Nevada and California. Arizona lives on Mountain Standard Time, and California is one hour behind its neighbors, following Pacific Standard Time. You can celebrate the New Year in Arizona Village, and then again - in the Californian town of Needles.